ISSN - 0974-1550 ENVIS volume6.No.2.pdfISSN - 0974-1550...

ISSN - 0974-1550 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2008 (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India) (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India) ENVIS NEWSLETTER ENVIS NEWSLETTER MICROORGANISMS AND ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT MICROORGANISMS AND ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT Websites:;; (Tamil website) ENVIS CENTRE Department of Zoology University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai - 600 025 Telefax: 91-44-22300899; E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

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(Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India)(Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India)


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ENVIS CENTREDepartment of Zoology

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Page 2: ISSN - 0974-1550 ENVIS volume6.No.2.pdfISSN - 0974-1550 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2008 (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests,


ENVIS Newsletter on Microorganisms

and Environment Management, a quarterly

publication, publishes original research

articles, reviews, reports, research highlights,

news-scan etc., related to the thematic area of

the ENVIS Centre. In order to disseminate the

cutting-edge of research to user community. ENVIS Centre on Microorganisms and

Environment Management invites original

research and review articles, notes, research

and meeting reports. Details of forthcoming

conferences / seminars / symposia / trainings /

workshops also be considered for publication

in the newsletter.

The articles and other information

should be typed in double space with maximum

of 8-10 typed pages. Photographs/ line

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with clarity for reproduction in the newsletter.

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ENVIS Centre

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University of Madras

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Volume 6 | Number 2 | June 2008

EDITORS Prof. N. Munuswamy

(ENVIS Co-ordinator)

Dr. N. Godhantaraman

Scientist - D


Prof. N. Munuswamy (Co-ordinator)

Dr. N. Godhantaraman (Scientist - D)

Mr.S. Padmanabhan (Information Officer)

Mrs. N. Vijaya Lakshmi (Asst. Information Officer)

Mr. D. Siva Arun (IT/Web-Assistant)


Department of Zoology

University of Madras, Guindy Campus,

Chennai - 600 025, Tamilnadu, India.


Ministry of Environment and Forests

Government of India

New Delhi.

Environmental Information System (ENVIS)

Cover Page : Fungus (Pleurotus sp.)

Page 3: ISSN - 0974-1550 ENVIS volume6.No.2.pdfISSN - 0974-1550 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2008 (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests,

ENVIS Newsletter on Microorganisms and Environment Management


ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008

Dear Readers,

Thanks for your readership. Once again

we bring to you our quarterly ENVIS Newsletter on

“ M i c r o o r g a n i s m s a n d E n v i r o n m e n t


Along with research articles, reports and

abstracts of recent publications, this issue also

highlights the significance of ‘World Environment

Day 2008’.

th On 5 June 2008, the fraternity at the

Guindy Campus, University of Madras came

together to show their commitment to save the

earth - planet. They pledged to “Kick the Habit”

(the ‘carbon’ habit) and organised a campus

cleaning drive. Saplings were planted in the

campus and the commitment to be a part of the

solution towards a carbon-neutral existence was


ENVIS newsletter has become a popular

source of informat ion on environment

management and related issues. We appreciate

your constructive feedback to improve our

activities and services.

For further information about ENVIS, please

visit :

World Environment Day, Message from UN

Secretary General


Environmental Degradation of Polyolefin's Ambika Arkatkarand Mukesh Doble

Decolourization of Effluent using Immobilized

Fungus (Pleurotus sp. MAK-II)

M. Arulmani, K. Murugesan, V. Geetha and

P.T. Kalaichelvan

Prospects of Marine Biofertilizers for Saline

Soil Crop Cultivation

S. Ravikumar


Abundance and Diversity of Microbial life in

Ocean Crust


Seafloor Diversity Points to Origin of Life

Microbes Mutated in Outer Space become far

more Dangerous

Microbes as Climate Engineers

Methane from Microbes a Fuel for the Future


Rain - Making Bacteria found Worldwide


Summer Workshop on Fungal Biotechnology






Prof. N. Munuswamy


Page No.















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ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008

ddiction is a terrible thing. It consumes and controls us, makes us deny important truths and blinds us to the consequences of our actions. Our world is in the grip of a dangerous carbon habit.

Coal and oil paved the way for the developed world’s industrial progress. Fast-developing countries are now taking the same path in search of equal living standards. Meanwhile, in the least developed countries, even less sustainable energy sources, such as charcoal, remain the only available option for the poor.

Our dependence on carbon-based energy has caused a significant build-up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Last year, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change put the final nail in the coffin of global warming sceptics. We know that climate change is happening, and we know that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that we emit are the cause.

We don’t just burn carbon in the form of fossil fuels. Throughout the tropics, valuable forests are being felled for timber and making paper, for pasture and arable land and, increasingly, for plantations to supply a growing demand for biofuels. This

; further manifestation of our carbon habit not only releases vast amounts of CO it also destroys a valuable resource for absorbing 2

atmospheric carbon, further contributing to climate change.

The environmental, economic and political implications of global warming are profound. Ecosystems -- from mountain to ocean, from the Poles to the tropics -- are undergoing rapid change. Low-lying cities face inundation, fertile lands are turning to desert, and weather patterns are becoming ever more unpredictable.

The cost will be borne by all. The poor will be hardest hit by weather-related disasters and by soaring price inflation for staple foods, but even the richest nations face the prospect of economic recession and a world in conflict over diminishing resources. Mitigating climate change, eradicating poverty and promoting economic and political stability all demand the same solution: we must kick the carbon habit. This is the theme for World Environment Day 2008. “Kick the Habit: Towards a Low Carbon Economy”, recognizes the damaging extent of our addiction, and it shows the way forward.

Often we need a crisis to wake us to reality. With the climate crisis upon us, businesses and governments are realizing that, far from costing the Earth, addressing global warming can actually save money and invigorate economies. While the estimated costs of climate change are incalculable, the price tag for fighting it may be less than any of us may have thought. Some estimates put the cost at less than one per cent of global gross domestic product -- a cheap price indeed for waging a global war.

Even better news is that technologies already exist are under development to make our consumption of carbon-based fuels cleaner and more efficient and to harness the renewable power of sun, wind and waves. The private sector, in particular, is competing to capitalize on what they recognize as a massive business opportunity.

Around the world, nations, cities, organizations and businesses are looking afresh at green options. At the United Nations, I have instructed that the plan for renovating our New York headquarters should follow strict environmental guidelines. I have also asked the chief executives of all UN programmes, funds and specialized agencies to move swiftly towards carbon neutrality.

Earlier this year, the UN Environment Programme launched a climate neutral network -- CN Net -- to energize this growing trend. Its inaugural members, which include countries, cities and companies, are pioneers in a movement that I believe will increasingly define environmental, economic and political discourse and decision making over the coming decades.

The message of World Environment Day 2008 is that we are all part of the solution. Whether you are an individual, an organization, a business or a government, there are many steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint. This message we all must take to heart.



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n India according to future flow analysis the total

virgin plastics consumption is expected to reach

20,000 KT by the year of 2030 and over 18, 800 KT of

waste can be generated. The consumption of

thermoplastics was 40 million tones in European

countries ( website, 2004 & 2006).

Polyolefins like Polypropylene (PP), Low density

polyethylene (LDPE) & High density polyethylene

(HDPE) account for about 60% of the total plastics

consumption in India. Dumping of plastic in the

environment at such a large amount is causing already

serious problems to the flora and fauna. The

conventional method like incineration is a source of

secondary hazardous product. This plastic waste

degrades the environmental conditions at a very slow

rate. The low rate of biodegradation of plastics is

usually due to properties of the polymeric material like

lack of water solubility (Hydrophobicity) and size of the

polymer molecules (long chains and high molecular

weight which prevents the breakdown of the polymeric

bond) that microbial cell are unable to transport directly

in their cells.

Literature review

Biodegradation ultimately results in the

consumption of polymer by the microorganism. The

growth activity study of the microbes like fungi

(Aspergillus niger, A.flavus, A.oryzae, Chaetomium

globusum, Penicillium funiculosum, Pullularia

pullulan), bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa,

Bacillus cereus,

Coryneformes bacterium, Mycobacterium, Nocardia,

Corynebacterium and Candida) and Actinomycetales

(Streptomycetaceae) on the agar plate for a definite

Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp.,

time period revealed the capability of these

microbes to degrade. Polyethylene (PE). There are

scare reports on PP biodegradation. Fungal species

(A. niger) and microbial communities such as

Pseudomonas and Vibrio species have been

reported to biodegrade PP. Isotactic PP exposed to

a bacterial consortium for 175 days had 40%

methylene chloride extractable compounds, which

was mixture of hydrocarbons (between C H to 10 22

C H ). 30-60 % growth of A. niger was observed on 31 64

gamma irradiated PP films in six weeks, indicating

that the fungus is able to grow taking this polymer as

its sole carbon source. The continuous chain of

repetitive methylene units makes PP resistant to


How to address the problem?

For achieving the task of biodegradation it is a

prerequisite that the polymer surface is modified to

some extent. Pretreatment and blending PE with

natural polymer can modify the surface.


Under environmental conditions natural

weathering, which includes solar radiation, UV and

thermal, is a process that affects polymeric

properties to some extent but at a slower rate. It is

reported that there is a synergistic effect between

photo oxidation and the biodegradation of

polyethylene. Treatments such as UV, thermal and

chemical leading to oxidation of the polymer surface

can be effectively used as a pretreatment strategy

before subjecting it to biodegradation. These

pretreatments lead to oxidation of the polymer

surface that decreases the hydrophobicity and

helps in the attachment of microorganism. The

attachment of organism to the polymeric surface

further enhances the biofilms formation. Microbes

utilize the functional groups like carbonyl, carboxyl

and ester produced on the polymer surface during

oxidation. Such studies are done with polyethylene

and have shown positive results in the form of

increase in the biodegradation with increase in the

irradiation time of UV.

Ambika Arkatkarand Mukesh DobleDepartment of Biotechnology,

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai-600036, India

Email : [email protected]


Environmental Degradation of Polyolefin's


ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008


Page 6: ISSN - 0974-1550 ENVIS volume6.No.2.pdfISSN - 0974-1550 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2008 (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests,


Natural polymers like Poly lactic acid (PLA), Poly

å- caprolactone (PCL) and Polysaccharides can be

blended to some extent with the synthetic polymer. In

these blends the natural polymer being biodegradable

will help in the formation of biofilm on the surface.

Current research in our laboratory

We are studying the effect of various physical and

chemical pretreatment on the biodegradation of LDPE,

HDPE, starch blended PE and PP. Soil and marine

microorganisms have been isolated and are being

tested for their efficacy in carrying out the

biodegradation of these polymers. Several different

pretreatment strategies such as UV, thermal, chemical

are being tested to enhance the process. The

pretreated PP is then exposed to mixed soil culture.

The mixed soil culture is a suspension of soil sample

from a local dumping site. The experiments are carried

out in a minimal media. From our one year experiments

with thermally pretreated PP and mixed soil culture we

found good results. As already reported pretreatment

of the polymer surface works in synergy with microbial

attachment to enhance biodegradation. After one year

microorganism isolated from the mixed culture are

found to be Bacillus and Pseudomonas sp.

The polymer samples are monitored by

techniques like Baclight staining, Fourier transform

infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Differential scanning

calorimetry (DSC), Scanning electron microscopy

(SEM), Contact angle and Tensile strength etc.

Baclight staining helps us to observe live and dead

microorganisms on the polymer surface. SEM and

Contact angle measurements helps in studying

surface changes on the polymer whereas FTIR and

DSC techniques analyse the chemical and structural

changes in the polymer.

Further reading:

Arutchelvi, J., Sudhakar, M., Ambika Arkatkar,

Mukesh Doble, Sumit Bhaduri and Parasu Veera

Uppara (2008). Biodegradation of polyethylene

and polypropylene. Indian Journal of

Biotechnology. 7, 9-22.

Artham, T and Mukesh Doble. (2007).

Biodegradation of Aliphatic and Aromatic

Polycarbonates. Macromolecular Bioscience. doi

10.1002/mabi.200700106 (Press).

Sudhakar, M., Mukesh Doble, Sriyutha Murthy, P.,

and Venkatesan, R. (2007). Marine Microbe

Mediated Biodegradation of Low and High

D e n s i t y P o l y e t h y l e n e . I n t e r n a t i o n a l

B iodegardat ion and B iodeter io ra t ion .

doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2007.07.011 (in press).

Sudhakar, M., Trishul, A., Mukesh Doble, Suresh

Kumar, K., Syed Jahan, S., Inbakandan,

Viduthalai, R., Umadevi, P., Sriyutha Murthy, P.

and Venkatesan, R. (2007). Biofouling and

biodegradation of polyolefins in ocean waters.

Polymer Degradation and Stability. 92,


Sudhakar, M., Priyadarshini, Mukesh Doble,

Sriyutha Murthy, P., and Venkatesan, R. (2007).

Marine Bacteria Mediated Degradation of nylon

66 and 6. International Biodeterioration and

Biodegradation. 60, 144-151.

For more details contact :

Dr. Mukesh Doble, Ph. D.Lab : Bioengineering & Drug DesignProfessor, Department of BiotechnologyIIT Madras, Chennai - 600036, INDIA(Tel:044-2257 4107; Fax:044-2257 4102)Email : [email protected], [email protected] Website:

ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008

The SEM analysis of the PP surface after 12 months

The Baclight staining of PP surface after 12 months (Live organism- green anddead organism- red in colour)


Page 7: ISSN - 0974-1550 ENVIS volume6.No.2.pdfISSN - 0974-1550 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2008 (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests,

ndia is one of the main producer and

consumer of synthetic organic chemicals including

synthetic dyes. Synthetic dyes are used extensively in

textile dyeing, paper printing and colour photography

and also as additives in petroleum products. A wide

variety of synthetic dyes namely azo, polymeric,

anthraquinone, triphenylmethane and heterocyclic

dyes is used in textile dyeing processes. Worldwide

more than 10,000 dyes and pigments are used in

dyeing and printing industries. The total world

colourant production is estimated to be 8,00,000

tonnes per year and at least 10% of the used dyestuff

enters the environment through wastes (Levin et al.,

2004; Palmieri et al., 2005). The textile industry

accounts for two-thirds of the total dyestuff market (Riu

et al., 1998) and consumes large volumes of water and

chemicals for wet processing of textiles. An estimated,

10-15% of dye is discharged or lost into the effluents

during different dyeing processes (Zollinger, 2002).

Wastewaters from textile industries are a

complex mixture of many polluting substances like

acids, salts, organochlorine-based pesticides, heavy

metals, pigments, dyes etc., Due to complex nature

and hard-to-treat by conventional methods, textile

dyeing industries are facing problems to safe discharge

of wastewater. There have been several successful

methods developed based on physical and chemical

processes for colour removal of textile dyeing effluents.

They include coagulation/flocculation, membrane

fi l tration and activated carbon adsorption.

Unfortunately, these methods of effluent treatment

have high operating costs and limited applicability.

Further, these treatment methods produce large

quantities of sludge, which again create a problem in

waste disposal (Moreira et al., 2000). In recent years,

b io log ica l decolour izat ion us ing potent ia l

microorganisms capable of decolourizing and

detoxifying the synthetic dyes has been considered as

a p r o m i s i n g a n d e c o - f r i e n d l y m e t h o d

(Couto et al., 2005; Camarero et al., 2005).

Over the past few decades, numerous

microorganisms have been isolated and

characterized for decolourization of various groups

of synthetic dyes. In general, azo dyes are resistant

to bacterial degradation. However, certain bacteria

can degrade dyestuff by azoreductase activity

(Chung and Stevens, 1993). White rot fungi (WRF),

a group of basidiomycetous are the potential

organisms capable of mineralizing the complex

wood polymer and a wide variety of recalcitrant

compounds like xenobiotics, lignin and dyestuff by

their extracellular lignolytic enzyme system. WRF

offer significant advantages over bacterial system

since their extracellular lignolytic enzyme system

consisting of lignin peroxidases, manganese

dependent peroxidases, manganese independent

versatile peroxidases, and laccases and they

degrade a wide variety of complex aromatic

dyestuffs (Boer et al., 2004; Kamistsuji et al., 2005).

White-rot fungi do not require preconditioning to

particular pollutants, because enzyme secretion

depends on nutrient limitation, nitrogen or carbon,

rather than presence of pollutant. The extracellular

enzyme system also enables white-rot fungus

(WRF) to tolerate high concentration of pollutants

(Knapp et al., 1997).

However, the fungi in waste treatment and

bioremediation do not always enable the culture

conditions for lignolytic to be fulfilled. Other white rot

fungi namely Bjerkandera adusta, Irpex lacteus,

Plebioa radiata, Pleurotus ostreatus, P.sajor-caju,

Ganodema lucidum, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus and

Trametes versicolor have been demonstrated for the

decomposition of several recalcitrant dyes (Novotny

et al., 2001; Murugesan et al., 2006; 2007). The

enzymatic treatment of industrial waste has

exhibited several advantages over other physical

methods because it can be applied even to

compounds, which are biorefractory and it can be

operated at varied temperatures, pH and salinities.

Moreover, the enzymatic treatment of

wastes does not leave much sludge at the treatment

site. Much attention has been focused on the

development of processes to treat the wastewaters,

solid wastes, hazardous wastes and ameliorate

contaminated soils realizing the potential application

of enzyme treatments.

5ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008

Decolourization of Effluent using Immobilized Fungus

(Pleurotus sp. MAK-II)

M. Arulmani, K. Murugesan, V. Geetha andP.T. Kalaichelvan

Centre for Advanced Studies in BotanyUniversity of Madras, Guindy CampusChennai - 600 025, Tamil Nadu, India

Email : [email protected]


Page 8: ISSN - 0974-1550 ENVIS volume6.No.2.pdfISSN - 0974-1550 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2008 (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests,

Agar Plate culture After 1 day

Immobilization of enzymes

Biodegradation appears to be a promising

technology, particularly the use of oxidative enzymes

as biocatalyst included with a microorganism or free

enzyme. Laccase has received particular attention

because of its ability to catalyze the oxidation of a wide

spectrum of molecules containing an aromatic ring

substituted with electron withdrawing groups

(D’Annibale et al., 1999). Enzyme immobilization

usually allows a good preservation of enzyme activity

over a long period (D’Annibale et al., 1999). The

efficiency of enzyme extract is enhanced by selective

adsorption when immobilized, as reported by Tatsumi

et al. (1996), in the removal of chlorophenols from

wastewaters by peroxidase immobilized on magnetite.

In most cases, laccases are immobilized on porous

beads. Xenobiotics are degraded in bed-packed

column reactors. However, immobilization of enzymes

on a membrane and the use of filtration offer several

advantages. First it allows the simultaneous

downstream separation of the transformation

products, when they are insoluble and secondly flow

rates can be higher than with packed beads, because

all the substrate flows through the support instead of

diffusing in the bead pores. Some of the intended

applications e.g. kraft pulp bleaching, dye effluent

using laccase involve high pH. Among the 40-50

known fungal laccases, a few are active at alkaline pH

(Schneider et al., 1999). Being added to alkaline

detergents, the laccases are able to oxidize various

textile dyes to bleach the undesirable colour in

washing solution.

Effluent treatment by immobilized mycelium

The efficiency of immobilized Pleurotus sp.

MAK-II for the decolourizing of the textile dye effluent

was assessed. Figure 1 shows the steps involved for

the textile dyeing effluent treatment with immobilized

mycelium of Pleurotus sp. MAK-II. The SEM

micrograph of immobilized fungus alginate beads was

completely different from that of the beads without

fungus. Table 1 shows the physicochemical properties

of the untreated and immobilized fungal treated

effluents. The initial and final pH of untreated effluent

was 9.5-9.8, whereas, the treated effluent pH after 15

days decreased to 7.0-7.2. The values of BOD and

COD found high in the untreated effluent, whereas the

immobilized mycelium of the test fungus removed up

to 75% and 80% of BOD and COD, respectively.

6ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008

Liquid plate culture After 5 days

Immobilization After 10 days

Growth of Immobilized culture at 120 rpm 2days.

After 15 daysNote the decolourization of

effluent at different days of treatment in Bioreactor.


SEM of sodium alginate beads

Without cell Immobilization

With cellImmobilization

Fig. 1 Effluent treatment with immobilized mycelium of Pleurotus sp. MAK-II

Fig. 2 laccase activity by immobilized mucelium

of Pleurotus sp. MAK - II

Declolourization of the dye effluent and









se a


ity (



Incubation time (day)

Page 9: ISSN - 0974-1550 ENVIS volume6.No.2.pdfISSN - 0974-1550 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2008 (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests,

th The fungus removed 55% of the colour on 15 day and

the maximum laccase activity of 27.81 U/mL observed thon 12 day (Fig. 2). Reduction of peak height in the UV

spectrum clearly indicate decolourization of effluent

(Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 UV-visible spectram of decolourization of effluent

by immobilized myceliam. Spectra after (1)1 day

(2) 5 days (3) 10 days (4) 15 days treatment.

Table 1. Physico-chemical propert ies of

untreated and treated effluents.


Levin, L., Papinutti, L. and Forchiassin, F. (2004).

Evaluation of Argentinean White Rot Fungi for

their ability to produce lignin-modifying enzymes

and decolourize industrial dyes. Bioresour.

Technol. 94, 169-176.

Palmieri, G., Cennamo, G. and Sannia, G. (2005).

Remazol brilliant blue R decolourisation by the

fungus Pleurotus ostreatus and its oxidative

enzymatic system. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 36,


Riu, J., Schonsee, I. and Barcelo, D. (1998).

Determination of sulfonated azo dyes in

groundwater and industrial effluents by

automated solid-phase extraction followed by

capillary electrophoresis/ mass spectrometry. J.

Mass Spectro 33, 653-63.

Zollinger, H. (2002). Synthesis, properties and

applications of organic dyes and pigments.

Colour chemistry. New York: John Wiley-VCH

Publishers. Pp. 92-100.

Moreira, M.T., Mielgo, I., Feijoo, G. and Lema, J.M.

(2000). Evaluation of different fungal strains in

the decolourization of synthetic dyes. Biotechnol.

Lett. 22, 1499-1503.

Couto, S.R., Sanroman, M.A. and Gubitz, G.M.

(2005). Influence of redox mediators and metal

ions on synthetic acid dye decolorization by

crude laccase from Trametes hirsuta.

Chemosphere 58, 417-22.

Camarero, S., Ibarra, D., Martinez, M.A. and

Martinez, A.T. (2005). Lignin-derived compounds

as efficient laccase mediators for decolourization

of different types of recalcitrant dyes. Appl.

Environ. Microbiol. 71, 1775-1784.

Chung, K.T. and Stevens, S.J. (1993).

Decolourization of azo dyes by environmental

microorganism and helminthes. Environ. Toxicol.

Chem. 12, 2121-2132.

7ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008




BOD (mg/L)

COD (mg/L)

Dark blue


9.5 - 9.8



Light blue

No odour

7.0 - 7.2



Untreated Treated

ParameterEffluent and Medium (1:1)





Wavelength (nm)

Page 10: ISSN - 0974-1550 ENVIS volume6.No.2.pdfISSN - 0974-1550 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2008 (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests,

Boer, C.G., Obici, L., De’Souza, C.G.M. and Piralta,

R.M. (2004). Decolourization of synthetic dyes by

solid state culture of Lentinula (Lentinus) edodes

producing manganese peroxidase as the main

lignolytic enzyme. Bioresour. Technol. 94, 107-


Kamitsuji, H.Y., Watanabe, T. and Kuwhara, M. (2005). 2+Mn is dispensable for the production of active

MnP2 by Pleurotus ostreatus. Biochem. Biophy.

Res. Commun. 327, 871-876.

Knapp, J.S., Zhang, F. and Tpley, N.K. (1997).

Decolourization of oranges 11 by a Wood-Rooting

Fungus. J. Chemical. Technol. Biotech. 69, 289-


Novotny, C., Rawal, B., Bhatt, M., Patel, M., Sasek, V.

and Molotoris, H.P. (2001). Capacity of Irpex

l ac teus and P leu ro tus os t r ea tus f o r

decolourization of chemically different dyes. J.

Biotechnol. 89, 113-122.

Murugesan, K., Arulmani, M., Nam, I.H., Kim, Y.M.,

Chang, Y.S. and Kalaichelvan, P.T. (2006).

Purification and characterization of laccase

produced by a White Rot Fungus Pleurotus sajor-

caju under submerged culture condition and its

potential in decolourization of azo dyes. Appl.

Microbiol. Biotechnol. 72, 939-946.

Murugesan, K., Nam, I.H., Kim, Y.M. and Chang, Y.S.

(2007). Decolorization of reactive dyes by a

thermostable laccase produced by Ganoderma

lucidum in solid state culture. Enzyme Microb.

Technol. 40, 1662-1672.

D’Annibale, A., Stasi, S.R., Vnciguerra, V., Di-Mattia,

E. and Sermanni, G.G. (1999). Characterization of

immobilized laccase from Lentinula edodes and its

use in olive-mill waste water treatment. Process

Biochem. 34, 697-704.

Tatsumi, K., Wada, S. and Ichikawa, H. (1996).

Removal of chlorophenols from wastewater by

immobilized horseradish peroxidase. Biotechnol.

Bioeng. 51, 126-130.

Schneider, P., Caspersen, M.B., Mondorf, K., Halkier,

T., Skov, L.K., Ostergarrd, R.R., Brown, K.M.,

Brown, S.H. and Xu, F. (1999). Characterization of

a Coprinus cinereus laccase. Enzyme Microb.

Technol. 25, 502-508.

oil salinity is a major problem that makes

soil unfit for Agriculture. Historical records of the

past 6000 years of civilization evidenced that,

humans have never been able to continue a

progressive civilization in one locality for more than

200 to 800 years. The major reason for the decline of

any civilization in any area seems to have been the

destruction of the resources base of that area. In

Mesopotamia, major salinity damage occurred from

2400 BC to 1700 BC and the slow increase in salinity

caused a decline in agriculture productivity to as

approximately as 65% over a 700-year period.

At present salinity is one of the most serious

environmental problems influencing crop growth

around the world. In India, 7 m ha are affected by

salinity and alkalinity and marginal decrease of

productivity is expected from these lands. In

Tamilnadu coast, salt causes stress and damage on

the plant during the vegetation period from

germination – emergence through growth –

development and harvesting time.

It is generally accepted that three major

hazards are associated with saline habitats. These

may be described as follows:

(a) Water stress arising from the more negative

water potential (elevated osmotic pressure) of

the rooting medium.

(b) Specific with toxicity usually associated with

either excessive chloride or sodium intake , and

(c) Nutrient ion imbalance when the excess of

sodium or chloride leads to a diminished uptake

of potassium, nitrate, or phosphate or due to

impaired internal distribution of one or another

of these ions.

8ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008

Prospects of Marine Biofertilizers for Saline Soil Crop Cultivation

S. RavikumarDepartment of Oceanography and Coastal Area StudiesAlagappa University, Thondi Campus, Thondi – 623 409,

Ramanathapuram District , Tamilnadu, India.Email : [email protected]


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living organisms in the soil and are associated with

mangrove and associated plant species.

Azospirillum are plumpy, slightly curved and straight

rods gram negative to gram variable. They are motile

in liquid media by a single plar flagellum.

Four species of Azospirillum such as

Azospirillum lipoferum, A.brasilense, A.halopreferns

and A.irakense were identified from the marine

sediments. Of them, Azospirillum lipoferum was

found to be the dominant species. All these species

were found to have tolerance ability to various -1 -1salinity levels (0- 35 g.1 ) and grown better in 30g. 1

NaC1. However, the level of phytohormone

Production (IAA) and the rate of nitrogen fixation was -1better at 10 g .1 NaC1 and reduced activity could be

observed at higher salinity levels. Moreover all these

species could be used as marine biofertilizers. Of

them, Azospirillum brasilense are preferable than the

other species.

Group Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria (PSB)

Phosphorous is an important limiting

nutrients. The phosphate form of phosphorous is one

of the least soluble mineral nutrients in soil. The -1phosphorous content of soils may range up to 19 g k

but usually less that 5 % of this is available to the

plants and microorganisms in soluble form and the

rest 95 % is unavailable being in the form of insoluble

inorganic phosphate and organic phosphorous

complexes. These forms of phosphorous being held

in the sediments far a long time remain excluded from

cycling. Microbes play a significant role in the

transformation of phosphorous and referred to as

phosphobacteria. Eight species of saline tolerant

inorganic phosphate solubilizing bacteria such as

Bacillus subtil is, B.cereus, B.megaterium,

Arthrobacter illicis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas

aeruginosa, Enterobacter aerogenes and

Micrococcus luteus were identified. Of them, Bacillus

subtilis was predominantly found in mangrove


All the nine species could able to grow better -1 at 4 g.1 NaCl concentrations. However the

-1 phosphatase activity was good at 2 g1 NaCl salinity

levels. Moreover except Pseudomonas aeruginosa

9ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008

More than that, inoculation of crops with any useful

microorganisms would not yield desired success.

Excess salts in soil adversely affect the survival, growth

and nutrient supply to the plants.

thDuring late 20 century, research has been

started to find out the saline tolerant Azotobacter and

Phosphobacteria from marine aquatic sediments but

focus on the preparation of marine biofertilizer for

coastal agriculture has not been made. Recently,

identification of saline tolerant biofertilizers for possible

utility to use for agricultural crop cultivation has been

recognized. Besides that microbial biofertilizers have

also been identified to improve the growth of mangrove

plants. Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Phosphobacter and

Phosphate producing bacteria and Blue Green algae

were isolated and identified from saline sediments.

Even the presence of high phenolic compounds and

prevalent anaerobic condition in the mangrove habitat

and their biofertilizer effects have been proved with the

rice and balckgram crop seedlings. Compared with the

existing biofertilizers the morphological and

biochemical characteristics are similar except the

saline induced effects on growth and physiology.

Genus Azotobacter

Azotobacters are aerobic, free-living,

thermotrophic bacteria with unique ability of fixing

atmospheric nitrogen. The bacteria are gram negative,

often motile by peritrichous flagella or non-motile. The

Azotobacters produce copious amount of capsular

slime. They do not or endospores but some species

may form cysts. Three species of Azotobacters such as

Azotobacter chroococcum, A.berijerinkii and A.

vivelandii were identified from mangrove rhizosphere

sediments. All the three species are able to tolerate -1high saline concentrations (up to 35 g 1 and 30 g 1 ).

These species of Azotobacter enhanced the

germination and growth of rice and black gram

seedling even at high saline conditions by fixing

atmospheric nitrogen and producing phytohormones.

Among them, A.chroococcum was h igh ly

recommended than the other bacterial species.

Genus Azospirillum

Azospirillum species are free living bacteria

know to fix atmospheric nitrogen. They occur as free


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and Micrococcus luteus, all the other species of

bacteria could be used as a biofertilizer to enhance the

growth of rice seedlings. Of them Bacillus Megaterium

could be used as a marine biofertilizer for saline soil


Group Phosphatase Producing Bacteria (PPB)

Organic phosphorous in the marine

environment is macromolecular and not readily

available for incorporation into the marine organisms.

So the organic phosphorous compounds are to be pre-

conditioned by extra cellular bacterial enzymes called

“phosphatases” for making them available to the

nutrient cycles. Three groups of bacteria viz.,

Pseudomonas, Vibrio and Bacillus were identified from

mangrove sediments. Of them, Bacillus cereus was

dominant form and the phosphatase activity was also

higher. All the three groups of PPB could enhance the -1 growth of rice seedlings at 25 g. 1 NaCl level of soil

salinity at which the phosphatase activity was

significantly high.

Recommended biofertilizers for the saline soil

crop cultivation on priority basis.

10ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008




Inorganic phosphate

solubilizing bacteria

Phosphatase producing


Black gram, Rice

Black gram, Rice

Black gram, Rice


Recommended crop species

Species abundance of sal ine tolerant biofertilizers in the mangrove sediments

Phosphate solubilizing bacteria


Phosphate producing bacteria



ceanic lithosphere exposed at the sea

floor undergoes seawater–rock alteration reactions

involving the oxidation and hydration of glassy

basalt. Basalt alteration reactions are theoretically

capable of supplying sufficient energy for

chemolithoautotrophic growth . Such reactions

have been shown to generate microbial biomass in

the laboratory, but field-based support for the

existence of microbes that are supported by basalt

alteration is lacking. Here, using quantitative

polymerase chain reaction, in situ hybridization and

microscopy, we demonstrate that prokaryotic cell

abundances on seafloor-exposed basalts are 3–4

orders of magnitude greater than in overlying deep

sea water. Phylogenetic analyses of basaltic lavas

from the East Pacific Rise (9° N) and around Hawaii

reveal that the basalt-hosted biosphere harbours

high bacterial community richness and that

community membership is shared between these

sites. We hypothesize that alteration reactions fuel

chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms, which

constitute a trophic base of the basalt habitat, with

important implications for deep-sea carbon cycling

and chemical exchange between basalt and sea


Cara M. Santelli, Beth N. Orcutt, Erin Banning,

Wolfgang Bach, Craig L. Moyer, Mitchell L. Sogin,

Hubert Staudigel & Katrina J. Edwards

Geomicrobiology Group, Department of Biological

Sciences, Marine Environmental Biology, University

of Southern California, 3616 Trousdale Boulevard,

Los Angeles, California 90089-0371,USA.

Abundance and diversity of microbial life

in ocean crust. Nature 453, 2008, 653-656 .

Abundance and Diversity of Microbial life in Ocean Crust


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11ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008


Seafloor Diversity Points to Origin of Life

cientists now have found "thousands of times of more bacteria on the seafloor than in the water above," according to a statement. The findings were made at two sites, suggesting that rich microbial life extends across the ocean floor, says University of Southern California geomicrobiologist Katrina J. Edwards.

These results, along with a separate discovery announced very recently existence of life a mile below the seafloor, have made the scientists to wonder if life on Earth began along shorelines or perhaps originated in the planet's marine belly.

Surprising diversity

Using genetic analysis, Edwards and colleagues found higher microbial diversity on common, basalt rocks compared with other marine locations, such as those found at hydrothermal vents. The diversity on the seafloor rocks was as rich as that in common farm soil.

"We now know that there are many more such microbes than anyone had guessed," said David L. Garrison, Director of the National Science Foundation’s biological oceanography program. The findings are detailed in the May 29 issue of the journal Nature.

The big question now is where from all these newfound bacteria get the energy they need to survive."We scratched our heads about what was supporting this high level of growth when the organic carbon content is pretty darn low," Edwards said. Perhaps, the researchers figured, chemical reactions with the rocks themselves might offer fuel for life. Lab tests also confirmed the idea.

Evolving ideas

The research supports the idea that some bacteria survive on energy from the crust, a process that could affect knowledge about the deep-sea carbon cycle and even the evolution of early life.

For example, many scientists think shallow

water, not deep water, cradled the planet’s first life.

They reason that the dark carbon-poor depths appear

to offer little energy, and rich environments like

hydrothermal vents are relatively sparse. But the

newfound abundance of seafloor microbes makes it

theoretically possible that early life thrived—and

may be even began—on the seafloor.

"Some might even favor the deep ocean for

the emergence of life since it was a bastion of

stability compared with the surface, which was

constantly being blasted by comets and other

objects," Edwards says.

Much more research needs to be done,

however. Edwards and more than 30 colleagues

plan to take a microbial lab to the seafloor 15,000

feet (4.5 kilometers) below the surface, to study the

bacteria further. They'll drill down through 109 yards

(100 meters) of sediments and 547 yards (500

meters) of bedrock to study how the bacteria alter

rock and to measure biodiversity below the seafloor.

This work should shed light on whether the

bacteria evolved from ancestors that floated down

from above or from some as yet unknown source

deep in the crust.

The research was funded by the NSF,

NASA Astrobiology Institute and Western

Washington University.

(Source:, 2008)


Microbes Mutated in Outer Space become far More Dangerous

almonella bacteria sent into outer space

responded to the altered gravity by becoming more

virulent, with changed expression of 167 different

genes, according to a study published in the

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

"These bugs can sense where they are by

changes in their environment," said Cheryl

Nickerson, from the Center for Infectious Diseases

and Vaccinology at Arizona State University (ASU).

"The minute they sense a different environment,

they change their genetic machinery so they can


Researchers placed strains of Salmonella

typhimurium, a common food-poisoning agent, into

two separate containment canisters. One of the

canisters was sent into outer space for 12 days,


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while the other remained in the Orbital Environmental

Simulator at Kennedy Space Center. The

environmental simulator remained in constant

communication with the space shuttle, immediately

replicating in real-time whatever temperature and

humidity conditions were being experienced in the

vessel. This allowed the two groups of bacteria to be

exposed to identical conditions, except for the fact that

one group were under microgravity conditions in outer


The findings may be significant not only for

those who travel in space, but also in terms of what

microbes astronauts are bringing back.

"Wherever humans go, microbes go; you can't

sterilize humans," Nickerson says. "Wherever we go,

under the oceans or orbiting the Earth, the microbes go

with us, and it's important that we understand how

they're going to change.“

Nickerson also says that since S. typhimurium

exists in a natural microgravity in the human gut,

understanding how environmental conditions regulate

the organism's virulence may help lead to better


In addition to researchers from ASU, scientists

also participated in the study from the Johnson and

Kennedy Space Centers, Kimmel Cancer Center,

NASA Ames Research Center, Oklahoma City

University, Tulane University, University of Arizona,

University of Chicago, University of Colorado at

Boulder and Denver, Southeast Louisiana Veterans

Health Care System, and the Max Planck Institute for

Infection Biology in Berlin.

(Source:, 2008)

Microbes as Climate Engineers

e might think that we could control the

climate but unless we harness the powers of our

microbial co-habitants on this planet we might be

fighting a losing battle, according to an article in the

February 2008 issue of Microbiology Today.

Humans are continually altering the

atmosphere. “Arrogant organisms that we are, it is

easy to view this as something entirely novel in

Earth’s history,” says Dr Dave Reay from the

University of Edinburgh. “In truth of course, micro-

organisms have been at it for billions of years.”

Humans affect the atmosphere indirectly by

their activities. Most human-induced methane

comes from livestock, rice fields and landfill: in all of

these places, microbes are actually responsible for

producing the methane, 150 million tonnes a year.

Microbes in wetlands produce an additional 100

million tonnes and those that live inside termites

release 20 million tonnes of methane annually.

About 90 billion tonnes of carbon a year is

absorbed from the atmosphere by the oceans, and

almost as much is released; microbes play a key

role in both. On land, a combination of primary

p roduc t i on , r esp i r a t i on and m i c rob i a l

decomposition leads to the uptake of 120 billion

tonnes of carbon every year and the release of 119

billion tonnes.

“The impact of these microbially-controlled

cycles on future climate warming is potentially

huge,” says Dr Reay. By better understanding these

processes we could take more carbon out of the

atmosphere using microbes on land and in the sea.

Methane-eating bacteria can be used to catch

methane that is released from landfi l l ,

Cyanobacteria could provide hydrogen fuel, and

plankton have already become a feedstock for

some biofuels.

“Microbes will continue as climate

engineers long after humans have burned that final

barrel of oil. Whether they help us to avoid

dangerous climate change in the 21st century or

push us even faster towards it depends on just how

well we understand them.

(Source:, 2008).


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icrobes could provide a clean, renewable

energy source and use up carbon dioxide in the

process, suggests Dr James Chong at a Science

Media Centre press briefing. Methanogens are

microbes called archaea that are similar to bacteria.

They are responsible for the vast majority of methane

produced on earth by living things says Dr Chong from

York University. They use carbon dioxide to make

methane, the major flammable component of natural

gas. So methanogens could be used to make a

renewable, carbon neutral gas substitute.

Methanogens produce about one billion tones

of methane every year. They thrive in oxygen-free

environments like the guts of cows and sheep, humans

and even termites. They live in swamps, bogs and

lakes. Increased human activity causes methane

emissions to rise because methanogens grow well in

rice paddies, sewage processing plants and landfill

sites, which are all made by humans.

Methanogens could feed on waste from farms,

food and even our homes to make biogas. This is done

in Europe, but very little in the UK. The government is

now looking at microbes as a source of fuel and as a

way to tackle food waste in particular.

Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 23 times

more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide. By

using methane produced by bacteria as a fuel source,

we can reduce the amount released into the

atmosphere and use up some carbon dioxide in the


(Source:, 2007)

than was suspected. Before a cloud can produce

rain or snow, rain drops or ice particles must form.

Act as nuclei

This requires the presence of aerosols: tiny

particles that serve as the nuclei for condensation.

Most such particles are of mineral origin, but

airborne microbes – bacteria, fungi or tiny algae –

can do the job just as well. Unlike mineral aerosols,

living organisms can catalyze ice formation even at

temperatures close to 0 degrees Celsius.

Now a team, led by Brent Christner, a

microbiologist at Louisiana State University in Baton

Rouge, has managed to catalogue these rain-

making microbes by looking at fresh snow collected

at various mid-and high-latitude locations in North

America, Europe and Antarctica. They filtered the

snow sample to remove particles, put those

particles into containers of pure water, and slowly

lowered the temperature, watching closely to see

when the water froze.

The higher the freezing temperature of any

given sample, the greater the number of nuclei and

the more likely they are to be biological in nature. To

tease apart these two effects, the team treated the

water samples with heat or chemicals to kill any

bacteria inside, and again checked the freezing

temperatures of the samples.

Mostly biological

In this way they found between 4 and 120

ice nucleators per litre of melted snow. Some 69 per

cent to 100 percent of these particles were probably

biological. The results were published in the journal

Science. The researchers were surprised to find

‘rain-making’ bacteria in all samples; the snow from

Antarctica had fewer than that from France and

Montana, but it still had some.

“Biological particles do seem to play a very

important part in generating snowfall and rain,

especially at relatively warm cloud temperatures,”

says Christner. Some scientists note that this

freezing ability also means that the bacteria get out

of clouds and back to Earth more quickly.

Methane from Microbesa Fuel for the Future


ENVIS CENTRE Newsletter Vol.6, No.2 June 2008

Rain- Making Bacteria found Worldwide


T he same bacteria that cause frost damage on

plants can help clouds to produce rain and

snow. Studies on freshly fallen snow suggest that

‘bio-precipitation’ might be much more common

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Human factor

Changes in land-use, forestry and agriculture,

such as expanding monoculture, change the

composition of microbes in the atmosphere. As

biological components seem to have a large role in

how rain forms, such changes may affect rainfall and

climate in many places on Earth. “It is about time for

atmospheric and climate scientists to start thinking

about the implications,” says Christner.

(Source: ”The Hindu” Dated: 15 May, 2008)

ne week summer workshop on “Fungal

biotechnology” was jointly organized by Dr. V.

Kaviyarasan and Prof. J. Muthumary, Centre for

Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras,

Guindy Campus, Chennai – 600 025 from May 24,

2008 to June 01, 2008.

The programme was structured with basic

techniques such as isolation, identification,

preservation, gene transfer technology, DNA isolation

and RAPD, Mycorrhizal biotechnology, IPR and

Biosafety for the benefit of the participants. Eminent

researchers Profs. Vittal, Rengasamy, Muthumary,

Mathivanan, Kaviyarasan and Palani from Centre for

Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras and

Dr. Perumal from Murugappa Chettiar Research

Centre and Dr. Mohan, Institute of Forest Genetics and

Tree Breeding delivered lecturers and gave laboratory

demonstrations on various aspects related to fungal

biotechnology. Many teachers, Ph.D researchers from

various colleges and Universities participated in the

workshop and learned various techniques on fungal


Summer Workshop on Fungal Biotechnology


Dr. V. KaviyarasanCentre for Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai – 600 025E-mail: [email protected]

Abstracts of Recent Publications

001 - Asha Rani , Shalini Porwal , Rakesh Sharma ,

Atya Kapley , Hemant, Purohit ,Vipin Chandra Kalia.

Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology

(IGIB), CSIR, Delhi University Campus, Mall Road,

Delhi – 110007, India. Assessment of microbial

diversity in effluent treatment plants by culture

dependent and cu l ture independent

approaches. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 1 –

10.Microbial community structure of two

distinct effluent treatment plants (ETPs) of pesticide and pharmaceutical industries were assessed and defined by (i) culture dependent and culture independent approaches on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and (ii)diversity index analysis – operational taxonomic units (OTUs). A total of 38 and 44 bacterial OTUs having 85–99% similarity with the closest match in the database were detected among pharmaceutical and pesticide sludge samples, respectively. Fifty percent of the OTUs were related to uncultured bacteria. These OTUs had a Shannon diversity index value of 2.09–2.33 for culturables and in the range of 3.25–3.38 for unculturables. The high species evenness values of 0.86 and 0.95 indicated the vastness of microbial diversity retrieved by these approaches. The dominant cultured bacteria indicative of microbial diversity in functional ETPs were Alcaligenes, Bacillus and Pseudomonas. Brevundimonas, Citrobacter, Pandoraea and Stenotrophomonas were specific to pesticide ETP, where as Agrobacterium, Brevibacterium, Micrococcus, Microbacterium, Paracoccus and Rhodococcus were specific to pharmaceutical ETP. These microbes can thus be maintained and exploited for efficient functioning and maintenance of ETPs.Keywords: Effluent; Metagenomics; Microbial diversity; Unculturable; 16S rRNA gene.

002- Lisa M. Gieg, Kathleen E. Duncan, and Joseph M. Suflita. Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, 770 Van Vleet Oval, Rm. 135, Norman, OK 73019. Bioenergy Production via Microbial Conversion of Residual Oil to Natural Gas. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74, 2008, 3022-3029.

World requirements for fossil energy are expected to grow by more than 50% within the next


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25 years, despite advances in alternative

technologies. Since conventional production methods retrieve only about one-third of the oil in

place, either largenew fields or innovative strategies for recovering energy resources from existing fields

are needed to meet the burgeoning demand. The

anaerobic biodegradation of n-alkanes to methane gas hasnow been documented in a few studies, and

it was speculated that this process might be useful for recovering energy from existing petroleum

reservoirs. We found that residual oil entrained in a

marginal sandstone reservoir core could be converted to methane, a key component of natural

gas, by an oil-degrading methanogenic consortium. Methane production required inoculation, and rates

ranged from 0.15 to 0.40 µmol/day/g core (or 11 to 31 µmol/day/g oil), with yields of up to 3 mmol CH /g 4

residual oil. Concomitant alterations in the hydrocarbon profile of the oil-bearing core revealed

that alkanes were preferentially metabolized. The consortium was found to produce comparable

amounts of methane in the absence or presence of sulfate as an alternate electron acceptor. Cloning

and sequencing exercises revealed that the inoculum comprised sulfate-reducing, syntrophic,

and fermentative bacteria acting in concert with aceticlastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogens.

Collectively, the cells generated methane from a variety of petroliferous rocks. Such microbe-based

methane production holds promise for producing a clean-burning and efficient form of energy from

underutilized hydrocarbon-bearingresources.

Keywords: Res idual Oi l , Natura l Gas,

biodegradation, alkanes, methane, Microbial


003 - R. Vílchez, C. Pozo, M. A. Gómez, B. Rodelas

and J. González-López. Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, Department of Cell Biology and

Immunology, Inhoffenstrabe 7, D-38124

Braunschweig, Germany. Dominance of

sphingomonads in a copper-exposed biofilm

community for groundwater treatment.

Microbiology, 153, 2007, 325-337.

The structure, biological activity and microbial biodiversity of a biofilm used for the

removal of copper from groundwater were studied and compared with those of a biofilm grown under

copper-free conditions. A laboratory-scale submerged fixed biofilter was fed with groundwater

–1 –1(2.3 l h ) artificiallypolluted with Cu(II) (15 mg l ) and –1amended with sucrose (150 mg l ) as carbon

source. Between 73 and 90 % of the Cu(II) was removed from water during long-term operation

(over 200 days). The biofilm was a complex ecosystem, consisting of eukaryotic and prokaryotic

micro-organisms. Scanning electron microscopy revealed marked structural changes in the biofilm

induced by Cu(II), compared to the biofilm grown in absence of the heavy metal. Analysis of cell-bound

extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) demonstrated a significant modification of the

composition of cell envelopes in response to Cu (II). Transmission electron microscopy and energy-

dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) showed that copper bioaccumulated in the EPS matrix by

becoming bound to phosphates and/or silicates, w h e r e a s c o p p e r a c c u m u l a t e d o n l y

intracytoplasmically in cells of eukaryotic microbes. Cu(II) also decreased sucrose consumption, ATP

content and alkaline phosphatase activity of the biofilm. A detailed study of the bacterial community

composition was conducted by 16S rRNA-based temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE)

profiling, which showed spatial and temporal stabilityof the species diversity of copper-exposed biofilms

during biofilter operation. PCR reamplification and sequencing of 14 TGGE bands showed

the prevalence of alphaproteobacteria, with most sequences (78 %) affi l iated to the

Sphingomonadaceae. The major cultivable colony type in plate counts of the copper-exposed biofilm

was also identified as that of Sphingomonas sp. These data confirm a major role of these organisms

in the composition of the Cu (II)-removingcommunity.Keywords: Groundwater treatment, biological

activity, biofilm, eukaryotic microbes, rRNA, PCR,


004- Catherine A. Lozupone and Rob Knight.

Departments of Molecular, Cellular, and

Developmental Biology and Chemistry and

Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

80309. Global patterns in bacterial diversity.

PNAS, 104, 2007, 11436-11440.

Microbes are di ff icul t to cul ture.

Consequently, the primary source of information

about a fundamental evolutionary topic, life’s

diversity, is the environmental distribution of gene

sequences. We report the most comprehensive

analysis of the environmental distribution of bacteria

to date, based on 21,752 16S rRNA sequences

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compiled from 111 studies of diverse physical

environments. We clustered the samples based on

similarities in the phylogenetic lineages that they

contain and found that, surprisingly, the major

environmental determinant of microbial community

composition is salinity rather than extremes of

temperature, pH, or other physical and chemical

factors represented in our samples. We find that

sediments are more phylogenetically diverse than

any other environment type. Surprisingly, soil, which

has high species-level diversity, has below-average

phylogenetic diversity. This work provides a

framework for understanding the impact of

environmental factors on bacterial evolution and for

the direction of future sequencing efforts to discover

new lineagesKeywords: environmental distribution, microbial

ecology, phylogenetic diversity, UniFrac, bacterial


005- Daisuke Inoue, Shoji Hara, Mari Kashihara,

Yusaku Murai, Erica Danzl, Kazunari Sei,Shinji

Tsunoi, Masanori Fujita, and Michihiko Ike. Division of

Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering,

Osaka Univers i ty, 2-1Yamadaoka, Sui ta,

Osaka 565-0871, Japan. Degradation of Bis(4-

Hydroxyphenyl)Methane (Bisphenol F) by

Sphingobium yanoikuyae Strain FM-2 Isolated

from River Water. Applied and Environmental

Microbiology, 74, 2008, 352–358.

Three bacteria capable of utilizing bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)methane (bisphenol F [BPF]) as the sole carbon source were isolated from river water, a n d t h e y a l l b e l o n g e d t o t h e f a m i l y Sphingomonadaceae. One of the isolates, designated Sphingobium yanoikuyae strain FM-2, at an initial cell density of 0.01 (optical density at 600 nm) completely degraded 0.5 mM BPF within 9 h without any lag period under inductive conditions. Degradation assays of various bisphenols revealed that the BPF-metabolizing system of strain FM-2 was effective only on the limited range of bisphenols consisting of two phenolic rings joined together through a bridging carbon without any methyl substitution on the rings or on the bridging structure. A BPF biodegradation pathway was proposed on the basis of metabolite production patterns and identification of the metabolites. The initial step of BPF biodegradation involves hydroxylation of the bridging carbon to form bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) methanol, fo l lowed by oxidat ion to 4,4-d i h y d r o x y b e n z o p h e n o n e . T h e 4 , 4 -dihydroxybenzophenone appears to be further

oxidized by the Baeyer-Villiger reaction to 4-hydroxyphenyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, which is then cleaved by oxidation to form 4-hydroxybenzoate and 1,4-hydroquinone. Both of the resultant simple aromatic compounds are mineralized.Keywords: Microbial Conversion, alkanes,

methane, Bioenergy Production, Residual Oil,

Natural Gas.

006- Kathryn A. Harrison, Roland Bol, Richard D.

Bardgett. Soil and Ecosystem Ecology Laboratory,

Institute of Environmental and Natural Sciences,

Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YQ, UK. Do

plant species with different growth strategies

vary in their ability to compete with soil

microbes for chemical forms of nitrogen? Soil

Biology & Biochemistry, 40, 2008, 228–237.

We used dual labelled stable isotope (13 C

and 15 ) techniques to examine how grassland N

plant species with different growth strategies vary

in their ability to compete with soil microbes for

different chemical forms of nitrogen (N), both

inorganic and organic. We also tested whether

some plant species might avoid competition by

preferentially using different chemical forms of N

than microbes. This was tested in a pot experiment

where monocultures of five co-existing grassland

species, namely the grasses Agrostis capillaris,

Anthoxanthum odoratum, Nardus stricta,

Deschampsia flexuosa and the herb Rumex

acetosella, were grown in field soil from an acid

semi-natural temperate grassland. Our data show

that grassland plant species with different growth

strategies are able to compete effectively with soil

microbes for most N forms presented to them,

including inorganic N and amino acids of varying

complexity. Contrary to what has been found in

strongly N limited ecosystems, we did not detect

any differential uptake of N on the basis of chemical

form, other than that shoot tissue of fast-growing

plant species was more enriched in 15 from N

ammonium-nitrate and glycine, than from more

complex amino acids. Shoot tissue of slow-

growing species was equally enriched in 15N from

all these N forms. However, all species tested,

least preferred the most complex amino acid

phenylalanine, which was preferentially used by

soil microbes. We also found that while fast-

growing plants took up more of the added N forms

than slow-growing species, this variation was not

related to differences in the ability of plants to

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compete with microbes for N forms, as hypothesised.

On the contrary, we detected no difference in microbial

biomass or microbial uptake of 15N between fast and

slow-growing plant species, suggesting that plant

traits that regulate nutrient capture, as opposed to

plant species-specific interactions with soil microbes,

are the main factor controlling variation in uptake of N

by grassland plant species. Overall, our data provide

insights into the interactions between plants and soil

microbes that influence plant nitrogen use in

grassland ecosystems.Keywords: Amino acids; Grassland; Organic

nitrogen; Inorganic nitrogen; Microbial biomass; Plant-

microbial competition; Stable isotopes; Growth

strategies; Nitrogen.


1. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai.

2. Tamilnadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore.

3. Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore.

4. Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture (CIBA), Chennai.

5. Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL), Mysore.

6. National Facility for Marine Cynobacteria (NFMC), Thiruchirapalli.

7. National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa.


1. American Museum of Natural History

2. The site for cool pictures of microbes (or) This site with all animations and a complete video library is on the CELLS alive.

3. Digital Learning Centre for Microbial Ecology

4. An Action Bioscience

5. Environmental Literacy Council

6. United Nations Environment Programme.

7. Scottish Microbiology Society

- G l u t a t h i o n e a n d r e l a t e d t h i o l i n microorganisms and plants: August 27 - 29, 2008. Venue: Nancy, France. Website:

- Evolving microbial food quality and safety (FOOD MICRO 2008): September 1 - 3, 2008. Venue: Aberdeen, Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC), U.K. Website:

- Symposium on the Evolution of Antiviral and Antibacterial Defense: September 4 - 6, 2008. Venue: Berlin, Germany. Website: h t tp: / /www. leopold ina-ef is-e j i contact.htm.

- Salt & Water Stress in Plants: September 7-12, 2008. Venue: Big Sky Resort, Big Sky, Montana. W e b s i t e : h t t p : / / w w w . g r c . o r g / programs.aspx?year=2008&program=salt.

- Course and Symposium: Microbes and the Law: October 5 - 9, 2008. Venue: Ultuna campus of SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) Uppsala, Sweden. Websi te : h t tp : / /www-mik rob .s lu .se / DOMSymposium.

- 2nd ASM Conference on Beneficial Microbes: Beneficial Host-Microbial Interactions: October 12 - 16, 2008. Venue: San Diego, California. Website: Meetings/index.asp

- APGC Symposium "Plant Functioning in a Changing Global Environment": December 7 – 11, 2008. Venue: University of Melbourne, Melbourne. Website:

- Applied & Environmental Microbiology: July 12-17, 2009. Venue: Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA. Website:

- Bacillus-ACT 2009, an ASM Conference: August 30 - September 3, 2009. Venue: Santa Fe, New Mexico (tentative) Website:

Important E-resources on Microorganisms

Conferences/ Seminars/ Meetings2008 & 2009

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Page 20: ISSN - 0974-1550 ENVIS volume6.No.2.pdfISSN - 0974-1550 VOLUME 6 NUMBER 2 JUNE 2008 (Sponsored by Ministry of Environment and Forests,

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