Is - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888... · bakery made its...

me,n spent hours; in preparing. On tap for Saturday, the final day of exposition, was an af,ernoon cooking school. The exposition remained open Saturday evening until 9 p.m. 10 eccomodat.e the crowds, the largest ever fO turn out· for a similar event. Mendelssohn's 'Elijah' Highlights WSConcert NSS::. ... UC0,(; t'l,·. .N·r; ' •. 'Fred'is Popular at Expo '75. A YOUNG GIRL c.<1uliously louches the hand of Fred Flinlslone (really Dave Sherry) during Spring,_Expo'75 in Wa'ym: Friday 'fllghl, The'li1lle girl was one of several hundred possibly a thousand -- peopl,e who turned out lor the first nigh' of Ihe affair. Expo viSitors were ,treaf,ed fa a style show and numerous booths whlch' local business , Concord Vote Set -_.. When the Howard Wha len bakery made its -own taffy. -When Mrs_ David Cunningham rode side·saddle around Wayne. CliniC-Festival At Wayne State May Lure 500 Some 500 high school singers' are expec1ed on the Wayne State College campus Sa1urduy, Mar. 21, for the fourth annual High School Choral Clinic, Festival. The festival. directed by Dr Cornel\ Runestad, will get un derway at 9 a,m" and will with a J p.m. concert to which the publk is invi1ed Each participating school will have the opportunity to periorm indiVidually as well as with the m,1% ch'oir. Mas., rehearsals will Of' held in morning and in th{; il!1('rnonn A special feature 01 the morn· ing $('ssion will be a .-I.5·minute by Westwood Hi9h Schoo( choir -al 11'15 a,m. West· wood's choir is Ihe 1975 honor choir. Dur1ng the afternoon the Way ne State College concert choir --- and the WOC Madrigal Singers will perform. Dr, Lyle Seymour, colleqe pf(.c,ldf·nl. 'NJII r,rJp'ilk hriefly thl' 3 pm, concluding proqram Con<:.nrd'<, '/ollm!r:"r lif(' rip N!Jmbcrs to be presented by partlnellt Will i'li'lid It" ,lr1(11),l\ the mass choir at that. lime will ('lectlOns next month, Offlc.ers hf.' "Geogr<lphicill F=-"l)"gue" by whose terms Pxplr(' thl', Y P <1r Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio; Smith, Greeley; Larry Franzen, Toch 'for speaking chorus; "I Normr'ln Anderson, pres "Elijah," will be feature of Hartington, and Rich Schroeder, Found Jesu.s," an Amer,ican ident; Quinten Erwi[1, pres the Wayne State' College spring Millard. gospel hymn; "Laudate Dami \dent: Jack Erwin, "iecret<lry choir concert to be held at B Jan Dickinson, -Pierce, 'wlll num," by Mozart, and "And treasurer: Roy "Stohler, fire p.m, thursday at Ramsey The accompany on the organ. Then ShaH Your Ught Break chief.- Duane Harder, assis atre in the WSC Val Peterson Sopr'ano soloists Bev Forth," by Mendelss9 h n tant fire chief Finp Arts Center. Kubik, $; Claudia Mal- High schools planning to send chOirs to the fe<;tival ar(, L<1urpl 'Still Time __ "Elijah" is tha,best --<;Contralte seleists -are-----:----- ----Hfgft-;-----'--Ne-t+-l----lgh,-N-.*gh .-. f ,III oratorios nexf to "Messiah," Cheri Helmer, Neligh, and Cindy PiNce High, 5'- EdwMd High, a pray or according to Dr, Coroell Rune Haase, Denison, la. Tenor solo- Strom5burg H!gh, Lawlon, Bron stad, WSC choir director i.,ts are Dan Murphy, Stuart, and Lice Control' The dramatic story of !=Iijah, and Randy Srb, Papillion. II'" still nll! tf) I;tl(· In Members of the concert choir ratllf, for liC{, ((Jl)lrol, their idoi worshipping, will be OR. 5'EYMOUR Podany, Wayne, soprano; Mar:v Northeast Station, Concord. solos. Well-known selections in Thj_s ,!?_.expec.laJl.y-----.Jrue.. for_ WS President elude "He, Watching Over Is members are Ron Wachhpltz, New Member tenor, and Michael Palumbo, yet begun to calve, he noted. Hearts" aod "0 Rest in the bass, both faculty members ar Spra'ying lice.inftested cows will 'Of sto.te Group Lord." Wayne . help pr.€vent-spre:ading of lice to The "ol,e of the 'prophet Elijah No Injuries in Mishap. tad. lice· Infested calves are nounced 'the appointment of Dr. No iniuries resulted from a more sus<:eptible to respiratory Lyle Seymour of Wayne as. a. car.truck crash abovt thr!,e and dieases and generally will riot do new member of the state com West.Element.ary a half 'miles west of Wayne on ::ell as lovse free calves, is presidenl 01 Open House Is If proper 'equipmenf is. Wayne State Colhiige,' where he sheriff's offi£e, lable, Witkowski recommends ,has be'en on' the faculty since S. at' for.T ,o.n_ight The accident occurred when a spraying with either Methorych 1953. He taught chemistry and car driven by Gerald EJlenber,. lor or Delnav. ser:ved as chairman of the Parents of students at West 47, of Norfolk attempted to Pour·ons SUch as Korlan·2, also dsc,v"eiSn'cOe'n. a"nn.dd Elementary School in Wayne pass a. truck dr,iven by Terry can be used, 'but if this requires. {, are invited to the school's open Janke, 31, of rural Winside as the use of 'a chute, he recom· interim president before being house this evening (Monday) Janke was turn-jflg left, the men,ds not distrubing cattle with itppointed president of the col· from 9 p.m. sheriffs office',said.. Both vehlc. this method if the cows are )ege. ,Dr. Seymour's undergrad· The open house, held each les were eastbol,lf)d w.nen, tbe ..yithln seven of calving. uate 'and, rnas1er's work w: as at spring, offers parents and otHers accident c Applications Should be done on a Slate. interested in 'E1ducation an o·p· 6.Y-ron.__ it bra:ther the nice day early in .the morning So - driver of the t,ruck and owner of '. d:: consists. of 21 to .. p,'nclpa' carellJl to ch.ose the right pesti, persons' acrQss the state The . Ellenberger v,ehlcle ill .:;: of Arts and Sciences. ', meaningful and life.. They ,<Gee ?,: .. Goal, of Ne.w T-he' center will operate on severa,1 mao as an acting, thInking, .'eellng subject, -, different d. cadeq-Ii"c levels aI, the same. time, r<jlther an' .analytic,. factoria.l,. causal :(tAIS' CC .ter Nordstrand said, and is flexible in Its analyst. ::::'''' en: " ., "., . , " ,The Way-nf?, center,. Nordstrand ,aid, i Cr' eat,'ve Loo·k "Li.lte the National Humanities Institute at may d.eve!op pro- :I: :<:: Yale Unlversity/' Nordstrand said, "the- grams, as In this winter 50 York theatre i ..-;' Wayne center will concentrate on project. or it may !lew tyP65 of At Otd Proli/ rethinking, and In, all the maiors In the y.Jlth concertratlon i .-. diSC. iPline.5 at tne .. hurnani1ie5, .,ThiS at o.r speclf1c ar.eas such as.'A.merkan sh.,,(Jles. .1 a time In our colleges and universitieswnen ,The center also wit! arranae tpftclal there is (I' feellng of uneasiness and to brIng ou1standlng personalities unt.:ertalnty as to where a h'chnologlcal age on the humar1ltles •.!i, en i !?: with Ifs demands seems fo be leading ys CE,NTER GOAL. POg0,l.·· .... ..... __ ..... NE Farm Group Keeps Officers Robert Crafl of Foster was reelected president of the board of ,direclors of the Northeast Ne!)r,lska Experimental Farm Associa lion at the annual meet· ing held at lhe Northea5t Sfation near Concord'last week Other officers also reelected included first vice president Julian Clnad,ly, Bloomfield; se· cond 'lice prc51dent Curtis Graff, , a:lncroft; treasurN John Kro· {j<:'r Jr,_ Rosalie, and secretary C:l1 Wilrd, Wayne. directors heard reports on research and educational pro grilms conducted by Northeast Stiltion Stall and' transacted Sf'(' OFFICERS, page 5 ·1· :1 . 10Papes - 'OneSefificm" Marra Firm Hosting CC Month'y Coffee 'Slave' Date Changed Kenley._Mann, son of Mr, and Mrs. Frltl Milnn 01 rUf"!! Wi}y ne, woi'--lne'- second annual Wayne County spelling bee Fri .day, defeating lOlpproximately 80 of her seventh and eighth grad. ers.'·' Young Mann, an eighth grader 'In District 51 west of Wayne, WSC Grad Stu."ent Wayne State's f"rns ·Iiee A,lHIr" The' young Frev,ert 'girl, an A wiJyt.f! State College gradu. eighth grade.,. in 34< ate, .ilmothy McCar1hy.of Way misspelled ",sensibility" '·In the rie, has been awarded the John last round of 'hf!"contest: Kenley" O. Rice Memorial Scholarship spelled it <:;,orrectly, and then this term. had little' trouble witt! ,"funnel" McCa'rthy -Is a 1967, graduate to win the fop honors and the $25 of the' Cherokl:!e, la. Immaculate savings bond in the contest. Conception' High School. He has Karla won a dictionary as her a education major and prilc 'for laking second place in Industrial arts' minor. His high the, contest. sponsored by the School lind college actlvltles counly 'rural ass.ocJa have ': Included. Young, De'mo. tlon. crat-s;' -drama, athie-tics,' Intra. WInning thIrd place was Mar. murals and <I·H. lin Strate,'a student at Hoskins. The:S60 award ls'made on the Fourth went to Ward basts of .ch'aracte-r and scholastic Wacker, a schoolmate of young ability t6' a graduate student In Mann 1n District 51, education. Other fop' Smith,' Distrkt 76, Brad 'Edd!e, District, 75, slxt,,; Qustv Rubeck, DIstrict 51, seventh; . T'ammy Holdorf. District 88, eighth; Jill Kai, ,OislriC't 25, Sec CONTEST, paqe 4 BecaUSe of snowy weather .Tuesday night. Allen's FFA chapter has, swl!Ched the date . .... .,J. ,for Its slave auction to NIa. rch 14. ...... All FFA members will be ,SO'd ., . -.r by, the pound. to raise money for the club, sa,d chapler sponsor Daryl ,McGhee. The tfUcfion will take place following the FHA" benefit bas· ketball game lor muscular dys· trophy at 7:30 ,p.m, in the hloh. auditorium. f ...,,' ·'7g ....... - , ........ (Ylil ot ,.'/11,)1 h,· "/lnuld pr"dll(J, nn hl<, pC',dIJu'( 'W)l)lrj HI/-n Iwr "f'nt ,1 bw,lv-\ (In Ih(' dil l... fr·liCl' bf't'.'IP'-rl 1'1', aelu,ll prn It,/rtmn ,1[1(1 hi', rlormhl c1i1nl m"nl tl(ln. P,IIII', C,,)I(i Thl' In paymmh '",r·fT", Illtp a 1f)1 ,)t monpy, Bu!t r, . tJIJI II,.. d Iw,' ,)f <lpprf))(1 S11.!JOO,OOO 'f') Wayne qrilill due 10 Japanese Youths To Stay in Homes In Dixon Fluoridatiol'lFoesGet· .'Funny T.oste J . Equipment Is Working .. ,. Although fhe/luOl:,idatfOn' equipment was - and '19t, put Into Qperatlon last week, dty offlcals In "'!r.yne recehed several te'lephone calls from .people, complair'llng about the taste of their water; T"!'e, fllJ;Orldatlon eq':l'pment wlU Inlectlng,.-f'!ny amounh,of fluoride Into \y"fer·,soppUes according .Fred Brin.k. Brink noted thaI he recelvlng calls alreCldy. last Tuesday, tnf" day the ltuorldation equipment vms beinQ inS!,1I1('d on four of the city's five W<lIN 1'1('11<; . Peopl(' were (omplaininq that the flu0ride .Ihe city was addinQ 10 tht' water which ii, wa5M't"'was makinq the wi'!ter ",1<15Ie lunny," Brink said. Sorne pnopl(> eQen said flurodi,111on IS n C"r:'munist plot directed agalnsl thiS country, ht' 'Silid, Bnnk notf'd that many communities in 'Nebraska have natur,ll I('vel" of fllJoride in lheir water :;upplies Which are crJn<,idN'lbly hlqher than th£' fluonde level which Wayn<,'s watf'r is bpinq ral5ed to, Some communities. in the country have fllJr)ridf' levels severell times higher than Ihi:; city's nnw fhil! additional fluoride is being injected into the water, hp added Mrmlhl'( chemical lesl'·. are made on the city's wafer by slate health depMlm('nl oflirials, arcording to Brmk. and those now will occosiol1ally include a t(l check the rtl!0ndp lpv(>1 . In 'lddifion. a slrp!"! department employee dilily checks all thi' Willer wells to makp sure they orc in propr>r operation, Brink said Now that person .1150 will chl"ck thl" r,peralorm o! r>qulprTlpnl (',lctl da', 10 . ';Urf'it I', or)1 hf' ·.dld He(aw,(, <)1 "nrJ because of Ihr! simple ck'_lqn n! Ihp equipment, thc'rp almost no charlct- (JI wronq would rf",ull In bf:lnq mlo Hw (ify's County Farmers Get $2,.269 Million' in Low- Yield Payments 197·: drouth ',uf!l'rl.'d by W,lYIW !,lr"',,'(', will re ',ult in 1,01'> '11,:U,B.B'>-4 in lnw yl,·ld dlo"l<,ler p<1yl1w'nt'. RelY Bult", ";«'f 1.111." rA Hw Wdyn,' lhill cfJmpl(:II;d \Oflfl Thl·rl· 1,'Iprl<) If'!! tl) b,· Pollet .I', ,1r,-, 'f':cI".-c,d l)n '''uri 01j", dr'(lImeDl', , TI1Prf' WPff' \111 whir h applJ0d lor low YI('hi dJc,il.."pr paymrof1t., hl!1 ... {hlrh did no! qualify -T'ti'ev' 'farm<, h,1d lco, m'Jr:h f"I'd Qrilm or dId nol campletl: an !:l<lr 'J(", 1 r'.. pr)rl. ,l([rJrdinq I" Cotl'; r)!',IIIJ(I'r" Kenley Mann Wins Spelling Bee t>, i I. €'d tJ'i 111<:' lJ'.') AqnrultlJrf: to QQ ,111 'Hll In prod.,{ 1n 9 /I:of:d qrifJrl', '.;11'.1 toPl'ndlllg Ihr(>(. vl5ilrng In Butts, and then the 'government nnmt'<; of 4H m",m'bt:>r<; ilnd UlLat'. Happe"n' ,'n"? d(!Ve!'lped HI I.' I,!II dl'><l"tl'f IT1 Ol/(on County during on. program lo'.faktt some of July 'and Auqu!>t THREE-YEAR.OLD, Randy who will be Prince By!:'S a photographer --- it tulor, Me takln9 pic/u-re:i.'itt Winside ele. 'M1en ne planted that he would part. of an EngliSh me,Qtary school's music day . receive sonw payment if he had tralnmg progra';l and Will range performance Thursday. on'ly to a crop f,)itur(', BuHs C'xpli\ined. !n ilges 11 through 1.5 lind him.,elt In£> suuicct of Ihe A filrm 10 b'" etigible for Tho<;p host,ing. the pholo, Son 'of Mr and Mr., .• low i> -ld 11,,:11 , enough "'rJ hf' dlll: to m"f:l'nq at Ihe N'lrlhp'<lsl Station one of many IJstenlng to di:..d,sler . ..,dld ellt!·, flhlr ConCllrd on Mond,)y John pNlorm,lnc('s by all gr,ldes In County <l fMm\'( (Kr. <,t,lt<' (lS';oclate ,1 H youth For more pictures and inform(j had fCl prodljo',lp,,<, th,)n c,t (jPI; YOUTHS, P<lqP S hon see page nine. II

Transcript of Is - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888... · bakery made its...

me,n spent hours; in preparing. On tap for Saturday, thefinal day of exposition, was an af,ernoon cooking school.The exposition remained open Saturday evening until 9p.m. 10 eccomodat.e the crowds, the largest ever fO turn out·for a similar event.

Mendelssohn's 'Elijah'Highlights WSConcert

NSS::. r~rc~~:z;:~ ULS'~'8:1IeALl~bd ~;STR~Er, ...L,~ UC0,(; t'l,·. .N·r; B.~ '•.

'Fred'is Popular at Expo '75.A YOUNG GIRL c.<1uliously louches the hand of FredFlinlslone (really Dave Sherry) during Spring,_Expo'75 inWa'ym: Friday 'fllghl, The'li1lle girl was one of severalhundred possibly a thousand -- peopl,e who turned outlor the first nigh' of Ihe affair. Expo viSitors were ,treaf,edfa a style show and numerous booths whlch' local business


Concord Vote Set

-_.. When the Howard W h a lenbakery made its -own taffy.

-When Mrs_ David Cunninghamrode side· saddle around Wayne.

CliniC-FestivalAt Wayne StateMay Lure 500

Some 500 high school singers'are expec1ed on the Wayne StateCollege campus Sa1urduy, Mar.21, for the fourth annual HighSchool Choral Clinic, Festival.

The festival. directed by DrCornel\ Runestad, will get underway at 9 a,m" and willconcl(jd(~ with a J p.m. concertto which the publk is invi1ed

Each participating school willhave the opportunity to periormindiVidually as well as with them,1% ch'oir. Mas., rehearsalswill Of' held in thf~ morning andin th{; il!1('rnonn

A special feature 01 the morn·ing $('ssion will be a .-I.5·minutecolJ~ert, by Westwood H i 9 hSchoo( choir -al 11'15 a,m. West·wood's choir is Ihe 1975 honorchoir.

Dur1ng the afternoon the Wayne State College concert choir --­and the WOC Madrigal Singerswill perform.

Dr, Lyle Seymour, colleqepf(.c,ldf·nl. 'NJII r,rJp'ilk hrieflyb<'~lor(! thl' 3 pm, concludingproqram Con<:.nrd'<, '/ollm!r:"r lif(' rip

N!Jmbcrs to be presented by partlnellt Will i'li'lid It" ,lr1(11),l\

the mass choir at that. lime will ('lectlOns next month, Offlc.ers

hf.' "Geogr<lphicill F=-"l)"gue" by whose terms Pxplr(' thl', YP <1r Felix Mendelssohn's oratorio; Smith, Greeley; Larry Franzen,Toch 'for speaking chorus; "I includ~ Normr'ln Anderson, pres "Elijah," will be t~e feature of Hartington, and Rich Schroeder,Found Jesu.s," an Amer,ican ident; Quinten Erwi[1, pres the Wayne State' College spring Millard.gospel hymn; "Laudate Dami \dent: Jack Erwin, "iecret<lry choir concert to be held at B Jan Dickinson, -Pierce, 'wlllnum," by Mozart, and "And treasurer: Roy "Stohler, fire p.m, thursday at Ramsey The accompany on the organ.Then ShaH Your Ught Break chief.- an~ Duane Harder, assis atre in the WSC Val Peterson Sopr'ano soloists BevForth," by Mendelss9hn tant fire chief Finp Arts Center. Kubik, $; Claudia Mal-

High schools planning to send Th~op~~~~s~~oi~;;~db~ ~~~;~~d ~;~'ns~a~~~I; J~ian;jcti~;~O~:chOirs to the fe<;tival ar(, L<1urpl 'Still Time __ "Elijah" is tha,best k;nnQ",wITnUQ21f--fP'i<e""",~.--<;Contralte seleists -are-----:-----

----Hfgft-;-----'--Ne-t+-l----lgh,-N-.*gh H+9~TS.-. f ,III oratorios nexf to "Messiah," Cheri Helmer, Neligh, and CindyPiNce High, 5'- EdwMd High, a pray or according to Dr, Coroell Rune Haase, Denison, la. Tenor solo-Strom5burg H!gh, Lawlon, Bron stad, WSC choir director i.,ts are Dan Murphy, Stuart,~~s/:,i:~ ~tlg~aa~j~~~a~~'iaand Lice Control' The dramatic story of !=Iijah, and Randy Srb, Papillion.

II'" still nll! tf) I;tl(· In ~~o t~aeus~~r:eii7:~Odb~~ad:sOeUg:~ Members of the concert choir

ratllf, for liC{, ((Jl)lrol, their idoi worshipping, will be ~aC~~:~/h~:~na;e:o~;~~~~tka;~~;~n~i~~) ~~~~~~~~~'iS~I~~~<:.t t~~ OR. 5'EYMOUR ~~~~:;~,Uge~s:~~~~espj~fce~hO;~~ Podany, Wayne, soprano; Mar:v

Northeast Station, Concord. solos. Well-known selections in ~~~~'y, W~;;~e,alf~~s:ndA.t~Thj_s ,!?_.expec.laJl.y-----.Jrue.. for_ WS President elude "He, Watching Over Is members are Ron Wachhpltz,

~~~~e a~o:Ds:itC~W: h~o~,c:~~ New Member ~~~I:~07Dnsd ,:'17if~~~in:IIE~~~'; tenor, and Michael Palumbo,yet begun to calve, he noted. Hearts" aod "0 Rest in the bass, both faculty members arSpra'ying lice.inftested cows will 'Of sto.te Group Lord." Wayne ~tate .help pr.€vent-spre:ading of lice to The "ol,e of the 'prophet Elijah

:~~mc:~~~~1 ~~ ~~~m~~eb;mC~~e th~h~u~eab:i~~:sa(~OC~71~t:: ~~ ~~~sb~o~U~a~~;~~U~~y~~;b:~t No Injuries in Mishap.tad. lice· Infested calves are nounced 'the appointment of Dr. No iniuries resulted from amore sus<:eptible to respiratory Lyle Seymour of Wayne as. a. car.truck crash abovt thr!,e anddieases and generally will riot do new member of the state com West.Element.ary a half 'miles west of Wayne on

::ell as lovse free calves, -h~ m~tr~e'seymour is presidenl 01 Open House Is ~~e~~:~;;s a~ho:'~a~~~· c~uUlt~If proper 'equipmenf is. avai~ Wayne State Colhiige,' where he sheriff's offi£e,

lable, Witkowski recommends ,has be'en on' the faculty since' for.T,o.n_ight The accident occurred when aspraying with either Methorych 1953. He taught chemistry and car driven by Gerald EJlenber,.lor or Delnav. ser:ved as chairman of the Parents of students at West ger~ 47, of Norfolk attempted to

Pour·ons SUch as Korlan·2, also dsc,v"eiSn'cOe'n. 'dOefanmoafthfeamcualtf',.ceS~ a"nn.dd Elementary School in Wayne pass a. truck dr,iven by Terrycan be used, 'but if this requires. {, are invited to the school's open Janke, 31, of rural Winside asthe use of 'a chute, he recom· interim president before being house this evening (Monday) Janke was turn-jflg left, themen,ds not distrubing cattle with itppointed president of the col· from 9 p.m. sheriffs office',said.. Both vehlc.this method if the cows are )ege. ,Dr. Seymour's undergrad· The open house, held each les were eastbol,lf)d w.nen, tbe..yithln seven d~ys. of calving. uate 'and, rnas1er's work w:as at spring, offers parents and otHers accident happen,~. c

Applications Should be done on a low~ Slate. Univ~n'lty, ~nd ~e interested in 'E1ducation an o·p· 6.Y-ron.__~C!nke, it bra:ther .~f the

nice day early in .the morning So - .r.~ce.I~_et h;:o:hthe.D.Un;~er~;f; ~~~U~~:~'~~r:iS~~~h:e~C~~~~~t~~ driver of the t,ruck and owner of '.

~~ac~:!:~::O~:d d:: e:~:::~: 6f~~:::~:i~;:~ consists. of 21 ~:~~'da~;;f~~~g to .. p,'nclpa' ~~Eu~~k~;;":~~~~f::~e;~kcarellJl to ch.ose the right pesti, persons' f~Glm acrQss the state 3:~Oh~tqSC=0~~:i~ft~~~pep~~~°fu The .Ellenberger v,ehlcle SulS~

~:e :f,;~i~~U~~r~~~~:~:; ~::~d~~n~ri:~;~~,:~dn~~y E~:~O~d~~o:~h}~e~"I:s ;:~ ::;;e"f~ent~:et,tac~a~:sw~~

r=:-""'::r~~;;~~~ill ~;v~~~%:';,"tN~~~~te,a~~~~~~~e~f ~~~o~c~C;~ o,~O'~:~~:~~edcon:',~~ed;he T~:a,~~m~~;f'~~. ~..:;: of Arts and Sciences. ' , meaningful and satl~fy!ng life.. They ,<Gee ?,:~j~, .. Goal, ofNe.w T-he' center will operate on severa,1 mao as an acting, thInking, .'eellng subject, ,~-, different d. cadeq-Ii"c levels aI, the same. time, ~ r<jlther ~~an an' .analytic,. factoria.l,. causal :~.:(tAIS'CC .ter Nordstrand said, and is flexible in Its analyst. ~::::'''' en: p~ogramm(n9. " ., "., . , " ,The Way-nf?, ~tate center,. Nordstrand ,aid, i~. Cr'eat,'ve Loo·k "Li.lte the National Humanities Institute at may d.eve!op .lnnova~l~e. s~,brt-term pro- :I::<:: Yale Unlversity/' Nordstrand said, "the- grams, as In this winter 50 ~ew York theatre i..-;' Wayne center will concentrate on ~reative project. or it may re~ommend !lew tyP65 of ~t,~ At Otd Proli/ rethinking, and in~allons In, all the maiors In the ~uman1tles y.Jlth concertratlon i.-. diSC.iPline.5 at tne ..hurnani1ie5, .,ThiS com~ at o.r speclf1c ar.eas such as.'A.merkan sh.,,(Jles. .1~ a time In our colleges and universitieswnen ,The center also wit! arranae tpftclal~ there is (I' feellng of uneasiness and s~minars to brIng ou1standlng personalities~ unt.:ertalnty as to where a h'chnologlcal age speaki.r~g on the humar1ltles •.!i, en lnt~.,,".rlll.,. i!?: with Ifs demands seems fo be leading ys ~ee CE,NTER GOAL. POg0,l.·· ....~

L-~w~.....~.". __.....•"".~~,.~,

NE Farm GroupKeeps Officers

Robert Crafl of Foster wasreelected president of the boardof ,direclors of the NortheastNe!)r,lska Experimental FarmAssocia lion at the annual meet·ing held at lhe Northea5t Sfationnear Concord'last week

Other officers also reelectedincluded first vice presidentJulian Clnad,ly, Bloomfield; se·cond 'lice prc51dent Curtis Graff,

, a:lncroft; treasurN John Kro·{j<:'r Jr,_ Rosalie, and secretaryC:l1 Wilrd, Wayne.

Thr~ directors heard reports onresearch and educational progrilms conducted by NortheastStiltion Stall and' transactedSf'(' OFFICERS, page 5


:1 .10Papes - 'OneSefificm"

Marra Firm HostingCC Month'y Coffee

'Slave' Date Changed

Kenley._Mann, son of Mr, andMrs. Frltl Milnn 01 rUf"!! Wi}yne, woi'--lne'-second annualWayne County spelling bee, defeating lOlpproximately 80ofher seventh and eighth grad.ers.'·'

Young Mann, an eighth grader'In District 51 west of Wayne,

~~t~:~n~a~;ath~r:~:~lin~nc~~e WSC Grad Stu."ent~~~tden~e~~nt~: Wayne State's f"rns ·Iiee A,lHIr"

The' young Frev,ert 'girl, an A wiJyt.f! State College gradu.eighth grade.,. in Oisk~cl 34< ate, .ilmothy McCar1hy.of Waymisspelled ",sensibility" '·In the rie, has been awarded the Johnlast round of 'hf!"contest: Kenley" O. Rice Memorial Scholarshipspelled it <:;,orrectly, and then this term.had little' trouble witt! ,"funnel" McCa'rthy -Is a 1967, graduateto win the fop honors and the $25 of the' Cherokl:!e, la. Immaculatesavings bond in the contest. Conception' High School. He has

Karla won a dictionary as her a phy~lcal education major andprilc 'for laking second place in Industrial arts' minor. His highthe, contest. sponsored by the School lind college actlvltlescounly 'rural teachers~ ass.ocJa have ': Included. Young, De'mo.tlon. crat-s;' -drama, athie-tics,' Intra.

WInning thIrd place was Mar. murals and <I·H.lin Strate,'a student at Hoskins. The:S60 award ls'made on theFourth plac~ went to Ward basts of .ch'aracte-r and scholasticWacker, a schoolmate of young ability t6' a graduate student InMann 1n District 51, education.

Other fop' flnlshers'~ Charlotff~Smith,' Distrkt 76, ~lfth; Brad'Edd!e, District, 75, slxt,,; QustvRubeck, DIstrict 51, seventh;

. T'ammy Holdorf. District 88,eighth; Jill Kai, ,OislriC't 25,

Sec CONTEST, paqe 4

BecaUSe of snowy weather.Tuesday night. Allen's FFA

\'fJ}:<iK~:l~ chapter has, swl!Ched the date. .....,J. ,for Its slave auction to NIa.rch 14.

......~ All FFA members will be ,SO'd., . -.r by, the pound. to raise money for

the club, sa,d chapler sponsorDaryl ,McGhee.

The tfUcfion will take placefollowing the FHA" benefit bas·ketball game lor muscular dys·trophy at 7:30 ,p.m, in the hloh.Khoo~ auditorium .

f ...,,'

·'7g....... - , ........

(Ylil ot ,.'/11,)1 h,· "/lnuldpr"dll(J, nn hl<,pC',dIJu'( 'W)l)lrj HI/-nIwr "f'nt ,1 bw,lv-\ (In Ih(' dill... fr·liCl' bf't'.'IP'-rl 1'1', aelu,ll prnIt,/rtmn ,1[1(1 hi', rlormhl c1i1nlm"nl prcdl~( tl(ln. P,IIII', C,,)I(i

Thl' S~,lMJ.f.I'j.t In paymmh'",r·fT", Illtp a 1f)1 ,)t monpy, Bu!tr,

. tJIJI II,.. rlilynH~nld Iw,' ,)f <lpprf))(1

S11.!JOO,OOO 'f') Waynell'r~(l qrilill !ilrnl(~r~ due

10 Japanese YouthsTo Stay in Homes

In Dixon Co~nty

Fluoridatiol'lFoesGet·.'Funny T.oste J B~fote .Equipment Is Working


Although fhe/luOl:,idatfOn' equipment was m~r,ely,lnSfalled- and '19t, put Into Qperatlon last week, dty offlcals In "'!r.yne

recehed several te'lephone calls from .people, complair'llngabout the taste of their water; _~

T"!'e, fllJ;Orldatlon eq':l'pment wlU ~l~ Inlectlng,.-f'!nyamounh,of fluoride Into th~, cl~y.'s \y"fer·,soppUes t~~y.~;'d8yl. according to',cH.v'a~,,"rnl'str'ator.Fred Brin.k.

Brink noted thaI he 'beg~'n recelvlng calls alreCldy. lastTuesday, tnf" ~<'lml:' day the ltuorldation equipment vmsbeinQ inS!,1I1('d on four of the city's five W<lIN 1'1('11<; .

~ Peopl(' were (omplaininq that the flu0ride .Ihe city wasaddinQ 10 tht' water which ii, wa5M't"'was makinq thewi'!ter ",1<15Ie lunny," Brink said. Sorne pnopl(> eQen saidflurodi,111on IS n C"r:'munist plot directed agalnsl thiScountry, ht' 'Silid, ,'~

Bnnk notf'd that many communities in 'Nebraska havenatur,ll I('vel" of fllJoride in lheir water :;upplies Which arecrJn<,idN'lbly hlqher than th£' fluonde level which Wayn<,'swatf'r is bpinq ral5ed to, Some communities. in the countryhave fllJr)ridf' levels severell times higher than Ihi:; city'snnw fhil! additional fluoride is being injected into thewater, hp added

Mrmlhl'( chemical lesl'·. are made on the city's wafer byslate health depMlm('nl oflirials, arcording to Brmk. andthose !~"t now will occosiol1ally include a Ic~t t(l check thertl!0ndp lpv(>1 .

In 'lddifion. a slrp!"! department employee dilily checksall thi' Cily',~, Willer wells to makp sure they orc in propr>roperation, Brink said Now that person .1150 will chl"ck thl"r,peralorm o! r>qulprTlpnl (',lctl da', 10 m<1~ .';Urf'it I', or)1 hf' ·.dld

He(aw,(, <)1 (hec~< "nrJ because of Ihr! simpleck'_lqn n! Ihp equipment, thc'rp I~ almost no

charlct- (JI wronq would rf",ull Inbf:lnq mlo Hw (ify's

County Farmers Get$2,.269 Million' inLow-Yield Payments

Th(~ 197·: drouth ',uf!l'rl.'d byW,lYIW !,lr"',,'(', will re',ult in 1,01'> r(~«'lvm'1

'11,:U,B.B'>-4 in lnw yl,·ld dlo"l<,lerp<1yl1w'nt'.

RelY Bult", ";«'f 1.111."rA Hw Wdyn,'r~>p<)r t~ lhillcfJmpl(:II;d \Oflfl Thl·rl·

1,'Iprl<) If'!! tl) b,· Pollet .I',~ign':II(jr(~" ,1r,-, 'f':cI".-c,d l)n '''uri01j", dr'(lImeDl', ,

TI1Prf' WPff' \111 fdr<rl~ whir happlJ0d lor low YI('hi dJc,il.."prpaymrof1t., hl!1 ...{hlrh did no!qualify -T'ti'ev' 'farm<, h,1dlco, m'Jr:h f"I'd Qrilmor dId nol campletl: an!:l<lr 'J(", 1 r' ,l([rJrdinq I"Cotl';


Kenley Mann Wins Spelling Beet>,i


€'d tJ'i 111<:' lJ'.')

AqnrultlJrf: to QQ ,111 'Hll In l(,n.J<~pd/o""..r' <.IIJ(Jf:nl~ ~~~)(!prod.,{ 1n9 /I:of:d qrifJrl', '.;11'.1 toPl'ndlllg Ihr(>(. wel~ks vl5ilrng In

Butts, and then the 'government nnmt'<; of 4 H m",m'bt:>r<; ilnd UlLat'. Happe"n','n"?d(!Ve!'lped HI I.' I,!II t,,~lrJ dl'><l"tl'f ie<,ld(~r~ IT1 Ol/(on County during on. •program lo'.faktt some of th~ July 'and Auqu!>t THREE-YEAR.OLD, Randy

;jl~kfe~~t ~~lal~t~~d~~e~<1~~nllT1g Th~ Sl~dent.,.: who will be Prince By!:'S a photographer--- Th!!--Prud~tet~-ilGC-om-paAte-d-.-byit tulor, Me takln9 pic/u-re:i.'itt Winside ele.

'M1en ne planted that he would part. of an EngliSh I~nguage me,Qtary school's music day. receive sonw payment if he had tralnmg progra';l and Will range performance Thursday. on'ly to

a crop f,)itur(', BuHs C'xpli\ined. !n ilges 11 through 1.5 lind him.,elt In£> suuicct of IheA filrm 10 b'" etigible for Tho<;p host,ing. the ,c,tudc~fS pholo, Son 'of Mr and Mr.,

.• JXlyrn(::f1~fllJvl~i:·ld low i> -ld 11,,:11 ITTiti7Tt-----rJTiT·ntnt~t:'t~ot_____W;n~, enough "'rJ hf' (on',ldp.n~cl dlll: to m"f:l'nq at Ihe N'lrlhp'<lsl Station W<1~, one of many IJstenlng to

di:..d,sler . ..,dld ellt!·, flhlr ConCllrd on Mond,)y John pNlorm,lnc('s by all gr,ldesIn W<l'(n{~ County <l fMm\'( (Kr. <,t,lt<' (lS';oclate ,1 H youth For more pictures and inform(j

had fCl prodljo',lp,,<, th,)n c,t p'~r (jPI; YOUTHS, P<lqP S hon see page nine.


PIlone 37'·UOO

Norvin Hanse'nNews Editor

7:00&9:20 P.M·

Jim MarshBusiness Manager

Wayne Area Pr,miereGa Theatre


In Maine they say if a catlooks out a window it islooking for rain.

was served.Charles Jackson and Very I

Schellpeper were married at theStanton Congregational ChurchNlarch 12, 1950, and have livedin the Winside area since- thattime. .

Their ch'lldren are James ofLincoln, Robert of Omaha, Barbof Norfolk and Scott, a-t home,

teen guests from Stanton andWinside i;lHended the eventwh ich was held in the home ofMr. Jackson's parents, the Ha·raId Shellpepers

Cards furnished entertainmentwith prizes awarded to WarrenHoltgrew and Mrs. Bob Shellpeper, high, and Brad Shellpeper and Mrs. Charles Jackson, ,. ow coop

The U. S, Department oflabor's Bureau of Labor Sfatis·lies predicls 6Q million·-iobs w'mnppn up bE>!we€'n 1972 and 1985.

Mrs. Martha Bartels wlll behOStE-5S to the BidQrbl Club whenthey meet March 26 af 7:30 p.m.

Mrs. Ida Moses and Mrs.Robert Vakoc were guests at thegroup's Wednesday eveningmeeting in the Harold Stipphome. Bridge prizes wereawarded to Mrs. Everett Ro·berls and Mrs. Marfha Bartels.

Martha BartelsNext HosteCss

Wa'yne, Nebrilsb 617i7




Auxiliary SeekingVolunteers

To Help at RummageSale-'·The W~yne Hospital Auxiliary is asking for volunteers to

help collect" sort, price and sell items for theircommunity·wide rummage sale scheduled for Saturday,April 19, from 10 a.rh. to 4 p.m. at the city audiforium

Proceeds from the sale wilt go for a memorial for Dr.

:~:to~~~S~'~;nhe~died on Dec. 30 after. nearly 30 ~ears as a

According to Mrs. Richard Keidel, one of the personsheading up_the project, volunteers need not be a member ofthe auxiliary "The auxiliary hopes to involve as many

in Ihe community C1f1>,possible," she said, Chairmansale is Mrs. Orville Sherry.Keidel said contribution's are also .needed for the

,;ale and can include everything from jewelry, books,games, household items .and white

clean, used clothing and near new shoeswould like to help with the sale or who have

Items to should contact Mrs. Keidel, Mrs. Sherry,Mrs. Wilmer Marra or 911~\\i'ary president Mrs. MathildeHarm,s. Persons donating items are being asked to savethpm and bring them 10 the auditorium the Friday beforethe sale

Auxiliary members will be serving lunch throughout theday

114 Main ,Street

e"oetry -~ The vy:ayne Herald does not Jeature a literi'ry pageand does, not have~ literary, ed,itor: Ther~on! pUetry, is' notacctpted .for. freer pUbli~atj9n.:

,OffI(I~1 ".~s~~r of ttW City' ~, W.v~,..... Co~"tvof W.YM .nd 1M State of Nebr• ..,

Party H~ld For 25th

.. ,!, ' '

Th~ Wayne (N~b~:) Heralci~ Moriday..Mar~h 17, '975

Mr., and Mrs. Chi.lf'les Jacksonof Winside were honored at aparty, Wednesday night for their25th wedding anniversary. Fif

., .Established in, ,1875; ,a newspa~r published semi.weekly;'"

'Monday and Thyrsday (except holidays), by Wayne -HeraI.Publishing Company; 'Inc., J. Alan Cramer, Pr-esidenf;. ~tered

"jn- th-e--pos-l-----6ff-i-€e---af-----¥'taype-.-Nebfa-ska...68Z8L2ncLcJass postag~paid at Wayne, Nebraska 68787

, SU.SCRIPTlON, RATESIn Wayne Pierce· Cedar' . Dixon - Thurston. Cumlng _ Stantonlind Madison Counties: SB.29 per year, Slt.08·for siX months,$4.36 for ,three ,:,:,onths. OUtside count!es m.e:t)tloned': 59,.36 per

",r:::r, $7.08 for Slj months, $5.86 ,for thr:ee.mon.ths. Sln~~e ~I~


, -

njEsDAY, MARCH 18Senior'" Citizens Center local advisory comm,itlee

rrl()nlhly meeting, 4 p.mProgressive Homemaker family supper, Black Knight

Sleakhouse, 6 p.m.8·Ettes Card Club, Mrs. Jerry Dan-iels, 8 p.m.

SATURDAY, A1ARCH 22Wayne State College Faculty Wives and Women spring

luncheon and sfyle show, WSC Student Union Birchroom.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19Senior Citizens Center montly potluck dinner, noonJust Us Gals, Mrs. LeRoy Spahr, 1:30 p.m.Pleasant Vatley Club, Mrs. Dale Thompson, 2 p.m.Pla·Mor Bridge Club, Mrs, George Phelps, 7: 30 p.m

THURSDAY, MARCH 'l0Happy Homemakers Home Extension Club, Mrs. Robert

Greenwald, 1:30 p.m.Senior Citizens Center m~~thly library hour, 2 p.m.

MONDAY: MA'RCH 17Three M's Home Extension Club, Mrs. Hilbert JohsAFS committee meetingAcme Club, Ruth Hamer,'2 p.m.Senior Citizens Center SI. Patrick's Day party, 2 p.rnWWI AUXiliary, Vet's Cub, 7 p,m.Monday Mrs. Home Entension Club, Mrs .. Randy Baier,

8 p.m

FRIDAY, MARCH'llWayne Hospital Auxiliary, 2 p.m.Senior Citizens Center sermonette atld sir1g-a-iong, 'l



Mrs. ,John Upton, presented theprogram, "What the· CrossMeans to Me." Entertainment.was provided by the newlyforme~ Ladies Aid choir.

Mrs, Herberl Barelman reported that several ladies visitedand served at the Wayne CareCentre Feb, 13. Mrs, OrvilleNelson told the group that platesior the ,hurch's 50lh anniver,)dry celebration have been ordered and will be for sale

Redeemer Circles MeetRed~emer Lutheran Church Mrs Fred Heier was lesson

circles mel Wednesday at the leader at the afternoon Dorcaschurch, Circle meeting and hostesses

Mrs. Walter Baier and Mrs. were Mrs. Malvin Bruns andAlbert Bichel hosted the morn· Mrs. Don Luffing Mary Circle meeting. Mrs. Mrs. Doug Hellmers became apallas Brandt was a guest and n'ew membe~ of the Ruth Circle,Mrs. Richard Carman was les·. which also met in the afternoon.son leader. Mrs. Marion Haayer was host.

ess and Mrs. Darrel Rahn, Mrs.George Rehm 'and Mrs. DavidSievers presented the lesson.Mrs. Allan Hammer was 'aguest. _

Martha Circle met in the evening with Mrs. Russell Pryor andMrs. Edward Nis&en as host·esses and Mrs. Eldon Baretman,lesson leader

Lesson at each of the circlemeetings was "Who is Your,Sister in' Christ?"

Circles will meet again April9.

Hostesses for Wednesday'smeeting were Mrs. AdolphClaussen, Mrs, Herberf Echtenkamp Md Mrs. William Pfeil

Seated <JI the birthday tablewere Mrs. Dlto Test, Mrs. IreneGeewe, Mrs, LOUIS Baier, MrsHerman Vahlkamp, Mrs. Herbert Barel,man and Mrs, OrvilleNelson

April hostesses will be MrsHerbert Baretman, Mrs, SylviaEynon and Mrs. Harold Ekberg.~

Son Dedicated

Sunday MorningCamer-on Wade Shelton, infant

son of Mr. and Mrs. DouglasSheHon of Hosk ins, was dedicafed March 9 during services atthe First Baptist Church, Norfolk

The Rev. Jerry' Leever offici·ated at the services.

Dinner guests in the home ofgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.K Shelton, to honor the occasid'nwere Rev, and Mrs, Leever andfamily, Mrs. Ma-rie" Rathmanand Mr. and Mrs. Loren Lefavor, all of Norfolk, Mr. and IWs.Fred Bargstadt and the DouglasShel tons and Cameron.



Adult 80okioMabl't' Allan, "Sh;p 01 Danqer",

Rex Benedi<.t, "'Last Stand at Goodbye Gulrh", Pal Boone, "Dr Billa(lr1'\'o, Tillinq Mule" Ma!!hew Sri!un,"Klnth", h'ichardColliPr,"Th,'Plague. ot, the Spanish Lady",Edward deElono,' "Eureka", Henry

) Denker, ;'The Physlcianio": ,AllenDrury" The Promise ot, JOy", E..X.Ferran, "Alive and Dead", Na,MeyHoepli, The Common Markef; Jonathan Kwitny, "The Multendor('Murder (",,5e": 'lrvin'g Mllrsh,

--Jt--+==':;:;;=-"'i~~"T.hi-4¥----¥,..6fiLSp..Q!"tsSforles": Charles Mee, "Meeting alpotsdam"; National GeO<iilraphic So­ciefy~ "The American Cowboy":Nalional Geogrllphlc Soclefy,"pr,millVe Wortds"; George Nikota.;('11, "The President and the Cons!itutlon", Hlro Onoda, "No Surrender"; Jerry Robinson, "The Comics", Time.Lire, "The Art of Photography", "The First Men": "TheMissino link"; "Thir. Fabulous, C:en:"tury, 19-«1·1950"; El,lot Wigginton;"The Foxfire BOOk,"; John Wyllie,"Skull Still" .~ ..

·ChU~r."", -Book,Allan Carpe'."'l~r, '.',"'f ,Mir­

ra Ginsburg, "Mushr.oom ,in Ihe"Rtlln": Robert Kraus, "Owliver",Mercer Mayer, "Frog Goes toDinner"; Alfred Slote, "TOrty. llndMe" .. Jilt Tomlinson, "The Cal Who

•Wan led to ComE' Hom9."

We Few Club Meets

With Mary Nichols

th~· group in singing "EasterParade"

Mrs. Alex' Liska, readingleader, reild a bicentennial ar-t­

"nlltl,·rj "The Cotonies Mustb,' Pun!<,hpd," arid h'ealth leaderMr" Ilar'''/'1 8e{,k read "Air

P,io!,. ,Hld Hcarl Attacks"r'f'por! on the. bic.enLennial

n· .. "tinq held at Wayne wasglV'P.'n by Mrs, Robert Boecke';.hduer. Leiters from state offlcers of extension clubs wererhld by the presidenf

Mre, Fredrick Temme andMr~ ErnCH1d Heili"old had open

"!lq C!eVOllorlS <'lng, along with

"Two Join Grace AidMrr.. George, Reuter a'nd Mrs.

Tama Krause' became newm'~mbcrs when Grace lutheranladies Aid met Wednesday, witt)MJ members, Guests were ,MisDuane Greunk nd Mrs. WilmaO'Hara

Plans for 91 e t day wereMembc ve~ been

to attend guesrday at Stluther,)n Church at Win

sc~edu'led)or April 2. at 2

M('mhers of Ihe We FewHom" E/tension Club answeredroll call with a fiber used incluthing at Iheir meeting heldMnnday In the home of Mary

, Nichols, Mrs. Sheryl Upton wasa guesf.

Health leader Sandra WreldtCd'(Jk(· (,n Cdrmg for small child(('n ~:md Mary Nichols gave ar'--'f)rlrt

Np/t mCf'tlng is April 1'4 withJean Lutt

TQdcrytSgiri, .SheerJ'oecTo-Waist Panty Hose,


fll~:r.. ''W.....ver $•.y ....'

in our Sheer­Toe-To-Waist'Panty Hose.They're the same

- color-allover.Perfect for underany fashion.Not a single linetohetray-yunr­natural look. If

.anything shows-it's you.

sed what consumers can do toprevent materials from catchingfire.

Thirteen members attendedthe meetinq, nn~werinq rnll (fillby telling about it c,'o~e call theyhave h,)d with lire, Mr'i CalWard V'J<1'i welcomed as <1 n..wmember.

President Mrs, Paul Sieverscalled the meeting 10 order andthe hostess conducted a memori­al service for' Mrs. Elder Lub­berstedt. Mrs. Harold Gathle led

.sen ior CitizensPlan Visit toLincoln Center'

918 Main

PH. ,375'" 92Z-

Swanson, business tea~her, Kim Kug'~r and '('AarvelCarlson.

AI's Air ServiceMunicipal Airport

Wayne, N4IbrciskaPhone 375-4664

'Fabric Flammability' is lesson at ClubKlick and Klaller Home Ex

tension Club members metTuesday wIth Mrs. Nlarvin Victor. Mrs. Rollie Longe presentedthe lesson. on fabric ffammabilily. She dc-mon"lraled howsome f,lbrics burn more rapidlyIh,ln others ilnd told the group ofresearch d",vclopment and If"!qis!alion concerning 'he f1ammabllily ot fabrks, Th~ group diSCUS

poinls, Creighton third with 'l2among 14 v':hooi~ competIng

Individual winners in Ihe con''--'',1. ~rt)nsored hy Pi Omega Pi,honorary business ed'lIcation Irat('rnlty, WNP these

Rookkpeping Debra Lundin,W<)kdil'lrL I,rst, Teri M,lnion,',(!( (md, and Barbara F lichtman,third. both of

BoliN, fir"!,WI('nN, ~(!{,ond, both

ot Wilyne: Mary Ellen Carljl}-lyonS. third ,-' ~."

<;horth,lnd Kim KLJgl(~'f,r',1, and Milr'~('1 Cc)rl,;on. <;r~(

ond. botn of Wayne, Val Bu{kendahl, Ch.rnond, third

First place leams received atrophy dnd lirst elace individuals, a key chaIn.

About 105 students partl!;ip'lted

311 ""'-in ~lree1

Phone J7S·1020

Phone 375·1,u4

WINNE'R of the Business Competition Day was' this WayneHi.9h team' front from left, Peggy Langston and JoleenWIPnpr llM.k. JiHlet Baier, lea Grasshorn, Mrs. Jean


WAYNE CARE CENTRE'Where Caring Mal<es the' Offference" ,

,\I"il Ord,'r., W"I,.,,,,,,, - P.O. lIox 96

Inez Barth, ownerStanton, Nebr. 68779 Phone 439-2124

Dean C. PiersonAgency


DICK KEIDEl, R.P.Phone 375,' 1-4Z

CHERYL HAll: R.P.Phone 3753610 ---



BENTHACKCLlNIC Rlc".,d B. McN.lIl'" W 'nd s"eet RR2 Wayne, Nebr;

Pllone 315:2500Worne, Neb, Phone 402·375·452Q


WH Team Tops Business Competition

T r'H1(j ( Clun mr'm!wr', rl1'·1with Mrs. Willard Blecke Thur,;day Mrs, Flor-cnce Meyer WaS ~

guest and high scores in cardswont t.o Mrs, Willard Blecke andMrs Russell lindsay Sr

Next meeting will be at 2 p,mApril 10 wilb Mrs (htis.Baier

Wayne High 5z'h I won firstplace Thur~ddY' Ihe annualBusiness (ompe ilTon bay illWayne_ Still,. (blteqf> The leilmof six girls s,(:ored 39 points inthree types of competition, bookkP.-f'pinq, lyping and shorthand

()<,mrmd pl,lU'd e,,,(ond wdh 1B

til West Jrd


Guest Attends.TandCMeet

tt was announced ihat mem.bers' who plan to attend the~<llild_ luncheon March 24 atColNidge should meet' at theFrist United Methodist Churchin Wayne at 11:30 a.m. Theluncheon is scheduted for 12: 30 's, "

The Wayne Senior CiHzens p,m.Center !las accepfed an Invltalion to-"attend activities, includ· Mrs, Herbert Niemann reoing a Scottish music concert at ceived the hostess gift. Members

I the Llncoln- Salvation .A r m y are to bring a baby picture of--INS\lRANCE-"--- WAYNE C~TY OFFICIALS FINANCE SenIor CiHzens Cenfer March 26 IhemsAlves i'If fhe next meeting!~yor - from IO'a.m. to 3 p.m e,et for Aprit 8,.at 2 p.m. v-,.rlth

-----,--" ,.._._-- ; .. freema~.Decker 375 'lBOI I TRIANGLE FINANCE Cost of Ihe trip, which is open _ Mrs Herberf Niemann

INSURANCE & REAL EST ATE CI~Yre~~~~n~:~::or - 37542911 P I M h' ~~ ~~~r~(!~~~::not;:r,~~y$~\~r/~~L,te Hc,;pltaI J /<lllOn Dlsabddy City Clerk· Treasurer - I ersona - ac Inery round trip transportafion. A' Twelve at A."dHomeo..... ner.., ~nd Farmowner;, , Bruce Mordhorsl 39631AAI and Automobile Loans 33,passenger bus has bl;'en chart

properly covera?e!> l!city Attorney - I Phon(' J7S 1132 109 W :lnd ('red Twelve members of the AltonaKEITH JECH. C.loU. B B:. Borntlofl 375.23!11 -.--.. -. __~_ Reservations must be made in Lutheran Ladies Aid met.March

315· I~~ 408 logan, Wayne CounCilmen -:- advance at the Wayne Sen,or 6 with hostesses Mrs. Val Dam.---,- .-- ._._..,,'-~ cLeoa,oH,y'nn'F',n'te, ',',', """0'1' First National Bank CUizens Center at 316 Main St me and Mrs. Alvin Daum. Mrs.

The bus will leave the center flt W,llier Spliflgerber'~, ,.- -.,., "' ~II'NVESTMENTS SAVINGS 7 a.m. and will return about 8 a guest.

,- JIm Thomas 3752599 INSURANCE p.m. According to Mrs. Jodell,IIRR .,-- Darrel Fuelberth 3753205 COMMERCIAL BANKING Bull, center director, early re Devotions were led by the

{ve:nB::eekS ~~~ ~~~ Phone J7S 'l5'l5 Wayne se~~~:jZ~Stt:~~I~:v~~~~jdbrIng a ~ev'vTs~~!ln~ro~~~erV:;:n: rtaO;~Vernon Russelt 3752110 sack lunch. Drinks·and dessert Cenlre was given by Mrs'

Independent Agent Wayne Municipal Alrport- J _.._. ~--- will be frunished by the host Daum The birthdays 01 Mrs.n _.oJ_LI.. Alan Robinson, Mgr 375466 SERVICES center. The bus will, stop at Otto Mohlfeld, Mrs. Earl ,Rom·l;I'epel~--IA-S\l-fOflE~-~'~'~-Cl--E-"_'~_'7;~3~'S~.2~.~.j-~-~-~-~-=·"'C=:=:=::=;--=;:-:=-:=:C:~C:::C:::C:::--'S"C""hU!i.lYd!le""~.m:nrau1e:llome...lor 5J-JP_ berg and, Mrs. Rebert Green·

FOR ALL YOUR NEED!) FIRE Call 375·1122 NO~fEHNEt:Z :::t'TAHSKA per. wa-fd were- observed. ---- ----- MONDAY, MARCH 24---·---

Phoo~ 375·'l696 H~:~I::~'OUNTY OFF:~~~I SERVICE CENTER_ r--------------------, Senior Citizens Center Bible study, 3: 15 p.m.

Assenor: Doris Stipp 375 19791 .. C:~~;h·~~~nL9:~h;;::ne BeClerk: Norm. Weible 3752188 i Third Thur\dily 01 Month IfAssoc, JudCjl': I 9:00 I m,·n:oo noon yourse

WlJyntt Luverna Hilton. '375.1622 1;30 p.m..4:00 p.m. '

Sheriff: Don Weible. 375.191 I ooni~e~o..o~;,':;t:r~t.rson,

~u~~~hom~on. 375.13&91 ~70;.J~::~n~~~n:" ..--~'--...,,...__ Supt.: .. Fred·Rickers 375.17771 J1S,U".-,?'fice

Tre".tur.r: IL.""Mojoe", ,375'88'1 WAYNE'S BODY SHOP

Ctlrk of O'll,jct Court: Complete

A~r~:~U~~r~~~:t 375 2260~1 ,BOdY and Fender RepairDon Spl'ze 375-3310 All MAKES and MODELS

ASSIStance O6rwor' Painting Glass InstallationMiss Thelma Moeller 375271S 223 S Main Ph 315.1966 •

Attorn.y,.,---- Sudd Bornhott 375 2311 Tlfed-;;C;rbage Clutter From

OPTOMETRIST Vet.,.ns service Offlc.,., Ov,rlurnetl Can,?__, __---=:....:.-...:-:__-'--.o.:.=-----=o ---.Chrr~rlW.Q!l _---.1D- 27604 We PrOVide

(o~mis'lontrt: . -At. Your-Door-ServiceW, A. KOE"BER; 0,0, g:::; •• ,,~;~::.~r;c:,~;: At No ,Extr~ Ch~rge

OPTOMETRIST, IOisf. 3. . . . . . .. ,Floyd Bur'. Phone us for de'illIio ilt ..•. 37,5·2147'

Db',k' P,oNllon Offlco" 'I MRSNYHprhert Hansen. .' ,375.~33

Me"," W"9hf.,., ,J75-2516 SANITARY SERVICERicha~~ 375-1705


Stop It



122 Moin


"hane 375-1130





He's Your Nlanfrom

Walnut Grovewith an

improvedpig feed program




301 Main


State NatiOllaiBank

& Trust COllI""




69', 30',61', 3B",60 ~Q

59 ~ I55 4S


IRS-'Q&AQ. Are utility taxes deduct­

ible?A. Utility taxes imposed under

state or local law are notdeductible if the rate differsfrom that of the general salestax in your area

complete sqlllad capable of glving the varsity a tussle.

a. I bought a new car recennyfor personal use which develop­ed so many mechanical prob­lems that rhad to get rid of it. Itraded it in for less than what Ipaid. Is this' loss deductible?

A, No. A loss from the sale orexchange of personal property isnot a deductIble loss, unless Itresults from casualty or theftHowever, don'f forget that yoyrstate or local sales tax on thepUl:chase of your new car or thepart of the ta)( you paid that, isequal to the general sales tax isdeductible from your FederalIncome ta)(

A stroke has come to mea" avariety of things.

In general, reporfs Jhe Ne·braska Medical Association" '8stroke refers to ~udden 'braindamage caused by a hemor-·rhage of a blood vessel In, thebrain or a clot from har~lnlil

of the blood vessel walls. ,"~••times a clot gets into the blOod

~~r~~~ f~~~t a~t~~~~~~blocks a brain arlery.

When a stroke occur,~,,::fhe

brain area affected stoP'S__ func.tioning and causes recognfzedsymptoms. Not only are·, Older,people susceptible fa strokes,but a high percentage of _th",and disability occurs betw:1t!tft,the ages of 30 and 64

Research indicafes 80at those with strokes hblood pressure. This a

indicate that a vital•....'-t._-'~J./.•breaks down after long po~

byP:~o~~c:'j;hess;rehjst ,:~~~(.,hypertension and cer .orrhage should takeary measures suchmedical supervision,

a. Don" I hav~ to show ~xact weight control andamounts to the penny of deduc- in all phases of livinlions, income, etc., on my tall. The Nebraskaretur-n? ciation reports that ,M',., ,;':_~'

A. No_ Taxpayers may round search and treatments,;-dktoff such amounts to the whole evolVing to aid the recovery';Of

~~~I~'a~:i~n~e:~so~~~tI~~~ ~~~~~~aIP~~~~~~sco~t~~ues . ,..

50 cents and Increase any a important fo stroke prevemount from 50 fa 99 cents to thenexf dollar

Q, How c~n I determinewhether to use Form 1040 orlD40A to figure my fa ..?

A. Generally, the Shor-t Form1040A is used by a person whodoes not itemize his deductlonsand whose gross income consistsonly of wages, salary, tips, anddividend income or Interesf income of S400 or less. But.taxpayers who have other typesof Income, gains or losses fromsales or exchanges of capitalassets, investment tax credit,sick pay exclusion, etc shoulduse Form 1040 and the apJ>, schedules to determinetheIr tax_ The instructIons toreach form explain in greaterdetail whIch form is appropriatefor you to use.

C,,rm,)n CornellO,Trander

SroTT Ro,pNewman ROkUSt:kDr'cker EV<lflS';kov Doe~cher

801enkamp TompsonWeible 51 419

Rahn,Rebensdorl Menc;1 51 ~9

:~:~r8~~:;ber 4 ~~Hank Boyd 3(,L. 43'1

Dolata-Wallers 35 6SSwan Luellman 18 1/1 71",

High SCGres: Pat Dolala 191 514:DllV,", ROku~"'k 201 567, Newman-Roku!>ek 8aier Roeber 6~1; c/JrmenCOHlf:dl·O~lrarnJf1r 1905

80b Dolala 1-6-10 split. MaryMiller 6.1splil

Hits & MluesWon Lost

Kav<lllaugh TrUCking 74 26Mr;lodee Lanes 64 36M&SOil 61'/l 381/1EI Toro 53 417Pal!> Beauty Salon 50", ~9' ~ •Cvnningh"m Well SO SO

.Squirt 49 51Farmers ~afe Bank (8 S2Wayne Phillip's "6/1" 46 54Pioneer SHd' 412 saWayne Book Slore 35 M

--Stlv--MOf---1;)r--1J9--- 31 .68_Hlg" score,: Betty K"van"ugh

dnd Linda Janke 111; Pat Morris556, Kavanaugh Truckinq 9401653

Go Go L.clle,Won LDst

~~~:yKS~~~ker~ ~1'" r'~Lucky Four 58"2Gut;er Dusters S6 .....Whirl Awltys 50 50The Rookies. <Il!V~ Sl'hWhplly Roilers ,-lh Sll!~

Four Jinks 43 51Country Gats :W'/7 60'/1Hil & Mlue5 21 73

KI,h ,scores: Cleone tack' ,,.;'Donna' Frevert 43; l.vcky Strikers651 18~9

CleQne,,zllllch 4·,·tO liplit.

Monday NTghl Lathe~

Won Lo~t

6B 3(,

b7 3765 39M 3057' J(,',

S6 .185~ 5(,50 ~4

~6 5842', 6\',36 6B

r,rn,r·'~ III B6H,gh SCOrtlS: Deb Thurn('..~ 190 n8

574. D /!. K Bottle ShOp 963 1~('5

Friday Nite CGuplesWon Losl

Ft i(fay ~ltle Ladie~

Won Lo~l

55', 40',55 ~1

~3 4)

52 4451 .1541". 53'"39'1 56''115',60'-"1


653, Janes'

WS Matmen, AlumniTo Tangle Tuesday.

Wayne State alumni of wrest·lino;;! - confident fhey still knowsome moves on the mat - havechaliengeQ the current varsity toa meet.

The varsity rose to the- chal.'Ienge, coach Marion Haayerrepor,ts, and set the date forTuesday at 7: 30 in Rice

Marshalling the alumni troopsis 'Larry Kersten, a 126 and 134pounder on the 1972-73 Wildcatteam that went to sixth in- theNAIA nationals. Kersten isworking on construction inWayne prasently and looks as fitas he did while posting a 19·8·1record. He'll probably go at 134or 142.'"

Who is he lining up? Everhear the ntlme Ken Monroe?Numerous wrestlers wish theyhadn't, for Monroe won three167-pound championships and asecond in the nationals-. He is aNorfolk policeman now andkeeps in condition helping as acoach of high school and juniorcollege wrestling

Also ready to car'f'y the alumnihonors is heavyweight RonColes, currently a student assistant coach of the Wildcats sincehe finished eligibility TheMoose earned a third,jn the J972NAIA nafional and sixth (mighthave been higher excepf for aniniury) in 197-4.

Also probable alumni contenders are Steve Gregory, KentIrwin, Mitch and Vince Emery,veterans trom sOme of Wayne'sfinest years in wrestling

Promoter Kersten I ct>eS tofind a lew mor·e and round ou1 a

Contest-I Continued from page 1)

ninlh, and Jeff Westerhaus, DIStriel -40. fenth

Prl7es they earned included adictionary for third place. $5check from the teachers' association lor fourth, book of worldrecords for fitth, desk calendarfor sixth, fount.;tin pen for sevenIh, miniature stapler for eighth,and $) in cash for ninth andtenth

Judges for the contest wereGloria Leseberg, Judy Pefers,Judy Rother and Janet Carlson,all rural schoo! teachers_ MrsLeila Maynard was pronouncerfor the morning and afternoonwritten and oral contest

EI Toro PI<(jAmber InnAmr:r'C,ln Fal1ldy In~

Wayne Mu~,c

ArchwayMe,ers'Wittigs'Janes' Beauly Shop

High scorM: Solly111515, Amber InnBeauty 5h~P 18~1

Community )Wl)n Lost

Coryell AulO Co 21 UBen Franklin 11 141'WavneGrain a. Feed 19 11L<lnQemeiar Inc 19 11Willig'S Super Valu If! 18Ron's Bar 18 18Hubb<Jrd Fc,-,d~ 15 11T~t Eltet,..c II 'J~

High SCl;lr.s; Chuck Millhouse 113;PaUl Telgren 213 591; RotI'S Bar 913;Coryell Aulo Co, 2595

Won Lo~t

c."r Impl"menl lB'-,Slalr' Naf,on,,1 B<lnk 23', 12' I

W,lynf: Body ShOp n 13McNatTs H,Jrdwilre 12 1-4

E,nun</,. 19', 16',SCOll¥~ PlilC{' )I 19Logan Villle¥ Impl l) 13Fredr'Ckson Oil Co 12', 13',Wayne Greenhouse 10', 25',Worfman AuloCo 10', 25',

High SCOtes: Ron Lage 2~5 594Wayne BOdy ShOp 92B Carr Implem(:n,'2637


Saturd.,y Hife CouplesWon LoIt'! Krv_~.9("r_ 30 1~

Echlenkamp.FrC'o'arl n li--0Ison·LacU~·8arner 24 20Dec.k·Jon.k~·Maroll 23 11Oal)-Buf! " 21 2JLult·Dangt>erg-Lut· '21 23Janke·Johnl.oo.Plck 20 2ATopp,Miller 18 26Hans,en Mann·Jileger J8 16Mo'lnll·MiIle-r,)lIIcobson, 18 26

High scor.I.:· Alan JOhnson 20A;Dennl~ Lulf 204; L.oya~ Lackal. 20";Ruth Baier 189i L,inda Janke 4199;Wilmer Deck,5J3.

Esther Honsen 6i·10 IPut.

Stop in after theGome for 0NIGHTCAP!

LES'Steak House

1f5MAlNA Wldt' Selechon ot




A FI11! U"e 01 NewF'r'i(jHI.J,re.anl1

Miiitag Applianc,r:~


106 MAIN



Shrader - AllenHatchery.


Phone 375-1420


NENAC to PickAll-Loop Team

The Northeast Nebraska Actlvilles Confer..ence will select itsat! loop basketball team Wed·nesday night at Neligh, accord·Ing to laurel High athleticdirector Bob Bozied.

Also on tap for the leaguemeeting is discussion of girl'sbasketball nexf fall and juniorhigh girl". frack this year. LastNeek the Laurel school boardokayed girls varsity basketballfor the 1975-76 school yearHowever, no schedule has beenset up

It's Almost'That Time

Don't forgef the' all.5ports banquet tonight(Monday) at Wayne'sStudent Center' ,-

The 7 p.m. dinner willhonor both Wayne Stateand Wayne High male andfemale athletes' plus student managers and cheerleaders .

Tickets for the annualfeed can be. purchasedIrom members of the Sec·ong Guessers ...·club or col·lege and high school officials for $5 per couple

Guest speaker will beRay Stevens, sports broad·casler· for WOW-TV inOmaha

Play for First PlaceTeams 1 and 4 play this week

for first place in the sixth andseventh grade city (ntramuralbasketball league

Both clubs are 2-0 after winning their second games las'1week Team 1 polished off Team3. 3430, and Team -4 nipr:?€dTeam 2, 29 18 "",I-

Jeff Oion and Jeff Sperry hiteight points each to lead Team -410 victory_ Clark Blakeman hadn tor the losers

Jeff Zeiss scored 27 points tokeep Team 1 undefeated. ToddHeier had 10 for Team 3

Other scoringTeam 4-Todd Skokan 5, Dan

Mitchell 4, Jere Morris 2, JayPeters 2, Team 2-Scoft Nissen~. Scott Wessel 2

Team I-Doug Hummel 5,Doug Proett 2. Team 3--KevinNissen 8, Keith Tunner 6. KirkPowers 1, Perry NelSQn 2, JonEllingson 2





·~t ~






O'9g...r'~ DoII,e~

Short Circu"~

V,c's Ch,xWake-helCl ReaCly M,~

(~ 'lIdldtnu" Cr,

CI,ffDr 'v"_l(Don,lld"

Thursdi3Y N,ghfMen'sWOIl LO$t

/6 147S25 1519 2119 2119 1118 n

F"rm",r', Un-on Q 31H,gh ~core~' Don Ro.)"", ill> SJ8

Fullerton'~ <lnd Cornnusker Cille1018. FuflerTon'~ 2973

Teams 1 and 2 meet Tuesdaynight at 8_ 30 for the playoffchampionship of clty recreationA league basketball

Season champ Team 2 earnedtl'1e right to face Team 1 aUe'rknocking off Team 5, 68-59, thisweek In playoff action, LeadingIhe winners was Shane 'Giesewith 21 points. High for Team 5was Dave Schulte with 26_ Theteams wre tied at 31-31 athalftlme.

Tom Fleer's basket in theclosing seconds gave Team J a68·66 win over Team 4 for theright to meet Team 5 in theconsolation ga~at 7:30 p.mTuesday in the city auditorIumFleer led his team with 24 pointswhile Breck Giese had 30 forTeam 4

Because of the all-sports banquet Monday night, the playoffswere moved to Tuesday, saidrecreafion director Hank Over

Teams I, 2 Battle.In Playoff Contest

Sunday and Monday MiltedWon Lost

Helm·Simpson 28 11J.ackson-Stapleton 18 11Ja(kson·Bcswell 26'1 13",

--..Badm·~ 16 1..Smith Fi!>cher 15 ---15Baker Preston 23 17

• Van Cleave-N~ISOfl 22'/1 171/lBenson·Meyer 12 18Roeber J-ohan~on 11 19Frederick.s.ot'\·Bu~y

Kea'ille 20 20Fischer-Prather 20 20Posp'$io-R,schmuetier 19 21Duranl,Sch\lbef"t



'·-Gl.lslal!iQfl·Larwn·tc:etlgle 15 25

efOWneU.sre55;ler 14 26-prft'Of'l·Boec:kenhauer 14 __ 26

~~~:;~~:~= ~,. i:HIg" Kqrn; BUSS'Schr,oedef" ns,

Eva Our.nt. 200; Mike ~er -S101Marian Keagle S40; Durant-SCtw­t,';r1 Smltn n11~2~

Tue~do'lY Night Men'~Won Lo~l

TllI·F",,,Slore 15 11Ole~ ...n'" Shoe Serv,c~ 23 I)

Th~ ElpcTrodes ,3 I)

IV 16W,lk'-'/II'IO Nat'l Bank 19', 16-,'Rcu~e'.., S-uper Sackers 19", 16',Pondaro"a TilP 1Q 17Lefty's Ace Serv,ce 19 17Am""'C,1n l_f.'Q,on lB IBSa~0f10il 111 18Sthroeder'~.Propone 15 11Dave /!. Ray'~, B S 13 nChuckwagon 13 23The Loungers 1 19

High scores, Clarence Schl,nE'!o212. Dave FrederiCkSon SlI3: 'Th'OLoungers 1089, Chuckwayon 30llll

Frid"y NightWon L"'

Firecrackers 16':1 11',Kangaroos 23', 10',"X" Champ!' 20 2~

Tigers UI 26High scores '.llen Salmon 202.

Rueben Goldberg 555; F,recraclr;er~




Team 2 is 3-0

5, Davet""nberQ 2

Team 1-Dennls Caroll, II

loren Murral $, Rf)r; Turn:>r I

Team D<1v'lI:' B, MI~,p

N""mann 'J Gn(;rl(·n 2

Also scoring'Team 2 heads Into the third ~am 2 - Kerry Jech 18,

week of eighth grade city intra- ~f' Roland 10, Mike Crelghmural basketball action this ton 9, Randy Nelson 6, Dennisweek with a 30 slafe Paul 2. Steve Hix 2; Team s _

Last week the league leaders Bob Weisenberg 16, Lyle Stevennotched their third win with a son 1), Don Zeiss -4-4225 blasting of Team 3 to Team 3_ - Tom Foster' 16,remain a game in front of Team Jerry Tietz 15. Bob Nelson 7,3 in league standings Roger Langenberg 6; Team 4 -

Don Straight poured in 16 Paul Eaton 10, Brent Johnsonpoints 10 lead Team 2 Top point 10. Randy Nelson 6. Jeff Lampmaker lor Team 3 was Sean 6, Maurice Boechenhauer 4.Wills with eight

Team 1 scored its first victoryfII\onday wifh a 4945 nipping ofwinless Team 4 Brad Emryripped the nets tor 30 points topush his team to third in thefour-team standings with a 1-1record. Leading Team -4, 03.

.was led by AI Nissen and MarkGansebom with 16 and l3 -points

Team 2-Bob Bornhoft 8, TomGinn 6. Rafael Sosa 6, Tim

" DUdne Smith '1, Team6, MArk McCrIght


122 Moin

At the present time, startingshortshop Don Hasenkamp isinjured and it is not yet knownwhether or not he will be readyto go. If Hasenkamp '---an playthe starting infield stlould looklike this; first base RandyMiller, second ~se Rick Bene

Battery mates for DeVaul andCo. will be ,veteran catchers,Ray Nelson and Nick DameNelson is a senior from HeelanHigh in Sioux Cify, Iowa, andDanze is lunior from OmahaRummel

cords; Jim Kopecky 4·0, John delta, shortstop Hasenkamp,Zwygart 3·2, Roger Saul 1·0, Jim and at third base Jim Kopecky.

Mergen 1·1, Leo Yrkosk(l-], and If Hasenkamp is unable to play,Steve Russell 0·1. Also expected Kopecky will move to shorf andto see duty on the mound are transfer from Bellevue, MikePaf Hall, lefty transfer from Lidie will play third.

Estherville, Iowa, Darrell Win· Also vying for a startinginger, and Steve Kellen. position in the infield are Jerry

Left·handed hopefulls BiU, Frerichs and Tom Denham atSchultz and Gordie Dunn have flrst base, and Bill Jadlnw\kl,sustained Injuries and their sit transfer from the University ofuation is uncer-tain Nebraska. and Jeff Latham at

second base

The ouHield seems 10 be astrong pomt this year_ withreturnees Dean Ott and Tim

Is Here to Serve You.

Ted Bahe

Ted has been with the '$tate National Bank for 17 years. Hestartecl working part-time in the bookkeeping' departmentwhile atfen,ding WaYne State College.

Ted and Maralee Bahe have three children. Ted is a memberOfJ the Wayne' City Council and ·Wayne Volunteer firedepartment.!fe. is also Vice president and cashier at thebank. . ...



..~d'~G/Y~~~...~~~_.. ·.·... 0.··""".,.T....U"".TV IAM·IPIIl

THUR$.EVf...... ••.PIIl

Team 4Earns Finals Berthat 8:30 p.m, Wednesday GeneCasey's 15 points and BobRee~fs 13 helped Team 3 pastTeam 2 'in the Ilrst night ofplayoff action. Hank Over in ledthe losers with 19 p(lll1ts

First·round losers play at 7 30p.m. Wednesday tor a spot inthe conSolation finals. alsoMarch 26.

Also scoring .Team 4---Dan Johnson 11 Dar

rell Doescher '-4, Team S-JlmBrasch 12, Steve Ho( 10, P,:,rr'y'Backstrom .J. Ron

Team 3-Harotd 8Steve Schuma'!.her 6. Ron Fink

5, Jilek Manske 3 Team 2-D,ckSorensen 9, Norvin Hansen 6

Bill Woehler 5--:-5am Schroeder ~

Mark Lowe 1 '

. -'".....The Wayn~ (Neb;' .1' He,rald~ Monday,! -March 17; '975

.WSOpens Baseball Slate at K~State" " _. " , Denh,am set to go at leU and

Wayn~ Stafe's- 'optimistic base center respectively. Terryball tear:n begins an, extremely Thorn. transfer from the Univer.challenging schedule Wednesday sity of Northern Colorado, willwith a swing through Kansas, start in right field.

O~~~~~~'ma;~~~S~~~;siwill be Sufficient backup in the out.

Kansas State University. run ~~~~til~~II~~~Vi~~if/' s:~~~~~~~a~~ ;::r.B~_s;~;:~a~O~;;t ' WedE?L and freshman Kenny

h Harvey from Kansas City, Kan.~=~~::~- '

COdch Lar-ry Schultz will takethe team to Tulsa. Oklahoma topray American Christian College. ACe will have alreadypla'yed 27 'games when_ theymeet the Wildcats

Remaining games 'on thespring trip are: March 21, Nor·thern' Oklahoma State Unlver.sity, 'March 22. Evangel College,and March 23, MiSSOUri Southern State,The~e teams have a decided

advantage in that they havebeen able to practice in warmweather, whereas Wayne !lasnot, However, the Wildcats areeager for' a chance to provethemselves and should do quitewell.

March 25 mar;Ks the opening'of the home sealon. Wayne Statewill entertain Yankton Collegefollowed by a March 27 datewith Valley City State College,also here at Wayne

Helping with the coachingduties will be former majorleaguer, Bob Weisenberg. Bobspent seven years in the Minne·sota Twins o,rganizatfon as apitcher and will be a great helpto Wayne's fi~e pitching corPs.

That .sl'aff wHI include sevenveterans headed by iunior right!-mnder, 'Bob DeVaul. DeVaulposted a -4-0 win·loss record lastyear

Remaining veteran hurlerswith last year's won-loss re-

Tu~~d"y AI1('1 noon L"d,('sWon Lo~'

£ 11,,"<. tl",q' I~

n,,; GuT!>" I" I~

Jht: Old Hen, 11T'lC>

High $Core$ Joan Jep$('n 204549£Ila'S Mags 7351138

Ruby Moseman, El,,,"'me Po~p,..,h,O and Carol'pl,1 v,(q,n,cl L,wl'man .1

Alln johanson ~ 5 !>pl,T

Playoff action in city recrea·'tion B league basketball startsto peak Wednesday night whenTeam .1 and J battle for a spot Inthe March 26fh playoff finals

Team 4 gained a berth in thefinals with a 51·47 win overream 5 last week. Team 3earned a spot in semifinal playwith a 50--4-4 victory over Team

-.--------'2,---- _

Led ~y Don Sherman, RandyS~ arid Wayne Wessel with 12;Joints each, Team -4 took a 27-2411alftime margin before increasrng its lead to 41-32 going infothe final penod. High man for

-iTeam S wa$ Dennis Spanglerwith 17 ,'"

Team 3 will play seasonchamp Team 1, idle last week,

(Continued from page 1)

were detected ,n m·t1k samples.warned Witkow')kl

extenSlrJn agents havedetads on- additionalthat are cleared for

control Farmers dhoutdlabel directions

any pesticide, Witconcluded


No School

President-{Continued from page Il

non.profit organization in Nebraska is eligible to apply lorfunding for projects which br.jngtogether the aduJt public andacademic humanists to discusspublic issues, Academic human­is-ts are college teachers in thehumanitites (history, literature.philosophy and related fields).

Parents of students af Winsideare reminded there will be noclasses Wednesday due to par·ent teacher confe-rences at theelementary building and highschool, 'according to ~uperinten·

dent Don leightr

(Continued from page I)

development 'Ieader from UnLOin, conducted the orientation

Has' 'amilies have been givenan assignment of 100 Japanesewords \0 learn ;;IS part of th~r

reqUirements 'Hosflng the students will be

N'r and Mrs William Sachau,Allen, Mr, and Mrs. MarvinEhler!>, Newcastle; Mr. andrws Roy Stohler. Concord; Mr.and Mrs Lloyd Roeber, Wake·field. Mrs, Jewell Schram, New·castle, Mr, and Mrs. FrancIsMJller. Wakefield; Mr. and Mrs.Earl Mason, Dixon; Mr. and/INs Darrold Harler. Ponca;/VIr, and Mrs. Harold C:;-eorge,Dixon; Mr, and Mrs. RobedFritschen, Concord, and Mr. and/VIrs Marvin Hartman, Dixon.

Officers-{Corrtinued from page n

rauli'ne business of the Qrganizalion

Counlies represented at themeeting were Cedar, Cuming,Dixon, Knox, Madison, Pierce,Thurston ,'Jnd Wayne othercounties which have representatives o~ the board of directorsare Burl. Colfax, Dakota, Dodgeand Slanton


The Nehras.ka Home EconomlCS Assoclallon. a professionalorganllatlon for college graduates with ,1 B.A. or B.S. degreeIn home econom'tcs, w'rlt meetHlIS Thur"day night at theNor!ne,lst Nebraska Technical

College, Norfolk, tod No'rtheast Nebraska

branchThe is scheduled to

begin-CIt 30 p.mMaXine Burch of Omaha,

preSident. will be presentorganize th& new district

cmd talk about opportundieslur home economists

Membership tor. the branchwill inrllJde preSE"nt NHEAmember" lind any

hun1'; ('cnrlomISlalt"ndmq from northea')t Neb1',1<,_,1

Tho.' Nf'hraska Home Economice, Ae,sllC!ntlOn promotes thepro!('sslOn of home econom ics tohigh ')rhool students and tobus'mE'ss Through the organizalion, II,-,flll.' ('conomists ar~ kE;'ptup lu ddto on new ideas byn,lllrW,rll <lnd slale publications.wrJl'"·,11"p~ dnd conventions

P(-r<J'Il~ Wishing more intor<loout the Nor t',trl(/ branch should

conlClcl Mrs Jane Volk, Battle(r('f'k, Ncb. 68715.,.............


To Organize District

Branch of NHEA


Our prescription sunglasses are made ~th

the same professional care as our regularprescription glasses. Th~at means the highestquality from start to finish. Just come to US •ands~. •

DulingOpticalBtlcau$e notl1ing you weal is as rmportanl as your glpsses,·

.Norfolk: 330 Norfolk '!venut"Pbone: 311.890Q

=:. /.' ,.,,,~.! "I \10" O~t.~,~,,~ A&""~,~\I"', Qt AIIl~IJ~~

Annual FryW,n'-.Ide Volunteer Firemen

hpld lhelr annual fish fry Mand<l, r,venlng at the firehall WithWI',.·S as guests, ApprOXimately'>0 cltt!:'ndedC()mmlt~ee in charge was Ed

ward Oswilld. Dale· Langenbergand Leon Koch

Next meeting will be Apr:'"il 14,

evening In theroom Andrew

Mil"" had devol'ionsL")..)0, prof~ssor of

N,-·,.... at the seminary,n (l'I(ClqO laid about the semin;w, f<"v Paui Reimers served

N,,~j meeting will be April B

Church Men MeetTrinity Luthyrrtn Church Mpn

Bridge ClubBridge Club met Tuesday eve

ning in the Clarence Pfeifferhome.

Prizes were won by MrsGeorge Farran, Mrs Charle,>Jackson and Mrs, Carl Troutman

Next meerlng will be March 75r~--rhe Carl Troutman home

Wayne Stale College hostt<dapproximately 40 area hi g rlschool students at the firstannual Education Career Dayheld Monday altNlloon Student')and instructors attended frimrive area h'lgh ,,(hools

In charge of the program wa<;a commlt!ee made up of Dr5oIe .... e Sayre, chairman, DrArnold 0 Emry, Larry Dyerand Dr Lyle Skov

Students met a\ the Hahnf(Jf il W"!r:rJllll' hy Dr',ilcll'

Y()II Wanl T()

by Oy('r to (1rscrilH' HwlIOn proqr<ll1l ,11

Anniversary DinnerThe Charles Jackson" were

d',nner guesls Wednesday In IheKenl Jackson home to honor lhe15 wedding anniversary of Mrand Mr'!> C Ja<.kson

Postpone-dTown and Country Club was

postponed from March 11 toTue' March 18..1n lh.eWaller Bleich home

nespr>nlVl c,ltOr"'--.JT1

.. -ences. , . •The proqram concluded wllh Cl

rampus tOI.'f dirl'(I['rJ~tQte Studellt~,

compliments of the educationdepartmenf.

games andScout'') 26111

New OfficersDeena Macke is new president

01 Winside B~ownie Troop 167Other officers, elected at thegroup's Wednesday meeting Inthe Donavan Leighton home, areDeilnna Schmidt. ~ice president.Tresha Topp. trea,>urer, andV,m Sc.hlueter. Suibl' MichelleC>rlbli' dod Kathy GOtlbNg wNeni'lmr,d If) <'('r'Jf, on Hie clean up(Oflln1111c.'"

hlrthdil',Oc('nil M,ltkl' ',(rllw

LCW MeetsTrmily Lutheran Church

Women mel alter!1u()n in the church",','ith 20 pn~')ront

LeRoy NorqUISt, protessor ofNew Te"tament ill

'.poke on whdtconsisted ot for stu

d.-:nt~ <lttending the <;cmlnary forf(jur years

Plans were made toWin"ide CW(lmunityMarch 1·1

The distrld assembly meeting


<f*UMENT WOR~~N~• Wdle~iown. So~t", Dakota

FLOYD ANDREWS Wayne, NelSr. 68787Lac.. 1 Repre~enl.~tive 220 East 4th ",Phone 375-3081

The Roy Reed Amef'ican Le will be April 11 in BloomflC'ldgion Auxiliary Unit 151 met The LCW is tp· furnish SIX dOl(:,nI\o\arch 10 w'lth Glady!! 'R:eichert rolls for the morning colfee andFour ollleNS and three mem canned goods are to be taken (orbers attended the Lutheran Pantry In Omaha

Mrs Paul Zoflka, vice presi A thank you was read fromdent. conducted the business' the family of Mrs John RQhlHsession and corresponqence was A committee was toread from the auxiliary slate purchase tables for churchdepartment. Mrs. J. G, Swei with memorial moneygard, courtesy and card chair Mrs. Russell Baird WClS hostman. reported on cards sent the ess, April 9 hostesses will bepast month Thank you notes Mrs, James C Jensen and Mr<,were read by Mrs. Leonard Dale Miller, Mrs Lloyd BehmerAndersen A thank you was and Mrs Paul ZoHka Will prr'recel ....ed from the Veterans Fa sent the lessonctllty Department lor the t'>ustund contribu'ion they receivedfrom the Winside unit

Hospital assignment and trayfa .... or selections were made tothe home service deparjQ1entMembers are asked to bringmaterial lor a prayer book tothe Apnl meeting

In observance of the bicentennial year, project books Will bepurchased and placed in lhepubliC and 5chool libraries

Cash gilts were 5en' to theLittle Red Frt'edoms Foundationlund at Valley Forge and theCarillon lund at Nebraska'snatIOnal cemetery at Fort Mc­Pherson

Members decided to enter aIloat in the Old Settlers Paradeand if was announced Itmf theauxiliary will agairr sponsor arepresentative to Girls' 50late atUncoln in June •

Mrs. Eldon Herbolsheimer ofPierce fl>as lranstprred o' to thePierce umt and Mrs. Russell

~i~~/rl:~~~~eda~dSi~~E'X~I~:;:'~~ College Hostsmemory 01 her husband

Plans were m,ld€' to observe HS Studentsthe Legion's birthday anni

~::i~::e~hi~~aA::lli,a~;::ii~lg..e~~:· At Career Daydinner at Wayne Couhty Govern·ment Day sef for Mar,ch 25.

Next meeting will be April 14

Hostess will be Mrs DallasSchellenberg

The Wcwne ( Herald, Monday, March 17, 1975

r-'--~~h~number 01 w:yn: count:~~t:~on~ ..........,:~el( full trme equivalent to permit com

local government payrolls appears to be parlsonsrelatively small accord ng to <the latest In terms of populatIon, this total amountssurvey conducted by the Department of to 31 employ.ees for every 1,000 localCommerce residents

Compared with other across the This Is slightly less than In most parts ofcountry. the proporfloll lout! people on the United, States, the average being 32

'Governments ~tlr government payrollo; IS below the employ~es per l,OOo'p~putation. In the state, national average 01 32 per local of Nebraska the ratIo IS 36 per-l,OOO.

residenfs As for the payroll costs In Wayne County,

3J Worke" for 'su;~~~, is t~t~~~9h;'c~U~;~ln~~"rr, of ~~:~ :~: ,~~r1'l~:~a:o~~~~~/~~~:~~~;,,~h~~Employment," Such studies Clre rr,adp (;V0ry approximately $18.48 per local resident perfive years month.Each J,000 ..Peop'e The figures tor local arhY, This compares with $25,16 per ca~ita .at

, relebsed, include all persdns on the national level and with $23.37 In thecounties, toWnsh'IPS, <,j<'Jle .

I districts and speCial According to reports from the Departmentn Wayne County' state employees are of Labor' and the Census Bureau, publiCS'pecial interest altached pr;nployment has-·been zoqming in the ~nlted

because public States in the ,last 10 years. Most of It hashas been playing an ever been at .Hie state and local levels .. Thethe economy due to Its growth and t(~derNI' iob force has not changed slgnificost, ... reports show.

The r'~port. lists a total of 377 fIJ11 lime toal number of government emworkers or their equivalent on local payrolls rose from 9.7 million to 14.1 millionIn Wayne County at the time the survey was \'" 10 years, More ths:tn half of the -risemade Pari lim!" workers weff" ronvertC'd 10 was In the field of education.

Work inq people who Mce along lerm severe d i <; a bill I yshould apply promptly for socialsecurity benefits to avoid loss ofpayments they may be entitledto. ac<ording to Dale BriJnch,social security district managerin Norfolk

Sacral security pays monthlybenefits to' eligible workers andtheir families if ,ht1 worker isse....erely disabled and cannotwork for a year or morePayment begins with the sixthfull month of disability

Baek payments can only bemade up to 11 months, sodisabled workers shouldn't delaytheir appllcatiohs. even ilthey're not sure they'1\ qualityfor payments, Branch noted

About one of every 11 workersgetting SOCIal security disabilitypayments misses out on somepilyments becallse he applied tolate, he added

.' Disabled workers who haven'I applied for benefits shouldcall <Jny social security office as'iOOn <IS pOSSible, Or. they canask t1 friend or relatlve fa makethe (all." he said

JOHN WITKOWSKI is the newdis'rlct entomofogist at theNorlheast Station near ConcordW'ltkowsk'l, who lives In Wayne,started at ine Station March 3after ,three years as a

as."oclate at Iowa Stale Unlversity

on Glendale. AriZ and also theRush Tuckers ill Tempe, Ariz

The Clint Van Winkles andJ~n'lfer (.e,l of Manh.,ttan, Kanand foIIarjean Hansen of Omahaspent Ih(: weekend with theirparent ... the Marlin Hansens

The Walter F{)rd~, Blair, werpwe1-'k£>nd 'J,~t!or~ In Ihe ROilJenSfon home

'Disabled Workers

Should Apply Early

For SS Benefits'



• The red ond golds of an outumn f;r~

• Oeep,.brighl e~lmin';J.lkybluel

• SUIlrI',l" gold un,j 10 ulhc~ color bl\1rldi

E<:JlY Credit Term5 arranged

0;"" Ih" ,,<>100\ y",,'l1 I,,,,· w;th lit

t",nll:, <-all "rid W(, II loll"'! "J("l'lc~

Carpel i, softer undcrfo'ol"Nhcn ihover Mohawk cUlhiol't

From ~hoggy hcighh 10 deep volley,.thit Mohow~ torp'!l i~ {] H:ulptvredblend of textures and l"''1ds. beautifulin ilu~lf, ImoQine i, in color lum'nolcdfrom within by the nolufol highlightsof neW high luster nylon. loslingcarpet, Mohawk mode to gi ....e youy~on (If pride in the bcou'y of yourhome. 8y Mohawk, sa the price ;'1nohlfalty low, Sec it now I

• Spring .hodes of moss ond leaf grccru

• Scondio brown ond block with......1': .. rrv~:;"\::1


lAJI,enuau seetJ.e .:rYoo1J.~lUweitl



By <,

Mrs, EdwardFork585·4817

104 MClin Street

Th£' £:teret1 .Waller falllllv,Hel~leln. k.,,' spent Ihl' w('(>kf'ndin the Howard McLain home

The Joy Tuder returnedhome Tuesday aft(>r Sp('ndlngIpn days ,n the Dick Tuckerhome In SIOUll City while theTuckers ,Visited fhelr son. Tom.

Return HomeThe Robert Johnsons returned

home March 10 after .... ,sltingwrth their son, M.drk. in VeraBeach, Fla

The couple left by the planeFf'h 17 and went to Atlanta. Gawhere thf'y were met by Markand vls,led With Mrs Johson<lnd <In uncle and aunt, the AllenHubbplls They went to VeraBNh wh(-rf' they saw the Dod<;IN" play

t.nrrJulP home Ihe. Johnson')vl",!(·d WIII,am Town~ley ,neh I(ago, an army buddle ofR()b'~rt·s rind who he had notSl-l.'n lor 30 years

Honor BirthdaysThe Ervin WitHers, Mrs Bess

Nettleton, the Gurney Lorens,>and the Ernie Sands were supper guests in the Ray PetersonhonH"' 'IT) Wayne Sunday l'Vl.'ntnghonoring the birthday of MrsNettleton, Mrs Sand"" and MrsErvin Wittler

The Huber' Nettleton 01 Nor101~, w{>rf; Tupsday even InQguesl!> of his mother, Mrs, BessNettlelon, honoring her birthday

Mrs, Nettleton HonoredMrs Bess Nettlefon was han

ored tor her b;.rthd~,y hen MrsWI,tller baked a ay cakeand ser ....ed 1/ at on's BarThursday e....ening, The MauriceHansens, Mrs, Allen Fraiim,Mrs (ilff Burback, Carla and

'-Connie. Mrs Louise Boyce andMrs, Nettleton attended.

Phone 375-2I9CI

Ca" For Free Estimates

HiUtop LarksMr<, CliHord Lindsay was

ho',lt>'-.', when Ih£> Hilltop lark!>Social Club mel Tue!>day Rollcall wa!> "Something pretainlngto Easter"

Mrs, Enos WIlliams and MrsP,lIJI Bri'lder gavf' Ea",ter readmgs Cards was the en'ertainment with Mrs Merton Jonesand Mrs Ralph Olson recievingprlles

Mrs Darrefl French will bethe April 8 hosless

56th BirthdavThe 56th Legion birthday will

be celebrated when Legion andWomans Auxiliary me.mbersand spouses will have a cooperati,\{e ,,>upper Marcll 15 at theCarroll auditorium beginning at630pm'

ThoC,f' on Ihe rJining rOr")nlcommiHee are Mrs. Don Harmer, MrS, Loren 5otoltenberg, andNlrs, Vern Ie Schnoor. Mrs. Gardon Da .... is, Mrs. Erwin Morris

Observe 55th Anniv€l"sary and Mrs. Charles Whitney, comThe Keith Qv..>ens€s entertain prise the kitchen committee

ed at dinner lasf Sunday honor Those in charge of contactingIng her parents, the Jess Trubys ~ all members of -Legion andof Laurel tor the'l( 55th wedding Auxil'lary are Mrs. Robert Ianniversary Jones, Mrs. G, E, JoneS. Mrs

Other guests,were the Herman Esther Batten and Mrs. LillianWackers, .Tim and Roger and KennyCinda ONens 01 Wayne: the JessTruby Jr tamlly of Gretna andthe Dean o.,.,.enses ,and Becky

Dinner GuestsThe Walter Lages, the Leo

Jl,m'S.f!f'lS <lnd Mrs Alta Neelywr'rf' Mi'lfch 7 dinner g\JC'st~, In

Ihf~ Orville Lage home hpnoringMrs, Walter Lage for her birthday Ii)

the lesson on "ImpressionableYears" when fhe club meets onApril B in the Erwin Morrishome·

Star ~:I:ue~~U~vWi" heldTuesday .~venlng at the John~ees home wllh SIX memberspresent Rotl call was "'Idea!. for1976 lessons" 'Mrs Kermit Benshoo I had the lesson on "Fabri(Flammability"Mr~ DOn Harmei(>r will ha .... e-

Carroll News

Womans Club Holds~aster'Breakfast




Twenty_four members and oneguest. Mrs, Marlon Glass, werepresent when the Carroll Wo

. mans' Club met Thursday in the> club room, lor it 9': 30 a.m

Easter breAkfast 5erved by MrsMartin Hansen, Mrs Enos Wit ~

Ilam,;, Mr<;, An'n Robeds ,lnd'Thelma Woods R011 (i111 Wil' "ABlbll' Vprc,p "r',)~. the Eastf'rStory" The theme for 1h!" daywit'S Easter

Mrs lem Jones read thesecretary's report Bnd Mrs lyleCunningham gave the ,reasurer's reporl

A thank you was 'reclevedfrom the Nebraska ChlldrensHome lor the case of eggs thaitM club sent them for EasterIIgain thIs 'fear

The group voted as to whatkind of refrigerator to purcahsefor the audl1orium, \l will beinstalled In the near fu1ure, Iiwas voted 1o again co spqO'ilor BCdrrolf girl lot Girls State, Onthe committee reprr,;rnting th~

;~;:a~~~I~r;e~~a:nd::arr~IS jointly sponsored by fheCarroll Womans Auxiliary andWom,ln~ Club

The group made plans to eel€'brate the }Oth anniversary of fheCarroll Woman,; Club in conjunctlon With the flAay Tea. Thoseon the planning .committe-e areMrs Robert J Jones, MrsCharles Whitney. Mrs Ann Roberfs, Mrs. Ralph Olson and Draw CharterWlrs Edward Fork The newly organllcd Federa

Mrs Charles Whilney' accom led Woman Club me1 Mondaypanl~d tor singIng which w~s Jed evening al the auditorium Theby Mrs, Robert Johnson ~JS ChMIer was drawn. The clubEnos Williams and Mrs Marlin' Will e officially named theHansen were in charge of pre "Carroll Civic Club" and wit!senting a dialogue pretaln'lng fo have their next mtoeting 'In theEasler and Thelma Woods gave Dennis Rohde home on March 14

a reading al 7 30 P mThe next meeting will be April Ladles Aid

10 at 1 pm at the club room 50t Paul's lUlheran Ladies. AidThe losing team ,n the aften and LWML met Wednesday atdance contest will serve thE' the church socia! room Mr~

winners The 'heme lor the day Rober I Peterson was in chargewill be "Problems 01 the Seven of the Easter d~v'i:ltions and Mrslies ' ~dwilrd Fork accompanied lor

Merlin Wright. probatIOn of the singing of an Easter hymnbct'r, will be the speaker, elec Mrs Peterson preSided

~s O!L~~f~~(>(~~~"ls,b€':r~ld:~~: The group recle ....ed an If'lvlla, flon from the Sf Paul's l.ulher

Kavanaugh and Mrs T P an Aid In Winside to attend theirRobe~on ·the nomin",ting com quest day April 1 at 1 pm Mrs

mille£> Dorothy lsom will be in chMgeot purchilslng 'an Easter lily forIhe church proper

The birthday ~ng honoredMrs Lynn Isom. Mrs Ernf'slJl)f'lck. Mrs Rnber' P('!(.r'OonMrs Irven Wltlv_·r and MrsIrent> Bler~e Mr<, brn:.rn~om~('rverl

Mr<, LUrT'or Buresh will be theApril 9 hoste.,s







$ 47



AOORESS,__--,- _

CITy --,- _


([U_eVflJ> LUCITE. . --



nus offer is 1l0~d until Mareh J 1. 197f>. and reqllefttl forf'l'bllt., mllst be p"~tmaJ"ked no loIt.. r thiln Apnl 30, 1975.

Void whcre taxcd. pf(]hlblt~d. of "thnwis.· r..strictl'd.

Porti"n of front labl'l for each $2.00 claimed 'mustIlCcompllny your ",bal-<' rrqu",t. and m~~' nnt be

ffit'Chllnicaily ",produc.,d. AU"....- 4--6 w,"eks h .. r ..bat...

To get your rebate, send- us cashregister receipt and frOnt portion­

of label reading "DuPont LUCITE ..

(see illustration on right) for each

$2 .00 rebate claimed.


C®NNJ> LUCITE, LJ{OUSE,*i:Wij1East Hwy. 35 Wayne, Ne

PAINT ~·1()97 H lUCITE·.



distr,ci 7556?1?'!, dr:.

district 25.M33 :'3, di~

district 34.$145.96: d'isdi~ Ir iet .17

'551,7 63, dl~

By c

Mrs. HansAsmus565-4412

Gutzman on the

18 Students at


SBI Certificates

Saddle ClubHoskins Saddle Club members

rIlel March 10 al the L <ilnd ABar in Hoskins. The meeting,·.ClS brouqht 10 order by prt=SIdr;.nt Richard Behmer

It was announc€p thai corporation papers were sent in by thepreSident. Member~ were a~ked

to pay their duesThe club has been invited to

atfend a roller skating partyApril )9 at Stanton, sponsoredby the Stanton County Roughriders The group discussedawarding pla,ques instead oftrophle~ for their annual playdays

Next meeting will be April 14at 7 30 p.mM1rti Lange, secretary

Slate aid checks were mailed


';Iijndr, ,r, tr,.-,

third r,t'557171

Tr--,(,:537,332wrr(,11 schoo, d'slrict;the s';(rjnd


A totdl of ~7,OI6 01 'lias mailedout to the 24 rural in thE'

Th(J5 f -

/'Jr; 1, rli~trict

5. 320,19, distr;(t 8. $160.53.distrir;t 9. ';>822 5~, dlstr'ct iO,$455 dl',tr ,r, j 15, '5 ~36 41 diS

State Aid Checks Mailed to Schools

Still Practicing

HousewarmingMembers of the town and

Gard('n Club C1nd thuirheld a housewarminq

Tue~day evening for Mr. andMrs. Athur Behmer in Iheirhome.

Ten point pitch prizes were-won by Mrs. A. Bru.Qg~man andClarence Schroeder high, andMrs. Hilda Thomas and ABruggeman" low

Behmers were pres-en ted a giftfrom the club and a no hostluoch was served wifh MrsHoward Fuhrman, Mr~. WalterKoehler Mrs Lange-I":berg, Sr, Mrs Lyle and


EMROLlMENT. Since adult ed'Jt-6tlon du-~ .are partially supported oy enr.91lment f~, we .~

r ...rve the righT to withdraw a class offering or .'.Increase the fee to meet the enst of'\w+ruc+U;ln .-;.

;::;::::::':;~~:;::::~:~:,~~~~~E uHTil ::::J


time were Carl Mann and Samuel Ulrich. and later MyronMarshall, Louie Moritz and thelate Rasmus Nielsen

In 1968. Fenske was presentedas award at the Lumbermansconvention in Omaha for beingin the lumber business tor 50years

Veri Gunter. who moved toHosk ins from Colorado in 1970worked with Fenske until lastsummer when the Guntersmoved back to Colorado. Fenskehad managed the yard alonesince fhat time.

Fenske was born on a farmnortheast of Hoskins April 4

and moved into Hoskinshis parents in 1916. He

began working part fime at thelumber yard while attendingHoskmg Public School

He and his wife, Grace. residein the home they built in 1950.The couple enjoys gardeningand traveling and Fenske's hobbies include bowling and fishing

A daughter, Mrs. James (Beverly) Tull, resides in Colorado<'-lith her husband and f'ourchildren

Birthday PartyFour members of the

Womens ExtenSion ClubTuesday evening in theMiller home for theirDarty. Members with the birthday theyremember most

Members brought les$on Id('dSfor the April council meeting tobe held a,t Wayne and it wasannounced that the May tea hasbeen set for May 2 at theHoskins Public School Ameeting will be held atBrotherhood bUilding April 14

Mrs. John Treakle read

Meeef in Ulrich Home"The Hoskins ~Homemakers

Ex.fension Club met Tuesdayafternoon in. the home of MrsErwin Ulrich with seven memobers. President Mrs. cEo CFenske op~ned the meeting witha poem, entitled "March 5" Rollcalt was a health idea or hintMrs. Paul SCheurich led ingroup singing. Members broughtrecipes for the bicentennialcookbook.

Mrs. Fenske reported on thecouncil meeting and told aboutthe drug meeting scheduled torMay 14 at 8 p.m, 10 theBrotherhood bUilding. (t wasannounced that the May tea ,",'illbe held May 2 at the HO'iI<lnsPublic School

Mrs H, C Falkhealth report, Lon

Secrets." and rhe hoStessreport The

{Nebr.' Herald',- Mondav. Ma!:'ch 17, 1975

Registration will be held at the first class sessionClasses will be held in Connell Hall, Room,J.p at Wayne State

of Mrs. FredMrs Elmer

Co-sponsored by Wayne State College and

Northeast Nebraska Technical Community College

11 af ClubEleven members of the A

Teen ExtenSion Club met Wednesday afternoon in the Clarence Schroeder home. Mrs. N71 ,.. Helping ttand Clubris La~genberg was a guest. . r-Members of the Helpmg Hand

PreSident Mrs. James Ro ,'""-"Club met Wednesday night ,nson.,.. conducted' the business the Gus Perske home Pr,zes ,nmeeting which opened with the ten POint pitch went to Mrs Hclub creed. Roll call was lesson F, Mittelstaedt and John T1edieideas for 1976 high. H. F

onM';v Ds~~~7y K;~~er~:por~~~ ~~sF~u~i~:~~kae~dt an~ndHarryThoendel. heaith leader. read an Schwede, travelingarticle entitled "United States Harry Schwede., will host theBlood Pressure Up" Educafion group April 19al leader Mrs. Walter Fleer Jrread "Arlene Kennard House"and citizenship leader Mrs. EarlAnderson told about money <;:on.gress spends on itself

Members dis(::ussed the springtea which is to be held atHoskins May 2. A name for thedelegate to the state meetin,g atYork June 17 18 was sent in andrecipes for the new bicentennialcooJ:obook' were read and necessary corrections made

Mr'S. Norris Langenberg gavethe lesson of fabric flammability


Hoskins LumbermanRetires from Business

Hosk ins lumberman E C"Pete" Fenske retired the first

- ot-------thj~th-a_Ht>F------Wor--k-i-t:l9 -l-O

the lumber business since 1918Fenske, who began working at

the Hoskins yard in 1918 when itwas managed by Frank Phillips.fook over as yard master in1921. The business. then knownas Farmer's lumber Co., wasdestroyed by ,fire in 1921. Newbuildings were later built at theoriginal plant site and in 1922the name was changed· to Has·ldns Lumbers Co

In 1931, Fenske moved withhis fam'lty 'C Oconto where hewas employed at Joyce LumberCo. untit 1941 When he wastransferred to Pierson. la. In thespring of 1944 he moved back toHoskins to become part ownerand manager of the Hoskinscompany.

In 1948, the corporation wassold by Frank Phillips. Fenske.George L~ngenberg Sr., ElraJochens and the late' Ed Kollathbecame owners along with MrsStella Oldenburg and sons, Merlin and Norris. who sold theirshares to the corporation in 1958

Assisting in the yards at that

',_A.pril Co~mittees Named-~om itfees were Koepke were observed and the Growing Season and 'Person

8PPo1i1ted fo April When 15 annIversary song was sung for alrty Shows In Plants' Mrs. Emil

rae~ebers 0 ~~~ ~O~h;U~~~~~~ ~::s Jf~~e~h:o~~~~ohneonDe~;~e April 8 will be wrth commi/lee

basement for their regular carried ouf in the Sf Patrick's Mrs Johnmonthly mee'ting. [j)ay motif.

APPOinted were Mrs. Don ~ I Next meeting will be with

W~Ik;er ,and Mrs. Galen Ander- Leon" Weich April 19'son, altar guild; and Mrs. FredBargstadt and Mrs JamesBargstaett, flowers.

Mrs., E,mer Koepke'conductedthe business meeting whichopened with group singing andprayer; ~ Rev. Jordan Artt

!~·~ori~!ons. His topic was

Roll call was answered with atwo' cent donation to the penny

, 'pot 11 members wore green tothe meeting and three cents iftt'ey dl'd not.

Tables were decorated forE;as.ter and a salad luncheonwas served by the hostesses.~rs. Earl Anderson and Mrs.Melvin' Freeman. Seated. at thebJ.rthday table werfl', Mrs, FredBargstadt, Mrs. EJr;wr laubsch,Mrs, Jim Bargstadt and MrsElmer Koepke

Hostesses tor April will beMrs. Ernst Eckman and Mrsleon Weich.

Lbs. Temp.12·16160


124 170

By Joycetyn Smith

N......., ••• fill_ •••1/••' '•••••",t.r•••••••.r.·••dr••••• I.~.I.




Your meat thermometer maynol ag,.ee with the abqve temp.eratures, but. ,.ecent researchshowed that pork is tastier whencooked to these internal temper.atures. Use you the,.mometer tomake sure you don't overcookyou,. meat.

If you don't have a meatthermometer, the following gene,.al timing gUidelines mighthelp. Bake cured, cook·beforeeating

Kind Mrs..Whole 3",·4'-',Half 2",Picnic , 3",Boslon Butt 1'-',21/3(boneless)A general rUle for baking

cured, fully cooked hams to anInternal temperature of \30 F. isto cook 15 minutes pe,. pound.

Your sure to make a hit withyour family and guests withproperly cooked ham as thecenter at your. Easter dinner.

Factr.-suppned by Individualsparticipating In the survey arekept confidential by law', and theresults are used only to compilestatIstical totals,

Center Goal-(Continued from page 1)

part of·life in technical times.Finally, the center w1I1 promote oppOrtunl.

tifiS to internationalize the curriculum inhumanities, Nordstrand said: This continuesWayne State's existing foreign p!1lCram,which began 'in the 1960's and will conductinstitutes In six nations this year,

"The Wayne State center believes thatconditions of the future demand thaieducation be internationalized to ensurehuman survival in the shrinking .world, Wehope to develop programs so that all Waynestudents will spend some ~rt of theircoll~ge ca,.eers studying abroad In anotherculture,"

An executive council to administer thecenter includes Dean Nordstrand, Dr. Mar·

. ion Waggoner, In sotlology; Dr. Ru;;sellRasmussen, chemistry; Dr, Ed Elliott,special studies; Dr~. Cornell Runestad, finearts: Sayre Ande,.son, English, and JamesPhifer, history. •

2nd Beef Days Slated

Fred Roeber

~OBITUARIESF r~d Roeber of Wayne died Wednesday at the Wakefield

Community Care Center at the age of 84 years, Funeralservices were to have been held Saturday at th~ GraceLutheran Church in Wayne

The Rev. John Upton officiated and pallbearers wereMlcheal Roeber, Ma,.k Roeber, Monte Roeber, BruceRoebe,., Byron Roeber, Garry Roeber, Douglas Johnson,Dallas Johanson. David Ahlman. Burial was In theGreenwood Cemetery

The son of Frid,.ich and Emilie Weber Roebe,., he wasborn March 18. 1890 in Dixon County, He grew up no,.theastof Wayne. On Feb. 15, 1917. he was united in ma,.riage toRosa Detlln in the Dellin home, The couple tarmednortheast of Wayne in Di1(on County unfill 1949 when theymoved into Wayne. He became a member of the GraceLutheran Church In Wayne in 1950

Preceding him in death were his wife in 1967, two sons,three dauqhters, three b,.others and two sisters, Su,.vivo,.stnciude two sons, Mllfo,.d of Allen, and Lloyd ot Wakefield;two daugh'e,.s Mrs, Gerald (Bernita) Becker of Norfolk,

and Mrs. Donald (Rose Marie) Johnson of South SiouxCity: 14 g,.andchlldnin,' three great grandchildren, and twosisters, Mrs. Sophie Wolter of Wakefield, and Mrs. AmandaMein of Leawood, Kan

Wayne's second annual citY'wide beef p,.omotion hasbeen scheduled for April 24-26, according to one of fhe menin charge of the effort to spotlight the Importance of thecattle industry In the area's economy.

Dates for the promotlon were set during a meeting of fheChamber of Commerce's retail commIttee Wednesdaymorning, said Roger Nelson. Nelsor, the Chamber .board'srep,.esentative on the committee. and committee chairmanGene Cornett w1J1 have charge of. organizing the promotion.

The Chamber will give away a quarter of beef In ad,.awlng In front of the Chamber office at 3 p,m. the finalday of the promotion. In addition. particip,?ting businessesand firms will give away cerflficates good for two 14 to16-01. T-bone steaks in individual drawings.

The area's economy is closely fled with the beef Industry,according to Nelson, and" the- annual promotion Is iust aneffort by local busineSSmen to recogni2e the cattlemen.

The Chamber recent(y conducted ,8 pork prom'otlon. Itgained praise from local pork· producers as well as statepork officials, "

The V\1ayn; (Nebr.) 'Herald, Monday, March 11, 1915

Tasty Easter HamTantaliling baked ham i;:an

make your Easter dinner a realdelight, and using proper cookmg methods to prepare thiscolorful m.,eat will assure amouth watering product

Po,.k cooked a low to moderate temperatures is gene,.allymore tender. juicy and flavorfulthan po,.k cooked a high temperatures Also less shrinkageoccurs when using low temperalures

The best way to determinewhether meat is done 'is to u'sP. ameat thermometer, Cured hamslabeled "cook before eating"should be baked al 300 to 325 F.10 an internal tempe,.ature of 160F and cu,.ed picnic hams to 170F Fully cooked cu,.eCl hams canbe eaten without fur the,. heat·ing, but heating to an internaltemperature of 130 F. enhancesteh'tl.3Vor

C~nsus Bureau Plans SurveyDuring the week of March

17·21, the Bureau of the Censuswill conduct Its regular monfhlysurvey on employmert and un·emJ~rQ'irflenjJn t~_e .~~yne area,according to Walter FreemanSr., director at the tiureau'sregional office In Denver.

In addlfion to the usual ques·tions on current emplovment,fhe Morch survey will havequestions on the work experlen.ce and Income of 'householdmembers last year and whefher

".they haye moved ,since the 1970census was taken.

.The sample of households inthis area ere among 50,000-'cros's the country scientificallyselected to represent a crosssectl(il of all U,S, households,

WAVNE'CARROLL- MoodilY: W)ent>r on bun, Fren

ch frieS. <arrol sl,.ip..peachesc,.,ol<.,e

- TuesdilY: Toasled cheese sandwlch, bvtlert>d corn, oranfje iu,cl',applesdUce. cookie

- W...dnesda.,,: Fried rh',-k",n,pOlaloe5 ilnd gravy. peilr~. cook,p,roll tlnd buller

- Thut'sdaV: SlopPV jo~, FrenChfr,es. bullert'd gre...n belln" peachups,de down cake

- Friday: Pilla, lellu(f: '>dladWith Fren,.-h dr...ssing, apple<,iluSf:,chocol,11l'cake

WAKEFIELO- Monday: lrosh st ...w, leltuce

salad. roll. bUller, brown'S w,lhqrpl'nlopping

- Tue!day: Peanul bvl1er sandw'th. polish sausilqe. hash browns.pedrs

Wednnda.". School swiss steak,mil5hf:d po'alo, creamed carrOls.cho(oldle puddlnq

- ThvrsdilV: T",v...,n. btlkedbi',ln\, (('I(:r'l, lemon f.:ok!; wdhlopp,nq

- F"day Grllr Chf:!'''''', lom,110"'up. m,1(<Ironl salad, Iru,t and(OUk,e3

Navy Data Systems Technic.ian Third (lass David Kudrna,son ot Mr. and Mrs. CharlesKudrna' at Wayne, has visitedMambas,]" Kenya. on the eastcoas.t,ot Africa, as a crewmember of -1he nuclear-powe,.ed at·tack airc,.aft carrier USS Enterprise

He also recently crossed theequator while on a cruise in theIndian. Ocean. The Enterprise,homeporied-at Alameda, Calil"is deployed as part ot the U. SSeventh..;Fleet

Family Supper H~/dRoving Ga,.dners Club mem

bers and their families met tor a'potluck suppe,. F,.id~y night In~he Woman's Club "Oom. ' suppe,., Harry Heinemannsshowed slides of their CaribbeantflP and pilch was played wilhprlles going to M,.s, Roy Albed

sen and George Biermann. high,and Mrs Cla,.a Barelman andRoy Albertsen. low

<~\o"~:':~ HOT LUNCH MENU

;: $1,4 del vpred PhOnf: 17;; 1~60S('nior C,I'Zl~ns'

HOT: lUNCH MENU$1 S4 dl'livet'ed Phon(' 37S·1460

Mond.,y. Ma"h n, Chickt>f\nOOdie ..oup. eSc.,lIoped be...t noodII'~, coneys, French fries, bulleredcorn, assorled Salads, breild. buller.peanut buller; choice 01 drinKS

- TuesdilY, March 18: Vegelablesoup, hamb.urger on bun, Bt>efRav,ol" pota!o <hrpS, sl;ason ... dljft;tm 1J"':tn,,;, ",,;sOfle(! ,wI3d'S', as'Sorled de~sl'r's, chO,ce of drinks

- Wednesday M.rch 19: POlalosoup, We,nN baked beilns, Hoagll'~andw,ch. French Irie... bullerI'd~plnilch. "',~Drled salads. ass.orl ...ddes~"rl~ bf r-.-,d , buller. peanul buller,(hoi<"oforrnks

- Thu'~Oav, March 20: Beansoup Bed A Ron,. ham sa1ad sandw',h, Ffench fries. Ini.ed ve91'table~, ils~orted salads, as",orled des~"rh. breild, .buller, peanu' buller,cho,ce 01 drrnks

Fridav, Ma'ch 21: Chickenveqet,lble, I,lmill" p,e. qrltlt>O mealcheese 5andwlth, Frilo'~. FrenchCUi qreen be,ln.. , assorted saillds,as",or/I'd d('~scr'5, bread, bvlter,peanul buller. choice at drinks

CarrollinersThe CBrrol'liners- Girls 4.H

Club met. Ma,.ch 10 at theCarroll auditorium with 27 members and eight guest present.Roll call was "My FavoriteCartoon."

Jl.!.ne,Hansen demonstratedltte (or rect way to sew on abuMon and Diane Creamershowed how to do sharp stlfch.Inq. The girls taking thl?" "Trick,or Treat" pt;ojeet demonstratedthe preparatlon of celery strips,

The 4· H re<:ord book covershave been rec~lved. T.he coverswere pu,.chased with proceedsfrom seIling 4·H cookbooks,Serving we,.e Leann Janke andStacy Glass.Th~ next meeting wilt be at

7:30 p.m. on April 7 at theCarroll auditorium. Carl Peter·son and "Jeanine Harmer will bethe hosfesses.. , '~

lorl B~r~ck, news oreperter,

Brenna·Go·GettersThe Brenna·Go·Getters 4·H

Club met March 9 in the home'ofScott and Clark Mohlfeld. Thlr·teen members anwered roll callof a breed of sheep.

New members Danny and JOeIIFrevert and Gary and BeverlyMunter, were inftlated ln~ theclub. Rope leaders, George Biermann and Alien Spttttgerber,gave a lesson on types of ropes.Slides on demonstratIons and anillustrated talk was gluen.

The ne1(t'meetlng will be April6 in the home of Angle ~chulz

) News reporter, Darin Splittgerber.

Pre,iden'·MI;,lin L. FrevertSec,,,la,y-Roger LUff

Tre~~urlr-Wi\llamGreve(P"ubl March 171


W·C Boar,d Accepts2 Plots of Land

In a special meeting Mondaynight, the Wayne·Carroll schoolboard paSSed a ,.esolutionaccepting into the school districttwo piece of land now in ruralschool districts.

The board o~ayed accepting aquarter section of land in Dis.tric; 10 which belong,; to RaymOnd Larsen dQd 6.62 acres atland is District 99 which belbngsto Richard DeNaeyer. Larsen'sland is located th,.ee miles southand one east of Wayne; DeNaeyer's land is located three milessouth and one wes'

The Wayne County sc-hoOlreorganization committee willnow have to act on the requeststo place the land in the WayneCarroll school disfrict. Then thestate reorgani1ation board willrule on the requests before thecounty board can make a finaldecision, ~ccording to (",ounty

~~~::~~ter:'dent of schools, Fred

The requests stem f,.om plans10 dissolve several" school disIriels south ot Wayne and attachtheir land 10 District 57, Plans,,1"0 "r'(' being considered torcon ...tructoon 0/ a new qradeschool to educale all you'"!Qstersin the reorgani7cd district

Radio Club Asking

For All Call lettersCiti7en band radio ope-rators

in the Wayne Mea are beingu,.ged 10 conlact the WayneCB'e,.s so the'r names and cal!letters can be Included. in abooklet bemCj compiled by theclub

ThO'EJe Wishing to have theirnames and tellers included inthe booklet are asked to get intouch with Ron Wriedt ofWayne, preSld"nt of the club

Area operators also are invited to ioin the local club, whichmeete:, monthly at the ASCSolliee in Wayne

AI the group's last meeting.'the program included a demon!>Iralton on installation at I/,:Ir

iou'" types' at mobile antennasThe group next meets on April 7ai 8 p,m m the AS(S office

Mr, ,lnd Mrs Kent Hatl ofWayne, 0'!mer5 of W"yne Greenhous+..-, IOtned other greenhouseoperators. from Nebraska. Iowaand Miss~ in a tour of greenhquses in Minnl"ilPoliS

The group then spenl two daysin Omaha listening to variousspeakers discussing subjects ofinterest to thOse in the gree-nhouse busine~s Sponsoring theeducatIOnal tour and meetmgwas the Neb,.aska Florist Sociely

Larry Larsen 01 Nodolk ha!'>been promoted from feed sales

representative to district salesmanager with hIs company. Hewilt havE' responsibility for pmduct dist,.ibution in parts ofWayne, Oi ..on, Cedar and Cumming Counties, A number ofsales representatives will beassociated wilh him in theorganizalion he now supervises

Mr. and Mrs. Larsen and theirthree children. plan to move toWayne to be close,. to the centerof his new ter,.itory. A 9!"aduateof Pie,.ce High SchooL he is wHhthe Moorman Manufacturing Co01 Quincy, 1lllonois. having beenwith thiS concern for iust overtwo years

roll CrJlI ,111 vor"d Ye,., and thl'Mayor declared 11'1" mot,oncarr,ed



ATTESTBruce MordhOlslC,tvClerk

NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING,NOI,c" Is hereby q'''l'n Ihat a

speci"l meeling 01 th,-, Board 01Educdton 01 SchOOl D'~lr,c' NumberJJ. of Wayne COunly, N('brask,1, wdlbf' held a' Ihe SChOol house on saJdSchool D,slrict Number JJ, 01Wayne County, Nebrflskil, on the24th dllV Of MarCh. 197~, al s'eveno'c1o<::k pm The oblec' of Ihemeeting and Ihe ag!'nda subiecls~t1all be ll!> tqllows, to wi'

To lInep' Ihe P""I'ion of SchoolBoard Number J~, of WaVne r;oun'V,N('br,l!>kil...s Submltled 10 11'11;COUflt',' Commillee for School DisIricl FlcorfWn11tlllon lor W<lylieCounlV, Nebraska. on Mc'lrch S, 1975The obiecl 01 thO!' meeting is 10accepl b." Iht> Board 01 Educafion 01SchOOl Dislrlt t Number :n. cerlain

-Iarnv.. leyally dcsc.ribed In saidp~tllfon 01 School Dlslrirt NvmbN3". of Wll."ne Cou!)I.". Ncbritska, andto attach said descr'bed lands toSchool District Number J], ofWayne Counl.", Nebrasl<a, and !oaccepl any bOnded iodebtedn('ss 01

'"School Olstrlel Numb...r 3~. "fWayne County, Nebraskil, llccordlnQto ttre prOpOrllOf1 Of IIssesse<:t valuatlon of Ihe Idnd ..0 anne1(ad lindmer"ed 10 School D,stricl Number33, of Wayne County. Nebra$ka, a~

SO ~:~~es~~~s in1;I~id cf.le;i';';March,


ROll Ci1!J r".,uII('d <i', 'ollow'Yea,; V,lkOC. ,Hansen, Fuelbcrth.

Russell. BI'ek5. B,1hl'. Thom,lsN,}V~' Nonp ,Tt1': result 01 I Yeil"

,111d no N'l'i'> 111(' thpmotion (}rri ...o .

The admiOISlrator lold Councol'Ih(}t Ihe cily offlflals thai appeJr,;tIhe ',td'I' 1I'(ji';lil!url' durlrl(J II",hl:'ilrinq 01 Lb 39S need approv,11 01counCil IO,1PPear in lavorol l.R 395

Mallon bV Councilman aahe andsecondt>d bv Councilman FuelbNlhIhal lI1e Mayor ilnd C<ly Altorn al the hl'arlng of LB 395 althl' Nebraska Stale t.eqlsl,1ture inI,IVor of the bItt. be approftod

The'MllYOr slated Ihe mol,on ilnddlr(>cled lhe CI ...rk 10- Cillt Ihe rollROil call rl'sutl!'d as lollows

Yea5, Vilkoc. Fuelberth, Han~en

Russell. Beeks, Bahe. Thomil'.Nays: NoneThe reSutl 0/ Ihe vote bein9,' Ye-:'5

ilnr'J no Nilys Ih... Mavor d ...clared th~

Nlot'Or:l carrie.OCouncilman Thomas inlorml'd fhe­

Council. that Ihe Senior Clt'll'n..wtlnled ..ome lype of ils~urance inwriting Irom Ihe City Covncd il~ 10the,r ,nl... nlions to house Ihe SeniorCilill'ns in, Ihe bast>menl Of Iheprl'..en' CotV HOSpilill Th('rl' wa5diScuSSion on 'h... milll... r

Therl' was'mscusson III Ihis I,me10 p05S,I)I." U51' Ihl' Cily CtNk'sOll,ce il5 a Teen Cenler 311('r Ihe~~~~:,~:re moved 10 lhe hosp'tal No

Councilman B<lhe Introduced Ihf'lollow,ng rl'solullon

RESOLUTIONAE tT RE5.0l_VED by II1!' M<1yor

~:~r~~~~('1 01 the CilV 01 W,l'rne

1 I t ;~ Ihe pr ... ~enl ;n'"nl,on 01 theCity 01 WInne to use Ihe basemenl01 Ihl' present city hospital buildingliS Ihe Senior Citizens Cenler

7 II is e~pr('ssly provided, howevef. the 'orl;QoinQ 's s,mpiv aprest'n' inl~ntio" and, as such, 's nOIcon~id('r,,(j ,1<' hn,11 iln,l I~ ',ul'll"(1 tochange


Ma."orATTEST'Bruce MordnorstCity CI.,.k

II.wllS moved b." COuncilmllnBilhe and 5econded bv CouncilmanRU$sell thaI the above re50lullon beIIpproved

The Mayor slaled Ihe molioh anddirecled Ihe clerk 10 catl Ihe rollRoll c",tl resulted a5 follows

Y' Val<.oc. Fuelberlh, HlInst>n,Russell, Beeks. BilhO!', Thoma..

Nays NoneThe resul1 ollhe vOle bl;onl:! 7 Yl'as

and no Nays Ih.e Milyor decillred thf'mol ion cilrrol'd and Ihe re~olut,on

passed anO adop'edThNI' WilS ilQa,n d,<;cu.... ion on the

St'nlor C,I'lens move '0 the basemen I 01 Ihe pre~enl ho!>p,tal

Admm,Slralof Brink 10id IheCoun,.-,; Ih,,' Ihere is iln error ,nOrdinilnce No BIO Sewer andWaler Hookup., outs,de Ihe City The

W,l" rf'lerred 10 tile next

r::",:,e~I"}~ It,,, M<1',or "',,,n',,,,,,·(J

Adm,n,,'f<lIOf Br,ok ,~"pldlnpd lh,11'11" "rrr" ,n nrq"'"n«(· r.,-, 8HJ w,,',lh .. "nure ,.."1', no' d,v,ded by 7which dCcou"'~ tor will('r & ~(!WRr

h<)<)~lm '1n holh ~,(Jr.", at lh,-, 1l1,jlnAI Ih,s lime Adm,nislrillor Brink

b('qan t,,~ d",( 'r,',,"n 'ili""h', Thl' ,idn,,,, " Ir"',,, ~"Ill OHI!'

ul th,' bond '{\()'·"'''rln''\'. (Jf r'l'('le<lrrc deparlm"nl r~ lO~~.]]S w,lh'11.000 ,no Ell'C'f'c Rf-'serve Secu"I,es The {>1,eClr,( ~f'(ur",,,~ ilr!? o",v\4990, Adm,nl~lralor Br,nk said Th.."dm,n15lfalor "~(OmmendeO thMIheelec'rlc rc,I['sOI 'he Cdv bf.' on

(r(>,'ISe-d bv 15 PN c€'n~ be(au~e Ih{>Oeparlmen' ,~ (urrpn!l~ la~lnQ

money Thl; ,'dmln",'r,'~Of d'd no'wit'll II ralp ~IUrJY or ~o ha"e Ihein(r...a..e alfl'cl 'he R I fil'"

Norman Armslrong ...l"flr"al.con~Ullmg eng,neer wa~ pf"S('n-t a'th!· Councd meel,ng ilt Ihl' ""Qu~\'

01 Admm[\tl"Il10r 8rin~ 10 (I,,,,u,',ilnd ,1n'lwer QUI'''I,on~ ot Ih.. e,.,,,n(,1Mr Armstrong 101.d Ihe counc'l ofIhe Gen!'rill,ng and Trilnsrn's~lo"

Coop belno sel vp bV li1t- Leilgue 01Municipal",eS. II WOuld be a st<'lteWide member5hip of gent>fat,nqplanl~, ,ts fvnctions ,"",Ould b(' 1o s('tup iI milrkl'I '001 and ilet "'S" ~mql"

en,'V lor con~"uclon of mil, orplilnts

Mr ArmslronQ alsO 1010 (ouncilthilt PrOducI,on Cost AOlusrm('nl~

"r",bectlmlng un'vefsal ,ndetermln109 el ...ctrlcal rale~

There WilS dlscus~;on by Counc,1as 10 allerllalive~ the c,l." m,ghllakt> 10 le"'ilt ... 'he prOblem 01incrl.'i,~mQ ptIC"" and los,nq mone~

in Ihe el ...c"" O"'Pilrlmen, Ther~

was <'I1'!>o dl~CuSslon on conlMljngNPPD 10 ",~k lor prnpo<;ijl" ilnn.'ll,prn<lt,ve~ tll ... C,I'1 m" i !.), ,. Ih.-,·m"v ,nvolvt' NPPD dnd the "leO"cplanl

Mollon b." COUn(llm"n r,,,'lberlhilnd \econOed by CounCdmJln Han!en Ihat Ihe cot~ I'mploy NormanArmstrol\O to dSSI~1 Adm,n'SlraIOrBrink 10 <onl"cl NPPD ,l~ toprOposals Ihat ma." be worked outbV Ihe (!Iv and NPPO conc("rnmoIhe cll.,,'s eleclric plan I

The Milyor sla!l;d Ihe mot,on anOOlrecled Ihe clt>rk 10 call 'he rollRoll calt resulteO dS lollows

Veils' V6koc. Fuelb...rlh. H..ns('nRussell, Bt>eks. Bahe, Thom"s

NavS NoneThe resull of 'he vote b... ing 7 Yeas

ilndnO Nays the Mil."or Oec!arl'Olhemollon CdHil'd

AdminlSlrillor Brink laid Ih...Council Ihal ArnOld Zach contacledhim 10 inquire IIbou! purchil$lng "acre of lllnd althO" Induslri81 site lora propane tank. There Wll~ discu~

,Jon among the cOuncllmembers. IIwall- decided and So aareed Ihal Ih...mailer t'nrreferred 10 Ihe f;'lannlngCommission,

councilman Thomas ;nlorm"dCOuncil Ihal he reCeived a complainlIhill Ihe new E ~I ing!>on G8r tlql' i~

p,,'.klngca"$onlhestreelr!ghl_ofwav and Jha! Ihe Cdrs. ilre bJocklnglilt> v,ew of molorhts AdminislrlllorBrink laid Councilman Thomas thathe alSo n~celved. tl compll'llnl aftdth"l II wa.. lorward...d 10 the Pollc ...QePllrfmenl. The Pollee OepartmentlIsked ML E it i~gson to move someof hi.. ,an so as to allOw mOlorlststo see Oncomin'ijl cars, Mr. Ellin'ijl'>onso agreed and moved 3 carsAdmlnl5frillor Brink told Ihe Councilthai in lurn lor pllylng fo,. (OOcretIng th,,1 pOf"tion Of ltle street,.Ight·ol·way Mr. Wolske was gran.le-d off·slreel parking by Ihe Cily OfWayne. AHornev 80rnhofl ilsk(.'(j Ihecll'rk 10 research the mInutes 10 SCI'If he was granted off,street plIrk\ng

There'belng no furlher. business tocome before the Covncil al Ihls hmeII wa$ moved· by Councilm..n Rvs.~c\1 and seconCied by (ouncllm,1nHan..en that Counel! a,diouro Upon


The Mayor i1nd CilV Cound! mel,n regular Sl'<;~!On in Counco! Chilmbers al the WllynlJ Cily Audlloriumon Februarv25. 1915

The Mayor (;,lIed the meeting 10·oroer wilh the lollowing

Mavor F B. Decker, Councllm('mbersjohn V,1koc. Darreli FuclbHlh.Leo Hansen, Vernon Rus",ell, IvanBeeks, Tt>d 8dhc, jimmie Thomas,City I'l.II0rrley B. B, 80rnhoH. C,ty

r AOminislralo.r Fred...ric S Brink,and CilV CI ...rk.Treasurer BruceMordhorst

Absenl' Councjlwoman CarolynFilter

Thl'MilVor pre5ided"llnd 'i'le Clerkrecorded Ihe.proceedinQS

Notice of Ih... convening meelmg..was given in advancl' 'hereOf byadver'ising in TheWaynl; Heraltl'ofiFebruary 2A, 1915, a cOPV 01 theproof of Pul}l'calTnn being allaclledfOlhesl' miflulesil;'lOb." nolll,cdlionover Radio .l<rCH of Wavne, Nt>braSl<.a Nol.", 0/ 'h,s m ...el,nQ wassimullanl'ouslv give-n 10 Ihe Mayorand at! ml'mbil'rs at 'he CHy COunCiland a co!w of Ihe agenda wascommunicateo in advance 10 theMavor and CilV Covncil of Ihismee'<ng All proceedmgY hert>aflershown WNI' 'aken while'lhe Counc,1convened meeting W8~ op...n to Ih...allendanceolthl'public

MOllon by Councilman Bahe and~econde<l bv Councilman Rus!i1'1(Ihat wheredS 11'1 ... Cit." Cf ...rk haspr('pared copies of th.. mlnules Of

Ihe lasl requJar Council m"'l'ling loreach Councilmpmber and 'hili eachCounc i1member hil'; had an opporlunl'y to re,1d and sludy same lhM11'1.. rl'ddlng of 11'1.. mlnules bed'sp"n~l'd w,lh and the ~ame bedeclared IIPprOved

The Mayor Slated Ihe mollon anodlreclt>d 'he Clerk to call 'he rollROlf c,111 rpsulled as follows

Yeils. V"lIoc. Fuelb...rth, Hans...n,Russell. S ...el<.s. Bahl!, Thomas

Nolys Non...Thl'rl'sult 01 the vole being 7 Yl;as

and no N"yS the Milvor dedilred·'hemOl,Of' c",rried

Th" cla'ms having been ilpprovedin wr",nq by lhe Finilnce Commllll'e 1Ino Covncilman Russell if wa'mO""d by Councilman Fuelberthilna ~efonded bV Covncllmiln 9ilhelhill lhf' cl""ms be allow...d lIQainSIIhl:' V,H'OuS funds 0/ Ihe Cily a!i

md,caleO' Ihe,.l'on and Ihal warrilnlsbe ,s~uea In pa."ment of 5.JmeTher" w"s di5cl!s~lon on Claim NO':2179

Thl' Mayor s'aled the mol ion andd,recl"d thl' CI ...rk 10 call the roit.1<011 cc'J11 rl'!>vlll'd as lollows

Y('il~ Vakoc. Fuelberlh, Hilnsen.R,,~,,!,'II. Bl.'eks. Bilhe. Thom",Nay~ NoneTh" r"\ull 01 lhe "olf' be,n\j 7 Yea~

and no Nav~ Ih .. Milyt:Jr declar"d Ihf'mOI,on f,Hr"'d

Lellero. we'" rl.'<'tfl b~ '"l' CI"'kand plil("et On l<lf:

A 1""1", w,lS reild from the lIn",nAU,l,r', (omm'ltf>(> Of Ihe Nt>bril~kJl

S,,,,I!? l.(>Q,~I.llure aOvis,nQ Ih,· ("'f

111,11 La 191 I', coming Ol'fO,-,' Ih..I <><lI',l,l'''C/' ",.. holl "'flU'''''', 'h,MUn'(lp"I,r,.". 0/ :>talr, 01 N ...

hr ...,_" '" "rf cf,lIm~ of .~.,..

(,I" (0-,1',01 Ih('(,Iv '"'11.'1"" 'II"'" r1 1?n I~ !)SOO TI",1l0dll,onill cos, 01 PUbl,sl1ing 1111'< I",,.,,·, "(,,,in up IlH ll'l"rf' ,,-,llppU""m"l<'ly !5900 a "I'M

MOllo"b" COun(llmanRussell,lnd'.'·f ()"rl"rl ~), (0",,,-,lrn0fl Hi'''~('n

thilt ... re,;oluliQf1 bli' drllwn 10 be,"j,) ,,,",1 01 lfl 191. I'"

Th"'" N,", 'I,." \J ',~"Jn Qn,n.lll,., AI"'r cl"r,f'f.dl;onol Ihl'

l,lW Councllmlln Runetl w,lhdrp!w1'11<, mOl,on Hilf\Set! so agrl'('Q 10w,Ihdraw hiS ~"cond

Adm,nl~Iralor Brink informed IheCo"nc<l .II Ih'\ I,mI!' Ihat Ih... C,ly ofWit.,.n!.'·~ Lagoon '5 curr""nllv mt'('tIn.. ~Ilpuldl,onS tor EPA rt'(}Utrl'menlS In'1977 Th... AOm,n'$Ifal,-,rnoled 'hilt H", r!'Quir ...mcnls weremel dvr ng the winler whl':n IhelaQoon cllnnol Ivnc!,Of') e11,c 'enll~

Thl'follow.n9r~olullonWilS,n'rodU(!'d bv Co",ncilman Ru....1'11


",nd Councol of Ihe C,ly at Wd~nP.,

NebrllSktl, Il1al '111" (ity 01. Wil.,.ne ,sopposed 10 Ihe pilssdge 01 l B 193ano 001.'5 (t>'!>p ...n/ull.,. reQue~' 'heleg,slaturf' IhM sa to botl nOI bepassed



ATTEST'Bruce Mordhors'Clf.v Clerk

Molion by Councilman Rus'>ell ana!I'conded b." COuncilman Han\enthlll the precedlnQ resolutIon belIpprOl/1l'd

The MllVO,. slaled Ih... mollon anddirl;<;led Ihe CI ...rk 10 Cillt lhe rot!ROll 0:;,,11 re'>ulted as follow,

Vell': Vakoc Fuell;>erlh, Hansen.,",u\..ell. Beeks. Bilhe. ThomflS

NilyS Non"Ther~Ullof IhevOle being 7 YellS

",nd no Nay, Ihe Mavo~ decillred themolion carried and lhe resoluliorlapprove(t and adOpted

MilyOr Decker prMented the nllmeof WlIrren Gililop to be hIred afi 1Ipalrolman 'of the Cily of WlIvne'sPollee Departmenl, The Md."ornoted the ~r. GallOp attaIned Ih...hlghefot sco~e on the Civil Ser.,.iceTMI given lor pat,.olmen

Motion b." COuncilman Hansenlind secondl'd bV Covncil";lIn BlIneIhal Warren Gaijop be hired 1I! '"plltrolm.;rn on Ihe Clly of Wayne'sPolice Department, be approvf!'(f

The Mllyor stated the motion lIAddirected 'he Clerk 10 call Ihe rollRoll ClIlt resulled as foJlows Beek .., Bilhe.' Thomas. Rus~ell, Hansen, Fuelberth, Vakoc

NllYS NoneThe re\ult of Ihe VOle being 7 VellS

lind no NliVs the Mayor declared themolioncarried

Adminlslrlltor Brink 1I1 Ihi5 limer.ecommended Ihlll Ihe Clly chargethe s.",me as 197A prien tor ,e",sonI"kel~ tor 'hI.' Munlc.pal SWlmmlnQPool The 'prices ilrl/! 120.00 lor <Ifamilv Sl'ason,tlc.kel and $7 ~o lor anIndividulli seaSon lickel. nie COunCillO agreed to ch",rge 12000 10,.lamilVand $7.;51> lor Individual seas.onllC-k.eI!l 1o!..~ lOl7S ~~Imming poolseason

Th... application lor fI 601lie Clubliquor L1cehse for Cllys;dl!, fnc db'""Black Knight" was dl$cussed byfhe counCil. Councilman Bahe toldthe Council that he rocelved arequesl fO hold the public ht>aring 10",e1 on the ilpplicallon "'5 soon asl('gally possible There wal discusslon

Molion by Councilman Bahe andseCOnded bV COvnCilman ThomasthaI Ihe c;lIV 01 WaVne hold a publichearing tor acllng on Ihe application,01 Cilyside, Inc. dba BIIlCK KnigMfor a 901111" ClUb LIQUor lkense onMarch 7, 1915 at 5:lXl p.m, at CouncHChambfrs, 'bl! approved,

The Mayor ~Illler,t Ihe motlon'anddlrec;·led Ihe Clerk to carr\1 Ihe roll.

IPubl. MlIr 3,10,,11)

(\l Luvern.HlltOnAssocl.te County Judi.(Plibl March 17;74. 311

BV THE COURTluverna Milton

Auoclale Count." Judge

(tl LvvernJl H,lIanAHoc ... le Count." Jvdge

Ipuhl MMI~) II, 14. 11'


NOTICENollcl' Of Meeting of G-oVe,.fling

Boar':! of Reolon IV 0.0.0,. Wayne.Nebr,eska, on FridaV. Mar<h 11. 19151I110 a.m al Prl'ngers in NortGlk

(Publ. Milrch III

NOTICE TO C","OlTORSIr Ihe COUflt." Covrl of WaYflO!'

Covnly, Nebrasko!l'In Ihe MlItter, 01 Ihe estllte of

Florence A, Basllltn, Deceast'dThl!' Slilte of Nebraskll. 10 all

conct>rflt'dNol,CI' is herl'by given thaI all

claor'ns agamsi SlIid eSlale must befiled on or betore Ihe 2nd dlly 01June, 1975, or be lorever bllrrf!'(f,~flO thaI aheilrlng on <Ialms w<ll beheld In tnls courl on June 3. 1975, at10 O'clock A.M

lSnllCh.rles E MC01!TmOnA"orney

NOTICE TO CREDITORSIn 11'11.' Counl." Courl 01 Wayne

COUflt.". NebraskaIn Ihe Malter 01 Ihe Eslille 01

JOSephine M Han\en, 'becellSedThl' SItl!e 01 Nebr.. l<a. To All

ConcernedNolice ,! ht'rebv g,ven In"'l all

cl<l,m", <lga,nsl '"ltd Eslale mus' be"led on or bt>torl; Ihl' 19 day ot .June,1975. or tw lorever bilrred, <lndheM,ng Ofl clll~ms wltl be hedfd In'''I~ Court on Ihe 10 day 01 June.'19H. 1I1 J 00 O'clock PM

Daled th,.. Hlh day of Februilry


~~~~~r;,~-,~~NAL SETTLEMENT

In Ihe COunly Court 01 WayneCounl." Neb""lIl1

In Ihe MlIlter of Iht' E~late otVerl1a Flcoe, DO!'ce,,~l!'d

SIc'll .. of Nt'brMka. To All (oncerned

NOlice IS herl!'hy QJllen Iha' IIpel<l,on tl",~ been lole-d tor ''''III5etll"(l' he,..,n, delerm",alion ofI'le'r,hip, inher,lance la.O!'~, lee'S "1'10comm,s~,ons, O,s'ri!?ul,on oj e511111;arid approvlIl 01 flnlll IICCOWl' linddi~cht1rqr' wh,(h 'Noll h" lor h",lrrn(J,,1 rh,~ cour! On Apr" 7, 1915. <'II 1 30(',(IO(k pm

NOTICE OF SPEpAL MEETINGNo',r" 15 h"f,.h~ qlv"n Ih,1I "

5~clal meelin(lt of lhet BOMa <>IEdvC/flion .fI!t SChOOl D,~lr,(1 numtJO'r~l, of W/l'~n.. (ou"l.,., NCb;,"sk", wdl[)f: h('ld ,11 'ht' ~(.hOOI n()u~" ,n ~,l'rl

School 0"'''(1 ~b...r ~I, ofWayn... Counl.", Neb 1<". on me2<1th day of March. 1975. /l ' ...eno'Ood pm The Oblecl of thl'met>l.nll lind Ihl' lI-QenOll Svbll'ciS'1'11111 be liS toliowS, to wI!

To accepl ttll' pelil,ipn Of SChOOlBOc'Jrd Number -'0, of WlIyflf' CounlyNf!hrll!>kll, liS submitted 10 IlleCounty Com_mitt!!'. lor St:;hool D,slricl Reo,.g"nizlIllon for Wllynl'Counl.", Nebr",sll"', on M",rch S, 191~

The objecl 01 "he meefing ,\ 10accept bV the BO/lrd of Educa'ion 01SchOOt OiSI,.lcl Numbe1" ~l. cerlll'nlllnd! le<olatl." de!crlbe'd in !lIldpetiflOfl of SChool Olslrlct Number40,01 WlIVnt' CountV, Nebraskll, ilnd10 lIf1ach \"ld drll'\C:ribe-d 11Ind\ toSchOOt Olslrlct NumbO!'r 51. OfwlIvne Counl.", Nebrllska. ilnd toaccepl lInv bOnded indl'blO!'On~s ofSchOOl Dlstrlcl Number 40, OfwlI."ne Count.", , lIccordlng10 the proporlion Of ",un\ea vlllua!lOt'! of Ihe 11Ind so annexed lindmergN 10 SChoor O,Slri" Number51. of W",vne CountV. Nebrll\kll," llIS

~ requested In !lIld pelllionOeted thl, 12th dllY of March,

1975.Prrll'liden'·Byron L. Janke

Sec:refar.,,·F,.eclerlc:k H. MannTr.alurer·R4nald Rohde

(Publ,MlIrch 17)

NOTICE OF 5PECIAL MEETiNGNotl,e ,~ her too." g'ven Ihdl it

,peel.' mfttlrlQ of the Board OfEduClltlOt'l of SChool Di~trlCl Number 57, Of Wayne Counlv, Nebraska,will be' held 1I1 Ihl' '!>.chool house Inlaid S,hool OI!lric' on Ihe 241h da."of Marcff, 1975, al sevO!'n O'clockp.m. Ttle oblect of the meellng lindThe agendll !Ub!«ts ,hal! ~ asfollows, to-wit'

To the pelllion 01 SchoolBoard Number .&0. Of W",yne County,Nebra'ka, a. lUbmlftetd on M",rch S,1975. to accept Ihe petitIon of SchoolBoard Number 3..., 01 Wayne County.Netlr.,Q, at Submitted on M.olrch 5,1975; to accept the petillon of SchoolBoa,.d Number 69, Of Wa."n. County,Neb,.askll, liS llubmltted on MlIrch S.1915; to IlcCep1 the petition 01 SChOOl80lIrCl NumbM I, of WlI."ne Covnl.",Nebraska, as submltfltd on March S.\'115; and '0 accepl Ihe peliliOll Of5ch'ool Board Number 10, of W",vneCountv, Nebrllsk" a! submlUed onMarch 5, 1"'5; ",II of Sllid pelillonh.vlnQ been 'Ubm+tled 10Counly CommlltH for SChool OIlIrlet RetOrganl'a'lon lor Wa."n~

Coun'y, Neb"""ka, ~I Ihe Cour!hOl»e. Wayne, WlI."ne County, NO!'braska; the obf«t of the mHtlrtg I'10 IIccepl b." the BOllrd of EduC;lItlon.01 Schoot Dl\lrk, Number' 51, tit-Wayne Counly. Nebqls.k.~, r:::~r_I<!IIi'1

t",nds legally delcrlbed .In each Of~",Id petItIons herelnbft'fOl"e entlmll!,.aIKl ",nd to attach sllid land! toSch.ool DI,'ri(1 Number 51, ofWayne Covnty, Nebrllska, ilnd 10IICcept lInv bOnded Indebledness of$chool OI,t,.lch Nvmb.r 40. 34, 69." and 10, Of Wllyne County, NlI!brllS,ka, accordIng to the proportIon of,uetJe<j valvatlon' of the land aoannexed lind merged 10 SchoolOlsfr-lc:f Number 57,' of WayneCounty, Nebraska. "'s lO r('(JuesledIn eltct! of ~ald petitIons

Dated IhlS 12th day Of Mllrch,,,,.,.p,.esi'dtnt.Georl. 'w: BI,rm.nn

• secr.".ry.Ll'nda D. JankeTr"'urer'Gerald J. PO\pl.hil

,(PUbl. MlIrch 11)



0""]J 1~









J I ~ ,,~

91 \~

.. "

" ..








79.91m ...



107 ...5

"' ..14.90





fPubl. M.arCh 11!

(Publ Mar, 10. 17. 'lA)

.. ': ". Pl'HI,le '\( )TICFS. - J -. BI( AlI';1 1''1 PI ()PII MUST KNOW. . I',' -I



M.rchll,1f15T~'" ~('~UI,H m ......lm~o Ihe BO"'rd

I'll Educilt,on W.!lS h;l ",I thO!'£1('ment,1ry School Ji rllr',' 00 Mondily. Milrcl110. 1975al 7 J,Qpm '

Th ... m~'(>',ng was clIlled to orderby Ih,' Pr('~, BOb Kofl

Th(' m'nul!.'s of IhO!' prl!'vlOUs.'nN·I,n'l w"'r ... r('ad ilnd apprOved

Upo" mOl'on dvly m~Hle lindr,Hr'l.'d, It\{' fOliOW,nQ clll,mS, lolllinfl SIJ,78' 09 were alloWl!'d.


AOMINISTQATlONn ...· W"ynO!' H"rald. prOCeed

,nq~llndAd ';"'0ACII~"y Fund RC",mt> , p~

ilO"', mlll'ilQC" lind NSSB,a,:Can" E.p 36268

INSTIf"UCTIO".HJgh~m,lh Co I'br",r." sup

pl":'5Bra OMI, ~ilmt>

Annu,,1 (Iurl A(I,v,ly Funo,Annuill

EMI,I'br,uy 5uppl' ...5I'H·w~Wf· ...k BOOk~, s.ilm('r,l'n('rill l ("ilrn,nQ Corpn,

',am...SeOl! for ......mlln & Co 5",mre

S,HQ!'nl 'NI.'lch \"ml'

""'fru. '",m,

(""tr,,1 <;('f'nl,I,c, '!>lImeP',/cholf)(j,(,,1 Corpn,

!" d ~'''f'' Un,! NO 1 ilUa"··.l",,1 "'JP~I" ..,

Ol ...on~orls'. p E l'(}U'P'",,"11 f'U"J (f! dr ,'(I Vir

rf'p,,,r ,H"rf"ntollf.llt>fl "1f',n, m,I(,"Q('I,' & ~ C;,j C", or l'd \l<l'>Wityn,' ("'unl.,. (Ierk dr ed

1"l1n H')I'" ""'/-'il(l('. (>~Ir",

hlp.'r.p·. ,'1'1,11.,11"", M;W... I hom.. lK sup

pl,..~NormJln L,'<' Pub Co mu\'<

~<Jppl ,'>~

MOil,", M"~lf Co !>",meW,rlq,·r' j,.,,,,.~ Mu~,c. Inc

\ ......w

Tom'~ M'J~" Hou~l', ,eml'

A"I~.ty Fund RI',mtl, leach,'!>vppl,('~, mlt(lllQI', lind ellp

"'"~h ..l1~ 001 Co dr Nl 'uppll"

Monro" W('l"Tn'ij, T &. I,Exp

'"",,'r'(l1'1 HllnOlcrl105. IIrl, <,uppl"'~

f, B D,( k Prod",cl\. \uppl,..."

< LEGAL NOTICENOI,ce 1$ h",rebv Gllven that ttl"

~<'Ivne, COvntv Boarel of Eqval1t8, lion w!11 m&E'IOfl April I, 'land 3.

.;1975 ;tllDo'clock lI,m jn Ih~ Way"",COUnly COurthouse

Gt'Org" voss, exira bu! ,,.Ipi

OTHER SCHOOL SERVICESVf-'f~1 )ol' k'OO, k,nd bus and

"xttll bu' I"p\ 1~60

EIIII KOch, kina bu!> 200 10MlJrll~n Mone. sPO!'c .d bu' ~.,.,Tf< Co",nt." COOP. 00, O!''IP mStl"nw.!llls. slime 1S~.76

Hanks Fronl E/'Id SII!,. ... ICI','><!Im...

N... t,on Repair, rodl~ for/)u!>es 1."2....

W,ns.lde BUilding Supply, tabor,nSl",lImg IOW.r for r"'dlM

.lily's PlumbInG lind Heating,':>Upplles tor In,t",lIinG,tow.r

f.-.rl Du,!ring, 511m,·Wayne OenklllU, S"'met "'nd

,Iille lourn• ." ellPN & /Ill 011 Co" bus tllPArllv,ly FUnd Rl'lmb .. mil.

dQe c'lnd npen\nW'n',OI:' MOlors. bus ellpI<'on HIII"I<., ell'rll bV' trip!

K/ln$c'J' Nebr Nalurlll GlI!.luel 1, 11\'8~

NorlhWI:'~I ... rn BelL phone ~er ~

~JCI' 20406"~rvall, towel ~ervlCO!' 70.12l'Iocht,ll;r Gl;rmlclde, 'up

pllM 1611Dudlev Lauroctr.", cle",nlrtQ 1.41Mltler~ M",rkel, 'upphM 7A.JSCltvelilnd Electr,c. \lime 123.90MAINTENANCE OF PLANTBud B~, plano luningKlI'f'l', She... t M!!'lal, lurnace

r.pairMtlgd"'nt e." Co" IIr••__ t.

In,p ilnd rirllPlllrChl\fflCllnd Ehlcfric, repllr

!>ervice ~ 42.00W,n\.dl' Bvlldlng Supplv, .ame

0 .....Stenwatl's, upkeep ~uppll,"

A 8. Okll.,r~k ,er'o'JuFIXED CHA_OEIActivity Ful'l(l. we ,.c. ",nd

leac" rel -_.. 1,"".91Multi Counly Oflice MenIal

R!!'t, tulllOfl .,"AmericlIn J:ideIUy, InlBlue CrO\s Blve S.hleld, same

w",roO!'muocte In$. Agency,inl

CAPITAL OUTLAYHvmes and 8e"Q Mfg, dire<

101"'i ch'lrTRANJF••Tille ISchool l undl

TOTALp~';r;;j( ­


OPERATION OF PLANT_VdlllQ" of W,nsidl!', ulilltl"

Norris F. WeibleWane Counfy Clerk

(Publ. Moret'! 171 ~


In Itlp- (::Ounl\l Courl 01 Wily"",County, N-ebra,,>ka

In lhf' M;tl1cr of the E\lale of MVklor Arm~(o..1. DNellUd

Cl'~~~~ ot N~brll,,>ka. ToO All Con

~'II1;~~(:Q~~n~,er,,>:~~~'~I)el~ ::;:~I ~l~"f('d on or belore Ihe 261h Cl./lV 01Mily, 1915. or be forever barr"'d. ""eIhl'M,ng 011 claim", will be held in1t1,,,> COurt em lhf' 27fh dilV 01 Ma·v.1915. fit 10 OOO'(lock A,M

II' LUVII". HiltonAUOf;iolt'" Counfy JUd,.



Wisner (529-612JI




Wayne Bates, owner

Wayne (375·1990)

"We Support Soil and Water Conservation"


See us For

* Fast * Efficient * Courteous• Wayne - 375-3165 • CarroIL-- 5B5 ,11·16

• Hartington - 254 3449 • Laurt>1 -- 251. ])7.1• R.andolph - ))7 0515 • Crofton -- 3BB ,1·111

Einung Ready Mix

"Pick Up or We Deliver"

• Crushed Rock • Sand• Concrete • Gravel

Route 2

.~ _'l',1·_·




State-Nationa IFarm Management Co.

-'Henry Ley - Brokers - Felix Dorcey11.1 West 2nd Wayne . )75.1990


-Wayne Rendering& 8y..-Products-Co.

Flood Pre",enflon501 r COr'lservatlonPollution Control

Val PetersonOirector...-urge

Phone 256-J585

'Surface Planters: with few modifi­catIOns can be used together withdISCS. plowing discs, or chiselplows .. gener'ally adaptable to abroad range of conditions thoughweeds '!lay be more of a problem.

Chisel PI.lnfers: very effective Inworking with crQR re-$Idues- on the­surface; tend to be more oiIcNptedfo heavier soils. They hoilve oil

relatively high horsepower require_ment.

P.o, BOll 1(Iark'son, Nebraska 68629Phone, 892 3441

• Dams • Terracing• Soil Conservation

• Ditch· Filling_._Rojl(;LBui Iding


All Kinds ofBlade and

BuIidozer Work

ErO:'ion Preyenl,on

Flood,·.ater and)l'd,rrwrq CGr,jrol

D.ick Seymour, Assistant Manager




Lowell JohnsonBoard of Director

but what about

and disadvantages.


There are a numbE.-r of opllon<, openfor you to lake advantage of"Reduced Tillage"

Marlen Kraemer. 'Owner

All forms of reduced

til/oge hove their advantages

Water Supply Recreation 8. Park.s..Foreslry 8. Rilnge

Howard HansenBoa rd of Director

Steve Oltmans. General Manager

P.O Box 838Fprmerly the Trails Bldg (South Iiwy 811Norfolk, Nebraska 68701Phane 371-7313

Glenn Spreeman. Assistant Manager

Last year's crop residue has beenconSidered a problem and a detnment when II comes to sf'edbedpreparation

What Form of ReducedTillage Is For You?


The :\RD Boord That l!ol ~irl(·t>rd~' <:oruoerru,(1 ·\hOUI ProptT Ht,!'Iourc'('i'i n.."elupnlentl

- Area Directors • Lower Elkhorn Natural Resourses District -

Til Planters: low time and horse·power requirment. Llm'lted to bandapplicaton of herbideide. It has aheavy duty cultivator recommen·oded to handle residue. It is aspecific machinery investment.,

The Lower Elkhorn NRD has two new Buffalo til planters and cultivators available to cooperators

for trial planting this year. If you are interested contact the Soil Conservation Service.

Verne MillsBoard of Diredor

Ground 8. S1rface ·WaferSanitary DrainageFis.M 8. W,ldl<lp.




Dehydrated Alfalfa Praduct~

Suncure • Dehy

~r-Scrape'r-PatrolAnd Are Readily Able To. Satisfy Requirements of

N.RD Practices

40-30 42-3044'30 46-30

Phane 286-4491 Winside. Nebraska

New & UsedTractors and Implements

• Sales • Factory Parts • ServiceFarmhand Equipment

Stan Hoist - Gehl

Logan Va lIeyImplement

11·0 West 1st Wayne 375- 3325

H~:3L%N:> SA\EiR~I~~RTS ~


Winside Dehyr Inc.


~~~~SOund"Ideas From

'Glen OlsonBoard of Director

Hwy. 15 North Wayne. Nebr. Phone 375-2685 .) • Check Our Listings Betare You Buy1------------------1l--------------------- ----liiiiiiii----t .Complete Farm Man~ement

Area Youth Selected- - Sue Sievers, daughfer_ of LeRoy- Sievers of Wakefield, hasbeen named a director of theNebraska Junior Polled Hereford Assoc iilfion for 1975

She was named to the postalong with Ihe ofher directorsand officers during an associalIOn meeting earlier this month

The group, which plans fo holdits 1975 field day and heifer saleas well as the National' JuniorPolled Hereford Show and Farum in Omaha in July, will-nextmeet March 24 al the Sieve,:s'Lori-Lee Farms south of Wakefield.

5 10 fine and 5B costsMarch 14 - John Man-sHeld,

]1 Maroe, lei slop sign violalion paid SIO fine and $8 cosls

March 14 - Scott K Hall, 18paid $10 fine

MARRIAGE LICENSESMarch 14 - Terrence P

Sullivan, 2·1, Bellevu€, and Janetl_ Hall, 25, Wayne

Supply Co. to Mern M_ andValores A. Mordhorst, Wl/2 oflots 1·3 and all of lots .4-6, block

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS: 12, North adaition to Wayne:...._March 13 -~alo~w:-so-rl"ldorumen-.arv--stamps_

March 14 -- John D_ Einung,18. Wayne, muffler violation;paid $5 line and $8 costs

March 14 - Dwighf L_ M.ock,]9, Norfolk, speeding. paid $73fine and $B cos Is

March 14 - James S_ Lenser,'l'l, Norlolk, speedings, paid $31flOe and $8 costs

The Wayne (Nebr.) Herald, Monda_y, March17,lf75

(1",~tud("n~~ performed durmg"illute 10 mus,c Mrs Bonnie51('I"-en. lop lelt. mus'c teacher

(h,lrqf nl thp dl t'VlfrCSrl.r'·, Ir rl h"r ,·I"<ll P flt,lr, ',hi






HAVE ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS;> (;111 us for everything in,'lr·(II-'UII needs Swanson TV,;n-d Appl,ancE', phone )75 )690

""dIllr,",ql, Iht 110+11

Mise. Services

". Winside· 20

COBS WANTED W" h<!'{ (.-,bsdnd pH ~ thPTTl tiP "" 'lOtH lCirmr ur (illl !.,lndh"ln, 1777690,Wcr .! lIlt!






", 'r··~·.,LECITHIN' VINEGAR! ,"f/'_'Ip'

IrJ' '/B6 \ Srl'if'mltJO

Nf'W hour,... ,)t 7HAI Rppq CcWi~truc




Sec thiS nice two bedroom

home with finished basement.Ltl<:ated just north of Wayne

on two ilnd one hall acres of


For Sale

Property Exchange


Well Improved quarternorthwest of Carroll

Unimproved halt-seellonnorthwest of Winsld~,

on hlQhwuY 96

Nahonal Farms Co ...

Phone J7S 3J74 J7S·JOSSor J7S 3091


(:unsll'lw(iIHI (;0.

Phone 375-3300 or



4810 Dodg(' SIPhone 553-7305Omaha, Nebr

CII~lom bUilt homes andbulldinq 101<, In Wayne's newesl addlflon_ There'" a tot tolike III the "Knolls."

Where Real Est.le Is OurOnly BUSiness

11:1 Prol('<,.,ional BUilding

Wayne, Nebr Phone 375 1134

Real Estate

HOUSE FOR SALE -lOB Linrr,ln Immpdiatf'Cont()(! Tru',!

t'f)rlill R<ln~ andj7',1130

FOR SALEto W,",! Third


"You bet I did. That's fhebest deal since cannedtuna ~ "


Public Notices·

• Farm Sales

• Urban Sales

For Rent

HELP WANTED: W<lilresse<, "ILec,' Sh;ak Hous'q Top. pay.

worklnq rondltlOnsto Les Lull "I


FOR RENT; Water conditionlM"S. tully automatic. life timeguarantee. all sizes. for as littleas $.4,50 per month. Swam.on TVand Appliance. Phone 3753690


The CIty of Wayne j<, acceptmq ilpphcallon" <11 thl,s "me.,nd until fhe 30th of Apnl lor-employment ;,1 fhe Wilyne

WANTED Part 11111(' <,('(retvry Muntclpal SWImming- Pool"I till' United Melhodi~t ~hun h dur"nq the 1975 se,lson, Open<11 AlipTl, N('llr(l~k<1 ... Con:Mt lng.2_..W,~ fOIp,J"tor BrOWl'1:------o..t) lifJI err---- MANAGER

i'l1'i 7.181 or 63'> 771', rlurlnlj P'jf' ASSISTANT MANAGERnmqc, for ,lppolnt,T1PTl\ for ,nt'.',. LIFEGUARDS


BABY POOL HELPAppllcanh mu~t mp('f thcr('qulrf'mpnfs of the Stalp ofNebr,1"k,l ,lnd b(' 16 yc,lrS ofilQI' Send ,lpp!fCiJtlOhs to thl"City Clprk 0111((>. 220 Pc,or)Street. Wilyne, Nebr.)<,ki\

FOR RENT: Threl'room furni"hed aparlmeol Close to (01I('ge, 375 1.166 mill:!

WANTED: Married persons inINested in 'earning $)0 to $40 pf'rw(';ck, working two hours ., dayfrom home. For personal interview <,111 R & J Assorlatce;.~.579 6375 tlp.tWf'en "p,m ,'od 7 10'p In . f7~tB

Help Wanted

• Urban Management

• Complete Farm Management



For Sale

FOR SALE 1973 Hond" 350GMd shape. $750 (<III 3752785at/prS'lD ml71)

FOR SALE: Good 1971 MU'>laogThree ~pee(1 on floor, air condll'oorng. e)(ceflenf on gas n1!I"c'lf-/I' Phone 56.'>4316 m13t3

II w:,~ .• lllf'dw\al ';;111\\, ."it

B..rn,,,d ISOT Ihr' <>rw tIll",I"l!'" .,n' Jl,lnwd "rt,·rf who'",1 1I~"d If", "~fln'"-~,,,n' I,,~,·

'11" I"''-''ll'\ ,I"I!

• Commercial Properties Management and Sales

FOR SALE Many different<,Iyle" 01 used desks. chairs,bprh "nd matlres<;es (ooMetIf''> Lull. 37.<,3300 m13t.1


You Betl

FOR SALE: 1964 Chevy, goodIlres, :,;tickcr- e(onomic,,!. CallJ'1~ 1618 m17!3

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JUNIOR TROOPMrs. Dick Ahmann (Troop No. 190 Tammy Murray.Mary Jo Garvin, Michelle Doring, Vicky Ellis, VickyAhmann, Shelly Hoops, Kara Kugler, Terri Johnson,Ranee McNeil, Connie Hiser, Kathy Peterson,


On My Honor

I Will Try To

Do My Best,

. Take a girl, any girl, and introduce her to the world ofscouting. You'll see her grow into a strong individual withcharacter. Her actions wi II speak louder than her words.She'll become actively involved in worthwhile pro­jects... Iike improving the quality of her environment ordoing volunteer work in her community. As she grows,she learns...what loving and caring are all about.

As Girl Scout Week draws to a ..c1ose, we pay tribute tothe many girls and their leaders involved in scoutingprograms in the Wayne area. Congratulations on a jobwell done!


Mrs. Larry Meier, Nei9~borhood Chairman

.BlOWNIETROOPSMrs. Larry King (Troop Net. 192) Denise Ahlvers, L.isaBofenkamp, Jill Dion, Kristy Dohrman, ColleenHamer, Roxanne Hurd, Amy Jordan, Michelle King,Dena Meier, Kathy Swanson, Debbie Townsend.


State-'National FarmManagement Co.


Les' Steak HouseDiscount Furniture


Fat Kat Drive-InBarner's Law,n Center

Wayne Book StoreCoryell Auto Co.

Red Carr Implement·- Bob's Farm SerVicePierson Insuran~e Agency


Cadette Troop No. 125, Mrs. David Ley, Troop Leader

Maureen Anderson, Laurie Boyd, Leslie Boyd, MicheleBrockmoller, Jean Ann Carhart, Carol Francis, LoriFrancis, Janelle Gottberg, Chris Hamm, SandyJacobmeier, Stacy Jocobmeier, Ann Jenness, AndreaMann, Sidney Mosley, Marcia Peterson, MichellePhelps, Jane Robinson, Mar,y Schwartz, Debbie Wert,Joleen Wiener, Susan Wiener.· ,

}Swanson TV & ApplianceJohnson's Frozen FoodsEldon's Standard Service

And Car) WashSurber's

Morris Machine Shop. Wortman Auto Co.

The Wayne HeraldEI Toro PackageStore & Lounge~ King's CarpetDale's JeWelry'

Sear's .Cata/og Store·Wi!tse Mortua ry. -WAYNE ~ IYINs!bE - LAUREL

The~l'ck Knight B~1r

Susan Jacobmeier, Joanne Tomrdle.

- This Message of Congratulations Sponsored By-

Wayne GreenhouseDean's Standard Farm

Service 'McNatt's Hardware

Charlie's Refrigeration &Appliance Service

___ M & S Oil Co., , Car"'''rt Lumber Co.

Pat's Beauty SalonState Nationa I

Bank & Trust Co.MelodeeLanes

First National BankCoast to. Coast .'

Koplin Auto Supply. ,I .. '

Karel'sBen's Paint Store'Merchant'Oil Co.

Jack & JillWayne Co. Public

Power DistrictKugler Electric


Shrader-Allen HatcheryDoescher ApplianceWayne Care CentreWittig's Super Val"

McDonald'sWilvne Federal~Vi"9S."L~n

Fre4rickson .Oil Co.Wayne Auto Parts


Mrs. Don Leighton (Winside Troop 167) Trisha Topp,Kim Schlueter, Deana Macke, Deanna Schmidt,Michelle Gable, Kathy Gottberg

(Troop No. 304) Charlene. Willard, Carrie Kuck, KathyDickenson - Calista Coffman, Kristy Neisius, JuliePotts, Laura Struve, Paula Koplin, Stacy Menel, Kelly'Ditman, Anne Sorensen, Lisa Jacobsen.