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Transcript of Islam

Islam Knights of Malta Vatican Nazi ConnectionShaykh Abd al Wahid Pallavicini Knight of Malta also Muslim cleric Shaykh Pallavicini has been listed as one of the 500 most influential contemporary Islamic leaders in the world. He is founder and president of CO.RE.IS, the Islamic Religious Community in Italy. After converting to Islam in 1951, he joined the Shad-hiliyyah Sufi order and is now head of the brotherhood in Italy. A founding trustee of the Grand Mosque of Rome, he has been a leader in inter religious dialogue for many decades. Currently, engaged in pressing for official recognition of Islam by the Italian government. There are many facets of the popes involvement in Islam through the Jesuit Order and the Knights of Malta which can be found also on the following link. The False Prophet click here who will be using Islam to bring about his next Inquisition called the Great Tribulation.

We also can dig into the history of some events that involve historical evidence of the papacy knowingly controlling clerics to fulfill his purpose such as in World War 2 concerning the Graft Mufti of Jerusalem we know that Benito Mussolini was a Knight of Malta and that Hajj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem lead a division of the SS for Hitler under the command of the pope .

Amin Al Husseini is founder and President of the World Islamic Congress. After WWII, it will actively shape the 1920 - Jerusalem, agenda of the Muslim world. Palestine. Amin Al Husseini inciting the riots that pitted Palestinian Arab against Palestinian Jew. Amin Al Husseini as officer of Ottoman Empire - 1915

Muslim Soldiers reading German Propaganda.The name of the book is Islam Und Judentum(Islam and Judaism in German Amin Al Husseini with one of his Nazi Muslim Troops 1943 Hanzar SS Division. Amin Al Husseini meets Heinrich Himmler, Head of Nazi SS.

Berlin-1942Amin Al Husseini spends Amin Al Husseini WWII by Hitler's side. inspecting Nazi Muslim troops - 1943 Catholic Church Islam Holocaust connection Click here and here More information can be found here

1928 Amin Al-Husseini becomes prominent member of Muslim Brotherhood. Amin Al-Husseini Nazi SS Hanzer Division Leader under the Vatican control. 1944 Amin Al-Husseini is one of the primary founders and the inspiration of Arab League. Goal is to reinforce Wahhabi vision of Pan-Islamic unity. Founding countries are: Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen. Husseini, still in Germany, is appointed to President in Absentia of Fourth Higher Committee of Arab League. Muslim Brotherhood Nazi Connection Muslim Brotherhood Information More information The three links above provide information as well as here 1945 Amin Al-Husseini becomes leader of Muslim Brotherhood. Mid-1940. Amin Al-Husseini is appointed leader of Muslim Brotherhood in Jerusalem. He becomes number one active importer of Nazi methodology to the Middle East. Husseini flees to Egypt. He is wanted by Yugoslavia for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity perpetrated during WWII. In 1945, Husseini co-creates and presides over Arab League. From 1922 to 1937, he heads the Supreme Islamic Council. In 1931, he creates the World Islamic Congress. In 1969, the (OIC) Organization of Islamic Conferences is founded and sets its headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It is an offshoot of the World Islamic Congress founded by Amin Al Husseini in 1926. The First Secretary General (1971-1973) is H.R.H. Tunku Abdul Rahman, Prime Minister of Malaysia. The OIC is made of 56 Islamic countries. It has been one of Islam's strongest political voices and has shaped the ideology of Pakistan and of the Muslim World until today now it shouldn't surprise you when you see this and understand where it came from. Mahdi Army

Top left :Hezbollah Top, Right: Hezbollah ,Bottom Left: Hamas ,Bottom Right: Catholic Cardinals