Issue 20 - REMEMBER YOUR LIFE'S MOST ROMANTIC MOMENT? / Tiger Woods sex scandal and you - DUKE'S THE...



Issue 20 of The Days of Your Youth mag - a mag that wraps Bible Truths around contemporary events published by Duke Jeyaraj, a fulltime, traveling preacher based in Hyderabad, India.; [email protected]; +91-8886040605

Transcript of Issue 20 - REMEMBER YOUR LIFE'S MOST ROMANTIC MOMENT? / Tiger Woods sex scandal and you - DUKE'S THE...

Page 1: Issue 20 - REMEMBER YOUR LIFE'S MOST ROMANTIC MOMENT? / Tiger Woods sex scandal and you - DUKE'S THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH MAG

The Tiger Woods Scandal Lessons | p 14

The Days of Your Youth | |

Remember your most romantic moment?

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Page 3: Issue 20 - REMEMBER YOUR LIFE'S MOST ROMANTIC MOMENT? / Tiger Woods sex scandal and you - DUKE'S THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH MAG

Your life’s most romantic moment?

Remember your life’s most romantic moment? That treasured time when your eyes met her’s and your heart skipped a beat. That nod of approval from the woman of your life and a beaming smile to cap it all. That walk into the sunset, you undertook with your soul-mate, whispering sweet nothings all the way. That warm grip of her fingers that clutched your hands that implies, “I am there for you, come what may!”

Was it from the movie, Titanic?

Romantic moments... If I were to ask you what was the most romantic movie scene, you could be talking about one particular

scene from the movie, Titanic. The website,, asks, “Who could forget such memorable scenes as when they (Jack and Rose) are standing at the bow of the Titanic arms outstretched, with My Heart Will Go On being belted out in the background?”

When Ruth’s heart went lub-dub…

What is the most romantic scene in the Bible? Is your mind racing toward the David-Goliath story? Are you thinking about how David kept asking what was the reward promised to the Goliath-slayer would be, after having secretly fallen in love with Saul’s daughter, Michal? Did you find that scene most romantic? Hang on.

Let me tell you what the most

romantic scene for me in the Bible would be. It is what happens between Ruth 4:4 and 5. Between Ruth 4: 4 and 5 you would have heard the loudest heart beats in the entire Biblical record. Those heart beats belonged to Ruth. The relative closer to her, than the man she loved, Boaz , had said ‘yes’ when he was asked about redeeming the “land”. They asked him the next question about redeeming (marrying) the “lass” (that is, Ruth). Ruth’s heart, when this question was asked, beat loudly and rapidly, I believe, at this juncture. How romantic! That particular relative of her, cleared his throat to answer the question. When he said ‘no’, Ruth, I guess, was so elated, so joyous, that that she did not feel like spitting on his face as she should have, as the Law of Moses recommended (Dt 25:8,9). Yes, that very widow

Remember Your Most Romantic Moment?


The most romantic movie scene, by popular vote, was from the movie, Titanic. The most romantic scene in the Bible is found in the book of …..

Lessons on Romance-Love-Marriage from the book of Ruth by Duke Jeyaraj

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should spit every such relative who would not come forward to marry a childless widow, upon the face in public! But Ruth, the childless widow, did not do that to that irresponsible relative. The reason was too obvious: she was in love with Boaz, who was next in the relatives’ line to marry her!

In the book of Ruth, we have loads of practical lessons about romance, love and marriage. Can I share them with you?

A Blessed Marriage from every direction!

We must first of all note that Ruth’s marriage to Boaz was a blessed one from every direction! The city elders blessed them (Ruth 4:11). The city women blessed them (Ruth 4:13). The Lord blessed them (Ruth 4:13). What is more Ruth and Boaz became ancestors for Jesus Himself! What a blessed privilege!

Do you want such a blessed married life? Then you must study and observe of both the folk who got married to make up the family that was so very blessed. Let us start with Ruth. I will use the very name of Ruth as a short form for the characteristics she showed to be on the road for a blessed married life:

R-Right God Worshipping, Reasoning Ruth -

The conversion of Ruth

Ruth was a Moabite woman. The Moabites worshipped idols. Their god was Molech (I Kings 11:7, 33). This false god Molech was known for his demand of

child-sacrifice (II Kings 23:13-14; Jer 32:35). Ruth may have thought to herself, “Why should I worship a god who wants babies to be sacrificed to him?” She listened to voice of the True God speaking to her in her conscience. She perhaps concluded Molech could not be god. So, when Mahlon proposed to her in marriage, she said “Yes” (Ruth 4:10). The Bible specifically says that he and his brother “took” wives from the Moabites (Ruth 1:4). When Ruth was

taken like that, she could have easily refused the marriage proposal of Mahlon. But by marrying Mahlon, she was turning her back to the worship of false gods! Ruth must have shown some traits of a believer for Mahlon to have married her. The Bible did not specifically forbid the men of Israel to marry the women of Moab (See Dt 7:1-4 and you will find that the Moabites are not part of the 7 “ ite” guys that God forbade the people of Israel from inter-marrying). Ruth, all of a sudden, did not start saying to her mother-in-law, “Your god is my god!” (Ruth 1:16). I am sure, there was a day in her life, long back, when she shunned idols and embraced the true God, the right God.

Life Partner Search – Begin It With God

Do you want a good and godly life partner? Your partner search must begin with God - the Right God. He is the same God who gave Eve for Adam. He is the same God who promises to “settle the solitary in a home...” (Psa 68:4). He already knows the person He created for you to eventually marry. God is more interested about your wedding, than you are! So learn to regularly seek his guidance. The very first step in finding out a godly, God-approved life partner is to have a close communion with the Right God, the True God - Ruth would tell you that.

God is more interested in giving you a life partner, than you are,

in finding one!

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U-Under the Word’s Influence Ruth

Two people who negatively influenced Ruth

Ruth, as we see, did not come under the influence of her co-sister. Orpah, the co-sister of Ruth, “kissed her mother-in-law” goodbye, when her mother-in-law gave her the freedom to return to her land, following the death of her husband (Ruth 1:14). But Ruth “clung” to her (Ruth 1:14). Ruth, also, refused to come under the negative influence of her mother-in-law, Noami. When she arrived in Bethlehem, with Ruth, after a safe journey to only to complain, “Don’t call me Noami, call me Mara, for the Lord Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me!” (Ruth 1:20). The very reason they had a safe journey from Moab to Bethlehem should have enthused Noami to praise God with cheer, but that did not happen. In Judges 19 we read that it was not even safe for women to travel in that route – one of them got raped and murdered, even though she had a male companion!

On the other hand, Ruth, it looks like, was positively influenced by the Bible. She intently read the Law Books of the Bible. She must have read the story of Sarah in Genesis 16 (verse 3) in her Bible, I am

imagining. Sarah, in that story, asked her husband Abraham to sleep with the servant girl Hagar to bring into existence the father of Islamic race, Ishmael. Having read this story, even though, she did not have children with her husband Mahlon, she refused to take that God-dishonoring step of allowing her servant girl to sleep with her husband, even though they did not have children for 10 long years (Ruth 1:4,5)! She allowed the Bible

to influence her in a practical, positive way.

The Road-Map For A Happy Married Life

What about you? It is one thing to merely read the Bible. It is totally another thing to come

under the influence of the Bible! Do you regularly read the Bible and apply the principles you learn from it, in your day-to-day life? In the Bible you’ve got the road-map for a happy married life. The Bible is the final court of appeal for husbands and wives who disagree on any matter.

T-Tenacious Ruth

Here goes a hard-work-ing girl!

Ruth could have happily stayed back home, cooled her heels, after her mother-in-law and her reached Bethlehem once again after many years in Moab. But she was fiercely tenacious in that she was willing to go out in the hot sun and start working in the fields so that the duo would have food on their tables. In fact, Ruth took the initiative to go out and get work. Hear Ruth 2:2 for yourself, if you have any doubt about what I am talking about: And Ruth the Moabite said to Naomi, “Let me go to the field and glean among the ears of grain after him in whose sight I shall find favor.” And she said to her, “Go, my daughter.”

When Boaz saw her working in his fields for the very first time, this is what he heard about Ruth: She worked in the field from the early morning till evening; she stopped only once to take a short break (Ruth 2:1). The workers in Boaz’s field testified to her hard-working nature.


Ruth allowed the story of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar to

influence her positively, I believe.

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What Ruth did not tell Noami

She not only gleaned and gathered sheaves. At the end of the day, she beat up what she had gleaned (Ruth 2:17). She did not go home each day, with just the sheaves she had gathered. She did not tell the old lady Noami, her mother-in-law: “Old lady, you better complete the process I started. I gathered the sheaves. Now you’ve got to beat them up so that we can collect grain! You are, after all, sitting at home, doing nothing while I worked very hard the whole day!” She worked so very hard that she gathered quite a lot of food (Ruth 2:17).

Who Knows?

God always blesses hard-workers. In the hard-working Ruth’s case, she “ended up in the part of the field owned by Boaz” (Ruth 2:3, The Message). Yes, there were many fields in Bethlehem those days. But God lead her to the field of Boaz, the man she would later marry, and have a blessed marriage with. It was not a mere coincidence that she landed up there. It was because of a Divine Plan! You see, how the Lord blesses those who set out to do hard work! Keep working hard and going forward! Who knows – God may have your life partner waiting for you, in the place you will land up to work in, with a singular mind to work hard!

Some young people dream all the time about their potential life partners and waste their time. Such folks should learn from Ruth. They should roll up their sleeves and work hard. They should be willing to sweat it out. Then, other things would fall in place as per the Lord’s will. It is important for boys to come up in their careers by working hard, before they get ultra-busy in a life-partner search. Girls should take time out to learn skills that would help them run a home smoothly before they go all out to search out boys to marry in a hurry.

H-Humble Ruth

Before I begin to explain this point, let me give you some trivia about a celebrity couple: Michael Douglas, in his 60s and Catherine Zeta Jones, the Hollywood Actor couple were

born on the same day, September 25, but 25 years apart! Michael Douglas is older than his present father-in-law!

Right estimate of herself

Ruth had a humble and right estimation of herself. This quality in her helped her find God’s man for her. The humility in her oozes out as she greets Boaz saying, “Why have I found favor in your eyes, that you would take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?” (Ruth 2:10). When her mother-in-law asked her to propose in marriage to Boaz, through a symbolic act (Ruth 3:1-5) her obedient positive response revealed yet again that she was very humble. You see, Boaz was obviously much older to her. We see that he regularly called Ruth his “daughter” (Ruth 3:10-11). Ruth, on the other hand, was “young”. The servant who was in charge of the reapers, you may recall, referred to her as the “young Moabite woman” (Ruth 2:6 ). And since she was a Moabite woman, chances are that she would have been very beautiful. We have evidence from the Bible that Moabite women were stunning to behold, generally speaking. I invite you to recall that Prophet Balaam, on seeing that the Moabite girls were very beautiful, asked the Balak to send them with a mission of seducing the men of Israel (Rev 2:14; Num 25). So I would like to suggest that Ruth was quite pretty.

Who knows? God may have your life partner waiting for you

in the place of your work! Ask Ruth!

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Catherine Zeta-Jones & Michael Douglas Vs Ruth & Boaz

At this point in time, I am reminded of a trivia I read about a celebrity couple: Hollywood Actor Michael Douglas, who is in his 60s and the always-beautiful Catherine Zeta Jones, were born on the same day, September 25, but 25 years apart! Michael Douglas is older than his present father-in-law! I am trying to present Boaz and Ruth as the Bible’s Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Here is one reason why I can’t say that: Boaz did not divorce his wife of 23 years like Michael Douglas did to marry a younger woman!

You want me to propose to that bald old man?

Let’s get back to the book of Ruth. When her mother-in-law asked this pretty young woman named Ruth to propose to the much older (and perhaps balding) Boaz, she could have easily blurted out: “You want me to marry that bald, old man?! Come on! If you want, you marry him! Leave me out of this!” But she did not do that. She humbly obeyed as she knew deep down that this was from the Lord. She perhaps reminded herself that even though Boaz was not that great looking, he was a believer who took Yahweh’s Word seriously. Ruth looked beyond Baoz’s age and looks.

She perhaps reminded herself that she was a widow and if the never-married Boaz decided to marry her, he would have made a concession (a tough thing to do at that time, and even this time!). Ruth must have told herself, that she must be willing to make a little compromise when it came to her expectations and dreams for her marriage and marry a much older man! And what is more, Ruth was willing to propose to Boaz (indirectly atleast) - something that is not easily done. It is always been the tradition that the boy proposes to the girl and not vice-versa, all

through the ages. And if Ruth agreed to do it, it was because she was humble! Boaz himself appreciates the choice of Ruth that showed forth her humble willingness to compromise by saying, “You have not gone after young men, whether poor or rich.” (Ruth 3:10).

Be willing to make at least one compromise…

Based on this example of Ruth and Boaz, I am compelled to tell young people on the lookout for their life partner this: you must be willing to compromise on one thing at least when it comes to your choice of your life partner, apart from the biblical clause that a believer should marry only a believer. I write this way having read First Corinthians 7:39, which teaches that the only condition a believer should make when it comes to life partner choice is this: the person he or she marries must be a believer; all else is secondary. So, what sort of compromise can we possibly make when it comes to our life-partner choice? It could be a compromise on the education qualification. It could be a compromise on looks. It could be a compromise on the background. There is a practical reason too as to why we must be willing to do this: none of us are ‘perfect’ life partners. And so we must not go around hunting for ‘perfect’ life partners.

Before beauties become beggars….

If you are unwilling to compromise even a bit, then, chances are that you could remain unmarried for a long time – something you could have easily avoided. And the longer you delay your marriage, the task


I am not presenting Ruth and Boaz as the Michael Douglas

and Catherine Zeta-Jones of the Bible. But there are similarities

between both the couples!

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of finding a life partner becomes all the more difficult. So take heed! When beauties postpone their marriages when they are young because of a proud and cocky attitude (‘no boy is really a good match for me’), a day would come they could become ‘beggars’, ‘beggars’ who would beg boys to marry them, when they have become much older (See Isaiah 4:1).

What I am not saying…

I must also point out here that I am not advocating that young women marry men much older to them as a thumb rule. That is not the whole point of this article. There could be some complications when this is done and I am not going to take time to explain those obvious complications. All I am saying is this: young people must be ready to make a compromise, in one not-so-important area (except the

‘believer’ clause) when it comes to life partner choice. The Holy Spirit would Himself tell you what that area could be on a case by case, basis.

Next we move the character of Boaz. Let us use his name itself as a short form to remind us of the characteristics we need to exhibit to have a blessed married life. Let’s takeoff:

B-Bible-Following Boaz

The Bare Minimum, To Scrape Through To Heaven…

When Boaz instructed his men to leave certain areas of his field without being harvested, so that Ruth could have more food to carry home, he was simply following the Bible he read. He read Leviticus 19:9,10 in his Bible that went, “When you reap the

harvest of your land, you shall not reap your field right up to its edge, neither shall you gather the gleanings after your harvest. And you shall not strip your vineyard bare, neither shall you gather the fallen grapes of your vineyard. You shall leave them for the poor and for the sojourner: I am the Lord your God.” He knew from Duet. 24:19 that if he followed this rule, God’s blessing awaited him. And he seriously set out to obey this law. What is more, he measured out six measures of barley and put it on Ruth’s spread out garment (Ruth 3:15). He sought to even best the high standards set by God’s Word on this subject by ‘pulling out some bundles’ of the harvested crop for Ruth to glean (Ruth 2:15)! What an example! I think of Boaz when I met with young people who tend to ask me, “What is the bare minimum I can do, to please God and be holy?! What is the bare minimum I can get by with, so that I can at least scrape through to heaven?!” That is not the way that Boaz thought! Wow!

God, above His Girl!

Boaz also followed the Bible he read to the last letter when it came to his responsibility of redeeming Ruth. He knew from Leviticus 25:47-50 that there was a relative to Ruth closer than him who had to be given the first chance to redeem Ruth’s lost land, marry her and give her a male child. Therefore, he

You must be willing to make at least one compromise in a not-so-important area (except the believer clause) when it comes to your life

partner choice. That is what Boaz and Ruth teach us.

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told Ruth that this closer relative would be given his chance, as per the Laws of God. But if he backed out, he would step right in (Ruth 3:12,13). I am sure that Boaz loved Ruth even as he spoke these words. But he never allowed his love for Ruth swallow his absolute obedience to God’s Word! He placed God and His Word above his girl! Several young people when they get emotionally involved with an unbeliever, trash the Biblical command that a believer should marry only a believer, without much second thought! These folk must learn from Boaz! Several believers, refuse to obey the biblical command of water baptism by immersion after their conversion, because they are so very emotionally attached to their parents who do not believe this biblical command! Come on, guys - learn from Boaz!

O-Open Mouthed Boaz

Boaz is a very good when it comes to communicating with Ruth. He opens his mouth and talks in a way that would wow her. He probably knew that women always liked men who are great conversers. He probably knew that while men are attracted through the eye-gate, the women are generally attracted through their ear gate! He does not remain tongue-tied when he sees Ruth, an absolute new comer to his world.,

We see that Boaz takes time to find out all about Ruth. He asked the young man who was headman of his reapers, “Whose young woman is that?” upon spotting Ruth (Ruth 2:5). The word, “whose”, is significant

here. In other words, he is asking, “Whose daughter is this girl?” It is important to find out about the family of the girl you will marry. Boaz got the complete information about the hardworking, widowed Ruth from the manager of his farm (Ruth 2:5-7). It was as if Boaz was getting ready to set up a website by the name of (in the lines of!). Oh, how many young people tie the marital knot without even making an effort to get basic information about the partners!

How Boaz Talked With Ruth

Observe how Boaz talks with Ruth and gather some practical tips (Ruth 2:8-14):

Boaz talked to her like a brother (he was bothered about her safety, like an over-protective brother and so he told her, “Glean here in my field, only. Do not go to other fields, You don’t know about the men over there!”

Boaz talked to her like a mother (he was concerned if she drank water sufficiently even as he saw her working hard).

Boaz talked to her like a believer (he talks about her testimony - a testimony he pulled up by through enquiries)

Boaz talked to her over dinner (so that he could have even more time to talk to her!)


Boaz took time out to talk to Ruth and find out crucial information about Ruth before marrying her. He knew so much

about Ruth that he could have set up a site named, (along the lines of!)

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Boaz, perhaps, knew that women, on an average speak 13,000 words more than a man! And by talking a lot with Ruth, he was offering her what she just loved to do!

Boaz Vs Samson

It must be noted here that Boaz’s conversations with Ruth were not like Samson’s with Delilah. Samson fooled Delilah by telling lies to her. And that made Delilah mad. But on the other hand, Boaz’s conversations with Ruth were based on truth, and this, Ruth, truly appreciated.

First Night Without The First Word!

Boaz was the opposite of Jacob who went through his first night with his first wife without even having a conversation with her! If he had taken time to strike a conversation with her in the first night, I am sure, he would

have discovered it was Leah and not Rachel, his love, that he was copulating with! Marriage is about conversations, not just copulation!

A-Above Reproach Boaz

Alone with a pretty girl, in the cold of the night…

It was cold at night. Boaz was sleeping soundly in his field after a hard day’s work, followed by heavy dinner. When he tried to roll-over while sleeping, to his astonishment he discovered that he had kicked a woman who was sleeping near his feet! It was a greater astonishment for him to discover that it was Ruth. She had come to request him to redeem her (and thereby marry her) by that symbolic act (Ruth 3:6-9). What did Boaz do? He looked around. Everyone else was sleeping soundly around him. Here he was – alone

with a pretty girl, in the cold of the night. Did he grab that opportunity to have sex or indulge in casual sexual touching with her in such an inviting setting, like Amnon, David’s son, did to Tamar (II Samuel 13)? No! He made sure that she was sent from his field, as soon as it was possible, at the crack of dawn, long before others would wake up. He took this step to protect both his reputation and Ruth’s reputation (Ruth 3:14). By doing that, he was also telling Ruth indirectly this: We will NOT meet in a similar fashion, next time out – it not wise and also nice! By doing that he became an awesome illustration for this New Testament verse – Among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality (Eph 5:3). Here was a man who practiced the presence of God in the place of His work (See how he greeted his workers - Ruth 2:4). Here was a man who knew there was a God who watches everything he ever did. And so, like Joseph of Genesis 39, he could overcome temptation!

Billy Graham’s example

Billy Graham, the great evangelist, took the cue of living above reproach from Boaz when he wrote in his autobiography, “I did not travel, meet, or eat alone with a woman than my wife…When it was necessary to speak one-on-one with someone of the opposite sex, it was done with an uncompromising way!” Will you

Boaz did not grab the opportunity to have sex with Ruth when she came to meet him late one night. Instead, he ensured that she

left him as early as possible!

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take the cue from Billy Graham? Or would you be so foolish to throw fire on your lap and expect your clothes to go without catching fire!

Z-Zooming, Zipping Boaz

No dilly-dallying

Boaz did not delay matters when it came to redeeming Ruth or marrying her. He was decisive, in what he did. He did not dilly-dally. He swung into action, straight-away. After that surprise night-visit that Ruth made to meet him, he waited till only day-break to get going at lightning pace about the marriage-proposal he indirectly received from Ruth. He quickly organized a meeting in which the closer relative of Ruth and 10 elders of the town were present. The venue was in a public place – the town gate (Ruth 4:1-2).

Wrinkled Skin, Rigid Habits

Once, you know that a certain believer is the person God wants you to marry, don’t postpone matters. Don’t sit on things. Don’t give that standard line which is usually on the mouth of our bollywood heroines, “No marriage plans on the cards!” and postpone deciding on your wedding give some excuse or the other! Boaz didn’t, as we just saw. There are those who have

postponed their wedding plans, only to sorely regret it later. Your skin becomes wrinkled, your habits become more rigid – these are two unwelcome things are bound to happen as time passes. These two things will not help you when you enter a marriage relationship at a later stage. And if the believer you are considering marriage with is pretty slow in making up

his mind, you should seriously consider breaking up with him. If a man truly loves you, he would not keep you waiting forever, before he marries you.

That Closer Relative….

We have talked about Ruth. We have talked about Boaz. Now let’s talk about the Closer

Relative of Ruth who backed out from marrying her. Why did he do so? According to Numbers 27:11, he stands to gain the property of Ruth, if Ruth remained unmarried and had no child. And if he did marry Ruth, he would have to financially support not only Ruth but also any children born to them. Keeping these commercial reasons in mind, he backed out of redeeming Ruth and paved the way for Boaz to act. He was actually to be spat upon by Ruth. But he escaped that punishment

Jesus was spat upon for your sake…

It was Jesus who took that punishment that the closer relative deserved – the punishment of spitting. Jesus was spat upon enroute to the cross, please recall. He was no irresponsible bloke. Instead, he was the most responsible person ever, having fulfilled all the responsibilities His Father had sent Him to the earth with. Yet, the punishment for the irresponsible blokes came upon Him. He was taking our place. Yes, we should have been spat upon because we behaved so irresponsibly in many ways – we failed in our responsibility to be living lights to those who do not know Jesus. But Jesus says, “I love you. I will take your punishment of being spat upon!” Isn’t that wonderful? Isn’t that enough reason for us to shake off our irresponsible ways?


Don’t give that standard line which is usually on the

mouth of our bollywood heroines, “No marriage plans on the cards!” and

postpone deciding on your wedding, giving some excuse

or the other!

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- Abhimanue Vonteddu

You are a Christian. A believer, in fact. The people at your workplace respect you, because they see that you live a righteous life. Some folks even ask you for prayer, because they know you go to church and pray quite regularly. Even that casual team prankster is sensitive enough not to involve you when he shares a dirty joke or gossip.

Quite a position to hold, isn’t it ?!!. If not for the abundant mercy and grace, that are bestowed upon us by Christ Jesus we aren’t able to live a life that is Jesus-like.

All is good and all is well till someone (apparently a team member whom you may or may not know) suddenly voices out his opinion loud,

why do Christians force •conversion?

why do they have to keep •going around campaigning about Christ ?

when I visited my fathers •village, I was told that farmers were offered gifts/money/ land to get converted.

why are these Christians so against Idol •worship. I would want to ask, is it not idol worship to bow down before a cross / or an idol of Jesus / Mary?

a Christian even told me that if I don’t •believe in Jesus, I’ll end up in hell. What crap is this? Freedom of speech doesn’t mean you let religious fanatics go out in the open..

it’s so unfortunate that they don’t think so •

liberally like people of other religions do...

they talk about being holy.. and they •themselves are into the worst of sins.

Very provocative isn’t it? Sometimes these talks are purposefully aimed at you. And other times you just happen to run into the middle of one.

Now, the question is, Do you run away at the scent of these situations because you think it’s embarrassing? Does your heart keep hoping that no one asks you any of the above questions? Do you just tell them that the church you go to is different?

Live out Jesus LOUD !!! Now I want you to hold it right there and pay attention. Living out Jesus loud doesn’t mean you run into these situations head first and give them a piece of your Christian mind...

Don’t be ashamed. For that matter REJOICE, because this is exactly what modern day persecution is like. You’ll get your rewards for standing up for Jesus. At the same time the

Word says, if you are ashamed, then even the Lord will be ashamed of you at the time of judgment. And ask the Holy Spirit God to lead you as per His way. Ask for divine wisdom in circumstances like the above. The Lord assures us that, when questioned at trials, He will give us answers and speak for us. Do some reading. Christian apologists like Ravi Zacharias and others have answered some of those questions you were asked, brilliantly. Get equipped and familiar with those answers and give them out graciously. All the best, Christian!

When Your Office Friends Speak Their Minds About You

How should you respond to those who question you about the Christian faith in your office? Read this piece by

Abhimanue and find out..

(Abhimanue, the author of this piece, works fulltime with Gideons International, Hyderabad. He formerly worked in Genpact and UBS (Bank). He is married to Trishna. They are actively involved in the ministry of their local church – the New Life AG Church, Secunderabad).

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Reckless Abandon To Do His Will- Stephen Jothiraj


Our Lord Jesus showed reckless abandon to do the will of the Father during his time on this earth. His was a life of obedience. His obedience was his life blood. Hear him say this in John 4:34 - “My food, is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” He would not do anything on his own (John5:19) (“I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself ”). He would not take one step out of the Father’s plan. Even when they wanted to make him the King, he would walk away. He would not give in to Satan’s temptation to gain the crown without the cross in the desert at the inception of his ministry (Mt 4:9) and also throughout his ministry at various times (Mt 12:38, Jn 6:15). He would resist that same temptation even when his closest friend Peter would suggest it (Mk 8:32) and would not fall into it even at the cross (Mk 15:31). At Gethsemane he would pray “yet not my will

but yours” even when it meant he would be led to his execution carrying a heavy cross. “(Jesus) became obedient to death— even death on a cross” (Phil2:8). Recklessly abandoned to do the will of God.

Stephen Jothiraj, the author of this piece, is a young man who lives in Bangalore and works with TCS. Steve blogs at

Moved by the Holy Spirit, willing Indian friends have contributed to the min-istry of Duke Jeyaraj, the founder of G4 Mission, the organization that pub-lishes this magazine. It is only fitting then, the details of how the money so sent was spent for the period Nov-Dec 2009: Printing Charges - Rs.11,000/-; Internet Charges with printouts - Rs. 2000/-; Communication Charges - Rs.2000/-; Refreshments While On Duty/Bible Study - Rs.2000/-; Local Transport Charges - Rs.1000/-; Magazines/CDs/Books Dispatch Charges - Rs.6500/-; Salaries - Rs.24,000/-; Rent for Office Cum Residence Cum Counselling Unit - Rs.16,000/-; Outstation Travel and Food - Rs.1500/-; Raw Material For This Issue - Rs.1000/-; CD, Book Production Work - Rs.3000/-; Office Land Line Charges - Rs.200/-; Travel Bags - Rs.800/-; Offerings given to other ministries - Rs.11,000/-; Panasonic Handy Cam (Second Hand) - Rs.4000/-; Fresh Website – Rs.500/- Grand Total = Rs. 85,000/- Thank you for your support and supplications. Use the bank information on page 2 of this magazine if you are lead to support this ministry.

A Look At Our Account Book

This ministry is supported by people like you, who give in response to the

Holy Spirit’s prompting, even as you read these

articles and listen to the messages we preach.

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“A string of alleged affairswith at least 14 women havedecimated the 14-time majorchampions squeaky-cleanimage. The golfer’s wife Elinhired famed Hollywooddivorce attorney SorrellTrope, according to a report,”- that is what I read about golflegend Tiger Woods, the firstbillionaire sportsman, theother day (Deccan Chronicle,20 December 2009). Whathappened to Tiger couldhappen to me, unless I amcareful, I told myself. TheLord reminded of somespiritual lessons even as Ireflected on what happened toTiger Woods. Let me sharethem with you:

1.The CONSEQUENCESof sexual sin are verycostly. Tiger found that out.His corporate sponsors suchas the Watch-maker TagHeuer, the Razor-makerGillette, the Consulting FirmAccenture decided to dropadvertising campaignsfeaturing him, costing Tiger inmillions. If his wife, Erin,succeeds in divorcing him,Tiger would stand to losemillions of dollars as alimony.Tiger, reportedly has changedhis mobile number and is inhiding. The Bible confirms thatthe consequences of sexual sinare costly. Rueben, Joseph’selder brother who lost to sexual

tempation by sleeping with hisfather’s concubine, lost theprivilege of leadership (Gen49:4,26). So that is one reason

we must choose to die ratherthan yield to sexual temptation.

2.I was reminded of theThe UNCONDITIONALLOVE of God through theTiger Woods episode. Thelove affair the corporate houseshad with Tiger was aconditional one. That is whythey pulled out theirrelationship with him, even he

was down and out. Of course,the mistake was Tiger’s. Butyou know what? God lovesyou and me, unconditionally.The mountains may take a

walk. But his love for youwill never walk away. That iswhat Prophet Isaiah writes(Isa 54:10). You may live insin, yet he looks at you andloves you. Ask the greedyrich young ruler who metJesus and he will tell you that(Mark 10:21). However,Jesus will not let you lingerin your sin, comfortably. Hewill help you come of it. Buthis love for you is neverconditional - he loves youjust the way you are.

3.I recalled the need totake time to COOL offthrough the Tiger Woodsscandal. This celebrity golferhas taken an “indefinitebreak” from playing golf, anactivity that put bread, butterand jam on his table,presently. I think all of us

need to take breaks from whatwe do for our living and rest.That is very important. EvenJesus told his disciples thatthey must get away and getsome rest (Mark 6:31). Weneed not wait till a scandal hitsus like Tiger Woods to do that.We, especially people with“lime-light” hogging roles suchas public speaking or leading,must plan for such breaks evenwhen everything is going fine.

What Happened To Tiger WoodsCould Happen To Any Of Us Duke Jeyaraj

Tiger Woods seemed to have dreamfamily life and professional life, till the

time his secret sins came out in the open.What happened to him, can happen to any

of us and so we must watch out…

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I am M. Rebecca Janet. I wasborn and brought up in aChristian family like any otherChristian. I was raised up withmy grand parents , uncles andaunts as my parents wereworking in Doha - Qatar. We area family of Five – There wasDad, Mom, myself, my youngersister and younger brother. Mysister, Ruth Jyothsna, is workingin HSBC as an Assistantmanager in the city of Vizag.My Brother, Sukesh Hickson, isa sound Engineer in Hyderabad.

The apple of their eye – me!Well I not sure to say if I wasborn with silver spoon, as I hadan elder brother who passedaway when he was 2 years old.The time difference between mybrother passing away and mybirth was just 4 days. He passedaway on 12th November and Iwas born on 16th of November.So the attention, loads of love,care and everything inabundance from my family clanbecame a gift to me. I becamethe eldest in my whole clan ofManchala’s. I was the apple oftheir eye – I still believe that Iam!

My Grandma’s told me aboutthis Jesus!Since I stayed with grandparents, their influence on mewas very evident. I can stillrecall my grandma (Jeyji we callher) would not leave a singletime we had together to talkabout this friend/God /Jesus who was so in love with me andwanted me to love Him as he

The “Fool” Who Threw Away Her Dream Job In Google – Me!The story of Rebecca Janet Chaitanya in her own words….

did. I can still recall the stories,incidents and happening that sheshared with me – where someJesus was the Hero of all it andwithout Him things seemedimpossible. Gradually, I wantedto know whether this hero Jesuswould be as real to me as He wasso real in the life of others.

My friend, my grandpaMy grandfather (who we callAbba) was a great man. Hejumped in to be my savior whenmy granny used to punish me/ orhad to discipline me. I loved thescooter rides he took me for. Iwas like a friend to him.

I got an admission in a boardingschool in Pune (St.Mary’sConvent). I can’t recall muchabout those days. But surely I didnot have too many good friendsthere. My grandparents and myuncle (who I look up to like myfather) used to visit me everyweekend. I used to long for thosetimes. Everything seemed to govery cool around me. But I hadquestions that troubled me.Questions, such as,what is this Godlike? Questions,such as, are God’sangels always withme? If so, whycouldn’t I seethem? I perhapshad million suchquestions in myhead and was tryingto seek the answers.The day my grandfather died I was onmy bed lying half

asleep, I guess. It was then, I sawmy grand dad and some one whowas with him looking straight atme. I was so scared that I pulledover a blanket over my head. Aftersome time, I looked back again –there were still there. This time hewas smiling over me. I turnedaround and said to myself, “Goodthat my grand dad is here now. SoI will have no worries!” and I fellasleep. The next day, veryunusually, my uncle came to visitme. I did not even greet him. Hejust told me that my grandfatherwould not be coming anymore tosee me as he had passed away. Ilooked at him told him that He hadgone with His Friend and that Ihad seen him when He came tovisit me, last night.

Saved at 12This scene that I saw stayed withme. I was moved to Hyderabadto another boarding school,where, all my cousins and mysister and I studied together. Iused to wait for vacation time asthat was the time we could seeour parents and spend time with

The Lord gave me a job, first in GE,and then, a dream job in Google.

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them. My bonding was morewith my grandma, aunt anduncle, than my parents. As yearspassed by I started to feel that Iwas a part of my own family.Later on, after some years mygrand mom passed away. Andwhen she did, I was gainingstrength in Jesus, the one personshe kept talking about. I wantedto do what all she did get closerand closer with Jesus, as she did.I began to meditate more on theBible, talk to Jesus all the time,and tell Him about myweakness. I believe, that’s whenI started to learn more aboutJesus and eventually acceptedHim as My personal Savior. Iwas 12 years then. I felt agrowing burden for people whowere hopeless and did not haveJesus, who was very near themand waiting to accept them, intheir lives.

In GE, in a flash!When I was in the final year ofmy graduation, I was seeking theLord to give me a job that Hewanted me to be in. At that pointin time, one of my seniors justpopped up from no were andhanded me over a brochure ofrecruiting agency that had someopening for a call center. Thiswas not what I was looking for. Idid bother to read it or look intoit… but God kept on bringing itto my mind. I prayed and I toldJesus if this is want He wants meto do – pick up a call centre job,which is not what I wanted, Heshould give me that job in just 2days. I thought it would neverhappen. But nothing isimpossible with God, right?! Tomy amazement, I got through allthe rounds of interviews in justabout 2 days and there I was an

employee of GE (GeneralElectric), a world renowned callcentre. I just could not believethis was happening to me. Allthe while, I was telling God,how I felt, that I wouldn’t fit inthere. But I learnt to accept whatthe Lord miraculously granted.

Success, because of this Godwhom I call friend!But believe me, my initial dayswas not that fun-filled. I was theonly Christian in that batch of 40people. And more over, I wasnever even introduced with theworld in GE - where folk wouldget merry about something thatwas called at my home as sin. Iwas the odd one in thatdepartment. To make it to thetop in that corporate world, onehad to work to get into the goodbooks of the manager/teamleader and make him feelimportant always – that was theunwritten rule. But I did notfollow this unwritten rule. I tooka stand. I prayed, “Lord Jesus,help me prove to them that onecan come up in the CorporateWorld without doing what theyare doing – flirting with theTeam Leader!”And in His time,my hard workbegan to do all thetalking. I justpraised God forevery award,reward points,applauses that Ireceived while Iwas with GE. Iremember thosedays when peopleform the otherdepartments wouldmeet me and findout the secret

behind this amazing performanceI was able deliver at mycompany. I used that opportunityto witness for Jesus. I would tellthem, “It is because of this Godcalled Jesus, who is my BestFriend! It is not so much aboutmy talents!” Some peoplethought that I was weird, somethought I was too spiritual andsome just laughed away statingthat I did not really share mysuccess secret with them when Isaid that.

A Church that hooked me!Friends that I made in mycompany introduced me to avibrant, growing church full ofyoung people called New LifeAssemblies of God Church inSecunderabad. For the record – Icome from a Church of SouthIndia (CSI) background. Thesefriends, especially invited me tothe Youth Alive – a SaturdayEvening Youth gathering in thatchurch. I went and got hooked.When I went to the Winter YouthCamp organized by this church, Iwas baptized in water, inobedience to the Lord’scommand on December 27,

I met and married a tall, young,preacher named Chaitanya! The Lordblessed with a two kids, son, Hosea and

daughter, Salome!

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1999. The Lord also filled mewith the Holy Spirit duringanother special event in thischurch on August 16, 2000.

When Tongues lashed out inenvyI was the only one of 5 peopleselected from a pool of 78people, to go to the UnitedStates for a project on behalf ofmy company to transitionit. Tongues lashed out againstme in envy and jealousy. Butthat did not bother me. I leftthings in the Lord’s hands andcarried on. More promotions andfurther projects came my wayduring my GE days, thanks tothe Lord’s enabling grace. I amnot very sure how effective Iwas in telling people about thelove of Christ in my company.But nevertheless, a few peoplewith a non-Christian faithbackground, did try and trustJesus under my influence, and Iam glad to see them goingstrong in their love for Jesus,even now.

In Sri Lanka, learninghumility!As days went by, even as Iworked for the Lord in GE andin the Youth Alive (as a memberof New Life AG Church,Secunderad, then), things startedto take a turn in my life. I couldsee God’s hand in it. This iswhat happened: the YouthDirector for Andhra Pradesh AGchose me to be part of a teamthat was to go to Sri Lanka for amonth-long ministry and missionwork. I went. It was a greatexposure for me. I learnt a lotduring this trip – especially thetrait of humility. My first everjob in that Sri Lanka trip was toclean a dirt-filled room, in which

my friend andI had to stay.Believe me, atfirst I wantedto run awayback to Indiaas thecleaning workincludedcleaning thetoilets andbathrooms.But I stayedon to learnhumility. Atthe end of mySri LankaMissions trip,I knew that I had grown closer toGod and was more hungry forHim.

Married a tall, handsomepreacher!Then the big day, every girlwaits for – the wedding day –happened to me. I got married tothis handsome, tall, youngpreacher – Rev. G. Chaitanya.In His time, God has blessed uswith two little angels – Son,Hosea and Daughter, Salome.

In Google, with a dream job!At this point in time, I had adesperate desire in my life. Iwanted a day job (I used to donight shifts when I was with GE)with my office close to my homeand with both car pickup anddrop provided. Along with this, Iwanted job in which I wouldhave a Saturday-Sunday off. Iknew I could have all of this if Iworked in Google’s office inHyderabad. Most of my friendstried had tried to get a job inGoogle, the Internet Giant. Theytold me that it was very tough toget into Google. Only 2 out of200 folks who apply would get

to be “Googlers.” I prayedabout it and applied for a jobthere with great peace in myheart. I got in. Yes, I had the jobI wanted with all the perks to gowith it. God is good. My jobprofile in Google was differentfrom what I had done with GE.But the Lord helped me to do itwell. I started a prayerfellowship in Google so thatgoogle generation in Googlewould be grabbed from going toGehenna (Hell). Things weregoing on smoothly for me, as Ihad a great, comfortable job,wonderful husband and twolovely kids.

When I kicked that very sameDream Job!As days passed by, I knew thetime had come for me to join myhusband in the fulltime ministry.My husband founded a church inthe needy area of Hitec City,Hyderabad to serve thecorporates working in that area.And this church was growingday by day. And my husbandneeded my fulltime presence inhis church work. The Lord was

I am so happy to serve the Lord full-time,pastoring a church with my husband, in HitecCity, Hyderabad named Capstone AG Church.

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speaking to be about this. But Iwas not really ready to listen towhat the Lord was speaking tome. I tired everything that Icould to stay away from hearingHis Word. There has been times,when the Lord spoke to methrough my morning devotionsthat I needed to serve Himfulltime with my PastorHusband. He followed it up byspeaking to me, through thedaily Bible Verse calendar,through emails, throughnewspaper articles, etc. Youname it and I would say God hadspoken to me about joiningfulltime ministry through it! Onthe other hand, things at workwere just great. Only a fool,would quit a job like I had withGoogle, speaking in worldlyterms, I knew. Finally, after 4months of running away fromGod voice, I took a two-daybreak from work, just to listen toGod’s voice one final time about

this matter. And when I wentback to work, I tendered myresignation in Google. Everyonethought that I was the biggestfool to leave a great job like thiswith all of the excitingopportunities it had coming up.Meanwhile, my well-meaningfriends and relatives tried tocounsel me and talk me out ofthat “hasty” and “foolish”decision that I had taken to joinmy husband’s church ministry,full-time. I was firm in “beingthe fool” – a fool for Christ. Irecalled the missions-inspiringquote, “He is no fool, to give upwhat he cannot keep, to gainwhat he cannot lose!” and I, byGod’s grace, had the privilege tolive it!

Happy days!I am now more than abundantlyhappy serving the Lord ineverything I do. He has becomemore real to me than ever.

When this question, “What ifthings do not work out inministry as they were when Iwas working?” comes to me, Iremind myself that it was Godwho gave me a job with a fatsalary in Google and that verysame God would meet all myneeds, even as I serve Him full-time with my husband!

There is no greater peace/joythat you will ever find apartfrom serving the High King, theLord Jesus. He is awesome, isbeyond description. My wordscannot adequately express this.

I see miracles daily in my life.Life is far better than it was everbefore. I’m happy. My life itselfis a miracle. The way He keepsblessing us to be a blessing tosomeone is awesome. I am soglad that I obeyed His call formy life. It is the best ever thingthat could have happened to me.

The book, Straight Talk On Hushed Up Subjects Without Beating About TheBush, by Duke Jeyaraj, has been a blessing to readers all over India (and even in someparts of the world). This book, which has sold many copies in the meetingsDuke has preached for the past four years, practically brings out what the Bible has to sayabout taboo topics such as sex, love and marriage along with regular topics. As far aspossible, these truths have been wrapped around contemporary events like Jesus has donein Luke 13 and Paul has done in Acts 17. Presently, this book is published in the photo-copy spiral-bound format. We desire to bring this book out in the print format. So, if theLord burdens you, use the info on page 2 to send in an offering specially marked for thisproject. We are also looking for pictures of Indian Youth/Corporates to make this bookcolourful. If you have no objection in us, using your pictures for this our publication or anyother publication of ours, please get in touch us with us using the following info:[email protected]; +91-9441352433;

One More Site Added - G4mission.orgOur main website,, featuring this magazine’s articles, has now clocked over112,000 hits. Encouraged by this, we are now launching another site - This website willfeature our ministry news, ministry products (CDs, Books) etc regularly. This website will be managed by ourvolunteer Santhosh William and his organisation, And we are thankful to him. Wanted morewebpage designers, website managers for our ministry to serve voluntarily, from whereever you are! Write to usat [email protected], if you can help in some way.

Duke’s book, Straight Talk...,has blessed many youth

of the Google Generationin the xerox format.

Now we look to print it.

Help Us Print This Unputdownable Youth Book!

Page 19: Issue 20 - REMEMBER YOUR LIFE'S MOST ROMANTIC MOMENT? / Tiger Woods sex scandal and you - DUKE'S THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH MAG

We haven’t retired early…


Dear Duke…..

Thank you for your thought provoking articles (on 26/11). Keep up the great work – Ebenezer Devaraj, Youth For Christ Coordinator, Hyderabad.

I am reading and it’s so helpful to me...- via Orkut scrap.

I happened to attend your sessions a few times. I was even at the Discipleship Camp organized by the YFC in which you spoke. I would like to tell you that I really enjoy your magazine, and your message CDs. – Rachel Mirdula, Hyderabad

I am very much happy about the way you write the articles in your magazine. – Samuel Lingam, Hubli

I am studying MBBS final year at the MNR Medical College. I attended the One Day retreat at the Centenary Baptist Church, Hanamkonda, in which you and your wife preached. I got your Gospel tract, Bubbly Outside, Yet Empty Inside, and circulated it among my friends. It was a blessing to be there listening to your message that day – David Paul.

Thanks for having the guts to proclaim the Word of God so boldly (by writing the article, Is Being Gay, Okay?) – Mallika Peter

I was there in the AG National Youth Convention in which you preached on beating temptation. From that moment, for the first time in my life, I have been able to overcome temptations till date. – A Young Man from Chennai

The Loreto nuns in Siliguri, West Bengal, appreciated your magazine – Reshmi Dewan, New Delhi

What a great blessing you are to this church and to the nation of India! – The Youth Pastor of a leading Church

I liked the message that you gave in the Millennium Methodist Church titled, When Jesus Met The Young People, yesterday evening. I really did. – Isaac Sandeep V., Hyderabad.

I’m born again from Hindu back ground. I attended your sessions in the COSEK 2007 (Trichy). It was very useful. I used to give your books to my friends. The topics taken up in that book were very practical. – A Masters in Science Student, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan

(because of testimonies received via web and smses, such as what follows – thank you!)

We would have retired early from preaching and writing but for

testimonies such as these which the Lord has moved people to write!

Page 20: Issue 20 - REMEMBER YOUR LIFE'S MOST ROMANTIC MOMENT? / Tiger Woods sex scandal and you - DUKE'S THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH MAG

Sowing this September

In the Mennonite Church Youth Retreat in Hyderabad, Duke’s three powerful challenges brought youth to the altar.

Secunderabad New Life AG Teens lift their hands to indicate their decision to accept Jesus after Duke’s message to them.

The five revival messages that Duke preached in Srikakulam became 1 DVD, the cover for which was designed by Ruby


Duke preached five daring revival messages in the IEM Youth Missionary Convention in Srikakulam, Andhra


Page 21: Issue 20 - REMEMBER YOUR LIFE'S MOST ROMANTIC MOMENT? / Tiger Woods sex scandal and you - DUKE'S THE DAYS OF YOUR YOUTH MAG


In the Youth For Christ Hyderabad National Youth Conference, Duke had the honor of sharing the pulpit with

the renowned men of God like Ajith Fernando.

In the Assemblies of God Chennai National Youth Conference Duke had the privilege of preaching a message on inner purity

to over 1300 youth from all over India.

In the Youth Sunday of the Millennium Methodist Church, Secunderabad, Duke preached an apt message titled, “When

Jesus Met Young People”.

In the BTCYF Mumbai Youth Camp both Duke and Evan shared practical

messages to over 400 youth from different parts and churches of that great city.

On Fire this October

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North India November

After Duke preached a passionate mission challenge message in the Conference of Engage India in Madhupur, North India,

75% of the crowd came forward.

After Duke finished leading a deep Bible Study for believers from different churches at our new rented

base in Secunderabad, it is time for prayer.

Here are two of the over 700 Doctors who heard Duke’s compelling Gospel presenta-tion in Kurnool in a EMF program where

over 90% were non-Christians!

Dale Duke, our son, plays a role in the Children’s Christmas Program in the lo-cal church we attend, The New Life AG

Church, Secunderabad.

Doctor’s Evangelism DecemberNorth India November

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Duke Jeyaraj had the wonderful privilege of liing God's Word high through immensely praccal and thoroughly biblical messages among spell-bound youth in the IEM Youth Missionary Convenon, Srikakulam (Sep 09), Mennonite Bretheren Youth Convenon, Hyderabad (Sep 09), Teens Camp of the New Life AG Church, Hyderabad (Sep 09), the Naonal Discipleship Camp of Discipleship Camp of Youth For Christ, Hyderabad (Oct 09), the BTCYF Youth Camp in Mumbai (Oct 09, with wife, Evan), the Naonal AG Youth Convenon in Chennai (Oct 09), the Millenium Methodist Church in Secunderabad (Oct 09), and the Student Missionary Conference of Engage India in Madhupur (Jharkhand, North India) (Nov 09) (where this picture was taken)

along with other choice sealong with other choice servants of God. Thank you for your prayers!


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"Has there ever been another like Sehwag?" was the question posed by cricket writer, S. Aga on (in a 3rd December 2009 post) after he struck a baffling 40 fours and seven sixes, and had taken an astonishing 78 from the 70 balls that Murali bowled to him, to race to 284 not out on Day 2 in the Mumbai Test. He argued, Has there ever been another like him? Matthew Hayden could pillage bowlers too, but his strike-rate looks pedestrian next to Sehwag's. Adam Gilchrist scored marginally quicker but how often did he have to face the new ball? Even the King, Sir Vivian Richards, never went after bowlers with such menacing intent, day in, day out.bowlers with such menacing intent, day in, day out. Having read that I had a question - a question far more consequential - to ask. It is this: Has there ever been another like Jesus? Ask Peter, that loud-mouthed disciple of Jesus. He would say, a loud "No"! "Salavation is found in no one else, other than in the name of Jesus," he mouthed (Acts 4:12). Has there ever been another like Jesus? Ask the Disciples. They would say "No". When He told them, that they could leave Him, if they wanted to. Peter, who was among them said, "To Whom shall we go, Lord? You have the Words of Eternal Life!" (John 6:67-68). Has there ever been another like Jesus? Ask Jesus Himself. He would say, "No". In fact, He did say, "No" when He quipped, "I am the Way, Himself. He would say, "No". In fact, He did say, "No" when He quipped, "I am the Way, the Truth and The Life. No one comes to God, except through me!" (John 14:6). So you have a choice. You can take Him - Him who died on the Cross for you and rose again from the Dead - at His Word. And surrender your life to Him to see that it becomes meaningful and joyful. Or You can stubbornly call Him a Liar. Or You can call Him a Mad Man - a Lunatic. The choice is entirely yours. My choice is made. For me, He is the Lord. He cannot be a Liar. How can a man, with whom even His worst enemies could not find a single fault, ever tell a lie? He cannot be a lunatic. He did not laugh like a crackpot when He was crucified with long, cold, rusty nails by strong-armed Roman Soldiers, did He? Has there been any other like Jesus? You've got to decide.Soldiers, did He? Has there been any other like Jesus? You've got to decide.

Another One Like Sehwag?Another One Like Jesus?Duke Jeyaraj