Ishmaelite Glossary v1

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  • 8/8/2019 Ishmaelite Glossary v1


    Ishmaelite Glossary


    Above - eleesh

    Abraham - Oraham

    Abyss - anzanoonzoo

    Acceptable, good = Damakoo

    Accounting of Ones Faults = Kanoo

    Adam - Gemoord ("Geh-moor`d")

    Adam and Eve -"Gemoord w' Moordeeyanag"?Adult - rabdoo

    Adultery - neekoo (any form of fornication); adulterer - nai`akoo

    Adultery (adulterer) - hoovera (hoo-ver-ah)

    Affliction - oolzana

    And upon you be peace Alookh Shalama (response to the Nabataean greeting

    Shalama Lookh )

    Afternoon - mooshaloo

    ancient times - oomeepana (days of old)

    Anger - beeroo

    Allah is not God = Alaloeel

    And = 1. Oo (When not connected to another word) 2. Wa (When connected to

    another word. 3. W (an abbreviation of Wa )

    Angel (various celestial beings in general) - malkha

    anybody - maman (anyone)

    anything - memenee (something)

    Apprentice - shamalo

    Aramaic - Aramaya

    Archangel - reesh malkhe

    Architect - ardeekhalooare - understood, no specific term; a plural noun indicates "are"

    Ark Kebuta

    Ark of Honey = Keboota dDeeshpo

    Ark of the Covenant Kebuta dKeyama

    Arrow - sheeltakhoo

    ashes - toomroo (can also refer to burnt food)
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    associate - alakheeto`a (V. to associate)

    associates - akheeto`e (pl. N. associates)

    astrology - esheroo (generic term for all astrology); esheroo beeshto (practice of

    astrology for evil purposes)

    At that time - eenoomeeshoo (in those days, then)

    Autumn takreematee


    Babylon - Babeeloo

    Baby - lakoo

    Birth - kharshoo

    Bad = Beeshoo

    Babylonian - BabeelayaBad spirit - rookha bisho (related to "evil spirit" but can also be used in reference

    to human beings)

    bead - ereematoo (pl. ereemato`e) also indicates stone or knot

    being - haya (to be, to become) However, when speaking of the earth being

    formed (or any other act with a proper pronoun and regular noun), we use a

    phrase such as "create God did (the) earth" - the word is "did" which is connected

    to the verb "create". In this particular case it is "eth" pronounced as in the word

    "method". Another example, "Read Sarai did the book" (Sarai read the book)

    Believer Eelanoo (Favoured by Ahayah)

    Believers Eelanooe

    Birth (give birth) - aladoo [literally: to or of child]

    Bless (to bless, to give blessing) - karaboo {see also THANK GOD}

    Blood - adamo

    Book - ketava (also: document, writing)

    bottle - lahanoo (flask)

    Breast - eertoo (chest)

    Birthing = Alma

    bread - koosapoo

    Brother - Akhobrotherhood - akhootoo

    Burnt offering - yakda (see OFFERING)

    Battle - same as "fight"

    be (v.) - haya (become)

    Body - walanoo

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    born on this day - oomeetoo

    Burnt Offering - Yakda

    but - lewa


    Call - keereetoo (invitation, announcement)

    Caravan - alakto

    Chapter - Keplon

    celebration - tasheeltoo (feast)

    chest - eertoo (also "breast")

    Chariot - narkabtoo

    Chief judge sartenoo

    Compassion - khenana

    Complain - nazamoo (verb)

    Concubine keeneetoCovenant of Entry - Keyama d`Ereebwoo

    child - ahooroo

    Children = ahooroe

    clay tablet - neebzo

    cold - kashoo (to be cold)

    collection - karkoo

    Consecration (purify) - kadeeshoota

    Consort - kharmoo (male consort but not "khababoo")

    Consultation - sheetaloo (verb: to take counsel, consulting)

    Contention (rebellion, provocation) - memarmranoota (mem-arm-rah-noo-tah)

    cool - kasho (to become cool, cool down)

    Covenant - Keyama

    constantly - geena (usually, always , permanently)

    Constant Submission to God 1. Kamasoo a-eeloo.(Most formal)

    2.Kamasooeeloo (Moderately formal) 3. Kamasooeel (informal)

    cursed - tamoo

    curses - tamo`e

    Create - akimaka

    Creating hakimakaCreation - kimaka

    Creator - kimakoo

    Creed - keepto (belief)

    Cup agoobwoo

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    Daily (day to day, every day) - oomeeshama

    Daughter = Beentoo

    Daughter of = Beentoo

    Dark day - ookooloo (day of darkness, time/era of darkness - used negatively)

    spelling same for plural

    Day - oomoo (pl. oome)

    Day after tomorrow - leedeesh

    Day before yesterday - eeshashoomee

    Daylight - nooroo (daylight, light, lamp)

    Day of birth - oomtaleetee (birthday)

    DAYS OF THE WEEK(Sunday - oomeesen

    Monday - oomsheeta

    Tuesday - oomshalsashee

    Wednesday - oomerbe

    Thursday - oomkhameesh

    Friday - oomsheshe

    Saturday oomshebe)

    Days to come - labareeshoome (with the passage of time, in the days to come)

    dawn - kalmaree (early day, early in the morning; also used interchangeably with


    Dead - singular: meeto; plural: meetee

    Death - meetoto

    Decree (generic sense) - naboo

    dedication - eekreebo (prayer, supplication)

    Demon 1. shedoo (see EVIL SPIRIT) 2. ala (moon god, a Jinn, evil spirit

    inhabiting Saudi Arabia)

    Descendants = Keeseetoo

    Destroy - (to cause destruction) ahafatoDestroys - (same as above "destroy")

    Destroyed (past tense) - see term for "dust"

    Destruction - hafato

    Detachment - la`eloo (not binding)

    Devotion - sheletoo

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    diadem - peetootoo

    difficult - kabatoo (burden, heavy)

    Disease - moorshoo (there are various other terms for specific illnesses)

    disease - moorshoo (illness, sickness)

    divine punishment - enetoo

    Divine Spirit (Energy of God)= Rookha dKoodsha

    divine supremacy - eeleelotoo (refers to the Sovereign Ahayah)

    dough - leeshoo (cake)

    Dry, dried - awalo


    Ear - ooznoo (pl. oozno`e)

    earlier - pana (previously)

    Earth - epero

    East - raba shamsheeEdom - Eedome`a; Edomite - Eedoomeet

    egg - peloo

    ego - (same as 'self' below unless you have something else in mind)

    Egypt - Mosoroo

    Elderly person - sheeboota; plural: sheeboota`e

    Eldest son = koodooroo

    Envy - see jealousy

    Eve - Moordeeyanag ("Moor-dee-yah-nah-gh")

    Evil = Maskoo

    Evil spirit - beeshta

    evil eye - enoo beeshto

    Evening - noobatoo

    every day - oomatee

    everyone - seher wa-rabee (literally "small and great")

    Eye - enoo (pl. eno`e)


    Faith - tokoolto (faith, hope, reliance, trust, allegiance)

    Faithfulness - HaimanutaFall (i.e.The Fall) - Anoo Do`emeesh (lit. "guilt {causing} great darkness")

    Family eeloto

    Family Tree = Keeseetoo

    Fate - shee`amtoo

    Father - abwoo; my father - abwee

    Fear, fearful - adareesh

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    Female - o`eeltoo

    female garment - deeda

    Festival - adeda

    Final judgement - deeteeloo (court, legal system)

    Firstborn son = bookroo

    First person male - ekhadoo

    First person female - ekhadeet

    First person non-gender - ekhada

    Flag - atoo (ah-too)

    Flour - qemkoo

    Forgiveness - napshoroo (to forgive)

    Fight - alashgago

    Fire - eeshato (Verb: aleeshato "to set ablaze")

    Foot - shepoo

    former - labeeroo (previous)Feet - shepo`e

    finger - oobanoo (pl. oobano`e)

    fortune telling - rasheelooto`e makhekhoo (fortunes from false prophet/ess)

    free - zakoo (guilt free, exempt, clean)

    Free from sin Zakoo ano

    Friday - oomsheshe

    from - ameeno

    Fog - eembaroo

    fixed date - adanoo

    furious - nandooro

    future - Akhreetoo


    Godly - Ahayahio (ah-ha-yah-ee-oh), also "sacred", "divine like"

    God through Melkheezedek = Ahayah al Melkheezedek

    Good - Tayabo

    Good spirit - rookha babana (also means "spirit of virtue", "virtuous spirit")

    Grain storage, granary - kareeto

    Greetings of peace - shalamaGreed - nasheenee

    Gan Eden - Gan Eden ("Eh-dehn")

    God - Eel

    good afternoon - shoolmoo (greeting, good day, good morning, hello)

    grant favour - sakharo (often used in personal names)

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    hair - pertoo

    Hate - zeroo

    Hatred - same as "hate"

    Hatred of Evil - zeroo d'gal

    Hatred of Good - zeroo d'babanoo


    Ignorance - shala`i`oo

    Immersion in God (Ahayah) - reheestoo"

    Incense sheeno

    incense box - bet reeke (spice box, container for storing incense before offering)

    inscribed tablet - egertoo

    Instruction in knowledge - neendanooIntellectual (a negative term) - toopashsaroo

    interest - seebtoo (financial interest)

    It is Gods Will = 1. dAhayah (Formal) 2. dYah (informal, conversational) 3.dY

    (For abbreviated messages i.e. texting)


    Happy - Khadoo

    Have/to have = eesoo

    Heaven - shamoo

    Hebrew - Eebraya

    Help from Heaven Beseeyata deshamoo

    Hair kazroo

    hand kapoo

    Head - goolgooloo

    Heart - leeboo (also related to: abdomen, centre, mind,)

    Heal - albaleeto (verb, "to heal")

    Heavenly Fire - eesheeloo (Divine Fire)

    Hellfire - geero d'beeshto

    Holy - koodsha (kood-shah)Holy Book - Ketava Koodsha (keh-tah-vah kood-shah) in reference to the Holy

    book of Shabta Eeshma`eel.

    House of knowledge/learning/university - Bet oomanoto

    House of the Dead (Hell) Bet Meete

    Honey -deeshpo

    Hope - sa`ora

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    House of the Law - Bet Orayta (place of worship)

    House of Rest (Paradise) Bet Nakha

    House of dust - (as in house of the dead, underworld) beteperoo

    House to draw near - Bet Garabo (informal, used as an assembly of people for


    Humankind - o`eelootoo (mankind, humanity) {see PEOPLE}

    Husband - mootoo


    Idolatry - petakhroota (petakh-roo-tah)

    Idol - petakhra

    In = eena

    Incense - basmo (also sweet smelling perfume)

    Inovation - khaseeso (as in new thought, bringing a new thought to the table,etc)

    Intoxication - shakartoo

    Irreverent (sinful) - roosha

    Ishmael - Eeshma`eel (eesh-mah-eel)

    Islam is not of the House of God = Eesloomabeteel

    injure - same as "wound" (verb)

    Injury - same as "wound"

    is - understood, no specific term

    into - eena (depending on grammatical sense, also: in, from, with)


    Jealousy - kee`oo (envy)

    Jew (Jewish) - Yekhoodaya (yeh-khoo-dah-ya)

    Jinn (Evil Spirit) rookha bisho

    Jinn (Good Spirit) rookha babana

    Judge -1. Dayano (pl. Dayanoe) The profession of a judge

    Judgement 1. (V. To pass judgement) - dee`anoo (court, legal system) 2. (n.)

    tasheemtoo (court, legal system)


    King - malka

    Kingdom of Israel - bet khoomree

    Kill - aldako (verb) - not the same as "murder" (someone kills a chicken but they

    murder a man; self defence is killing, outright taking of a life without just cause is


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    Kneel - see "submission"

    Knowledge Moodootoo

    Knowledgeable - moodootoo (awareness, wisdom)


    lake - tantoo (ocean, sea, large body of water)

    lamentation - akholabaka

    Law (God's Law) - Orayta; other law - namoosa (others use "namoosa" to also

    refer to God's Law interchangeably with Orayta)

    Learning, Education (Skill) Oomanoto

    leavened bread - enshoo

    Lesson - Leegeenoo

    Letter - seepro (as in correspondence)

    Liberty (freedom) - kheroota

    Light nooroLie (as in deceit) - kazaboo

    Lie (as in lay down) - alkararoo (to place an object)

    Love - khaba; to love (verb) - khaboo

    Love of Evil - ramoo d'gal

    Love of Good - ramoo d'babanoo


    Male - zeekaroo

    Master - bweloo (in a governmental sense), malameedoo (related to religious

    training - a master who trains a disciple in religious matters)

    Medication (medicine) - asooto

    Melek (singular) - Meleks

    marriage/union - khashado

    Meditation - awoo`a (see also "stillness")

    Melek(plural) - Meleke

    Melkhizedek = Melkheezedek

    Membership - adama`ootoo (can also mean "of the same blood", "of the same


    Metatron = Meetraenmeteorological phenomenon - aloodano

    Mindfulness - baroo kabatoo

    Modernize - edasho (to modernize; heresy, bidah, a negative term)

    Month - arkhoo

    Monthly (each month, month by month) - arkheesham

    Moon nanaro

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    Moral quality, correct, just, normal = Eesharoo

    Mountain ridge, mt peak - zukto

    move ahead - palashoo

    Muffle - khatamoo (verb: to muffle, to quiet a sound)

    Medicine ashootoo

    midday heat - kararoo

    Midnight - panmooshee

    Mind - leeboo (see also "heart")

    Mouth - patoo (also means "gate", "opening")

    Mist - akamoo

    Monday - oomsheeta

    Morning - mooshtertoom


    Name - sheem (as in a person or place)New (as in new creation ) - Khadta

    need - sheebootoo (intent, intention, desire, wish)

    neither - same as "nor" and "not"

    new moon day - oombooboolee

    nor - la (not, no)

    No - la

    No thank you = La Medeem

    nobody - lameenee

    Noon - mooshlaloo (midday, afternoon) see also "midday heat"

    Night - mooshoo

    Nose apoo

    North - eeshtanoo

    Not of the the House of God (Having no Keyama) = Lobeteel


    Oasis - oorebto

    Oath - mameetoo

    Obedient (also means To hear) - Shema

    occult - natooOffering platter - adakooro

    Offering - religious: korbano; non-religious: girbano (see BURNT OFFERING;


    offering cup - adagoro

    offering table - mashkeetoo (altar)

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    Oneness - po`edoo (union, unity, oneness)

    Oneness of God- po`edoo`eel

    Ordinance (mandate) - pookdana

    organised - taknoo (in order, established)

    Offering 1.koorbano (to make an offering - koorbanoo) 2. Yakda (A burnt

    offering i.e. flour or an animal)

    omens - dashto`e (singular: dashtoo)

    or - woo

    outcome - sheemtoo (lot, disposition)


    Page Tarpa

    Pardon, forgive, exonerate - re`amoo

    Passion(s) - pookoo, pookoo`e

    Path (road) - orhooPath of God - (the way of God) Orhoo Ahayah

    Peace be with you Shalama Lookh (Nabataean Greeting)

    Peace - shalama (verb: alshlama, "to make peace")

    People - neeshee (person - neesho) {see HUMANKIND}

    Perfection gamra (also means perfect or total completion)

    permanent - keenoo (carries same meaning as "loyal")

    picnic table - pashurgeroo

    Pillar - zamo (pl. zamo`e)

    Plan of Melkheezedek - Temo Melkheezedek (purpose or overall plans, decisions

    of Melkheezedek)

    Please - adaneeka

    Pomegranate - armanoo

    Potter - khashbato

    Praise - Zamaro

    powers used against witchcraft - ooshboorodo

    preach/teach - lamadoo (V = alamadoo)

    Pray (verb, act of praying) - salo

    Princess - goozalotoo

    Promise - moolkanaProphesy - (to prophesy, proclaim) naboo

    Propitiation - khoosaya

    Protected - nasaroo (guardianship)

    Proverb - matla

    Pride (proud, being haughty) - ravma

    Psalms - mazmore (mahz-mo-reh)

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    Pagan - unless a specific pagan practice is concerned, the use of the term

    "lobeteel" is used.

    Pregnancy - areeto; a woman in childbirth is "khareeshta"

    Provoke to anger - albeeroo

    palmistry - rasheelooto`e kapoo (fortunes from hand)

    Prostrate - same as "submission"

    Pure Teaching - leegeenoo ebeboo

    Purified (from guilt) Zakoo


    Recitation (similar to Nama Rupa/Zhikr) - baroo koodsha (holy attentiveness) . It

    is related to "mindfulness" (see baroo kabatoo)

    Reconciliation - taroota

    Religion keroRemain = ree`ahoo -

    Renew - edashoo (to renew, restore, resume)

    Repentance - babaloo (to carry off guilt, repent)

    Rest (to rest, verb) - nakhoo

    Revelation (apparition, manifestation, act of revealing) - geelyana

    Right hand - emeto

    Rain shamee`atoom (same spelling for plural)

    Rainbow manzee`at (often used in personal names)

    ritual - dooloo


    Sabbath - shabatoo (seventh day of week, day of rest)

    sanctuary - ayako

    Saturday oomshebe

    Saint Khosda

    Saints (plural) - Khosde

    Scorpion - agrabwoo (ah-grahb-woo)

    Section - KetSeasons dashoom (pl. dashoome)

    secret knowledge - pasheeroo (also means "a secret place", "hiding place")

    Sects (religious) Keroe

    Seed (descendent) - zera

    self - ahe

    Selfless - a`eeloo (related to "giving", "to give", "helpful", "not selfish

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    Selflessness - tabtanoo

    Senior leader - rabo

    Serpent - Shoomgaloo

    Servant = dayaloo (generic term for any type of servant)

    Service or "adoration." - Poolkhana

    Shame - basho (to become ashamed - bashoo)

    Should = Ayoo

    Silent = karashoo

    Sin - ano (a sin), sins (plural)"ano`e"; anoo (to sin, to be guilty)

    Sing (verb, act of singing) - zamaro

    Sister - akhato

    Slander - karshoo; slanderer karshee

    sisterhood - akhatootoo

    Sit - shoobto`a (sit to begin resting)

    Slay - alnerto (verb, murder)Snow koopoo (ice, snowy)

    somebody - manama (interchangeable with "anybody")

    Snowman amelkoopoo

    Soil - eperoo (dust, land, hand-full of dirt)

    Son = aploo

    Son of = eeshkoo

    South - shoota`yoo

    Space - (as in outer space) bormo {the great expanse above the visible sky}

    Speak - awoo (to speak)

    speculate - alshapatoo (to make opinions/words from lips, as opposed to being

    based on wisdom)

    speculation shapatoo

    Spirit - rookha

    Spirit Realm Sheool

    Spiritual - rookhanaya

    Spiritual Pillars - Zama`e Rookha

    Star - barMelkheezedek (pl. bareMelkheezedek)

    Statement - abootoo

    Stillness - oo`a (related to "meditation")Stolen property - sherkoo

    Stone abno

    storehouse - aboosoo

    Study = Oomanoto

    Sun - hafrato

    Sunrise, disc of the sun - neepkhoo

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    Sustain - atableeto

    Sustaining - (same as "sustain")

    Spring - deeshoo

    Stand - almuzeezo (verb)

    Storm - ankhooloo

    submission - kamasoo (literally means "constant submission", "kneel")

    subterranean waters - anzanoonzoo (abyss, see also "nagboo")

    suitable - shoolooko (fit, proper - as in a person)

    Summer - ebooroo

    Sunday - oomeesen

    Sunrise - neepeeshamshee (also used symbolically for "East")

    Sunset shalamshamshee (also used symbolically for "West")

    superstition - see "false belief"

    surface - kakree`oo

    Sustenance - tableetoScholar - Oomano

    Seed (for plants) - kodeemoo

    Seed (for offspring) - rekhobanoo (this is a combination of two words: "copulate"

    and "gender", meaning "to engender a child, to build a child with seed, etc.)

    Sex as in gender - bano (there are other terms for this that are used


    Sex as in sexual activity - rekhoo (noun); alrekho (verb) - this term also means: to

    pour liquid, ejaculate, intercourse, copulate

    Steal - sharakoo (verb)

    Student - Talmeedo {fellow student - akhotalmeedo}

    Student (Fellow Student) = Akhotalmeedo

    sweet bread - mootkoo


    table cloth - keendabasoo

    tablet - toopa (pl. toopo`e)

    taboo - anseelo

    tasty - sa`ee`ahoo (delicious, savory, enjoyable)tax - meeksa (religious tax, obligatory dues)

    Thank God (expression: "thanks be to God") - Karaboo Ahayah (literally "to bless

    God") {see also BLESS}

    Thank you - tadee (tah-dee) {See YOU'RE WELCOME}

    Third gender - o`eeloo (non-gender person, free man)

    Thousand (1,000) alapoo

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    thread - teeboo (twine, string)

    Three Pillars - shalooshtoo d'daroo`e (lit. "(the) triad of (the) divine

    foundations". Shalooshtoo means "triad" and "d'daroo`e" is the plural

    "foundations". But this particular term for "foundations" is not meant for any

    foundation of a building or platform.

    To become, turn = ewoo

    To make right (To walk, turn and become correct) = Akaweesha (abbreviation for

    Akashoo ewoo eesharoo)

    To speak forth (pronounce, proclaim, order, decree)- kaboo

    To turn and become correct (full version) = akashoo ewoo eesharoo (shortened

    version: Akaweesha)

    To walk = akashoo

    Treaty, peaceful contract - adoo

    Teacher - Moolameedo

    Tear - laboo (pl. labo`e) as in "crying" (another term is "deentoo")Teen - ahoora`oo (teenager, junior)

    Tradition = khashanoo

    True - sherara (also "truth")

    Truly, for a certainty awarsha

    than - ato`ee

    Theology Geroo dkeyama (lit. Religious Path or way)

    Thursday - oomkhameesh

    to - al (verb)

    to - ana (as in "to a place" or "going to the city" and not "to do", "to act", "to

    read"), for (as in "in order", "for the purpose of")

    Toe - sha`eep (pl. sha`eepe)

    Tongue - leeshanoo (also means "language")

    Tooth - sheenoo (pl. sheeno`e)

    Tradition 1. Orhoo (Path, way); 2. Khashanoo (lit. fence, To protect or guard

    Tuesday - oomshalsashee

    Twilight bararee (dusk)


    Unacceptable, bad, very bad = lamoonooUnbeliever - lobeteel (literally means "not of the house of God")

    underground water - nagboo (head of a river)

    underworld - keelbo (refers to the underworld/afterlife in general)

    unformed - lobanoo (not created)

    Universe - (all things within creation outside the Divine Sphere of Ahayah)

    nilaMelkheezedek (literally fluid/semen of Melkheezedek)

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    Verse - Haroz

    Vice - hargolo (literally "a lock" or "gag" - anything that stops one from

    progressing or going forward)

    Virtue - babano (also means "beautiful," "wonderful")

    Violence habaloo

    Voice - reegmoo (heavenly voice: eleesh)

    void - reekoo (empty)


    waist band kano

    War - algaro (verb, to war against)wedding day - oomkhashadee

    Wednesday - oomerbe

    Well (as in "agreeable", "If it is well with you, I would like to begin preparing for

    dinner now.") - shapeera

    West (sunset, in the West, toward the West) - sheelan

    What = Ayoo

    wheat bread - kadootoo

    Widow - armalto / armaltoo

    Wilderness - esheetoo

    Window Aptoo

    Wind maneetoo

    Window of Heaven Aptoo dShamoo

    Windows (plural) Aptoe

    Windows of Heaven - Aptoe dShamoo

    Winter kooshoo (cold, chilling weather)

    witch - asheeptoo (fem. sorceress)

    witchcraft - ko`eeshpe (magic, conjuring)

    wizard - rageemoo

    World = AlamaWorldly (of the world, secular status) - almai`oo

    Woman servant - amtoo (young woman - ardatoo)

    Womb - khardatoo

    worldly = lepera`o (of the soil, of the earth, mundane matters)

    worshipper - palookha

    Wound - makhasha (noun, "a wound"); almakhasho (verb, "to wound")

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    Yazata (singular) - khansha

    Yazatas (plural) - Khansho`e

    Yes - hen

    Yeshua/Isa/Issa/Jesus = Eeshoo

    Yoke, harness - awshano

    yesterday - amshat

    You - ata (ah-tah); plural: atoone (ah-too-neh)

    You're welcome - "ata, ata" ("you, you") with a very slight bow or hands slightly

    cupped together and raised (but not above one's own neck). Due to the difficulty

    in expressing this in writing we are forced to use a different or modern phrase

    that would be equivalent to something on the nature of "not at all", "don't

    mention it," "sure, no problem", "nada", etc. ==> "La meedeem" - it means "not

    at all." {See THANK YOU}



    Aalrekho (verb) - Sex as in sexual activity. this term also means: to pour liquid,

    ejaculate, intercourse, copulate.

    ahooroo = child

    Abno - Stone

    aboosoo - storehouse

    Abootoo - statement

    Abwee - my father

    Abwoo - father

    adagoro - offering cup

    Adakooro - Offering platter

    Adama`ootoo - membership (can also mean "of the same blood", "of the same


    Adamo - bloodAdaneeka Please

    Adareesh - Fear, fearful

    Adeda - festival

    Adoo - Treaty, peaceful contract

    a`eeloo (related to "giving", "to give", "helpful", "not selfish - Selfless

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    Agoobwoo - cup

    Agrabwoo (ah-grahb-woo) - scorpion

    Ahafato - Destroy (to cause destruction)

    Ahayah = The Name of God

    Ahayah al Melkheezedek = God through Melkheezedek

    Ahayahio (ah-ha-yah-ee-oh) - "divine like" Godly, , also "sacred"

    ahe - self

    Akashoo = To walk

    Akashoo ewoo eesharoo = To walk, turn and become correct. Full form of


    Akaweesha = To walk , turn and become correct. To make right. The act of

    repentance and making things right. Abbreviated form of Akashoo ewoo


    Akhato - sister

    akhatootoo - sisterhoodahooro`e = Children

    ahoora`oo (teenager, junior) = Teen

    albeeroo = provoke to anger

    alkararoo (to place an object) = lie as in lay down

    akheeto`e (pl. N. associates) - associates

    Akho - brother

    akholabaka - lamentation

    akhootoo - brotherhood

    Akimaka - Create

    Aladoo - [literally: to or of child] birth (give birth)

    Akhotalmeedo = Fellow Student

    Akhreetoo - future

    ala demon (moon god, a Jinn, evil spirit inhabiting Saudi Arabia)

    almakhasho - verb. "to wound"

    almuzeezo (verb) - Stand

    amelkoopoo - Snowman

    alnerto (verb, murder) - Slay

    alshapatoo (to make opinions/words from lips, as opposed to being based on

    wisdom) - speculateal (verb) - to

    aldako (verb) - - Kill. not the same as "murder" (someone kills a chicken but they

    murder a man; self defence is killing, outright taking of a life without just cause is


    Ahayah-eel wa-Hai Eesgada Melkheezedek (the word "hai" is pronounced as

    hah-ee, almost like "hi" but not like "hay")- Ahayah-(is)-God and-His Messenger

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    (is) Melkheezedek.

    alakheeto`a (V. to associate) associate

    Alakto - Caravan

    Alapoo - thousand (1,000)

    Almai`oo - worldly (of the world, secular status)

    Alookh Shalama - And upon you be Peace (response to the greeting Shalam

    Lookh )

    Alaloeel = (lit. Allah is not God) Associating anything with Allah. The term

    Alaloeel is a play on their own concept (Shirk) - associating anything with Allah

    would obviously be blasphemous in the Neo-Nabataean Aramaic faith.

    Alaloeeloo = A person who associates anything with the Islamic deity of darkness


    Alama = World (Also used to mean forever. It is tied with the concept of time

    and in relation to the eternal virginal mothering/birthing (alma) of the universe.

    Alashgago - Fightalbaleeto (verb, "to heal") - Heal

    ashootoo - Medicine

    algaro (verb, to war against) - War

    adanoo- fixed date

    Alma = Birthing

    aloodano - meteorological phenomenon

    amadoo (V = alamadoo) - preach/teach

    ameeno- from

    amshat - yesterday

    anseelo - taboo

    anzanoonzoo (abyss, see also "nagboo") - subterranean waters

    anzanoonzoo - abyss

    Aploo = Son

    ato`ee - than

    Amtoo - woman servant

    ana (as in "to a place" or "going to the city" and not "to do", "to act", "to read"),

    for (as in "in order", "for the purpose of")- to

    Ano - sin

    Ano`e - sins (plural)Anoo - to sin, to be guilty

    Anoo Do`emeesh - The Fall (lit. "guilt {causing} great darkness")

    apoo- Nose

    akamoo - Mist


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    asheeptoo (fem. sorceress) - witch

    Aptoe Window (plural)

    Aptoe dShamoo Windows of Heaven (Plural)

    Aptoo Window (singl.)

    Aptoo dShamoo Window of Heaven

    Aramaya - Aramaic

    Ardatoo - young woman

    Ardeekhaloo - architect

    Arkheesham - monthly (each month, month by month)

    Arkhoo - month

    Armalto / armaltoo - widow

    Armanoo - pomegranate

    Asooto - medication (medicine)

    Ata (ah-tah) - you

    areeto = pregnancyAta, ata" - ("you, you") you're welcome - "with a very slight bow or hands slightly

    cupped together and raised (but not above one's own neck). Due to the difficulty

    in expressing this in writing we are forced to use a different or modern phrase

    that would be equivalent to something on the nature of "not at all", "don't

    mention it," "sure, no problem", "nada", etc. ==> "La meedeem" - it means "not

    at all." {See THANK YOU}

    Atableeto - Sustain

    Atoo (ah-too)- flag

    Atoone (ah-too-neh) -you (plural)

    Awalo - Dry, dried

    Awarsha - Truly, for a certainty

    Awoo -(to speak)

    awoo`a (see also "stillness") - Meditation

    Awshano - Yoke, harness

    ayako - sanctuary

    Ayoo - what, should

    BBabaloo (to carry off guilt, repent) - repentance

    Babano (also means "beautiful," "wonderful") - virtue

    Babeelaya - Babylonian

    Babeeloo - Babylon

    bano (there are other terms for this that are used interchangeably) = sex as in


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    Baroo Kabatoo (to watch searchingly mind; literally "mindfulness", "watchful

    mind") - Mindfulness

    basho - Shame

    Bashoo - to become ashamed

    Beentoo = 1. Daughter 2. Daughter of

    beeroo = anger

    Beeshoo = Bad

    bararee (dusk) - Twilight

    BarMelkheezedek (pl. bareMelkheezedek) - star

    baroo kabatoo - (to watch searchingly mind; literally "mindfulness", "watchful


    baroo koodsha (holy attentiveness) .- Recitation (similar to Nama Rupa/Zhikr)

    Basmo - (also sweet smelling perfume) incense

    Beseeyata deShamoo Help from Heaven

    Beeshta - evil spiritBeteperoo - house of dust (as in house of the dead, underworld)

    Bet Garabo - (informal, used as an assembly of people for worship) house to draw


    Bet khoomree - Kingdom of Israel

    Bet Meete - House of the Dead (Hell)

    Bet Nakha - House of Rest (Paradise)

    Bet oomanoto = House of knowledge/learning/university

    Bet Orayta - (place of worship) House of the Law

    bet reeke (spice box, container for storing incense before offering) - incense box

    Bookroo = Firstborn Son

    Bormo {the great expanse above the visible sky} - space (as in outer space)

    Bweloo (in a governmental sense) -master


    dAhayah = It is Gods Will (Formal)

    Damakoo = Acceptable, good (not to be confused with Tayabo)

    Dayaloo (generic term for any type of servant) - servant

    Dayano (pl. Dayanoe) -The profession of a judgeDee`anoo (court, legal system) - Instruction in knowledge

    Deeshpo - honey

    Deeteeloo (court, legal system) - final judgement

    dashto`e (singular: dashtoo) - omens

    dashoom (pl. dashoome) - Seasons

    deeda - female garment

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    deeshoo - Spring

    dooloo - ritual

    dY = It is Gods Will (Abbreviation )

    dYah = It is Gods Will (Informal)


    Edasho (to modernise) - modernise

    Edashoo (to renew, restore, resume) - renew

    Eebraya - Hebrew

    Eedome`a - Edom

    Eedoomeet - Edomite

    eekreebo (prayer, supplication) - dedication

    Eelanoo Believer

    Eelanooe - Believers

    eeleelotoo (refers to the Sovereign Ahayah) - divine supremacyeeloto = family

    eena (depending on grammatical sense, also: in, from, with) into

    eenoomeeshoo (in those days, then) - at that time

    eeshashoomee - day before yesterday

    Eeshoo = Yeshua/Isa/Issa/Jesus

    ebooroo -Summer

    eembaroo - Fog

    Eena - in

    Eertoo - (chest) breast

    Eeshma`eel (eesh-mah-eel) - Ishmael

    Eesloomabeteel = Islam is not of House of God

    Eesoo - have/to have

    egertoo - inscribed tablet

    Ekhadoo - first person male

    Ekhadeet - first person female

    Ekhada - first person non-gender

    eertoo (also "breast")- chest

    Eleesh - above

    Emeto - right handenetoo - divine punishment

    enshoo - leavened bread

    Epero - Earth

    Eperoo (dust, land, hand-full of dirt) - soil

    ereematoo (pl. ereemato`e) also indicates stone or knot - bead

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    Esheetoo - wilderness

    Eel- God

    enoo beeshto - evil eye

    Eesharoo = Moral quality, correct, just, normal

    eeshato (Verb: aleeshato "to set ablaze")-Fire

    esheroo (generic term for all astrology) - astrology

    esheroo beeshto - (practice of astrology for evil purposes)

    Eeshkoo = Son of

    eesheeloo (Divine Fire) - Heavenly Fire

    enoo (pl. eno`e) - Eye

    Ewoo = To become, turn


    Gamra Perfection (also means perfect or total completion )

    Gan Eden - Gan Eden ("Eh-dehn")Geelyana - revelation (apparition, manifestation, act of revealing)

    Geelyana Koodsha = Holy Revelation

    geena (usually, always , permanently) - constantly

    Girbano - religious offering

    Goozalotoo - princess

    Gemoord ("Geh-moor`d")- Adam

    Geroo dkeyama (lit. Religious Path or way) - Theology

    geero d'beeshto -Hellfire

    Gemoord w' Moordeeyanag - Adam and Eve

    goolgooloo - Head


    habaloo = violence

    Hafato - Destruction

    Hafrato - Sun

    Haimanuta - Faithfulness, especially when used in the context of a specific

    religious practice.

    Hakimaka - Creating

    Hargolo (literally "a lock" or "gag" - anything that stops one from progressing orgoing forward) - vice

    Haroz - Verse

    haya - be (v.) to be, to become, being

    Hen - yes

    Hoovera (hoo-ver-ah) - adultery (adulterer)

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    kabatoo (burden, heavy) - difficult

    kaboo - to speak forth (pronounce, proclaim, order, decree)

    Kadeeshoota - consecration (purify)

    kadootoo - wheat bread

    kakree`oo - surface

    kalmaree (early day, early in the morning; also used interchangeably with

    "sheroo")- dawn

    kano - waist band

    Kanoo - Accounting of Ones Faults

    Karaboo Ahayah - {see also THANK GOD} bless (to bless, to give blessing)

    Kareeto - grain storage, granary

    Karshoo - slander

    kararoo - midday heat

    kamasoo (literally means "constant submission", "kneel") - submissionKamasoo a-eeloo - Constant Submission to God (Most formal)

    Kamasooeel - Constant Submission to God (informal)

    kapoo - hand

    Kamasooeeloo - Constant Submission to God (Moderately formal)

    Karashoo - silent

    karkoo - collection

    Karshee -slanderer

    kashoo - cold (to be cold)

    kasho (to become cool, cool down) - cool

    kazaboo = lie (as in deceit)

    Kebuta - Ark

    kazroo- Hair

    Keboota dDeeshpo = Ark of Honey. Used in the Tribe for consecration and for

    the rite of Kanoo.

    Kebuta dKeyama - Ark of the Covenant

    keelbo (refers to the underworld/afterlife in general) - underworld

    keendabasoo - table cloth

    kee`oo (envy) = jealousy

    Khadoo - HappyKhareeshta = A woman in childbirth.

    kharshoo = birth

    Khashado = marriage/union

    Khashanoo - tradition

    kodeemoo = seed (for plants)

    Keeneeto - concubine

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    keenoo (carries same meaning as "loyal")- permanent

    Keepto (belief) - creed -

    Keereetoo - (invitation, announcement) call

    Keeseetoo = Family tree, descendants

    Keplon - Chapter

    kero - Religion

    Keroe - Sects

    Ket - Section

    Ketava - (also: document, writing) book

    Ketava Koodsha (keh-tah-vah kood-shah) - Holy Book, in reference to the Holy

    book of the Ishmaelites

    Keyama - Covenant

    Keyama d`Ereebwoo - Covenant of Entry

    Khaba - love

    Khaboo - to love (verb)Khadta New (as in New Creation )

    Khansha (singular) - Yazata

    Khansho`e (plural)- Yazatas

    Khardatoo - womb

    Kharmoo - (male consort but not "khababoo") consort

    Khaseeso (as in new thought, bringing a new thought to the table, etc)

    Khashanoo Tradition (lit. fence, To protect or guard )

    Khashbato - potter

    Khatamoo - (verb: to muffle, to quiet a sound) muffle

    Khenana - compassion

    Kheroota -liberty (freedom)

    Khoosaya - propitiation

    Khosda Saint (singular)

    Khosde Saints (plural)

    Kimaka - Creation

    Kimakoo - Creator

    Koodooroo = Eldest son

    Koodsha (kood-shah) - holy

    Koorbano (to make an offering) - koorbanookoosapoo - bread

    Korbano - offering

    ko`eeshpe (magic, conjuring) - witchcraft

    koopoo (ice, snowy) - Snow

    kooshoo (cold, chilling weather) -Winter

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    La - no

    labareeshoome (with the passage of time, in the days to come) - days to come

    labeeroo (previous) - former

    laboo (pl. labo`e) as in "crying" (another term is "deentoo")- Tear

    la`eloo (not binding) - Detachment

    lahanoo (flask) - bottle

    lakoo = baby

    Lamoonoo = Unacceptable, bad, very bad

    lameenee - nobody

    leeboo (also related to: abdomen, centre, mind,) - Heart

    leeboo (see also "heart") - Mind

    leedeesh - day after tomorrow

    Leegeenoo = Lessonleegeenoo ebeboo - Pure Teaching

    leeshanoo (also means "language")-Tongue

    leeshoo (cake) - dough

    lepera`o (of the soil, of the earth, mundane matters) -worldly

    lewa - but

    lobanoo (not created) - unformed

    Lobeteel (literally means "not of the house of God") unbeliever, They have no

    keyama. Also means pagan.


    makhasha (noun, "a wound")- Wound

    Malameedoo (related to religious training - a master who trains a disciple in

    religious matters) - master

    Malkha - Angel (various celestial beings in general)

    Malka - king

    Mameetoo - oath

    mashkeetoo (altar) - offering table

    Matla - proverb

    Mazmore (mahz-mo-reh) - psalmsMeeto dead, singular

    maman (anyone) - anybody

    Maskoo = Evil

    Meeksa - tax (religious tax, obligatory dues)

    Melkheezedeken = Metatron

    Meleks-Melek (singular)

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    Meleke Melek(plural)

    Melkheezedek =Melkhizedek

    Melkheezedek adAhayah = Melkhizedek by the Will of Ahayah

    Memarmranoota (mem-arm-rah-noo-tah) - contention (rebellion, provocation)

    Meetee Dead, plural

    Meetoto - death

    Meetraen = Metatron

    Moodootoo (awareness, wisdom) 1. Knowledge 2.Knowledgable

    Moolkana - promise

    Mootoo - husband

    moorshoo (there are various other terms for specific illnesses) = disease

    Mosoroo - Egypt

    Moolameedo = Teacher

    mootkoo - sweet bread

    memenee (something) - anythingMoordeeyanag ("Moor-dee-yah-nah-gh")- Eve

    manama (interchangeable with "anybody") - somebody

    mooshtertoom -Morning

    mooshaloo -Afternoon

    mooshlaloo (midday, afternoon) see also "midday heat"- Noon

    mooshoo - Night

    manzee`at (often used in personal names) - Rainbow

    maneetoo - Wind


    Naboo 1. prophesy (to prophesy, proclaim) 2. decree (generic sense)

    nagboo (head of a river) - underground water

    nai`akoo = adulterer

    Nakhoo - rest (to rest, verb)

    Namoosa - other law (others use "namoosa" to also refer to God's Law

    interchangeably with Orayta)

    Nanaro - Moon

    nandooro - furious

    Napshoroo (to forgive) - forgivenessNarkabtoo - chariot

    Nasaroo -(guardianship) protected

    nasheenee = greed

    Nazamoo - (verb) complain

    neebzo - clay tablet

    neekoo = adultery (any form of fornication)

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    oomshalsashee- Tuesday

    oomerbe- Wednesday

    oomkhameesh - Thursday

    oomsheshe - Friday

    oomshebe - Saturday

    oomsheshe- Friday

    ooshboorodo - powers used against witchcraft -

    ooznoo (pl. oozno`e) - Ear

    oomatee- every day

    oomeesha - daily

    oombooboolee - new moon day

    oomsheeta- Monday

    oomerbe- Wednesday

    oomeesen- Sunday

    oomkhameesh - Thursdayoomshalsashee - Tuesday

    oomkhashadee - wedding day

    oomoo (pl. oome) - Day

    oobanoo (pl. oobano`e) - finger


    palashoo - move ahead

    palookha - worshipper

    Pasheeroo (also means "a secret place", "hiding place") - Mindfulness

    pana (previously) - earlier

    panmooshee - Midnight

    pashurgeroo - picnic table

    patoo (also means "gate", "opening")- Mouth

    peetootoo - diadem

    peloo - egg

    pertoo - hair

    Petakhra - idolPetakhroota (petakh-roo-tah) - idolatry

    Po`edoo (union, unity, oneness) - oneness -

    Po`edoo`eel - oneness of God-

    Po`edoo`eel (oneness of God)

    Pookdana -ordinance (mandate)

    pookoo, pookoo`e - Passion(s)

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    Poolkhana - service (practice, religious service, adoration)


    Qemkoo - flour


    Raaba - leader

    Raabo - senior leader

    rabdoo = adult

    ramoo d'gal - Love of Evil

    ramoo d'babanoo - Love of Good

    rasheelooto`e makhekhoo (fortunes from false prophet/ess) - fortune telling

    rasheelooto`e kapoo (fortunes from hand) - palmistry

    rageemoo -wizard

    Rashna - RashnuRavma - pride (proud, being haughty)

    Ree`ahoo - remain

    Re`amoo - pardon, forgive, exonerate

    reekoo (empty) - void

    reegmoo (heavenly voice: eleesh) - Voice

    Reesh malkhe - arch angel

    reheestoo" - Immersion in God (Ahayah)

    rekhobanoo = seed (for offspring) this is a combination of two words: "copulate"

    and "gender", meaning "to engender a child, to build a child with seed, etc.

    rekhoo (noun) = sex as in sexual activity

    Rookha - spirit

    Rookha babana - Jinn (Good Spirit)

    Rookha bisho - Jinn (Evil Spirit)

    Rookha dKoodsha = Divine Spirit (energy of God)

    Rookhanaya - spiritual

    Roosha - irreverent (sinful)


    sa`ee`ahoo (delicious, savory, enjoyable) - tastySalo - pray (verb, act of praying)

    Sa`ora - hope

    Sarasha - Sraosha

    Sartenoo - Chief judge

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    shala`i`oo - Ignorance

    shalooshtoo d'daroo`e (lit. "(the) triad of (the) divine foundations". The three


    seebtoo (financial interest) - interest

    Seepro - (as in correspondence) letter

    Seher wa-rabee (literally "small and great") - everyone

    Shalama - greetings of peace

    Shalama Lookh Peace be upon you (Nabataean greeting)

    shalamshamshee (also used symbolically for "West") - Sunset

    Shamoo - heaven

    Shapeera - well (as in "agreeable", "If it is well with you, I would like to begin

    preparing for dinner now.")

    Shedoo - demon (see EVIL SPIRIT)

    shapatoo - speculation

    shee`amtoo - FateSheeno - Incense

    sheletoo - Devotion

    Sheool Spirit Realm (Separate from Shamoo)

    Sherara - true (also "truth")

    sheeboota = elderly person. plural: sheeboota`e

    shakartoo = intoxication

    sharakoo (verb) = steal

    Sheelan - west (sunset, in the West, toward the West)

    sheeltakhoo - arrow

    Sheem - name (as in a person or place)

    Sheetaloo - consultation (verb: to take counsel, consulting)

    Shema Obedient (also means To hear )

    Sherkoo - stolen property

    shoobto`a (sit to begin resting) - Sit


    Shoota`yoo - south

    sakharo (often used in personal names) - grant favour

    Shalama (verb: alshlama, "to make peace") - Peace

    sheebootoo (intent, intention, desire, wish) - needsheemtoo (lot, disposition)- outcome

    shoolmoo (greeting, good day, good morning, hello) - good afternoon

    shoolooko (fit, proper - as in a person)- suitable

    shepoo- Foot

    shepo`e - Feet

    sha`eep (pl. sha`eepe) - Toe

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    sheenoo (pl. sheeno`e) - Tooth

    shamee`atoom (same spelling for plural) - Rain

    shabatoo (seventh day of week, day of rest) - Sabbath

    oomshebe - Saturday


    tabtanoo - Selflessness

    Tadee (tah-dee) - thank you{See YOU'RE WELCOME}

    Tableeto - Sustenance

    taknoo (in order, established) - organised

    Talmeedo = Student

    tamoo - cursed

    tamo`e - curses

    tantoo (ocean, sea, large body of water) - lake

    Taroota - reconciliationtasheeltoo (feast)- celebration

    takreematee - Autumn

    Tarpa - Page

    Tasheemtoo (court, legal system) Judgement (n.)

    Tayabo - good

    teeboo (twine, string) - thread

    Temo Ilmashalwah - Plan of Ilmashalwah (purpose or overall plans, decisions of


    Tokoolto (faith, hope, reliance, trust, allegiance) - faith

    toomroo (can also refer to burnt food) - ashes

    toopa (pl. toopo`e) - tablet

    toopashsaroo - Intellectual (a negative term)


    W = And (abbreviation of Wa) used when the word and is connected to

    another word.

    Wa = And (used when attached to another word).

    walanoo - Body


    Yakda - burnt offering (see OFFERING)

    Yekhoodaya (yeh-khoo-dah-ya) - Jew (Jewish)

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