4I 11,++t++ >' yt4, S. PICK O-HF GEMT O OF TH9f FOOTHILLS --PPRO I A NEWSPAPER WITH A CONSCIENCE VOLUME 52-NUMIBER; 29. PICKENS, S. C., TH URSDAY, NOVEMBER 16,-1922.g BSRI TON.1.0 YA Locals aild Prsollals Dr. R. E. Lewis went to Atlanta last week on business. Mr's. R. R. Roark has been quite sick for several days. Miss Maude Few spent last week end with 'dome folks. Mrs. Robert lirksey has been quite sick for the past few days. Hon. and Mrs. W. E. Findley and ton Harry went to Spartanburg last Tuesday. Miss Nannie Morris from .Converse College v!-sited her haihe-folks here. last week-end. Miss Margaret Lesesne visited her brother, Mauldin Lesesne, at Rock Hill last week-end. Miss Dessie Few spent a part of week with relatives in the Prat- ers Creek section. Mr. and Mrs. F. Van Clayton an- nounce tihe birth'cf fi nine-pound son, F, V., Jr., Noveimibr 13. The many friends of Dr. J. A. Cannon regret to earn that he has been quit' ill for several days. The W. C. T. U. wll meet on next Thursday afternoon at four o'clock with Mrs. Earle Lewis. Mrs. Lou Curtis has returned from a peasant visit to her sister, Mr Stephen Leslie at Hendersonville. Mr. R. L. Tanes made an import- a'nt business trip to Anderson on last Saturday returning Sunday evening. Prof. Simpson is having school on Saturdays now to make up for the days lost whi, the building was going u!). Marricd by Judge Christopher in Probate's office Nov. 13th, 1922, Miss Lottie Weams to J. B. Brown. Bot of Glenwood. Miss Sadie Neely, who is teachtig school near Salem in Oconee county, spent last Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. F. T. Cox, their twins, Mrs. J. M. Stewart and Miss Winnie 'Stewart spent Monday last I in Greenville. Mrs. Jennie Field celebrated her eightieth birthday last, Friaay. A sumptucus dinner was given her by Mrs. Sheriff Brown. There will be a box supper at Cates schoolhouse, Saturday evening, "T.ov.. 18; 1022. beginning at 7:30. The T public is egrdially invited. All members of the library associa- t lcn arc requested to meet at the home (f M s, R. E. Lewis Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Tcwn Creak school will open next. I onday, November 20. All patrons Pre rcquestedl to meet wvith thle teach- c rs and pupils opening morning. Mr. W. C. Newton returnedl from the Tennessez markets last Saturday w.ith a "drev'e" of fine'looking mules which he immediately placed oil the tuarket. Mr. E. C. Fulghum ~of Wilson, N. IJi C., traveling salesman for the Cross- t Shoe Co. wvas in cur town last Friday ight. He visited his sister-in..awv, Mrs. W. E. Findley. ~Up to November 1, this year, thiere had been 12,094 bales of cotton girt- nied in Pickens county. as comfpalredl with 17,350,bales ginned to the same Ambler Graded School will open Nov. 20th with Mrs. ,W. E. Edens, Jr., and Mrs. Janie H. Welborn as teachers. All patrons are requested to be present on opening day. Mrs. T. J. Mauldin left Tuesday for Birmingham, Ala., to attendl the twenty-ninth annual convention oif the United Daughters of .the Con- federacy as a delegate from the Pickens chapter. The Womans Missionary quarterly meeting of the Pickens assoeciation 'will convene with Secona church next Sunday at 2:30 p m. It ik hoped that all the unions will', send dele- gates. An interesting program is e ssu red. Married at the residlence of the of- ficiating minister Rev. R. A. Hudson, Oct. 28, 1922, Mr. M. R1. WVhite to Mrs. OllIe Hawkins: Both cif( Easley. --and hr. ppy jcurnecy throngh life. SCHOOL TEACHERS' MEETING The teachers of Pickens county are requested to be at the first monthly teachers' meeting of the year to be held at the Easley 1 igh Sehool build- ing .at 10:30 a. in. Saturday, Nov. 18th. A very interesting program has been arranged by the faculty .Yf the Easley., High School on the tubi .-t of "Reading." The association will be re-organ-. zed for the year and it is very neces- sary that all teachers be present. It will also be decided- whether or not u Teachers' Institute will be held this year as it was last year. For the next few months Pickens will be an active cross tie mfrket. f he farmers are about through their vork and are beginning to 'haul ties. Thursday, A careful reading 3uying in such enormous qua age we hasten to pass on to MEDICINE DEPARTMENT Zexrll Orderlies 50c, 2 for 51c. lexall Blood Tablets 50c 2 for 51c. texall Gastric 'T'ablets,~i0c, 2 for 51c. cexall Mlk Maeiicsia 50c, 2 for 51c. %exall Milk Magnesia 30c, 2 for 31c. exal1 Cod. Lv.. Oil $1.00, 2 for $1.01 lexall Cherry Bark Cough syrup 50c. 2 for 51c. lcxall White Pine Cough Syrup 50c, 2 for 51c. exall Syrup IIylpophosphites $1.00, 2 for $1.01. kexall Pneumonia Salve 30c, 2 for :1e kexall Mustard Ointment (Not Blis- kexall Mustardl Ointment 30c 2 for S.'1 Texall Carbolic Salve 25c, 2 for 26c. Texall Arnica Salve (Old Sores) 25c. 2 for 26ec. lexall Corn Solvent (Remove Corns) 25c, 2 for 26c. kexall Bunion Ease (Large Corns) 25c, 2for 2tic. texall Earache Relicf 25c, 2 for 26e. kexall Special Onitment 50c. 2 fo-r 5lc texall Maltoleum for chronic coughs, 3ronchal Affections and nervous ex- haustion $1.00. 2 for $1.01. texall Itch Ointment 50er2 for Sic. kexall Chil) Breaker 50c, 2 for Sic. texall Rubbing Oil (Rheumatism). 50c, 2 for Sic. texall Rubbing Oil 25c, 2 for 26c. texall White Chloroform Linament 25e, 2 tor 26c. liexall Vegetable Family Remedy (Betfer than the best) ~$1.00, 2 for $1.01. Rexall Iron & Cascara Tonic (Keep AT Flu) $1.00, 2 for $1.01. Rcxall Hlinkle Pills, 10.0 to Bottle, 35c,. 2 for 30c. Rexall Eye Wash 30c, 2 for 31c. Rexall Larkspur Lotion 30c, 2 for 31c. Rexall Soda Mint Tablets 15c, 2 for 16c. Rexall Nuix and Iron Tablets, 100 to bottle, to reneCw thec blood( $1.00, 2 for $1.01. PlCK~ V MULL REUNION The children of Mrs M. E. C. Mull of Dacusville recently gathered at her home and held a reunion. Be- sides the mother there are two boys and five girls of the immediate fam- ily ail this was the first time they had all been at home together in twenty-five years. It was a great occasion and much enjoyed. Those l'resent were Mr. and Mrs George Childress and chIdien, Mrs. Pop Hen- dricks and children, Mr. ani Mrs. Clark and children, and Mr. William Mull, all of Daeusville, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Springfield of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Henderson and children of Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mull of Selica. N. C., and their Eon Memory C. Mull of Brevard. Mrs. M E. C. Mull is 84 years of age. She has- twenty-nine grandchildren and twenty great-granuchildren. Friday and Saturd of the articles liste wisdomand 4 mntities as the United Drug ( you. You cannot afford to Rexall Aspirin tablets, 100 to bottle 60c. 2 for 61e. Rexall Aspir'n Tablets 15c, 2 for 16e Hallum Liver Syrup 50c, 2 for 51c. lallum Liver Cleansers 50c, 2 for 5e Hallum Liver Cleansers 25c, 2 for 26e DeWitt's Pncumonia Salve 70e, 2 fe" 71e. DeWitt's Pneurmionia Salve 35c, ' 2 for 36c. DeWitt's Syrup Figs and Pepsin 50c, 2 for 51. Dc Witt's Kodcl' Tablets Indlgestion SOc, 2 for 51c. DeWitt's Little Early Riser Pills 25c, 2 for 26c. Re'xall Bcrated Ammonia for House- hecld use, 50ce, 2 for 51c. REXALL BABY D)EPARTMENTI Rexall Teething Syrup 25c, 2 for 262 Rexall Neutralizing Cordial 25e, 2 for 26c. Rcxall Soothing Syrup 25e, 2 for 26e Rexall Colic Relief 25c, 2 for 26c. Rexall Laxative Syrup 25c, 2 for 26e. Rexall Essence Catnip 25c, 2 for 26c. Rexall Olive 0:1 the Pure Virgin Oil, Importedl 90c. 2 for 91c. Rexall Bird Seed 30c, 2 for 31c. HAIR BRUSHES Rexall Hair Brushes Solid Back, 85c, I' 2 for*86. Eexall Perforated Hair Brush w'th soft cushion, $1.50, 2 for $1.51. Rexall Clothes Brushes. Solid Back, No Glue, '75e, 2 for 76c. Rexall Combs, Unbreakable, 50ce, 2 for 76c. Don't forget to look at the white Combs Guaranteed for a Life Time rProvided you' don't live over a hun- (dred years. HOSPITALI DEPART'MENT Rexall Hlot water bottles-, two qt. size $2.50, 2 for $2.51. Rexail Fountain Syringe $2. 50, 2 for $2.51. Irlack Nipples, Best Grade Rubber ne 2 for Gc. \ISDR L U. D. C. MEETING The U. D. C. chapter had a most delightful meeting with Miss Knight, Mrs. Clayton Newton, and Mrs. 0. T. Hinton in Miss Knight's music ro.ri " at the school house last Wednesrday afternoon. The i-oom was m'al. attra i. by quantities of pot plants and vases of t ed dahlias and white chrysanthe- nums. Across one corner a folding screen had been placcd. making an impromptu kitchen from which float- ed a delicious aroma. The program was quite interesting. The roll call was answered with some achievements of the U D. C. Mrs. Frank McFall had written a paper on "Lee's Life at Lexington," Miss Frances Bruce cn "Washington and Lce Universky As It Is Today," and Mrs. Vesta Mcl'all gave a complete history of the Pickens Chaipter. Af- ay, November 23, d below will appeal ,ense of thrift o. does naturally results in I ignore or lightly pass over the 'TOI LE'' DEPARTMENT Jonteel Compact Face Powder, Color lksh & White $1.00, 2 for $1.01. Boquet Ramee Toiler Water, Large ize, $3.00, 2 f.r $8.01. iAc(;uet Raamt. e Toi lt Water. Small $1.50, 2 for X1.51. Beujuet Ratn.e '1aleum 1'twdc r 50e, 2 for 51c. Bouquet Ramee Face Powder $1.00, 2 for $1.01. Bouquet Ramee Soap 50c enke 2 for 51c. Iexall Corolypsis Talcum Powdc r 25c. 2 for 26c. Rexall Violet Dutlce Face Powder, White & Flesh, 50c, 2 for 51c. Rexall Violet Dulce Talcum P'owder 25c, 2 for 26c. Rexall Hlair Tonic $1.00, 2 foa'$1.0l. l'.lenzo Tooth Paste 50c, 2 for 51c. Klenzo Mouth Wash, Wonderful mouth wash for ecmbating germs, 50c 2 for 51c. Rexall Tooth Paste 25e, 2 for 2(ke. Rexall Shaving Cream 30c, 2 for 3le. Rexall shaving Stick 30c, 2 for 8k'. Sylvan Toilet Suap. Odors Violet, Rose andl Lilac 15Se, 2 for 16. Rexall Tooth Brushes fie, 2 for 36c. Rexall Tooth Brushes 25c, 2 for 26c. COMMUNITY SILVER The New Pattern in the New Tuder Plate. A new Oneider Community Silvervvare product that has created a hiher plane of quality 'n the low price fields, selling so rapidly that mndications are it will soon dlominate the field as completely as Community Plate now dlominaites the higher. Tfwenty-fife year replacement, Guar. antee. A beautiful and dlurable silver rlate at a price wvithin the reach of (veryone. T1easpoons, 25 year plate, 40c one, 2 for 41c. TeasUrens 25 year plate 75c, 2 for 76e Table Knives $1.60. 2 for $1.61. Tiable Focrks, 25 year' plate 75c, 2 for 76Th. All the above at the. ten year price. JG COI~ D. A. R. MEETING The D. A. R. Chapter was (lel>ght- fully entertained last 'Tuesday after- ncon by Mrs. Valley, Mrs. S. B.'Craig and Mrs. Oscar Keith at Mrs. Val- Iey's attractive home. An election of cfl'icers was held which resulted in the re-clection of the old officers. The subject for the I:ftcrnocn was the theologians: Wm. Caperr. James 'ThornweIl, and We- "rd Furman. Mrs. Bannister read .an interesting paper on tli7 live of Wm. Capers. Other sketchen were read. After the program the hostesses served at (licious salad course, white cakt and coffee. The out of town members present were Mrs. Bannister, Mrs. Johnso'n, and 'Ms. Wade O'l)ell of Liberty. ter the program delicious fruit-cake, ecffee and mints were served by the hostesses. 'U 24 and 25 to your practical ower prices and this advan- e offerings listed below. CANDY CANDlY We have the Largt st Candy Re- frigerator in t he County which en- thles us to keep our candy absoluteiy fr( .h and to de(monstratt ha tlft fact wV, place tne hiu'lhed p(nds of 1,ig- pett'. F'avorite P'actkage'' on sal. t.'ggett's candyV witht the Wonderful hen( r. $1.00, 2 ft.i'r 1.01. I'oWdered Cehocoliati or I'Pwdere(i 'c-a, thr e hundrid pounds at a -reriice I.1 ice to (e.U(nsti'll te to you that its a waste of mni.y to buy Choc.Iate at f<.rty to sixty cenits per* liountd. IPowdleredl chocolate~20e per- pound1(, 2 pounids for 2le whnile it lasts. I iggett's Half Po-und patckagte of imlperitedl Ttka .50e, 2 for 51e . CHINA! CHINA!! Just fifty pieces on thie sale. Askc the ones5 that bought from our last sale; that is proof as to the( Quality end D)urability. Hon Bon Dishes 75c, 2 for 76e. I land P'ainted Vases 75c, 2 for 76c. Powdecr and( Ifair' Receive-rs 75c., 2 for 76e. STATION ERY' For the last time Symphony Lawn box paper is placed ori the One Cent sale. One HIundredl ioxes in Crulors or Tints to suit your taste.' symphony Lawn Box Paper $1.0, 2 for $1.01. l.ord Baltimore Box Paper 50~c 2 for 51c Cne Hundred and fifty pounits only Cascade Po'und Papcr 50e, 2 for 51ce. One 'fhousandl Pen Tablets 10e 2 tatblets for I1Ic. Tfwo thousand pencil tablets 5ce. 2 tablets for Ge. 'I wo hundred Composition Hooks.-lheI, 2,for lie. Pencnil Holders 5cd, 2 fer . I 'v H-undrecd Rolls Crepe -Paper' all .shades 10Oc, 2 for- I (e. /IP NY METHODIST AII'OINTMENTS Following are some of the assign. mnits of ministers made at the an- nual conference of Methodists of lUppei.'South Carolina held at Gaff- ney last week: Presiding Elder Greenville District -A. N. Brunson. Former Presiding Elder Steadman was assigned to Central church, New- berry. Pickens, Grace church-W. B. Jus- tus. Duncan church, Spartanburg city- J. C. Diggs. Pickens Crciit-D. A. Jeffcoat. Clinton, Sloan street church-D. P. lludscn, supply. Liberty-E. W. Mason. N orris-J. W. Pryor. ,supply. Easley, First c.hurch-J. Paul Pat- ton. (;lnwool and Easley Mills-G. I. F 'd. Easley Circuit-Foster Speer. ---Central-M. T. Wharton. ('I.l nson College-J. ). Holder. Walhalla Circuit-N. G. Ballenger. Columbia, Grace church-E. T. lIudges. Clintn, Broad street church-L. E. Wiiins. Cunfert nec Sunday School Secre- tary-IL. ). Gillespie. N( xi. meeting cf the conference will be held in Newberry. A5 a result of the recent meeting ir the Baptist church here at which Dr. R. C Granberry of Gaffney did the prenching, pastor F. T. Cox hap- tized twenty-six young people last Sunday afternol in the pool of the l'ick uns Mill church. Five joiled dur'ng the necting by letter making . toi"1 of thirty-one additions to the church. Itv. V. ). Ilammett., pastor, prechled a very fc reeful sermon last Funday tf Griffin on the subject of Per1 ral RI s:.nsibility. lie has one rore servic with th's church in -De- cemiber au-l then he will go to anoth- .r field. ie will be succecded by RUv. A. E. Howard of Greenville who was pastor there some years ago. C. N. Garrett has ten appointed rural rcliceman for Pickens county to t"k( R. T. Chapnun's place. Mr. r hnoanp111 1 esign1ed :" ount 6T alt health. Mr. Garrett has been a constable in the Six Mile section s(ev- ral years. (I. t o1 crop is light and corn is cheoali; cross tics is your money crop. G:et busy they m1: -ring inlg a good ;g ice and thic season s now at hand. Why he idle front netw on; hake your thnl count like others who are haul. We are' niow erectinig our saw mill 11nd willI b( ready to furnish lumber to the pubhe by November 15. Let tknow your wvants. We soliet your ordlers. Would like to make arrange- mlents immieditely with somebody to hanul poplar legs for' us. Can also f ornish sayp or heart shingles in any t~uanitity at market price. Robt. Stewart & 'W. Ed. Stephens, Pickens. WA NTED DOGWOOD-We Paty (1l6.00 pier cordl for dlogwood at West- min ster. Caral1inn Hardwood Com-. Pa~ny. See J. S. Price, for specifi.. cations etc. 4t NOTICE TO D)EBTORS AN!) CJE!)- ITORS. All persons holding claims against the estate of the late T. Frank. Bowven must present the same, duly prdiwn, en or before thel :30th day of Novemu- ber, 1022, or bo debarred ,pyment;, and all personls indebtedJ to said es-- tate must make payment on or beforo the above (late to A. G. Bowen. -A1 G. Bowen, Administrator.. NOTICE TO0 DEBTORS AND CRED. o ITIORS. All persons holding claims against the estate of the late Andy Bowen, mlust presenlt the same, (luly proven, en or before the 10th day of Novenm- Icr, 1922, or beC dlebaurred payment; and all perso's indebted to said es-- tate mus.t make' payment on or be- fore th.e'b'e date to Will M. Feorgu-. I en. WXV -1 \l. l''erguson. Excecutor. Cottoni is bringing 26 ets. in Jef:ens today. (Wed- nesday.)



4I 11,++t++>'yt4,





Locals aild PrsollalsDr. R. E. Lewis went to Atlanta

last week on business.Mr's. R. R. Roark has been quite

sick for several days.Miss Maude Few spent last week

end with 'dome folks.Mrs. Robert lirksey has been quite

sick for the past few days.Hon. and Mrs. W. E. Findley and

ton Harry went to Spartanburg lastTuesday.Miss Nannie Morris from .Converse

College v!-sited her haihe-folks here.last week-end.Miss Margaret Lesesne visited her

brother, Mauldin Lesesne, at RockHill last week-end.Miss Dessie Few spent a part of week with relatives in the Prat-ers Creek section.Mr. and Mrs. F. Van Clayton an-

nounce tihe birth'cf finine-pound son,F, V., Jr., Noveimibr 13.The many friends of Dr. J. A.

Cannon regret to earn that he hasbeen quit' ill for several days.The W. C. T. U. wll meet on next

Thursday afternoon at four o'clockwith Mrs. Earle Lewis.

Mrs. Lou Curtis has returned froma peasant visit to her sister, MrStephen Leslie at Hendersonville.Mr. R. L. Tanes made an import-

a'nt business trip to Anderson on lastSaturday returning Sunday evening.Prof. Simpson is having school on

Saturdays now to make up for thedays lost whi, the building was

going u!).

Marricd by Judge Christopher inProbate's office Nov. 13th, 1922, MissLottie Weams to J. B. Brown. Botof Glenwood.Miss Sadie Neely, who is teachtig

school near Salem in Oconee county,spent last Saturday and Sunday withher parents.

Rev. and Mrs. F. T. Cox, theirtwins, Mrs. J. M. Stewart and MissWinnie 'Stewart spent Monday last Iin Greenville.

Mrs. Jennie Field celebrated hereightieth birthday last, Friaay. Asumptucus dinner was given her byMrs. Sheriff Brown.

There will be a box supper atCates schoolhouse, Saturday evening,

"T.ov.. 18; 1022. beginning at 7:30. TheT public is egrdially invited.

All members of the library associa-t lcn arc requested to meet at thehome (f M s, R. E. Lewis Thursdayafternoon at 3:30 o'clock.Tcwn Creak school will open next. Ionday, November 20. All patrons

Pre rcquestedl to meet wvith thle teach-crs and pupils opening morning.

Mr. W. C. Newton returnedl fromthe Tennessez markets last Saturdayw.ith a "drev'e" of fine'looking muleswhich he immediately placed oil thetuarket.

Mr. E. C. Fulghum ~of Wilson, N.IJi C., traveling salesman for the Cross- t

Shoe Co. wvas in cur town last Fridayight. He visited his sister-in..awv,Mrs. W. E. Findley.~Up to November 1, this year, thiere

had been 12,094 bales of cotton girt-nied in Pickens county. as comfpalredlwith 17,350,bales ginned to the same

Ambler Graded School will openNov. 20th with Mrs. ,W. E. Edens,Jr., and Mrs. Janie H. Welborn asteachers. All patrons are requestedto be present on opening day.

Mrs. T. J. Mauldin left Tuesdayfor Birmingham, Ala., to attendl thetwenty-ninth annual convention oifthe United Daughters of .the Con-federacy as a delegate from thePickens chapter.The Womans Missionary quarterly

meeting of the Pickens assoeciation'will convene with Secona church nextSunday at 2:30 p m. It ik hopedthat all the unions will', send dele-gates. An interesting program ise ssu red.

Married at the residlence of the of-ficiating minister Rev. R. A. Hudson,Oct. 28, 1922, Mr. M. R1. WVhite to

Mrs. OllIe Hawkins: Both cif( Easley.--and hr.ppy jcurnecy throngh life.

SCHOOL TEACHERS' MEETINGThe teachers of Pickens county are

requested to be at the first monthlyteachers' meeting of the year to beheld at the Easley 1 igh Sehool 10:30 a. in. Saturday, Nov.18th.A very interesting program has

been arranged by the faculty .Yf theEasley., High School on the tubi .-tof "Reading."The association will be re-organ-.

zed for the year and it is very neces-sary that all teachers be present. Itwill also be decided- whether or not

u Teachers' Institute will be held thisyear as it was last year.

For the next few months Pickenswill be an active cross tie mfrket.fhe farmers are about through their

vork and are beginning to 'haul ties.

Thursday,A careful reading3uying in such enormous quaage we hasten to pass on to


Zexrll Orderlies 50c, 2 for 51c.lexall Blood Tablets 50c 2 for 51c.texall Gastric 'T'ablets,~i0c, 2 for 51c.cexall Mlk Maeiicsia 50c, 2 for 51c.%exall Milk Magnesia 30c, 2 for 31c.exal1 Cod. Lv.. Oil $1.00, 2 for $1.01lexall Cherry Bark Cough syrup 50c.

2 for 51c.

lcxall White Pine Cough Syrup 50c,2 for 51c.

exall Syrup IIylpophosphites $1.00,2 for $1.01.

kexall Pneumonia Salve 30c, 2 for :1e

kexall Mustard Ointment (Not Blis-

kexall Mustardl Ointment 30c

2 for S.'1Texall Carbolic Salve 25c, 2 for 26c.Texall Arnica Salve (Old Sores) 25c.

2 for 26ec.lexall Corn Solvent (Remove Corns)

25c, 2 for 26c.kexall Bunion Ease (Large Corns)

25c, 2for 2tic.texall Earache Relicf 25c, 2 for 26e.kexall Special Onitment 50c. 2 fo-r 5lc

texall Maltoleum for chronic coughs,3ronchal Affections and nervous ex-

haustion $1.00. 2 for $1.01.texall Itch Ointment 50er2 for Sic.kexall Chil) Breaker 50c, 2 for Sic.

texall Rubbing Oil (Rheumatism).50c, 2 for Sic.

texall Rubbing Oil 25c, 2 for 26c.texall White Chloroform Linament

25e, 2 tor 26c.liexall Vegetable Family Remedy(Betfer than the best) ~$1.00,

2 for $1.01.Rexall Iron & Cascara Tonic (KeepAT Flu) $1.00, 2 for $1.01.Rcxall Hlinkle Pills, 10.0 to Bottle, 35c,.

2 for 30c.Rexall Eye Wash 30c, 2 for 31c.Rexall Larkspur Lotion 30c, 2 for 31c.Rexall Soda Mint Tablets 15c,

2 for 16c.Rexall Nuix and Iron Tablets, 100 tobottle, to reneCw thec blood( $1.00,

2 for $1.01.


V MULL REUNIONThe children of Mrs M. E. C. Mull

of Dacusville recently gathered ather home and held a reunion. Be-sides the mother there are two boysand five girls of the immediate fam-ily ail this was the first time theyhad all been at home together intwenty-five years. It was a greatoccasion and much enjoyed. Thosel'resent were Mr. and Mrs GeorgeChildress and chIdien, Mrs. Pop Hen-dricks and children, Mr. ani Mrs.Clark and children, and Mr. WilliamMull, all of Daeusville, Mr. and Mrs.Henderson Springfield of Greenville,Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Henderson andchildren of Pickens, Mr. and Mrs.Jim Mull of Selica. N. C., and theirEon Memory C. Mull of Brevard. Mrs.M E. C. Mull is 84 years of age. Shehas- twenty-nine grandchildren andtwenty great-granuchildren.

Friday and Saturdof the articles liste

wisdomand 4

mntities as the United Drug (you. You cannot afford to

Rexall Aspirin tablets, 100 to bottle60c. 2 for 61e.

Rexall Aspir'n Tablets 15c, 2 for 16eHallum Liver Syrup 50c, 2 for 51c.lallum Liver Cleansers 50c, 2 for 5eHallum Liver Cleansers 25c, 2 for 26eDeWitt's Pncumonia Salve 70e,

2 fe" 71e.DeWitt's Pneurmionia Salve 35c,

' 2 for 36c.DeWitt's Syrup Figs and Pepsin 50c,

2 for 51.Dc Witt's Kodcl' Tablets Indlgestion

SOc, 2 for 51c.DeWitt's Little Early Riser Pills 25c,

2 for 26c.Re'xall Bcrated Ammonia for House-hecld use, 50ce, 2 for 51c.

REXALL BABY D)EPARTMENTIRexall Teething Syrup 25c, 2 for 262Rexall Neutralizing Cordial 25e,

2 for 26c.Rcxall Soothing Syrup 25e, 2 for 26eRexall Colic Relief 25c, 2 for 26c.Rexall Laxative Syrup 25c, 2 for 26e.Rexall Essence Catnip 25c, 2 for 26c.Rexall Olive 0:1 the Pure Virgin Oil,Importedl 90c. 2 for 91c.Rexall Bird Seed 30c, 2 for 31c.

HAIR BRUSHESRexall Hair Brushes Solid Back, 85c,

I' 2 for*86.Eexall Perforated Hair Brush w'thsoft cushion, $1.50, 2 for $1.51.Rexall Clothes Brushes. Solid Back,No Glue, '75e, 2 for 76c.Rexall Combs, Unbreakable, 50ce,

2 for 76c.Don't forget to look at the white

Combs Guaranteed for a Life TimerProvided you' don't live over a hun-(dred years.

HOSPITALI DEPART'MENTRexall Hlot water bottles-, two qt.size $2.50, 2 for $2.51.Rexail Fountain Syringe $2. 50,

2 for $2.51.Irlack Nipples, Best Grade Rubber ne

2 for Gc.


U. D. C. MEETINGThe U. D. C. chapter had a most

delightful meeting with Miss Knight,Mrs. Clayton Newton, and Mrs. 0. T.Hinton in Miss Knight's music ro.ri"

at the school house last Wednesrdayafternoon.The i-oom was m'al. attra i. by

quantities of pot plants and vases oft ed dahlias and white chrysanthe-nums. Across one corner a foldingscreen had been placcd. making an

impromptu kitchen from which float-ed a delicious aroma.The program was quite interesting.

The roll call was answered with someachievements of the U D. C. Mrs.Frank McFall had written a paper on

"Lee's Life at Lexington," MissFrances Bruce cn "Washington andLce Universky As It Is Today," andMrs. Vesta Mcl'all gave a completehistory of the Pickens Chaipter. Af-

ay, November 23,d below will appeal,ense of thrifto. does naturally results in Iignore or lightly pass over the

'TOI LE'' DEPARTMENTJonteel Compact Face Powder, Colorlksh & White $1.00, 2 for $1.01.Boquet Ramee Toiler Water, Largeize, $3.00, 2 f.r $8.01.iAc(;uet Raamt. e Toi lt Water. Small$1.50, 2 for X1.51.Beujuet Ratn.e '1aleum 1'twdc r 50e,

2 for 51c.Bouquet Ramee Face Powder $1.00,

2 for $1.01.Bouquet Ramee Soap 50c enke

2 for 51c.Iexall Corolypsis Talcum Powdc r 25c.

2 for 26c.Rexall Violet Dutlce Face Powder,White & Flesh, 50c, 2 for 51c.Rexall Violet Dulce Talcum P'owder25c, 2 for 26c.Rexall Hlair Tonic $1.00, 2 foa'$1.0l.l'.lenzo Tooth Paste 50c, 2 for 51c.Klenzo Mouth Wash, Wonderfulmouth wash for ecmbating germs, 50c

2 for 51c.Rexall Tooth Paste 25e, 2 for 2(ke.Rexall Shaving Cream 30c, 2 for 3le.Rexall shaving Stick 30c, 2 for 8k'.Sylvan Toilet Suap. Odors Violet,Rose andl Lilac 15Se, 2 for 16.Rexall Tooth Brushes fie, 2 for 36c.Rexall Tooth Brushes 25c, 2 for 26c.

COMMUNITY SILVERThe New Pattern in the New Tuder

Plate. A new Oneider CommunitySilvervvare product that has createda hiher plane of quality 'n the lowprice fields, selling so rapidly thatmndications are it will soon dlominatethe field as completely as CommunityPlate now dlominaites the higher.Tfwenty-fife year replacement, Guar.antee. A beautiful and dlurable silverrlate at a price wvithin the reach of(veryone.T1easpoons, 25 year plate, 40c one,

2 for 41c.TeasUrens 25 year plate 75c, 2 for 76eTable Knives $1.60. 2 for $1.61.Tiable Focrks, 25 year' plate 75c,

2 for 76Th.All the above at the. ten year price.


D. A. R. MEETINGThe D. A. R. Chapter was (lel>ght-

fully entertained last 'Tuesday after-ncon by Mrs. Valley, Mrs. S. B.'Craigand Mrs. Oscar Keith at Mrs. Val-Iey's attractive home.An election of cfl'icers was held

which resulted in the re-clection ofthe old officers. The subject for theI:ftcrnocn was the theologians: Wm.Caperr. James 'ThornweIl, and We-"rd Furman. Mrs. Bannister read .aninteresting paper on tli7 live of Wm.Capers. Other sketchen were read.After the program the hostesses

served at (licious salad course, whitecakt and coffee.The out of town members present

were Mrs. Bannister, Mrs. Johnso'n,and 'Ms. Wade O'l)ell of Liberty.ter the program delicious fruit-cake,ecffee and mints were served by thehostesses.


24 and 25to your practicalower prices and this advan-e offerings listed below.

CANDY CANDlYWe have the Largt st Candy Re-

frigerator in t he County which en-

thles us to keep our candy absoluteiyfr(.h and to de(monstratt hatlft factwV, place tne hiu'lhed p(nds of 1,ig-pett'. F'avorite P'actkage'' on sal.

t.'ggett's candyV witht the Wonderfulhen( r. $1.00, 2 ft.i'r 1.01.I'oWderedCehocoliati or I'Pwdere(i

'c-a, thr e hundrid pounds at a

-reriice I.1 ice to (e.U(nsti'll te to youthat its a waste of mni.y to buyChoc.Iate at f<.rty to sixty cenits per*liountd.IPowdleredl chocolate~20e per- pound1(, 2pounids for 2le whnile it lasts.I iggett's Half Po-und patckagte ofimlperitedl Ttka .50e, 2 for 51e .

CHINA! CHINA!!Just fifty pieces on thie sale. Askc

the ones5 that bought from our lastsale; that is proof as to the( Qualityend D)urability.Hon Bon Dishes 75c, 2 for 76e.I land P'ainted Vases 75c, 2 for 76c.Powdecr and( Ifair' Receive-rs 75c.,

2 for 76e.


For the last time Symphony Lawnbox paper is placed ori the One Centsale. One HIundredl ioxes in Crulorsor Tints to suit your taste.'symphony Lawn Box Paper $1.0,

2 for $1.01.l.ord Baltimore Box Paper 50~c

2 for 51cCne Hundred and fifty pounits onlyCascade Po'und Papcr 50e, 2 for 51ce.One 'fhousandl Pen Tablets 10e

2 tatblets for I1Ic.Tfwo thousand pencil tablets 5ce.

2 tablets for Ge.'I wo hundred Composition Hooks.-lheI,

2,for lie.Pencnil Holders 5cd, 2 fer .

I 'v H-undrecd Rolls Crepe -Paper' all.shades 10Oc, 2 for- I (e.


METHODIST AII'OINTMENTSFollowing are some of the assign.

mnits of ministers made at the an-nual conference of Methodists oflUppei.'South Carolina held at Gaff-ney last week:

Presiding Elder Greenville District-A. N. Brunson.Former Presiding Elder Steadman

was assigned to Central church, New-berry.

Pickens, Grace church-W. B. Jus-tus.Duncan church, Spartanburg city-

J. C. Diggs.Pickens Crciit-D. A. Jeffcoat.Clinton, Sloan street church-D. P.

lludscn, supply.Liberty-E. W. Mason.N orris-J. W. Pryor. ,supply.

Easley, First c.hurch-J. Paul Pat-ton.

(;lnwool and Easley Mills-G. I.F 'd.

Easley Circuit-Foster Speer.---Central-M. T. Wharton.

('I.l nson College-J. ). Holder.Walhalla Circuit-N. G. Ballenger.Columbia, Grace church-E. T.

lIudges.Clintn, Broad street church-L.

E. Wiiins.Cunfert nec Sunday School Secre-

tary-IL. ). Gillespie.N( xi. meeting cf the conference

will be held in Newberry.

A5 a result of the recent meetingir the Baptist church here at whichDr. R. C Granberry of Gaffney didthe prenching, pastor F. T. Cox hap-tized twenty-six young people lastSunday afternol in the pool of thel'ick uns Mill church. Five joileddur'ng the necting by letter making. toi"1 of thirty-one additions to thechurch.

Itv. V. ). Ilammett., pastor,prechled a very fc reeful sermon lastFunday tf Griffin on the subject ofPer1 ral RI s:.nsibility. lie has onerore servic with th's church in -De-cemiber au-l then he will go to anoth-.r field. ie will be succecded byRUv. A. E. Howard of Greenville whowas pastor there some years ago.

C. N. Garrett has ten appointedrural rcliceman for Pickens countyto t"k( R. T. Chapnun's place. Mr.r hnoanp111 1 esign1ed :" ount 6T althealth. Mr. Garrett has been aconstable in the Six Mile section s(ev-ral years.

(I. t o1 crop is light and corn ischeoali; cross tics is your money crop.G:et busy they m1: -ring inlg a good;g ice and thic season s now at hand.Why he idle front netw on; hake yourthnl count like others who are haul.

We are' niow erectinig our saw mill11nd willI b( ready to furnish lumber

to the pubhe by November 15. Lettknow your wvants. We soliet your

ordlers. Would like to make arrange-mlents immieditely with somebody tohanul poplar legs for' us. Can alsof ornish sayp or heart shingles in anyt~uanitity at market price. Robt.Stewart & 'W. Ed. Stephens, Pickens.

WANTED DOGWOOD-We Paty(1l6.00 pier cordl for dlogwood at West-min ster. Caral1inn Hardwood Com-.Pa~ny. See J. S. Price, for specifi..cations etc. 4t


All persons holding claims againstthe estate of the late T. Frank. Bowvenmust present the same, duly prdiwn,en or before thel :30th day of Novemu-ber, 1022, or bo debarred ,pyment;,and all personls indebtedJ to said es--tate must make payment on or beforothe above (late to A. G. Bowen.

-A1 G. Bowen,Administrator..


All persons holding claims againstthe estate of the late Andy Bowen,mlust presenlt the same, (luly proven,en or before the 10th day of Novenm-Icr, 1922, or beC dlebaurred payment;and all perso's indebted to said es--tate mus.t make' payment on or be-fore th.e'b'e date to Will M. Feorgu-.I en. WXV -1 \l. l''erguson. Excecutor.

Cottoni is bringing 26ets. in Jef:ens today. (Wed-nesday.)