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17 Islamic Studies for Non-Arabic Speakers Year 5 SCHEME OF WORK 2015-16

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Islamic Studies for Non-Arabic Speakers

Year 5


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Islamic Studies for Non-Arabic Speakers Year 5

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Details of the Ministry Syllabus and Scheme of Work – 2015-16

Term Month Dates/


Unit Chapter Title Learning Objectives Pg. Nos.

1st Sept 30 Aug

to 3rd


A 2 Prophets and Messengers General Objectives: To learn and understand about Prophets

and Messengers

Specific Objectives: 1. To understand the difference between a

Nabiyy and a Rasool.

2. To know the names of the five Holy

Books with the names of the Messengers.

3. To focus on the finality of Prophet



1st Sept. 6-10 A 2 Prophets and Messengers General Objectives: To learn and understand about Prophets

and Messengers

Specific Objectives: 1. To understand the difference between a

Nabiyy and a Rasool.

2. To know the names of the five Holy

Books with the names of the Messengers.

3. To focus on the finality of Prophet



1st Sept. 13-17

A 3 Tawheed: The Faith of all Prophets General Objectives: To understand very well that Tawheed

was the Faith of all Prophets of Allah and

that all Prophets and Messengers invited


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people worshipping the One True Creator.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn and understand the key words:

Tawheed, Kufr, Shirk

2. To know in detail that there are three

forms of Tawheed:

Tawheed al Khaliq, Tawheed al Ibadah

and Tawheed al Asma wa Sifaat

3. To read and understand the meaning of

Surah al Ikhlaas

4. To read ayat 4:48 and understand that

Shirk is an unpardonable sin.

5. To understand the need to make du’aa

to Allah

6. To learn and memorise the hadeeth in

pg A 28.

7. To read and understand the hadeeth in

pg A 30

8. To learn and understand the benefits of

believing in Tawheed.

1st Sep 20-22





al Adhaa


A 3 Tawheed: The Faith of all Prophets

General Objectives: To understand very well that Tawheed

was the Faith of all Prophets of Allah and

that all Prophets and Messengers invited

people worshipping the One True Creator.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn and understand the key words:

Tawheed, Kufr, Shirk

2. To know in detail that there are three

forms of Tawheed:


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Tawheed al Khaliq, Tawheed al Ibadah

and Tawheed al Asma wa Sifaat

3. To read and understand the meaning of

Surah al Ikhlaas

4. To read ayat 4:48 and understand that

Shirk is an unpardonable sin.

5. To understand the need to make du’aa

to Allah

6. To learn and memorise the hadeeth in

pg A 28.

7. To read and understand the hadeeth in

pg A 30

8. To learn and understand the benefits of

believing in Tawheed.

1st Oct 27 Sep –

1st Oct

A 3 Tawheed: The Faith of all Prophets

General Objectives: To understand very well that Tawheed

was the Faith of all Prophets of Allah and

that all Prophets and Messengers invited

people worshipping the One True Creator.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn and understand the key words:

Tawheed, Kufr, Shirk

2. To know in detail that there are three

forms of Tawheed:

Tawheed al Khaliq, Tawheed al Ibadah

and Tawheed al Asma wa Sifaat

3. To read and understand the meaning of

Surah al Ikhlaas

4. To read ayat 4:48 and understand that


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Shirk is an unpardonable sin.

5. To understand the need to make du’aa

to Allah

6. To learn and memorise the hadeeth in

pg A 28.

7. To read and understand the hadeeth in

pg A 30

8. To learn and understand the benefits of

believing in Tawheed.

1st Oct 4-8

Islamic Week Activities

Objectives: 1. To create an awareness on the

importance of living Islam.

2. To help them organize their thoughts

and thinking according to Qur’an and


1st Oct 11-14





A 5 Surah al Naba: Part 1

General Objectives: To recite the Surah in the best manner

possible and understand its meanings

Specific Objectives: 1. To understand and realise that the Day

of Judgement is certain and that this world

is of temporary nature.

2. To appreciate the scientific verses

mentioned in the beginning of this Surah

3. To learn the scenes of Qiyamah as

depicted in the Surah.

4. To recite the Surah according to the

rules of Tajweed.


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1st Oct 18-22 A


Surah al Naba: Part 2 & 3

General Objectives: To recite the Surah in the best manner

possible and understand its meanings

Specific Objectives: 1. To understand and realise that the Day

of Judgement is certain and that this world

is of temporary nature.

2. To appreciate the scientific verses

mentioned in the beginning of this Surah

3. To learn the scenes of Qiyamah as

depicted in the Surah.

4. To learn about the punishments in


5. To reinforce the concept of Aakhirah.

6. To learn about the pleasures and

rewards of Paradise.

7. To recite the Surah according to the

rules of Tajweed.


1st Oct 25-29 B 3 Prophet Lut and the People of Sodom

General Objectives: To learn the history of Prophet Lut and

the People of Sodom in order to draw

lessons from history.

Specific Objectives:

1. To learn the story in the form of group

study by four groups and then leader of

each group to make a presentation/speech

2. To understand the evils prevailing at

the time of Prophet Lut.

3. To realise that Allah punishes people

when they exceed in the limits and do not


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heed to the call of the Prophets.

4. To learn the history and geographical

sketch of the Dead Sea.

5. To read and understand the aayaat 33-

40 of Surah al Qamar related to Prophet

Lut and his community.

1st Nov

1-5 B 4 Turning to Allah; The Story of

Prophet Younus

General Objectives: To Learn the Qur’anic story of Prophet

Younus and drawing lessons from history

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn and realise that there is

immense power in Du’aa and Tasbeeh.

2. To understand the importance of

seeking forgiveness.

3. To learn the detailed story of Prophet


4. To learn from the Qur’anic story how

Younus spent his time in the stomach of a


5. To learn and memorise the du’aa

mentioned in pg B 38.

6. To understand that Allah is Ever-Seeing

and All Hearing and focus on the need to

be conscious of Him at all times


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1st Nov 8-12 C 1 Disobedience is Harmful:

The Battle of Uhud

General Objectives: To learn about the Battle of Uhud and

understand that disobedience to the leader

is harmful for the whole community.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn about the causes that led to the

Battle of Uhud.

2. To understand how the Prophet peace

be upon him, planned for the Battle.

3. To learn the brave acts of Hamzah, Abu

Dujanah, Mus’ab ibn Umair and

Nusaybah bint Ka’ab.



15-19 C 1 Disobedience is Harmful:

The Battle of Uhud

General Objectives: To learn about the Battle of Uhud and

understand that disobedience to the leader

is harmful for the whole community.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn that some Muslims did not

obey the Prophet’s orders and that

disobedience is harmful for the


2. To learn about the encounter of Umar

ibn al Khattab and Abu Sufyan.

3. To learn about the Mount Uhud and the

description of the archers in defence of



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Nov 22-26 C 2 Searching for the Truth: The Story of

Salman al Farsi

General Objectives: To learn and appreciate the story of

Salman al Farsi as to how he struggled to

embrace Islam.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn the background of Salman’s


2. To focus on Salman’s burning desire to

search for the Religion of Truth and learn

about the sacrifices he had to undergo in

the process of achieving his goal.

3. To learn the story of Salman’s meeting

with the Prophet Muhammad, peace be

upon him, and visualise the beautiful

scene as described by Salman himself.

4. To learn the story of Salman and Abu

Dardaa and draw rich lessons for practical


5. To learn and memorise the hadeeth

about Salman al Farsi.


Nov 29-1st


Revisions and Hifz Test Teacher/s revise the lessons to prepare the

students for the examination.

Dec 6-17



1st Term Exams and Holidays Exams and Holidays




Jan 10-14 C 3 Surah al Takweer, Part 1 & 2 General Objective: To recite and understand the Surah.

Specific Objectives: 1. To read the Surah according to Tajweed


2. To understand the meaning of the


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3. To learn about the importance of the

Day of Judgement.

4. To learn as to what will happen to the

world when the Day of Judgement is

about to strike.

5. To learn about the trustworthy Angel,


6. To understand the connection between

Jibreel, Prophet Muhammad and the


2nd Jan 17-21


might be


due to






Surah at-Takweer Part 1 & 2

General Objective: To recite and understand the Surah.

Specific Objectives: 1. To read the Surah according to Tajweed


2. To understand the meaning of the


3. To learn about the importance of the

Day of Judgement.

4. To learn as to what will happen to the

world when the Day of Judgement is

about to strike.

5. To learn about the trustworthy Angel,


6. To understand the connection between

Jibreel, Prophet Muhammad and the



2nd Jan 24-28


D 2 Salatul Jama’ah: A Prayer Allah

Loves General Objectives: To learn the importance of congregational


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prayers in Islam and how loveable it is to


Specific Objectives: 1. To learn and understand the

terminologies: Salatul Jama’ah, Qiyam al

Layl, Imam, Ma’moon.

2. To learn and draw lessons from the

story of the blind man who came to seek

permission from the Prophet not to attend

to the congregational prayer.

2nd Jan /


31 Jan –

4 Feb

D 3 How to Pray Salatul Jama’ah? General Objectives: To learn the method of offering

congregational prayers.

Specific Objectives: 1. To focus on where, when and how do

we pray Salatul Jama’ah.

2. To understand the difference between

Salatul Jama’ah and Salatul Masbooq

3. To learn the steps of following the


4. To understand the method of praying

salatul Masbooq

5. To learn the way of praying Salatul

Jama’ah through practical demonstration.


2nd Feb 7-11

D 4 Salatul Jumu’ah: The Friday Prayer General Objectives: To focus on the importance of offering

Friday Prayer.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn the related terms: Salatul

Jumu’ah, Al Jumu’ah, Ghusl, Khutbah,


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2. To know that Ghusl on Fridays is

important and necessary.

3. To learn that reading Surah al Kahf is

highly encouraged by the Prophet.

4. To learn the difference between Zuhr

and Jumu’ah prayer.

5. To understand that Khutbah is an

essential part of Friday prayer.

6. To learn the hadeeth about Friday

mentioned in pg D 25.

7. To recite and understand the verses of

Surah al Jumu’ah.

8. To learn and draw morals from the

story mentioned in pg D 27

9. To focus on the benefits of Salatul


2nd Feb 14-18 D 5 Appreciating Allah’s Gifts General Objective: To learn to appreciate Allah’s Gifts.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn and memorise the du’aa in pg

D 34.

2. To learn about the story of Saba and

how Allah destroyed the great Ma’rib dam

due to people’s ungrateful nature.

3. To recite and understand the ayaat 15-

17 of Surah Saba.


2nd Feb 21-25 D 7 Zakah: The Third Pillar of Islam General Objective: To focus on developing helping attitude

Specific Objective:


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1. To learn and memorise the ahadeeth in

pg D 48 and 49.

2. To learn and appreciate the story of the

Man with the Garden.

3. To appreciate the parable mentioned in

Surah al Baqarah, verse 261, about those

who spend their wealth in the cause of


2nd Feb 28 Feb –





may be



due to



D 7 Zakah: The Third Pillar of Islam General Objective: To focus on developing helping attitude

Specific Objective: 1. To learn and memorise the ahadeeth in

pg D 48 and 49.

2. To learn and appreciate the story of the

Man with the Garden.

3. To appreciate the parable mentioned in

Surah al Baqarah, verse 261, about those

who spend their wealth in the cause of



2nd Mar 6-10 --- ---- Memorization of the Hifz portion ----- ---

2nd Mar 13-24

27 Mar-

9 Apr

---- ---- Revision & Hifz test


Term Exams and Holidays

--- ---



April 10-14

E 1 Brotherhood in Islam General Objective: To learn and understand the concept of

universal brotherhood in Islam.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn the basic terms of Ukhowwah,

Al Mu’aakha, Akh, Ukht, Akhawaat.

2. To understand the concept of


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brotherhood through great examples from

the lives of the Prophet and his


3rd Apr


E 1 Brotherhood in Islam General Objective: To learn and understand the concept of

universal brotherhood in Islam.

Specific Objectives: 1. The learn on the historical Mu’aakha

between al Muhajireen and al Ansaar.

2. To learn and appreciate the Story Time

given in pg E 5 and draw lessons from it.

3. To read, understand and memorise the

hadeeth on brotherhood in pg E 6.


3rd Apr 24-28

E 2 Muslims Love Each Other General Objectives: To focus on the fact that loving each for

the sake of Allah is a sign of a person’s

strong faith.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn the concept of Al Hubbu


2. To know that Islam is the Religion of

Love and Mercy and that loving other

Muslims is a part of one’s faith.

3. To learn and memorise the hadeeth on

pg E 10.

4. To learn on the rewards of loving

others for the sake of Allah.

5. To learn and draw morals from the

Story Time in pg E10 and 11


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6. To learn Five Important Tips on ‘how

to make others love and respect you’

3rd May 1-5 E 3 The Six Rights of Muslims on One

Another General Objectives: To understand that a Muslim has six rights

over other Muslims and learn to know

each right in detail.

Specific Objectives: 1. To understand the terms: Rights, Haqq,


2. To read and understand the hadeeth in

pg E 19


3rd May 8-12

E 4 Helping Others, Helping Yourself General Objectives: To understand the basic concept of

everyone needing help at some time and

in some way.

Specific Objectives: 1. To develop caring and sharing attitude.

2. To understand the needs of the people

and doing one’s best to extend help to

those in need.

3. To recite and understand the verse 3:14

4. To read and understand the hadeeth on

the larger meaning of Sadaqah.

5. To learn some important ways of

helping people.

6. To focus and understand the wisdom

behind the principle: Small things can

make a big difference

7. To learn the hadeeh in pg E 25 and

memorise the same with meaning in


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3rd May 15-19 E 5 I Don’t Hurt Others General Objectives: To learn and be aware of those evil things

which lead to hatred and ill feelings

among mankind.

Specific Objectives: 1. To understand the basic terms:

Gheebah, Nameemah, Hisaab, Hasanat,


2. To recite the Qur’anic verses in pg E 29

and appreciate the underlying wisdom.

3. To learn the hadeeth on Gheebah and

understand it’s in depth meaning.

4. To read and draw lessons from the

Story Time mentioned in pg E 31.

5. To understand the temptations caused

by Shaytan in doing evil and learn ways to

protect oneself.

6. To learn and memorise the hadeeth on

pg E 33, about the three signs of a



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3rd May 22-26 E 6 Surah al Mutaffifeen, Part 1 General Objectives: To recite and understand the meanings of

this Surah.

Specific Objectives: 1. To learn how cheating and fraud is

condemned in the Qur’an.

2. To recite the verses according to the

rules of Tajweed.

3. To focus on the concept of Aakhirah

and how important it is to stay away from



3rd June 29 May –

2 June

F 1 Muslim Fashion

followed by Revisions General Objectives: To focus on dressing etiquettes and


Specific Objectives: 1. To understand how hijab is important in


2. To learn about the Islamic way of


3. To understand what awrah is and how

significant it is in Muslim Fashion.

4. To learn and memorise the hadeeth in

pg F 7 about beautiful appearance.


3rd June 5-16 Hifdh Test


Term Exams and Holidays

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