Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?


Transcript of Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

Morris Cerullo

First Printing—September 1999

Copyright © 1999Morris Cerullo World Evangelism

Printed in the United States of America

MORRIS CERULLO WORLD EVANGELISMU. S.: P. O. Box 85277 • San Diego, CA 92186 • (858) 277-2200

U. K.: P. O. Box 277 • Hemel Hempstead HERTS HP2 7DH • (01442) 232-432

CANADA: P. O. Box 3600 • Concord, Ontario L4K 1B6 • (905) 669-1788 E-mail: [email protected]

Cover illustration by E. Silas Smith


1 The Healer Is Here!.......................................................5

2 Is It God’s Will to Heal Today?....................................11

3 Press Your Way Through Every Obstacle to Touch the Healer............................................................................19

4 Healing Is the Children’s Bread..................................25

Chapter One

1 The Healer Is Here!

God told me: “Now is the time I want to heal My people. I want to take them into a full understanding and full revelation of My divine healing power. I want them healed!”

The Healer is here! In His presence, there is salvation, deliverance, healing and everything you need.

Beloved, it is my prayer that you will receive a fresh revelation of Christ as your Healer.

Just one moment in His Presence .....

Just one glimpse of Him as He is today .....

Just one word .....

And every sickness and disease in your body must go!

See Christ, the Healer, as He is today, seated at the right hand of the Father, in a position of supreme power and authority over all powers and principalities!

Paul prayed that the Ephesians would have a revelation of Christ, that they would have an intimate knowledge of Him, that they would know His mighty power that is working in us, and that they would know Him in this position of supreme power and authority over all things. This is my prayer for you.

Paul said:

(For I always pray) the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation—of insight into mysteries and secrets—in the (deep and intimate) knowledge of Him ... And (so that you can know and understand) what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

His power in and for us who believe. ... (Ephesians 1:17, 19, TAB)

Sickness and Disease Must Bow in Jesus’ Name!

Believe it! Hold onto it!

Christ, the Healer, wants you to know Him in the immeasurable and unlimited greatness of His power!

See Him as He is today ... the all powerful Son of God ... King of Kings ... Lord of Lords ... Healer ... Deliverer ... Ruler over everything ... exalted and given a Name above every other name.

Christ, the Healer, is today seated at the right hand of Almighty God and has been given the Name above every other name! Everything in Heaven, on Earth, and under the earth, must bow in submission to Him.

The mighty angelic forces of Heaven ... Satan and all his principalities ... pain ... sickness ... disease ... death ... everything must bow before Him.

Think about the sickness or disease in your body, the physical handicaps you may have. Cancer, heart disease, kidney failure, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, tumors, growths, blood disorders, paralysis, blindness ... every incurable disease today must bow and die in His mighty Name!

When you know Christ intimately as your Healer, as well as your Savior ....

When you know Him in the fullness of His power and the power of His Word ....

You will realize that it is unnecessary for anyone to lay hands on you to receive your healing.

Right in your home, as you simply act in faith upon the promises of healing God has already given us in His Word, and begin to speak them forth, the same power that was released through Christ to heal the sick and


The Healer Is Here!

raise the dead will be released to heal you.

Within His Word Is Creative Power!

When you fully understand the truth that there is creative power within God’s Word and begin to stand against the power of sickness and disease as Jesus did, you will be able to take hold of the healing God has promised you.

God’s divine healing power was released through Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

... God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. (Acts 10:38)

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christ spoke the word of healing and it was done! He spoke to the leper, “... be thou clean;” and instantly his leprosy was cleansed. (Matthew 8:3)

He said, “Stretch forth thy hand” to the man whose hand had withered; and it was perfectly restored. (Luke 6:10)

He told the impotent man at the Pool of Bethesda, “Rise take up thy bed, and walk; and immediately the man was made whole.” (John 5:8-9)

When Jesus spoke, blind eyes were opened, deaf ears were unstopped, paralyzed limbs were restored, demons were cast out, the dead were raised!

The words which He spoke were full of the creative power of God. Jesus said, “the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63)

The same powerful, life-giving force that was released when God spoke the heavens, the sun, moon and stars, earth and everything in it, into existence, was manifested through the words Christ spoke.


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

The power of His Word has not changed! Within the promises He has given us, is the same creative power.

Just one touch ... one word from Him, and not only can blind eyes be opened, He can create a new eyeball and place it in its socket.

One word and a diseased heart or lung can be replaced with a new one. One word from Christ, the Healer, and cancers dry up ... tumors disappear.

Christ’s healing power is unlimited! It is not limited by time or space! It is not subject to any other force!

When You Really See Christ as He Is—The Impossible Becomes Possible!

One of the most important keys to receiving your healing is to see Christ as He is today and get rid of every limitation you have placed upon Him!

Many Christians place limitations upon Christ through their limited, natural understanding. They may have an incurable disease, inoperable cancer, a physical deformity, or some type of paralysis, that, according to the natural mind cannot be cured. They cannot understand how it could ever be possible for them to be healed.

There are those who limit Christ’s healing power because they are expecting Him to heal them according to their own preconceived ideas as to the time, place and method they want Him to use. And when they are not healed when or how they expect it, they begin to waver ... to doubt or question.

But, when you have a revelation of Christ and see Him as He is today ... unlimited ... unchanging ... all powerful ... suddenly, what seems impossible becomes possible. Just one glimpse of Christ and His unlimited power and faith will be released within you to believe Him for the impossible!


The Healer Is Here!

The doctors may have told you there is nothing more they can do for you; you may have a loved one who is suffering from an incurable disease; or you may have a long-standing sickness you have suffered from for years and have no hope in the natural, of recovering.

Look to Christ, your Healer. Get into His Presence and set your eyes on Him!

Regardless of what your need is ... whether it is large or small, or whether it is a condition that seems impossible to the natural mind; there is One Who is with you Who can and will heal you if you will just see Him as His is, and get rid of every limitation you have placed upon Him and His power.


Chapter Two

2 Is It God’s Will to Heal Today?

One of the major reasons we are not experiencing a flow of God’s divine healing power is because we have limited Christ through our unbelief and our man-made doctrines and theology.

You must remove every limitation you have placed upon Christ.

Christ, the Healer is here. He has been walking among us, wanting to release a flow of His healing power to the diseased and dying, but we have not recognized and received Him as our Healer because of our limited understanding and unbelief.

We have limited Him to a time two thousand years ago when He walked upon the earth healing the sick.

We do not doubt He had the power and that He healed the sick, or that His healing power was manifested in the Early Church.

But a vast majority of Christians doubt that He heals or that it is His will to heal today. They believe the gifts of healing, which were released through the Holy Spirit in the Early Church, were only manifested to establish the Church and have ceased to function.

Is it any wonder our churches are full of Christians who are suffering from sickness, disease and every type of sickness known to man?

Within the hearts of many Christians there is a struggle going on. They are struggling to believe Christ will heal them or doubt whether it is God’s will for them to be healed.


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

Is it God’s will to heal today?

This question must forever be settled in your mind.

God’s purpose in sending Christ was not only to deliver man out of Satan’s bondage and forgive our sins, but to heal us of sickness and disease. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, which also includes sickness and death.

Jesus did not come to bring a partial deliverance ... to forgive us of our sins and deliver us out of the bondage of sin, but leave our bodies in bondage to sickness and disease, afflicted and tormented by Satan.

The power and anointing that flowed from Jesus broke every yoke of bondage upon mankind!

... God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. (Acts 10:38)

God sent Jesus to save and to heal. Healing of the physical body is equally part of God’s plan of redemption.

God does not send sickness and disease upon people.

This would be contrary to His divine nature. He sent Jesus to pay the price ... to take our sins and bear our sicknesses upon His own body ... so that we can be free from them. God does not take what Christ came to destroy and place it back upon us.

Christ is the Savior of our souls, as well as our bodies ... and stands ready to forgive and heal all those who come to Him in faith. He forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases.

The Psalmist David, who knew God intimately, said,

Bless the Lord, O my soul ... who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases. (Psalm 103:2-3)

If there is any doubt in your heart as to whether it is


Is It God’s Will to Heal Today?

His will to heal you of the sickness and disease in your body, you cannot come to Him in faith, believing He will heal you. You must know it is His will.

It is not enough to pray and ask God for your healing. Prayer without faith is powerless. It is “the prayer of faith” which saves the sick. (James 5:15)

Get Rid of Doubt and Talk God’s Language!

Here is another major key to receiving healing.

Unless you come to God in simple, child-like faith, believing He will do exactly what He has promised, you will never receive anything from Him. It is time to recognize unbelief and get rid of it.

James wrote:

But without faith, it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

You must come to Christ without doubt ... nothing wavering!

James said,

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think he shall receive any thing of the Lord. (James 1:6-7)

Faith receives healing even when there is no conscious change in the body or in the symptoms. Knowing Christ your Healer, “took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses,” (Matthew 8:17) in His own body; and that “by whose stripes we were healed” (1 Peter 2:24); you must come to Him in faith, fully surrendering yourself, including your sicknesses and your physical condition, completely and totally into His hands, trusting and believing He will heal you!


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

Faith is a fact, but faith is an act!

Without waiting to feel better or to see a physical manifestation of your healing, begin to praise Him for it. Say with David, “O Lord my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.” (Psalm 30:2)

Through Faith All Things Are Possible!

If you are going to receive healing or anything else from God, you must have faith and doubt not! Jesus said,

Verily I say unto you, if ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. (Matthew 21:21-22)

When you ask in faith, according to His will, you can have full confidence; you can be fully persuaded and know that you will receive whatsoever you ask!

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. (1 John 5:14-15)

Knowing it is God’s will to heal you ....

Start speaking God’s language!

Remember that your faith must not be tied to a doctrine, but to Christ, your Healer. The thing for you to do is to know the Healer personally, through His Word and through your communion with Him.

When you really know Christ, the Healer ... you know His promises and begin to speak God’s language ... faith ... confessing and claiming His promises, you are releasing the power of God to work on your behalf!


Is It God’s Will to Heal Today?

... I am the Lord that healeth thee. (Exodus 15:26)

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: who forgiveth all thine (my) iniquities; who healeth all thy (my) diseases. (Psalm 103:2-3)

But he was wounded for our (my) transgressions, he was bruised for our (my) iniquities; the chastisement of our (my) peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are (I am) healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

Stop talking sickness! Stop talking unbelief ... fear ... discouragement ... defeat!

When you continually talk about your sickness and disease ... moan, groan and complain about your pains and speak words of fear, doubt and unbelief ... you are blocking the manifestation of God’s healing power in your body.

The same mighty resurrection power ... the same healing power ... that was released through Christ as He spoke healing ... is in His Word! God sent His Word ... the written and living Word ... and released His divine healing power that has never stopped flowing.

Regardless of how you may feel, or the visible manifestation of symptoms and disease in your body, as you speak words of faith, power and victory confessing His promises of healing and deliverance and acting on them, you will feel God’s Spirit within you releasing a flow of His power into your body.

Have You Exhausted All Natural Resources?

One of the greatest examples of how we must be willing to step out in faith and put forth every effort to reach out and touch Christ for our healing is the woman with the issue of blood who pressed her way through the crowd, to touch Jesus. She kept saying to herself, “If only I can get to Him ... if only I can get near Him, into His


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

Presence ... if only I can somehow touch just the hem of His garment ... 1 know I will be made whole!”

Jesus was again in Capernaum. He had just returned from Gadara, where He had spoken the word and delivered the demon-possessed man, casting the legion of demons into a herd of swine, and was on His way to Jairus’ house to heal his daughter who was lying at the point of death.

As He made His way through the streets, a woman who had suffered from an issue of blood for twelve long years, heard about Jesus and knew He was passing by. She began to press ... to push and shove ... her way through the multitudes thronging Jesus.

And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. (Mark 5:25-28)

This woman had an incurable condition. There was absolutely nothing man could do to help her.

For twelve years, she suffered from an issue of blood.

Her disease was similar to cancer as we know it today. Her body had wasted away. She was so weak she could barely walk. Every step ... every movement ... was an effort.

Not only had she suffered from the tremendous physical pain and exhaustion, she had gone through mental anguish, fear, anxiety, and suffered at the hands of many physicians. She had sought out every physician, tried every possible remedy, explored every possible method of treatment, but everything had failed.

Not only was her body wracked with pain, she was destitute. She had spent all her living ... all that she


Is It God’s Will to Heal Today?

had ... seeking relief. But instead of getting better, she only grew worse. Can you identify with this woman?

Her condition was hopeless.

In the natural, there was nothing more that could be done for her.

There was nothing left for her to do but go home and wait to die.

She had completely come to the end of herself ... exhausted all natural resources.

Surrender Yourself Totally to God, Trusting Him to Heal You!

In the story of this woman’s healing, we see another major key to receiving healing.

You must come to the place where you are no longer dependent upon natural resources, but have totally surrendered your life into God’s hands and are trusting in His supernatural power to heal you.

You must be willing to cut every shoreline in your life and look only to Christ, as your Healer.

This woman had exhausted every possible natural resource in trying to find a cure for her diseased body. She had looked to the doctors, and trusted in them and their remedies, until she came to the place where there was nothing further they could possibly do for her.

There are Christians today who are looking to every possible natural resource in trying to find relief and a cure for the afflictions and diseases in their bodies. I believe eighty percent of Christians are suffering from some type of sickness, disease or physical ailment. Many are depending upon modern medical technology, doctors, medicines and remedies for their healing instead of placing their faith and confidence in God to heal them.

Like this woman, there are many who have taken


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

every type of pill; have taken every type of treatment; and have done everything in the natural that is possible for them to do; but they are still not healed.

Instead, they grow worse!

Please don’t misunderstand me. We believe in medical science. We thank God for good doctors. We thank God for medical science and its advanced technology that is helping to overcome disease and sickness.

But, we also believe there is only one power in Heaven and Earth that has the final word in the healing of our diseases and afflictions; and that power does not come from the hands of man. Man can assist nature, but man cannot heal. There is not a physician on this earth who will tell you he has the capacity to heal.

Only God can heal!


Chapter Three

3 Press Your Way Through Every Obstacle to Touch the Healer

At the point of her impossibility, the woman with the issue of blood heard about Christ, the Healer.

When she heard about Jesus and His power to heal, faith rose up within her. She got her eyes off her own desperate condition and set her eyes upon Him and His power.

She began to speak God’s language! She said, “If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.” (Matthew 9:21)

She went toward Jesus expecting and believing to be healed! She knew that if she could only get close enough to touch even the hem of His garment, she would be healed.

Beloved, Christ the Healer is here! He is as close to you as the air you breathe. He wants you to fix your heart and mind upon Him. He wants you to turn from all dependence upon the arm of the flesh and turn to Him.

You must turn away from your dependence upon the natural, and lean completely upon Christ, trusting Him for your healing.

You must be willing to say like this woman, “If only I can come into His Presence and touch Him, I will be made whole!”

Only then will you be able to take the step of faith necessary to reach out and receive the healing you need.

Faith is a fact, but faith is an act! She acted upon


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

what she heard. There are many people who hear about Jesus and His power to heal, but fail to act upon the Word and never receive their healing.

In her weakened condition, she began to press her way through the great multitude of people who were so pressed together around Jesus that it was almost impossible to move. The condition in her body was considered “unclean” and caused ceremonial uncleanness. Any contact with her was considered a pollution. She had been ostracized and not allowed to come among the people or to enter into the temple to worship.

As she pushed her way through the crowd, she faced the ridicule and anger of the people whom she touched. With every ounce of strength left in her frail body, she continued to push and elbow her way through the crowd, saying to herself as she went, “If I can just touch Him, I know I will be made whole!”

Seek the Healer, Not Healing!

The woman set her eyes toward Christ, the Healer, and would not allow anything or anyone to distract or stop her from getting to Him. She was seeking the Healer not the healing!

Each step she took was a step of faith.

As she drew nearer to Him, she was believing and expecting to be healed. Over and over in her mind, I believe she was saying to herself, “If I can just somehow get to Him and touch Him, I will be healed!”

Finally, she saw Him and was close enough to touch Him. She came from behind Him and with one final surge of strength, she reached down and touched the hem of His garment. The instant she touched Him, God’s divine healing power flowed through Christ into her body and she was instantly healed! “And straightway the fountain of


Press Your Way Through Every Obstacle to Touch the Healer

her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.” (Mark 5:29)

Jesus felt God’s healing power flow out of Him. As the woman touched Him, she literally drew the healing power from Him into her body. With all the people pressing Him on every side, He turned around immediately in the crowd and said, “Who touched my clothes?” (Mark 5:30)

His disciples answered, “You see the multitude pressing in on You, and You say, ‘Who touched Me?”’ (Mark 5:31, NAS) Even though many people had physically touched Him as they walked along the street, only this woman had really touched Him. Through her faith, she had touched Him; and God’s healing power had been released through Him, driving out the disease in her body and making her whole.

Knowing she had been healed by God’s power, the woman came to Jesus trembling in fear, fell down before Him and told Him all that had happened.

Jesus said to her, “Daughter; thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.” (Mark 5:34)

Just one moment in His Presence ... one touch ... and she was made whole, from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet!

Reach Out Now and Touch Christ for Your Healing!

Like this woman who persevered in faith and pressed her way through the crowd to touch Christ and be healed, you must be willing to do the same.

Not only must you press your way through every obstacle to come into the Presence of the Healer to ask for your healing, you must continue to stand firm in faith believing Christ will heal you until you see the manifestation and fulfillment of that promise.


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

There are many Christians who do not receive their healing because their faith wavers. They pray and stand on God’s promises concerning healing, but when they do not see immediate results or changes in their physical condition, they begin to doubt and question God’s Word.

This woman would not give up! Christ was her only hope. She would not be denied! She could not be stopped. She persevered in faith.

As you seek Christ, the Healer, for your healing, it may seem as if there is no answer.

You may not see or feel any change in your physical condition immediately.

Your symptoms or pain may increase and your condition may even grow worse.

But, you must not be moved by what you see, what you think or how you feel. “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)

Your faith must remain focused upon Christ, your Healer. Regardless of whether or not you see the immediate answer or receive an instantaneous healing, persevere in faith. Continue to stand on God’s promises. Continue to confess and claim His promises. Continue to believe and expect to be healed!

Take a Step of Faith Today!

I have shared with you the message God has given me for you, with major keys to enable you to reach out to Christ and receive your healing. Now, it is up to you. You must be willing to act upon this message.

Praise God, the Healer is here! I believe a special flow of His healing power is being released into your life. Regardless of what sickness or disease you may have in your body, Christ your Healer, is ready and willing to heal you now!


Press Your Way Through Every Obstacle to Touch the Healer

Let every struggle of your heart cease! You don’t have to try to produce enough faith to believe. If healing of our bodies was dependent upon our own ability to produce faith, no one would be healed!

It is in knowing Christ ... getting into His Presence ... fixing your heart and mind upon Him ... looking to Him and Him alone for your healing ... acting in faith upon God’s Word ... that you will be able to receive the healing you need.

Remember, the power for the fulfillment of every promise of God is in His Word. As you talk God’s language and speak forth the Word, His faith will be released within you to believe and expect your healing to be manifested.

My prayer for you is that you will receive a fresh revelation of Christ in all His power and glory, with His hands outstretched to you as your Healer ... ready ... willing and more than able to heal you.

Press your way through to Him ... reach out and touch Him right now.

One moment in His Presence ....

One word ....

One touch ....

... and you will be made whole!

Theresa and I, along with our staff here at Mission Control, are praying for God’s healing power to be released into your body for the healing you need. We are praying, believing and expecting God to heal members of your family and friends.

I want you to saturate yourself in the Word concerning God’s healing promises. Don’t just read these Scriptures once or twice. Feed on them daily. Act in faith upon these promises. Begin to thank and praise God for His healing power.


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

Spend quality time alone with Christ, your Healer. Press your way through every obstacle and get into His Presence. Worship and praise Him for Who He is and what He means to you.

Faith is a fact, but faith is an act! Partner, now act!

Take the steps of faith to act on the direction of God through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said to the disciples:

... Cast the net on the right side of the ship.... (John 21:6)

Jesus said to the man with the crippled hand:

... Stretch forth thine hand …. (Matthew 12:13)

Jesus said to the blind man:

... Go, wash in the pool of Siloam.... (John 9:7)

Jesus said to the man sick with palsy:

... Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house. (Mark 2:11)

Jesus said to the servants at the marriage feast in Cana when they ran out of wine:

... Fill the water pots with water. (John 2:7)

Now God is saying to act in faith!

Write down the type of healing you are expecting God to release into your life, your family or your loved ones.

By faith begin to praise and thank God for His promises and for His healing power. Believe the Word of the Lord. Speak His promises out and expect the miracle of healing you need to be manifested.

The Healer is here!

Rise up and be healed, in Jesus’ Name!


Chapter Four

4 Healing Is the Children’s Bread

Editors note: This chapter is the transcript of a message Brother Cerullo preached under a heavy anointing at the beginning of God’s 30-day In-Home Healing Campaign.

About three months ago, the Father began to speak to Brother Cerullo about a trend, that I saw in the Body of Christ that was not a good trend. Sickness was entering into the lives of God’s people, and there was a complacency that surrounded this tendency.

It’s very easy for us to accept our conditions.

But, when you know what God’s will is for your life, and you are really living close to God, you will not accept the tendencies, the circumstances that are unscriptural for the child of God.

Many people have left our midst and died prematurely from all kinds of illnesses. It has stirred my heart to where I am saying, “God, do we not understand that you have provided healing for our physical bodies?”

Matthew 15:21-28 teaches that healing is the children’s bread!

Now, if you are not eating at the Father’s table, it’s very easy for you to become spiritually complacent. There may be many other things in your spiritual life making you too busy, too occupied, and too complacent. When we look at our spiritual life, we came to Christ, we go to church, we’re Christians ... but we’re living on this level instead of where we are reaching out and wanting everything that God has provided for us at the Father’s table to be a part of our life.


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

God never wants you to become complacent about blood pressure, diabetes, heart trouble. He never wants you to think like some people have said to Brother Cerullo when they were at certain ages, “Well, I’ve got to save up my money and put it away in the bank.” I asked, “What are you saving it for?” They answered, “I’m saving it for a rainy day.”

Now, how many of you know that as your faith is, so shall it be done unto you? (Matthew 9:29)

Some people have the idea that when they get older, they should get sick. They have the idea that their bones should deteriorate, that “I’m going to get sick, so I’ll keep this money, and it’s going to be there for me to take care of my illness.” God has called this time, for us as His children, to refocus our attention on what the Master has provided for us.

Get Determined, God’s Word Is Nigh Thee!

I want to talk very quickly to your hearts. First of all, Romans 10:8, “But what saith it? The word is nigh thee....” In order to put an incredible foundation on what is in my heart for you, we would need to stop right here, and talk for at least one hour on “the word is nigh thee...” God is as close to you as you want Him to be. But you have got to focus, you have got to set your mind, and you’ve got to determine.

All through the New Testament, you will find that the men and women that God called were not people that sat back. They were determined. Just as you have a computer that you preprogram, and then push the button, and it’s already there. That’s how it was in the life of Jesus, and we’ll find that out in just a moment. Jesus was preprogrammed, He never had to question the will of God. He knew the will of God, and whenever He came up against a circumstance He was preprogrammed with God’s answer to that situation.


Healing Is the Children’s Bread

Are you going to make up your mind and get determined you are not going to accept anything in your life that is contrary to God’s provision for you? Now, we would need to take an hour and talk about the Rhema Word and the Logos Word but we’re not going to do it right now.

But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach …. (Romans 10:8)

There are about 20 sermons right in there. “That if thou shalt confess ….” not sit back. Come on, you can’t talk with your mouth closed. God is the only one that can read your heart, but you’ve got to confess with your mouth. You have to get into the habit of speaking God’s promises out loud. Once you get that determination in your being, you speak them out loud. You don’t sit there and say I’m conservative, and I’m just not one of those people that talk out loud. God loves to hear you talk.

Look at verse nine, “ ... if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be...” come on everybody say it, “ ... saved.” Let’s talk about that word saved.

God’s Plan for Your Life Is Complete Restoration!

To understand the complete purposes of God you’ve got to understand God’s in the business of one thing ... restoration. Somebody say “restoration.” Now listen to me, God’s serious.

God’s so serious, that when He saw Adam and Eve fall, and sin enter into this world, He designed and destined a plan and a purpose to send His Son to do three things. There’s things that God never intended for man to possess. He never intended for us to be sinners. He never intended for you to have the mind that you have


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

today. He never intended for you to get sick. And he never intended for you to die.

From that moment on, God had one thought in mind ... restoration! Restoration of the minds of His people. It’s about time that we had the mind of Christ and got rid of our earthly, fleshly minds.

Second, when God saw the complete fall of man, it was His intention to give us full restoration. God never does anything partially. His purpose and intention was to restore man completely. To restore his mind, restore his soul, restore his body, and restore his spirit.

He never intends for us to walk around with a discouraged and broken spirit. That’s why Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed Me ... to heal the brokenhearted...” (Luke 4:18).

Your heart is never to be broken. Your heart is to be strong living under the word SAVED!

Do you understand that word saved?

Once you understand it, it doesn’t mean just to have your sins forgiven. It’s not just a little part of God’s plan for your life. “Oh, well, I’ve accepted the Lord, I’m under the blood of Jesus so all my sins are forgiven, I’m saved.” No, no, no! If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart God has raised him from the dead ... listen to what the word saved means ... to become a totally whole person!

When God made His provision for us, He wanted to make us completely whole, completely restored in mind, body, soul and spirit.

If we are walking in anything less than that we’re not walking in the complete, perfect will of God.

“For with the heart...” the 10th verse says, “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto ...” Unto what? Somebody shout it—


Healing Is the Children’s Bread


You’re making confession unto the fact that God has made a plan for me to be a totally whole person. My mind, my body, my soul, my spirit, everything that I have, Jesus paid a price for me to be completely restored.

God Is Relevant at the Point of Your Human Need!

I want you to say this after me …


One more time …


God whom you and I serve is relevant at the point of our human need.

There is no human need that you and I possess where God is not relevant. He is not only relevant to save your soul, but He is relevant to give you a new, positive, powerful mind, and a new, powerful, physical body. He is relevant at every human need that you possess.

Open your heart really wide. We are going to read a Scripture that you’ve read a hundred times as a born-again Christian.

Isaiah 53, first verse. “Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?” Talking about Jesus, the great prophecy concerning our Lord and Savior. “For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him”

Somebody say that after me,


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

and when we shall see him....

It all depends on what you see in this service this morning.

We are starting thirty days of intensive prayer with a focus on every sickness in this building being healed by the power of God.

This is not just for people in Chicago, or people in Minneapolis, or people in England, or people in Africa.

We have got to take what God is saying and put it in our hearts right here, and take the first step this morning and say,

God, we want healing in this our ministry, every physical body healed by the power of God in the next thirty days.


Oh, come on, you missed a good place to clap there.

Somebody stamp the floor, clap your hands, do something! Get ready to kick the devil.

Now, God’s not playing, He’s serious. Do you have any idea how serious God is? He looked down from Heaven and said, “I’m willing to let My Son pay an eternal price, the biggest price that anyone could ever pay ... to be beaten and spit upon, and laid on a cross and nailed to that cross...” He watched them put the crown of thorns on His Son’s brow. That’s how serious the Father is about seeing your restitution.

... And when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs,


Healing Is the Children’s Bread

and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes.... (Isaiah 53:2-5)

Come on everybody, say it,

We are healed.

Lift your hands to the Father and say it,

With His stripes we are healed.

One more time,

With His stripes we are healed.

Oh, praise God!

Christ’s Sacrifice Bears Pressure on Our Need!

Now, I would like to take you through every word in these first five verses, until this would become an absolute experience in your life. Relevant! Somebody say


Take all of the suffering, and take all of the purpose and plan of God and line it up.

How many of you are sick here in this building, you have illnesses? ... Asthma, breathing conditions, heart troubles, something. Let me see your hands. Put it way up high if you have any kind of sickness or disease. Hold it up, way up high. At least seventy-five percent of us here.


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

Take all of this Scripture here in Isaiah 53, and determine now that what happened here is relevant for your need. It is relevant for your heart trouble. It is relevant for your asthma. It is relevant for all of the aches and pains and everything that you possess in your body, and then put this deep inside your spirit.

RELEVANT ... here is what it means. It means, having a demonstratable—now think about the word “demonstrate”. What was Jesus doing? “ ... despised and rejected ... a man of sorrows...” What was he doing? ... demonstrating.

Relevancy means to have a demonstratable bearing on the matter at hand. God is relevant at the point of human need.

Through Christ we have a demonstratable, something we can lay hold on, something that we can grab hold of. It’s demonstratable; we can see it.

We can see the price He paid ... we can see the crown of thorns in His brow ... we can see the stripes in His back ... we can see the nail prints in His hands. We can see it, and that bears pressure on our need!

Oh, I don’t think you heard what I said ... having demonstratable ... somebody say “demonstratable” ... bearing on the matter at hand, affording evidence, proof.

What is that demonstratable bearing doing for our circumstance?

It is giving us evidence, proving or disproving the issue at hand.

Now, what is happening through the actions of our Blessed Lord? “ ... He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

He is giving us evidence for our circumstances. He says it’s either going to be proved—it’s like something


Healing Is the Children’s Bread

scientific. It’s either going to be a formula that works or a formula that doesn’t work. And I’m telling you, bless God, this is a formula that works!

Go on, put your hands up and give Him praise.

You are going to get serious about every need you have, your family experiences that you’re facing. The Master has set His table before us, are we going to eat?

My Jesus, my Jesus! Play that song, He was wounded for our transgression.

Quickly, Isaiah 53:1-6, God is relevant. First of all, I am to be totally saved, not halfway saved. Isaiah 53:1-6 is the greatest story of the greatest demonstration of God to humanity. Put it up alongside your need today and your need vanishes.

But I’ve got to take it. I can’t be complacent. I can’t keep sitting around listening to the truth all my life and not jumping into the water. It’s troubled, God troubled it 2,000 years ago, but you’ve got to run in, jump in, you’ve got to take it!

Healing is not coming on you just because it’s there. It never will; you’ll keep getting sicker and sicker, and then you’ll die. But if you get a hold of what I’m talking about today, you can be pre-fortified against sickness touching your life ... if you begin to walk in it.

Now watch this, Matthew 8:17, “That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet....” Now this is seven hundred years after Isaiah 53 was written ... seven hundred years later! “That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.”

See, Jesus reached out and He took our infirmities, and He bore in His own body our sicknesses.

I want you to promise me that later today you will go to the book of Matthew and read the story of the incredible miracle of the healing of the centurion’s


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

servant, Matthew 8:5-17. Will you do that?

You have to get violent. You can’t receive anything from God by hanging back. You’ve got to get out on the front line and get violent. Why? Matthew 11:12 says, “... the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” This means that every day of your life the devil is after you, and if you’re not careful he’ll grasp a hold of the things you love. You have to exercise more determination, more preparedness, have more power than the devil. That’s the only way you ward him off.

I Will ... Come and Heal Him!

Now Matthew 8, verse 5,

And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion, beseeching him, And saying, Lord, my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, grievously tormented.

Here comes a centurion, a captain in the army of Rome, in all his uniform of war. And he meets Jesus on a street comer. The centurion bows down before Jesus and he calls Him, “Lord...” This man never called any man lord except Caesar. Now, he transfers his allegiance from Caesar to the Son of God—openly—before everybody—publicly—he bowed down on that street. Then he said to Him, "I've got a servant, he is sick, at home, grievously tormented.” This servant, when you get to the original understanding of the Greek, was totally paralyzed on his bed at home, he couldn’t move his body at all. Now, I want you to understand this one thing before we come around and pray this morning.

Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.” Remember what I told you? Christ was pre-programmed. He never had to think, “I wonder if it’s God’s will to heal you.” See He knew what the will of God was. Powerful words, “I will...” And you know what that word “will”


Healing Is the Children’s Bread

comes from? Here’s what it means. A conscious desire to exercise authority over sickness. Somebody say,

God is relevant ... at the point of all human need.

Jesus was conscious of every time the enemy faced Him with something that was not the will of God. He had a pre-conscious desire because of the authority He had, to attack it. “I will, I will.”

And He is saying to us today for every need that we have “Don’t question My authority. Don’t question it. I will! I will! I will come and heal you. That’s why I came. That’s my purpose.”

Let’s stand on our feet and come around the altar and let’s begin to pray for all of our wonderful partners and friends and for all of our own needs that we have in our lives. As soon as you reach this altar, I don’t want you to think about anything else except raising your hands up in the presence of God. And I want you to begin to use the gift, use the prayer language. Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Use the prayer language. Everything that God ever did for you is lined up alongside of your need. And there’s not any need that is so big, that is so great, that God’s provision does not cover it.

Now the gift of tongues is used to praise God, not only to intercede. “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God....” (1 Corinthians 14:2) Sometimes you can’t praise God the way you want to. Sometimes you don’t have the words, sometimes you can’t express it. Go ahead, just use your prayer language. Now put your hand on your own sickness.

(Beloved Partner, you do the same wherever you are. Let the healing anointing flowing through this message and prayer minister the miracle you need from God now. )

Thank you, Father. You were wounded, Lord Jesus, for


Is It God’s Will to Heal You Today?

our transgression. You were bruised for our iniquity. Now as we reach out to our partners today, that warm liquid fire of your holy presence is right here. Touch, Father ... heal, Father ... every sickness ... every disease ... every sorrow healed right now ... every heartache. Thank you, thank you. In Jesus’ mighty Name!