is pod It coot drive UptoDate Rills and...

1- y Csvr t tf t J ju j lhaiiMM T i > 1 = JL L <Ii II VL Tho Kind You tfavo Always Bought rind which leas been ip use for over 30 Years leas borne the ttigrmtnrn or and has boon made under Ills per sonnl supervision since its Infancy Allow no one to you this < I Alt Counterfeits Imitations and Justnsgood are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment r What is CASTORIA Castoiia is a harmless substitute for Castor 011 art gorse Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago Is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Foverlshncss It cures Diarrhoea anti Wind Cote It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates tho y naeh and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep >3Ko Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS jBear5 the Signature of Ill Find YAH UHVA il 1 AlA U R1iii 1it JUULV AS111U JLVUL JJUIX V LLillWJ u A- In Lt 1L- VLI For Over 30 Years I 7MC CSNTAUH OOMPANV TT MUHMV OTntCT NCVf YORK CITY or = = J C Buckner Jas West is UBkner West i 11 Ex61u sive handlers of he j j xf1 C iebratedI < osecreer Coal 13th and Railroad Streets Vv > r Phones CurnberlandTG Home 144- MAKES MANY WARM FRIENDS 1 r t t Geo CLong Prest deceive Use > f C F Jarrett VPrest JbNatinal Corner Ninth and Main Hc > pkinsvHBe j < d I Capital Stockm Surplus and Undivided I BOARD OF DRfr W BLAKEY JOHN P PROWSE r B CROFT JeedStableTh tyA W OWNER GEO C LONG of the most Modern and best equipped Ode I Brailles p Vault and Safe Deposit Boxes SU T I Car 7th Dud Virginia Streets Fbra coot drive UptoDate Rills and Courteous att4nUoi give mo a call Rack eervtc- N tha tueettngall trains and work a Ipcclaty noma Phone 131- 3cumberlttbdPhone 34 1 will be glad to hays all my Jrlenda gtvo mo patronage t i HOWARD BRAME Ky J = r r BURPEESSEEDS jil thsq UlC oducls Of any other brands Besides several Cold liicdals they ntb- oid c i OrtlndPrJ vegetables utSt Louis ExposlUon Ilflfir you Intend to I f FoKPHPOK largest WS tTLEEU PEE 1 COQ 1I 1 < b 10 0xw i t Livery 11 i HoDkinsville GROW AND PRIZES pagesI PHllIDELPHlaJI + f AZTECS A STRONG RACE 1 Agavo iknt Supplies WieinVj4with brink rood Clothing tana iUt111tles o onlyI gl cultivutot f the soil uiltj had nt quirod coil Tflornble proflclenoy in- agrlculturofnlthOugll they hud no horses ox JtOI other nuimuls of draft To tiife dny the men earn their Hvli ChIOf ns hiboiww in the fields npw owned the Mexi ¬ cans 8ay the Southern Work- man fiJ 4 The staple product now as of yore is thetiillie and the next to it the maguQy Vr agave the sweet sap of whiQlWs the principal ma terial of famous Mexican pulque Some species are culti ¬ vated aa vegetables others for the sake of their leaves which yield ji strong fiber that can be woven into fabrics Hence the saying that the agave supplies the people with drink food aridclothing The men have little ambition to xcel in- lnndicrliit Farriery and carpen- try ¬ are about the only trades they care to take up In the cities they work as porters carriers or ped dlers in a small way Like all southern Indians thair complexion is of a ruddy chocolate brown and they are not particu- larly ¬ goodlooking Most of the women now have large hands anti feet probably the inheritance generations of hard worlvors And they are strong In the warehouse of a wine merchant an Aztec porter was seen to take a cask of claret on his back and carry it quite a dis ¬ tance The load certainly weighed not less than 400 pounds and no white man would have thought of lifting it The law requires the people in the cities to forsake the Indian breechcloth and poncho and as ¬ sume the regulation garb of the poor working class of Micotbew- ide loose trousers of cotton cloth or manta with jacket to match but the breechcloth is worn outside of the trousers anti thereby replaces the civilized sus- penders ¬ MUSIC VS THE DOLLARS Writer Says That Commercialism in Art Is a Condition to Be Regretted It is unfortunate says the Salt Lake Telegram that commer ¬ cialism should have invaded the artistic precincts of music but it seems that it has Of course thert bltitisnotthat composed now is merely for the moment The comic operas and 011a Yet the vogue of such composi- tions ¬ as TIle Bohemian Girl and the Gilbert and Sullivan operas will not pass within the lifetime qf the present generation It is froth froth frqth Light operas are writtenarid songscom posed to tickle noveltyloving ears for a few time jund to get all the revenue possible as quickly as possible There is no work for the sake of art nothing done with the thought that it will live Coon songs and ballads of sickly sent mentalism are hurled at us as fast as pens can scratch and presses run and they are forgotten as soon as they are sung a few times It is no effort to forget them and many of us would do it quicker were we permitted to Yet there are coon songs that live Massas in the Cold Cold Ground My Old Kentucky Home and Old Black Joe will never lose their charm The Last Rose of Sum me IInenBo1t and Kathleen Mavourneen are as hauntingly sweet now as when they Were first snng But their authors and com moneyThey of the poetry and the musio in their heartsThere may be music in the clink of coin but there is mighty little lasting melody in the inu lc writ ton for money Snowy Wings It was in Sunday school and the teacher of tho class was drawing some lessons froin the beautiful nowHNow she asked where does the snow come from 1t From Heaven Maid a little gilHBut how does it get intojT avers the teacher asked again I guess tits angels scratch it off theIr wiitgf was the awwcr j MOM EVIDENCEt Is is Coming in Rapidiy iii r Hopkinsville J- ence on the following ruu eet oxpcruartcetiilyrh1lblie 3 my rtHr gh the small of my back- madi1tso painful forme to stoop or lif anything that I was unable to do pleasureWhciiiver my back at night bothered me a while in bed Sharp twinges often kept me awake for and in the morning I arose feeling tired and devoid of all ener and ambition The condition of the Kidneys was especially annoying and distressing at night I doctored arid used many remedies until I be getting ¬ Finally I happened to read an ad- vertisement ¬ of Doans Kidney Pills and S they were highly recommend ¬ ed by people near by I could not help but believe that they were a good remedy I got a box at Thom aj Traherns drug store and after- usmthem a few I could see a d eldedImprovement I kept on inmy tion of the kidneys was restored to abnormal and healthy condition sal dealers Price 50c- FOsterMilburn Co Buffalo N Y- Bulb agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other f C0v Toole of Montana has sign- ed ¬ a bill prohibiting the employment ofjchildren in the mines P itchRingworm E T Lucas Wingo Ky writes April 25th 1902 For 10 to 12 years maladyknown was most unbearable I had tried for years to find relief having tried all remedies I could hear of besides a number of doctors I wish to state that one single application of Bal lards Snow Liniment cured me com ¬ pletely and permanently Since then I have used the liniment on two sep ¬ arate occasions for ring worm and it uredcompletely 25c 50 and bottle Sold by R C Hard wick All the leading carpet manufac- turers ¬ are said to have advanced prices from 2 c to 5c ayd on carpea A Cuaranteed Cure for Piles Itching blind bleeding or pro truding pries Druggists refund money ifajjo Omtmeot fails to cure any CHhe po matter how long standing in 6 to 14 days First application gives rest and east 50c if your druggist hasnt it send 50c in stamps and it will be forwarded postpaid hy Paris Medicine C- oSt Louis Mo yield to the soothing healing influ- ences ¬ of Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup Considerable damage was done by fire at Crab Orchard Ky last Thursday night CASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Sears tho- Signature of The cost of electric lighting Louis ¬ ville last year was 152554 This is an increase over the year before Dyspepsiabane of human exist ¬ ence Burdock Blood Bitters cures it promptly permanently Regu ¬ lates and tones the stomach- John P McGrath aged 82 for 20 years a magistrata and wellknown citizen is dead at Louisville oaSTOnXA Bears tlu 1111 KM You lay9 Always Bought Blguaturo IIAIfl of u4 A movement is on foot to continue indefinitely the noonday religious meetings on Main St in Louisville To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves sign atureia on each box 25c The evangelists at Louisville are holding daily services in low thea ¬ tors concert and dance halls and other evil resorts OASrORA flex thelha Rind You Maya Always Bought Signature Jf of At Louisville T F Slater and Rob Snyder were fined 20 each fox IGNORANT OF WEALTH CHI12DBEN WHO DO NOT KNOW it THEY ARE RICH v i i t No OjS- ofrJE owed t9 Tell the Children jftto JJL Hooker Ram era Thnt Arc Worth FiftyMt1Uons Now t That tho slmplo life 18 not ot liliwifllty restricted to the ca ¬ paclty c slender purse and that tho living of It may under certain clr cumstnt1les entail an Infinitude of com ¬ plexities undreamed of by Pastor Wagner Is being strikingly Hluutratud in the culture and rearing of two of New York H richest children The story of the little Hamersley ¬ phans and tho training which they are receiving Is unique In the annals of mil ¬ lionaire life In this country These children Master Louis Gordon Hamersley aged 12 and his sister Miss Katherlno Livingstone Hamersley aged ten are the beneficiaries of sev ¬ eral romantic not to say quixotic wills The sImple Ufo according to tho tenets of which those children have been brought up since babyhood was all planned out for them years before thoy were born These plans were laid by men and women wino In knowledge of the world and of the people In It by shrewd old lawyers and by stately old dowagers These plans woven about the lives of babes yet unborn had for their object the keeping of their Inno ¬ cent hearts untainted from any of tho corroding Influences of the great wealth which in the natural course of events would be theirs and to this end tho In ¬ junction was laid upon guardians and executors to bring up any and all of these hypothetical heirs In utter Ig ¬ norance of the fact that they wore ever to inherit a penny of money from any source whatsoever- In a palatial brown stone house at Fifth avenue and Eightyfourth street THE HAMERSLEY HOME Here the Children Llvo In Ignorance ot Their Vast Wealth the small orphan boy and girl who were born to inherit the vast fortunes of these wise men and women live under the conditions imposed Iff their ances tors and relatives Neither the boy nor the girl has any Idea that the splendid house with all its treasures in the way of pictures engravings bricabrac sil ¬ ver and rare furniture belongs to thorn It is supposedly the property of Mrs Sarah Lowrie Mrs Lowrie has been their nurse since babyhoodIndeed al ¬ most a motherand It sems to the In ¬ nocent orphans the most natural thing in the world that she should be tho chatelaine of the great house and that she should love and care for them and share her fine home with them So carefully indeed have servants rela ¬ tives and friends kept all knowledge of their great wealth from them the orphans chatter ingenloiuly 1sall chil ¬ dren will as to what they would do when they grow up if they had a thou ¬ sand dollars Tho children are tho son and daughter of the late J Hooker Hamersley and Margaret Willing Chisholm Hamers ¬ ley and the geneses of the great fortunes to which they are the unwitting heirs are as Interesting as they iJitmpU cated They have to do io extraordinary legal documents the wills of the Hamersley cousins J Hooker Hamersley and Louis J Ham oraleyThe will of James Hooker Hames T ley the father of the children Is one of the most curious documents ever of ¬ fered for probate In this country After making provision for the divi- sion ¬ of the estate the greater part of which goes to the children there were many pages of detailed instructions for the bringing up of his children in the Protestant faith and every possible pre ¬ caution to safeguard them from dis covering the fact that they are among tho richest children in the world un- til ¬ they reach their majority Tho rea- son ¬ ascribed In tho will by Mr Ham orsley for this provision was his be- lief that a knowledge of their true worldly condition would have a ten ¬ dency to thwart the natural develop ¬ meat spiritual and mental of his chil ¬ drenBut there was yet another strange will destined to shape the careers of these unknowing children They were the heirs to the millions of the late Louis 0 Hamorsley who was their fathers cousin By the provision of the tatters will the great fortune left by him be ¬ came entailed to the Hamersley family so long as there remained a scion of it on the face of tho earth and at such time as there might be no legitimate heir to bo given over to charity Mr Louis C Hamersley died childless and his widow who had boon Miss Lillian Price married the duke of Marlborough and at the latters death became Lady Beresford Tho entire Income of the first husbands fortune Lady Beresford enjoys and will continue to pnjoy during hoc lifetime and at her death it will re ¬ vert to the little boy and girl who are now living in what they think is Mrs Lovr ribs house Woundsand any 1dfqo acoident cuts burns ises sprains etc are best trotted by tho immodiato up plicatioii 61 HAMLINS WIZARD OIL This great soothing curative remedy relieves reduces swelling and inflammation and heals up all open wounds and sores It is tho one perfect mod- ern dressing or treatment for a wound Its quick use will pod tively prevent blood poisoning Always keep it at hand Says Mrs Jessie Farris of EIIz wittybadly were so drawn out of shapo thai he could not even crawl I tried many remedies without relief btrt finally Hamlins Wizard Oil matt a perfect cure and ho can now walk and run We thought wa should have to amputate both his legs and feel that Hamlins Wizard Oil saved his life Price 60o and 100Sold and recommended by R C HARDWICK Hopkinsville Ky h TrCr R R TIME TABLE k Effective June 5 1904 TRAIN No1 DAILYPASSENGER- Lv Hopkinsville615 a m- Ar Clarksville 719 a m Ashland City816 am Nashville 915 am TRAIN No3 DAILYPASSENGERr Lv Hopkinsville 415 p m Ar Clarksville 518 p m Ashland City615 pm Nashville715 pIn PASSENGER TRAINS ARRIVE IN HOPKINSVILLE 1141aiNo JIj Connections At RylitClar jGR Traffic Manager Nashville Tenn f THE AMOUNT GROWS Quicklafter the first deposit Be fpreSie account was opened money was spent without thought Now it is sent to zbc jSjHivters Bank and Trust oraipehny and such sums as may be are withdrawn upon presentation of check ThejHusiness of this bank is e lines and the interest ord positors fully safe- guarded t A MILDER CLIMATE In Arkansas Louisiana Texas Stock ranges ten to twelve months in the year two and three crops grow in a season Now is the to look up a location while the land is cheapOn 7th and 21st and March 7th and 21st Cotton Belt Route will sell round trip home seekers tickets from St Louis pointsin or one fare plus 2 where it makes less than 15 February21st plus 2- Write for map time table and ask about rates to auy point AICotton 0 John C Riley AgttHenderson The Blind May See Dr D Garflnklesl Hya Remedy cured hundreds In TmuuMsee who ware nearly blind with sore eyw granulated eyelids watering itching burulnj Inflamed eyea and wild lIra Many had scums or pterygiuma on tbelr eyes could not see their way were given up by doctor as Incurable alter paying out hundreds pt dollars Call or write for free sample and you will be convinced that you can be cured No matter ItaadmlIadcireM etrestIKM > ttIWl ormisw

Transcript of is pod It coot drive UptoDate Rills and...

Page 1: is pod It coot drive UptoDate Rills and Courteous att4nUoi give mo a call Rack eervtc-N tha tueettngall trains and work a



t tft J ju j lhaiiMM

T i> 1 = JL L <Ii


Tho Kind You tfavo Always Bought rind which leas beenip use for over 30 Years leas borne the ttigrmtnrn or

and has boon made under Ills personnl supervision since its InfancyAllow no one to you this <

I Alt Counterfeits Imitations and Justnsgood are butExperiments that trifle with and endanger tho health ofInfants and Children Experience against Experiment


What is CASTORIACastoiia is a harmless substitute for Castor 011 artgorse Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcoticsubstance Its ago Is its guarantee It destroys Wormsand allays Foverlshncss It cures Diarrhoea anti WindCote It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipationand Flatulency It assimilates the Food regulates tho

y naeh and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep>3Ko Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend


jBear5 the Signature of

Ill Find YAH UHVA il 1 AlA U R1iii1itJUULV AS111U JLVUL JJUIX V LLillWJ u A-

InLt 1L-



= =

J C Buckner Jas West

is UBkner Westi 11

Ex61usive handlers of hej jxf1 C iebratedI


osecreer Coal13th and Railroad Streets Vv

>rPhones CurnberlandTG Home 144-



Geo CLong Prest



> f

C F Jarrett VPrest

JbNatinalCorner Ninth and Main

Hc> pkinsvHBej <


I Capital StockmSurplus and Undivided




of the most Modern and best equippedOde



Vault and Safe Deposit Boxes


T I Car 7th Dud Virginia StreetsFbra coot drive UptoDate Rills and Courteous att4nUoi give mo a call Rack eervtc-

N tha tueettngall trains and work a Ipcclaty noma Phone 131-3cumberlttbdPhone 34 1 will be glad to hays all my Jrlenda gtvo mo patronage t



thsq UlC oducls Of any other brands Besides several Cold liicdals they ntb-oid

ci OrtlndPrJ vegetables utSt Louis ExposlUon Ilflfir you Intend to

If FoKPHPOK largest


1I 1 <

b 10

0xw i t







Agavo iknt Supplies WieinVj4withbrink rood Clothing tana

iUt111tles oonlyIglcultivutot f the soil uiltj had ntquirod coil Tflornble proflclenoy in-

agrlculturofnlthOugll they hud nohorses ox JtOI other nuimuls ofdraft To tiife dny the men earntheir Hvli ChIOf ns hiboiww inthe fields npw owned the Mexi ¬

cans 8ay the Southern Work-man fiJ 4

The staple product now as ofyore is thetiillie and the next toit the maguQy Vr agave the sweetsap of whiQlWs the principal material of famous Mexicanpulque Some species are culti ¬

vated aa vegetables others for thesake of their leaves which yield jistrong fiber that can be woven intofabrics Hence the saying thatthe agave supplies the people withdrink food aridclothing The menhave little ambition to xcel in-

lnndicrliit Farriery and carpen-try


are about the only trades theycare to take up In the cities theywork as porters carriers or peddlers in a small way

Like all southern Indians thaircomplexion is of a ruddy chocolatebrown and they are not particu-larly


goodlooking Most of thewomen now have large hands antifeet probably the inheritancegenerations of hard worlvors Andthey are strong In the warehouseof a wine merchant an Aztec porterwas seen to take a cask of claret onhis back and carry it quite a dis ¬

tance The load certainly weighednot less than 400 pounds and nowhite man would have thought oflifting it

The law requires the people inthe cities to forsake the Indianbreechcloth and poncho and as ¬

sume the regulation garb of thepoor working class of Micotbew-ide loose trousers of cottoncloth or manta with jacket tomatch but the breechcloth isworn outside of the trousers antithereby replaces the civilized sus-penders



Writer Says That Commercialism inArt Is a Condition to Be


It is unfortunate says the SaltLake Telegram that commer ¬

cialism should have invaded theartistic precincts of music but itseems that it has Of course thert

bltitisnotthatcomposed now is merely for themoment The comic operas and011aYet the vogue of such composi-tions


as TIle Bohemian Girl andthe Gilbert and Sullivan operaswill not pass within the lifetime qfthe present generation

It is froth froth frqth Lightoperas are writtenarid songscomposed to tickle noveltylovingears for a few time jund to get allthe revenue possible as quickly aspossible There is no work for thesake of art nothing done with thethought that it will live Coonsongs and ballads of sickly sentmentalism are hurled at us as fastas pens can scratch and pressesrun and they are forgotten assoon as they are sung a few timesIt is no effort to forget them andmany of us would do it quickerwere we permitted to Yet thereare coon songs that live Massasin the Cold Cold Ground MyOld Kentucky Home and OldBlack Joe will never lose theircharm The Last Rose of SummeIInenBo1t and KathleenMavourneen are as hauntinglysweet now as when they Were firstsnng But their authors and com

moneyTheyof the poetry and the musio in theirheartsThere

may be music in the clinkof coin but there is mighty littlelasting melody in the inu lc writton for money

Snowy WingsIt was in Sunday school and the

teacher of tho class was drawingsome lessons froin the beautifulnowHNow she asked where

does the snow come from 1t FromHeaven Maid a little gilHButhow does it get intojT avers theteacher asked again I guesstits angels scratch it off theIrwiitgf was the awwcr


MOM EVIDENCEtIs is Coming in Rapidiy iii


Hopkinsville J-

ence on the following ruu eet


myrtHr gh the small of my back-

madi1tso painful forme to stoop orlifanything that I was unable to do

pleasureWhciiivermy back at night bothered me a

while in bed Sharptwinges often kept me awake for

and in the morning I arosefeeling tired and devoid of all ener

and ambition The condition ofthe Kidneys was especially annoyingand distressing at night I doctoredarid used many remedies until I begetting ¬

Finally I happened to read an ad-


of Doans Kidney Pillsand S they were highly recommend ¬

ed by people near by I could nothelp but believe that they were agood remedy I got a box at Thomaj Traherns drug store and after-usmthem a few I could see ad eldedImprovement I kept oninmytion of the kidneys was restored toabnormal and healthy condition

sal dealers Price 50c-FOsterMilburn Co Buffalo N Y-Bulb agents for the United States

Remember the name Doansand take no other


C0v Toole of Montana has sign-ed


a bill prohibiting the employmentofjchildren in the mines


itchRingwormE T Lucas Wingo Ky writes

April 25th 1902 For 10 to 12 years

maladyknownwas most unbearable I had tried foryears to find relief having tried allremedies I could hear of besides anumber of doctors I wish to statethat one single application of Ballards Snow Liniment cured me com ¬

pletely and permanently Since thenI have used the liniment on two sep ¬

arate occasions for ring worm andit uredcompletely 25c 50 and

bottle Sold by R C Hardwick

All the leading carpet manufac-turers


are said to have advancedprices from2c to 5c ayd on carpea

A Cuaranteed Cure for PilesItching blind bleeding or pro

truding pries Druggists refundmoney ifajjo Omtmeot fails to cureany CHhe po matter how longstanding in 6 to 14 days Firstapplication gives rest and east 50cif your druggist hasnt it send 50cin stamps and it will be forwardedpostpaid hy Paris Medicine C-oSt Louis Moyield to the soothing healing influ-ences


of Dr Woods Norway PineSyrup

Considerable damage was done byfire at Crab Orchard Ky lastThursday night

CASTORIAFor Infants and Children

The Kind You Have Always Bought

Sears tho-

Signature of

The cost of electric lighting Louis ¬

ville last year was 152554 This isan increase over the year before

Dyspepsiabane of human exist¬

ence Burdock Blood Bitters curesit promptly permanently Regu¬

lates and tones the stomach-

John P McGrath aged 82 for 20years a magistrata and wellknowncitizen is dead at Louisville

oaSTOnXABears tlu 1111 KM You lay9 Always Bought

Blguaturo IIAIflof u4

A movement is on foot to continueindefinitely the noonday religiousmeetings on Main St in Louisville

To Cure a Cold In One DayTake Laxative Bromo QuinineTablets All druggists refund themoney if it fails to cure E WGroves sign atureia on each box 25c

The evangelists at Louisville areholding daily services in low thea¬

tors concert and dance halls andother evil resorts

OASrORAflex thelha Rind You Maya Always Bought

Signature Jfof

At Louisville T F Slater and RobSnyder were fined 20 each fox



i i tNo OjS-

ofrJEowed t9 Tell the Childrenjftto JJL Hooker Ram

era Thnt Arc WorthFiftyMt1Uons

Now t That tho slmplo life 18

not ot liliwifllty restricted to the ca ¬

paclty c slender purse and thattho living of It may under certain clrcumstnt1les entail an Infinitude of com¬

plexities undreamed of by PastorWagner Is being strikingly Hluutratudin the culture and rearing of two ofNew York H richest children

The story of the little Hamersley¬

phans and tho training which they arereceiving Is unique In the annals of mil ¬

lionaire life In this countryThese children Master Louis Gordon

Hamersley aged 12 and his sisterMiss Katherlno Livingstone Hamersleyaged ten are the beneficiaries of sev¬

eral romantic not to say quixoticwills

The sImple Ufo according to thotenets of which those children have beenbrought up since babyhood was allplanned out for them years before thoywere born These plans were laid bymen and women wino In knowledge ofthe world and of the people In It byshrewd old lawyers and by stately olddowagers These plans woven aboutthe lives of babes yet unborn had fortheir object the keeping of their Inno ¬

cent hearts untainted from any of thocorroding Influences of the great wealthwhich in the natural course of eventswould be theirs and to this end tho In ¬

junction was laid upon guardians andexecutors to bring up any and all ofthese hypothetical heirs In utter Ig ¬

norance of the fact that they wore everto inherit a penny of money from anysource whatsoever-

In a palatial brown stone house atFifth avenue and Eightyfourth street

THE HAMERSLEY HOMEHere the Children Llvo In Ignorance ot

Their Vast Wealth

the small orphan boy and girl who wereborn to inherit the vast fortunes ofthese wise men and women live underthe conditions imposed Iff their ancestors and relatives Neither the boy northe girl has any Idea that the splendidhouse with all its treasures in the wayof pictures engravings bricabrac sil ¬

ver and rare furniture belongs to thornIt is supposedly the property of MrsSarah Lowrie Mrs Lowrie has beentheir nurse since babyhoodIndeed al ¬

most a motherand It sems to the In ¬

nocent orphans the most natural thingin the world that she should be thochatelaine of the great house and thatshe should love and care for them andshare her fine home with them Socarefully indeed have servants rela¬

tives and friends kept all knowledge oftheir great wealth from them theorphans chatter ingenloiuly 1sall chil ¬

dren will as to what they would dowhen they grow up if they had a thou¬

sand dollarsTho children are tho son and daughter

of the late J Hooker Hamersley andMargaret Willing Chisholm Hamers ¬

ley and the geneses of the great fortunesto which they are the unwitting heirsare as Interesting as they iJitmpUcated They have to do ioextraordinary legal documents thewills of the Hamersley cousins JHooker Hamersley and Louis J HamoraleyThe

will of James Hooker Hames T

ley the father of the children Is oneof the most curious documents ever of¬

fered for probate In this countryAfter making provision for the divi-


of the estate the greater part ofwhich goes to the children there weremany pages of detailed instructions forthe bringing up of his children in theProtestant faith and every possible pre¬

caution to safeguard them from discovering the fact that they are amongtho richest children in the world un-


they reach their majority Tho rea-son


ascribed In tho will by Mr Hamorsley for this provision was his be-lief that a knowledge of their trueworldly condition would have a ten ¬

dency to thwart the natural develop ¬

meat spiritual and mental of his chil ¬

drenButthere was yet another strange will

destined to shape the careers of theseunknowing children They were theheirs to the millions of the late Louis0 Hamorsley who was their fatherscousin By the provision of the tatterswill the great fortune left by him be¬

came entailed to the Hamersley familyso long as there remained a scion of iton the face of tho earth and at suchtime as there might be no legitimateheir to bo given over to charity MrLouis C Hamersley died childless andhis widow who had boon Miss LillianPrice married the duke of Marlboroughand at the latters death became LadyBeresford Tho entire Income of thefirst husbands fortune Lady Beresfordenjoys and will continue to pnjoy duringhoc lifetime and at her death it will re¬

vert to the little boy and girl who arenow living in what they think is MrsLovr ribs house

Woundsandany 1dfqo acoident cuts burns

ises sprains etc arebest trotted by tho immodiato upplicatioii 61


WIZARD OILThis great soothing curative

remedy relieves reducesswelling and inflammation andheals up all open wounds andsores It is tho one perfect mod-ern dressing or treatment for awound Its quick use will podtively prevent blood poisoningAlways keep it at hand

Says Mrs Jessie Farris of EIIz

wittybadlywere so drawn out of shapo thaihe could not even crawl I triedmany remedies without relief btrtfinally Hamlins Wizard Oil matta perfect cure and ho can nowwalk and run We thought washould have to amputate both hislegs and feel that Hamlins WizardOil saved his life Price 60o and100Sold and recommended by

R C HARDWICKHopkinsville Ky



Effective June 5 1904

TRAIN No1 DAILYPASSENGER-Lv Hopkinsville615 a m-

Ar Clarksville 719 a mAshland City816 amNashville 915 am

TRAIN No3 DAILYPASSENGERrLv Hopkinsville 415 p mAr Clarksville 518 p m

Ashland City615 pmNashville715 pIn




Connections AtRylitClarjGRTraffic Manager Nashville Tennf


Quicklafter the first deposit BefpreSie account was opened moneywas spent without thought Now itis sent to

zbcjSjHivters Bank and

Trust oraipehnyand such sums as may beare withdrawn upon presentation ofcheck ThejHusiness of this bank is

e lines and theinterest ord positors fully safe-guarded



In Arkansas Louisiana TexasStock ranges ten to twelve months

in the year two and three cropsgrow in a season Now is theto look up a location while the landis

cheapOn7th and 21st and

March 7th and 21st Cotton BeltRoute will sell round trip homeseekers tickets from St Louispointsinor one fare plus 2 where it makesless than 15

February21stplus 2-

Write for map time table and askabout rates to auy point

AICotton 0John C Riley AgttHenderson

The Blind May SeeDr D Garflnklesl Hya Remedy cured

hundreds In TmuuMsee who ware nearly blindwith sore eyw granulated eyelids wateringitching burulnj Inflamed eyea and wild lIraMany had scums or pterygiuma on tbelr eyescould not see their way were given up by doctoras Incurable alter paying out hundreds pt dollarsCall or write for free sample and you will beconvinced that you can be cured No matter

ItaadmlIadcireMetrestIKM >ttIWl ormisw