Issue 10 SA to Lead in Landbased Macroalgae Prod

Excellence in marine science inspired through Collaboration MISA Snapshot Key Points Acknowledgements Abalone Investments Ltd Adam & Amos Abalone Foods Pty Ltd Coorong Aquaculture Pty Ltd Flinders University of South Australia Marinova Pty Ltd Penrice Soda Products Pty Ltd Science to Manage Uncertainty South Australian Research and Development Institute The University of Adelaide Key Contact Dr Sasi Nayar Subprogram Leader Algal Production Algal Production Group South Australian Research and Development Institute E-mail: [email protected] Marine Innovation SA (MISA), an initiative of the South Australian Government, is a partnership between the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), Flinders University, University of Adelaide, South Australian Museum, Primary Industries and Resources SA and the SA seafood industry. Issue 10 - 2011 Marine I eI I I I eInnovation SA (MISA), SA), SA), SA), SA), A SA), SA) SA), ), an an an an an an an an a an an init nit init it nit init nit it nit nit nit init n in iati ia ia ia iat iat ia iat ia a ve of the So So So So o o So So o out uth uth uth uth uth uth uth u h th A A Aust A A A A ralian Government, is a Development Institute (SARDI DI D DI I I I I), F ), F , F , F ), F ), F ), F ), F , F ), Flind lind ind ind d nd lind d ind nders ers rs ers ers ers ers ers r er r Univ U ersity, University of Adelaide, South A the th the the he he he th the SA seafo af fo afo afo af f a a od i o od o o od o o o ndustry. SARDI, in collaboration with research and industry partners, aims to establish South Australia as the lead state in land-based macroalgae farming. Proof of concept trials aim to optimise production and build upon “farm to market” value chains for Gracilaria spp., Ulva spp. and Cladosiphon spp. Nitrogen sequestration potential will be demonstrated using waste water from existing industries, highlighting the benefits to macroalgal production as well as the opportunity to reduce the environmental footprint of industries. Bio-economic modelling developed throughout the project will provide guidance for industry to make a decision on scaling up for commercialisation. Results will provide the basis for a sustainable land-based macroalgal aquaculture industry in SA, with potential economic and employment benefits for regional communities. South Australia takes the lead in land-based macroalgal production SARDI researchers aim to tap into an $8.2 billion international market by developing land-based macroalgal production in South Australia. Sought for a variety of uses including human, livestock and abalone food, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals and pharmaceuticals, global demand for macroalgae exceeds 14 million tonnes annually. With ideal growing conditions and hosting one of the most diverse marine flora in the world, South Australia is positioned to lead Australia in land-based culture of macroalgae. Such developments have the potential to provide opportunities for employment and economic activity in regional areas. Macroalgae has been farmed offshore in Asia and South America for many years, with South Africa the only country so far to develop commercial land-based production systems. Production in Australia is limited, with the few South Australian companies entirely reliant on the collection of macroalgae cast as drift on beaches, providing product of variable quality and quantity and little opportunity to increase production due to environmental issues. Australia currently imports over 5,000 tonnes of macroalgae annually, valued at more than $14 million, largely to meet the demands of chefs in high end restaurants and bioactive industries. Farming macroalgae provides a more sustainable alternative with considerable potential in Australia for domestic and export markets. In a recently approved project ‘Development of a Sustainable South Australian Macroalgal Aquaculture Industry’, the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), in collaboration with research and industry partners, aim to establish South Australia as the lead state in land-based macroalgal farming and associated research and development. Focusing on demonstrating cost-effective mass culture of three marine macroalgal species known for their life history characteristics, culture methods and market potential, researchers are looking to build upon “farm to market” value chains. Known as excellent abalone feed, Gracilaria spp. and Ulva spp. are also used in a range of delicacies. Additionally, Ulva spp. and Cladosiphon spp. are candidate species for development of bioactive chemicals used for anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, gut health and anti-inflammatory conditions. Gracilaria is also an excellent source of hydrocolloid agar with various applications, including gelling agents in foods and cosmetics. These diverse products demonstrate the potential scope offered by farming macroalgae. Proof of concept trials will optimise the culture protocols for these species by identifying environmental thresholds and conditions that maximise growth, as well as develop and trial a number of land-based production systems, which may include raceway and spray cultivation as well as hybrid abalone – macroalgae culture systems. One of the main benefits of macroalgae production, which will be undertaken at SARDI and on commercial sites, is the utilisation of nitrogen rich waste water from industry partners to maximise macroalgal production, reduce operating costs and demonstrate nitrogen sequestration potential. With elevated nitrogen levels known to increase chlorophyll, nitrogen and protein in macroalgae, waste water from industries such as soda producers and onshore saline aquaculture ventures is ideal for farming. The high quality end product can potentially have many benefits such as improving the colouration and immune response of abalone, as well as reducing nutrient discharges to the marine environment, thereby capitalising and building on Australia’s clean and green image. Waste water feasibility trials within this project will identify suitable industries for co-production, providing the dual benefit of reducing an industry’s environmental footprint while producing a highly profitable product. The macroalgae produced will provide industry partners with the opportunity to evaluate its quality and marketability. Bio-economic modelling developed by the project will summarise the costs and benefits of the technical research outcomes and provide guidance to industry on the commercial feasibility. Discussion papers will also be developed to assist an appropriate government policy and regulatory framework. Overall, the project will provide the basis for industry partners and others to invest in sustainability macroalgal aquaculture in South Australia, with potential economic and regional employment benefits for regional communities. Steven Clarke (left) and Dr Sasi Nayar with cul- tured Ulva spp. at the South Australian Research and Development Institute.



Transcript of Issue 10 SA to Lead in Landbased Macroalgae Prod

Page 1: Issue 10 SA to Lead in Landbased Macroalgae Prod

Excellence in marine science

inspired through


MISA Snapshot

Key Points


Abalone Investments LtdAdam & Amos Abalone Foods Pty LtdCoorong Aquaculture Pty LtdFlinders University of South AustraliaMarinova Pty LtdPenrice Soda Products Pty LtdScience to Manage UncertaintySouth Australian Research and Development InstituteThe University of Adelaide

Key ContactDr Sasi NayarSubprogram Leader Algal ProductionAlgal Production GroupSouth Australian Research and Development InstituteE-mail: [email protected]

Marine Innovation SA (MISA), an initiative of the South Australian Government, is a partnership between the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), Flinders University, University of Adelaide, South Australian Museum, Primary Industries and Resources SA and the SA seafood industry.

Issue 10 - 2011

Marine Ie IIIIe Innovation SA (MISA),SA),SA),SA),SA),ASA),SA)SA),), an anananananananaanan initinitinititinitinitnititnitnitnitinitnin iatiiaiaiaiatiatiaiatiaa ve of the SoSoSoSoooSoSoooututhuth uthuth uth uth uthu hth AAAustAAAA ralian Government, is aDevelopment Institute (SARDIDIDDIIIII), F), F, F, F), F), F), F), F, F), Flindlindindinddndlinddindnders ers rsers ersersers ers rerr UnivU ersity, University of Adelaide, South Athe ththethehetheheththe SA seafoaffoafoafoaffaa od ioodooodooo ndustry.

SARDI, in collaboration with research and industry partners, aims to establish South Australia as the lead state in land-based macroalgae farming.Proof of concept trials aim to optimise production and build upon “farm to market” value chains for Gracilaria spp., Ulva spp. and Cladosiphon spp.Nitrogen sequestration potential will be demonstrated using waste water from existing industries, highlighting the benefi ts to macroalgal production as well as the opportunity to reduce the environmental footprint of industries. Bio-economic modelling developed throughout the project will provide guidance for industry to make a decision on scaling up for commercialisation.Results will provide the basis for a sustainable land-based macroalgal aquaculture industry in SA, with potential economic and employment benefi ts for regional communities.

South Australia takes the lead in land-based macroalgal productionSARDI researchers aim to tap into an $8.2 billion international market by developing land-based macroalgal production in South Australia.Sought for a variety of uses including human, livestock and abalone food, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals and pharmaceuticals, global demand for macroalgae exceeds 14 million tonnes annually.With ideal growing conditions and hosting one of the most diverse marine fl ora in the world, South Australia is positioned to lead Australia in land-based culture of macroalgae. Such developments have the potential to provide opportunities for employment and economic activity in regional areas.Macroalgae has been farmed offshore in Asia and South America for many years, with South Africa the only country so far to develop commercial land-based production systems. Production in Australia is limited, with the few South Australian companies entirely reliant on the collection of macroalgae cast as drift on beaches, providing product of variable quality and quantity and little opportunity to increase production due to environmental issues. Australia currently imports over 5,000 tonnes of macroalgae annually, valued at more than $14 million, largely to meet the demands of chefs in high end restaurants and bioactive industries. Farming macroalgae provides a more sustainable alternative with considerable potential in Australia for domestic and export markets.

In a recently approved project ‘Development of a Sustainable South Australian Macroalgal Aquaculture Industry’, the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI), in collaboration with research and industry partners, aim to establish South Australia as the lead state in land-based macroalgal farming and associated research and development. Focusing on demonstrating cost-effective mass culture of three marine macroalgal species known for their life history characteristics, culture methods and market potential, researchers are looking to build

upon “farm to market” value chains. Known as excellent abalone feed, Gracilaria spp. and Ulva spp. are also used in a range of delicacies. Additionally, Ulva spp. and Cladosiphon spp. are candidate species for development of bioactive chemicals used for anti-tumor, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, gut health and anti-infl ammatory conditions. Gracilaria is also an excellent source of hydrocolloid agar with various applications, including gelling agents in foods and cosmetics. These diverse products demonstrate the potential scope offered by farming macroalgae. Proof of concept trials will optimise the culture protocols for these species by identifying environmental thresholds and conditions that maximise growth, as well as develop and trial a number of land-based production systems, which may include raceway and spray cultivation as well as hybrid abalone – macroalgae culture systems. One of the main benefi ts of macroalgae production, which will be undertaken at SARDI and on commercial sites, is the utilisation of nitrogen rich waste water from industry partners to maximise macroalgal production, reduce operating costs and demonstrate nitrogen sequestration potential. With elevated nitrogen levels known to increase chlorophyll, nitrogen and protein in macroalgae, waste water from industries such as soda producers and onshore saline aquaculture ventures is ideal for farming. The high quality end product can potentially have many benefi ts such as improving the colouration and immune response of abalone, as well as reducing nutrient discharges to the marine environment, thereby capitalising and building on Australia’s clean and green image. Waste water feasibility trials within this project will identify suitable industries for co-production, providing the dual benefi t of reducing an industry’s environmental footprint while producing a highly profi table product.The macroalgae produced will provide industry partners with the opportunity to evaluate its quality and marketability. Bio-economic modelling developed by the project will summarise the costs and benefi ts of the technical research outcomes and provide guidance to industry on the commercial feasibility. Discussion papers will also be developed to assist an appropriate government policy and regulatory framework.Overall, the project will provide the basis for industry partners and others to invest in sustainability macroalgal aquaculture in South Australia, with potential economic and regional employment benefi ts for regional communities.

Steven Clarke (left) and Dr Sasi Nayar with cul-tured Ulva spp. at the South Australian Research and Development Institute.