ISSN# 2308-5029 BUKC 12th Convocation ... · uating students of PhD, Masters and Undergraduate...

28 ISSN# 2308-5029 Volume - 5 Issue - 1 (Nov & Dec 2015) BUIC 14th Convocation BUKC 12th Convocation Yasar University Delegation at BULC

Transcript of ISSN# 2308-5029 BUKC 12th Convocation ... · uating students of PhD, Masters and Undergraduate...

Page 1: ISSN# 2308-5029 BUKC 12th Convocation ... · uating students of PhD, Masters and Undergraduate programs. Students with phenomenal per-formance during their whole aca-demic tenure








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IslamabadCampus:ShangrillaRoad,SectorE-8,Islamabad-Pakistan.Tel:0092-51-9260002Fax:0092-51-9260885UAN:0092-51-111-111-028Email:[email protected]

KarachiCampus:13,NationalStadiumRoad,Karachi-Pakistan.Tel:0092-21-99240002,48503080Fax:0092-21-99240351UAN:0092-21-111-111-028Email:[email protected]

BUMedical&DentalCollege:AdjacenttoPNSSHIFA,DHAPhase-II,KarachiTel:0092-21-9204685-88Email:[email protected]

LahoreCampus:47-C,JoharTown,Lahore-PakistanTel:0092-42-35401408-15Email:[email protected]










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In this issue, our limelight story covers twomomentous occasions of the Bahria University, '14th ConvocationCeremonyofIslamabadCampusandholdingof12thConvocationbyKarachiCampus'.Itwasarewardingmomentforthestudentsandtheirparentsalike.Wewishallthegraduatingstudentsaprosperousfuture.


[email protected]





[email protected]


Page 3: ISSN# 2308-5029 BUKC 12th Convocation ... · uating students of PhD, Masters and Undergraduate programs. Students with phenomenal per-formance during their whole aca-demic tenure

To honour the academicaccomplishmentofgraduatingstu-den t s , B ah r i a Un ive r s i t yIslamabad Campus (BUIC) orga-nized its 14th ConvocationCeremonyon22November2015at Jinnah Convention CentreIslamabad. Chairman, HigherEducation Commission PakistanProf.DrMukhtarAhmedwastheChiefGuest for theoccasionandconferreddegreesuponthegrad-uating students of PhD, Mastersand Undergraduate programs.Students with phenomenal per-formanceduringtheirwholeaca-demictenurewereacknowledgedthroughGoldandSilverMedals.

A total of four hundred andtwentysevenstudentsfromvari-ous disciplines received degreesonthisoccasion.TwelveGoldandSilver medals were awarded tothebestperformers.Whilespeak-ing to the audience,DrMukhtar

Ahmed congratulated studentsandtheirparentsontheirsplen-did success. He also expressedpleasure on the conferment of aPhDdegree.Moreover,Heappre-ciated the efforts of BahriaUniversity for providing knowl-edgetothestudents,particularlyon the subject of research anddevelopment. Furthermore, heurgedtheacademiatocomefor-wardwithstrongcommitmenttoplaysigni�icantroleinthenation-buildingprocess.

Earl ier in h is welcomeremarks,RectorBahriaUniversityViceAdmiral(Retd)TanveerFaizHI(M)alsoapplaudedandwishedthegraduatingstudentsasuccess-ful future. In addition,hevaluedthepresenceofChairman,HigherEducation Commission Pakistanontheday.HealsostatedthattheBahria University has conduciveacademic environment. It is

equippedwithstateoftheartlabsandhighlyquali�iedfacultyforpro-ducing quality graduates. Heinformed that University is dili-gentlyworkingtoboostresearchand development culture in thecountry. He also acknowledgedthe role of Higher EducationCommission in thepromotionofquality education both in publicandprivatesectoruniversities.

A large number of students,parents, faculty members andother dignitaries attended thismemorableevent.



Bahria University Bahria University Bahria University

14th14th Convocation Convocation14th Convocation

Islamabad Campus holds


Page 4: ISSN# 2308-5029 BUKC 12th Convocation ... · uating students of PhD, Masters and Undergraduate programs. Students with phenomenal per-formance during their whole aca-demic tenure

Bahria University KarachiCampus (BUKC) held its 12thConvocation on 20 December2015.ChiefofNavalStaff,AdmiralMuhammad Zakaullah NI (M)gracedthisauspiciousoccasionasthe Chief Guest and conferreddegreesuponthegraduatingstu-dents of PhD, Postgraduate andUndergraduateprograms.

Alargenumberofsevenhun-dredandseventyeightstudentsofvariousdisciplineswereawardeddegrees during the convocation.Chief of theNaval Staff, AdmiralMuhammad Zakaullah NI (M)a long wi th Rector Bahr iaUniversity, Vice Admiral (Retd)TanveerFaizHI(M)awardedsev-enteenGoldandelevenSilvermed-alstothestudentswhoperformedexceptionalandachievedtopposi-tionsintheirdepartments.

While extending his felicita-tionstoallthedegreerecipients,

AdmiralMuhammadZakaullahNI(M)saidthattheroleofuniversi-tieshasbecomesigni�icantinpro-ducing productive citizens forprosperous Pakistan. He furtheraddedthatlocaluniversitieshavetodevelopstrategicpartnershipswiththeotherforeigneducationalinstitutionsforthecapacitybuild-ing and international exposure.He expressed with contentmentthatBahriaUniversityisalsotak-ing such initiatives tirelessly. Healso applauded the endeavoursundertaken by the Universitywhichwillde�initelyprovideBUacompetitive edge amongst otherinstitutions.

Inhiswelcomeaddress,Rector BU Vice Admiral(Retd)TanveerFaizHI(M)expressed his gratitude totheChiefGuestforgracingtheceremonywithhispres-ence.Hecongratulatedthe

graduating students and hoped


ful in their careers in thiseraof

competition and become nation


audience about various leading



ment and curricula to meet the

national and international stan-



large number of senior Naval

O f � i c e r s , I n d u s t r i a l i s t s ,

Businessmen and parents of the




Holding ofHolding ofHolding of12th12th Convocation Convocation12th Convocationby Bahria University Karachi Campusby Bahria University Karachi Campusby Bahria University Karachi Campus


Page 5: ISSN# 2308-5029 BUKC 12th Convocation ... · uating students of PhD, Masters and Undergraduate programs. Students with phenomenal per-formance during their whole aca-demic tenure

S ince inception, BahriaUniversity has been workingassiduously to go with country-wideaswellasglobalstandardsinterms of quality education. Forthis rationale, institution has anongoing practice of inviting for-eigndelegates to visit and sharetheir knowledge on a variety oftopics. This also helps to under-standnewareasoflearningfrominternationalperspective.

Under thisdomain,BUorga-

nizedatwodaystrainingsessiontitledPedagogicalInnovationson23&24November2015atBUICand26&27November2015atBUKC,forthefacultymembersofall constituentunits.To facilitatethis training, a team of resourcep e r sons f rom Va lpa ra i s oUniversitywasinvited.Thistrain-ingcoveredvarioustopicswhichincluded: Engaging students ascriticalthinkers,Problemsolvingthrough Project Based Labcourses and F l ipp ing the

Classroom:Why&How.Thedele-gationcomprisedfourmembers:Dr David Rowland- ExecutiveDirector Of�ice of InstitutionalInnovation, Dr Jim Nelson-Professor of Psychology, DrMelissaDesjarlais-AssociateProf.of Mathematics & Statistics andMs Polly Wainright- Lecturer inComput ing & Informat ionSciences.Thiswascertainlyacom-prehensive and enlighteningeventforallthefacultymembersofBU.



BU invites Foreign Delegates to conduct various Learning Sessions


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Mr Jason Pontin, Editor inChief-MIT Technology visitedBUIC on 11 November 2015, todeliveraninformativelectureonTechnology Trends. This wasattendedbythestudentsofallBUcampuses.Duringhisstay,healsometPro-RectorBU,RearAdmiral(Retd)SaleemAkhtarHI(M)andtalkedaboutvariousmoderninno-vations happening in the world.Similarly, Mrs Sharne Procter,Director International Of�ice-

DurhamUniversity,UKvisitedBUon18November2015,todiscussthe likelihood of starting a SplitPhD programme between boththeinstitutions.

In the same way, Turkish

Ambassador H.E. Sadik Babur

Girgin also visited BU on 17


heconductedasession inwhich

he updated on Turkey's Recent

Economic Progress. Students of

ManagementandSocialSciences,BUIC attended this educationalsession.

On 3 December 2015, Prof.SteveWatson,fromYorkBusinessSchool, St. John University, UKdeliveredalectureon“MarketingthePast:UnderstandingHeritageT o u r i s m ” . S t u d e n t s o fManagementScience froma l l the BUC amp u se sattended thisproductivesession.


QualityEnhancementCell,BUarrangesguestlecturesonregu-larbasisforthecapacitybuildingof faculty members. Under this

domain, Prof Amanullah Khan,Dean,ManagementSciences-RIUwas invited on 17 November2015, to deliver a lecture onQuality Assurance and Self-Assessment. This was attendedby the Directors, Head of theDepartments, research scholarsandBUfacultymembers.Duringthe session, speaker briefed theaud i ence abou t t he S e l f -Assessment Procedure and itsimportance for improving thequalityofteachinginaUniversity.H e i n f o r m e d t h a t S e l f -

Assessmentistheprimefunctionof QEC. He further brie�ly dis-cussedtheroleandresponsibili-tiesofProgramandAssessmentTeamsandpre-requisitesforcon-duct ing a successful Se l f -Assessment Exercise. He alsoidenti�ied key areas of Self-AssessmentReport(SAR).Itwasa very productive gathering fortheattendees.

Lecture on Quality Assurance and Self-Assessment





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The Inauguration CeremonyofMicrosoftAcceleratorwasheldatBUICon5November2015.Themainobjectivebehindtheestab-lishmentofMicrosoftAcceleratoris to develop strong technicalresource pool in Pakistan. Thiswillprovideknowledgeonmod-erntechnologyanddriveinnova-tion. The establishment alsofocuses on imparting technicalskillsamongstudentsandprofes-sionals.

While addressing the audi-enceonthisoccasion,RectorBUViceAdmiral(Retd)TanveerFaizHI(M)saidthatexistingMicrosoftInnovation Centre in KarachiCampus is functioning since

N o v emb e r2014.Itispro-v i d i n gtrainings onskill develop-m e n t a n dinnovation tothe students,faculty andresearchers.He informedthat this cen-treisspeci�icallyplannedtoaccel-eratetheprocessofcommercial-ization of the ideas being incu-bated at Business IncubationCentersofthecampuses.

Earlier in his welcome note,DirectorORIC,DrFaisalAftabsaid

that this Accelerator will enableBUtofocusonthecontemporarytechnology advancements andfacilitate in competing withother developing countries. Healso thanked Microsoft manage-mentforbecomingpartnerinthisknowledgegenerationprocess.


Inauguration Ceremony of

Microsoft Accelerator at BU

Bahria University invited the United StatesEducationofPakistan(USEFP)toconductFulbrightScholarship and Graduate Record ExaminationInformationsessionatBUICon12November2015.Duringthissession,studentswerebriefedaboutthe


Fulbright Scholarship & G r a d u a t e R e c o r d Examination Orientation Session at BUIC

B ahr i a Un ive r s i t y andEntrepreneurialAlliancesjointlyheld a �ive days training work-shoponEntrepreneurshipfrom16to20November2015atBUIC.During the workshop, several

critical aspects of the subjects u c h a s Ve n t u r e C a p i t a lEngagement, Fundamentals ofbuyingaSmallBusiness,ProductD e s i g n a n d S o c i a lEntrepreneurship were dis-

cussed.ThiswasattendedbythestudentsofotherUniversitiesinIslamabad as well. It was animmense knowledge gainingopportunityfortheparticipants.

Workshop on Entrepreneurship Four Days Training


Page 8: ISSN# 2308-5029 BUKC 12th Convocation ... · uating students of PhD, Masters and Undergraduate programs. Students with phenomenal per-formance during their whole aca-demic tenure

NewWebsiteLaunch BUITDirectoratehassuccess-fullylaunchedthenewwebsiteforBU,itsconstituentunitsandtheirdepartmentswithenhanceduserfriendlyfeatures.Theadvancefea-turesincludes:alldevicescompat-ible, open on one click, socialmedia activation and alignmentwith all of�icial pages of BahriaUniversity, Google top rankedthrough Google analytics andGoogle AdWords, News timelinetool,searchbarforsearchingwithkey words i.e admission online,scholarshipsetc.

Link for theupgradedversion For cam-puses; for department's website; of other campuses anddepartmentsjustbychangingthe


EmailIDsforStudents EmailaccountsforallstudentsofBUhavebeen launchedusing0365incollaborationwithHEC&Microsoft.Thestandardformatofemail is [email protected], 0365 allows students toinsta l l the latest GenuineMicrosoftOf�iceproductsonupto5PCorMacand5Windowstab-lets including Of�ice Apps onmobile devices. The service alsoincludes1TBofOneDrivestorageandaccesstostateoftheartsocialnetworking services whichinclude Skype for Business,E x c h a n g e , Ya mm e r a n dSharePoint.

ComputerBasedTest BUhassuccessfully launchedtopof the linetestingmethodof

Computer Based Testing (CBT).Initially,ithasbeenimplementedasPilotProjecttotestapplicantsofBSCS&BSITatBUIC. Inthenextphase, it isplanned to shiftthe entire Admission's TestingProcedure on CBT in IslamabadCampus and then in other cam-pusesrespectively.


Accomplishments of

BU IT Directorate

Bahria University hosted amelodious event titled CentreStageTourTeamatBUIC.ItwasorganizedbyUSEmbassyon17

November 2015. Two famousmusical bands of Pakistan,MalangPartyandRedBloodCatsperformed on this occasion. A

bigenergeticcrowdofBUICstu-dents enjoyed this gleamingevent.

The�inaleofUSEFP“GotTalent”was held at BU on 21 November,2015.Theevent's themewasbasedonthepopularprogrammeAmerica'sGot Talent. Students from various

schools, colleges & universities dis-playedtheiruniquetalentinsinging,actingandinmanyotherarts.

U n i t e d S t a t e s E d u c a t i o n Foundation of Pakistan (USEFP)

Event “Got Talent”

Musical Event by US Embassy


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C o r p o r a t e A d v i s o r yCommittee (CAC) of ComputerEngineeringDepartmentatBUICassembledforitssecondmeetingo n 4 D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 5 .Representatives of various wellknown technical organizationswereinvitedtoattendthismeet-ing, which included PakistanSoftwareExportBoard,ICTAsia,Ovex Technologies, PakistanSoftware Export Board andP a k i s t a n I n s t i t u t e o fEntrepreneurship.All the facultymembers of CE department, BUwerealsopresentontheoccasion.

During this important gathering,key dilemma faced by IndustryandAcademiaofbridgingthegapwashighlighted.Themeetingalsostressedonimprovementincur-

riculum of CE, in order to meetnationalandinternationalemerg-ingdemands.


Meeting of the


Corporate Advisory Committee

DepartmentofCE,BUICincol-laboration with Open SourceFoundation of Pakistan andHigher Education Commissionconductedaoneday summiton18 December 2015, titled Open

S o u r c eTechnologies.Themainpur-pose of thissummit wastogatherlead-ers from ITindustry todeliberate onI n d u s t r yA c a d e m i aLinkageinthe

context of IT sector. Speakersshared their knowledge andexpertiseonarangeofinterestingtopicssuchasClusterComputing,Cloud Computing, Web penetra-tionandNetworkSecurity.Inaddi-

tion,aseminaraboutapplicationof Open Source in Government,freelancing and early educationtechnologies, was took place.Duringthissummit,industrialdel-egation also met the Rector BUand other higher of�icials. Theyalsoassuredtheirfullsupportforthe development of Pakistan'seconomy by ef�iciently utilizingthe resources of IT Industry. Tocompeteintheglobaltechnologylandscape,acommitteeforcurric-ulum review including someindustrialists, technologyexpertsandintellectualswasalsoformu-lated.

BU Holds Open Source Summit 2015

D e a n E n g i n e e r i n gS c i e n c e s BU I C , D r MNajamul Islam presentedhis paper titled Hardware

Implementation of UltraL i g h t W e i g h tCryptographic Protocols,during an International

Conference on Computer,C ommun i c a t i o n a n dSecurity (ICCCS 2015) inMauritius.

Dr M Najamul Islam presents Paper during ICCCS 2015Dr M Najamul Islam presents Paper during ICCCS 2015Dr M Najamul Islam presents Paper during ICCCS 2015


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A seminar on Short TermVariable Head HydrothermalCoordinationusingCuckooSearchAlgorithm was held on 26November2015atBUIC.Itwasledby Mr Muneeb Yaqoob, SeniorLecturer,BUIC.Hydrothermalcoor-dinationisacomplexandnonlinearoptimization problem whichinvolves both the equality andinequality constraints. CuckoosearchAlgorithmalongwithotherconstraint handling techniques,wasused to solve theproblemofshort term variable head hydro-

thermalscheduling. Similarly, another seminar onIntro to Latex, facilitated by DrSaleemAslam,AssistantProfessorwasheldon3December2015.Thiswasmainlyfocusedonintroductionto Latex software and provideddetailsaboutimportantparametersandsyntax.Basicstructureoflatexdocuments and overview aboutmathematical operationswas alsohighlightedduringthesession. Correspondingly, a session on

Cryptography for low-costPervasive Systemswas conductedby Mr Umar Mujahid, AssistantProfessor on 17 December 2015.Radio Frequency Identi�ication(RFID)isoneofthemostpromisingidenti�icationschemesinthe�ieldofpervasivesystems.Thespeakersonthe seminar discussed about thesecurityissuesinlowcostRFIDsys-tems, security analysis of thenumerousUltralightweightMutualAuthentication Protocols (UMAPs)andthedesignissuesinthesepro-tocols.

organizes Seminars Electrical Engineering Department

M r T o k h i r M i r z o e v ,RepresentativeofIMFinPakistanwas invi ted at BUIC on 16December2015,todelivera lec-ture on Regional EconomicOutlook & Pakistan's Economy.

During lecture, he talked abouttheroleofIMFinPakistan.Itwasaveryusefulsessionandattendedby the students and faculty ofManagementSciences.

Lecture by Mr Tokhir MirzoevLecture by Mr Tokhir MirzoevLecture by Mr Tokhir Mirzoev

In collabora-t i o n w i t h S i x t yS e c o n d F i l mFestival, a musicaleventwasorganizeda t B U I C o n 2 9November 2015.Sixty Second FilmFestival is a move-

ment, aims to promote photographers andvideographers in Pakistan. The event was facili-tatedbySibtainHaider,aBUAlumini.Hebriefedtheaudienceabout theobjectiveof SixtySecondFilmFestivalandconductedasessiononphotogra-phyandvideography.Further,healsomentionedfewconceptsandbasictechniquesofcamerahan-dling. The day was endedwith the screening ofsomeprizewinningvideostotheparticipants.

SecondHECsponsoredIndigenousonCampusTraining, under Modern University GovernanceProgramwasheldfrom7to9December2015,atBUIC. Finance&Auditwasthesubjectoptedforthisphaseoftraining.AdministrativestafffromBUaswellasfromotherrenownededucationalenti-tiesattendedthistraining.Itwasaimedatenhanc-ingtheadministrativeskillsofthestaffworkingatdifferentlevelsinvariousleadinginstitution.

Sixty Second Sixty Second Film Festival SeminarFilm Festival Seminar

Sixty Second Film Festival Seminar

Indigenous on Indigenous on

Campus Training Campus Training under Modern University under Modern University

Governance Program Governance Program

Indigenous on

Campus Training under Modern University

Governance Program



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H i gh C apa c i t y Op t i c a lN e t w o r k s a n d E n a b l i n gTechnology is an internationalconference series conductedbyNUST in collaboration withUNCC, USA every year. During

this conference, Dr. TamimAhmed Khan and Mr ShaftabAhmed, faculty members, BUICD ep a r tmen t o f S o f twa reEngineering delivered lectures.Dr Tamim shed light on topic

Service Oriented Architecturewhile Mr Shaftab talked aboutCloudComputing&SmartCities.Theeventwasheldduring20to23December2015.

I n f o r m a t i v e L e c t u r e s b y D e p a r t m e n t o f Software Engineering

To p ay homage t o t h en a t i on a l h e ro D r A l l amaMohammad Iqbal, GovernmentofPakistanandHECjointlyorga-nizedagatheringatPresidencyon9November2015,wherestu-

dents and representatives ofdifferent universities wereinvited.AdelegationfromBUICalso attended this memorableevent. Honourable President ofPakistanandtheChairmanHEC

werepresentontheoccasionasChiefGuest.Theproceedingsofthe day includedKalam-e-Iqbalandmotivationaltalksbyseniorintellectualsofthecountry.

BUIC attends Iqbal Day gathering

Keeping its tradition alive, BUICobserved an Anti-Corruptionweek from 7 to 11 December2015.Duringtheentireweek,stu-dents and faculty membersremained equally involved toshow their dedication towardsthisdriveofconsiderableimpor-tance.On7ofDecember,Artsand

DramaticsSocietypreparedpost-ers, containing in�luential mes-sagesaf�ixedonthecampuswalls.On8ofDecemberMediaClubcon-ducted a photography competi-tion. Similarly, on 9 December,Literary Society set up a debatecompet i t ion , whi le on 10December exhibition of photo-

graphsandartworkwasheld.Ontheconcludingday,studentsandfaculty members conveyed vari-ous compellingmessages on thewall, specially designed for thispurpose. Overall, theweek trulyactedasconsequentialcampaign.

Anti-Corruption Week at BUIC

BU is a member of the Pakistan Chapter for TalloiresNetwork (PCTN) housed atNUST since July 2013. PCTNSecretariathasanintentiontostartsomecollaborativecom-munityserviceprojects.Todiscussthepossibilities,ameet-ing of focal persons from PCTN member universities ofRawalpindi and Islamabad was held at NUST on 1December2015.FromBUIC,thiswasattendedbyManagerSSCandAssistantManagerCSP. PCTNMemberUniversitiesmeton1stDecember2015

Meeting of PCTN Member Universities

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Aninter-universitydeclama-tion competition was mutuallyorganizedbySACHorganization& British High Commission for

Pakistanon10December2015.Studentsfromvariousuniversi-tiesparticipatedinthiscontest.Studentsof Social Science from

BU also took part and securedsecondandthirdpositions.

Inter -University Declamation Contest

A team from BUIC, partici-patedinawellknowneventIqraUniversityTectIQsCompetition,heldduring26to29November

2015atitsIslamabadCampus. During thiscompetition, Fahad

Asif from Literary and DebateSociety,BUtookpartin'ScenarioWriting',andacquired�irstposi-tion. Similarly, a team from

Dramatic Society competed in'Stage IT', and came second. Intheclosingceremony, Judgesoftheeventcommendedtheeffortsoftheteamsandindividuals.

BU participates in

Iqra University

TectIQs Competition

Toexpressideasaboutmak-ingPakistanataxfaircountry,apromotionalsessiononNationalYouth Film Festival was con-ducted on 1 December 2015,based on theme Pakistan Tax

Fair'. This session was a jointeffort of the Students ResourceCentre BUIC and the teamNationalYouthFilmFestival.Theeventstartedoffwiththespeechabouttheimportanceoftaxation

in developing and stabilizingPakistan.Alotofstudentscameupwithinnovativeideasonthesubject.

National Youth Film Festival

ForthemartyrsofArmyPublicSchool,BU organized a Fateha khwani on 16December2015,atKarachiandIslamabadcampus.Alargenumberofstudents,facultymembersandstaffgatheredtopaytributetotheMartyrsandthesurvivorsoftheterri-bleincident.

BU shows condolence for APS Martyrs


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A delegation from Yasar University(YU),TurkeyvisitedBULCon12November2015.ThedelegationincludedRectorYU,Prof Dr Gemali Dincer and Ms PatriciaTurkmenoglu, Director InternationalOf�ice YU. During their stay, they werebriefedabouttheBUactivities.Inaddition,deliberationsonfurthercollaborationpros-pectsweremade.RectorBUwasalsopres-entonthisoccasionandpresentedgrati-tudefortheirpresence.

DepartmentofManagementSciences, Bahria UniversityLahore Campus (BULC) orga-n i z e d a s e m i n a r o nS t r e n g t h en i n g Emp l oye eRelationson5November2015.Arangeofwellknownspeakersinc lud ing ; Mr Sa lahuddinAyyubi, Assistant Professor inE conomi c s Depa r tmen t -Forman Chr is t ian Co l legeLahore, Mr Haroon Waheed,Global HR Head - FatimahFertilizers and Mr Hammad

H u s s a i n , A s s i s t a n tCommissionerInlandRevenue-Government of Pakistan were

inv i ted as gues tspeakers . I t wasindeedanenlighten-i ng s e s s i on andattendedbyMSstu-dentsofthecampus.

Similarly, anotherinteresting seminartitledStorytellinginBusiness was orga-n i z e d o n 1 2November2015.For

this, Mr Usman A Khan, ChiefStrategy Of�icer- CheckmateConsultancy, UKwas invited asthekeyresourceperson.

Aworkshopon 'Leadership'was arranged on 24 November2015,underthefacultydevelop-mentprogrammeofBULC.ThiswasledbyMrAnnusMalik,VicePresident of Retail Banking atS tandard Char tered BankPakistan. All the faculty mem-bers keenlyparticipated in thislearningworkshop.





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To demonstrate students theactual workplace environmentand working operations, BULCarranges various academic visitstimetotime.Underthisdomain,an industrial tour ofBuleh ShahPackaging factory was arrangedby the MS department on 4December2015.Afterabriefses-siononhealth,safetyandcorpo-rate sustainability, the studentswitnessedtheentirepapermanu-facturingprocess.

Similarly,o n 2 1D e c em b e r2015,anothervisit to FinePackageswasarranged. Itwas startedwithalectureo n s u p p l ychain man-a g e m e n t .Lateron,studentsviewedthereal


Industrial Tour to Buleh Shah PackagingBuleh Shah PackagingBuleh Shah Packaging

To greet the newly joined students of Fall2015, a Welcome Party was arranged on 17December2015by the senior studentsof thecampus. Director Campus Commodore (Retd)Amjad Zaman SI (M) attended the day as theChiefGuest.Whileaddressingtheaudience,heencouragedthefresherstoactivelyparticipateandapplaudedtheoldstudentstoplansucharemarkable event. There were various enter-taining performances,whichwere thoroughlyenjoyedbytheaudience.

Welcome Party Fall 2015Welcome Party Fall 2015Welcome Party Fall 2015

BULCalsoobservedtheNABAnticorruption week and heldvarious activities during theent ire week from 7 to 11December 2015. The activities

which took place included the-matic poster competitions anddebatecontest.Awalkwasalsoorganizedon9Decembertohon-our Anticorruption Day. At the

endoftheweek,winnersofthecompetitionswereawardedcer-ti�icatesbytheDirectorCampusCommodore (Retd) AmjadZamanSI(M).






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Bahria University KarachiCampus (BUKC) organized agrand job fair on25November2015 at the campus premises.Around s ix ty we l l knowncompanies were invited toconduct interviews for theavailable job and internshipopportunities. Hundreds ofs tudents en thus ias t i ca l lyparticipated and availed theoppor tun i ty to appear ininterviews. In the currentcompetitivemarket,Jobfairisad i s t i n c t ive i dea t ha t ha s

p r e v a i l e damong t hea c a d e m i cinstitutionsto enhancet h e i rs t u d e n t s 'p l a c emen tc a p a c i t y .Moreover, itisasourceofnetworkingw i t h t h e r e n o w n e dorganizations for the studentsand A lumn i . BU a l s o ha s

successfully adopted the ideaandprovides suchplatforms tothestudentsfrequently.

Job Fair 2015 at BUKCJob Fair 2015 at BUKCJob Fair 2015 at BUKC


T o p r o v i d e t h estudentsofBUKCwithanopportunity to showcasetheir ta lent publ ic ly,StudentsResourceCentre(SRC) organized a socialevent tilted Bahria's GotTalent-4on24November2015.Approximately�iveh u n d r e d a n d � i f t ystudentsfromthecampuspassionatelyattendedtheshow. A lot of studentsperformed in variousca tegor ies inc lud ing

Dramatics, Music, Dancea n d S p e c i a l Ta l e n tshowcasing.AlumniBUKCknown as Karachi Vynz,werealsopresenton thedayasJury. Theoccasionwas also graced by thepresence of DirectorCampus CommodoreMohsin Hayat Malik TI(M). He applauded ande n c o u r a g e d t h eperformers and highlypraised the efforts oforganizersaswell.

Bahria's Got TalentBahria's Got TalentBahria's Got Talent

Agoodresumeplaysanimportantroleinthej o b s e a r c h f o rgraduating students. Itis a �irst impression tothepotentialemployer.Keeping in view itsimplications,aseminarwas held on resumeb u i l d i n g a n dinterviewing skills on

23 November 2015 atBUKC . D u r i n g t h esession, trainer alsoemphasized on theimportance of goodcommunication skills,con�idence and goodc o mm a n d o n t h esubject , which wil lmake them a goodchoicefortheemployer.

Seminar on Resume BuildingSeminar on Resume BuildingSeminar on Resume Building


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BUKC held its long awaitedevent Ideapreneurship on 15December2015,wherestudentsset up stalls to showcase theirinnovative business ideas. TheeventwassupervisedbyMrEssaKhan, Assistant Professor andmanagedbyBBAstudentsofthecampus. It was inaugurated bytheDirectorNCMPRCommodoreDrM Ihsan Qadir SI (M).Whileappreciating the efforts,He saidthat Bahria University willcontinuethecultureofpromotingsuch activities which boost the

entrepreneuri a l s k i l l samong t hestudents.Thee v e n t wa sattended byH o DManagementS c i e n c e ,Faculty, Staffmembersands e v e r a lstudents groups. The exhibitionhadfortyinspiringstalls.Afterathoroughevaluation,attheendof

the exhibition trophies weregiven to the winning teamsamongallthedisplayedplans.


Ideapreneurship 2015Ideapreneurship 2015Ideapreneurship 2015

BUKCManagementSciencesDepartment organized aneducationaleventSalesGalaon

17 December2015 at thec a m p u s .Through thise v e n t ,s t u d e n t sw e r eencouragedto come upw i t h s om ei n n ova t i v eideas of sales

and marketing. Similarly, theyalso got an opportunity to

practically face the customermarket and learn tactics ofmanaging business operationssuccessfully.

D irector BUKC Capta inMohsinHayatMalikinauguratedthe gala along with DeputyD i rec tor and Head o f theDepartment. It was indeed anenlightening event for thes t u d e n t s o f b u s i n e s sadministration.


BUKC Sales GalaBUKC Sales GalaBUKC Sales Gala

BS F ina l year s tudentsparticipated in DistinguishedInnovations, Collaboration &Entrepreneurship (DICE) 2015,a mega entrepreneurial event.ThiswasheldattheUniversityofAgriculture,Faisalabadon24&2 5 N ovembe r 2 0 15 . T h estudents from BUKCwith their�inal year project titled 'Ubi-Shop: A Ubiquitous ShoppingApp l i ca t ion Us ing IndoorTechnologies' participated. Theproject Ubi-Shopping is anandroid based application

designed tof a c i l i t a t ecustomers ino r d e r t oprovide themw i t h ap l e a s u r eexper i encewhilegrocerys h o p p i n g .C u s t ome r scan use theirsmartphonesalongwithindoortechnologies including Wi-FIandBluetoothforlocatingitems

within the supermarkets. Theconcept was highly praised bytheaudienceintheevent.


BUKC Students participate in DICE 2015BUKC Students participate in DICE 2015BUKC Students participate in DICE 2015

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B a h r i aU n i v e r s i t yMed ica l andDental College( B U M & D C )organized anO r i e n t a t i o nandWhiteCoatCeremony fort h e f o u r t hincoming BDSba tch on 22D e c e m b e r2 0 1 5 a tc a m p u sp r e m i s e s .Faculty members, senior navalof�icers, newly enrolled dentalstudents and their parentsattendedthisevent.

The ceremony commencedwiththerecitationfromtheHolyQuran, followed by nationalanthem.PrincipalDentalSection,Prof. Dr Zubair Ahmed Abbasipresentedawelcomeaddress.Inher speech, Brig (Retd) Prof DrShaheenMoin, Principal BahriaUniversity and Dean of FacultyandHealthSciencesemphasizedon the indispensable role of a

Dentist in community health.Shealsohighlightedtheneedforcompass ion , hones ty anddedication throughout thejourney towards a successfuldentalprofessional.

DG BUM&DC Vice Admiral(Retd) Tehseenullah Khan, HI(M) graced the occasion as theChief Guest. In his remarks, hestated that the mission ofBUM&DC is to impart qualityeducation and provide state ofthe art educational facilities. Inaddition, Dr Kulsoom Fatima

Rizvi, Vice Principal DentalS e c t i o n a nd Head o f t h eDepartment of CommunityD e n t i s t r y d i s c u s s e d t h ec u r r i c u l u m , t e a c h i n gmethodologies and studentevaluation protocol at thecampus. The studentswore thesymbolicwhitecoatsasentrantsinto the dental profession.Professor Dr Zubair AhmedAbbasi, took Oath from newlyenrolleddentalstudentstoservethe nat ion as responsibledoctors. This memorable eventconcluded with a traditionalsigning-inceremony.

BUM&DCDentalsectionparticipatedinaContinuingMedicalEducation(CME)/ContinuingDentalEducation(CDE)sessiononResearchMethodologyandEpidemiology, hosted by Bhitai Dental and MedicalCollegeon17November2015.Itwasaimedateducatingdental faculty, students and practitioners from otherinstitutesaswell,aboutthebasicsofResearchincludingprinciples of research designing, procedures andapplicationsofepidemiologyforconductingaresearch.Anumberofexperiencedinstructorswereinvitedtosharetheirknowledgewiththeparticipantsonthisplatform.

BUM&DC welcomesBUM&DC welcomes BUM&DC welcomes BDS Fourth Batch BDS Fourth Batch BDS Fourth Batch


Dental Section attends Session on Dental Section attends Session on Dental Section attends Session on Research Methodology and EpidemiologyResearch Methodology and EpidemiologyResearch Methodology and Epidemiology


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The Institute ofP r o f e s s i o n a lP s yc ho l o g y ( I PP )hosteditsannualevent' M e n t a l H e a l t hAwarenessCamp2015'on 20 November atKarachiCampus,underthe supervision ofDirectorIPP,DrZainabF.Zadeh.DGBUKCViceAdm i ra l ( Re t d ) K h awa j aGhazanfar Hussain HI (M)inaugurated the event. Besides,others who attended the eventwere Director BUKC, Faculty


Duringthecamp,theessenceofmentalhealthwasdeliberated,whatitstandsforaswellashowvarious mental health services

c a t e r t o a l a r g e rc o m m u n i t y f o rimproved well-being.T o a c h i e v e t h eaforementioned aimthe camp comprisedfour different stations:' E m o t i o n a lIntelligence', 'CopingManagers', 'Know thyself'and'DrawingTest',

where the testswere conductedbythestudentsofIPPunderthedirection of their faculty. Thetheme devised for this year'scampwas'ShadesofLife'.


Mental Health Awareness Camp 2015

In order to enable PakistanNaval Of � icers to explore ,identify and utilize their innerp e r s o n a l s t r e n g t h s f o rprofessional excellence, IPPconducted three days trainingworkshop f rom 28 t o 30December2015,atBUKC.Onthe�irst day of training, Dr ZainabHussain Bhutto , AssociateP r o f e s s o r t r a i n e d t h eparticipantsonhowchallengingand dif�icult situations can behandled through EmotionalI n t e l l i g e n c e . E ff e c t i v eCommunication Skills weretaught by Ms Batool Fatima,

Senior Lecturer on second day.S h e b r i e f e d a b o u t h o wimportant role communicationskillsplayduringinteractionandm a i n t a i n i n g h e a l t h yrelationshipwithothers.SessiononPositivethinkingwascarriedout on third day by Ms Naima

Shariff, Lecturer to enablep a r t i c i p a n t s t o b e mo rep roa c t ive and op t im i s t i ct owa rd s t h e c h a l l e n g i n genvironment and to developstrong personality. Besidepresentations,thesessionswerehighlyinteractive.

Training for achieving Professional Excellence

through Personal Growth


On successfulcompletionofMSinClinical Psychology,

Ms Naima FatimaShariff,LecturerIPPhas received a gold

medal during 12thConvocation on 20December2015.




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Under the supervisionofMsHiraSyed,studentsofIPParrangedaneventtitledD r a m a t i q u e o n 1 8November 2015 at BUKC.Theeventencompassedsixplays depicting differentshades of life. Revenge,Love, Hatred, Envy, Pride,

Loneliness, enlightenmentand change were t hethemes opted for the acts.The main purpose of thiseventwasto inculcateandp o l i s h t h e o r a lcommunication as well aspublicspeakingskillsofthestudents.


Guest Speaker Session on Gender Identity and Sexual Development

Dr Dav id Rowland ,Professor and Dean ofG r a d u a t e S c h o o l a tVa lpara i so Un ivers i tydelivered a lecturer onGenderIdentityandSexualD e v e l o p m e n t o n 2 7Novembe r 2015 . T h electure was based on theintroductory model ofpsychology behind human

sexuality and its relationw i t h b i o l o g i c a ldeve lopment . He a l sos h a r e d h i s t e a c h i n gexperiences,whichenabledthestudents to learncrosscultural perspective abouthuman sexuality. This wasfacilitated by Dr KiranBashir Ahmad, AssistantProfessoratIPP.

Lecture on Traumatic Head Injury and its Effects DrJimNelson,Professorat Valparaiso Universitydelivered a lecture onTraumaticHeadInjuryanditsEffectson26November,2015, at IPP. This wasspeci�icallyarrangedforthestudents of BS, MS andMPhil programs to create

awa rene s s a bou t t h eNeurocognitive aspect todeal with heady injury.Duringthislecture,speakerexplained the methods ofa s s e s s m e n t a n dinterventions to deal withpatients, who suffer frombraininjury.

Director IPP, Dr Zainab FZ adeh was i nv i t ed a t PNdockyard on 14 December2015,toattendaworkshopasguest speaker. During this

occas ion , she de l ivered alectureonCoreHumanValuesand Ethics. Similarly, on 3November2015, sheeducatedt h e a u d i e n c e o n S t r e s s

Managementduringaseminararranged by Department ofpsycho logy, Un ivers i ty o fKarachi.

Director IPP attends Workshops as Speaker




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NationalCentreforMaritimePo l i cy Research (NCMPR)celebratedWorld FisheriesDayby organizing a seminar on 21November 2015 at BUKC. Thetheme devised for the daywasChallengesandOpportunitiesinMaintenance of SustainableF i s h e r i e s i n P a k i s t a n .Commander Karach i V i ceAdmiralSyedArifullahHussainiHI(M)TBtwastheChiefGuest.Ex-Additional Secretary, LiveStock & Fisheries Department,Mr Waheed Ahmed, TechnicalAdvisor of Marine FisheriesWWF Mr Moazzam Khan andDirector Operations PakistanMarit ime Securi ty AgencyCommander Ateequr RehmanAbidcontributedasspeakers.

The objective intended forthis seminar was to shareinformation about maritime�isheries, identifyconstraints insustainabilityof�isheriessectorof Pakistan and highlight thei s s u e s r e l a t e d t o t h emanagementforconservationof�isheriesresources.

M r W a h e e d A h m e dhighlightedissuesrelatedtotheR e g u l a t i o n a n d P o l i c y

Framework-Challengesfor the Sus ta inab leFisheries Developmentand e l abora ted ther e a s on s f o r i t . M r.M o a z z a m K h a nexplained the Impact ofc l im a t e c h a n g e o n�isheries resources andthescopeof �isheries inI n d i a n O c e a n .Commander AteequrRehmanAbidillustratedtheRoleofPMSA in thes u s t a i n a b l emanagement of marine�isheries.

Whileaddressingtheaudience, Vice AdmiralArifullahHussainistatedthat there is a need totake stakeholders on board ino rd e r t o s o lve p rob l emspertaining to �isheries andeventuallythingswillgetbetterw i th be t te r s t ra tegy andcoordination.”Inhisconcludingremarks , DG NCMPR V iceAdm i ra l ( Re t d ) K h awa j aGhazanfar Hussain HI (M)thanked the participants of theevent.Hefurthermentionedthatthe Development of �isheriessector i s one o f the good

opportunities for Pakistan togenerate substantial economicgrowth. This enl ighteningsessionwasattendedbyvariousprominent Dignitaries, NavalOf�icers, Government Of�icials,Marine Scientists, Intellectuals,Researchers, representative ofFishermen community fromS i n d h , B a l u c h i s t a n a n ds takeholders o f F i sher iesSectors.

NCMPR holds a Seminar on

World Fisheries DayWorld Fisheries DayWorld Fisheries Day

A research paperof Commodore Dr MIhsan Qadir SI (M),DirectorNCMPR,titled“Abounding internal

con�licts in Africa: AnanalysisofPrepotencyofgreedorgrievanceshasbeenpublishedinMargala Papers 2015,

a journal of NationalDefence UniversityIslamabad.

Paper Publication



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T h eP a k i s t a nI n s t i t u t e f o rParliamentaryS e r v i c e so r g a n i z e d at h r e e d a y sn a t i o n a lworkshop onI n t e g r a t e dLibrary SessionKOHAonfrom6to 8 October 2015. Thesein teract ive sess ions wereconducted by Mr Sher Afzal,Chief Librarian of BU. Arounds e v e n t e e n p a r t i c i p a n t sincludinglibrariansandITstafffrom the National Assembly,

Senate,provincialassembliesaswellaslegislativeassembliesofAJKandGilgitBaltistanandPIPSR e s e a r c h a n d I T w i n gparticipated.


w o r k s h o pthrough videol i n k w a so rgan i z ed a tB U I C o n 1 9October 2015.This was alsofacilitatedbyMrS h e r A f z a l .D u r i n g t h es e s s i o n , t h etopics covered

were;KOHA, Plagiarism, EDDC,Information Literacy, HECDigitalLibraryandEndnotes.Itwas attended by the librarypersonnelofall theconstituentunitsofBahriaUniversity.

Workshops for Library Personnel


In order to promote thereading culture and developbetter reading habits amongstudents, Bahria University in

col laborat ion with OxfordUniversity Press conducted atwodaysBookExhibitionon27&28October2015atBUIC.The

eventwasagreatsuccessfortheorganizers and received a welldeservedfeedback.


N CM P R o r g a n i z e d a nawareness session for thestudents of Maritime on 5December2015.ThiswasledbyM r S . M S a a d , A s s i s t a n tLibrarian NCMPR. During thissession,heupdatedthestudentsabou t t he u s e o f va r i ou sdatabase sources, provided byHEC,suchasSpringer,Emerald,WorldBank.Org, IEEE,EUPJournalsandScienceOnline.

NCMPR conducts a Session on E-Library Usage


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In November 2015, Bahria University hascollaboratedwithBastaFoundationtoassistinitsCommunitySupportProgramme(CSP).Bastaaimstoprovidebasiccareerdevelopmentskillstothestudents of under privileged communities. Aproject titled Basta Project has been exclusivelydesigned for the students of BUIC. Under thisproject, the students have to complete fortycontact hours and are expected to spend threehoursperweekatBastaFoundation.BUstudentsare acting as thementors and eachmentor hasbeenassignedachild.


Memorandum of Understanding with CivitanInternational to facilitate its CSP in an effectivemanner.

On the other hand, for the children of BasicEducation Community School, cartoon movie

'Tarzaan'wasscreenedatBUICon14December2015.Inthesameway,Zootripwasalsoarrangedforthesestudentson21December2015.Boththeinitiativeswere carriedoutunderBUICCSPandaimed at providing those children a healthyentertainment time,which is not a part of theirroutinelife.

BUIC Community Support Initiatives

A d e l e g a t i o n o fstudents a long withD i r e c t o r C a m p u sCommodore Mohs inHayatMalikTI (M)met

Abdul Sattar Edhi toenquireabouthishealthandwished him for hisquickrecovery.


BU Delegation meets Abdul Sattar Edhi


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A dental outreach for the senior citizens,residing at Dar-ul-Sukun was arranged on 18December2015,underCSPofBUM&DC.Thiswasentirelymanaged by the Dental Section and thevisiting team included some �inal year studentsandCSPoverseers.TheteamwasspearheadedbyDrRaimaBashirandDrSehrishAhmed,lecturersat BUMDC. The day started with the basic

awarenessonmaintenanceoforalhealth.Lateravisual demonstration was given for betterunderstanding.


Visit of BUM&DC at Dar-ul-Sukun

The Department of Community Dentistry,BUM&DC, arranged a session on Oral HealthAwarenessforthestudentsofPNSNursingSchoolon19November2015.ThesessionwasheadedbyDr Kulsoom Fatima Rizvi, HoD CommunityDentistry.AsNursescanplayasigni�icantroleinimproving the quality of oral health withappropriate education and training, so this CSPendeavour was adopted to educate nurses. The

sessionproceededwithaninteractivelecturewitha clear emphasize on the role of nurses inpromotionofhealth, pertaining topreventionoforaldiseases.Moreover,adiscussionwasmadetoidentifytheriskfactorsassociatedwithpoororalhygieneandabilitytoassessandhelppatientsinmaintaining good health. The session concludedwiththedistributionofenlighteningbrochures.

Oral Health Education Session

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BUKC Sports Week 2015

Specialmatcheswerealsoorganizedbetweenstudentsandfacultymembers. Allthestudentsandfacultymembersenergeticallycontributedduringthewholeweek.ItwasinauguratedbyDGBUKCViceAdmiral(Retd)KhawajaGhazanfarHussainHI(M).

MrSeanGarnier,aworldfamousFrenchFootballFreestylervisitedBUon23November2015.DuringhisvisitheshowcasedFootballfreestylingskillsto thestudentsofBUICandprovided themvarious fruitful tips.Footballlovingstudentskeenlyattendedthissession.

Mr. Sean Garnier, French Footballer visits BUIC



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BUICBasketballteamwonHECInterUniversityBasketballChampionshipsZones'C'.ItwasheldatNational University of Sciences and Technology(NUST)Islamabadduring19to22December2015.Thirteen teams from various universitiesparticipatedinthissportsevent.

HEC Inter University Basketball



Inter-Departmental Sports Competition on the 10

December 2015. Themain purpose of this competition


them a chance to polish themselves, so that they can


Various games werep l a y e d d u r i n g t h i scontest, which includedBasketball,TableTennis,V o l l e y b a l l a n dBadminton.Amongstall,Department of SocialSciences won maximumc o m p e t i t i o n s a n dd e c l a r e d a s S p o r t sChampion for thewholesemester.

BULC Sports Gala 2015 SportsGala2015washeldatBULCduring15to 17 December 2015. Competitions of Cricket,Badminton, Basketball, Table Tennis and Chesswereorganized.Itwasattendedbyaconsiderablenumberofstudentsfromthecampus.

OntheclosingdayofGala,winnersand runners up ofthe competitionsw e r e a w a r d e dcer t i � i ca tes andt roph i e s by t heDirectorCampus.DirectorBULCdistributingtrophytothewinnersofSportsGala2015

Inter- departmental Sports Competition


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