Issue 4,SEPT-OCT 2016 PAGE 1 CRC Newsletter › wp-content › uploads › 2016 › 12...ciate Prof....

The 4 th Sabah Medical Research and Scienfic Confer- ence (Sabah Research Day 2016) took place at Queen Elizabeth Hospital on 25 Oct 2016. Four speakers were invited to deliver keynote lectures before kicked the oral presentaon compe- on. Among the speakers were: Dr Akmal Yusof (CEO of Clinical Research Malaysia) - Spoke on current ISR status in Malaysia. Dr Sheamini (Head of Health Stascs Unit, CRC) - Spoke on Malaysian Health Sys- tem Research (MHSR). It is an ongoing MOH collaborave re- search with The University of Har- vard to improve Malaysia health system. It was a great insight as Dr Sheamini shared us some yet- to-be published results of her ongoing work. Associate Prof. Dr Ayub (Stascian from Universi Brunei Darusalam) - Delivered a lecture on research methodology. A short and sweet introductory lecture on research methodology to pro- mote awareness among the healthcare workers. Ms Lim Wei Yin (Deputy Head of CRC Perak) - A pharmacist and a clinical epidemiologist, Ms Lim shared her journey in research. Her story was inspiring, with a hint of “the road not taken” by Robert Frost! Sabah research day 2016 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Highlights 1 Tuesday CME NMRR and research registration 2 A visit from Director General of health 2 Budget Impact Analysis Workshop 3 Introduction to clinical research 4 Research update 5 Upcoming Workshops 5 HOSPITAL QUEEN ELIZABETH II CRC Newsletter PAGE 1 Issue 4,SEPT-OCT 2016 Su Lan happily receives her cash prize from Dr Ayub. (From leſt ) 1st row :Su Lan, Roslin, Karnah, Fatrinah, Dr Eunice, Bing Ling, Dr Liau Siow Yen. 2nd row: Irene, Dr.Stephanie, Juhana, Dr.Yen Chia How Congratulaons to Su Lan! Congratulaons to our very own QEH2 CRC pharmacist Su Lan for winning the third prize in oral presentaon! Her research entled “Transcultural adaptaon and vali- daon of Atlanta Heart Failure Knowledge Test”. It was her first aempt to parcipate in oral presentaon and this will definitely be a great movaon for her. Next year, CRC QEH2 will be the main organizer of Sabah Research Day 2017. We encourage healthcare workers who are interested in research to kick start their pro- jects now. We shall see you in 2017!

Transcript of Issue 4,SEPT-OCT 2016 PAGE 1 CRC Newsletter › wp-content › uploads › 2016 › 12...ciate Prof....

  • The 4th Sabah Medical Research and Scientific Confer-ence (Sabah Research Day 2016) took place at Queen Elizabeth Hospital on 25 Oct 2016. Four speakers were invited to deliver keynote lectures before kicked the oral presentation competi-tion. Among the speakers were:

    Dr Akmal Yusof (CEO of Clinical Research Malaysia)

    - Spoke on current ISR status in Malaysia.

    Dr Sheamini (Head of Health

    Statistics Unit, CRC)

    - Spoke on Malaysian Health Sys-tem Research (MHSR). It is an ongoing MOH collaborative re-search with The University of Har-vard to improve Malaysia health system. It was a great insight as Dr Sheamini shared us some yet-to-be published results of her ongoing work.

    Associate Prof. Dr Ayub (Statistician from Universiti Brunei Darusalam)

    - Delivered a lecture on research methodology. A short and sweet introductory lecture on research methodology to pro-mote awareness among the healthcare workers.

    Ms Lim Wei Yin (Deputy Head of CRC Perak)

    - A pharmacist and a clinical epidemiologist, Ms Lim shared her journey in research. Her story was inspiring, with a hint of “the road not taken” by Robert Frost!

    S a b a h r e s e a r c h d a y 2 0 1 6

    I N S I D E T H I S

    I S S U E :

    Highlights 1

    Tuesday CME

    NMRR and research registration


    A visit from Director General of health


    Budget Impact

    Analysis Workshop 3

    Introduction to

    clinical research 4

    Research update 5


    Workshops 5

    H O S P I T A L Q U E E N E L I Z A B E T H I I

    CRC Newsletter PAGE 1 Issue 4,SEPT-OCT 2016

    Su Lan happily receives her cash prize from Dr Ayub.

    (From left ) 1st row :Su Lan, Roslin, Kartinah, Fatrinah, Dr Eunice, Bing Ling, Dr

    Liau Siow Yen. 2nd row: Irene, Dr.Stephanie, Juhana, Dr.Yen Chia How

    Congratulations to Su Lan! Congratulations to our very own QEH2 CRC pharmacist Su Lan for winning the third prize in oral presentation! Her research entitled “Transcultural adaptation and vali-dation of Atlanta Heart Failure Knowledge Test”. It was her first attempt to participate in oral presentation and this will definitely be a great motivation for her.

    Next year, CRC QEH2 will be the main organizer of Sabah Research Day 2017. We encourage healthcare workers who are interested in research to kick start their pro-jects now. We shall see you in 2017!

  • 2

    P a g e 2 I s s u e 4 , S E P T - O C T 2 0 1 6

    C o n t i n u i n g m e d i c a l e d u c a t i o n ( T u e s d a y

    c m e C o n n e r )

    29th of September was a memorable day where we received

    warm visit from Malaysia’s Director General of Health Datuk

    Dr Noor Hisham bin Abdullah. In conjunction with World Heart

    Day 2016 celebration at hospital level. He visited cardiology

    and Cardiothoracic Ward and Outpatient Clinic in QEH2. We

    displayed 17 posters and he was very glad that a lot of

    research was conducted in this hospital. He later posted this in

    his facebook “This state of art facility and world class

    personnel has made a tremendous difference to the public of

    Sabah. I have heard this first hand from the patient I visited in

    QEH2 ward.Thank you Sabah State Health Department and

    Queen Elizabeth Hospital 2 for the hospitality“

    Director General of Health’s visit to Queen Elizabeth Hospital II

    Continuous medical education (Tuesday CME Corner)

    NMRR Research Registration


    Dr.Liew is presenting CRC research poster to DG at Leve 8,QEH2

    1. Creating An User Account 2. Accessing NMRR System

    3. Purpose of Submission 4. Research Submission for Registra-

    tion, Approval & Notification

    Adopted from



    Adopted from

    Cardiac Care Unit, QEH 2

    Written by, Dr. Fathiyah (CRC medical officer)

  • 3

    This course will be organized 2 times in a year.

    Speaker was Mr.James Ang, the QA and training manager

    of World’s courier. He has more than 25 years’ experience

    in International Transportation and Logistics from various

    Multi-National Cooperations. 20 participants from all

    around Malaysia took part in this course. Participants are

    mainly from CRC, CRM, Clinical Research / Site Co-


    We hope we can apply and practice all the

    knowledge that we have learned here in our working envi-


    P a g e 3 I s s u e 4 , S E P T - O C T 2 0 1 6

    On 20th October 2016, World’s Courier organized

    course of Dangerous Goods in Sunway Lagoon Club. The

    objectives of this course were:

    To increase awareness and knowledge regarding

    safety in transporting Dangerous Goods.

    To learn local and international law related to trans-

    porting dangerous goods.

    Per IATA (International Air Transport Association) –

    Anyone handling a Dangerous Goods must be


    Shippers must be audited by local regulators – keep

    records on file.

    To equip with an understanding of

    the issues considered when planning and prepar-

    ing bio specimens that is going to be shipped.

    Dangerous goods



    Budget Impact Analysis (BIA) Workshop In Malaysia, government health expenditure is about 10%

    GDP and for the past few years healthcare costs are on the rise. The rising healthcare costs are stifling economic growth. Public hospital resources are limited but patient volume is rising. The question is, how can we utilize scarce resources to practice best medicine?

    In search of the solution to this issue, we have invited Asso-ciate Prof. Dr. Asrul Akmal Shafie. the health economics expert from USM to conduct budget impact analysis workshop. This workshop was held from 22nd to 23rd October 2016 had attracted 23 participants from various institutions. Among them comprised of policymakers, hospital directors, clinicians and pharmacists.

    In this one and a half days course, Prof. Asrul used humorous way to teach basic concept of economic evaluation and BIA. He also discussed how economic evaluation and BIA can be applied in decision making. Besides lectures, exercise ques-tions were also given to help participant in better understanding the calculation part of BIA.

    This workshop was a success, everyone went home happy with new knowledge. The feedbacks from the participants were overwhelming. In future, we hope to invite Prof. Asrul to give lecture regarding health economic to Sabah-based healthcare provider.

    Written by, Dr. Yen (CRC medical officer)

    Written by, Dr. Fathiyah (CRC medical officer)

  • 4

    How to conduct

    a good clinical


    Introduction to clinical research

    P a g e 4 I s s u e 4 , S E P T - O C T 2 0 1 6

    Research is "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including

    knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications” [1].

    What is clinical research?

    Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that de-

    termines the safety and effectiveness (efficacy) of medica-

    tions, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens

    intended for human use. These may be used for prevention,

    treatment, diagnosis or for relieving symptoms of a disease.

    It is an important tool to improve medical knowledge and

    patient care.

    What is Industrial Sponsored Research (ISR)?

    Drug or device development are part of clinical research, the

    research development are funded by industrial, in another

    words we call it as industrial sponsored research (ISR). Drug

    development can divided into 3 stages: pre-clinical, clinical

    and post marketing development (refer to Figure 1).

    What is Investigator initiated research (IIR)?

    Unlike ISR, this type of research is developed based on the investigator interested or the problem they face during their clinical practice.

    How to develop own research?

    1. Identifying & prioritising problem:

    - Identify the problem during clinical practice. Every problem in your

    clinical practice is your potential research idea.

    - To get research idea from clinical experience, recurrent problem facing

    during clinical, and reading article.

    - Communicate with expert is another good way to get your research idea.

    It helps to prevent repetitive research of what have been done.

    2. Literature review:

    - to read more literature and get more information regarding the gap of


    3. Protocol development:

    - Systematically plan a research.

    4. National Medical Research Register (NMRR) registration and

    authority approval (MREC).

    -Must get approval from authority before recruitment.

    5. Data analysis & interpretation

    6. Publication:

    - Publication is part of the responsibility of a researcher, even if

    the research produces a negative result.

    -Do no harm to subject (patient)

    -Provides Benefit to the human subject

    -Obeys GCP (good clinical practice)


    Figure 2: Process of development of IIR

    Figure 1: Stage of drug development

    Reference: 1.OECD (2002) Frascati Manual: proposed standard practice for surveys on research and experimental development, 6th edition. Retrieved 27 May 2012


    Written by,

    Dr. Yen (CRC Medical officer)

    Hospital CME (14.09.16)


    Research Camp

    19-20th November 2016

    Scientific Writing Workshop

    5—6th November 2016

    Introduction to clinical audit

    28-29th November 2016


    RCC aimed to assist researchers in :

    1. Literature review search

    2. NMRR registration

    3. Protocol development and methodology

    4. Protocol review

    and many more.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

    I s s u e 4 S E P T - O C T 2 0 1 6

    P a g e 5

    Research Update


    1. ACOSYM


    1 BIA fibrinolytic therapy

    2 Heart failure cost analysis

    3 Heart failure self care behaviour

    4 TOE audit

    5 HF Ramadhan

    6 CRHD

    7 BIA of platelet function test




    It is a non-randomization, open-labeled single-center study done with convenient sampling of muslim faith patients. The objective of this study is to assess clinical effect of Ramadan month in HF patients whom medication regime were adjusted in term of frequency and dosing. Study Population: Age > 18 years old, Muslim faith patients with documented LVEF < 40% within 6 months. This study will take 8 months to complete. It is to be carried out from 20th May until 20th November 2016. The stages of the study are as below:

    Please visit our website eCRC for more details

    Scan here to register our workshop and book

    research consultation clinic


    Tel: 088-324600(ext2019)

    Email: [email protected]




    3 LIMUS-DEB 11 DEB






    Adopted from


    Stage 1,prescreening April 2016

    Stage 2,Data collection May-June 2016

    Stage 3,Data Analysis July August 2016

    Stage 3, Presentation and publication Sept-Nov 2016