Is somebody out there


Transcript of Is somebody out there

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Hence it became one more big question for all human being that

“Are we alone?

or is the other intelligent life in the universe?

If there are ET’s where are they?

and how do we recognize them?”

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Life thats the driver that motivates the people to find the answer for these things. Science is more focusing on this field. Exobiologists, astronauts, bioastronomers trying to find the life out side the earth using various modern technology

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In the journey of man from womb to tomb he has ventured in many ways to understand the world in which he live in. Though a complete knowledge of the same is yet to be achieved. And more so, the ‘physical’ aspect of the quest of knowledge many times leaves his own questions unanswered.

Nevertheless these questions serves as a tool for further research. But the tragedy lies in case when some of the most respected assumption fails, collapsing the hopes of an enthusiastic learners.

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Yet, I love to believe that every story has a happy ending…

Absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence

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ExobiologyTechniques of Detecting ET LifeSETIGoals and studiesAstrosociobiologyNo of civilization present- Drake equationTerraformingLife on mars , venus and other planetsSpace stationsConclusion

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The same chemical and physical processes apply everywhere. The universe is so huge that it is likely that the same chemical and physical proportions that support life on the earth must be exists somewhere else.

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Visiting another civilization on a distant world is presently beyond human capabilities However, it is currently technologically possible to develop a communications system which uses a powerful transmitter and a sensitive receiver to search the sky for extraterrestrial worlds whose citizens have a similar inclination as terrestrials.

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It uses most of the useful radio spectrum, as there is no way to know what frequencies aliens might be using. A wide range of frequencies must be searched at every spatial coordinate of the sky.

There is also the problem of knowing what to listen for, as we have no idea how a signal sent by aliens might be modulated, and how the data transmitted by it might be encoded.

Any individual can involve in SETI HOME PROJECT

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Following these, there are some philosophical and ethical questions,

* What happens if we detect alien intelligence?

* Should we contact them?

* If so what should we tell them?

* How long should we take to reply?

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Exobiology program is to understand the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe.

Let us see the main goals of organization like NASA in exobiology field.

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1: Understand the nature and distribution of habitable environments in the Universe.2: Explore for past or present habitable environments, pre biotic chemistry and signs of life elsewhere in our Solar System. 3: Understand how life emerges.4: Understand how past life on Earth interacted with its changing planetary and Solar System environment5: Understand the evolutionary mechanisms and environmental limits of life6: Understand the principles that will shape the future of life, both on Earth and beyond7: Determine how to recognize signatures of life on other worlds and on early Earth

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All these studies make us to know about,

Origin of the universe - string theory, Big Bang theory

Future of the universe - may be a big crunch or heat death.

Meaning of the universe - Everything that exists.

Meaning of the life - which is the characteristic state of organisms, which exhibits the phenomenon like,

1. Homeostasis: Regulation of the internal environment

2. Organization: Composition of the basic units of life.

3. Metabolism: Production of energy

4. Growth: Maintenance of a higher rate of synthesis than catalysis.

5. Adaptation: The ability to change over a period of time in response to the environment.

6. Response to stimuli

7. Reproduction

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Along with all these, we are getting the knowledge of, life on the earthSufficient condition for survivalPhotosynthesis processNatural resourcesEnvironmental hazards

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It is the speculative scientific study of extraterrestrial civilizations and their possible social characteristics and developmental tendencies.

It involves the convergence of astrobiology, sociobiology and evolutionary biology.

Astrosociobiologists interested in comparative analysis, perticularly in studying human social culture. They conclude very broadly that all civilizations go through similar developmental stages, including

* stone age

* agrarian culture

* industrialization

* democratization

* globalization

* An information age .

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A method for classifying civilization types was introduced by Russian astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. Known as the Kardashev scale, classifications ,are assigned based on the amount of usable energy. ·Type I - able to harness all of the power available on a single planet, ·Type II - able to harness all of the power available from a single star ·Type III - able to harness all of the power available from a single galaxy

According to Carl Sagan no of humanity’s current civilization type is around 0.7 While Drake put forward an equation,to calculation the no of civilization which states that,

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where: N is the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which we might

expect to be able to communicate at any given timeR* is the rate of star formation in our galaxy fp is the fraction of those stars that have planets

ne is average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets

fl is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop life

fi is the fraction of the above that actually go on to develop intelligent life

fc is the fraction of the above that are willing and able to communicate

L is the expected lifetime of such a civilization

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Current estimation is 0.0000008

Darke’s equation begins with the greatest number of possibilities and multiplies that number by percentages until the number of communicating civilizations in galaxy is reduced to portable probable figures.

It gives the idea of possible no of civilization in the universe.

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The main Requirements for sustaining terrestrial life is energy source

Terraforminginvolves,* Building the atmosphere

* Paraterraforming:Known as the “worldhouse” It involves the construction of a habitable enclosure on a planet which eventually grows to encompass most of the planet’s usable area.*Building a shield against radiation

* Converting atmosphereA planet’s

atmosphere could potentially be converted into some other form in situation by reacting it with externally supplied elements.

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If we go through the inventions that are taken on different planets,

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To study all these scientists preparing a station in space called


These are life supporting systems that allow human to survive in space.

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Living in space :

In space, supporting life is a much more complex and challenging task. The environment of space lacks the basic amenities of food, air and water.Temperature, disposal of wastes and recycling of water Reproduction in spaceHuman hibernation, are also matters.

We have to come across all these problems to be successful live in space station.

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Finally finding the ET life or any other civilization is not an easy task. Just as Rome was not built in one day. We build Rome, brick by brick, building by building, complex by complex that is how city emerges.

We have to find system and their features around or solar system or other stars which may have planets, that supports life.

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Further scientific research should go which really gives new music. Then only our endless dimensioned imagination and guts will find satisfactory answer.

Till that our fascinative and big question remains..,

“ Is Somebody out there ...?”

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