Issue 3: Rise

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Transcript of Issue 3: Rise

  • 7/31/2019 Issue 3: Rise


    The Online Weekly Magazine!Oblivious to the load is how you should be.


    The Website Hunt


    School:the Bright side


  • 7/31/2019 Issue 3: Rise


    Issue 3:

    2 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m


    1. Letter from the Writer. Page 3.

    2. Through Teary Eyes Page 4.3. When we run out of fuel, what will we do?Page 5.


    Page 7.

    5. The Website Hunt Page 9

    6. Quote of the Week Page 10.

    7.CakeCraze Page 11.

  • 7/31/2019 Issue 3: Rise


    Issue 3:

    3 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Letter from the Writer.

    Hello fellow readers, it is Mary here once again.

    Issue three had better come on time, someone said to me, and I thought two things to

    myself. Firstly, I thought, how rude. Secondly, I thought, challenge accepted. And

    here it is: Issue Three: Rise.

    I can link this Issue, much like most of you can, to my daily life, when we struggle and

    just cannot climb and get to the top of the wall. Well, never give up is what anyone

    would recommend. A friend of mine once said that it is very easy to say, Control your

    emotions, but very difficult to implement it. I wish I could quote that, but the Quote of

    the Week was already booked.

    Writers Favorite.

    CakeCrazeMary signing off, thank you.

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    Issue 3:

    4 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Am I already dead?


    Through Teary EyesWhat happened to an unfortunate man.

    This story appeared while I was searching for truly saddening stories.

    A new kind of insanity had broken out in Karachi

    and one poor man was made a victim. Every

    day, the news reporter told listeners thatsome man or the other had been beaten

    up, killed and put in a sack and thrown on

    the roadside. It had become such an

    ordinary thing that it was stitching itself

    together with other daily activities in the

    city of Karachi.

    The dead bodies were found every

    day and they never ceased in


    One such sack was found, yet again,

    dumped in a corner. Inside this sack

    was an unfortunate man. He was

    more unfortunate than the others,

    it seemed, because he was alive, and

    had been in the sack for hours, after

    having been beaten up. Was he waiting for death, unable to do anything else? I

    wonder whether this thought ever crossed his mind, Am I already dead?

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    Issue 3:

    5 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Mary when she finds sad reality in a story.

    Getting To Know the Facts:Additional Knowledge

    When we run out of

    fuel, what will we



















    The future?

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    Issue 3:

    6 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Power(solarenergy/theenergywegetfromthesun).Icanseeasingle PVCellonthe













    surfaceofopenwaterprovedthatitwasmorethan that.








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    Issue 3:

    7 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Spotlight: The Real Deal

    Oblivious to the load is how you should be.

    Todays world is worse than yesterdays, so get prepared for tomorrows and while you are

    at it, you will realize that you are getting through today.

    Once you startthinking about

    all the problems

    you have, and

    about the load

    on your

    shoulders, you

    will feel


    irritated, weak or any other negative

    emotion. This will not only darken your

    mood, but can also have a very deep impact

    on your life. Have you seen any movie in

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    Issue 3:

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    which something terrible happens and the main character feels really down? What happens

    then? Of course, when the spirit is lost, so is the bright future.

    Start thinking positively. Try to believe that things can work out. If there is a will, there is away. What you have to do is form a will that is strong enough to carve out a way for you,

    and to do that you must change your thinking. If you think that nothing can be helped and

    everything is a disaster, than it will weigh down on you even more, and it may even seem

    worse than it is. So get a strong hold of yourself and

    make yourself realize the potential in you (in case

    you think you have no potential: firstly, slap yourself,

    and secondly, remember that everyone, simply

    everyonehas got potential in them).

    Got a hold of yourself? Congratulation, you are now

    capable of what some people never try, resulting in

    extremes such as suicide. You are better prepared for

    future problems, which means that they will not

    seem like huge problems to you and you can live

    happily. You can reach your full potential. If stage

    fright stops an actor from performing well in the

    play, then a heavy load on ones shoulders will stop

    them from performing well in life. So now you can doall the things you dreamt of as a child and not worry

    so much.

    If man had never tried to rub

    two rocks together, would we

    progress? No, and that is one

    huge example. If someone

    never changed, would they be

    able to when they have to, or

    would they have the

    reassuring thought in mind

    that they can change if they

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    Issue 3:

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    need to? No. That is one reason why we should rise. Where we are is notenough.

    Mary when she sees someone depressed: Must Help Mode Activated.

    Additional Section: Interests

    The Website Hunt

    The new websites in town.

    It is time to explore the World Wide Web again because a few new websites

    have landed on Earth.

    Bloggers Introduction: Do you see potential in yourself or a friend?

    Why stay hidden when you can reach out to the world (modesty is not

    a valid reason)? It is time to show everyone who you really are, and

    what you are worth.

    When you shape, make it show.

    When you hit, make a mark.

    When you build, go brick by brick.

    When you style, style original.When you create, create perfect-

    or closer than ever ventured.

    What it is all about: This website is for all those people who are ready

    to create new things. The blogger will work without getting paid to

    make your creations known. This website also has a lot of its own

    creations that viewers can read and try out.
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    Issue 3:

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    Bloggers Introduction: A blog about a girl who wants to carve the

    dump that is her life into a strong and noticeable structure. PS I wanta lamp and not a lamb but I am happy with whatever I get.

    What it is all about: This blog is used for the posting of an original

    story written by the blogger herself titled My Stepmom and I. The

    posting of the story is now complete and the blogger uses this website

    to tell the reader about how she will get others to read her book.

    What it posts: This page posts updates about the Issue, and also posts

    funny, inspirational and other kinds or pictures and quotes. These can also

    be found on the Twitter page.

    What it posts: This page tweets updates about Alive and different kinds of

    quotes, pictures and links that can also be found on its Facebook page.

    What it is all about: This page will soon start posting pictures. It is about

    what you thought of the latest Issue, and you can talk to other members.

    Mary when it is hunting season.

    The Explainers of Life;

  • 7/31/2019 Issue 3: Rise


    Issue 3:

    11 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    of the Week

    This time the spotlight is on Freedom, as it should be.

    Those who deny freedom to others deserve it notfor themselves.Abraham Lincoln

    Mary caring about freedom.


    Warning: Skim down really quickly if you do not want to

    get hungry!

    Are you ready? Lets go!

    This Week it is: Scary Cakes:

    The Mojo cake.

    I am eyeing this cake.

    Next week it is all about

    Divorce Cakes and the

    Biggest Cakes combined

    so dont miss it.
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    Issue 3:

    12 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Aye Aye Captain.

    Do not look at me that way.

    Could you hand me a slice.

    What did I stumble

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    Issue 3:

    13 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m


    Have a look inside.

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    Issue 3:

    14 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Which witch are

    you talking


    I smell a rat.

    Mummy, Im home!

  • 7/31/2019 Issue 3: Rise


    Issue 3:

    15 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Where is


    Why dont you

    hang around for a


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    Issue 3:

    16 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Welcome to my home.

    Its a pool party in my bath tub.

    I am quite the

    handsome one,

    wouldnt you


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    Issue 3:

    17 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

    Sweet dreams.

    I cant sleep.

    Meet Brock, my good friend.

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    Issue 3:

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    it look





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    Issue 3:

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    Issue 3:

    20 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m