Israel and the Church - our blessing comes from our spiritual root

Israel and the Church - our blessing comes from our spiritual root We are exhorted to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6)


Israel and the Church - our blessing comes from our spiritual root. We are exhorted to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6). God’s covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12). Bible map of Canaan extent of the Land A promise : to be a great nation (verse 2) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Israel and the Church - our blessing comes from our spiritual root

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Israel and the Church - our blessing comes from our spiritual root

We are exhorted to pray for the peace of Jerusalem(Psalm 122:6)

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God’s covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12)

Bible map of Canaan extent of the Land

A promise: • to be a great nation (verse 2)• to be a blessing to the nations (verse3)• to possess the Land of Canaan (verse 7, Genesis 17:8)

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Those who bless Israel will be blessed: We cannot remain neutral towards Israel!

‘I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse.’ (Genesis 12:3)

‘For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews spiritual blessings,They owe it to the Jews to share with them their material

blessings.’ (Romans 15:27)

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The Land of Israel- comparisons of land mass and territories

‘ Greater Israel’ Israel today: yellow bit Palestine under the the Land God gave Jordan : red bit British Mandate 1917 to Abraham

God called Britain to be a ‘shepherd nation,’ to protect Israel, but she broke her promise and gave two thirds of the Arabs.

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Israel is ‘God’s Time piece’

Events in Israel show what God is doing in the world. The Jewish calendar and feasts are important indicators.


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City of the Great King

Focus of God Gateway to Heaven 

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Jerusalem is the Centre of the Earth

As shown on medieval mapsIt is the apple of God’s eye

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Jerusalem -Significance ‘JERU’ = ‘laying down foundations’ from heaven

Abraham laid down Isaac God laid down Jesus chosen as a place of sacrifice and atonement

= laying down the Law ( Moses) through Jesus.

‘He will teach you His ways’- God’s thoughts and purposes will go out like an arrow in all directions.

(Micah 4:2)

  Jesus ‘comes down’ at the Second Coming to receive the Bride - close communion (Song of Songs 5:10-16) -

intimacy restored.

  The New Jerusalem will ‘come down’ from heaven.‘SALEM’= SHALOM or PEACE or true spiritual prosperity

Place where God’s heart and eyes are. His presence in the Temple.

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where heaven touches earth

Jerusalem is a place where God reveals Himself

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Jerusalem: key scriptures

Psalm 46 ‘The joy of the whole earth’


Isaiah 62:1 ‘ For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent.. until her righteousness shines out like a ‘blazing torch.’


Psalm 122 :6 pray for the peace of Jerusalem

:9 seek her prosperity


Matthew 23:37-39 God’s heart as a hen gathers her chicks

under her wings.


Zechariah 2:5 God manifests Himself as a consuming fire,

a blazing torch and a wall of fire around Jerusalem.

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God is a wall of fire around Jerusalem (Zechariah 2:5)

Jerusalem will be a cup of reeling (or poison) to the nations. (Zechariah 12:2)

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Jerusalem: place of Judgement

Where Jesus wept (Matthew 23:37) Destruction of Temple in 70 AD. (Luke 21:20-24).

The Jews were scattered. (Luke 21:24 ‘Jerusalem will be trampled until the time of the

Gentiles is fulfilled.’)  

The nations will be judged : Valley of Jehoshaphat (Joel 3)

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Separation of the Church from its Jewish RootCouncil of Jerusalem Acts 15 Peter and Paul-legalism/freedom

Fall of Jerusalem 70 AD to Romans- Jews scattered Rabbinical Judaism- excluded Yeshua from the scriptures e.g. Isaiah 53.

• Schism between Jerusalem Church and Roman Church • Hellenisation of the Church in Rome

Church Fathers: Justin Martyr, Origen, Augustine, Jerome establishment of canons and creeds.

• Constantine-Roman Church : state and religion one.

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The Separation of the Church from its Jewish Root

• Replacement Theology- ‘the Church has replaced the Jews’ (Church Fathers and Luther)

• Aliyah- return of the Jews to Israel-began with pioneers Theodore Herzl- end of 19th Century.

• Balfour Declaration-1917 Jews to be given homeland in Palestine.

• Formation of the State of Israel 1948. • Holocaust- 6 million Jews died in concentration camps

Germany World War 2 • Rise in secular Judaism.

• Replacement Theology- ‘the Church has replaced the Jews’ (Church Fathers and Luther)

• Aliyah- return of the Jews to Israel-began with pioneers Theodore Herzl- end of 19th Century.

• Balfour Declaration-1917 Jews to be given homeland in Palestine.

• Formation of the State of Israel 1948. • Holocaust- 6 million Jews died in concentration camps

Germany World War 2 • Rise in secular Judaism.

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The Jewish people are coming into revivalThe Land is becoming fertile

Revival - Valley of Dry Bones Ezekiel 37:1-14

Spiritual and material blessing Romans 15:27

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Jerusalem: place of Redemption and Restoration

Nation of Israel reborn in 1948. Jerusalem was recaptured in 1967.

Aliyah and outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the JewsSign of the fig tree. (Luke 21:29-30) - importance

of Jews, Christians and Arabs standing together, especially pastors.

  Jesus’ Second Coming - to stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 13, 14)

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The Church is grafted into the Olive Tree (Israel)(Romans 11:11-28)

The Sign of the Fig Tree Matthew 24:32-35 Jesus’ prayer for Unity John 17:21 ‘One New Man’ Ephesians 2:11-22The in-gathering of the Jews (aliyah) Ezekiel 34:11-31

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Ruth and Naomi – picture of Jew and Gentile :‘ONE NEW MAN’

Ruth symbolises the Gentile Church (young and faithful)Naomi symbolises the Jews (old and embittered)

As Ruth supported Naomi she was blessed/married to BoazNaomi in turn found joy/new birth

As we come together they will experience the End Time spiritual harvest.

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Ruth and Boaz : picture of the Bride of Christ

Ruth comes under the covering of Boaz the ‘Kinsman Redeemer, a type of Christ, coming for His Bride,

Jew and Gentile as ‘one new man’

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Parables concerning Israel and the Church

• The Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-31The younger son is a type of the JewsThe older son is a type of the Gentiles

When the Jews return there will be a new kind of dancing and joy. Religious Gentiles will be angry.

• The Sheep and the Goats Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus said: ‘whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine (Jews), you did for me.’ (verse 40)

• The Workers in the Vineyard Matthew 20 ‘The last ( Gentiles) shall be first and the first (Jews)shall be last.’

(verse 16)

• The Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-31The younger son is a type of the JewsThe older son is a type of the Gentiles

When the Jews return there will be a new kind of dancing and joy. Religious Gentiles will be angry.

• The Sheep and the Goats Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus said: ‘whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine (Jews), you did for me.’ (verse 40)

• The Workers in the Vineyard Matthew 20 ‘The last ( Gentiles) shall be first and the first (Jews)shall be last.’

(verse 16)

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Israel and the ChurchKey Events and Parallels

• 1948 State of Israel formed evangelists: Billy Graham, Oral Roberts,

Catherine Kuhlman, Kenneth Hagin.

• 1967 Jerusalem recaptured Catholic Charismatic movement

• 1973 Yom Yippur War Jewish revival begins

• 1994 Peace plans Toronto blessing Jordan and PLO with Israel

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On that day Jesus will stand on the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:4)

Ref: Roth S. (2001) The Last Lap MV Press, Brunswick GA. USA