Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the...

Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan

Transcript of Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the...

Page 1: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Ischemic Heart DiseasesIHD

Ahmad Osailan

Page 2: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.


• What is IHD?• Is a condition that affects the blood supply

(coronary arteries of the heart) • Another name for it : Coronary artery disease

(CAD)• Results when there is an imbalance between

myocardial oxygen supply and demand due to partial blockage of the artery.

Page 3: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Brief Physiology of the heart

• the layer that consist the Muscles of the Heart = Myocardium

• What Helps the Blood to travel away from the Heart to organs?

Page 4: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Brief Physiology of the heart

• Now the heart in order to pump, Myocardium has to contract.

• Myocardium requires action potential to contract and energy metabolism.

• Action potential and energy metabolism require presence of O2 and nutrients within blood in coronary arteries.

• If there is decrease in O2 and nutrients, does the heart will function normally?

Page 5: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Normal coronary artery

Page 6: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Causes and risk factors for IHD

• The most underlying causes are:• Atheroscelerosis: thickening and hardening of

the artery wall.• Plaque: (the build-up of lipid/cholesterol) in

the artery wall forms as a response to injury to the endothelium in the artery wall.

• Therefore, causes the lumen of the artery to be narrow, which result in less oxygenated blood supply to the area after the narrowing

Page 7: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

So, any narrowing or obstruction of the coronary arteries lead to Ischemic heart disease

Page 8: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.
Page 9: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Risk Factors for IHD

• Age: (non-modifiable risk factor)– Male > 45 years– Female > 55 years or premature menopause

without estrogen replacement therapy• Family History of premature disease (non-

modifiable risk factor)– Male first-degree relative <55 years – Female first-degree relative < 65 years)

Page 10: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Risk Factors for IHD

• Hypertension (Modifiable Risk factor(– Appears to weaken the artery wall at points

of high pressure leading to injury and invasion of cholesterol.

• Cigarette Smoking (modifiable Risk factor)–#1 cause of preventable death in US–1 in 5 CHD deaths attributable to smoking

Page 11: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Risk Factors for IHD

• Diabetes (modifiable risk factor) –50% of deaths related to DM is due

to CHD• Inactivity (modifiable Risk factor)–Sedentary person has 2x risk for

developing CHD as a person who is active

Page 12: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Risk Factors for IHD

• Abnormal Blood Lipids (modifiable Risk factor)

• LDL Cholesterol (low density lipoprotein)

• HDL Cholesterol (high density lipoprotein)

Page 13: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins)

• Some LDL can be oxidized and takes up by endothelial cells and macrophages in the arterial wall, which leads to the first stages of atherosclerosis.

Page 14: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

High Density Lipoproteins (HDL)

• HDL-C is thought to be involved in the transport of excess cholesterol from membranes to the liver for removal from the body

Page 15: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Problems resulting from HD

• Most common problems:• Angina Pictoris (stable angina)• Unstable angina (Acute myocardial infarction)• Heart failure.

Page 16: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Angina Pictoris • When part of the heart receive insufficient

blood supply.• DEF: uncomfortable sensation in the chest or

neighboring anatomic structures produced by myocardial ischemia during physical exertion or emotional stress. relieved by rest with in few minutes

• Temporary depression of ST segment with no permanent myocardial damage

Page 17: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.
Page 18: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Unstable angina ( Acute MI)

• Increased frequency and duration of Angina episodes, produced by less exertion or at rest = high frequency of myocardial infarction if not treated

Page 19: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Myocardial Infarction

• Death of parts or area of myocardium.• Region of myocardial necrosis due to

prolonged cessation of blood supply• Results from acute thrombus at side of

coronary atherosclerotic stenosis• May be first clinical manifestation of ischemic

heart disease or history of Angina Pectoris

Page 20: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Common signs and symptoms of IHD

• Pain or discomfort in the chest • Nausea • Dyspnea • Radiating pain to Left shoulder

Page 21: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.


• When ischemia results in transient horizontal or downsloping ST segments or T wave inversions which normalize after pain resolution

• ST elevation suggest severe transmural ischemia or coronary artery spasm which is less often

Page 22: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.


Page 23: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Pharmacologic Therapy

• Therapy is aimed in restoring balance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand

• Useful Agents: nitrates, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers

Page 24: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Types of common cardiac revascularization surgeries

• Coronary artery bypass Grafting (CABG)• Percuatneous Transluminal coronary

Angioplastgy (PTCA)• Valve replacement

Page 25: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.


Page 26: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.


Page 27: Ischemic Heart Diseases IHD Ahmad Osailan. Introduction What is IHD? Is a condition that affects the blood supply (coronary arteries of the heart) Another.

Management Goals to reduce Anginal Symptoms

• Prevent complications – myocardial infarction, and to prolong life

• No smoking, lower weight, control hypertension and diabetes

• Patients with CAD – LDL cholesterol should achieve lower levels (<100)

• Exercise and maintain active life style.