Issue: 02 1 February 2020 · 2020-02-29 · Issue: 02 1 February 2020 School Vision We at Emirates...

Issue: 02 1 February 2020 School Vision We at Emirates Falcon International Private School are eager to create a safe and caring environment where students gain self-confidence and become positive learners. We are committed to make our school a center of attraction, distinction and creativity to be among the best advanced schools in UAE. The board of Trustees As one of its main roles in ensuring that the school continually offers the highest possible quality of education, EFIPS board of trustees held its second annual evaluation meeting on the 19th of Feb 2020 to ensure that EFIPS remains one of the best American curriculum schools of choice in Al-Ain. EFIPS was one of the first few schools in Al-Ain in the academic year 2019/2020 that has been rated Good”/ Band Aby ADEK. Congratulation on this great achievement EFIPS, you really deserve it! دصةددمداسرو رةددم راسةدص رداد مد تدعمداددص تدشدانسانخوة راص مبادئ رةخار ررودا ةدامداسرو تدةدص را ص دد مدر سة د دادص مد رةدوأد نسدانسدصخدوة را رشتمك رةششرةع م رةعاةش رةسEFIPS is seeking to get its accreditation as an American International Private School in March 2020, by Cognia”, a reputable American international agency. Cognia is a global company that focuses on improving educational opportunities for all learners. The Tragedy of Hamlet is going to performed by grade 12 On 12th of March 2020. ص :نشطص مستابل ددصدد رةددتددم تسددمدسددتددعدد ددادص رص ةدشدسدام راةداستددد دصس رةامآن تمدسدتدفدث تعص ح رةمرص ةجنص مؤهلص مشدسة رةكدوة تافزرسة ر تداةدر رةوم م ت رةتحكس ماسم ممرةعا د رةدندتدادتدم لعد ةد اتز رةثااص رةتش مساد رةبلدوحشد( ب رةط متنا رةشؤةق مدسةاسك تم اددد د ج عدبددمرفد إشدض سندور مدنددمرحد م حدادادور تدوزر عدبدم ددعد شا رةنمكز رةنصق لةى م رةفمتأه صميش رةشدكتوس لةشاع رة رةدتدداتدز رةثدااص رةتششسا مشاسكتف زةا رةطاةض حشد رةبلو كشا نالعاشمكزر سرناةور م ثش أ. امعص رةع اامتت زة عوا . زة عوجا شاسكص رةش رةشمنى نشمساعدة رةتطوع ةلعشل رةط رةر مشاسTo revitalize the UAE culture heritage traditional knowledge, Emirates Falcon International Private Mothers Council arranged a visit for a group of EFIPS students to one of an Emiratis parent. The visit aimed to raise the awareness of UAE culture, heritage, habits and traditions (nationally called Al Senaa).

Transcript of Issue: 02 1 February 2020 · 2020-02-29 · Issue: 02 1 February 2020 School Vision We at Emirates...

Page 1: Issue: 02 1 February 2020 · 2020-02-29 · Issue: 02 1 February 2020 School Vision We at Emirates Falcon International Private School are eager to create a safe and caring environment

Issue: 02 1 February 2020

School Vision

We at Emirates Falcon International Private School are eager to create a safe and caring environment where students gain self-confidence and become positive learners. We are committed to make our school a center of attraction, distinction and creativity to be among the best

advanced schools in UAE.

The board of Trustees

As one of its main roles in ensuring that the school continually offers the highest possible quality of education,

EFIPS board of trustees held its second annual evaluation meeting on

the 19th of Feb 2020 to ensure that EFIPS remains one of the best

American curriculum schools of choice in Al-Ain.

EFIPS was one of the first few schools in Al-Ain in the academic year 2019/2020 that has been rated “Good”/ Band “A” by ADEK.

Congratulation on this great achievement EFIPS, you really deserve it!

تدعم مددسةدص ردادم رامداسرو رةدد ةد دص رةخارص مبادئ رألخوة رانسان دص تدشدا د دا مددر سة ددص د ةددص رامدداسرو تدد ةدداددا رو رألخددوة رانسددانسددص رةددوأدد دداددص مدد دد

رةسالم رةعاةش رةع ش رةششتمك

EFIPS is seeking to get its accreditation as an American International Private School in

March 2020, by “Cognia”, a reputable American international agency. Cognia is a global company that focuses on improving educational opportunities for all learners.

The Tragedy of Hamlet is going to performed by grade 12 On 12th of March 2020.

نشطص مستابل ص : سددتددعددد تسددم رةددتددم دد ددص

راةالم ص ةدشدسدا دادص ر د

تم س رةامآن دص دد ستد دا

رةمر عص ح ث تسدتدفد د

رةشدسةص ةجنص مؤهلص م

زرسة رأل تاف ة كدو

رةتحك م ت وم رةتداةدر

رةعا م م م ماسس

ةدد ددتددم لعددال رةددنددتددا دد

مسا اص رةتش ز رةثاات مدند دض سندور إش د دمرف –عدبدد ج د داد – اسك تم ق مدسةتنا رةشؤة م رةطالب )حشد رةبلدو د

رةدكتوس لةشاع رةشصميش تأه رةفم ق لةى ممكز رةنص رةن ا ش دعدد حدادادور تدوزر عدبدم مدمرحد

أالثش ناةور ممكزر سر عاش كشا نال رةطاةض حشد رةبلو ا زة تف مشاسك شسا اص رةتش ز رةثداداتد رةدتد تامت ا امعص رةع .

ا زة عو

مشاس ر رة الل رةطال ةلعش رةتطوع مساعدة رةشمنى نش رةششاسكص جا زة عو .

To revitalize the UAE culture heritage traditional knowledge, Emirates Falcon International Private Mothers Council arranged a visit for a group of EFIPS students to one of an Emirati’s parent. The visit aimed to raise the awareness of UAE culture, heritage, habits and traditions (nationally called Al Senaa).

Page 2: Issue: 02 1 February 2020 · 2020-02-29 · Issue: 02 1 February 2020 School Vision We at Emirates Falcon International Private School are eager to create a safe and caring environment

فعالية طبق الخير زهاس رةشستاب نورس رةغدش تلنسا م ش اه رةخ مش نعط عل م اةحضش

تامت طاةباو رةص رةثان عشم اةشدسةص فعاة ص تحت

عنور )طبق رةخ مإ نشم رةسعادة سةش رةفمحص على

وه رألطفال.

أقامت مدرسة صقر اإلمارات الدولية الخاصة معرضا للكلال لا

وذلل لل لعلاليلب الل لل الكل اللقلرا في ردهات اللملدرسلة

وقدم اللقلاولملوى الكل والم العة وال عرف اك مح وى الا

المعرض عروحا و وضيحات ألنواع الفنوى األدبية ال ي ح ويها

الا اما عرحوا لهم العكوم األخرى.

قامت مدرسة صقر اإلمارات الدولية الخاصة برحكة اكمية إل معرض الكوفر ال راثلي لل لعلريلف الل لل

بأهم اآلثار ال اريخية وحضارات العالم الماضية والحاضر حليلق قلاملوا بلالوللة لوضليلحليلة فلي أرالا

المعرض برفقة إحدى الموظفات وال ي قامت بدورها بعرح فصيكي لال مافي األانحة مى للوحلات فلنليلة

راثية وقد اا س ال ل واونوا معكومات اى أهم الق ب األثرية الموروثة مى دول العالم أامعه.

نظشت رةشدسةص سحلص تعل ش ص تمتد د د دص ةدطدالب رةدشدمحدلدص

رال تدر ص رة حد اص رةح ورناو ح ث داهدد رةدطدالب رندور

متعددة م رةح ورناو كشا س ر عم نا ةدحدمكداو رةدطد دوس

رةشش وسة ت د ةص رالماسرو رةعم ص رةشدتدحددة مدثد رةصدادم


م هم نشطص تسدم رةدتدم د دص راةدالمد دص تدعدلد دم

طالب رةشمحلص رأل تدر ص رةدخدطدورو رةصدحد دحدص

ةلصالة م خالل رةذهاب لةى مصدلدى رةدشددسةدص

تعلم خطورو رةا ام اةصالة شك رح ح .

س مر فعاليات نادي القرآى الاريم ل أهليلل

ال لل والل لاللبلات للملوسلم اللملسلابلقلات

الداخكية والخاراية حيق يعار ملا يلديلد

اى أحد اعر البًا و البة في مسابقة ابلى

حرمل ومسابقة ف ا القرآى ومسلابلقلة

ابى ريس

نفذ معلم رةتم ص رالخالت ص دسةا حول توع ص

رةطالب ع مخاطم رالةعاب رالكتم ن ص أمها

عل ر سادهم رحت م , كشا ر اس رةشعلم رة

رةتحد او رةت رنتشمو ت رال نص رالخ مة عل

مشورتر رةتورأ رال تشاع رس د رةطالب رة

تنظ م ر تات م رةتثشاسها طم اص رح حص ..

لذ اف رةطالب تتا مشتعا تطب ق افتتاح غرفة مهارات اللغة العربية، تم

ااناتص لةى ر تكاسإ -رةتشا –تحدث –كتا ص – نشطص مختلفص م )تمر ة

رةتخدرم رةتكنوةو ا رةحد ثصش تصش م تصص مصوسة ع طم ق رةتخدرم

مرم كتا ص رةاصص رةشصوسة اةتخدرم رةحاةوبش تاو ص خص ص رةطاةض

م خالل حورسرو ماا الو مشاهد تشث ل ص ةور اةتعشال مسمح رةعمر س

خ ال رةظ غ مهاش متا عص رةطالب رةذ عانو م رعو ص ت رةامر ةش

نر خطط عال ص تاوي م اسة رةامر ة ةد مش ةنبذل تصى د ت

تحس م اسة رةامر ة ةد مش مشا نعكس ل جا ا على مستوى نا نا ت رةلغص

رةعم ص.

فعالية العب مع األطفالضمى فعلالليلات الكتلم و لعلكلم قلملى لاللبلات الصف الثاللق اللثلانلوي بلديلار إلل ملبلنل الروضة و علكليلم الل لل الصلالار ملبلاد ومللهللارات فللي الللكللاللة الللعللربلليللة مللى خلللل

األلعا والمسابقات.

زيارة الى نادي تراث االمارات لطالبات الصف السادس شراف األخصائية االجتماعيةبإوالصف الثامن

Page 3: Issue: 02 1 February 2020 · 2020-02-29 · Issue: 02 1 February 2020 School Vision We at Emirates Falcon International Private School are eager to create a safe and caring environment

During their visit to "Body Worlds Museum" at

Khalifa University, EFIPS students were exposed

to in-depth information about real human body

plastinated specimens. To permit understanding

of anatomical structure, students were introduced

to a human body that has been preserved through

the process of plastination.

DEAR (Drop Everything And Read)

Students will read for 30 minutes every day first period

Reading on the bus

Students read every day morning in the buses .

Library visits EFIPS has organized library visits to enhance students’ reading skills and flourish reading passion.

To help students understand how soft drinks are produced, students were taken on a trip to the Coca Cola Factory. Students observed soft drinks production and learn about the ingredients and the use of different flavors in formula.

To help students understand the concept of a “Sustainable Community”, they were taken on a trip to Masdar City in Abu Dhabi.

Masdar City is one of the world’s most sustainable urban communities in the World. One of the pillars Masdar’s philosophy is based on is the environmental sus-tainability. The visit gave the students a chance to find out what goes on at Abu Dhabi’s “green” city and what is meant by the term renewable energy.

To get grade 6 students em-bark on exciting educational journeys, a field trip to the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) Science Innovation Park was conducted which helped made the concept of innova-tion more memorable. During the trip, students were also taken on a tour to the university chemistry labs to investigate how chemical experiments are conducted, to explore ideas for experiments and to dis-cover why learning chemis-try is important.

In solidarity with The Child Cancer International Day, EFIPS students prepared an awareness campaign to help students and teachers protect children and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Health Education and Awareness lectures about : Corona virus.

After reading Hamlet, students performed it with full stamina and enthusiasm.

Page 4: Issue: 02 1 February 2020 · 2020-02-29 · Issue: 02 1 February 2020 School Vision We at Emirates Falcon International Private School are eager to create a safe and caring environment

EFIPS young scientists visited Abu Dhabi Science Festival, they have learned and enjoyed science experiments and projects, they planned to apply it in their STEM and Science classes.

E m i r a t e s


f o o t b a l l


In recognition of their hard work, EFIPS honored the first five high achievers in each class to motivate them to reach the highest of their success.

ICT team organized a presenta-tion on how The Finger Print Recognition System works.

Students explained the mechanism of the system eagerly.

Students presented a broadcast in the ( Safer Inter-net Day) to inform students about the tips that help them be safe while using Internet.

Students‘ innovation in Math: They think and write critical thinking questions and design some math puzzles.

EFIPS Environment Friends Promoting environmental awareness. Waste around the school area was collected and removed by the “EFIPS Environment Friends” members.