Issues Affecting All Tie

7/23/2019 Issues Affecting All Tie 1/3 Issues afecting all Tie-Ins:  Tie-In Planning (With suggested primary responsibility) 1. Identiy each Tie-In(s) schematic location on PI! - Process "ngineer #. $e%ie& &ith Piping - Process Piping !esign '. reate a Tie-In Inde (or *ist) &ith +ey inormation about each Tie-In - Piping !esign Process "ngineer ,. $e%ie& &ith lient - Process "ngineer . o to the /ield to locate physical point o Tie-In - Piping !esign0Process . 2eet &ith plant personnel and re%ie& Tie-In re3uirements - Piping !esign4 Process4 Plant 5perations4 6aety 7. !iscuss diferent types and con8gurations o Tie-Ins - Piping !esign4 Process and Plant personnel 9. "stablish physical Tie-In location point and type - Piping !esign Plant Personnel . !e8ne i the line can be shut ;do&n4 &hen4 ho& long4 draining4 depressuri<e4 steam-out and other saety issues - =ll personnel 1>. ?isually inspect the eisting pipe. =re more etensi%e tests needed to determine condition and suitability or the Tie-In@ - Piping !esign and Plant personnel 11. 2ar+ or tag the selected Tie-In point - Piping !esign Plant Personnel 1#. Photograph the Tie-In point - Piping !esign 1'. !ra& s+etch and ta+e all re3uired measurements - Piping !esign 1,. !etermine locations o all eisting bloc+ %al%es4 %ents and drains - Piping !esign 1. !etermine the location o all eisting anchors and guides - Piping !esign 1. Aased on selected Tie-In location and type determine i additional %ents or drains &ill no& be re3uired - Piping !esign4 Plant 5perations 17. Include ne& %ents or drains (i any) on s+etch - Piping !esign 19. Insure that this process is ollo&ed or all Tie-Ins - =ll participants 1. et plant personnel to sign of on all data collected in the 8eld - Piping !esign Process "ngineering #>. In the oBce modiy the PI! as re3uired - Process "ngineer #1. on%ert all 8eld s+etches into appropriate production dra&ings (Isometrics) - Piping !esign ##. Prepare a Plot Plan style CTie-In *ocation Dey PlanE #'. Fpdate the Tie-In *ist as re3uired - Piping !esign #,. $e%ie& all Tie-Ins &ith Pipe 6tress or efect on eisting system piping and ne& system piping - Piping !esign #. /inali<e (chec+4 correct and appro%e) all Tie-In isometric dra&ings - Piping !esign =dditional issues related to Got Tap TieHIns:  The CGot-TapE tie-in is more complicated. There are many4 many 3uestions and issues that need to be resol%ed. These include: Will the tie-in be a plain Got-Tap or a more comple C6toppleE tie-in@ Will this be a single tie-in point or a multiple tie-in point@ Will the tie-in be made &ith a Csplit-TeeE branch or an C5-*etE branch@ Is there proper space a%ailable or the piping 8ttings and the %al%e@ Is there proper space or the Got-Tap machine and the Got-Tap operators@ What is the commodity@ Is this commodity sae or doing a Got-Tap@ What is the operating pressure@ an the Got-Tap machinery handle this pressure saely@ What is the operating temperature@ an the Got-Tap machinery handle this temperature saely@ an Jo& be maintained (re3uired or cooling) during the cutting part o the Got-Tap process@

Transcript of Issues Affecting All Tie

Page 1: Issues Affecting All Tie

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Issues afecting all Tie-Ins:

 Tie-In Planning (With suggested primary responsibility)

1. Identiy each Tie-In(s) schematic location on PI! - Process "ngineer

#. $e%ie& &ith Piping - Process Piping !esign

'. reate a Tie-In Inde (or *ist) &ith +ey inormation about each Tie-In - Piping !esign Process

"ngineer,. $e%ie& &ith lient - Process "ngineer

. o to the /ield to locate physical point o Tie-In - Piping !esign0Process

. 2eet &ith plant personnel and re%ie& Tie-In re3uirements - Piping !esign4 Process4 Plant

5perations4 6aety

7. !iscuss diferent types and con8gurations o Tie-Ins - Piping !esign4 Process and Plant


9. "stablish physical Tie-In location point and type - Piping !esign Plant Personnel

. !e8ne i the line can be shut ;do&n4 &hen4 ho& long4 draining4 depressuri<e4 steam-out and

other saety issues - =ll personnel

1>. ?isually inspect the eisting pipe. =re more etensi%e tests needed to determine condition

and suitability or the Tie-In@ - Piping !esign and Plant personnel

11. 2ar+ or tag the selected Tie-In point - Piping !esign Plant Personnel1#. Photograph the Tie-In point - Piping !esign

1'. !ra& s+etch and ta+e all re3uired measurements - Piping !esign

1,. !etermine locations o all eisting bloc+ %al%es4 %ents and drains - Piping !esign

1. !etermine the location o all eisting anchors and guides - Piping !esign

1. Aased on selected Tie-In location and type determine i additional %ents or drains &ill no& be

re3uired - Piping !esign4 Plant 5perations

17. Include ne& %ents or drains (i any) on s+etch - Piping !esign

19. Insure that this process is ollo&ed or all Tie-Ins - =ll participants

1. et plant personnel to sign of on all data collected in the 8eld - Piping !esign Process


#>. In the oBce modiy the PI! as re3uired - Process "ngineer

#1. on%ert all 8eld s+etches into appropriate production dra&ings (Isometrics) - Piping !esign##. Prepare a Plot Plan style CTie-In *ocation Dey PlanE

#'. Fpdate the Tie-In *ist as re3uired - Piping !esign

#,. $e%ie& all Tie-Ins &ith Pipe 6tress or efect on eisting system piping and ne& system piping

- Piping !esign

#. /inali<e (chec+4 correct and appro%e) all Tie-In isometric dra&ings - Piping !esign

=dditional issues related to Got Tap TieHIns:

 The CGot-TapE tie-in is more complicated. There are many4 many 3uestions and issues that need

to be resol%ed. These include:

Will the tie-in be a plain Got-Tap or a more comple C6toppleE tie-in@ Will this be a single tie-in point or a multiple tie-in point@

Will the tie-in be made &ith a Csplit-TeeE branch or an C5-*etE branch@

Is there proper space a%ailable or the piping 8ttings and the %al%e@

Is there proper space or the Got-Tap machine and the Got-Tap operators@

What is the commodity@ Is this commodity sae or doing a Got-Tap@

What is the operating pressure@ an the Got-Tap machinery handle this pressure saely@

What is the operating temperature@ an the Got-Tap machinery handle this temperature saely@

an Jo& be maintained (re3uired or cooling) during the cutting part o the Got-Tap process@

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What is do&nstream (direction o Jo&) o the Got-Tap that might be damaged by the cuttings

rom the Got-Tap process@

Gas there been proper consultation &ith one or more CGot-TapE 6pecialty ontractors@

onsidering tie-in design is in place - that is4 location4 piping material class and %al%e

speci8cations are de8ned. The net step is to prepare the 2ethod 6tatement &hich comprises o

PI!s4 isometric dra&ings4 6I64 procedures Kisolation4 depressuri<ation4 draining4 cleaning4 tie-in

eecution (important: determine min. pipe &all thic+ness at tie-in &eld areas)4 hydrotest4 lea+

testingL and Mob saety analysis. It is important that your team &or+ closely &ith the plant

engineers4 inspectors and saety during the preparation o the 2ethod 6tatement.

=s or hot tap4 you need to supply the hot tap unit inormation4 li+e FT measurements at tie-in

&eld areas4 header inormation4 stic+er inormation and header operating data4 re3uired by the

unit to ma+e the hot tap calculations. P"NNPIP"$s inputs or hot tap re3uirements is richer indetails. I ha%e eperience &ith Ohot tappingO but not &ith Ohot tapping stoppleO.

uys.. Than+ you so much or your help

I ha%e all the data that I need.. no& Im preparing the 2ethod 6tatement.

1- 6cope

#- "3uipment

'- $eerences

,- Personnel Quali8cation

- $esponsibilities

- Procedure O6tep by 6tepO

7- 6aety

9- =ttachments OWP6sO

Im stuc+ at O-ProcedureO because4 as I mentioned beore4 Im a bit ne& to piping industry.

 Tie in description:

$emo%e #>O >>R blind Jange at end o header (Geader Name) and connect ne& pipe spool at

(Tie-In point >1) and ma+e connection to eisting #>O at (Tie-in point >#).

2aterial: =6T2 =7> !uple 6t.6t.

Would you suggest a step-by-step procedure4 starting rom pipe spool abrication at &or+shop till

installing it in a0m tie-in points4 including all acti%ities and hydrotest@

 Than+s guys :)

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I ha%e a preliminary proposal:

1- FT Thic+ness readings at Tie-In points.

#- Preparing all re3uired e3uipment prior to shutdo&n

'- Got Aolting beore shutdo&n,- /abricating pipe spools at &or+shop acc. to !Ws4 PI!s4 I65.

- Welding at &or+shop

- N!T and Gyrdo-Test at &or+shop

7- 6pools transportation to site

9- Wor+ Permit

- Installing permanent and temporary supports

1>- /itup at Tie-in points OJanges4 8tting...O

11- Welding on site

1#- N!T and Gydro-Test on site

1'- olden &elds inspection

1,- /lushing and cleaning

1- $emo%ing Tempo. supports1- $einstatement

17- end o shutdo&n and bac+ to ser%ice

eed me bac+ on this please.
