Issue 17 I 28 November 2018 - Oran Park Anglican College · If your child has medication stored in...

Issue 17 I 28 November 2018 Mrs Naomi Wilkins Principal As we approach the conclusion of the college year I look forward to seeing many families join us at our Celebration Assemblies where we will be reflecting on the College value of Courage and how students have learnt and demonstrated courage throughout their learning journey this year. We will also recognise many students for exemplifying the College values across a number of curricular and cocurricular domains. Congratulations to all our students for their efforts this year to improve in their learning and in the application of these values: courage, curiosity, craftsmanship, collaboration and compassion. I would also like to thank the amazing staff we have at the College. Im sure you would all appreciate their tireless efforts to ensure the students in their care are nurtured in excellence, wisdom and service. I have been ably assisted in leading this team by Mr Newton and Mrs Kendon who have led their respective schools with great accomplishment this year. Thank you to our parents who partner with us in supporting their childrens education. A particular thanks to our parent volunteers who help us with classroom activities, learning support and our Parents and Friends Association who have helped us organise both friendraising and fundraising events: the Oran Park Festival and the movie night. I am also pleased to announce that from Term 1 next year the provision of Before and After School Care and Vacation Care at the College will be by OSHClub Pty Limited. OSHClub are committed to providing quality programs tailored to our students interests and needs, healthy eating, low costs for parents, streamlined bookings and quality staff. OSHClub provide out of school hours care to over 400 schools and have come highly recommended to us from other schools. Their mission is To provide parents and schools with peace of mind by providing safe, fun learning and play environments for children. They will commence at the College on 28 January 2019 for the final week of vacation care. Further information will be sent to Junior School parents this week. Thank you for your continued support of the College. I wish every family a blessed Christmas and a happy New Year as we celebrate the birth of Jesus; Gods son born to bring us the hope of eternal life. Be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.2 Chronicles 15:7

Transcript of Issue 17 I 28 November 2018 - Oran Park Anglican College · If your child has medication stored in...

Issue 17 I 28 November 2018

Mrs Naomi Wilkins Principal

As we approach the conclusion of the college year I

look forward to seeing many families join us at our

Celebration Assemblies where we will be reflecting

on the College value of Courage and how students

have learnt and demonstrated courage throughout

their learning journey this year. We will also

recognise many students for exemplifying the College

values across a number of curricular and cocurricular

domains. Congratulations to all our students for their

efforts this year to improve in their learning and in the

application of these values: courage, curiosity,

craftsmanship, collaboration and compassion.

I would also like to thank the amazing staff we have

at the College. I’m sure you would all appreciate their

tireless efforts to ensure the students in their care are

nurtured in excellence, wisdom and service. I have

been ably assisted in leading this team by Mr Newton

and Mrs Kendon who have led their respective

schools with great accomplishment this year.

Thank you to our parents who partner with us in

supporting their children’s education. A particular

thanks to our parent volunteers who help us with

classroom activities, learning support and our

Parents and Friends Association who have helped us

organise both friendraising and fundraising events:

the Oran Park Festival and the movie night.

I am also pleased to announce that from Term 1 next

year the provision of Before and After School Care

and Vacation Care at the College will be by OSHClub

Pty Limited. OSHClub are committed to providing

quality programs tailored to our students interests

and needs, healthy eating, low costs for parents,

streamlined bookings and quality staff. OSHClub

provide out of school hours care to over 400 schools

and have come highly recommended to us from

other schools. Their mission is “To provide parents

and schools with peace of mind by providing safe,

fun learning and play environments for children.”

They will commence at the College on 28 January

2019 for the final week of vacation care. Further

information will be sent to Junior School parents this


Thank you for your continued support of the College.

I wish every family a blessed Christmas and a happy

New Year as we celebrate the birth of Jesus; God’s

son born to bring us the hope of eternal life.

“Be strong and do not lose courage, for there is reward for your work.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

Term 4 - Week 7

Tuesday 27 November:

Toys and Tucker Collection Day

Prep Blue excursion

Kindergarten walk to Oran Park Library

Wednesday 28 November:

Year 2 Sports Transition Day

Primary Sport

Thursday 29 November:

Year 2 Zumba Program

Year 1 Swimming Scheme

Friday 30 November:

Year 6 Dinner

Whole College Assembly

Week 8

Tuesday 4 December:

P - 2 Celebration

Wednesday 5 December:

Years 3 - 11 Celebration

Thursday 6 December:

Last Day of Term 4

Term 4 - Week 5

Monday 26 November:

Year 10 Camp—Youth works (till 29.11.18)


Senior Choir Rehearsal (3:15 - 4:15pm)

Tuesday 27 November:

MISA Secondary Sport

Wednesday 28 November:

UNI of Wollongong Science Fair excursion

Stage Band (3:15-4:15pm)

Thursday 29 November:

Year 11 Drive 2 Stay Alive Program

Friday 30 November:

STEM excursion

Whole College Assembly

Week 8

Monday 3 December:


Senior Choir Rehearsal (3:15 - 4:15pm)

Wednesday 5 December:

Years 3 - 11 Celebration

Thursday 6 December:

Last Day of Term 4

College News

Electronic Invoicing In 2019

Oran Park Anglican College will be introducing electronic invoicing in 2019.

All term fee invoices will now be emailed to your nominated email address from Term 1 2019.

Please ensure we have your preferred email address on file as Paper Invoices will

no longer be available.

You can log onto the Parent Portal and check. If you need to update your email address, please

send your preferred email address to: [email protected]

College News

Senior School Camp Notes

So we can make preparation for our students at Camp, please return Camp forms to the College Office by Wednesday, 5 December 2018.

Student Medicine

If your child has medication stored in the office, they will be returned to your child to bring home on the last day of term Thursday 6/12/18. If you require the medication before this date, please visit the office to collect.

Christmas Office Hours

The Office will be closed Monday 24 December - Friday 4 January 2019.

Have a Merry Christmas from all the Staff at Oran Park Anglican College.

It was recently remarked that there had been such a

lovely buzz in the air this term at College, with so many

things going on, and what a vibrant learning community

we have been blessed to be a part of.

Prep – Year 2 enjoyed their tabloid carnival. After a few

false starts, we were finally blessed with a beautiful day,

where teachers, students and parents enjoyed a range

of games and sports on the oval.

Sport celebrations continued with the Annual Sports

Dinner. This was a great night where students and

coaches were recognised for their contribution to Sport.

For the first time this year, we recognised student

sportsmanship in College Sport. Quality sport programs,

both in IPSSO and at College are a valued part of our

co-curricular program and it was lovely to see students

in this arena recognised. Thank you to our amazing

Sports Coordinators, Mr Chapman and Mrs Clisdell, as

well as the Coaches who put a great deal of effort into

running these programs.

The Rising Stars Music Concert was held this week,

and it was wonderful to see the developing talent in our

students through the Creative and Performing Arts.

Year 6 are in the midst of preparations for their farewell

to Junior School. They’ve run fundraisers, had their last

Junior School Chapel, attended Year 7 Orientation and

are getting ready for the Year 6 dinner . . . Phew! We

are going to miss having these students as part of our

Junior School, but wish them well as they enter Senior

School. At the final Whole College assembly this Friday,

we will be inducting our 2019 Student Leaders. Thank

you to our 2018 Student Leaders who have served the

College so well this year.

Prep, Kinder and new students in Years 1-6 have

attended our Orientation days over the last fortnight.

These students were able to have taste of Oran Park

Anglican College, by spending time in classrooms,

making new friends and meeting teachers. Our

students are always welcoming to new students. I am

sure many of them can remember what it was like to

start a new school and how important it was to make a

friend. I want to encourage all of our students to keep

our College value of compassion at the forefront of

their mind over the last weeks of school and as we

welcome new families next year. Let’s continue to

show Jesus’ love in the way we care for each other

and continue to make our College a place of

belonging, where everyone feels safe and cared for.

Christmas is a wonderful time to remember the

precious gift of a Saviour. Oran Park Community

Carols will be held on Saturday 15th December, by

New Life Anglican College, and is a wonderful

community event. As we enter into the holiday season,

I would like to say thank you to all of our families that

have supported us this year, with both your time and

prayers. We wish you a safe and restful break and

look forward to seeing you in 2019.

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the

government will be on his shoulders. And he will be

called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

Mrs Katherine Kendon Deputy Principal - Head of Junior



Enrichment in the Junior School

As the year draws to a close, it is good to reflect on the

many and varied activities in which students have been

involved during the year. From cocurricular groups

through to academic competitions in all subject areas,

students have taken opportunities to extend their thinking

and take risks in their learning. Each child has grown as a

result of their participation and new skills have been


During the year, many students from Kindergarten to

Year 6 took part in the Write4Fun poetry and short story

writing competition across Australia. Sixteen of these

students were chosen as finalists and their written pieces

were published in the book ‘Horizon of Dreams’. A copy

of the book has been placed in the Junior School Library

for all students to read, enjoy and be inspired by.

Congratulations to the following finalists:

Kindergarten: Emma Batten, Elijah Bastias, Corey Kirby

Year 1: Harry Hillard, Valentino Oliveri, Talyssa Mahesan

Year 2: Noah Cook, Ava Olic, Aarya Rajesh

Year 3: Calli Sheehan, Samuel Hillard

Year 4: Ben Patane, Isabelle Cook

Year 5: Summer Manivong, Izaiah Sidhom, Lois Feni

Our students achieved commendable results in the ICAS

competitions, ranging from participation, merit, credit,

distinction and high distinction awards. All students are

congratulated for their effort and achievements. Special

mention goes to the following students who were

awarded the Principal’s Award in specific subject areas

for outstanding results:

English Lily Finn Year 5

Lachlan Haack Year 7

Spelling Isaac Haddad Year 2

Mathematics Arya Siddireddi Year 2

Science Lily Finn Year 5

Jesse Thomas Year 2

Digital Technologies Katelyn Strong Year 3

Lachlan Haack Year 7

Writing Lara Faddy Year 5

Eli Pakula Year 5

Mrs Grant

Junior School Coordinator

Learning Support

It is wonderful to celebrate this year all of the achievements that our students have made. We can look at the things that students once found difficult and now they can do with ease. We see learnt skills being transferred from context to context and know that students have integrated them in to their everyday learning. We can see increased confidence where success has ignited the love of learning. Students are encouraged to look at the gains they have made, however big or small, whether it is in one area or across many. Over the holidays students should look at ways to continue learning in a variety of contexts as learning does not stop when we leave the classroom. Students can keep polishing those literacy and numeracy skills in everyday activities.

I would like to thank the many volunteers who have helped throughout the College supporting our students in many ways. This work is so valuable and allows the students to further develop their skills. What an amazing privilege it is to work with such a supportive and thriving community.

Mrs Humphreys

Learning Support Coordinator

Stage 4 Technology

Technology students have collaborated with the students in Kindergarten to create a monster out of felt using hand sewing skills.

To start the process, the Kindergarten students designed a monster after reading the book ‘The Monsters’ Party’. These students were then paired with a student from Stage 4 who interpreted the information given from a drawing and a design meeting to create a monster that reflected the design.

As educators it was such a delight to see the gratitude and critical eye of the Kindergarten students, and the pride of the Senior students as they overcame the challenges of this task.

“It was a challenging task but it was worth it to see the joy on the kindy's faces as they unwrapped their monsters.” 7B

“I liked how they tried their best and that they worked hard. My monster was the same colours and looked just like my design!” June Isaac (KR)

Mrs Watson, Mrs Ferdarico, Mrs Finlay and Mrs Presbury

Cru Group

Cru is a lunchtime group that meets on

Fridays. We study the bible and discuss what

impact the bible has on our lives and the world.

The leaders have been excited at the continued

growth of the group with more students attending

regularly each term.

This term we have been studying how to live out

our Christian faith each day. We have looked at

hearing God’s words and putting them into

practice, not showing favouritism, faith leading to

good deeds and taming the tongue.

If you are a Christian or interested in learning

about the God who saves people from their sins,

why not come along to the Friday lunchtime group

to check it out?

All are welcome.

Mr Baker

Year 2

One of our highlights this term has been our visit to the

NSW Rail Museum in Thirlmere. We learnt how train

transportation has changed how the needs of people

drove the development of technology in train

transportation, to fill those needs. It was exciting going on

a train ride, interesting viewing meal and animal carriages

and important to see the turntable in action. Students

really enjoyed comparing the Royal carriage experience

to the inmates rail carriage.

Another highlight this term has been Zumba! It is very fun,

energising and tiring for students AND teachers. Our

fitness has improved dramatically!

Miss Sunjic, Mr Baker, Mrs Davis and Mrs Cavanagh

Year 6

Wow! What an amazing year we have had together.

Friendships have been formed and grown, knowledge has

been gained and skills extended.

This term we have been exploring various themes in the

novel The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. This has

allowed us to immerse ourselves in a world that reflects the

stories of the bible. Our study of Fiji has also allowed us to

draw upon the knowledge of those in our grade. Those who

have families from this country or have visited it have offered

us amazing insights that can’t be found in information texts.

We also had the privilege of hearing from a parent who has

lived in the country and shared her experiences with us.

Year 6 did an excellent job in writing and presenting their

speeches for Public Speaking. Huge congratulations must

be offered to our finalists and the job they did at the special

presentation night. Charlie, April-Marie, Nicole, Dante and

Maddison were confident, articulate and humorous. Maddie

even forced some change to morning assemblies when

jokes made an appearance after making her speech entitled

“If I were Principal at OPAC”.

At the end of last term, we visited State Parliament as part of

our unit on Democracy. Students got the opportunity to

participate in a re-enactment of a sitting in Parliament. They

visited both Houses of Parliament and were amazed to learn

who has sat in the seats they were occupying. Our CAPA

night allowed those among our grade to showcase their

talents on stage. What an incredible job Sabrina, Makayla,

Bianca and Mahi did of singing in the finale!

Throughout the term, we have also had the opportunity to

participate in IPSSO even though there were a few

disruptions due to the weather. All teams did their best and it

was great to see the sportsmanship and comradery that

developed amongst team mates.

So now, we begin looking to the sad part of the year. A time

where your babies become ‘big people’ and step out of

Junior School and into Senior School. We have much to be

thankful for as we step into this time of celebration as well as

much to look forward to. What a privilege it has been to

guide your children towards this moment and we will be

praying for them as they take this, sometimes daunting, yet

exciting step.

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from

the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like

shifting shadows.

James 1:17

Mrs Smith and Mrs Snelson

What an amazing final term we have experienced in the

Senior School this year. There have been so many

wonderful events and achievements by our students and

I feel incredibly blessed to be serving in such an

incredible community.

Over the past two weeks, we have enjoyed celebrating

the success of our sports stars at the Sports Dinner, and

enjoyed listening to the talents of our students at the

Annual Music Night. These events would not be possible

without the work of our dedicated and passionate staff

and I want to acknowledge the countless extra ours they

all put in to add significant value to the educational

experience of our students.

As I reflect on the year that has past, one of the most

pleasing aspects of growth I have seen in the College is

the embedding of our core values. Sure we talk the

language and reward students with merits in line with

our values; however, it is hearing students embrace the

language understand its meaning and strive to develop

these key character traits that is most satisfying.

Current research suggests that our young people will

experience in their lifetime, 17 jobs across five different

sectors of employment. The challenge for us as parents

and educators in preparing them for a rapidly changing

future is that many of the jobs they will enter are not

even invented yet! That is why character is so important.

Our young people need to develop courage to try new

things, to express their ideas and persevere in

difficulties. They need curiosity to find creative solutions

to the world’s problems now and challenges in the

future. They need to develop craftsmanship, to strive for

excellence in all they do, to create work that is both

beautiful and functional and they need to be able to

collaborate with others recognising the value in

differences of opinion and having the emotional

intelligence to reflect on their own strengths and

weaknesses. Most of all we need to foster in our young

people, hearts of compassion. Developing traits of

service and empathy and the desire to make a

difference in our world is at the heart of the education

we strive for at out College.

As we head toward the summer holidays and the

Christmas season, I would like to take this opportunity

to thank everyone in the College for their ongoing

support. We have a wonderfully vibrant learning

community and I am grateful to be a part of it. May you

each know the blessing of God’s gift this Christmas.

‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ John 3:16

Mr Michael Newton Deputy Principal - Head of Senior School

Year 7 Geography study the liveability of Oran


On Wednesday 14 November, Year 7 went on an

excursion to Oran Park Town Centre. We listed to a

talk by Geoff Boulous, Marketing Manager at

Greenfields Development Company, about the history

of the suburb and the detailed planning that has

already been undertaken. We also learned about the

plans for future expansion of the surrounding area.

Students then walked to the Council and library

building and constructed a line drawing of the view.

This excursion has helped students to complete an

in-class group assignment on liveability in Oran Park.

Mrs Steele-Smith and Mrs Brennan

Year 12 Food Technology

On Friday 16 November, our Year 12 Food Technology class went on an excursion to explore some of the background to where our food comes from in the agriculture and fisheries, food service and catering and retail sectors of the agri-food chain.

The day started by looking at the agriculture and fisheries sector at Leppington Pastoral Company in Bringelly, where we were taken on a tour to see the processes used by one of the four dairy farms that supplies milk to the A2 Milk Company. We then stopped off at the Camden Community Gardens to discover the role of the gardens and systems used to grow the produce.

The remainder of the day was spent looking into the food service and catering sectors, indulging in a delicious lunch at the Italian Food Project, where we also got to chat to the chef about the resources the company uses when creating their menu items. We then finished the day off at one of the large multinationals, purchasing a 60c cone for dessert.

Our community is so blessed to have such wonderful resources available to us to make learning meaningful and we are extremely grateful to the businesses that voluntarily gave up their time to support our learning.

Induction Ceremony for the 2019 Student Council

On Friday 9 November, the formal ceremony to induct the 2019 Student Council was held. The twelve recently elected students signed their commitment to promote the school’s vision and received their badges to wear. Please uphold the following students in your prayers over the coming year:

President: Gabriella Russo

Vice President: Joshua Turner

Secretary: Lauren Tisdale

Year 10 class representatives: Phetmanee Vongpoothorn, Nicholas Everett, Daniel Squire

Year 9 class representatives: Madisson Cook, Evan Gardner, Jai Cooper

Year 8 class representatives: Declan Holland, Kianna Apps, Ashley Twemlow

The assembly also provided an opportunity to thank the outgoing Student Council for their dedication and hard work over the past twelve months through the presentation of Service Awards. 2018 President Madison Poll worked very diligently over the year, particularly on the preparation for The Big Event, and she deserved particular commendation for the excellent model that she has set.

The Senior School audience benefited from a speech from the Camden Mayor, Peter Sidgreaves, on the role of leadership.

Contained below is the speech presented by the incoming President, Gabriella Russo, on her plans for the Student Council in the year ahead.

Mrs Brennan, Student Council Coordinator

Good afternoon Mrs Wilkins, Mr Newton, Mayor Sidgreaves, teachers, parents and fellow students.

My name is Gabriella Russo, and it’s a great honour and privilege to be elected as President of the Student Council for 2019. First and foremost, I’d just like to thank the 2018 President, Madison Poll, for her continuous effort and bright determination throughout the year. She not only managed to organise the Big Event last term, very successfully fundraising towards the drought effort, but also taught again and again the value of leadership and setting a positive example. She also inspired others, including myself, to follow in her footsteps and to strive to make this school an even more wonderful place to receive an education.

I’d also like to thank the Student Council representatives of 2018, for their collaboration, cooperation and interesting contributions on how to improve the environment of our college. You’ve all done a magnificent job this year and I am sure the legacy of your hard work will resonate for years to come.

I look forward to working with the newly inducted 2019 Student Council Representatives Declan Holland, Kianna Apps, and Ashley Twemlow of Year 7, Madison Cook, Evan Gardner, and Jai Cooper of Year 8, Phetmanee Vongpoothorn, Nicholas Everett and Daniel Squire of Year 9 and finally Lauren

Tisdale of Year 10, as well as Vice President Joshua Turner of Year 10.

My vision for the Student Council of 2019 is to plan an impactful fundraising event that promotes school spirit and a sense of community, to raise awareness and donate towards the Cancer Council of Australia. Cancer is a problem that’s very prevalent in modern society, if you turn to your left, and then to your right, at least one of the people beside you knows or is related to a person who’s affected by cancer, which is why I think it’s an extremely important topic to focus on here at the college. Other goals I hope to achieve include using this tremendous leadership opportunity by being the best role model I can be to shape and invigorate other future leaders, and put some more emphasis on teaching all year groups vital skills such as stress and time management, as well as more peer support opportunities in which some of the older year groups can give important advice on the years coming. In doing this, I hope the SRC upholds and demonstrates our 5 core values:

That we show compassion towards each other and our peers by taking into consideration the needs of the students we’re representing. Curiosity, by encouraging our peers to be unafraid to ask questions, and always thinking of innovative opportunities for the improvement of our college. Collaboration, by promising to listen to our respective classes and working with them to set and accomplish achievable goals. Craftsmanship, by always putting in 100 percent of our effort and motivation towards materialising our, and other students’, ideas on enriching college experience. And lastly courage, for more and more students to decide that they want to make a difference in the college as a student leader, and come forward as candidates for future Student Councils.

On that note I’d just like to thank you all for your ongoing support and prayers for the year ahead.

Gabriella Russo, 2019 Student Council President

A Great Resource for Parents

Parent Line NSW counsellors are available to help

with any of your parenting concerns.

Parent Line is a telephone counselling, information

and referral service for parents of children aged 0 to

18 years who live in New South Wales. They can also

provide support and information for professionals

working with families.

Parent Line counsellors can help with problems

relating to children:

• Managing child care and school transitions

• Support during family separation

• Managing stress and anxiety

Through to issues relating to teenagers:

• Teen mental health

• School and study issues

• Managing technology use

• Alcohol and drug use

• Strategies to build positive relationships

How much does it cost?

Parent Line counselling service is free, other than the

cost of the call.

A call to their 1300 1300 52 number is the cost of a local call from any landline in NSW. Calls from mobiles are charged at the rate set by your provider.

Mrs Lataster

College Counsellor



Sports Dinner

On Wednesday the 21 November students from Years 3-11 came together to celebrate the sporting efforts of our students in 2019. A great night was had by all. Particular thanks to Josh Aloiai from the Wests Tigers for sharing his story as well.

Year 2 Sports Orientation Day

On Wednesday the 28 November, Year 2 will be coming to College in their sports uniform to help transition to Primary Sport. They will participate in many of the sports that they will be able to trial in at the beginning of 2019.

Tabloid Carnival

On Monday the 19 November students from K-2 participated in their tabloid carnival. It was as such a wonderful day with beautiful weather and all of our students had a wonderful time. Thank you to Educational Sports Carnivals for running such a great event.

Mr Chapman Junior School Sports Coordinator

MISA Secondary Sport

2018 has been a huge year for sport! We have won

some, lost lots and have grown in determination,

courage and commitment throughout the year. This is

the last report for 2018! Next year, MISA will look very

different with three Zones. We will be competing

against Macarthur Anglican College, Broughton

Anglican College, Wollondilly Anglican College and

Mount Annan Christian College. Training will continue to

happen at 7:45am on Tuesday morning. We look

forward to the new structure and the growth of sport in

the Secondary College.

Fishers Ghost Fun Run

On Sunday, 11 November, a team of 8 students and

myself ran the 5km in the Fisher’s Ghost fun run. It was

a beautiful day for a run and the students represented

OPAC well! Unfortunately, we didn’t win the largest

school group this year. We will aim to win the trophy

back next year!

OPAC 3rd Annual Sports Dinner

What a fantastic night! This night is all about

celebrating the achievements of our students in the

sporting arena, both at College and abroad as well as

hearing of the struggles, perseverance and

determination that is needed to strive for excellence in

sport. Josh Aloiai, from the West Tigers, was our

guest speaker. He spoke on the challenges of being

an elite athlete, from moving from New Zealand as a

17year old and then coming face to face with

adversity due to injury and the high pressure and

demand of elite sport. His talk was inspirational,

relational and encouraging. The students were

celebrated in all their achievements. Well done to all

the students at College for their achievements

throughout 2018

Mrs Clisdell

Senior School Sports Coordinator

Meet our 2019 Sports Captains

Congratulations to Mae Alden and Jack Rodgers for

their appointment of OPAC Sports Captains, 2019.

The calibre of students was incredible and it was a

very tough decision. We pray that God will lead you

and give you strength in this leadership role in 2019.

Let’s meet our Sports Captains

Name: Jack Rodgers

Favourite Sport: Anything Motorsports

(MotoGP is my fav!)

Favourite Food: Potato Bake

Sporting Hero: Valentino Rossi (MotoGP rider)

What do you enjoy about sport? The

competitiveness and trying to give your best to

your chosen sport, no matter the outcome.

What is something that you would like to do for sport

as Sports Captains for 2019? Some sort of

walk-a-thon, raising money for sports equipment in

the College

Name: Mae Alden

Favourite Sport: Swimming

Favourite Food: Chocolate Brownie

Sporting Hero: Michael Phelps

What do you enjoy about sport? Always giving it

your best, encouraging others in a certain sport

and having a good time.

What is something that you would like to do for sport

as Sports Captains for 2019? Having dedicated

sports days per term or semester where we enjoy a

day of encouragement and collaboration in single and

team sports, getting involved and just having fun!

Year 10 Surfing

Year 10 went to Cronulla Beach on Wednesday, 21

November for their surfing lesson. This lesson links in to

Year 10 PDHPE and Australian Sports. This is also an

activity that students generally have never participated in

so it is a great learning experience for them. The kids

had a ball and were extremely tired after it – so much

that almost all fell asleep on the bus on the way home!

Peer Support

In week 6, Year 10 participated in the Peer Support

program. This training is an intense 2 days of leadership

training, teaching students’ important leadership as well

as life skills of facilitation, co-leading, assertiveness,

teamwork, communication, problem-solving, conflict

resolution and the list could go on! From this group, the

welfare team will select a team to lead year 7 2019 in a

peer support program. A fantastic leadership and peer

mentoring program! We look forward to seeing the

students grow!

Tennis Coaching at Oran Park Anglican College – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons

Enrol online through the following link:

or call Tony for further enquiries on 0418414780