Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July...

" Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 Summer 2003

Transcript of Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July...

Page 1: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice


Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe

July 4th, 2003

Summer 2003

Page 2: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

• The Greater Rochester Track Club. Member of Niagara Association, USA Track & Field #031

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The newsletter DEADLINE is the 1 ,I of the month

RACE CALENDAR INFORMATION: There is no charge for listing a race in our newsletter calendar. Please email all pertinent race information to John Hultz or send an entry form, including contact person, phone number, and email address (if possible) to John Hultz, GRTC Race Calendar Coordinator, 280 Tobey Road, Pittsford, NY 14534.

RACE RESULTS: will be publisbed at no charge. We try to print the full list of finishers for each race, however we reserve the right to publish only the top finisbers if space becomes limited. Please email results to Rose Linscott and Roger Howe .

. RACE ENTRY FORMS: can be hand iriserted into the newsletter for a fee of $60 per form. (This cbarge does NOT include printing the inserts). Send a check or money order for $60 made out to GRTC directly to Rose Linscott, 48 Greenwood Park, PitlSford, NY 14534. Please deliver 600 copies of your race form to Graph Technical Press, 1115 E. Main Street Rochester by the 1st of the month. Grapb Technical can print the inserts for you; call Bill or Kathy at 288-5710 for pricing information. Forms to be inserted must be less than 8.5" by 14" and not folded. Alternately, we can insert your Race Form (as a Microsoft Word fIle) into the newsletter for a fee of$30. Word fIles should use a 8.5" by II " page format. Please contact Rose Linscott if you have questions. Race entry forms received without pre-payment won't be included in the newsletter.

RACE ENTRY FORM RESTRICTIONS: In order for GRTC to qualify for bulk mailing rates as a not-for-profit organization, the U.S. Postal Service requires that we strictly adhere to the following two qualifications: (1) Conditions covering awards must be clearly stated (minimum of top 10% in each age group is recommended) and (2) There must be no reference to drawings that might conflict with Postal Service regulations, especially the use of the term "raffle."

ADVERTISING: Ads from commercial sources will be accepted at the rates listed below. Please submit ads to Rose Linscott.

Size of Ad 1 Month 3 Consecutive Months 5" x 7.5" (112 page) $50 $135 5" x 3" (114 page) $25 $70

Business Card Size (3.5" x 2") $15 $40

Available for Rent: We have a finishing line clock and a Cbronomix used to time races. The charge to rent both the clock and Cbronomix is $150, either item can be rented individually for $75. Any race director willing to provide GRTC members a $3 pre­registration race discount, can rent the clock and Cbronomix for the discounted fee of $75.

ARTICLES and PHOTOS for publication in the GRTC Newsletter are welcomed and enthusiastically encouraged! Send electronic files to Rose Linscott. Photographic files should be in either ]PEG or TIFF format.

Contact GRTC: HOTLINE (585) 234-0565, ONLINE:

Page 3: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

From The President's Desk ... The Spring Forward race held April121h at Mendon Ponds Park was very well organized, there were mile markers at each and every mile, the turns were identified, the registration was held inside the Steward Lodge, which this time of year provided a welcome "roof over the runner's heads" to mull around under prior to the race, and the finish line was downhill and had nice signage. Many thanks to Boots and Ellen for directing a fIrst class "longer" distance race. All this and I should mention they had to move the race date back a week because of the ice storm that hit the area and knocked out power and downed tree limbs the week before.

The CATS y, marathon was held one week later on April191h, again at Mendon Ponds Park. There were some who doubted or at least

wondered if this race would even be held based on the serious nature of race director Bill Kehoe's recent hospitalization. But, here again, Katie Kehoe and a host of supporters and volunteers came forward and pulled the race off even though Bill is still recovering at St Mary's. Bill, it seems the entire Rochester running community is collectively pulling and praying for your recovery, I hope this serves as not only an inspiration during your recovery, but as confIrmation that you have touched many hearts and Iives©

The running community in Rochester should be commended for it's support and participation in races that are over the 10K distance. Personally, these longer races afford the opportunity to actually talk to runners because at my pace I know it is going to be a while before I fInish and I might as well catch up on what has been happening people's lives while I am enduring those miles between the start and the last half mile / fInish. I seem to be more focused on my pace during the shorter races and as such they have their place as competitive events. By the way, Boots and Ellen are planning a 9 mile challenging trail race in June at Mendon Ponds if all this talk oflonger distance racing has peeked your interest.

Depending on your interests, we have Mother's Day races and Father's Day races, so if you want to try and get your kids to try ruuning they may be just the ticket. I'd suggest you give your kids enough notice so they can actually train for the race, otherwise it may be the last time for a while they try and run with you. On the other hand, maybe you wailt to run in one of these races in honor of your mother or father. Whatever motivates you to do it, both races are should provide all you need and more. If someone who runs in either race would send me a post race report I'll include it in a future newsletter. That offer goes for ANY local race, send me a post race report and we will print it in a future newsletter along with your name.

The Spring Track Workout has been a huge success and many thanks go out to John Hultz, Mike Reif, Stacy Barkstrom, and all the runners who signed up and attended this wonderful running clinic. Mike and Stacy did a fIne job providing solid instructions and quality workouts on the track at RIT. If you haven't had the opportunity to join us this year, make a note to give it a try next year, you won't be sorry.

The Ontario Shore Marathon is now only a memory. Greg Brooks, race director and Bob Dyjak, Volunteer coordinator, with the help of hundreds of volunteers provided the running community with a fIne marathon, half marathon, relay, and inline skating race. Both Greg and Bob are members of GRTC, as were many of the volunteers and collectively they represented our club extremely well. Thanks©

The Lilac 10K was held on one of the nicest of the days of the Lilac festival. I seem to remember we had snow flurries last year during the race. For reasons that I am still trying to totally understand, this year's race was one of my poorest performances, I sure hope this problem gets behind me soon. The race had a total of 1,220 finishers, which is a very good turnout, not only for the Lilac, but for any local race. As a club, we were able to hand out our Grey GRTC t shirts to many runners, both current members and potential club members. By all accounts, with sun shining on the runners and vendors, everyone seemed to be having a great time. Michelle Costello was the volunteer coordinator and with her leadership and the many volunteers who stepped forward to work the race, the runners were provided with road marshals, water stop volunteers, registration help, and post race fmish line support. Nice job Michelle and many thanks to your fIne team©

I'm looking forward to running my fIrst Airport 5K. I heard it is fast and flat, I'm hoping the jets provide just enough tailwind to help me tum in a fast 5K time. The next race I have my sights on is the Utica Boilermaker. If anyone from the club is going, send me an email as it would be ·nice to get a group picture after the race while we listen to Nik and the Nice Guys. The June 2003 issue of Runner' s World has a very nice article about the Boilermaker Race. If you haven't seen the article - check it out. It will make you want to run the race for sure.

Have you stopped into Dalberth's or Medved recently, why do I ask? Well, a few months ago we started posting a link on our web page to Road Runner Sports and I don't want to give anyone the idea that you can't fInd good products at great prices locally. Both Dalberth's and Medved are advertisers in our newsletter and both provide very knowledgeable staffs ready to help you. I have stopped in and made purchases in the last few months and I was greeted promptly, the salesperson answered my questions patiently and the shoes I was looking at were on sale at a price LOWER than the internet or catalog prices. So, the next time you need something, please keep them in mind. Thanks.

Our membership has taken a nice jump up and we are close to pushing past the 550 hurdle. Why is this important? Well, for about the last year or so. we have been trying. very hard to improve the value members receive for joining GRTC, we have been trying terget

Page 4: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

the "word" out and it is gratifying to see runners acknowledging our efforts by joining the club. We all hope that'You stay with us and collectively we provide the Rochester community with a better running experience.

Activate By' August 31, 2003

The Greater Rochester Track Oub would like to thank you for being a member with a complimentary One -Month Family Membership to Mid-Town Athletic Oub.

To activate membership Call Ben Ferro at

461-2301 ext 148 You will receive: • (3) 1/2 hr fitness sessions with a trainer • Free tennis orientation • Free squash orienta tion • Free paddle tennis orientation • Free Kid -Town (child care) • Full club usage

mid-town athletic club 200 E Highland !~.~~~~t~~r.~~ubcom


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Come in & check out the new winter apparel from:


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D D D oAsk us about the GRTC deals in our close-out room ! Store Hours: M-F 11:00am - 5:30pm, Sat. IO:OOam - 5:00pm, Sun. Closed Directions: Rt.390 to exit lSA (Brooks Ave East). Take Brooks to Genesee SI. (3'" traffic light). Take Left. We're IS block on Right.

Page 5: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

• Information about the GRTC club should be sent to: GRTC . P.O. Box 92608 Rochester, NY 14692

The GRTC newsletter is the official news-magazine of the Greater Rochester Track Club. Membership in the GRTC automatically entities one to receive the GRTC newsletter. The newsletter is published on a monthly basis except for the combined December­January and February-March issues.

Other Websites GVH: \ Rochester Area Triathletes: \\ Runtime Services: Cats: Rochester Running Page: www.robertstech.comlrun.htm RlT Running Group (Wednesday's Children): pjhnce/weds child home.html


234-0565 482-6481 624-5442 242-9031 377-5650



Signs Vinyl Graphics

Promotional Products 585 ... 671 ... 7270

Fax: 585-671-8126 e-mail: [email protected]

729 Ridge Rd., Webster

Page 6: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

• Relays and Road Trips by Tom Perry

Running long distances is often a solitary and loneiy pursuit. Yet, our most memorable experiences often come in shared efforts where lasting friendships are forged. Relay races bring the bonding of competing as a team. Road trips give us an extended chance to get to know each other.

This section in the Newsletter highlights opportunities for GRTC teams to compete in relay races and for GRTC runners to take road trips to interesting races in the region.

Relay Race Reports

When you run a relay race, especially as a GRTC team, send in a brief report for this space. There are several local relays in April and May so there 's nO reason this space should be empty in the next issue.

Upcoming Relay Races

Following are some upcoming relay opportunities. New listings this month are in bold.

Ontario Shore Marathon . May 3'" at Hamlin Beach State Park. 3- or 4-person teams. Open, Masters and Mixed categories for men and women.

Buffalo Marathon Relay. May 25th at Buffalo (where else?). 4-person teams. Open, Masters and Mixed categories for men and women. Last years race had 77 teams.

Depew-Lancaster Boys & Girls Club Relay. July 4th at Buffalo. 2 x 5K. Men, Women & Mixed categories. Last years race has 85 teams.

GRTC Couples & Other Mixed Doubles Run and Summer Picnic. July 17th 6:45 pm at Mendon Ponds Park. Partners run 5K each, relay style, free pot-luck picnic afterwards.

Canandaigua Lake 50 Mile Relay. Tentatively September 20th at Finger Lake Community College. 5-person teams (2 legs each). Open, Masters and Mixed categories for men and women. Challenging course around the lake.

Wineglass Marathon Relay. October 5th at Bath, NY. 3-person teams. Open, Masters and Mixed categories for men and women. Scenic point-to-point course. 94 teams finished last year.

Akron Marathon / USATF Club Road Relay National Championship. October II th at Akron, OH. 5-person teams. Op~n, 40-49, 50-59,60-69 and 70+ for men; Open, 40-49, 50-59 and 60+ for women. Wouldn't it be great for the GRTC to send teams in all the categories?

Team captains looking for additional team members? Looking for a team to join? Want to recommend an addition to the schedule? Send to toerrvO l

Road Trip Reports

Had a recent trip to the races with GRTC colleagues? Send in a brief report.

Road Trip Opportunities

The following are races that could be interesting road trips. New listings this month are in bold.

Ogden 20K / USATF National Championship. May 24th at Wheeling, V A. A chance to run with the best distance runners in the country. Let me know if you are going and willing to coordinate a road trip.

FreihoJer's 5K / USATF National Women 's Championship. May 31" at Albany, NY. Let me know if you are going and willing to coordinate a road trip.

Niagara 50K. 50M, JOOK. June 28th at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. Do the 50K along the Niagara River as a race or long training run; then attend one of the Shaw Festival plays. It makes a great weekend to share with your SO. Contact Tom Perry (toerrvOl if you interested in goirig to this race.

FLRC Finger Lakes Fifties Trail Runs; July S .. at Hector, NY. 25K, SOK, 50M. Let me know if you are going and willing to coordinate a road trip.

Boilermaker 15K Road Race. July \3 at Utica, NY. One of the biggest races of the year and a great party too. See the Distance Running Hall of Fame while you're there. Entries will be capped so register early. Let me know if you are willing to coordinate a road trip.

Olander Park 100 Mile Run / USATF National Championship. September 13th at Sylvania, OH. Contact Tom Perry (tperrv01 if you interested in going to this race.

Page 7: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

The Convoy ofthe Walking Wounded (Or, How I Spent My Spring Vacation)

by Bill Hearne

The Eleventh Battle of Bull Run (my, how those southern folks like their military images) took place a couple of weekends ago, in the hills and dales of northern Virginia near Manassas. A cold damp spring had made the trails in the Bull Run-Occoquan Park slippery and in some places impassable, requiring a last-minute course change to eliminate a 3-mile stretch that was under water. The flowers and flowering trees were about 10 days behind their splendor of2002, but still a welcome sight to green-starved northern eyes.

Nineteen Oven Door Runners and various friends, supporters and family members made the trip south. For some, it was a chance to renew friendships forged over many trail ultras around the country, for others it was a tentative step into the unknown territory of that distance beyond 26.2 miles. For all, it was an opportunity once again to revel in the companionship and support of friends from the ODR.

Dan Kress, Joe Gilroy and I took the scenic route down, leaving on Thursday evening after work and driving into the night all the way to State College P A. The reason for the detour became clear on Friday morning, when we completed the arduous expedition to Mt. Davis, at 3,213 feet the High Point of Pennsylvania. Well, perhaps "arduous" and "clear" overstate the case-we drove to the top, and it was so foggy we couldn't see more than a few feet! But doing the High Points of all the states is one of my long-term goals, so it was satisfying to see another one. It was nice of Dan and Joe to indulge me!

We rolled into Manassas about 4 :00. Waiting at the Best Western hotel were Joy Valvano and others ready to go pick up their packets at the Overlook, so we unloaded quickly and headed out there. All was well organized, as expected, and the food was excellent!

Race day meant an early start- the gun weet off at 6: 15, just as it was getting light. After a half-mile or so on the roads through the park to spread out the field, we hit the trailf . My day went downhill from there. Bill Marshall and I were having a nice conversation during the first mile when my right ankle suddenly rolled to the outside after hitting a stone. The inevitable "Shi ... !" and a few hopping steps and I was back on stride. This has happened to me before, on the Crescent Trail, and my experience said that it might not be too serious. Sure enough, it hurt a little, but not a lot after a minute or two. Resolving to be more careful, I kept going. Another 10 minutes of conversation and, "Shi ... !", it happened again. This time, it was a bit worse, but still I was able to run, albeit tentatively. It was at about this time that we started into the rocky portion along the Bull Run, less than a mile, I estimate, from the start. Not an auspicious beginning!

Things calmed down after that, and we settled into a comfortable pace that took us along the Bull Run, through the hills and streams and MUD of the first l3-mile loop. There were many places where the mud was up to our ankles, but soon there would be a stream crossing to wash our shoes off, so it evened out. How often do you get to play in the mud without your mother yelling at you, these days? Shortly before the turn-around in the first loop, Bill Marshall took off and began what would be a terrific first ultra, finishing in 11 :01. I also saw many of the ODR coming back towards me, faces smiling and all enjoying the day. The second aid station was at the start area, after 13 miles. I took the opportunity to change shoes, and noticed an apple-sized swelling on the outside of my right ankle. With the help of Doug Jones, Rick Cronise and Joe Gilroy, I got some tape on it-but it was. only a few yards after starting again that I realized I'd never be able to run with the tape on-way too constricting. So I stopped and took off the tape (hoping that they didn't see me, after all their effort!)

From there, the day got better for a long time. It was a beautiful course, the portions on the southern loop were drier and hillier, and the day turned bright and sunny. The people at the aid stations (especially the crazy volunteers at the "MidRace at the Oasis" stop) were cheerful, helpful and tireless. All was well until just before the aid station at the ''Do Loop". I was running and walking along, having a nice conversation with an experienced ultrarunner named Bob who know John Prohira well, when the ankle rolled out a third time. This one was a bad one-I fell off the trail several feet and lay there for a while until I could get up. (The "shi ... " word may have crossed my lips .. .. ) Bob kept going to tell the aid station I was down. Amazingly, along came Joy Valvano and Todd Putnam. They had already done the Do Loop, so they were probably at least four miles ahead of me at that point. They never hesitated to stop, though, and stayed with me until they were sure I was OK. They even offered to drop out and go back with me to the aid station they had just left, an offer that was much appreciated. Fortunately for them (and me) just then along came Joe Gilroy, who had been hiking that portion of the trail behind me. He walked with me to the next aid station-I picked up a stick to help, because my ankle was really painful at that point. Mostly, I was bummed at having to drop out, which I assumed that I'd have to do. .

The rest of the story is really a lesson in friendship. Joe Gilroy not only found out that he and I wore the same size boot (lO's, as you may have heard), but proceeded to give me his boots and socks, accepting in return a pair of wet, muddy, smelly and clearly inadequate running shoes and socks. Even more important, he convinced me to try walking the Do Loop, a 3-mile trail of legendary difficulty, to see if! could a) walk on it; and b) finish in time to meet the 13 hour cutoff. Joe's positive attitude was a wonderful gift­as were his boots!

During the Do Loop, I was joined by Dave Newman, another ODR friend who was not having one of his better days. He was having some difficulty breathing, and was thinking that allergies caused by the Virginia spring woods might be to blame. He took an allergy pill (as usual, well prepared!), and we resolved to press on together. It was wonderful having his company during the long trek to the finish line.

Page 8: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Back at the aid station, we calculated that we could, indeed, finish under the 13 hour cutoff if we kept a steady walldng pace, so that was what we resolved to do. It sounds more purposeful than it was: basically, we just kept going-maybe there is a lesson there ..

The rest of the "race" was actually pleasant. We talked, walked (as fast as we could), passed people and occasionally persuaded them to join us. I discovered that at the end of these races, NO ONE is running fast, at least where we were. One of the people who joined our "caravan of the walldng wounded" was a woman named Kate, who was not only a great runner who had had an unfortunate ankle injury, but who also worked at the White House and was an interesting conversationalist. The miles went by quickly. Part of the pleasure was the fact that once something disastrous happens in a race like this, the pressure is off- finishing becomes the goal, not a time.

So, we finished, as did almost all of the ODR runners who went to Bull Run. We didn't win, we weren't necessarily pretty, but we all had a good time and we all represented Rochester and the Oven Door Runners well. The volunteers, the supporters, the friends, the lessons learned- it was a wonderful weekend!

Complete local results from Bull Run Run can be found at:

GRTC Logo Club Merchandise

We have in stock a full range of sizes of Cool Max singlets for the fitness center or wearing under heavier winter gear. They feature the club logo in royal blue on a white singlet. When ordering, please keep in mind that they are CoolMax™ and a bit form fltting ­we'd say that they are neither small ' ish or large'ish but right-on sizes. They are also gender fitted. Women's were ordered in S, M, & L. Men' s were ordered in M, L & XL. Specify gender when ordering.

For $1.25 extra (per singlet) you can get yours by mail. I'll be at some races, and usually with the Bagel Bunch on Saturday mornings - come run with us and pick up a singlet. Look for GRTC singlets at the shirt table during the Freezeroo Series.

Club stickers for the inside of you car's rear window. GRTC Logo in royal blue on white. Cling style. For sale at the Freezeroo Series or send Mike a self addressed and stamped envelope. Decal cost: $ .50.

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': Please Print: ,

, ., , . Name ________________________________________________________ ___ , Address __________________________ _

: City/Town _________ State/Zip+4 ________ _

Checks payable to GRTC Size mlf quantity

Mail form and check to: S F

Mike Warner/GRTC M MIF 157 Cherry Road Rochester, NY 14612 L MIF Mwarner51


Total x $18.00 = $ (Add $1.25/singlet to have it mailed)

Page 9: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Couples (&Othet M!~l1dDoubles) Run & Picnic Thursday evening, July 17th ____ ~- '~ ': . _ _ .. -_.~. - - Race starts at 7:00 PM*

Registration is at Stewart Lodge, Mendonl'onds Park. Park at the Beach lot It's a 2xSK relay. Each partner will run an out-and-back SK (on road), traditionally female runners first,

then male runner repeats the course, combined times. Pre-registration fee: $30 per couple / $35 per couple after July 13th

Pre-registration fee: $25 per couple for GRTC members (only 1 person needs to be the member) I $30 per couple after July 13th and day of race

Make checks payable to "GRTC" Mail application with check to: Mike Warner, 157 Cherry Rd., Rochester, NY 14612

T Shirts: To all runners and volunteers - designed by Uppercut! Graphics Design Awards: First 3 places in categories (see below) with no double dipping. Volunteers: Want to lend a hand? Call Mike at 865-1416 or [email protected] *Walkers: ... are welcome and will be released to begin the course about IS minutes before race start time

Race Categories: Combine your ages (tell the truth now) and check the box that relates to your age or category. Combined: under 40 40-49 SO-59 60-69 _70-79 80-89 90-99 100 plus _ parent/child brother/sister

Disclaimer: 1 know that running a road race is a pOlentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and nm unless I am medically able and properly Irainedfor it. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running in this event including, bUI not limited to, falls, contact with other parlicipants, the effects afweather including heat and/or humidity, traffic and the road conditions, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waver, knowing these facts, and in consideration of GRTC accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act upon my behalf, waive and release the Greater Rochester Track Club (GRTC), Monroe COllnty, the Monroe Comity Parks Department, the Town of Mendon, the Monroe County Sheriffs Department, and allY medical race support staft the race directors, voillmeers and race sponsors including their respective officers. direclOrs, agems and employees, their representatives and their Sllccessors from all claims alld liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event. I gram GRTC permission to use any photograph and record of this evelll for any Legitimate purposes. I understand that a ll entry fees are llon·refundable. I have read and understand the above statement and certify compliance with my signature below.

, This race is a USATF Niagara Region Certified (NY90009AM) course and sanctioned event.

A free "Kid's Fun Run" and new kid's (measured) "Mendon 1 Miler" will start around 7:30'ish near Stewart Lodge. ( ... no, no t-shirt but we have cool winner's ribbons for all participants)

Annual GRTC Picnic to follow, coinciding with the Awards Ceremony in Stewart Lodge. ALL are invited. Beverages, sandwiches, plates, silverware, etc. will be provided. Please bring a dish to pass and leave it at Stewart Lodge prior to

the race. ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FEMALE: Print name ............... .. ........ ...... .. .. ...... ... .. Signature .................... .. ... , ....... .. .... ...... . Address: .. ........................ .... ....................................................... .. ..... ..... .. ........ ..... .................. . Phone: ......... .. ....... ..... .. .............. .. ..... Age on race day: ......... ... Tshirt size (circle): S M L XL

MALE: Print name .............. ... ... ...... ... ..... ....... .... , Signature ............ ..................... ....... .. .. .. Address: ... .... .... .. ...... .... .... .... ................ ................ .... ............ ................... ....... ..... .. ....... .......... . . Phone: ...... ... ..... .... .. ........ .. .. .............. Age on race day: ... ... .. .. .. Tshirt size (circle): S M L XL

Parent's si

Page 10: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Mark Your Calendars - Fall Seminar Series Returns

The GRTC has again scheduled a series of three Fall Seminar that are FREE to all GRTC memhers. Non-members will be charged $5.00 at the door. We would like to thank the Midtown Athletic Club, for hosting all three events. Each seminar will start at 7:00 pm and run for no longer than 90 minutes. Each session is expected to be a mix of lecture, Q&A and practical demonstration.

The first seminar will be held on Tuesday, September J 6th. The topic will be the prevention and treatment of common running injuries. Our speaker will be Todd Shropshire, a physical therapist with Rochester General Hospital. Todd will speak about common injuries sustained by runners, root causes of footlanklelkneelhip pain and, most importantly, how physical therapy intervention can expedite a runners return to their desired level of training.

The second seminar will be held on Tuesday, Octoberl4th. The topic will be Yoga and stretching techniques for runners. Our speaker will be Molly Huff who is an avid runner as well as a Yoga instructor. Molly will give an overview of Yoga as a form of exercise and relaxation as well as particular stretches/poses that are beneficial to runners. Wear comfortable clothes and an exercise mat on which to practice.

The third seminar will be held on Tuesday, November 11th. The topic will be Selecting the right running shoe for you-features and benefits. Our speaker will be a representative from Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods who will talk about recent technology advancements in running footwear and their relative value to different types of runners. There will also be discussion on more practical considerations when selecting footwear.

To help us plan for a properly sized facility, please send a note to Bob Withrow at [email protected] for any session you are planning to attend.

The Eclectic Runner by Tom Perry

Each month in this space I share something about running and racing. The content varies widely from month to month, hence the title. This month's topics are J) starting over after a significant break in training, 2) speed work for marathoners, and 3) an update to last month's review of the newest Nike monitor / training system.

Starting Over

Life has a way of derailing our best-laid plans to stay race fit and perform at our best year after year with no more than brief planned breaks between seasons. Sometimes it's a serious or lingering injury that sets us back. Sometimes other priorities interrupt our training . .. new demands on our time and energies at home or at work. Often, we just "burn-out" from the coutinual stress offlnding time to train and racing too frequently.

In the past year I've hit the trifecta. A lingering injury interrupted my training last year. The resulting loss of conditioning (and, to be honest, gain of weight) inevitably led to discouraging race results. Work got even crazier as Xerox asked us yet again to "do more with less." Then, in January, my wife and I found the perfect house on the canal in Fairport. Instead of maintaining a solid training base from last year, all of my spare time this winter went into getting our old house on the market as quickly as possible and then, moving into the new house. The net result was that a planned one-month break in December turned into a four-month break. Over that period, I only managed two or three runs per week, all of them easy runs. The loss of conditioning was increasingly noticeable as the weeks went by.

My goal race for 2003 is the USATF National 100 Mile Road Championship in September. I also plan to run a controlled effort at the Niagara 50 Mile on June 28th. With starting training in ApriJ, I have only three months to prepare for the 50 Mile and less than six months to my main race for the year. My coach (Roy Benson) and I decided to start over with a training plan for just those two races and to skip the Runner of the Year Series this year.

Recommendations: Take one or two planned breaks in training each year to allow lingering injuries to heal and avoid burnout. After each break, start over with a base-building phase of easy runs and weekly long runs.

Speed Work for Marathons and Beyond

Over the course of twenty-plus years of running ultramarathons, I have found that I've run my best ultras when in peak marathon shape. The training plan developed by Coach Benson is similar to those he develops for marathon specialists. The primarily modification for ultras is to increase the length of the long runs.

Here's the basic two-week pattern followed by a description of each workout. All are expressed in terms of either planned marathon pace or heart rate levels so you can apply them to your own training:

Page 11: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

• i\Ionda~ TlIcsdn~ \\.dnesda~ Thursd,,~ F .. ida~ Satll .. da~ SUllda~

Steady Easy Repeat Miles Easy Easy Medium Run Easy or Off

Steady Easy Yasso 800s Easy Easy LongRun Easy or Off withPMP

Steady - After wannmg up, run X miles at a steady pace 20-30 seconds per mile slower than planned marathon pace. Start with 4 miles and build up to 8 miles before tapering. This workout is should be completely aerobic since it is significantly slower than your planned marathon pace.

Repeat Miles - After warming up, run X repeat miles at 75-80% ofHRR (heart rate reserve). Recovery is to jog till heart rate recovers to 65%. Start with 3 repeats and build up to 6 before tapering. This workout should get you running a bit faster than your planned marathon pace.

Medium Run - Run X miles at 60-70% ofHRR as recovery from previous weekend's Long Run with PMP. Limit these runs to no more than 14-16 miles.

Yasso 800s - After warming up, run X repeat 800s at 85-90% of HRR. Recovery is to jog till heart rate recovers to 70%. Start with 6 repeats and build up to 12 before tapering. This workout will get you huffing and puffmg. Most runners fmd that their average tiroe for the 800s is a good predictor of their marathon tiroe, e.g., if you average 3:45 for the 800s, you are in 3 hour 45 minute marathon shape.

Long Run with PMP - Run X miles at PMP (planned marathon pace) over the last part of the long run. Slow down if you begin to exceed 80% ofHRR. Start with 8 miles ofPMP at the end of a 20-mile run; build up to 18 miles ofPMP at the end of a 30-mile run. Note: This workout gets quite hard and probably exceeds what you would need to do training for a marathon.

Easy - Run less than I hour at 60-70% ofHRR. lfyou need more recovery, walk instead of running.

HHR - All percent efforts are based on Heart Rate Reserve (HRR). Your Heart Rate Reserve equals your Maximum Heart Rate minus your Resting Heart Rate. For example, if your Maximum Heart Rate is 180 and your Resting Heart Rate is 50, then your HRR equals 180 - 50 = 130. Then the 70% effort for an easy run would be 70% of 130 = 91. Add your resting heart rate and you get 141 , the upper threshold value for easy runs. There are many web sites with heart rate zone calculators. Here's one you might try:

http://www.fitzones .comlheartratecalc.htm.

Nike Triax Elite Training System Update See my May column for a quick overview of the product. Since writing that review I have put another 200 miles on the system. With the exception of a few lingering concerns, I am sufficiently impressed that 1 have decided to continuing using the system for all of my training.

The Triax Elite integrates the functions of a speed distance monitor with a very accurate heart rate monitor. All ofthe data captured by the watch can be uploaded to a Nike application running on your PC or Macintosh.

Once calibrated, the distance measurements are repeatable (same distance reported for same run done on different days) and accurate compared to Tiroex GPS distances or certified race routes. One lingering concern is that it may be necessary to have shoe specific calibrations.

The current pace function is improved but still fluctuates too much to rely on for setting a target race pace. Average pace readouts on the watch unit are very accurate and can be used for the same purpose.

The heart rate monitor appears to be at least the equal of the best Polar systems and, with its digital radio link to the watch, seems to be irornune to interference for power lines, motors, etc., that sometiroes disrupt the Polar systems.

The breakthrough feature of the Triax Elite is the Training Application and its Workout Builder. See last month's column for a description of the training calendar and log displays. Using the Workout Builder (see screen snap), it is very easy to create a workout for any of the workouts described above. Even the Yasso 800s can be easily programmed into the watch and then run on any suitable bit of road or canal path. The speed distance function takes care of measuring the distance run. The heart rate function takes care of monitoring the level of effort and the recovery interval. Audible tones signal when to start and end each 800. All you have to do is run and afterwards, upload the data to your PC.

Page 12: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

The careful reader will notice that the heart rate values in the screen snap do not match the HRR values in the training plan. Unfortunately, in the prototype, Nike uses raw percent of maximum heart rate values without the correction for resting heart rate .in the HRR values. HRR values from my coach have to be converted into their equivalents to program the watch.


SELECT: lTuso 800a --= I Tasso BOOs




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Nike announced the Triax Elite at the Boston Marathon Expo. The suggested retail price for the full system including the training application wiD probably be over $300. If you are interested in the product, be sure to get the training application with the hardware.

Added topics are I) notable age-graded performances at the Lilac 10K and Ontario Sbore Marathon, 2) a preview of the just­announced Timex Bodylink System and 3) when and where you can get the Nike Triax Elite Training System.

Notable Age-Graded Performances As discussed in the May 2003 Newsletter, the age graded scoring tables developed by the World Association of Veteran Athletes (W A V A) give us a way to compare performances at different ages in track and field, long distance running, and race walking events. You can easily do your own computations with an online calculator (at http://www.pinebeltpacers.orglAgeGrade/newwava .htmlfor example).

2003 Lilac 10K The two tables below list some of the Lilac 10K age group winners. Note: Since the posted results did not include the actual age of each winner, I used the faster end of each age group range for the calculations. The true age graded performances may exceed those listed in the tables .

Page 13: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

60-64 Joe D. Abernethy 41:34 34:14 79% 65-69 Jeny J. Looker 45:18 35:29 76% 70-74 Christopher Maenza 49:46 36:51 73%

A very talented Kenyan (Samuel Karanja) won the race (actual time) and had the dominant age graded perfonnance. Notice that it took a National Class (WAVA Percent > 80%) effort to win the age groups through 45-49. For the 50-54 and above groups it still took a Regional Class (>70%) effort, as you would expect for a highly competitive regional race.

The women's race was less competitive. Only the 25-29 and 50-54 age groups were won with National Class perfonnances. Based on age-graded times, Carolyn Smith-Hanna had the superior perfonnance by 35 seconds. It took a Regional Class perfonnance to win the other age groups.

2003 Ontario Shore Marathon The two tables below list some of the Ontario Shore Marathon age group winners.

This year the Ontario Shore Marathon finally emerged as a competitive regional event. For the first time, six runners fmished with times under 2:50. The overall winner (Jeremy Rogers from London) just nipped Eric Maki of Courtland, NY for the best age graded time. It took a solid Regional Class performance to win most of the age groups.

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The women's results are very interesting. The scope of the breakthrough performance by Joyce Chu is most apparent when you look at her age-graded time ... her 2:24 actual time margin grows to a 14-minute age graded gap. Joyce's 79% WAY A Percent puts her at the very high end of Regional Class performers.

Timex Bodylink System Preview I did not plan on any further "gadget boy" reviews so soon after reviewing the prototype Nike Triax Elite Training System. However, Timex has just announced a system that anyone considering purchase of a speed-distance or heart-rate monitor will want to consider.

As you can see from the marketing photo, Timex has taken a modular approach to expanding the capabilities of their existing products.

Data Recorder Module If you already have the Timex GPS Speed and Distance System and/or any of their digital heart rate monitor systems, you can use the new Data Recorder module to store information from your existing devices for post workout analysis and review. Clip on the 30-gram Data Recorder and it will record the digital signals from your Timex GPS transceiver andlor digital heart rate monitor. The Data Recorder comes with a PC interface cable and Timex Trainer software. You will be able to display and print graphs of uploaded speed, distance and heart rate data. Timex says the Data Recorder will be available this summer for about $79.

Performance Monitor Timex has also announced the Bodylink Perfonnance Monitor, available in July for around $89. This replacement watch unit will have simultaneous heart rate and speed and distance display so you don't have to wear two Timex watches. For more infonnation about this new product, do a web search for "Timex Bodylink."

Nike Triax Elite Training System Availability Nike will launch the product through limited outlets in July. The suggested retail price for the full system including the training application will probably be $369. Road Runner Sports and will probably be your best bet if you can ' t wait until a local shop has it.

Feedback Comments? Feedback? Suggestions for future columns? Send to tpen)-<J I

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•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1

Thursday NIGHTS:

August 7 August 14 August 21 August 28

6:30pm 6:30pm 6:0Opm* 6:30pm

************************************************************************************ Since 1994, runners from allover Western New York have descended on Rochester's Cobbs Hill Park making this series a summer-time tradition. Whether you are looking for a competitive race, a low key training run or just a place to get off the hot roads and out of the warm sun, Cobbs Hill Park is the place to be on Thursday

night's this August! ************************************************************************************

LOCATION: Registration, as well as the race start and finish, are located in the open field at the comer ofHigWand and Monroe Ave's, near the

entrance to the Cobbs Hill Reservoir. Parking available along Highland Avenue.

COURSE: A wheel measured course that is 37 yards longer than 5K. It is 90% grass, dirt and wooded trails with a 400 meter section of asphalt

just past the 1.2 mile mark. One large hill.

ENTRY FEE'S: $4.00 pre-registration by mail (beat the waiting in line on race day!)

$5.00 ra~e day registration

P:.EGISTRA TION: Begins one nour prior to start each nice night.

AGE GROUPS (Men & Women): High School (18 & under), Open (19-39)

Masters (40-49) & Veteran (50+)

AWARDS: Will be presented in the finish chute to the top 3 in each age-group.

Wirmers will receive merchandise awards courtesy of Innovative Edge Sports of Victor, NY

TEAM COMPETITION A unique team competition has been devised specifically for the Innovative Edge Sports Summer 5K Cross Country Series:

TEAM MAKE-UP: • each team will consist of 4 members

( 3 male & I female) • the I female runner can be of any age.

• 1 male runner must be over the age of 40. • the remaining two male runners can be of any age.

Page 16: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

TEAM COMPETITON RULES: • Team must complete a team entIy form at registration.

• Upon completing the race, each runner will be banded a finish place card. Team captains will be required to collect these cards and turn them into the score-keeper.

• The final team score is determined by the cumulative finishing places of a teams' members. The team with the lowest point total wins.

• A wards to winning team.


All participaots in the Innovative Edge Sports Summer Cross CountIy Series are invited to ao $5.00 "all-you-cao-eat" past buffet, after selected races, downstairs at the Otter Lodge Bar & Grill, 1776 Monroe Avenue,less tbao one mile from Cobbs Hill Park.



FrrstName: ________________________________ ___

Last Name: ________________________________ _


CiryITown: _______________ ___

State: ____ _ Zip:

Age: ___ _ Gender: M F

Phone # (day) __________ _

Email: _______________ __

• Check which XC races you'd like to pre-enter:

August 7 ($4.00)

August 14 ($4.00)

August 21 ($4.00)

August 28 ($4.00)


__ Tour dePain 8121 ($8.00)

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Make checks payable to: GVH aod mail to: pO BOX 16375

Rochester, NY 14616

Questions or more info: Race Director: Pete Glavin

email: [email protected]

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Date Aug I

Aug 2

Aug 2

Aug 3

Aug 6

Aug 8

Aug 8

Aug 9

Aug 10

Aug 10

August-September Race Calendar •

Day Time Fri 7:00 pm Father MUlJlhy's 5K & .8 Mile Children'S Run, $12 Pre by 7/26($10 if2002 runner),

$15 Post, T-shirts to first 250 runners, Contact Paul Contestable, 43 Toni Terrace, Roch. 14624, at 247-5568 or [email protected], Race is at St Pius X Church, 3032 Chili Ave, Rochester. Door prizes, post race party with food and beer. Web site: www.frontiemetneti-frmUlJlhy5k1 Part of Trinity Series: fastest combined times for this race, SI. Christopher's 5K, and St. John's Fish & Loaves 5K wins $50, male and female.

Sat 9:00 am Phelps Sauerkraut 20K Road Race; a Rochester Runner of the Year Race, In conjunction with Sauerkraut Festival; $15 Pre by 8/1, $20 Post, Shirts to 1st 350;

Sat 8:00 am

Contact Jim Phillips, 26 Church SI, Phelps 14532, at 315-548-3607 or [email protected], Race Start: Phelps Elementary School, Main St,Phelps, NY; thruway exit 43. to Rt. 96 East for 9 Mi. School on left (North) side of road. FLRC Empire Haven 4-Leaf Clover Trail Runs; l6.8M; Summerhill, NY; Contact Doug Kibby at Lick St., Moravia, NY 13118 or 315-497-3040 or [email protected]. FLRC website:

Sun 9:00 am Billy Mead ALS 5K Run for Research, 5K and 2 Mile run, Youth run; Pre by 7/15 is $15, by 7/31 is $20, Post $25; Youth Run rates: $5/$6/$7. Race is at Frank AcQuavia Post American Legion 221 Lake Shore Dr. Dunkirk, NY; guaranteed T­Shirts to registrants rcv'd by 7/15; Contact Margaret Mead at 716-673-1846 or 716-679-8295 or [email protected] or PO BOx 466, Dunkirk, NY 14063; web is www.angelfire.comlny5Ibillymead5krunl For participants: free chicken barbeque, beer and soda, live bands; great family event. Register on-line at

Wed 7:00 pm SI. John's Fishes & Loaves 5K, StJohn's Church, $12 Pre by 8/ 1, $15 Post, T-shirts to first 150 registrants, Andy Smith, 105 East St, Honeoye Falls 14472, 624-7888 or

Fri 7:00

Fri 6:00

Sat 9:00

Sun 8:30

Sun 9:30

[email protected], St John's Church, Honeoye Falls, part of new Trinity series. Benefits Habitat for Humanity, T-shirt exchange table, post-race hot dogs, bagels, fruit. Directions: Rt 65 South (Clover St) to Honeoye Falls. Turn right at first street past stoplight in town. Church located behind Post Office on West Main St.

pm East Rochester Despatch Days 5K; a Rochester Runner of the Year Race, $12 pre by 8/5, $17 Post; $40 max per family; Park at Techniplex Mall in East Rochester, 490 East to ER exit (Commercial Street), straight on Commercial St. to mall; Send registration to Paul Richards 313 Eaglehead Rd. East Rochester, NY 14445; Checks payable to: Village of East Rochester. $5,000 in prize money, live music & dancing, prize & cash drawings.

pm Wellsville Relay for Life 2003; benefits American Cancer Society; run or walk around track for 12 hourn or less, team or individual; location: Wellsville School Athletic Fields; Contact ACS at 1-800-ACS-2345 or Gerianne Puskas at 288-1951 xl17 or [email protected]

am Heritage 5K; Pre-Reg. by 8/5 is $13; $15 Post; T-Shirts to 100; Contact Diane Hill @ 349 West Commercial St, E. Roch, NY 14445, PH: 585-340-2086 or [email protected]; Race is @ Heritage Christian Home, 1305 State Rd, Webster, NY 14580 (Church of the Good Shepherd parking lot); Rte. 250 & State Certified courne. Molly Huddle beat the National record on this .course in 2002. A fun, family oriented event.

am FLRC Virgil Mountain Madness Trail Run 30K; Virgil, NY; Contact Gill Sharp & Dave Burbank, 161 Whitetail Drive, Ithaca, NY 14850 or 607-227-1982, [email protected]. FLRC website: www.cee.comell.edulflrc/flrc.html

am The Great Race - Run, Bike and Paddle (Canoe or Kayak) Team Triathlon in Auburn, NY. Run: 2 or 4 miles, Bike: 10 or 17 miles, Paddle: 2 or 4 miles. Contact Kevin Kelly at [email protected], web site

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Aug 14 Thur 6:30 pm Innovative Edge Summer 5K Cross Country Series, Thursdays, Pre-reg by mail: $3, Post: $5. Contact Peter Glavin, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected], race is at Cobbs Hill Park, comer of Highland & Monroe Ave.

Aug 16 Sat 8:30 am R-H Coaches Association 5K, T-shirts to all runners. Contact Michael DeMay, 131 Brizee, E. Rochester 14445 or 381-4812 or [email protected], Race is at Rush Henrietta Sperry High School.

Aug 17 Sun 10:00 am Churchville 5K Walk, Run & Roll; Adults: $5, Children: $2, Family (3 or more): $12., T-shirts for pledges >= $25; Contact Gregg Chalmers, 318 Burnt Mill Road, Churchville, NY 14428,293-1828 or [email protected]; Race@ Churchville Fair Main Tent, comer ofW. Buffalo Rd & Park Dr, Churchville. Benefits the Rochester Rookies Junior Wheelchair Track & Field Team.

Aug 21 Thur 6:15 pm FLRC Forge The Gorgeous Trail Runs; 4 and 7 miles; Moravia, NY; Contact Tim Ingall at 68 Sperry Lane, Lansing, NY 14882 or 607-533-4329 or [email protected]. FLRC website: www.cee.comell.edulflrc/flrc.htID.i

Aug 21 Thur 6:00 pm Innovative Edge Summer 5K Cross Country Series, Thursdays, Pre-reg by mail: $3, Post: $5. Contact Peter Glavin, P.O. Box 16375, Rocbester, NY 14616 or [email protected], race is at Cobbs Hill Park, comer of Highland & Monroe Ave.

Aug 21 Thur 6:00 pm "Tour de Pain" IX Cross Country, 5K XC Race at Cobbs Hill Park, Highland at Monroe Ave. I mile & 400m at McQuaid HS. $8 pre-reg by mail, $10 post. Contact Peter Glavin, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected] check info at Tank tops to all finishers.

Aug 23 Sat 8:30 am United Way of Eastern Orleans 3rd annual5K runlwalk; Contact Douglas or Eileen Bloom at [email protected] or 589-6455 or United Way, 102 North Main St, PO Box 107, Albion, NY 14411, Race @Orleans County Marine Park, Point Breeze, NY

Aug 24 Sun 9:00 am Hamlin Beach Triathlon! Duathlon; Tri is .9 mile swim, 40K bike, 10K run; Duathlon is 5K run, 40K bike & 5K run; Contact Joe Meritt at [email protected], race is at Hamlin Beach State Park. Individual and Team events. Register on-line at:

Aug 28 Thur 6:30 pm Innovative Edge Summer 5K Cross Country Series, Thursdays, Pre-reg by mail: $3, Post: $5 . Contact Peter Glavin, P .O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected], race is at Cobbs Hill Park, comer ofHighiand & Monroe Ave.

Aug 29 Fri TBD pm Forks Park Fast Four 4K, evening race. Forks Park, Hilton. Free but donations accepted to benefit Team USA New York. Contact Clarke Brown, BrownStone Physical Therapy, 1900 Rt. 31 Macedon, NY 14502 or 889-0866.

Aug 30 Sat 9:00 am Crosswinds 5K, certified; $ I 5 fee, $13 GRTC members; Benefits the Sands Cancer Center; Coutact Bob or Becky Andrus @ 585-229-2475 or [email protected] or [email protected] or 6490 County Rd. 32, Canandaigua, NY 14424; T-Shirts guaranteed to all pre-registered runners by Aug 12th; race is at Crosswinds Wesleyan Church, 3360 Middle Chesltire Road, Canandaigua, NY. Directions on form or call above.

Aug 30 Sat 9:00 am St. Anthony Italian Festival 5K, $10 Pre by 8/29 , $12 Post, T-shirts to flISt 100 runners, certified course, Contact Cathy Milella at 22 Walnut St, Seneca Falls 13148 or 315-568-6452 or [email protected], Race is at SMS Field, Ovid St, Seneca Falls, NY 13148. Directions: Thruway to Waterloo, R on to Rt. 414, go thru 3 lights (3rd light is Rts. 5 & 20), go over small bridge, take a R (River Rd.). At 2nd light in village of Seneca Falls turn R on Ovid St. SMS field up on L.

Aug 31 Sun 7:00 am FLRC Monster Marathon Trail Runs; 13.IM and 26.2M; Virgil, NY; Contact John McMurry at 625 Highland Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850 or 607-257-3592 or [email protected]. FLRC website: www.cee.comell.edulflrclflrc.html

Sept 1 Mon 9:00 am 3rd Annual Rochester Midland Labor Day 5K Canal Run to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Rochester; at Genesee Valley Park; web is, or Contact Director Bill Kehoe at 473-8337 or [email protected]

Sept I Mon 10:00 am Batavia Area Jaycees Labor Day 5K Run/Walk for Family AIDS Network. Contact Carrie Laney, Batavia Area Jaycees, PO Box 385, Batavia, NY 14021, ph: 585-356-4146 or or [email protected]. Race is @ MacArthur Park, Batavia .

Page 19: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

• Sept 6 Sat 10:00 am 9th Annual Glen Iris 5K Run and Walk, certified course, IUds event, $13 by Aug I,

$15 by Aug 15, $20 day of race, $2 discount to GRTC and GBTC members, T-shirts to 1st 500, contact Pam Bliss at PO Box 57, Castile, NY 14427 or 585-493-2622 or [email protected]. Race at Trailside Lodge in Letchworth State Park.

Sept 6 Sat 11:00 am 14th Annual Upstate New York Cross Country Series @ Akron Falls Park; (Akron in Niagara County), 5K cross-country run; $6 pre-reg, $8 Post. Contact Genesee Valley Harriers, GVH, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]. Long sleeve shirts to all Series runners.

Sept 6 Sat 9:00 am Victor 5K; from Victor YMCA on High St, ends on Adams St. near fire hall. $15 by 8/22, $20 Post. Contact: Holly Malley, Victor YMCA, 200 High St. Victor, NY 14564, 742-4940 or [email protected]. Web: Benefits YMCA Invest in Youth campaign.

Sept 7 Sun tba tba Katie Harper Memorial 5K; RROY Series Race #9, Contact Bill Kehoe 1255 University, #140, Rochester 14607 at 473-8337 [email protected];CATSweb page is! , Dudley-Northside Schools, Hamilton Rd, Perinton

Sept 13 Sat 10:00 am CAP's 3rd Annual5K Run and Walk for Fami1ies; In support of Children Awaiting Parents, Inc.; No registration Fee, donations accepted; Picnic to follow race; Location is at 595 Blossom Road (comer of Winton), Snite 306, Rochester, NY; Contact Veronica Allen at 585-232-5110 or 888-835-8802.

Sept 13 Sat 8:30 am 5th annual Sara's Race 5K; sponsored by GRTC and Home Depot Stores of Rochester; celebrating the life of Sara Rivazfar & remembering all missing children; benefits the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children; paint to point from Christ the King Church (445 King's Highway) to Camp Eastman

I (Lakeshore Blvd.) Irondequoit, Contact Karen Suitor at 671-1155 or [email protected], T-Shirts to all. Great door prizes too!

Sept 14 Sun 9:00 am FLRC Ithaca 5 & 10; 5M & 10M; Ithaca, NY; Contact Lorrie Marnell at PO Box 185, Locke, NY 13092 or 315-497-3743 or [email protected]. FLRC website:

Sept 14 Sun 9:30 am Bruegger's Bagel5K Run, Pre-Reg. by 9/8 is $15; Post is $20, T-shirts to first 400 ; Contact, Eke Aiono (x270) or Joanne Gallard (x268) at 461-2000; Race is at JCC, 1200 Edgewood Ave, Rochester 14618

Sept 20 Sat 9:30 am 14th Annual Upstate New York Cross Country Series @ Marcus Whitman High School, Rushville, 5K cross-country run; $6 pre-reg, $8 Post. Contact Genesee Valley Harriers, GVH, P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]. Long sleeve shirts to all Series runners.

Sept 20 Sat 7:00 am Canandaigua Lake 50 Mile Relay and Ultramarathon. One big loop around the most scenic Finger Lake in Western New York. Start and finish at Finger Lakes Community College in Canandaigua, NY. Mostly flat to rolling roads with two monster climbs; six miles of rail-to-trail. Ten aid stations; 12 hour time limit. Relay: 10 legs, up to 5 members. $50 by Sept 1; $70 thereafter. Contacts: Charlie Sabatine (7132 Boughton Rd., Victor NY 14564); Richard Cronise (7942 County Rd. 41 , Victor NY 14564; (585)-924-7936; E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sept 20 Sat 9:30 am Head, Heart, Hands & Health 5K Run & Walk, Newark, NY. Cross-country course through orchards and woods. $12 through 9/19, $15 day of race, Family Entry: $25 ($3 discount to GRTC members), T-shirts to 1st 100 registered by Sept. I. IUds Fun run, free to youth under 8. Contact: Becky Haltiner, 315-331-6294 or . [email protected] or Location: The Apple Shed, 3391 Maple Ridge Road, Newark 14513, just off ofRt. 88 between Newark and Sodus.

Sept 21 Sun TBD am Finger Lakes Triathlon @ Canandaigua Lake. Olympic and Sprint Distances. Costs TBD. Shirts to all participants. For more information, contact: YellowJacket Racing


~ - Dave Boutillier, 6 Regent St. Roch, NY 14607, 585-586-5060, [email protected]. Race location: Kershitw Park, N. end of Canandaigua Lake, Lake Shore Blvd. Non-USAT members must pay a 1 day $9 insurance fee.

Sept 21 Sun 10:00 am Susan B. Anthony Legacy Race: 5K RunlWalk for Women's Progress; $15 by 9/ 17, $189/ 18 through race day, $10 students and senior citizens. Certified 5K course. Contact: Amy Johnson, U ofR, Anthony Center for Women's Leadership, 275-8799

Page 20: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

or [email protected]. Proceeds to benefit Susan B. Anthony House and Anthony Center for Women's Leadership. Web site: http://www.rochester.eduiSBAl2003Raceirace03.htm. Register at Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, participants bused to start at the Susan B. Anthony House, finish at U ofR Interfaith Chapel. Tote bags to all runners and walkers. $25 in pledges for a free t-shirt, or buy t-shirt for $10 at race. Prizes for male and female age categories and most pledges.

Sept 27 Sat 4:30 pm McQuaid Invitational Open Race, 3 Mile XC Race, Genesee Valley Park, contact Pete Glavin at P.O. Box 16375, Rochester, NY 14616 or [email protected]

Sept 27 Sat 10:00 am Wayne ARC Harvest Hand In Hand with Helen's 5K Run; In Memory of Helen Addona; Contact Tracy Clingerman @ 315-331-7741 x347 or [email protected]; Race at Roosevelt Children's Center, directions: 31 E to Newark, R on Finch, L on W. Miller, R on Pierson, 1M to Center. Website:

• JOJ.!.~!:IYS · .. _.Iahnfty ......... r. ... .o .....

'1:302 CULVER RD~ ROCHESTER .. N. y~ "14609



Page 21: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

The Ottawa Marathon (by Don McNelly)

Over the years many runners from Rochester have made the fIve hour trip to Ottawa and tried their marathon. However I wonder if many runners know the story behind why so many tulips along the course.

On Sunday, May II , Norm Frank, Wally Herman and I plus 20,121 others, entered the marathon in Ottawa. They held six other runlwalking events in addition to the marathon. One of the events is an in-line skating marathon, won this year in 1:14:14. We each have done the marathon many times and usually return if we are in shape to do it

Ottawa is the national capitol of Canada. It is a bit over 400krn from Rochester. They have the "National Capitol Marathon" the second Sunday of May. They schedule it then in the hope that it will be at the peak of the tulip season. Ottawa may have more tulips that any other city in the world, including the Netherlands.

There is an interesting story behind Ottawa's tulips. During wwn, the Germans invaded the Netherlands. The Royal Family left for London. As time went on, and it appeared that Great Britain might be invaded, so that London was not be a safe place to be. The ruling monarch, Queen Wilhelmina sent the next in line, Princess Juliana and her husband, Prince Bernhard to Ottawa. The Princess was pregnant at the time. The baby would be in line for the Throne.

However, a problem----the Netherlands constitution requires that the heir be born on Netherlands soil. What to do------

The Canadian Government came thru and solved the dilemma. They temporarily ceded the delivery room in the Ottawa Civic Hospital where the baby would be born to the Netherlands. In that way, the baby, Margriet Francisca, was a Dutch citizen born on Dutch soil and the requirements were met. The happy event occurred on January 19, 1943. An underground newspaper shouted "A Princess is born".

After the War, the family returned to the Netherlands and resumed their roles. This thoughtful action by Canada established a life­long bond between the two countries.

After their arrival back home, the Netherlands, to show their appreciation to Canada and Ottawa, sent 100.000 tulip bulbs to Ottawa. Princess Juliana sent another 20,000. Now the Queen, she sends another 10,000 each year. In addition this is matched by the Dutch Bulb Growers Association. The Canada National Capitol Commission purchases another 500,000 each year. Now over one million tulips bloom each year in parks around the town. It seem there are tulips all along the route of the marathon.

The Rideau River and Canal flows thru the center of the city. The marathon course runs down one side of the canal and back the other side.

This year because it has been cool, the tulips were about a week late so many were not fully opened. The picture above shows a typical bed, these fairly mature. The statue is of two runners passing off an Olympic torch. The Rideau Canal is in the background

It was a pleasant run except for the threatening weather, but we all had a successful day. I urge you to consider the marathon. I understand there will be a new date and course.

Japan (by Don McNelly)

During Spring Break this year, I was able to take my graduating grandson to Japan. I have been there seven times. I wanted to show him around, meet some of my Japanese friends, and fIll him up on sushi. I belong to Full Hyaku, a Japanese club for runners who have reached or dream of reaching 100 marathons. The club has over 270 members and over 100 of them have reached that goal.

While there the club organized a run, the Nara Heijo-kyo Marathon. It was named after Heijo-kyo, the capitol of Japan from 710 to 784. The course was a 1.63 loop in a park, around where the capitol castle once stood. Absolutely flat.

My grandson and I each ran a half. While there the high point was watching a friend of mine, Noriko Sakota, 57, finish her 47th and last prefecture, the fIrst women to do so. This is the Japanese equivalent of finishing the 50 States. In addition she won the womens division in 4 23 44. Kiyomi Oono won the race in 3.47.43. Noroko is the number one women in the world in completed marathons, 517 at the end of 2002 and still going. I am number three in the Japanese club with 614. Norm Frank is number one with 811.

Page 22: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

GRTC Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Attendees: Michelle Costello, Bob Dyjak, John Hultz, Doug Jones, Paul Kato, Rose Linscott, Tom Peny, Anne Procopio, Lsurie Smith, Pete Van Peursem, Mike Warner

The previous meeting minutes were approved as written.

Rose Linscott presented the Treasurer's Reports for March & April. The next report will be a year-end summary since our fiscal year ends on May 31 of. Our checking account with HSBC is now a business account, but we must maintain a $7500 balance to not incur a $12/month maintenance fee. Also, there will be $.35/transaction fee if we exceed 75 in a month.

Doug Jones provided a report that membership is at 545. We need to remember to include a place on membership forms to include the email address.

Mike Warner indicated that sales liave been slow over the last month. We placed an order with Race Ready for cool-max-like singlets - royal blue with white lettering.

Anne Procopio provided an advertising update. We need to be careful as to the placement of the ads within the Newsletter.

Photo quality within the Newsletter is still an issue. Also, if possible, the race applications should be adjacent to one another, rather than scattered throughout. It was suggested that we offer electronic submittal at $30 for a single-sided form and $50 for a double sided. It was also suggested that there may be a less expensive format than our present II x 17.

A couple of website suggestions were discussed - need to find out what limitations we have in terms of advertising/banners that link to other websites. Also, can we post photos directly on the website rather than offering a link to a photo-finishing service like Ofoto.

Kudos to Michelle Costello and Laurie Smith on a successful Freezeroo series. We were well in the black financially. There are still a few series hats to distribute.

John Hultz reported that the Spring Track Workout have been very popular - 99 participants with 35 of them becoming members. It was suggested that we post some action photos, along with a summary to date.

Mike Warner led a discussion with regards to GRTC documentation (COMO, Spring Track, Corporate Challenge, etc.) - need to have consistent set of expectations for each race director.

The club will be making a donation in Charlie McMullen's honor as part of Relay for Life - We~tside.

Paul Kato led the Board in a discussion of what is going well. Included in the list was ... Freezeroo series, club involvement at races, window decals, board working well together, web site, newsletter, # of board members, # of club members, viable organization, track workouts. In addition, we discussed where there is room for improvement . . , Newsletter, communications, duplicate track workout success in a Fall program, Freezeroo series.

Michelle Costello led the begicnting of a discussion with regards to improving the GRTC's presence at races providing a wide variety of expertise (race director, volunteer coordinator, etc.) and assets (digital clock, Chronomix, etc.).

Minutes respectfully submitted by 'l!o6 'Dyjak.

GRTC Board of Directors Meeting (fuesday, June 10,2003)

Present: Michelle Costello, John Hultz, Paul Kato, Rose Linscott, Anne Procopio, Lsurie Smith, Mike Warner, and Roger Howe

The minutes of the May meeting were approved as written.

Rose presented the Treasurer's Report, including the report for the end of the fiscal year ending May, 2003.

Membership report was not available.

Mike gave a report on the status of merchandise sales, which are going well. He will be taking the new singlets and vests to the Track Clinic & Workout to sell to interested members. Paul has been actively distributing the gray GRTC T-shirts to get our name and logo out in the running community.

Anne reported that all advertisers are current with all payments. Anne will send Paul a list of paid advertisers. We discussed purchasing pens with our logo and club information (e.g. web site) on them to give out as advertising vehicles. Some ideas for a


Page 23: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

• "catch phrase" for the pens were given to Anne. She will send out a note to Board members asking for others and to decide before the next meeting. We also discussed the need to decide on an advertising budget for the year and think about how we wanted to spend it to get the biggest "bang for the buck." We will "onsider this at the next meeting.

Laurie obtained samples of various styles of "throw away" banners. There were pre-cut, banners on a roll, and "caution tape" which could be printed with GRTC. Unfortunately, all were very expensive. It was decided to place a message in the newsletter and on the web page asking if someone knows the wherbouts of the GR TC banner, as it is "missing in action." So, here goes:

I MISSING: The GRTe Banner. If anyone knows where it is, please contact Paul Kato at [email protected].

Next, we discussed the possibility of advertising on our web site. We decided to table that for now.

Mike presented the research he has done on options and pricer. for rental of a storage facility to house our equipment. The least expensive was $47 per month. We discu3Sed the need for an Asset Coordinator who would store all of the equipment and keep track of who has what. I believe I heard John volunteer. Thanks, John!

We tabled remaining agenda items due to the late hour.

Next meeting is Tuesday, July 8, 7:00 pm at the Mid-Town Athletic Club.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Roger Howe, GRTC Board member.

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Page 24: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

We treat athletes. We are athletes.

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Page 25: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

9.5 Miles, Oliveri PhYSical Therapy Spring Forward Run, 4.12.03 Top Ten Men Overall: Jim Oberst M 40 Pete Glavin M 40 John Geraci M 38 Thee Schnaufer M 39 Dan McSorley M 47 Bruce Hedlund M 30 Brendan O'Toole M 28 Rich Angell M 29 Frank Maffei M 38 Dahl Angus M 34

Top Ten Women Overall: Uncia Grossman Jennifer Wagner Susan Will iams Molly HuH Mary Eggers Ellie Hirschberg Juliann Soule Teresa Sukiennickl Pat Toichin Andrea McDonald

Sk, Hot Flashes and Little Blue Run 4.19.03 1. Doug Hegley, 41 -17:57 2. John Montgomery. 43 -18:29 3. Bob Hamilton, 47- 19:23 4. Keith Scott, 40 - 20:51 5. Joe Abernathy, 60 - 21 :04-6. Donald Pil1ittere, 45·21 :57 1. Kellin Kreuger, 40 · 23:00 8. Ken Lowe, 59 - 23:13 9. Anna Fox, 42 • 23:27 10. Jorge cajlga, 48 - 23:31 11 . Jim Webs1er, 60 - 23:42 12. Mark Berkompas, 42 - 23:50 13. Torn Brannon, 68 - 24:33 14. Gail Wagner, 51 - 24:35 I S. Carayn Kriesen, 59 - 25:20 16. Sandy Toole, 65 - 25:23 17. Debbie Buchanan, 46 - 26:46 18. lois Hotchkiss, 63 - 25:01 19. Jon Williamson, 46 - 27:11 20. Mike Tantilla, 41 - 27;33 21. John Appleby, 50 · 27:47 22. Penni Orlando, 42 - 28:12 23. Cathy Wells, 44 - 29:41 24. JeH Gilmore, 48 - 29:58 25. Belh Webster, 56 - 30:20 26. Janine Quinlan, 47 - 30:36 27. Jean Tuck, 53 - 31 :09 28. Kathy cartwright, 41 - 31 :22 29. Wayne Walter, 60 - 32:09 30. carol Cream, 52 - 32:55 31 . Janet Courtrighl, 54 - 33:01 32. Colin Gardner, 60 - 35:08 33. Marge Say,yer, 63 - 36;57 34. Stacy Bershod, 44 - 39;03 35. John Alker, 44 - 40:47 36. Scxltt MeGa/lip, 48 • 43:35

CATS ¥.t MARATHON RACE, 4.19.03 I . scan BAGlEY M(39) 1:05:02 2. DERRICK JONES M(31) 1 :12:00 3. (INFO WAS BlANK) 1;12:47 4. GARY GRIFFIN '-1(41 ) 1:14:34 S. CHARUE ANDRE"NS M(4S) 1:17:16 6. THOMAS STEWART M(24) 1:18;26 7. RON HERREID M(37) 1:20;48 8. DAN RHONKE M(37) 1 :23:20 9. BEN SNYDER M(18) 1:25:13 10. THEO SCHNAUFER M(39) 1 :25:32 11. RICH ANGELL M(29) 1:25:50 12. DARREN SCHun M(22) 1:28:06 13. PETER GLAVIN M«(40) 1 :28:08 14. GREG NOWAKOWSKI M(35) 1:28:45 15. MICHAEL DUNN M(46) 1 :30:27 16. MARK HARRISON M(48) 1:30:38 17. AUDRA KNAPP F(33) 1:31 :28 t8.GREGG LAYER M(37) 1:31 :33 19. 81LLBAY M(38) 1:31 :44 20. KELLY DWORAK F(40) 1:31:46 21. TONYFARRARO M(44) 1:31 :46 22 . 80B BRINGLEY M(47) 1:32:38 23. DAVID NILES M(20) 1 :33:09 24. UlCHAEL COYLE '-1(28) 1:33:16 25. CHRIS BOSHNACK '?(37} 1:33:23 26. GEORGE DADDIS M(,?) 1 :34:04 27. JOSIE CANCILlA F(31) 1 :34:1 0 28. MARCIA PULLYBlANK F(38) 1:34:17 29. ClOOY SHORES M(27) 1 :34:37 30. GARY BLATTA·VAllA M(32) 1:35:02 3t .CAROLYN SMITH-HANNA F(52) 1:35:03 3Z. CHRIS FREY M(23) 1:35:24 33. MATT DEGMA M(48) 1:36:01 34. ? ADAMSM M(44) 1:36:05 35. lAURIE KINSELLA F(48) 1 :36:20 36. TIM HUBER M(34) 1:36:23 37. lEE COHEN M(42) 1:37:10 38. RQB CHAMBERLIN M(4~ 1:37:12 39. CHRIS JOHNSTON M(21) 1:37:18 40. JIM JOSEPH M(40) 1:37:22

F 38 1:01 :07 F 37 1:05:30 F 42 1:12:31 F 42 1:13:57 F 29 1:17:42 F 32 1:18:04 F 32 1:23:50 F 37 1:31 :03 F 46 1:35:05 F 27 1:36:11

0:53:57 0:56:38 1:00:32 1:00:49 1:01 :00 1:01 ;20 1:03:33 1:05:05 1:06:54 1:07:22

Race Results 41 . MATTKETMAN M(27) 1:37:39 42. ANDY FLEMING M(27) 1 :37:53 43. lANCE CALVERT M(32 1 :37:57:27 44. MICHAEL DAIUTO M(45) 1 :37:57:57 45. JOE PURDEN M(46) 1:38:03 46. MICHAEL MCCULLOUGH M(46) 1:38:11 47. JIM GUNSKY M(56) 1:38;14 48. TOM DWYER M(43) 1:38:50 49. RICHARD MEEHAN M(32) 1 :38:54 50. MARC INFANTINO '-1(35) 1:39:06 51 . ROGER BOLTON '-1(33) 1:39:10 52. JAN MCCULLOUGH F(43) 1 :39:27 53. MIKE MORElAND M(?) 1 :39:40 54. JIM CRAFT M(47) 1:40:00 55. MARY EGGERS F(?) 1:40:11 56. DOUG lINDKE M(46) 1:40:37 57. PATAICIAWAATH F(38) 1:40:56 58. MICHAEL VITERISE M(45) 1:40:58 59. PETE BEADLING M(36) 1:40:59 60. JOHN MILLER M(30) 1 :41 :00 61 . LONNIE GONSALUS M(50) 1:41 :01 62. GREGORY ROSSER M(46) 1:41 :19 63. EUGENE DAUGHERTY M(33) 1:41 :31 64. MICHAEL DERLETH M(43) 1:41 :38 65. BRIAN COLWELL M(3O) 1 :41 :47 66. DAVID NelSON M(30) 1 :41 :50 67. WILLIAM HARRIS M(361:42:35 68. DICK MORIARTY M(46) 1:42:38 69. DAVID MAROTTA M(37) 1 :42:39 70. JOHN EGAN M(43) 1:42:40 71. OLIVER SCHMITT M(4O) 1:42:42 72. BRIAN HILBURGER M(32) 1;42:43 73. LAURA FRANCZ F(42) 1:42:49 74. AMY MITCHELL FREEMAN F(37) 1 :43:05 75. MARLENE DISANO F(38) 1 :43:07 76. MATTHEW EBELING M(40) 1:43:25 n . KAT COOKE M(38) 1:43:29 78. ELLIE H1RHBERY F(37) 1 :43:43 79. HUGH LAMBERT M(36) 1 :43:51 SO. ROXANNE BAKER F(39) 1 :43:54

5k, 7th Annual Better LHe 5K Run 4.27.03 Top Ten Women Overall: Patti Albert F 35-39 NiCOle Ladswig F ~34 Trish Young F 35-39 Sue Zoitner F 35-39 Janelle Gutman F 25-29 Heather Reigelsperger F 25-29 Colleen Smith F 20-24 Gayle Reh F ~34 Anne Peck. F 40-44 Debbie lovol! F 35-39

Top Ten Men 0venI1I:

Ron Herreid Shawn Marek Mark Madigan Brian Suhr Joshua Schroeder Benjamin Hall Chris Johnston Kellin Sheehan Keith Johnson Randy White

Muddy Sneaker 20K trail run, 4.26.03 Top Ten Women Ov~rall :

" ... ... " ... ... " " ... "

35-39 25-29 .0-44 15-19 20-24 0-1' 20-24 40-44 35-39 40-44

1. Unda Grossman 2. Robin Merrlll·Lorenzo

1 :44:08 (coorse record) 1:41:05

3. Leah Crivello 4. Donna O'Byrne 5. Carolyn Smith-Hanna 6. Molly HuH 7. JrJ'I Valvano 8. Jen Lambert 9. Dale Bauer 10. Unda Drinkwater

1:51 :02 1:56:35

1 :57:23 (master's record) 1:59:18

2:00:26 2:03:11 2:05:21


Top ThrH Muters (over 40): 1. Smilh-Hanna 2. HuH 3. Drinkwater

TOp Ten Men Overall: 1. Scott Bagley 2. Josh Martis 3. Craig Widness 4. Jim Oberst 5. Ken Burroughs 6. Alan Evans 7. Carl Johnston 8. Steve Vanker1ctlove 9. Eric Rnnemore 10. Nate H,uckle

1:30:51 1:33:10

1:33:26 1:34:39

1:37;11 1:37:42 1:38:33

1:39:47 1:41 :05 1:42:15

Top Three Masters (over 40): 1. Oberst 2. Vankerkhove 3. Chanle Andrews 1:44:0 1

20:06 6:29IM 20:11 6;311M 20:46 6:42/M 21 :02 6:47/M 21:55 7:04/M 22:54 7:23IM 23:06 7:27/M 23:46 7:401M 24:" 7:48/M 24:20 7:511M

17:35 5:401M 17:51 S:45/M 17:52 5:46iM 17:57 5:47/M 17:59 5:48iM 18;36 6:00IM 19:02 6:08/M 19:13 6:12IM 19:27 6:16/M 19:32 6: t8/M

Page 26: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results • Ontario Shore Full Mllrathon, 5.3.03 Jason Weber Top Ten Women Overllll: Chris Ells JoyceChu F 45-4. 3:19:27 7:16/M Joy Gorman Marcia Pullyblank F 35-39 3:12:51 7:22/M Gwen Matt Sara Montgomery F 3<>-34 3 :21 :26 7:411M Iris Toedt-Pingel F 3<>-34 3 :33;53 8:1ntM TerTi's Kodak Fast Trackers 3:42:34 Ivny Mitchell-Freeman F 3&-39 3:34:12 8:111M Lawrence Hill Patricia Warth F 35-39 3:42:21 8:29IM Eshetu Setegn Karyn Highet F 35·39 3:43:19 8:31/M David Wakefield Cheng-Hua lee F 3<>-34 3:44:30 8;34JM Steve Smith Joy Valvano F 4<H4 3:45:24 8:36/M Terri Team · Four Wheel Drive Susan Williams F 4<>-44 3 :47:46 8:42/M

OSM Inllne Skating. 5.3.03 Top Ten Men OYeI'llIl: Randy Bowman ... 1:18:55 3:01/M Jeremy Rogers ... 25-29 2:44:19 6:16IM Dennis Humphrey ... 1:18:56 3:01/M Derrid< Spafford M 35-3. 2:47:54 6:25/M Rober1Tysen ... 1:21 :13 3:06IM John Gostomski M 35-3. 2:48:33 6:2&'M Alan Marcosson ... 1:21 :17 3:06.iM Andrew McDowell M 35-3. 2:49:00 6:271M Andrew love ... 1:24:02 3:12IM Matthew Hili ... 3<>-34 2 :49:23 6:28IM G"", Major ... 1:24:07 3:1W Eric Maki ... 4<>-44 2:49:45 6:291).4 Stephane Tremblay M 1:24:07 3:13/M James Moran M 25-29 2:50:27 6:3OIM Midlael Sherman M 1:29:36 3:25/M Ted Thull M 40-44 2:52:22 6:35IM Morgan Williams M 1:37:26 3:43/M Allen Dise ... 4<>-44 2:56:03 6:43/M Lany Griffin M 1:37:27 3:43/M AnayCorman M 1~24 2:56:23 6:44IM Jim CorneU M 1:37:37 3:44IM Justin Steinberger ... 1~24 2:59:39 6:S1/M Ronnie Pugh ... 1:41:26 3:52IM

Ted Janollari ... 1:41 :29 3:521M Brian Kemp ... 1:41 :40 3:53IM

Ontario Shore l'.I Marathon, 5.3.03 Midlael Camahan M 1:46:06 4:03IM William Swayze M 1:48:00 4:07/M Top Ten Women Overall: Mark Burd M 1:48:11 4:08IM Connie Vasile F 35-39 1:31 :38 7:00IM Frank Larue M 1:53:37 4:201M Laurie Kinsella F 45-49 1:32:28 7:04IM Jubran Sellm ... 1:53:55 4:211M

Kelly Dworak F 40-44 1:32:32 7:04iM Gillian Clarke F 1:55:37 4:25/M Elizabeth Dietridl F 19-24 1:33:11 7:07/M Randall Domm ... 1:55:40 4:25/M Frances Erway F 19-24 1:33:15 7:07/M Oavid MacHmer ... 1:57:36 4:29IM Patty Cooke F 35-39 1:34:02 7:111M Sean Carnahan ... 1:57:41 4:3OIM Sue Rowley F 45-4. 1:35:38 7:18/M Brian Shicotf ... 2:00:37 4:36IM Sandra Rubsam F 40-44 1:37:26 7:26IM Ray Vermette ... 2:04:38 4:45/M Laurielyn Antinara F 35-39 1:39:22 7:35/M Greg Mendelsohn M 2:04:51 4:46IM Michele Pullin9 F 25-29 1:40:48 7:42/M Ridlard Adamczyk M 2:05:24 4:471M

Craig Watkins M 2:08:40 4:5SIM Top Ten MIIn OVerall: Ansis Rob$ M 2:11 :58 5:02IM Derrick Jones M 3<>-34 1:11 :25 S:271M Martin Medina ... 2:11 :58 5:02IM Howard Reitz ... 45-4' 1:21 :13 6:12/M Adrian Hale ... 2:13:28 5:06IM Andy Leonard M 0-18 1:21 :48 6:15/M Martha Scott F 2:13:36 5:06IM Trevor Syversen M 30-34 1:23:49 6:241M Unda Grulldl F 2:16:46 5:13/M Darren Schutt M 19-24 1:27:15 6:4OIM Bruce Thoman M 2:23:43 5:29IM Robert Ceglie M 25-29 1:27:23 <;,4{VM Alice Moultrie F 2:25:01 5:32lM Jeff Coons M 35-39 1:27:32 6:4tlM MaI1< Snyder ... 2:27:09 5:37/M Midlael Cooke M 35-39 1:28:39 6:46IM NOOna Chiovetti F 2:30:24 5:44IM Roo Lemmon ... 45-49 1:28:43 6:46IM Patricia Weldl F 2:37:59 6:02IM Richard Tasciooe ... 3<>-34 1:29:02 6:48/M Ian Walters ... 2:38:01 6:02/M Kyle Ricketts M 2:53:19 6:37/M OSM Relay, 5.3.03 Michael Burdekin M 2:53:23 6:371M Terri T earn - Four Wheel Orive 3:13:54 7:24IM Tim Doherty ... 2:54:19 6:39IM Six DeBaisa Midlelle PalazzOli F 2:54:22 6:39IM Daniel Deckman William Wetzel ... 3:43:47 8:32IM Mike Gardella

Colleen DeBaise 5k, 2003 Run for the Young, 5.1 0.03 Soott e.;IeV M 3. 15:34 Fearsome Foursome 3:20:59 7:401M Ma«;u, Gage M 31 15:58 George Beckln~ausen Don Miller ... 33 16;41 Matthew Snyderman Allen Pettee M 3. 16:45 Eric Nickerson Jim Robinson M 4' 17:10 John Brind' Amour TI",,, .. , JOhnson M 17 17:27 Brian -, M 23 17:30 Running Fools 3:26:57 7:541M .... " Madigan M 42 17:34 Ward Abbett Jasoo Knarr M 2. 17:43 George Iverson Dave Olear M 3. 18:15 John Wade Kevin Sheehan M 41 18:28 .. m Johnson M 43 18:33 Tres Gatos 3:27:37 7:55IM Audno Naujakaa-Knapp F 33 18:42 Helen Serassio Unda Grossman F 38 16:51 Chrisllne Labs Jim May M 5. 18:56 Shawn Christensen Jeff Hibbard ... 34 18:57 Jmden Coj. M ,. 18:59 Team Of Mary Freishlag 3:35:04 6:13/M "ke Gammariello to<

,. 19:00 Mary Frelshlag Ann Messenger F 2. 19:02 Memt>erTwo .... Hornak M 4' 19:05 Member Three BOan Martin M 35 19:07 Member Four Paul Persia M 52 19:10 Midlael Lyons ... 40 19:18 Beavers, Inc 3:38:00 8:19/M Keith 500. M 40 19:19 Heather Harmon Brian Behringer M 17 19:21 Kathleen Ooyte [)av;d Young ... 58 19:26 JiD VanBrunt Johnny Kegler M 54 19:34 Matthew Dogma ... 48 19:36 Terri Team Shoeless Flyers 3:39:39 8:23/M .... " Balsamo M 35 19:37 Eric DiLella April Messenger F 2. 19:39 Amanda DiLella Nictlolas Hollon ... ,. 19:41 Charlie Mullen Kev;n Pawlak ... 29 19:43 Tom Hayes John Bonal~ ... ,. 19:45 Josie Cancilla F 31 19:45 Y Chick.s Woo 3:40:31 8:25/M Nicole Ladewig F 31 19:46 Kimberly Simmonds Pal O'Connor ... 44 19:46 Unda Shannon Leo Pacanowski M 43 19:47 Shannon Hogan Ca,,'," Smith-Hanna F 52 19:50 8izabeth Kent "m Lacagnina M 15 19:56 Su'an Zollner F 3. 20:12 Aardvarks 3:40:52 8:26/M Sean Kaplan M 1. 20:17

Page 27: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results Kristin Bortle F 22 20:22 Tom W .... M 46 26:42.:00 Dan Wing M 42 20:23 ",andy Wyand F 14 26:48:00 David O'Andrea M 39 20:25 ca.ey McNaIr F 9 26:50:00 Andrew Roy M 17 20;26 Ronald Kerst M 42 26:55:00 ""k Camarata M 40 20:29 Tom Rolland M 52 26:56;00 Dan Keating M 41 20:39 ,. Smith M 65 "27:02:00 Je. Eustance M 38 20:40 Christy Fogal F 35 27:07:00 Keith Ogles M 29 20:44 Dennis Culhane M 49 27:21:00

"'~ Schlesser M 38 20:47 Usa Tschlderer F 38 27:22:00 Kmn O'leary M 47 20:50 Erika Peterson F 26 27:25:00 • McConnell M 44 20:51 Patricia $d1eiber F 65 27:31 :00 Enn Rosinski F 19 21:01 Charles Young M 13 27:34:00 Steven Johns M 42 21:03 Lo' DeCarlo F 41 27:39:00 Matthew Cain M " 21:06 Usa Fisher F 37 27:46:00 r", Vienna M 40 21 :27 Nathaniel Lyons M 10 27:47:00 William Steinmetz M 34 21:28 ~m Hanley M 28 27:48:00 Ton Adler M 50 21 :32 lois Hotchkiss F 63 27:50:00 Scott Henchen M 27 21:34 Brad Champ/in M 41 27:51 :00 Rid< Crumb M 45 21:48 Cynthia Dowling F 28 27:58:00 D ... Slatt M 36 21 :50 Robert Kasprzyk M 57 28:02:00 JOOn Penamonte M 52 21:54 Mitzle Lewandowski F 58 28:04:00 Peter Fredericks M 43 22:06 Sam Bonino M 61 28:22:00 Jan McCullough F 43 22:07 Sr. Rosemary Sherman F 52 28:24:00 Stephen Hooges M 54 22:12 Celeste Bianct1i F 42 28:29:00 Jony Looker M 51 22:18 Lou Fracassi M 51 28:38:00 aeo<ge Grace M 56 22:19 Joseph C8miltaci M 61 28:40:00 CII" NQart M 12 22:24 Brian Eaney M 42 28:48:00 John Paul Papaleo M 13 22:28 AI" White M 15 28:53:00 Joe HOlleran M 56 22:30 James Norris M 4, 28:53:00

""" Staub F 40 22:33 Jack Norris M 47 28:55:00 Wi"lam Parker M 42 22:35 Paul Cellura M 15 28:56:00 Kevin Shaw M 53 22:36 lorraine Cleary F 42 29:00:00 Dennis A ynn M 45 22:45 Ronald COiavecd1ia M 48 29:04:00 ., Pixley M 52 22:50 Suzanne Aynn F 16 29:17:00 cassie Armani F 2' 22:55 Usa Ann Camillaci F 40 29:18:00 Richard Courtright M 55 22:58 Kelly Donahue F 13 29:20:00 Matthew C",I M " 22:59 Jenntler Yodice F 34 29:21:00 Doo.' SChuster M 51 23:07 Jenna Luther F 12 29:23:00 Will Mitd1e11 M 15 23:10 Kathleen DeJoy F 48 29:30:00 Pamela Steinmetz F 45 23:12 Dena Shorlino F 35 29:35:00 .-Jlc:ia Maler F 18 23:13 Usa Ann Homlc F 36 29:37:00 Reilly M 44 23:16 S"",,, Schreiner F 16 29:52:00 .n Coyle M 23 23:27 Kevin Khuns M 33 30:09:00 ""den Miller M 51 23:29 ,. DIPasqua M 71 30:13:00 CII,r,< Glr8Olo F 45 23:38 Cynthia Andrews F 42 30:16:00 Christyna Cain F 14 23:39 Deborah Ciulla F 43 30:18:00 """ph BonaJdi M 9 23:47 Ashley Behringer F 15 30:20:00 Carolyn Kriesen F 59 23:48 Robert DeMarle M 36 30:22:00 JOOn Armanl M 43 23:52 Terri Robson F 34 30:23:00 Richard Codding M 55 23:56 Anne Marie VISCa F 35 30:24:00 Erika Blartehl F 15 23:58 Jan Pal"""", F 47 30:25:00 ''''', Crosby M 59 24:00:00 Joart Rosati F 63 30:25:00 G,...., Vleck M 54 24:03:00 David Cheplowitz M 14 30:27:00 Mitch lairmore M 45 24:09:00 Tony Palumbo M 50 30:31:00 Matthew Champlin M 12 24:13:00 Christine Weller F 27 30:32:00 ." Tarantino M 54 24:16:00 Elizabeth Way F 14 30:33:00 RiChard VanAlmkerk M 56 24:21 :00 Amarto. Champlin F 14 30:34:00

""'" Joims M 44 24:23:00 J_ Courtright F 54 30:43:00 ... '" Wyartd M 14 24:23:00 Urto. Blossom F 47 30:54:00 Jell,,, Carmona M 40 24:24:00 Jose"" Ca. M 39 30:55:00 J_ Wyand M 14 24:25:00 Ashley Cellura F 18 31 :01:00 Matthew Simpson M 13 24:25:00 Mike While M 12 31 :03:00 ""', Isganllis M 48 24:28:00 Jim Duffy M 71 31:04:00 An.,. Procopio F 51 24:30:00 Marie Ow,,"s F 63 31:16:00 "eben Ealy M 74 24:41 :00 Dick Lewandowski M 58 31 :18:00 Jell BarthOlomew M 31 24:48:00 Michael Chatwin M 36 31:23:00 ~ .. Jarrett M 66 25:02:00 Saine Zack F 72 31:27:00 "'fie Donahue F 13 25:04:00 Rev. Christopher Ezeh .. 38 31:38:00 8~h Hebert F 51 25:06:00 Renee Morgan F 42 31 :39:00 Maryanne McQueeney F 48 25:16:00 Kathy Siverd F 20 31:41 :00 D.", Derleth F 41 25:16:00 Lynn Slverd F 41 31:42:00 on Sctimitt M 53 25:17:00 Sharon Goodell F '2 31 :44:00 Kellie Root F 35 25:17:00 Marlene Churd1 F 63 31 :47:00 Mdlelle RioUx F 27 25:19:00 JoAnn Fox F 46 31 :48:00 catherine Seitert F 25 25:21 :00 Maureen Simpson F 38 31 :50:00

""'" Armani F 41 25:22:00 Lena Lemcke F 47 31 :54:00 Keith Carmona M 35 25:23:00 Terri Donk F 44 32:17:00 Erin Albanese F 29 25:23:00 Rachel Roessel F 22 32:18:00 Joe Tally M 32 25:25:00 Heather Lamb F 26 32:20:00

""'" Fredericks M 12 25:27:00 Dawn Seablom F '3 32:25:00

~- DiGiovanni M 50 25:28:00 Laura SUlphen F 13 32:34:00 • g",,, Murray M 46 25:43:00 Brittany Kennedy F 12 32:35:00

"'" SOOIney M 54 25:45:00 Matthew Roy M 13 32:40:00

'la" Visca F 33 25:47:00 Nikki Guy F 31 32:40:00 "',,' Godshall F 39 25:48:00 Carty Cellura F 12 32:41:00

"" OuPond M · 26 25:49:00 ,. Cellura M 46 32:42:00 "". DuPont M 32 25:50:00 Felix lapine M 82 32:48:00 "'Ith .. Mala M 37 25:52:00 Jim Riley M 48 33:08:00 Joe Nid101 M 41 25:57:00 KarOrt Ogles F 27 33:50:00 "eben Cope M 42 25:58:00 Ron Matianetti M 62 33:54:00 Shannon Q'Leaf)' F 12 26:01 :00 Dan Morganti M 56 34:02:00 0.0, Baldwin M 38 26:07:00 Shannon Gardner F 29 34:52:00 Teny Sta. F 3. 26:20:00 Karen Eid'lele F 46 34:54:00 SIa", Staubus F 24 26:24:00 Joseph DeIPopoIo M 70> 35:14:00 Danl. Sllle\< M 47 26:29:00 Lorraine Schiffhauer F 50 35:27:00

"'" VanBuren M 20 26:31 :00 Theresa Aldridge F 45 35:31 :00 RobertC Updike M 44 26:32:00 Bob Adams M 57 35:49:00 ChrioIq;>e< Donner M 26 26:36:00 Anne Costigan F 15 36:13:00 The, ... HauCk

. , F 3 • 26:37:00 Erri~ _,ey F 14 36:14:00

0..;0 Theisen M 15 26:41 :00 Emily Pulos F 16 37:34:00

Page 28: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results Mld>'" Hedge, ... 16 37:35:00 Karen Shannon F 39' 33:23:00 Sa .. h SlO .. F I. 37:48:00 Janet Wright F 40 33:23:00 Ed Stabins ... 75 37:55:00 Jackie Prosperi F 39 33:23:00 Gloria Ralph F 42 38:09:00 Ryan Heminway F 25 33:24:00 Elizabeth Hale F 39 38:41:00 Naomi Schlagman F 45 33:25:00 Mary Kay Appleby F 4' 3B:47:00 Susan Halpern F 44 33:26:00

""'" Wlillamson F 63 39:16:00 Elizabeth Prinzmg F 39 33:29:00 Rob~ Williamson F 27 39:17:00 Michelle French F 24 33:30:00 U,. Hamilton F 4B 40:11 :00 Alicia Maier F 1B 33:32:00 Shari Young F 37 40:12:00 lori Decario F 41 33:32:00 wmiam Murphy ... 54 40:46:00 Elizabeth Egan F 40 33:39:00 Elisabeth H_ ... F 24 40:47:00 CalhyWells F 44 33:51 :00 Kate Whitney F 52 40:48:00 Mary Solomon F 40 33:53:00 Teresa Donahue F 41 40:53:00 Kathleen Wagner F 38 33:55:00 Hannah Payne F 13 42:10:00 Patricia Hench F 59 33:59:00 Diana Crispino F • 45:18:00 Jennifer Rupp F 36 34:01 :00 June Crispino F 43 45:19:00 Eileen Hulme F 37 34:04:00 Lauten Way F 14 46:52:00 Garol Eisenman F 45 34:06:00 - OeMarlel-Qberiln F 44 47:22:00 Usa Rshar F 37 34:06:00 Cathy Cheplowitz F 46 47:23:00 Nancy logghe F 50 34:11 :00

Dhyana Estephan F 15 34:18:00 Sit, 51.ppln' Out with Heart and Soul for Womllin, 5.11 .03 Mary Eslephan F 40 34:19:00 Kathryn O'Neill F 3' 24:31:00 Amylynne Denk F 31 34:20:00 Josie cancilla F 3t 24:34:00 Cindy Fortner F 36 34:22:00 Carolyn Smith-Hanna F 52 24:53:00 Erin Tubbs F 23 34:36:00 Carly Costanza F 22 25:53:00 Kimberly Geraci F 22 34:36:00 Kirmerly McDowell F 41 26:12:00 Jilt Bellucco F 33 34:38:00 Ann Porter F 46 26:28:00 Tracy Deoles F 32 34:38:00 Heidi Kaufman F 35 26:40:00 Michelle Camarella F 24 34:44:00 Juliet illig F 36 26:42:00 Kelly Kno'Ntes F 24 34:45:00 Shannoo Manzo F 26 26:52:00 Kathryn Taylor F 34 34:47:00 Kelly Fey F 21 26:58:00 Charon Sallier F 33 34:57:00 Unda Drinkwater F 46 26:59:00 Wendy Kerr F 36 35:01 :00 Mary Myers F 44 27:01 :00 Valarle Gibson F 37 35:02:00 JuDe Doyfe F 37 27:38:00 Mitzie Lewandowski F 56 35:02:00 Cindy Larson F 32 27:48:00 Carla Giambrone F 39 35:04:00 Sarah Beth Macintyre F 20 26:03:00 Maura Campbell F 37 35:07:00 Patty Somerville F 43 28:07:00 Mary Norman F 33 35:11 :00 Cindy Ingalls F 51 28:08:00 Stephanie Kelly 35:14:00 Michele Fisler F 35 28:10:00 Margaret Bergin F 46 35:21 :00 Carol McMahon F 41 28:14:00 Diane Williams F 39 35:24:00 Nora Dinvnock F 43 26:27:00 Sara Kalies F 2 1 35:34:00 Therese Christo F 49 26:34:00 Susan Oliver F 49 35:39:00 Anastasia Stefanoo F 32 29:06:00 Kathy Ferron F 39 35:40:00 Sherri Baker F 27 29:10:00 Michelle Costello F 36 35:40:00 Mary Shaver F 61 29:29:00 Larren Sinclair-Morse F 39 35:41 :00 Terri Urzella F 36 29:31:00 Elizabeth Reiter F 31 35:52:00 Darlana Rocco F 37 29:37:00 Colleen Piccone F 51 35:53:00 Donna Cirella F 36 29:43:00 Ann Knigge F 52 36:11:00 Cynthia Forbes F 27 29:58:00 Tonia Barosch F 32 36:13:00 Rachel Boylan F 20 30:04:00 Mary-Beth Cooper F 42 36:16:00 Jenniter Jaoobbl F 30 30:12:00 Susan Wylie F 26 36:19:00 Stephany Csmpanelli F 35 30:16:00 Jennifer Gollsano F 34 36:33:00 Carissa Filbrandl F 25 30:17:00 lisa Costello F 35 36:37:00 Carrie Andrews F 27 30:20:00 Tina McKean F 44 36:38:00 Lauree Kenyon F 36 30:22:00 Anne Beers F 41 36:42:00 AmtTaubold F 3' 30:25:00 Kimberly Taddeo F 36 36:50:00 Sherrill Staub F 37 30:35:00 Jodi Davies F 43 36:52:00 Kirsten Thompson F 23 30:37:00 Rose Unscotl F 52 37:43:00 Hanna Noonan F 23 30:39:00 Jennifer Fasci81lo F 12 37:44:00 AM Vodacek. F 38 30:42:00 Debbie Fasciano F 42 37:44:00 Ann-Marie Regan F 22 30:45:00 Mary Woods F 42 37:45:00 Christine Siefanovic F 36 30:49:00 Randa Jabbour F 21 37:58:00 Marissa Gordon F 33 30:58:00 ~n Horowicz F 41 37:59:00 Courtney Romeiser F 3t 30:59:00 Ann Tuohey F 41 36:04:00 Karol Hitchcock F 36 31 :01 :00 Melissa DeBuck F 25 38:13:00 lynn Maxim F 49 31:03:00 Wendy Wallman F 35 38:14:00 Maryanne MCOU8flOey F 48 31 :16:00 Kathleen DeJoy F 46 36:16:00 Cynthia Giannin)' F 42 3124:00 Joan RosaU F 63 38:18:00 Lucy Webb F 39 3 1:42:00 Kasey Lewis F 15 36:26:00 Stacey Freed F 41 31:47:00 Kathie Lewis F 51 38:27:00 Kelly Darby F 39 31:49:00 Kale Lewis F 24 36:27:00 Patty Potier F 3. 31:52:00 Laura Estaphan 36:29:00 Pramoda Falehchand F 37 31 :53:00 Mary Callaway F 56 36:37:00 Hillary Car€in F 24 3 1:54:00 Elizabeth Hooch F 23 36:40:00 AmyG_ F 37 31 :54:00 Susann Carlo F 21 38:47:00 Lori "'011 F 42 31 :55:00 Joan DuRocher F 46 38:48:00 Kathryn CoIlcchio-Wygul F 34 31:56:00 ElalneZack F 72 38:49:00 Christie Fogal F 35 3 1:58:00 Kathy Carbaugh F 4t 36:58:00 Judy Ronchelli F 34 32:10:00 Anne Riley F 46 39:00:00 Denise Nowaczyk F 44 32:14:00 Peggy DeFr81lco F 51 39:05:00 Mariana Zanandrea F 40 32:15:00 Carole Crean F 52 39:13:00 Valerie Myntti F 51 32:32:00 Sarah Kelly F 23 39:14:00 Gale Lynch F 34 32:33:00 Kalhy Lanning F 46 39:14:00 BaJ'bara VanKeridKwe F 40 32:35:00 Janet Courtright F 54 39:24:00 MeneCarroU F 4B 32:42:00 Cecelia Pascual F 46 39:41 :00 Maureen Ash F 41 32:46:00 Jenny Jokinen F 37 39:42:00 MIura Kerkezis F 32 32:50:00 Susan Maler F 45 39:48:00 Michele Grfffilh F 32 32:51 :00 Kathy Stoklosa F 3B 39:49:00

""'" Kat~ F 54 32:52:00 Lynn Siverd F 41 39:51:00 Mary-Agnes McAwy F 44 32:55:00 Pamela Ferguson 39:52:00 Melissa Palkes F 24 32:56:00 Karin Bachmann F 30 39:57:00 Chrissy Palenno F 25 32:59:00 Vidcy Thomas F 33 40:33:00 Trisha Williamson F 12 33:03:00 Valarla Gibson F 37 40:35:00 Oeb Wambold F 33 33:07:00 Beth McNeill F 35 41 :04:00 Karl Carroll F 44 33:15:00 Maggie Keptein F 20 41 :14:00 Sue Saeger 33:16:00 Roberta Johnson F 39 41 :32:00 Cassandra Guinness F 34 33:18:00 Karen Tacy F 44 41 :36:00 Elizabeth Baroody F 2' 33:19:00 Peggi Heissenberger F 47 41:42:00 Usa T schiderer F 38 33:21 :00 Joanne Daeschner F 30 41:43:00

Page 29: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results Amanda Campagne F 2. 41:44:00 Jadl;Wallen M 50-59 49:13:00 Lil'lda Baroody F 57 41:44:00 Carolyn Kriesen F 50-59 49:18:00 Cindy Kohl F 46 41:45:00 Christopher Baker M 18 & Under 49:49:00 ShaMon Merrick F 23 41:46:00 Daniel Urban M 45-59 50:02:00 Peggy Martin F 45 41 :54:00 Cynthia FOI'bes F ' .. 29 50:05:00 MoIlyCort F 4. 42:09:00 Mar1( Camarata M 40-44 50:06:00 Joel) Ctmnlngharn F 46 42:22:00 Marty Roberts F 4<>4. 50:08:00 Suzanne Dougherty F 46 42:22:00 Antrom Hallie M 18 & Under 50:13:00 Kelley Callahan F 36 42:30:00 Laura Jonasse F 35-39 50:14:00 LuMn Weinstein F 46 42:37:00 Brian Mayou M 45-60 50:32:00 MaIy Prinzing F 39 42:59:00 Judy Ward F 35-39 50:38:00 Melissa Sanborn F 22 43:20:00 Matt Frey M 18 & Under 51 :00:00 DanaW<cy F 22 43:35:00 Phnip Mann M 50-5. 51 :15:00 Ann·Marie Kelly F 30 43:39:00 Virginia Oesens F 19-29 51:30:00 Judy Brenna F 5' 44:14:00 Bob Ealy M 70<- 51:35:00 Marilyn Teel F 66 44:18:00 Ridlald VanAlmker1< M 50-59 51 :49:00 Chelsea Smith F 11 44:34:00 Walter Dell M 50-5. 52:23:00 Leslie Barnes F 43 44:36:00 Dean Johnson M 30-3. 52:54:00 Masy Jo Albert F 52 44:46:00 Peter Haggerty M 50-59 53:24:00 Carol Camarella F 47 44:59:00 Shelly DeMay F 30-34 53:51:00 Laura Sped<. F 47 46:41:00 Russ Lyons M 30-3. 53:54:00 Gina Will iamson F 43 46:43:00 Anthony Verno Jr M 4().44 54:17:00 L.izW ~liamson F '5 49:22:00 Richard Newton M 45-6' 54:40:00 Nicho!e Anderson F 28 49:25:00 Hilary Cardn F ' .. 29 54:55:00 Shen! ScI1insing F 48 4Q:58:00 ,AJ Smith M 50-69 55:29:00 Jaddin Randall-Ward F 53 50:01 :00 Waye vsnderByi M 50-5. 55:35:00 Veroolca Walker F 66 50:28:00 Honor Eaton F 18 & under 55:51 :00 Heather Walker F 27 50:53:00 Ami Kush F 18& under 55:53:00 Cristina Remig F 2. 50:55:00 Tom Rolland M 50-5. 56:34:00 Angela Lombardi F 62 52:OQ:oo Pal Scheiber F 60<- 57:06:00 Denise Lippa F 37 52:17:00 Tom Cunningham M 4().44 57:40:00 Faye Fredrick F 58 55:56:00 Sleven Mowers M 30-39 58:36:00 Patri cia Howe F 60 55:57:00 Ingmar Krackel M 30-3. 58:53:00 Andrea Niedziela F 33 56:00:00 Mitzle Lewandowski F 50-5. 59:13:00 Amy Heald F 26 56:09:00 Edward Savage M 45-62 59:16:00 Shirley Heald F 56 56:12:00 Mamie Robel F 35-3. 60:13:00 Linda Parrish F 33 56:30:00 Rober1 Kasprzyk M 50-5. 60-21 :00 Cardyn Bennett F 32 56:32:00 John P1yter M 50-59 60:27:00 Amy Rupp F 47 57:23:00 Heather Dougherty F 35-39 60:40:00 Alyssa Rupp F '6 57:27:00 Susan Ververs F ...... 62:39:00 Amy Cd. F 23 57:35:00 Janel Courtright F 50-59 65:09:00 ""Y Cd. F 54 57:37:00 --, M 18& Under 66:16:00

"'" Jerome F 29 57:42:00 Oick Lewandowki M 50-5. 68:21 :00

Larry Aviles M 18 & Under 69:10:00 10k, WIlliamson Apple Blossom, 5.16.03 Anthony Skerrett M 18 & Under 69:12:00 carl Johnston M 35-39 34:35:00 Anne VanderByi F 50-5. 1:12:33 Peter Glavin M 4().44 34:51 :00 Felix Lapine M 60-69 1:14:21 Steve VanKerkhove M 4().44 35:24:00 Joe Familo M 70<- 1:24:38 Ken Burroughs M '!>-29 35:41 :00 William Murphy M 50-5. 1:26:17 Ooug DeGroote M '!>-29 35:43:00 Dan Plyter M 19-29 35:45:00 10k, lilac Festlcal, 6.18.03 Brad DePoint M 19-29 37:19:00 Samuel Karanja Ml0-24 30:21 :00 4:53 TIm Reetz M 19-29 37:25:00 Kevin A. Collins M30-34 30:49:00 4:57 Bob Hamilton M 45-4. 38:28:00 Nick J. Conway M25-29 31:24:00 5:03 linda Grossman F 35-39 38:54:00 Scott P. Bagley M35-39 31:46:00 5:06 Dan acketl M 4(}-44 39".20:00 Rick L. Slreeler M2D-24 31 :52:00 5:07 Bm Bay M 30-3. 39:22:00 David W. McCollam M20-24 31 :56:00 5:OB GuyAobson M 45-50 3":41 :00 John H. Trowse M35-39 32:04:00 5:09 Andrew Correia M 30-39 40;10:00 Thomas Proctor, IV M25-29 32:42:00 5:15 Patti Nbert F 35-39 40;23:00 Derrick D. Jones M30-34 32:46:00 5:16 Greg layer M 30-39 40:26:00 Mke P. Platt M4O-44 32:56:00 5:18 Wlliam Brown M 40-4-\ 41:28:00 Marcus M. Gage M30-34 33:18:00 5:21 Keith Scott M 40-44 41 :10:00 David L Bradshaw M20-24 33:50:00 5:26 Larry Zygo M 50-59 41:20:00 Jim Vandennolen M4().44 34:00:00 5:28 Brian Davis M 19-29 41 :23:00 James J. Oberst M4().44 34:05:00 5:29 Chris Frey M 19-29 41 :26:00 Jason M. Urckfitz M30-34 34:21 :00 5:31 .leMiter Wagner F 35-39 41 :27:00 Rusty Edwards WD-24 34:36:00 5:34 DaIti Xaier M 45-51 41 :32:00 GaryG. Griffin M4O-44 34:42:00 5:35 Dave Malecki M 4().44 41 :33:00 John S. Ror W0-24 34:44:00 5:35 Peler bamfOl'd M 40-44 41 :36:00 Tony Vodacek M40-44 34:51:00 5:36 Jcton Robsoo Jr M 4().44 41 :59:00 Don A. Miller M30-34 34:55:00 5:37 MaI1t HNierger M 45-52 42:05:00 Daniel P. Juda MI5-19 35:14:00 5:40 Andrew Shaw M 19-29 42:17:00 Ivan Bizet W0-24 35:16:00 """ Jm DeMay M 30-39 42:25:00 Corey A. Fehnel W0-24 35:33:00 5:43 Jorge Perez M 30-3. 42:551:00 Richard Grimm M4O-44 35:33:00 5:43 Don P~litlere M 45-53 43:03:00 Dan P. Essler M45-4. 35:37:00 5:44

"""" "'" M 18 & Under 43:18:00 David K. Bischoff M4O-44 35:54:00 5:46 DwgIas Undke M 45-54 43:45:00 Jonathan D. Prisel M25-2. 36:07:00 5:48 Petel ltonard M 50-5. 43:58:00 Daniel R. Rohnke M35-3. 36:10:00 5:49 .. ""', M 50-59 44:06:00 Jerry D. DeRosa W0-24 36:15:00 5:50

""" ... M 4().44 44:21 :00 Nathan E. Huckle WS-29 36:23:00 5:51 I.taI1. Bakuzonis M 45-55 44:23:00 James G. O'Neil M2S-29 36:33:00 5:53 Hex Bean M 18 & Under 44:34:00 Brian S. Rice M4O-44 36:54:00 5:56 t.Uer M 30-3. 44:45:00 Heather A Webster F2S-29 36:55:00 5:56 JmPalmleri M 50-69 46:07:00 Chip O'Hara M20-24 36:58:00 5:57 TMlAdiIe, M SO-5. 46:18:00 Jason N. Weaver M25-29 37:05:00 5:58 Chris 8any M SO-5. 46:19:00 Brian C. Emelson M35-3. 37:15:00 5:59 "'mae! Vrterise M 45-56 46:20:00 Debbio J. Springer F25-zg 37:22:00 6:00 t'bman Smith II M 45-57 46:22:00 Jamie B. Adams M2S-29 37:30:00 6:02 Terry ROOans M 30-3. 46:39:00 Darren P. Schutt Ml0-24 37:40:00 6:03 Ktbten Brennan F 30-34 46:42:00 Roger T. Janezic M35-3. 37:41 :00 ~04 KeYlnShaw M 50-5. 46:55:00 TimO. Reetz W5-29 37:45:00 6:04 JmK!" M 45-56 47:01 :00 Steve SteOwagen M35-39 38:15:00 6:09 Jd1n Doody M 50-6. 47:03:00 Geoffrey K. ROllO M30-34 38:20:00 6:10 Tom Aoerden M 40-44 47:22:00 Mike O. Gardella M4().44 38:22:00 6:10 Chad I1lrlee M 18 & Under 48:13:00 Trent B. Ingraham M35-39 38:24:00 6:10 lidlae! Desens M 19-29 48:20:00 Tom Stuart M20-24 38:42:00 ," 6:13 Nalhall Savage M 18 & Under 49:01 :00 Daniel J. Giblin M4(}-44 38:43:00 6:13

"""Coon. • M 30-3. 49:02:00 Dave J. Tannascoli Ml0-24 38:58:00 6:16 Sandra Yaskow F 40-49 49:09:00 Gregory Nowakowski M35-39 39:01 :00 6:16

Page 30: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results • TIm R. Dwyer M4Q.44 39:01:00 6:16 Alan E. Curle M4G-44 43:48:00 7:03 Kevin J . Sheehan M4D-44 39:11:00 6: 18 John E. Bonaldi M15-19 43:49:00 7:03 A. Naujokas-Knapp F30-34 39:32:bo 6:21 Gail E. Geiger F35-39 43:50:00 7:03 Kevin M. Russell M35-39 39:33:00 6:22 Karl Scheible M40-44 43:50:00 7:03 Julian Kelly M40-44 39:40:00 6:23 Robert W. Dielrick M35-39 43:51:00 7:03 James A. Baird M3S-39 -""41:00 6:23 Laura Malczewski F25-29 43:53:00 7:03 Sleven P. Metzger M35·39 ... ..1 :46:00 6:24 Dan Quinlisk M45·49 43:54:00 7:03 Jaime N. Hurlbut F15-19 39:58:00 6:26 Thomas J . Philbin M45-49 43:55:00 7:04 Donald Swakopf, Jr. M4Q-44 40:02:00 6:26 Steven P. Johns M4Q-44 43:56:00 7:04 Ian Webber M2S-29 40:05:00 6:27 B. L JohnsTone M35-39 44:00:00 7:04 David R. Soole M3S-39 40:08:00 6:27 Dan Keating M40-44 44:00;00 7:04 MarX R. Rakestraw M45-49 40 :1 8:00 6:29 Mark A. Minavio M40-44 44:03:00 7:05 David V. Bowen 11.150-54 40: 18:00 6:29 Marl< W. Woodt1ams M45-49 44:08:00 7:06 Brien D. Gardner M3S-39 40:21 :00 6:29 Charily L Pruitt F20-24 44:09:00 7:06 AJdwin A. Roberts M3S-39 40:22:00 6:29 Aobert F. Grimm M3S-39 44:10:00 7:06 Fred G. Lew MSo-54 40;22:00 6:29 Jim Gllnsky MSS-S9 44:13:00 7:07 GleM SwaWng 11.130-34 40:23:00 6:30 Megan H. Hyland F2o-24 44: 15:00 7.07 Bill A. Bay 11.135-39 40:23:00 6:30 Dan Wing M40-44 44:16:00 7:07 Jason G . Sperry M20-24 40:29:00 6:31 Douglas K. Woods 1.140-44 44:17:00 7:07 Nick L. Sullivan M40-44 40:30:00 6;31 Gabl Sankowski 11.130-34 44: 18;00 7:07 Brad E. Johnson 11.115-19 40;36:00 6:32 Michael McCullough 11.145-49 44:22:00 7:08 David A Monk M55-59 40:37:00 6:32 Dick Moriarly M4S-49 44:23:00 7:08 Kerry C. Regan M45-49 40:41 :00 6:32 Edward W . Saxby 11.135-39 44:23:00 7:08 David P. Young M55·59 40;45:00 6:33 Michael J. Wagner 11.135-39 44:25:00 7:08 Man Leillen M35·39 40:47:00 6:33 Juliet 11119 F35-39 44:28:00 7.09 Gregg D. Layer M3S-39 40:49:00 6:34 John P. Pembroke 11.135-39 44:29:00 7:09 Dave Jones 11.135-39 40:51 :00 6:34 James Lacagnina M15-19 44:30:00 7:09 Kelly A Bergkessel F20-24 40:56:00 6:35 Douglas H. Bloom MSQ-54 44:31 :00 7:09 Debra Morris-Al len F40-44 40:56:00 6:35 Marlene A DiSano F35-39 44:33:00 7:10 James F. Masiello M4D-44 4 1:00:00 6:35 Richard K. Meehan MaD-34 44:38:00 7: 11 Michael G. Ames 11.135-39 41:04:00 6:36 M/d'lael G. Edwards MaS-39 44:38:00 7:11 Mike Weinpress 11.145-49 41:05:00 6:36 Terry E Underwood 1\.150-54 44:40:00 7: 11 Barry Williams 11.140.44 41 :06:00 6:36 Jell O. Huntress M4Q-44 44 :40:00 7:11 Jimmy M. Addona M3Q-34 41:06:00 6:36 Todd E. Thierer M35-39 44:42:00 7:1 1 Jim Joseph M40-'4 4 1:06:00 6:36 Andy E. Davidson M3()-34 44:44:00 7:12 Carolyn Smith-Hanna FSD-54 4 1:20:00 6:39 John M. Miller M3D-34 44:48:00 7: 12 leo J. Pacanowski M4Q-44 41:24:00 6:39 Freoeridl. Hamaker ~5-49 44:S1 :00 7:13 Daniel J. Gagg M20-24 41:24:00 6:39 Kimberly J. Wilson F25-29 44:56:00 7:13 Michael W. Coyle M2S-29 41 :29:00 6:40 Timothy Knapp M3Q-34 44:S8:OO 7: 14 Brigitte K. Soitlz F4S-49 41:30:00 6:40 Jim H. Cralt M45-49 45:01 :00 7:14 Joe D. Abernethy M60-S4 41:34:00 6:41 Tim P. Walsh M30-34 4S:01 :00 7:14 Sarah A Mallander F2()-24 41 :3S:00 6:41 Roberl W . Burlee M40-44 45:02:06 7:14 Josie M. Canalla F3D-34 41 :36:00 6:41 Frank Rhatigan MS5-59 45:02:00 7 :14 Alan Pogroszewski M35-39 41 :36:00 6:4 1 Mfld'I Moore 11.145-49 45:04:00 7:15 Patti J . DePaulis F45·49 41 :37:00 6:41 A1ne Roberts-Leahey F4Q-44 45:04:00 7:15 Tom A. Hanna M25-29 41 :40:00 6:42 James Daily MJO-34 45:05:00 7:1 5 Paul B. Smarsh M4Q-44 41:44:00 6:43 Jim M. Owens MSO-S4 45:06:00 7:15 David G. Blake MSO-S4 4 1:54:00 6:44 Sleven N. Branca 11.130-34 45:09:00 7:16 Mark J. Deluccia M25-29 41 :59:00 6:45 Robert Weiner M3Q-34 45:10:00 7 :16 James Roche M4D-44 42:01 :00 6:45 Steve J. Sosik M50-S4 45: 11 :00 7:16 Matt Degma M45-49 42:02:00 6:45 Barry Watkins M55-59 45:12:00 7: 16 Oavld B. Sauter M35-39 42:03:00 6:46 Kenneth R. Gordon M60-64 45:13:00 7;16 Keith Scoll M40-44 42:04:00 6:46 lauren V. Blaakman F30-34 45:14:00 7:16 Peter l. McGrath M40-44 42:08:00 6:46 AI J. McConnell M40-44 45:14:00 7:16 Susan M. Rowley F45-49 42:08:00 6:46 Michael C. McNamara M20-24 45:1 6:00 7:17 Greg J. Crego M3D-34 42:11:00 6:47 Jerry J. Looker M65-69 45:18:00 7 :17 James A Welch 11.145-49 42:13:00 6:47 John Sale rno 11.145-49 45:18:00 7:17 Marvin C. Aus M45-49 42:15:00 6:48 John M. Bednarczyk M4Q-44 45:19:00 7:17 Maureen E. Minavio F4Q-44 42:16:00 6:48 ZaChary K Mykins M2S-29 45:20:00 7:17 Jim M. Purtell M3Q-34 42:17:00 6:48 Mike A. Tylutki M40-44 45:22:00 7:18 George M. Fawcett M40-44 42:27:00 6:49 Greg P. W right M50-S4 45:22:00 7:18 l awrence S. Taylor ""5-49 42:29:00 6:50 Devon A. LandgraH M25-29 45:22:00 7: 18 laurie A. Kinsella F45-49 42:29:00 6:50 Jeremy t. Schwartz M2D-24 45:22:00 7:18 Gregory Rosser M45-49 42:31 :00 6:50 Vincent Esposito M25-29 45:23:00 7:18 Mike J. Madura M35-39 42:32:00 6:50 Mark Bakuzonis 11.145-49 45:25:00 7:18 Kalhy K. O'Nei ll F35-39 42:33:00 6:50 J im Weidman M35-39 45:26:00 7:18 D. Theodorakakos MJ5-39 42:35:00 6;51 laura M. Frana. F40-44 45:29:00 7:19 Jennifer R. Wagner F35-39 42:37:00 6:51 Rob 8. Chamberlin M40-44 45:32:00 7:19 David Schmitz M35-39 42:39:00 6:51 Rebecca L Kieffer F25-29 45:32:00 7:19 Roger Kurtz M35-39 42:40:00 6:52 Cheryl A. laMay F4Q-44 45:33:00 7:19 Warren L. Koontz MSS-59 42:42:00 6:52 Paul C. Stoltenberg M2D-24 45:35:00 7:20 Thomas M. Mller M45-49 42:43:00 6:52 Kevin J. Zielinski M35-39 45:35:00 7:20 Eric G. Stevens M45-49 42:44:00 6:52 John M. Brooks M45-49 45:36:00 7:20 EricW. Ober M50-S4 42:47:00 6:53 Alan H. Grossman M40-44 45:38:00 7:20 Mark A Preston W I -80 42:47:00 6:53 Peter G. Rogers M40-44 45:41 :00 7:21 Dave W. Sek M60-64 42:48:00 6:53 James M. Merritt M45-49 45:44.00 7:21 C. J. Elliott M 1-14 42:56:00 6:54 AJex White M1 S-19 45:47:00 7:22 Phil Gleason M35-39 43:05:00 6:56 Mark E. Chrisp M40-44 45:48:00 7:22 Sandra Rubsam F40-44 43:06:00 6:56 Timothy A laFOfce M3S-39 45:48:00 7:22 Andrew W . Smith M40-44 43:06:00 6:56 Steven J. Maynard M45-49 45:48:00 7:22 Christopher Rubeck M30-34 43:12:00 6:57 Amanda I. Oron F2Q-24 45:49:00 7:22 Keith Yeates M55-59 43: 14:00 6:57 Darren F. Vagt M20·24 45:49:00 7:22 Jennifer L Rooke F3D-34 43: 14:00 6:57 Stacy M. Allen F15-1 9 45:50:00 7:22 Kevin Pawlak M25-29 43:1S:00 6:57 Benjamin M Yagoda M40-4' 45:55:00 7:23 Shannon M. Loewke F2()-24 43:16:00 6:57 Peter Doerner M35-39 45:59:00 7:24 Brian J. Davis M25-29 43:26:00 6:59 Jeffrey W . Smith M40-44 46:01:00 7:24 Rod H. Potter M45-49 43:29:00 6:59 Danielle J. Clegg F25-29 46:03:00 7:24 Marl< S. camarata M40-44 43:30:00 7:00 Kenneth P. Northrup M3O-34 46:03:00 7:24 Eric D. Boxer M15-19 43:3S:00 7:00 Oliver Schmitt M4o-44 46:04:00 7:24 EHzabeth Randell F35-39 43:37:00 7:01 Jimmie C. Bowdoin M5Q-54 46:04:00 7:24 Laurielyn Anlinora F35-39 43:37:00 7:01 Mark D. Chetnlk M25-29 46:05:00 7:25 Mau T. Jones M25-29 43:38:00 7:0 1 Jan K. McCullough F4D-44 46:07:00 7:25 Mark C. Sanson M25-29 43:39:00 7:01 Ed Wardrop M50-S4 46:08:00 7:25 Frank M. Kearney MaS-39 43:40:00 7:01 Darren Tabechian M30-34 46:11:00 7:25 Patty Guinan F4Q-44 43;43:00 7:02 Peter W. Voorhees M30-34 46:11:00 7:25 Becca L. Sleams F15-19 43:45:00 7:02 ScOI! M. Mooney M25-29 46:11:00 7:25 Carly L Costanza F2Q-24 43:45:00 7:02 carlo R. Glotzbach M55-59 46: 12:00 7:26 Mark J. Spychalski M45-49 43:46:00 7:02 Jenn White F2D-24 46:15:00 7:26 Kristine F. Mallory F35-39 43:47:00 7:02 Christopher Mooney M30-34 46:16:00 7:26 A. Milchell-Freeman F35-39 43:48:00 7:03 Rol;Iert E. Carr M35-39 .16 ?100 : ?7

Page 31: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results Joe o. Seippo M2S-29 46:22:00 7:27 Sleven T. Parton M3().34 48:32:00 7:48 Wilis Huang M2S·29 46:22:00 7:27 Jessica M. Telaak F2().24 48:32:00 7:48 Jim Palmeri M60-64 <16:22:00 7:27 Robert G. Smith M50-54 48:34:00 7:48 Timothy J. Conk M35-39 46:22:00 7;27 Lori Woods-Luther F35-39 48:39:00 7:49 Matthew J . Downs M2D-24 46:22:00 7:27 Kevin F. Goodwine M35-39 48:40:00 7:49 Jason Christopher M30-34 46:28:00 7:28 Jane M. Wineberg F2S-29 48:42:00 7:50 Donald Dow M45-49 48:31 :00 7:29 Caleb A. Shulman M35-39 48:43:00 7:50 Larry P. Wright M4()'44 46:34:00 7:29 C. G. Fitzstevens F4o-44 48:44:00 7:50 Peter Jennings M35-39 46:35:00 7:29 Lindsay E. Reed F25-29 48:45:00 7:50 Harry P. delahunla M4().44 46:36:00 7:30 Kristie A. Roge~ F2S-29 48:45:00 7:50 JefffeyW. Mock M4Q.44 46:36:00 7:30 Anastasia Stetanou F30-34 48:46:00 7:50 Jerry A. Graf MSo-54 46:37:00 7:30 Paul J. Strowe M50-54 48:47:00 7:51 Laura Z. Bleakley F30-34 46:38:00 7:30 Marc Taranto M30-34 48:47:00 7:51 Thomas O. Wurzer M3()'34 46:39:00 7:30 Gregory W. Richards M45-49 48:48:00 7:51 Ronald l. Bleed M45-49 46:40:00 7:30 Carissa Rlbrandt F25-29 48:49:00 7:51 Mary P. Myers F4o-44 46:40:00 7:30 Frank So/liz M45-49 4B:52:00 7:51 Taryn M. Hand F15-19 46:41 :00 7:30 Susan Wi!1iams F4Q.44 4B:S2:00 7:51 Karen L Campbell F 1S-19 46:41:00 7:30 Stan C. Hatch M60-64 4B:S7:00 7:52 Steven T. White M3S-39 46:43:00 7:31 Carrie Check F4Q.44 48:57:00 7:52 Peter M, Woodams M4o-44 46:43:00 7:31 Ralph K. Merzbach MSQ.54 48:58:00 7:S2 Marc E. Consler M40-44 46:44:00 7:31 Laurie M. Mancuso F4Q.44 48:58:00 7:52 Seth Malcd.m M2S-29 46:51 :00 7:32 Walter e. Johnson M4().44 48:59:00 7:53 Rlde: J. Crean MSQ.54 46:52:00 7:32 Geotge Y. Kunze M3().34 49:00:00 7:53 Andrew H. Gordon M30-34 46:S3:00 7:32 Tom X. Stemper M2o-24 49:00:00 7:53 Alison R. Morgan F I 5-19 46:53:00 7:32 Jonal han A. Kane M35-39 49:03:00 7:53 t.tke Nicnting M3S-39 46:54:00 7:32 Emily Davenport F15-19 49:05:00 7:53 Unda A. Driscoll F45-49 46:57:00 7:33 Richard J_ Metzger M4Q.44 49:06:00 7:54 Mar'lin J. Sochia M4().44 47:00:00 7:33 Robert E. Seawall M50-54 49:06:00 7:54 Roxanne L. Baker F3S-39 47:01 :00 7:34 Douglas J . Crowley M2S-29 49:08:00 7:54 Tim O. Murphy M3S-39 47:02:00 7:34 Joseph C. RneW M4Q.44 49:08:00 7:54 Gustavo Zalia, Jr. M3O-34 47:03:00 7:34 James R. Baehr M3o-a.; 49:09:00 7:54 Gabriel F. Zajla M3G-34 47:03:00 7:34 Tom R. Adle r MSo-54 49:10:00 7:54 Rid1ard J. Looney MSo-54 47:04:00 7:34 Rebecca Angus F35-39 49:13:00 7:55 Michael S. Hess M4()'44 47:05:00 7:34 Jarrett A Lorthan MI5-19 49:17:00 7:S5 Pasquale Palozzi M55-S9 47:06:00 7 :34 LOllS A. Kushner M3()'34 49:18:00 7:56 Kent D. Hughes M4().44 47:14:00 7 :36 Andrew Pacitto M35-39 49:18:00 7:56 Patricia J. Wanh F35-39 47:1S:00 7:36 Palrick G. Mangan M4Q.44 49:19:00 7:S6 Jonathan M. Todd M25-29 47:16:00 7:36 Chris D. Schnaufer M4Q.44 . 49:19:00 7:56 Stephen P. McCamey M4S-49 47:17:00 7:36 Gary Bamo M4Q.44 49: 19:00 7:56

Joo """ M4().44 47:18:00 7:36 Bill Schubmehl M45-49 49:21:00 7:S6

Dennis B. Stearns M45-49 47:19:00 7:36 Ken Lowe M55-59 49:23:00 7:56 Kevin p, Krueger M4o-44 47:20 :00 7:37 Don Giancursio M45-49 49:24:00 7:57 Kalhleen M. Foster F3O-34 47:21 :00 7:37 Matthew R. Schulert M2o-24 49:27:00 7:57 Jonn M. Zonitch MSQ-54 47:22:00 7:37 Patrida R. Johnson FI5-19 49:27:00 7:57 Jerry L. Roberts MSQ-54 47:22:00 7:37 Steven B. LevitSKY Ma5-39 49:28:00 7:57 fw.j M. Voorhees F3O-34 47:22:00 7:37 Crai9 B. un M45-49 49:32:00 7:58 Joannie Padginton F4Q.44 47:23:00 7:37 Sarah J. Natale F25-29 49:34:00 7:58 Victor A. DePonceau M4Q-44 47:2S:00 7:37 Richard F. Keyes M3S-39 49:34:00 7:58 Bernard J. Vi'o M3O-34 47:27:00 7:38 Whitney Henderson FI5-19 49:36:00 7:58 David A. Decker MS5-59 47:27:00 7:38 Daniel 8 . Deckman M25-29 49:37:00 7:59 Christie L Nasello F3O-34 47:30:00 7:38 Richard D. Cronise M45-49 49:38:00 7:59 Palride: P. Herron M45-49 47:30:00 7:38 Amy M.CoIe F2G-24 49:38:00 7:59 Aidlard Courtrigh' M55-S9 47:30:00 7:38 Thomas J. Rotolo M4Q.44 49:39:00 7:59 Oavld M. Maliwauki M4().44 47:32:00 7:39 Lou Kalz MSQ.S4 49:39:00 7:59 James C, Sirauch M3O-34 47:32:00 7:39 Guy A. Calabrese M45-49 49:41 :00 7:59 David J. Riley MSo-54 47:33:00 7:39 Dennis J. Mucenski M2S.29 49:41:00 7:59 Sarah M. Bal lard F25-29 47:34:00 7:39 William Broomfield M60-64 49:42:00 7:59 Heather L Harmon F2o-24 47:3S:00 7:39 Wade A. Bittle M45-49 49:44:00 8:00 Ka~ J. Oildler M3O-34 47:38:00 7:39 Benjamin W. Bittle M2o-24 49:44:00 8:00 ~W. Wlnig F3S-39 47:37:00 7:39 Jack R. Perry M60-64 49:4S:OO 8:00 14k! J. DeGrave M25-29 47:39:00 7:40 Christopher Maenza M7Oo74 49:46:00 8:00 G!eM S. Widor Ma5-39 47:40:00 7 :40 Todd R. Youngman M30-34 49:48:00 8:00 Greg W. Wiellioch M35-39 47:42:00 7:40 MireOaSmith F35-39 49:49:00 8:01 Dan F. Maxwell " SQ.54 47:43:00 7:40 David Anndef50n M50-54 49:S0:OO 8:01 DavidWickelt M4S-49 47:4S:OO 7:41 Matthew Snytlerman M25-29 49:S1:OO 8:01 Lesley A. Johnson F4o-44 47:48:00 7:41 Jonathan A. McCann M2S.29 49:51 :00 8:01 Katie Doyle F2Q-24 47:48:00 7:41 Beth H. Scott FSQ.S4 49:S3:00 8:01 Sarah M. Ba91ey F2o-24 47:48:00 7:41 Daniel M. Sinnott M4o-44 49:54:00 8:01 OanJudd M4().44 47:48:00 7:4 1 Shern E. Baker F25-29 49:S5:00 8:02 cnr\s~anW . May M5G-54 47:49:00 7:41 Susan M. Russell F3S-39 49:S6:OO 8:02 Rebecca J. Long F2S-29 47:52:00 7:42 Daniel J. Hatch M3O-34 49:S6:00 8:02 Stephen M. Romano M45-49 47:S2:00 7:42 Tom Roerden M4()'44 49:57:00 8:02 PIIItj M. Ward MI5-19 47:S5:00 7:42 P. Papaconstantlnou M4Q.44 49:58:00 8:02 Erin T. Morgan F2o-24 47:S6:OO 7:42 Karl J . Mardlenese M50-54 50:01:00 8:02 Therese R. Christo F45-49 47:58:00 7:43 Peter A. McManus M30-34 50:03:00 8:03 Frederik AllUnson M2o-24 47:58:00 7:43 Matthew J. Pohl M35-39 SO:03:00 8:03 Bob K. Withrow M4S-49 47:58:00 7:43 Sean A. Crowley M3()'34 50:05:00 8:03

'OOb """" "SQ.54 47:59:00 7:43 Jeftrey F. Bleakley M35-39 50:06:00 8:03 cart M. DeVore M4S-49 48:02:00 7:43 John P. Shepherd MS5-S9 50:07:00 8:03 Patricia A. Childs F3O-34 48:02:00 7:43 David N_ Nichols M45-49 SO:08:00 8:04 Qndy Ingalls F5Q-54 48:02:00 7:43 Jonathan Schrader M3()'34 SO: 10:00 8:04 La~ra B. Feller F2G-24 48:03:00 7:44 Mark M. Champion M4~44 SO: 10:00 8:04 Jolene M. Borrell F3O-34 48:04:00 7:44 Stanley E. Worboys MS5-S9 50: 13:00 8:04 Stephen Hedges M5()'54 48:04:00 7:44 Kristin Insalaco F25-29 SO:15:OO 8:05 h\gela Strojny F3S-39 48:06:00 7:44 Bill F. Allen M5().54 50:17:00 8:05 Shelley R. KOIesl<ey F35-39 48:07:00 7:44 Walter Cragg M50-54 50:17:00 8:05 AdamW. Nye M2o-24 48:09:00 7:44 Usa M. Connors F2S-29 50:18:00 8:05 Amy R. Harrow F25-29 48:10:00 7:4S Daniei A. McComb M5()'54 50:19:00 8:05 Bob Champagne M60-64 48;12:00 7:4S Michael F. Kennedy "SQ.54 50:20:00 8:06 SUsan N. Thomas F25-29 48: 13:00 7:45 Adam F. Maxwell M3().34 SO:22:OO 8:06 UsaR. Baker F25-29 48:15:00 7:45 Paul M. Kato M4().44 50:23:00 8:06 Trm HOWland M2S-29 48:16:00 7:46 Douglas H. Jones MSQ.S4 50:24:00 8:06 Kimbl!rIy A Aapp F35-39 48:16:00 7:46 Amy Tytlllki F4Q-44 50:2S:OO 8:06 EmIly Hood F2o-24 48:17:00 7;46 Dorian L Stelling F2S-29 50:26:00 8:06 Jenn.~er Katz F 15-19 48:18:00 7:46 Dennis S. Burke M3S-39 50:26:00 8:06 Marvin Ettinger MSQ.54 48:20:00 7:46 Laura M. Cunningham F15-19 50:27:00 8:07 Gfegory M. Kayes ., M4()'44 48:22:00 7:47 Rebecca Butler F25-29 50:27:00 8:07 Brian J. Carl M3().34 48:28:00 7:48 Tom Doehler MSQ.54 50:27:00 8:07 Bob J Beckwith M4().44 48:29:00 7:48 Gregory A. VIed!. "SQ.54 S0:29:00 8:07 Matll'iew D. Fink M3O-34 48:30:00 7:48 Cheryl J. Giraulo F45-49 50:30:00 8:07

Page 32: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results • JohnH. Watt "'0-44 50:35:00 !too v. Daniel Barth M35-39 52:07:00 8:23 Eric E. Nary M35-39 50:36:00 8:(18 Jf1Ij C. Goonan F25-29 52:08:00 8:23 Allan C. Hall M35-3. 50:36:00 8:08 Pele R. Leblond 52:11:00 8:23 Dianne Gwynn F35-39 50:37:00 8:08 lorraine J . Carey F30-34 52:13:00 8: 2~ Latanya A Swift F3G-34 50:39:00 8:09 Paul Pack 52:14:00 8:24 Shannon L. Bille F25-29 50:40:00 8:09 Douglas R. Sideman M50-54 52:16:00 8:24 Donald S. Brown M35-39 50:42:00 8:09 John L Alker .... ()-44 52:17:00 8:24 Jennifer Hutchins F30-34 50:42:00 8:09 Eric M. Sleensburgh M30-34 52:20:00 8:25 Dan P. Glason M45-49 50:42:00 8:09 David L See ........ 52:21 :00 8:25

K. A Breemes, Jr. M30-34 50:45:00 8:10 Kristin F. aauss F30-34 52:22:00 8:25 Jennifer L Fosegan F30-34 50:48:00 8:10 BobW. Volk M55-59 52:23:00 8:25 Rami! E. Sapinoro M20-24 50:50:00 8:10 Hanna M. Smith F '-14 52:24:00 8:25 Tom J . Raherty M35-3. 50:51 :00 8:11 Hercules Brown M25-29 52:25:00 8:26 John J. Spoc:k M35-3. 50:52:00 8 :11 WalterW. Dell M50-54 52:26:00 8:26 Bill D. Woodhams M2().24 50:52:00 8 :11 Kimber1y L Meade F30-34 52:27:00 8:26 Mike A Lanzone M35-39 50:53:00 8:11 Rick Crumb ....... 52:27:00 8:26 David A Smiljanich M25-29 50:53:00 8:11 Tim J . Fogal "' .... 52:28:00 8:26 Jeremy N. Whalen M25-29 50:53:00 8:11 JacquelIne A Turk F35-39 52:29:00 8:26 Renee M. Parmiter F20-24 50:54:00 8:11 Michelle Phillips F20-24 52:30:00 8:26 Usa K. Marion F35-39 50:55:00 8:11 Mark R. Sands "125-29 52:32:00 8:27 Christopher Nolan M 1-14 50:55:00 8:11 Chris M. Welch M35-39 52:33:00 8:27 Robert T. Mueller "' .... 50:56:00 8:11 Brian E. Mooney MI -14 52:34:00 8:27 Rita PazraI F20-24 50:58:00 8:12 John M. McKenna M35-39 52:34:00 8:27 Steven J. RIvers "'0-44 50:59:00 8:12 Tom R. Crilly "'0-44 52:34:00 8:27 Oiavall Smith M30-34 !"Q:59:00 8:12 Lynley Guman F25-29 52:35:00 8;2:7 James R. Kaler "50-54 , :02:00 J:12 Michael O. Amedio "' .... 52:39:00 8:28 Matt S. Baitey M35-3. 51:07:00 8:13 A1~son E. Clar F30-34 52:40:00 8:28 Edward J. Buckley M3S-39 51 :07:00 8:13 Gail J. COfey F40-44 52:43:00 8:29 Brian K. Hamer M35·39 51 :08:00 8:13 ElIzabeth Bianchi F35-39 52:43:00 8:29 Scott M. Rogers ... 5-29 51 :09:00 8:13 James W. Wright M40-44 52:44:00 8:29 Lawrence Kolwalte M55-59 51 :09:00 8:13 Susan Robinette F55-59 52:46:00 8:29 Donald J. Schuster M50-54 51 :10:00 8:14 Unda J. Bombard F35-39 52:48:00 8:29 Alan C. Chard M45-49 51:13:00 8:1 4 Rick N. Ertl MS5-59 52:48:00 8:29 Edgar A Blair "'0-44 51:14:00 8:14 Gary W. Shamblen M60-64 52:50:00 8:30 DavidA Cook M45-49 51:16:00 6:15 Paul G. Shamblen M30-34 52:50:00 6:30 David C. Davenpor1 "50-54 51 :16:00 8:15 Patrick M. Ctan~ m5-39 52:51 :00 6:30 John D. Gledhill 51 :18:00 6:15 John D. Bailey "' .... 52:51 :00 6:30 BiD Bishop "'0-44 51 :19:00 8:15 Adrienne M. leBlanc F20-24 52:51:00 6:30 T em E. Urzetta F35-39 51 :19:00 8:15 Joachim Bunkenburg M60-64 52052000 8:30 Christopher Roberts M30-34 51 :20:00 8:15 Timothy E. Walsh "' .... 52:53:00 8:30 Timothy J. ROI5atl "'0-44 51 :21:00 8:15 Terry L Bluhm M55-59 52:53:00 8:30 Michael Hutchinson M20-24 51 :21:00 8:15 Monica Parrinello F35-39 52:53:00 8:30 Mary McManus F20-24 51 :21:00 8:15 Mitch Lenczewski M4O-44 52:56:00 8:31 John A Deseno M35-3. 51 :22:00 8:15 Tina M. Beaton F30-34 52:57:00 8:31 Alex A Tarantino "50-54 51 :23:00 6:16 Alben J. ManUe M60-64 52:56:00 6:31 Steve G. Kosatko M30-34 51 :23:00 8:16 Laura Whitcomb F45-49 52:58:00 8:31 Anne A. Procopio F50-54 51 :24:00 6:16 f.tar1( J . Cascino M30-34 53:00:00 8:31 James M. OlIver M35-39 51 :24:00 8:16 Chlh-Rong Shyr M30-34 53:00:00 8:31 JiM E. Conlon F45-49 51 :25:00 6:16 Parker S. Story "' .... 53:02:00 8:32 l ynda A McGuire F55-59 51 :25:00 8:16 Claire E. Coombs W 1-80 53:04:00 8:32 Jeremy E. Couture M30-34 51 :26:00 8:16 Todd M. Gibson M35·39 53:04:00 8:32 Joel L ADen "' .... 51 :27:00 6:16 Frederick Baldwin "50-54 53:05:00 6:32 Daniel W. Costanza "50-54 51 :28:00 8:16 Doug Hilsinger ....... 53:07:00 6:32 Eric J. Howe M25-29 51 :28:00 6:16 Brian Roman MI5-19 53:06:00 8:33 Karen Burnette F25-29 51 :28:00 8:16 Thomas J. Sutler "125-29 53:09:00 8:33 Lu~ M. Webb F35-39 51:30:00 6:17 Andrew C. Gardner M25-29 53:11:00 6:33 Usa A. Loray F2G-24 51 :31:00 6:17 Ben A Ferro M30-34 53:11:00 6:33 Deborah Manglamele F45-49 51 :31 :00 8:17 Mark A. Johns "'0-44 53:11 :00 6:33 Josh D. Nidlois M15· 19 51 :31 :00 6:17 Amy L Heald F25-29 53:13:00 8:33 John V. Natale M30-34 51 :31 :00 8:17 Krlsty L Busd'lle F20-24 53:13:00 6:33 KIlJ)'n P. Lederman F30-34 51 :32:00 8:17 Radlel O. Maxwell F25-29 53:13:00 6:33 Robert J. Downs "' .... 51:32:00 6;17 Michael J. Kanalley M5O-54 53:15:00 8:34 Gale fox F40-44 51:33:00 8:17 John A. McQueen "50-S4 53:16:00 8:34 Jennifer J. long F30-34 51:34:00 8:17 Marie Green F41>-44 53:16:00 8:34 James M. A1leNn "' .... <::1 :35:00 8:16 Terry J. Allen F40-44 53:16:00 8:34 Chris Gamble M30-34 ... 1:36:00 8:18 Andrea M Zaffino F20-24 53:20:00 8:34 Kristle D. Seaman F25-29 51 :37:00 8:18 Fred A. Koeng M60-64 53:22:00 8:35 James N. Van Dick M30-34 51:37:00 8:16 Dave F. Gordon M55-59 53:26:00 6:35 Jerry P. Smith M55·59 51 :37:00 6:16 David R. Caene M30-34 53:26:00 8:36 John A Cervini M40-44 51:39:00 6:16 James G. Schaefer M55-59 53:30:00 6:36 Mark J. Kastner "'0-44 51 :44:()[) 6:19 Don Van Wely M50-54 53:30:00 8:36 Leon R. Rider "50-54 51:44:00 6:19 Gale D. Lynch F30-34 53:30:00 8:38 81:rabeth K. Magill F45-49 51:46:00 6:19 David M. Berg "'5-4. 53:31:00 8:38 Justin M. Arcangeli M2G-24 51 :46:00 8:19 John A. Brunskill "' .... 53:32:00 8:36 Mark L Harper "'0-44 51 :46:00 8:19 Kevin S, Gallagher M4O-44 53:34:00 8:37 Melissa N. Kraemer F20-24 51 :46:00 8:19 Margaret M. Kelly F20-24 53:36:00 8:37 Gregory L Griebel M30-34 51:49:00 8:20 Mary K. Kremer F40-44 53:37:00 8:37 Douglas A. Preston "' .... 51 :49:00 8:20 Andrew L BaIsch MJ5.39 . 53:38:00 8:37 Cindy C. carey F45-49 51 :50:00 6:20 John A. Stanford .... 0-44 53:36:00 8:37 Michael Padovano "'0-44 '51:51 :00 8:20 John C. Johannesen M30-34 53:39:00 8:36 Mar1ina L Dralle F60-64 51:51 :00 8:20 WIlUam E. Colon M30-34 53:39:00 6:38 Johna TItus FI 5-19 51 :51 :00 6:20 Juliann P. Soule F30-34 53:39:00 8:38 Todd A Jackson M45-49 51 :52:00 6:20 Sharon M. Moore F45-49 53:41:00 8:38 Thomas E. Oualt M45-49 51 :54:00 6:21 Undsay N. Shedd FI5-19 53:41 :00 8:38 Donald C. Powell M4O-44 51 :54:00 6:21 Kate E. Coffey F3()-34 53:43;00 6:38 Usa N. Winkler F20-24 51 :56:00 6:21 A. Natale-McConnell F30-34 53:44:00 8:38 Keltle Roo! F35-39 51 :57:00 8:21 Steve M. Gladwin M50-54 53:45:00 6:36 Lynn Maxim F45-49 51 :57:00 8:21 James F. Bennett M50-54 53:49:00 8:39 Tom P. Beckwith M4O-44 51 :58:00 8:21 Tammy M. Lamagra F35-39 53:49:00 8:39 Daniel J. Coughlin M35-39 51 :58:00 6:21 Carol K. Spero F50-54 53:50:00 6:39 Don R. Charles M55-59 51:59:00 821 Michael D. Grassi "'0-44 53:52:00 8:40 Christopher Collins M45-49 52:00:00 8"" KamaG. Way F35-39 53:53:00 6:40 GregC. Lavin "50-54 52:00:00 8:22 Daniel F. Way "'0-44 53:54:00 6:40 Karin A Glenn F35-39 52:02:00 8:22 Jenny L Champaeu F35-39 53:55:00 6:40 Matt l. Kellman M35-39 52:02:00 8:22 Dan E. Bates M40-44 53:57:00 6:40 Robert T. Ealy M70-74 52;03:()[) 6:22 Char1es C. Yaeger M4O-44 53:58:00 8:41 Michael T, Foster M30-34 52:04:00 8"" David HoIowka "50-54 53:59:00 8:41 Anne M. Aguirre F30-34 52:06:00 6:23 Paul K. Acquaviva M30-34 54:00:00 6:41 Richpd Aguirre M 1-14 52:06:00 6:23 Denise A Doyte F35-39 54:01 :00 6:41 Held J. Hawkins F35·39 52:06:00 6:23 Macenzi A. Adams F25-29 54:02:00 6:41

Page 33: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results David E. laManna M55-59 54:04:00 8:42 Ralph Saunders MSs..S9 56:01:00 ~OO Kathy L Seifert F2D-24 54:05:00 8:42 TaimI L Schepis F2D-24 56:06:00 9:01 Eric B. Frey M35·39 54:06:00 8:42 Victoria Angerthal F2S-29 56:06:00 9:01 8ten M. 1I00pe F3a-34 54:07:00 8:42 Karl L Corde - 56:08:00 9:01 DoNIa M. Calabrese F4<>44 54:08:00 8:42 Jacqu; C. Ireland F30-34 56:09:00 ~02 At! Papier M45·49 54:10:00 8:43 KeUy A Dalby F35-39 56:10:00 9:02 Dawn M. Miner F25-29 54:12:00 8:43 . T eny A. Giangreoo M35-39 56:10:00 9:02 Dean A TheodoJakos M50-54 54:14;00 8:43 Sharoo Outler F35-39 56:13:00 ~02 Barry Erickson M60-64 54:16:00 8:43 Pius W . Yorio M7C).74 56.:15:00 ~03 Mary R. Furguson Fl5-19 54:17:00 8:44 Anne L Mowrer F30-34 56:17:(1) ~03 Doug R. Sanger M45-49 54:17:00 8:44 Arlene M. carroll F45-49 56:19:00 ~03 Richard Barrington M41>44 54:19:00 8:44 laura A Williams F25-29 56:19:00 9:03 Todd M. Mihaly M2D-24 54:21:00 8:44 Sara K. Ture F25-29 56:20:00 9:03 Martha M. Volpe F30-34 54:22:00 8:44 Marty M. Blind M30-34 56:20:00 9:03 Dave O. Ekis M2D-24 54:22:00 8:44 Anthony Mazza M55-59 56:22:00 ~04 Joe A. Rizzo M35-39 54:22:00 8:44 Joseph G. Mowrer M30-34 56:22:00 9004 Gordon L Simmons M35-39 54:26:00 8:45 Judy A. Merzbach F 1-14 56:23:00 ~04 Culver A. Dygert M50-54 54:26:00 8:45 Angela D. Busacco F35-39 56:23:00 9:04 JOOn Alligood M5O-54 54:27:00 8:45 Gul H. Daclani M30-34 56:24:00 9:04 IJidlael O'Connell M40.44 54:29:00 8:46 Mackenzie J. Colt F1&-19 56:24:00 9:04 Michael P. Hopkins ""5-49 54:30:00 8:46 Jamie M. Hutchins M35·39 56:28:00 9;05 Charles F. Tanek M55-59 54:33:00 8:46 Patrick J. Hastings M41>44 56:28:00 9:05 Richard A O'Amato MSo.54 54:33:00 8:46 Kimberly M. Poole F25-29 56:29:00 9:05 Jennffer H. Russell F30-34 54:33:00 8:46 Brett R. Lemcke M2o-24 56:29;00 9:05 Marc A Johnson M40-44 54:34:00 8:46 Teresa SUkiennidd F35-39 56:30:00 9:05 Erin M. Oarke F2Q-24 54:34:00 8:46 ChrisJ.lumb M25-29 56;31:00 9:05 Kristine M. Bruneau F35·39 54:35:00 8:47 Dennis C. Culhane M45·49 56:32:00 9;05 C. E. Kijowski M35-39 54:36:00 8:47 WiOiam M. Black M30-34 56:32:00 9:05 Jane Mahoney F50-54 54:37:00 8:47 Daniel D. Boc:adl M4I>44 56:32:00 9:05 MaIy A Boerman F15·19 54:41 :00 8:47 laura J. Bernstein F41>44 56:33:00 9:05 Megan A OePoint F15·19 54:41 :00 8:47 Fred V. Honnold M60-64 56:34:00 9006 Las F. Hotchkiss F60-64 64:42:00 8:48 Tom Glavin M45-49 56:34:00 9006 Raben S. Ross M4<>44 54:43:00 8:48 Larry E. Cames M50-54 56:36:00 9:06 ldaaike M. Bun F25-29 64:43:00 8:48 Slanley OIshelski M50-54 56:36:00 ~06 Allan K. Fink M55-59 54:46:00 8:48 Mike Bennett MO.O 56:38:00 9006 Arttwr H. Jones M50-54 54:46:00 8:48 Louis V. Isganitis M45-49 56:42:00 9:07 Sanford R. Toole M65-69 54:47:00 8:48 Rebecca E. Roeder F 1-14 56:45:00 9:07 Ma E. Kocienski F2Q-24 54:48:00 8:49 JohnW. P&j MS5-59 56:45:00 9:07 Tae E. Ciard F25-29 64:49:00 8:49 ChaI1es B. King M45-49 56:46:00 9:08 Karol L Hitchcock F35-39 54:49:00 8:49 WiDiam M. Price M45-49 56:47;00 9:08 Kim Kluge F3Q-34 54:52:00 8:49 Debbie A. Buchanan F45-49 56:51 :00 9:08 Stepharlie A Sessa F35-39 54:53:00 8:49 Christopher Congdon M30-34 56:52:00 9:09 Jeanine Yzaguirre F4Q-44 54:55:00 8:50 Michael J. Tantillo M40.44 56:53:00 9:09 David J. Schroth M40.44 54:56:00 8:50 Julia A. Nary F30-34 56:54:00 9:09 Bruce L Oliver M60-64 64:59:00 8:50 Sandra J. Hebeler F50-54 56:55:00 9:09 Zachary S. Rivers M 1-14 55:00:00 8:51 Deborah C. Drawe F4o-44 56:57:00 9:09 Ridlard S. Taytor M2Q-24 55:01:00 8:51 Denise E. Nowaczyk F4o-44 56:57:00 9:09 Bob A Merberg M40.44 55:07:00 8:52 Kim K. Kay F45-49 56:59:00 9:10 Vesna A Parks F3()'34 55:09:00 8:52 Monika S. Und F30-34 57:01:00 9;10 EricJ. Weaver M40.44 55:09:00 8:52 Jackie S. Dorsey F4o-4-4 57:02:00 9:10 Kevin Odorczyk M40.44 55:10:00 8:52 Mark L Busacco M35-39 57:02:00 9:10 KyleW. Nicoletta M 1-14 55:10:00 8:52 Rene M. Davis F35-39 57:02:00 9:10 Tera J. Wadawski F25-29 55:11 :00 8:52 Janet E. Wright F4o-44 57:04:00 9:10 Je!tW. Spero M50-54 55:14:00 8:53 Meredith J . Pelton F25-29 57:04:00 9:10 Anna Beresniewkcz F30-34 55:14:00 8:53 Karen W. Shannon F35-39 57:04:00 9:10 EdThomas M40-44 55:15:00 8:53 Danny R. Bayley WHO 57:06:00 9:11 Cw1ney A Ward F2o-24 55:15:00 8:53 Stephen O. Schwarz M45-49 57:07:00 9:11 Rich Eisenberg M6(H;4 55:16;00 8:53 Megan E. laney F30-34 57:08:00 9:11 Daniel C. Shire M35-39 55:18:00 8:53 Kim Eyerman _39 57:08:00 9:11 Janine M. Stumiolo F25-29 55:19:00 8:54 Christy M Fogal F35-39 57:09:00 9:11 Gregoty T. Farrell M40.44 55:19:00 8:54 Dawn M. Bolin F35-39 57:09:00 9:11 Amytynne Denk F30-34 55:20:00 8:54 Susan Whelan F30-34 57:09:00 9:11 Alan J. Knaul M45-49 55:22:00 8:54 Jill Van Brunt F20-24 57:10:00 9:11 Ridlard Van Almkerk MSS-59 55:25:00 8:55 Len J. DuFresne M50-54 57:13:00 9:12 lauree Kenyon F35-39 55:25:00 8:55 Francis K. Tse M45-49 57:18:00 9:13 John Arrnarli M40.44 55:25:00 8:55 Sara E. Arnold F25-29 57:24;00 9:14 Dave G. Cohen M30.34 55:25:00 8:55 Julie M. Greene F30-34 57:24;00 9:14 hJdrey A Armanl F4()'44 55:25:00 8:55 Chris J. Doran M35-39 57;25:00 9:14 Timothy A Wright M3O-34 55:26:00 8:55 Matthew J. Cryer M35·39 57:25:00 9:14 Joanne Swetman F45-49 55:28:00 8:55 Gerald Terwilliger M60-64 57:29:00 9:15 Dave Simons M4Q-44 55:33:00 8:56 David Fluellen M4o-44 57;32:00 9:15 Timothy F. Mahan M35-39 55:33:00 8:56 Al Ritz M45·49 57;33:00 9;15 SrianW. Cook M25-29 55:33:00 8:56 Clifford B. Foote M60-64 57:33:00 9:15 I!j~ Reuther M5().54 55:33:00 8:56 Chad T. Flint M2o-24 57:35:00 9:15 David Acxlriguez M35-39 55:34:00 8:56 Charles Ellermeyer M45-49 57:37:00 9:16 B. Van KerkhOlle F40-44 55;35:00 8:56 Therese Btermeyer F4o-44 57:37:00 9:16 Debbie J. Merzbach F 1-14 55:37:00 8:56 Andrea R. McDonald F25-29 57:39:00 9:16 Ric J. Setting M45-49 55:38:00 8:57 Jon B. Williamson M45-49 57:39:00 9;16 Milch C. Gariield M45-49 55:38:00 8:57 KImberly S. Gayton:! F35-39 57:40:00 9:16 Oavid Lambert M30-34 55:43:00 8;57 Jennifer Hartmann F30-34 57:41 :00 9:16 [)(fIna Antario F40-44 55:43:00 8:57 Ronnie C. Smith M30-34 57:42:00 9:17 Maf1I C. Monae M35-39 55;45:00 8:58 Jason N. Botterill M25-29 57:42:00 9:17 HeatherC. Smith F25-29 55:47:00 8:58 Peter Haggerty M5S-59 57:45:00 9:17 DmaId A. White M45-49 55:48:00 8:58 Fritz C. Van leaven M41>44 57:47:00 9:17 .kiln Urbanczyk M50-54 55:49:00 8:58 Jad Prosperi F35-39 57:47:00 9:17 Kaney L Walerslraw F45-49 55:49:00 8:58 John C. Goodspeed - 57:49:00 9:18 WdliamU. Beck M45-49 55:51:00 8:59 Douglas R. Camp M41>44 57:49:00 9:16 Megan M. Johnson F2Q-24 55:52:00 8:59 Valarie C. Gibson F35-39 57:50:00 9:18 Cbrislilynn Brown F2Q-24 55:52:00 8:59 Aida L Sanliago F35-39 57:51 :00 9:18 Anoela E. Pike F30-34 55:53:00 8:59 Daniel Stoessl M25-29 57:52:00 9:18 Krista M. Welch F30-34 55:53:00 8:59 Brenda H. McDermott F35·39 57:52:00 9;18 ChaJ1es Falcon M35-39 55:54:00 8:59 Mariana Zanandrea F41>44 57:55:00 9:19 William E. Castle M35-39 55:54:00 8:59 Jason R. Maitiand M35-39 57:57:00 9:19 Stacey H. Freed F40-44 55:54:00 8:59 Triaa R. Gullace F25-29 57:58:00 9:19 John M. MaIks M55-59 55:55:00 8:59 TraC¥ Baird' F35·39 57:58:00 9:19 ""aura Ker\\ezis F3()'34 55:56:00 9:00 Kelly M. Simpsoo F3Q-a. 57:59:00 9:19 lawrence E. Mannato M50-54 55:57:00 9:00 Sigrun H. Miller F4o-44 58:01 :00 9:20 G_"" F25-29 55:58:00 9:00 Alan Brightman M45-49 58:01:00 9:20 Theresa J. Van Gee F3O-34 55:59:00 9:00 Steve A Brent M60-64 58:01 :00 9:20 Dave A. Heeks M65-69 56:00:00 9:00 Joe R. McQueen M45-49 58:03:00 9:20

Page 34: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results • Thomas R. Gears M3S-39 58:05:00 1>20 Sarah K. Bagdon FaQ-34 59:59:00 9:39 Jeff E. Maiuzzo M25-29 58:08:00 9:21 AI Smith _ ·69 1:00:00 9:39 David M"odusze'NSld MaS-a9 58:0 9:00 9:21 Jill Miller F25--29 1:00:05 9;40 Larry Van Gee, Jr. MJO.34 58:08:00 9:21 Walter A. Kohl M50-54 1:00:05 9:40 Uoyd B. Cuyler M3S·39 58:09:00 9:21 Sleven W. Moutray M30-34 1:00:06 9:40 Usa M. Tsdl iderer Fa5-39 58:09:00 9:21 William K. Skelton ~ 1:00:06 9:40 Jody A. Matlulke M4()'44 58:10:00 9:21 Dominique L Vallot F25-29 1:00:16 9:41 Betsy C. Parke F40-44 59:10:00 9:21 Usa R . ...Ia.OOon F2Q-24 1:00:16 9:41 Courtney B. Kohl F2o-24 58:11:00 <>.21 Lori Ga/illl F35-39 1:00:22 9:42 Sheila C. Johnston F50-54 58:11 :00 9:21 Sam J. Tripp M6Q.64 1:00:23 9;42 Glenn F. Sd1aefer M4().44 58:11 :00 9:21 Marianna Tkach Fl5-19 1:00:24 9:43 Jaan E. Hood FS5--59 58:12:00 9:21 Megan M. McDonald F35·39 1:00:25 9:43 Christopher J. Hood M30-34 58:12:00 9:21 Tara N. Johannesen F25-29 1:00:27 9:43 Angie G. last-Meraw F40-44 58:14:00 9:22 John H. Halleran _ ...

1:00:30 9:44 Seana Kowal F4Q.44 58:15:00 9'-'2 James K. Henderson M4().44 1:00:32 9:44 Leanne M. Barown F25-29 58:16:00 ".22 John P. Appleby M50-54 1:00:35 9:44 Dan Ulriker M25-29 58:16:00 "22 Karen A. Sd\Iaeler F2Q-24 1:00:41 9:45 TIm J . Matthews M50-54 58:19:00 9:23 Michael Skivingfon M50-54 1:00:42 9:46 Erin E. Abbata F25-29 58:20:00 9:23 Summer S. Hughes F25-29 1:00:45 9:46 James M. Mooney ~ 58:20:00 9:23 Ellzabelh R. Shaw F25·29 1:00:50 9:47 Paula e. Urtz F25-29 58:22:00 9:23 Carotynn Purpura F25·29 1:00:59 9:46 Carot M. Convertlno F4Q-44 56:22:00 9:23 Rachel A Fink F2Q-24 1:00:59 9:46 Paul Glavin Ml - !4 56:24:00 9:23 Lori J. DeCarlo F4().44 1:00:59 9:48 catherine Cavanagh FI5-19 58:25:00 9:24 Karol I. Howell F50-54 1:01 :01 9:49 Stacey Rint F 1-14 56:27:00 1>24 Frank V. Lanasa MJO.34 1:01 :02 9:49 Undsay WiU81d Fl5-19 58:28:00 9:24 Usa J. Anderson F35-39 1:01 :02 9:49 Tammy McGraw F35-39 58:29:00 9:24 Jerry J. Emrich M25-29 1:01 :03 9:49 Mid'!elle R. Frend'! F2Q-24 58:30:00 9:24 F. Michael Evans F50-54 1:01:09 "SO Michael K. Coombs M45·49 58:31 :00 9:24 Thomas P. McCabe M35-39 1:01:11 9:50 Jennifer A Conrow F30-34 58:33:00 9:25 Robert E. Roll M45-49 1:01:16 9:51 Jerry T. Salamone M55-59 58:35:00 9:25 Joe G. Gentile M50-54 1:01 :20 9:52 UsaS. Purvis F35-39 58:38:00 9:26 Paul G. Moszal< 1.135-39 1:01:23 9:52 David M. Wilson ~ 58:39:00 9:26 Jeff GiUmor M45-4. 1:01:24 "'52 Jenniler Johnston F15-19 58:41 :00 9:26 Matthew J. Simpson MH4 1:01:25 " 52 Thomas Coburn M6Q.64 58:44:00 "27 Mark J. Golebiewsid M35-39 1:01 :26 "53 Heidi A. Lersch F25-29 58:45:00 9:27 Michael R. Larche ~ 1:01:28 9:53 Elizabeth Hartnen F5Q-54 56:45:00 9:27 Tom C. Rolland M50-54 1:01:34 9:54 Mildred P. Mayne F45·49 58:46:00 9:27 Randy F. Shedd M50-54 1:01:37 9:54 Genevra Piedmonte F25-29 56:47:00 9:27 cathleen A. Russell F4().44 1:01 :39 9:55 Andrew J. Jaeger M25-29 58:47:00 9:27 Elizabeth G. Noll F25-29 1:01 :40 9:55 BtJan A. Pratt M25·29 58:47:00 9:27 Sandra Churchill F35-39 1:01 :44 9:55 Brian D. Bloom M2Q-24 58:48:00 9:27 James P. Schnell M25-29 1:01 :44 "55 Mene M. Eggleston F35-39 58:46:00 9:27 WiDiam C. Assel M35-3. 1:01:49 "56 Uzzie A Schindler FI5-19 58:49:00 9:27 Judy M. Wilson F50-54 1:01:51 9:57 Jennifer E. Horn F3().34 58:49:00 9"27 Mike J. Cook M45-4. 1:01:51 9:57 Patrida H. Lemon F35-39 58:50:00 9:28 Gary S. Chard M50-54 1:01:53 9:57 BrIan J. Lemon M4().44 58:50:00 9:28 Ma<y A Brown F4Q-44 1:01:59 9:58 Harry Sax M45-4' 58:54:00 9:28 Donald F. Thomas M50-54 1:02:01 9:58 Carol L Eisenman F45-49 56:55:00 9:28 Mary RicoellJ F45-49 1:02:05 9:59 Miriam N. Lerner F45--49 58:56:00 9:28 Rusty Williams ~ 1:02:10 10:00 Cathleen B. Wells F4 .... 58:59:00 "29 Molly Golebiewski F35-39 1:02:12 10:00 Steven M. Smith MH4 59:01:00 "29 Virginia L Falcon F35-39 1:02:13 10:00 Jeffrey C. Levinn M45-49 59::01:00 9:29 Jessica P. Jones F3D-34 1:02:15 10:00 Christopher Uston M4().44 59:01:00 9:29 Barrett L Gady MJO.34 1:02:19 10:01 Adele Mockevidus F30-34 59:02:00 9:29 Nancy H. Bur1<e F4Q-44 1:02:20 10:01 GeraldW. Cahill M6Q.64 59:03:00 9:30 Mary Connolly F4D-44 1:02:26 10:02 Kristin L Zlolo F2Q-24 59:03:00 <>30 Michelle Janelsins F2D-24 1:02:31 10:03 Keith S. Greer M4().44 59:04:00 .. 30 Emma Klingensmith F30-34 1:02:34 1M' David A. Smith M4().44 59::05:00 "'30 Laura Kandetzke F2D-24 1:02:35 10:0<1 Barbara J . Zappia F35-39 59:06:00 "'30 Marl< Maxim M50-54 1:02:37 10:0<1 Jennifer Bartlett F35-39 59:07:00 "30 Kathleen M. DeJoy F45·49 1:02:37 10:04 Jon P. OWesan M2Q-24 59:09:00 9:31 Meredith A Dallon F25·29 1:02:37 10:04 Cory M. Popen M25-29 59:10:00 9:31 Michelle L Guyder F25-29 1:02:41 10:05 Robert M. Kasprzyk M55·59 59:12:00 9:31 Maggie McDonald F30-34 1:02:42 10:05 Jay H. Stevens M30-34 59:12:00 9:31 Pat ToIc:hin F45-49 1:02:48 10:06 Mid'lelle M. Slrith F35-39 59:14:00 9:31 Kathleen S. Hall F4().44 1:02:48 10:06 Elizabeth Leon81dis F2D-24 59:17:00 .. 32 JlmF. Hanss M6Q.64 1:02:50 10:06 Christine R. Roth F35-39 59:18:00 .. 32 Call S. Wadawsld M45-4' 1:02:51 10:06 JennaA Ward F25-29 59:16:00 9:32 Caria M. Wadawski F2D-24 1:02:51 10:06 Mty J. Levinn F45-49 59:21:00 9:33 Anna D. Sapienza F4().44 1:02:54 10:07 Michelle R. K1oc:h F25·29 59:22:00 9:33 Kris Waldman F45·49 1:02:56 10:07 Don Sinton M35·39 59:23:00 "33 Peg Erway F50-54 1:02:58 10:07 Denise A Cavuoto F35-39 59:24:00 "33 Jane L Glazer F55-59 1:02:58 10:07 Kevin G. Kane MJO.34 59:27:00 9:33 J. Nicholson·Todd F25-29 1:03:00 10:08 David VandelVoorc!e MJO.34 59:27:00 9:33 Amy B. Craib F30-34 1:03:00 10:08 Ronald L Gill ..... 6. 59:26:00 9:34 Dirk S. Craib M30-34 1:03:00 10:08 TImothy P. Knowles M45-4' 59:26:00 "34 Oauda L Bfent F55-59 1:03:06 10:09 Joseph D. Kozelsky M6Q.64 59:31:00 9:34 Erin W. GiltnOl'e F30-34 1:03:07 10;09 Jenn D. Giglia F30-34 59:32:00 " .. Christine Rhatigan F55·59 1:03:13 10:10 Conrad S. Saxby MH4 59:34:00 9:35 Elizabeth K. Graham F35·39 1:03:16 10:10 Lauren M. Pulll F35-39 59:34:00 9:35 Neela Chaula F2D-24 1:03:18 10:11 Ann E. Casey F50-54 59:34:00 .. 35 Andrea W. Caruso F4Q-44 1:03:19 10:11 Stephanie Pagano F30-34 59:35:00 9:35 Maryetta ChOfbasian F45-49 1:03:20 10:11 Andtew J. Tompkins M2().24 59:35:00 "35 Tracey E. Golini F35-39 1:03:21 10;11 Laura B. Sped1t F2D-24 59:36:00 9:35 Mary E. Steedman F35-39 1:03:23 10;11 Daniel F. Monte M2().24 59:38:00 9:35 Debbie Ua;ardeOo F30-34 1:03:26 10;12 Nancy W. Maloy F50-54 59:38:00 9:35 Donald G. Bums M45-4. 1:03:27 10:12 Teresa Davis·HoIt F30-34 59:41 :00 " .. GinaG. Uoyd F45-49 1:03:28 10:12 Meghan L Root F2s-29 59:41:00 " .. John K. Holland MJO.34 1:03:28 10:12 Margy Lydon F35-39 59:42:00 " .. Yen·TaChen 1.135-39 1:03:29 10:12 Douglas C. Phjll!ps M45-49 59:42:00 "36 Christine R. Weller F25-29 1:03:31 10:13 8 izabeth O'Brien F35-39 59:43:00 9:36 Thomas Frisk M3S-3. 1:03:32 10:13 David G. Ross M50-54 59:45:00 " .. Brian H. Davis M45-4' 1:03:32 10:13 Cole F. Behringer M50-54 59:47:00 9:37 Joan L Rivers F50-54 1:03:32 10:13 Rebec:ca Bethlendy F35-39 59A8:00 9:37 Jean E. Fornes F30-34 1:03:41 10;14 Peggy Putnam F4().44 59:49:00 9:37 Pamela J. Pollack F30-34 1:03:44 10:15 Mar1<J. Cook M45·49 59:50:00 9:37 James S. Hutchinson MS5-59 1:03:49 10:16 Oevang M. Thakkar M35-39 59:54:00 9:38 Anthony M. Gallea M50-54 1:03:51 10:16 Kim F. Nadritch F30-34 59".57:00 9:38 Edye P. Radice F6s-69 1:03:53 10:16 Igor Mihail OY M7Q-74 59:56:00 9:38 Ann E. Knigge F50-54 1:03:54 10:16

Page 35: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results Kate Grinnell FZ5-29 1:04:01 10:18 Jan B. Miller F45-49 1:10:51 11 :23 Chariene Eggleston FI5-19 1:04:01 10;18 Peggy DeFranco F5().S4 1:10:59 " :25 8ritlon G. Hopkin M55·59 1:04:03 10:18 James A. King M45-49 1:11 :20 11 :28 Patrida Weiner F30-34 1:04:06 10:19 Julie O. Van Dick Fao-34 1:11 :21 11 :28 Kathy K. Krofik F35--39 1:04:08 10;19 MalVin Eisenstein M7o-74 1:11 :22 11:28 Matt Bennett M2o-24 1:04:11 10:19 Latty W. Swelman M45-49 1:11:58 11 :34 Patricl\ M. Malgieri M45-49 1:04:19 10:20 Todd M. Nadritdl M3S-39 1:12:03 " :35 GeneBa~a MJO.34 1:04:27 10;22 Amanda L Galley F25-29 1:1 2:13 11 :37 carol Raisman F30-34 1:04:31 10:22 Gail M. Allen F45-49 . 1:12:15 11 :37 Nrrt E. Pettee F2o-24 1:04:32 10:23 Patty K. Malgieri F45-49 1:12:25 11 :39 TIITIOthy Bmshears M3S-39 1:04:33 10:23 Marie Y. Bemard F4<>-44 1:12:29 11 :39 8 izaLMoore F30-34 1:04:33 10:23 Beth A. McNeill Fa5--39 1:12:33 11 :40 Richard San Angelo M60-64 1:04:37 10:23 Frank G. Maggio M45-49 1:12:41 11 :41 Bernadette Posato Fao-34 1:04:39 10:24 Neole L FerandeU F25-29 1:12:44 " :42 Julie Fronckowiak F30-34 1:04:39 10:24 Danielle Koers FI5-19 1:12:47 11 :42 '(VCI\OII M. Gray F3S-39 1:04:42 10:24 Marvin C. Sachs M60-64 1:12:52 11 :43 Peyton Ondeck FH4 1:04:45 10:25 Jessica L Klossner F25-29 1:12:53 11:43 WoAPereyra M30-34 1:04:46 10:25 Pattid a M. Mock F'<>-44 1:13:01 11:44 laurie A Albert F4<>-44 1:04:47 10:25 Midlael Burdekin MI -14 1:13:06 11:45 ,1,1 H. W~lnow M45-49 1:04:47 10:25 Tlm Doherty M55-59 1:13:07 11:45 Wend L Gagfiano F3Q-34 1:04:47 10-.25 JuliaMedwid F 1-14 1:13:10 11:46 SWarme J. Crowley F30-34 1:04:48 10:25 Missy Laney F 1-14 1:13:11 11 :46 ChIis E. Crooker M3S-39 1:04:49 10:25 Maranda Ohlson FI-14 1:13:26 11 :46 eMs!en A. Baxa F2S-29 1:04:59 10:27 Alan L Herman M4<>-44 1:13:34 11:50 Uaranne McDade-Clay F35-39 1:05:04 10:28 Undsay WeDspeak F 1- ' 4 1:13:45 11:51 Fl!licia G. Thier8f F35-39 1:05:04 10:28 Ed Stabins M75-79 1 :13:51 11:52 Kenneth A. Nau M45-49 1:05:17 10:30 Kim L. Hall F35-39 1:14:08 11:55 ~E.Leone M25-29 1:05:20 10:30 Karly L Trott F20-24 1:14:13 11:56 Wliam Ripperger M60-64 1:05:23 10:31 Kevin L Roman M2Q-24 1:14:13 11 :56

""'" E. Kao""" M4<>-44 1:05:24 10:31 Laurie A Lublin F50-S4 1:14:17 11 :57 Jean M. Schlemmer F3S-39 1:05:25 10:31 Louis K Lublin M50-54 1:14:18 11:57 MaIM J. Duffy M45-49 1:05:25 10:31 Carol B. Story F45-49 1:14:54 12:03 SimcrI J. Higgins M25-29 1:05:27 10:31 Cameron Scheible M1-14 1:14:58 12:03 t.ichelle A. Warter F3D-34 1:05:30 10:32 Joan M Rosati F60-64 1:15:06 12:04 lot Tantillo-Mueller F3S-39 1:05:32 10:32 Joe M McBane M20-24 1:15:09 12:05 Hciy a Geary F4<>-44 1:05:33 10:32 Kelly Duval FI5-19 1:15:30 12:08 It M. Kostaretlis F35-39 1:05:38 10:33 Tammie Salvione F30-34 1:15:33 12:09 Sarah M. Bierley F25·29 1:05:43 10:34 Alex Tong M25-29 1:15:37 12:09 Carl A lanceri "'<>-44 1:05:46 10:34 Jessica Denlinger FI5-19 1:16:23 12:17 krrtMller F35-39 1;05:48 10:35 B. Frissel-F1eig F45-49 1:16:28 12:18 Christophef Pollack MJO-34 1:05:48 10:35 Palrida Bemhard FS5-59 1:16:28 12:18 N. Beresniewicz F3G-34 1:05:51 10:35 Marq Pembroke F35-39 1:17:03 12:23 Ir.tartl\a.A Steams F45-49 1:05:51 10:35 Joshua A Shapiro M 1-14 1:17:04 12:23 Jessica S. Gardner FI 5-19 1:05:51 10:35 Richard Montgomery M4<>-44 1:17:35 12:28 Paul C. Gardner M45-49 1:05:51 10:35 Jenny L Hopkins F40-44 1:18:06 12:33 Jennifer L 0ppeI1 F25-29 1:05;52 10;35 Becky Denlinger F 1-14 1:18:59 12:42 Amanda J. Mason F25-29 1:05:54 10:36 RogerW. Brownlow M8<>-95 1:19:41 12:49 Jennifer S. Bowdoin F45-49 1:06:10 10:38 Elizabeth Duffy F 1-14 1:20:09 12:53 DavId J. Bauman M50-54 1:06:12 10:39 Christine Kuczmynda F30-34 1:20:13 12:54 Jean G. Oehler F45-49 1:06:20 10:40 T. Kuczmynda. Jr. M4<>-44 1:20:13 . 12:54 Gregory M. Oehler M50-54 1:06:21 10:40 Kelly R. Bosh F2D-24 1:20:35 12:57 l.Iary EIeIh F. Degma F45-49 1:06:25 10:41 Kelly J. Manley F4<>-44 1:20:54 13:00 Karen E. Downs F45-49 1:06:29 10;41 Tyler J. Pratt M 1·14 1:21 :42 13:08 .... 1.""'" F20-24 1:06:38 10:43 John F. Pratt M40-44 1:21:43 13:08 Edward Smith, Jr. M45-49 1:06:45 10:44 Luq C. HOlt F20-24 1:21 :45 13:09 Sarah Curel F25-29 1:06:55 10:45 Laura-Jayne To'M'l F2G-24 1:21:45 13:09 K. Madagger F25-29 1:06:57 10:46 Barbara H. Shapiro F55-sg 1:21 :52 13:10 I..aurieS. Smith F45-49 1:06:59 10:46 Jennifer A McGrath F20-24 1:23:02 13:21 Mary./MIe McOonald F50-S4 1:07:05 10:47 Bob E. Adams M55-59 1:23:58 13:30 Kim 8. Zygadlo F35-39 1:07:08 10:48 Joseph G. Familo M15-79 1:23:58 13:30 CdeIte Chaintreuil F30-34 1:07: 11 10:48 Melissa Answeeney F25-29 1:24:21 13:34 KaIIlIeen A. Hurfey F4<>-44 1:07:12 10:48 Jennifer S. Hessley F25-29 1:24:22 13:34 IGm Kelley F15-19 1:07:22 10:50 Kate Fowler F 1-14 1:25:10 13:42 WandaP. Schubmehl F5().S4 1:07:27 10:51 Molly Hebdon F 1-14 1:25:10 13:42 EdJardo E. Arreaza M45-49 1:07:29 10:51 Julie V. De Val F25-29 1:27:31 14:04 KaltinaG. \..i.t)Iin F30-3<1 1:07:31 10:51 Amanda B. Mason F20-24 1:27:31 14:04 ilidiael A Oc:dlino Ma5-39 1:07:35 10:52 Luane Hagoeny F40-44 1:27:52 14:08 Janel CaJrtright F5().S4 1:07:50 10:54 Don McNelly M8<>-95 1:34:13 15:09 T...atry Critdiow M30-34 1:07:50 10:54 Sandra J. S!er F45-49 1:36:22 15:30 Melissa M. Hill F25-29 1:07:50 10:54 Janice Tycings F35-39 1:44:53 16:52 ~P. Robbins F25-29 1:07:54 10:55 Eric E. TyOngs M 1-14 1:44:55 16:52 KdyA. '(MIg F35-39 1:08:02 10:56 ... - FI 5-19 1:08:04 10:57

F2Q-24 1:08:06 10:57 6k. SUnHt HOuse, 5.24103 F20-24 1:08:06 10:57 Gary Griffin M 42 16:08 F3"" 1:08:23 11:00 Allen Penee M 38 16:48 F45·49 1:08:29 11:01 Dennis Kinney M 43 17:09 F35-39 1:08:30 11:01 Dan Rohnke M 37 17:34 M3S-39 1:08:30 11:01 Jetfrey Murray M 37 18:22 F35-39 1:08:38 11:02 Tom Formlcola M 47 18:39 F20-24 1:08:47 11 :04 Oswaldo Salazar M 35 18:44 MS5-59 1:08:49 ,,;04 Rick Schopinsky M 37 18:45 F25-29 1:08:49 11:04 Man Quinlan M 35 18:50 F4G-44 1:08:53 11:04 Kevin Sheehan M 41 18:54 F30-34 1:08:55 11 :05 Nick Sullivan M 42 19:00 F45-49 1:09:05 11:06 Glenn Swalling M 32 19:13 ...... 64 1:09:07 11 :07 Michael Coyle M 2. 19:26 ...... 69 1:09:11 11 :07 Chris Boshnadl; M 37 19:30 M55-59 1:09:15 11:08 Sean Kapan M ,. 19:37 ...... 64 1:09:34 11 :11 Dave Malecki M 43 19:41 F 1-14 1:09:44 11 :13 Markie Isaman M 39 19:44 F25-29 1:09:50 11 :14 Colby Shores M 27 19:47 M35-39 1:10:02 11:16 Kevin Pawlak M 29 19:47 MS5-59 1:10:12 11 :17 Kyle Aday M 45 19:54 M55-59 1:10:24 11 :19 Jeff Chesler M 38 19:56 FSO-S4 1:10:25 11:19 Mark Camarata M 40 20004 F35-39 1:10:34 11:21 Jadtie Kibble M 41 20:15 • M55·59 1:10:36 11 :21 Steven Johns M 43 20:21 F45-49 1:10:44 11 :22 Frank Kearney III M 37 20:23 F55-S9 1:10:46 11 :23 Morgan Hoven M 15 20:25

Page 36: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results • Jim Dolan " 50 20:48 Tom leBeau " 50 29:46:00 Tom Givens " 3. 20:53 KatrinaAmdt F 3' 30:05:00 Roger Salmons " 54 20:54 Gale Fox F 44 30:31:00 Donald Dow " 4' 21:02 Ronald Mantha " 3. 3Q:07:00 Kim McDowell F 41 21:08 Alex White " 15 30:08:00 Peter Nato " 3. 21:1 4 Charles Wolle " 69 30:10:00 Ann Porter F 46 21:30 Tory Baker M 33 30:12:00 Matthew Burkhartl M 17 21:50 Mike Baker M 32 30;12:00 Bill Steinmetz M 34 21:58 Wanda Scttubmehl F 51 30:15:00 David CUp M 34 22:03 Olris McAllister F 35 30:26:00 Pasquale Palozzl M 57 22:05 Karen Suitor F 44 30:26:00 Kevin Brandl " 35 22:06 Jarie Nadeau F 44 30:27:00 Joseph Madonia M 61 22:28 Kim Thieme F 38 30:29:00 John Genier M 40 22:39 Taryn Hagan F 43 30:33:00 Phillip Genler M 26 22:41 Art Jones M 50 30:34:00 Rory Rtzpatrick M 28 22:44 Crista Miller F 32 30:36:00 Dwight Rogers M 61 22:50 Natalie Sleo F 38 30:42:00 Bill Schubmehl M 48 22:52 Ann cn-. F 34 30:43:00 David Reinhard M 43 22:55 Margaret Delaney F 41 30:57:00 Pete Feola M 32 23:00 Oick Lewandowski M 58 30:59:00 Douglas Hall " 35 23:01 Janet Courtright F 54 31:03:00 Brian Brona " 61 23:05 Katherine Mannion F 33 31 :15:00 Don Temple M 3. 23:10 Uncia l...anQdon F 55 31 :17:00 Jodi Colbert F 33 23:12 Charles Speer " 46 31 :25:00 Michael Theisen M 42 23:19 Maggie Coppa F 41 31:28:00 Andrew Johnson M 2' 23:21 John Coppa M 12 32:11 :00 Joshua Greenfield-Tuttle M 12 23:21 Hannah Gibbons F 14 32:22:00 Tony Whitman M 3. 23:25 Radlael Comstock F 14 32:23:00 Anita Recchia F 38 23:37 Joe Genier M 58 32:33:00 Bob Dyjak M 50 23:43 Joefle Willsey F 13 32:52:00 Kira Formicola F ,. 23:45 Usa Dalaloio F 46 33:24:00 Don Charles M 58 23:51 Sharon Goodell F 3' 33:35:00 Rid< Erb M 55 23:57 Cameron Boshnad< F 11 33:48:00 Lydelle Rumsey F 39 23:58 Michael Chatwin M 36 33:51:00 Kellis ROO! F 36 24:00:00 ConorYoung M 13 33:53:00 Paul8U " 46 24;11 :00 Luke Perry M 12 34:03:00 Ron Rafferty, Jr. M 13 24:23:00 Marissa Boshnack F 7 34:09:00 Alex Tarantino M 54 24:26:00 Jackie Domkowski F 41 34:41 :00 Lucy Webb F 3. 24:33:00 Geor~uPuma M 33 34:43:00 Gerald Murphy M 39 24:40:00 Wendy Tottatioe F 4' 34:44:00 JeMiler Jacobbi F 30 24:42:00 Felix Lapine M 62 34:49:00 Ron Rafferty, Sr. M 39 24:52:00 Emily Gonzales F 22 35:35:00 OavldR~ M 42 24:56:00 Mary Kay Prin;rjng F 3. 35:53:00 David Crean M 4. 24:58:00 Sue Wolfe F 70 36:11:00 David Perry M 44 25:13:00 Jessica Starzynskl F 21 36:38:00 Th""", Ott M 47 25:15:00 Todd Gunther M 32 36:39:00 Richard VanAlmkerk M 56 25:19:00 Pal Gunther F 65 36:39:00 Diane Ahlman F 41 25:22:00 Mark Gunther M 38 36:40:00 AaronHoyen M 12 25:38:00 carolyn Caney F 26 37:04:00 Chris Fenski M 38 25:47:00 Bruce McDaniel " 57 37:06:00 Charles Tanck M 56 25:49:00 Haley Btadley F 10 37:44:00 Rachel Woffe F 33 25:52;00 Jim Bradley M 43 37:45:00 Ed Thomas M 43 25:54:00 Melissa Atfrooll F 30 38:03:00 Colleen Baker F 36 25:56:00 Danielle Will iams F 32 38:05:00 Don Schaefer M 37 25:59:00 Dionne Parker F 65 40:52:00 Sandy Toole M 65 26:00:00 Mike White M 12 41 :02:00 Valarie Gibson F ., 26:06:00 Brenda Campbell F 41 41 :17:00 Beth VanHoOYer F 27 26:06:00 Douglas campbell M 47 41 :21 :00 Christi Torres F 22 26:11:00 Don McWilliams M 79 42:25:00 Soot! VanHoover M 38 26:14:00 UndaWebb F 60 44:10:00 AI Ritz M 48 26:23:00 Laura Wambach F 32 44:10:00 KevIn Stapleton M 11 26:25:00 Dena Baccari F 4' 44:11:00 Kevin Gibson M 37 26:27:00 Sam Merrill F 10 44: 11 :00 Cara DonaIoio F 10 26:28:00 Alida Merrill F 44 46:35:00 AliCl!!l Kelly F 55 26:31:00 Rad\eI Kurchln F 11 47:07:00 Mary Kay Bradley F 41 26:34:00 Nancy Shedd F 11 47:09:00 LoisH~d1kiss F 63 26:35:00 Alexander KurChin M 57 47: 11:00 AI Smith M 65 26:36:00 Don SInton M 37 26:47:00 5k, Bruce Br1dgelnlln Simon Greenfield-Tutue M 10 26:52:00 Kalis While F 20 27:20:00 flmIIo Heather Dougherty F ., 27:22:00 14 and under 24:48:00 Smith, Bridgett Brett Markham M 27 27:27:00 27:43:00 Rathbun, Samantha SUzaMe Maio-Wade F 45 27:33:00 27:50:00 Tamacki. Emily Todd Levine M 41 27:35:00 Shannon Bradey F 15 27:36:00 20 to 29 23:05 Burgess, Courtney Amanda Grabowski F 15 27:37;00 23:13 Gardner, Jen Esther Rogers F 20 27:42:00 25:20:00 Peliamon1e, Jennifer Kathleen Schapinsky F 37 27:56:00 Tom Green M 55 28:20:00 30 to 34 25:05:00 Urlaub. Allison Mime Lewandowski F 56 28:26:00 Patrick Mcl..yman M 37 28:28:00 351039 20;24 Zotfner, Susan Jac:i Prosperi F 39 28:36:00 23:11 RSler, Michele CJ ColIcchio " 13 28:37:00 24:16;00 Jones, Usa Kristin Dedl:er F 20 28:41 :00 Paul Howard " 64 28:44:00 40 to 44 23:42 Andrus, RebecX:a KImberly levin F 31 28:45:00 25:38:00 Roberts, Usa Colleen Mitrano F 28 28:47:00 26:40:00 Trumbower, Vidoria Chris Hoven M 46 28:51 :00 Fred Parker M 70 28:52:00 45t049 26:05:00 McQueeney, Maryanne Natalie Stoll F 20 28:55:00 35:49:00 Sherwood, Ju6e Bonnie Stoll F 51 28:56:00 47:11 :00 Shay, Susan Beth Starzynski F 52 26:56:00 Cheryl OiAngeio F 43 29::05:00 so to 54 20:09 Smith-Hanna, Carolyn Lou Fracassi M 51 29:07:00 29:31 :00 Howell, Karol Mike Claney M 50 29:13:00 35:03:00 Secrest, Robin Terri DeRosa F 41 29:16:00 Kathleen DeJoy F 46 29:18:00 55 to 59 32:21 :00 Hindman, Bonita Kelly Stapleton F 8 29:43:00 Beth Stapleton F 42 29:43:00 601064 36:10:00 Adams, Janice

Page 37: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results Guy Winston M 30-39 21:02

70 and over 47:33:00 Cole, Ruth Shawn Marek M 20-29 21 :09 Tedlhull M 4<>49 21 :16

MIll Mark Madigan M 4<>-49 21 :34 14 and under 21 :52 Roth, Evan Tim McMullen M 50-59 21 :45

22:14 Beck, Drew Thomas Johnson M 13-19 22:04 23:45 Tamacki, luke .... Utt M 13-19 22:27

Art Bohnke M 30-3. 22:42 151019 17:31 Pangborn. Mroael Andy Acer M 13·19 23:27

19:35 Smith, Edward Mike Madura M 30-3. 23:35 23:43 Gelinas, Gregory Kerry Regan M 40-49 23:48

David Malecki M 40-4. 23:54 201029 17:11 Stuart, Thomas Thomas Delaney M 40-49 24:01 :00 17:18 Burroughs. Kenneth Jack Rosati M 30-3. 24:04:00 18:08 Taylor. Aaron Mike Ames M 30-39 24:10:00

Richard DiMaroo M a0-39 24:18:00 301034 25:50:00 Scheele, John Sean Kaplan M 13-19 24:22:00

Chris Mallory F a0-39 25:11 :00 3Sla 39 16:17 Bathgate, James C.J. Elliott M 13-19 25:13:00

18:23 Ingraham, Trent Mike Wagner M 30-39 25:15:00 20:22 DiMarco, Rid1ard Rick Crumb M 40-4. 25:35:00

Gabe Zapa M 30-3. 25:37:00 401044 19:10 Roth, James Kara Farnsworth F 13·19 25:39:00

19:24 Warburton, Michael Kevin Krueger M 40-4. 25:50:00 27:15:00 Trumbower, Scott John MiDer M 30-3. 25:59:00

Douglas Mauro M 30-3. 26:02:00 45 1049 17:36 Moore, Gary Scott Hendlen M 20-29 26:11 :00

18:42 While, Randal Patrick Acl!r M 50-59 26:22:00 22:22 Critelli, Thomas Mary Jones F 30-3. 26:25:00

Jim Palmeri M 60-99 26:50;00 5010 54 21 :35 Gunsalus, Lonnie John Penamonte M 50-59 26:52:00

22:12 Englert, James Don Vining M 50-5. 26:54:00 22:25 Penamonte, John Kristen Bowers F 13-19 27;01 :00

Adam Webb M 13-19 27:03:00 Scon Crawshaw M 20-29 27:09:00

5Sto 59 22:29 Federico, Barry Stephen Hedges M 50-5. 27:11 :00 22:43 Erb, Richard Jim Kerr M 40-4. 27:21 :00

24:37:00 Teuta, Joe Craig Un M 40-4. 27:21:00 Bill White M 60-99 27:22:00 ",,.64 25:38 Coons, John Paul Zahner M 20-29 27:32:00

32:44:00 Wallace, George Stephen Hine Jr M 13-19 27:35:00 37:43:00 DeSalvo, Samuel Michael Vanmeenen M 30-3. 27:39:00

James WOOlston M 20-29 27:40:00 651069 22:57 Looker, Jerry Patrick O'Mara M 30-3. 27:40:00

23:21 Doody, John Mike Nid'lting M 30-3. 27:43:00 27:04:00 Smith, AI Sherry Steams F 20-29 27:48:00

Stephen Romano M 40-4. 27:51:00 Yellow Jacket Trail Race, 6,7 ,03 Margaret lebeau F 40-49 27:53:00 Robert Douglas M 37 53:30:00 Paul Kato M 40-4. 27:54:00 Man Bel lizzi M 28 53:46:00 Donald Schuster M 50-59 28:00:00 Garrett Wagner M 22 58:50:00 . 11m Howes M 30-3. 28:13:00 Mdlael Gardella M 40 1:02:36 Jerry Dumont M 30-3. 28:22:00 MkeKoc:han M 40 1:07:46 Amy Heald F 20-29 28:25:00 Beffnda O'Brien F 51 1:13:07 William Jones M 30-3. 28:27;00 Dwg Boom M 50 1:13;28 Dan Shire M 30-3. 28:31 :00 Frank Ovattrone M 48 1:13:47 larry Slacy M 50-5. 28:44:00 Xan Courville F 2. 1:14:36 Bryan May M 20-29 28:49:00 Md1ael Ayan M 25 1:14:59 lynne Swanson F 20-29 28:51:00 CJ Elliott M 14 1:15:16 Chris Piccone M 30-39 28:53:00 PaLiI $marsh M 43 1:15:39 Allison Uriaub F 30-39 28:55:00 DaYld Kennedy M 48 1:18:41 Mchelle Fraser F 30-3. 28:58:00 Ju~eGreen F 2. 1:18:56 Alex Tarantino M 50-5. 29:01:00 Jad\ Rosati M 3. 1:20:02 Jennifer Jacobbi F 30-3. 29:01:00 .1m "'IT M 48 1:20:24 Ronald Norris M 40-4 • 29:00:00 If:ctJard Meehan M 32 1:22:14 Maf1( D'Angelo M 40-4. 29:09:00 Mike Lamber1 M 37 1:22:41 Hanna Smilh F 13-19 29:13:00 ArrbefWyman F 3' 1:23:39 Mark Sands M 20-29 29:17:00 Terry Robbins M 34 1:23:41 Matthew Simpson M 13-19 29:24:00 Me Doyle F 37 1:23:47 Catherine Seifert F 20-29 29:26:00 TO'll Thompson M 5. 1:24:25 Lucy Webb F 30-39 29:26:00 Kimberly Rapp F " 1:26:38 TomAmone M 40-49 29:33:00 Louis Curwin M 47 1:27:28 Jay Nasella M 20-29 29:38:00 CXane Gray F 3. 1:28:31 Chih-Rony Shyr M 30-39 29:45:00 Jack Wanen M 57 1:28:58 Robert Ealy M 60-99 29:50:00 Juliann Soule F 32 1:29:01 Thomas Torchia M 30-3. 29:53:00 l.ictIeIe Rosenbaum F 40 1:29:28 Jack Norris M 40-4. 29:57:00 TMlGabnJk M 4. 1:29:28 David Ealy M 40-4. 30:02:00 M.oIen M 51 1:30:10 Christopher Ciesinski M 13-19 30:04:00 Tim Rosati M 43 1 :30:59 ChriSly Fosal F 30-39 30:12:00 Jeff Darling M 30 1:34:22 Karin Wallace F 20-29 30:2 1:00 K«eyBrown M 32 1:34:39 John May M 50-59 30:32:00 lammy Lamagra F 3. 1:35:16 Maryanne McQueeney F 40-4. 30:39:00 jldyWard F 38 1:35:16 Donna Anlario F 40-4. 30:49:00 Ronald Dee M 38 1:36:31 Mke Tantillo M 40-49 30;58:00 Terri Urze\ta F 38 1:37:05 Peler Carman M 40-4. 31 :00:00 Gail Wa\rler F 51 1:37:22 Angelo Ragusa M 40-4. 31 :01 :00 Bruce Olivet M 62 1:37:23 Lois Hotchkiss F 60-99 31 :05:00 Marissa Gotdon F 33 1:39:51 Nate Ko/owich M 20-29 31 :06:00 Mr'ta Beresnlewicz F 31 1:39:52 Ronald Kerst M 40-4. 31:12:00 Stacey Vandenburgh F 40 1:43:33 Rebecca May F 20-29 31 :17:00 Pa!tiHaM F 4. 1:47:56 lisa Tschiderer F 30-39 31 :38:00 Frank Van Wel.y M 43 1:49:01 Meghan Kerr F 13-19 31 :48:00 cm<y"""" F 36 1:59:46 AI Smith M 60-99 31 :55:00 Rise Frtedman F 48 1:59:46 Kyle W Nicdetta M 13-19 31:57:00

Ann Marie Regan F 20-29 31:57:00 Daniel Brown M 20-29 32:04:00 lynn Carman-Bodden F 40-49 32:05:00 AIport 5k(aetual distance 3:US miles), 6 ,14.03 Ben Cahoon M 20-29 32:07:00 James Oberst M 4<>-4. 19:38 Joe McQueen M 4<>-49 32:09:00 Douglas Ou'lrm M 30-39 20:40 Leslie Avila-Schmidt F 30-39 32;15:00

Page 38: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results ,

Dominique Vallot F 20-29 32:17:00 lack Nelson- 21:14 Suzanne Malo-Wade F 4<>49 32:19:00 Chris Mooney- 21:18 James R Parker M 50-59 '32:31:00 BanI' Watkins- 21:19 Chet Ciesinski M 40-49 32:36:00 Rob Holland- 21:21 Doug Vanhorn M 50-59 32:44:00 Rick Crumb- 21:22 Ananda Weigand F 20-29 32:48:00 Janet Gardener- 21:23 Karen Schlaefer F 20-29 32:54:00 Ken Lowe- 21:59 Timothy Rosati M 40-49 32:55:00 John Penarnonle- 22:00 Heather Erin Dickens F 30-39 33:00:00 lack Rivers- 22:07 Mark Cook M 4<>-49 33:01:00 BanI' Federico- 22:08 Thomas V Rotolo M 50-59 33:02:00 Kevin Shaw- 22:16 Kathleen Hurley F 40-49 33:08:00 . Adam Web .. 22:18 Robert Kasprzyk M 50-59 33:19:00 Steven Rivers- 22:27 Rick Crawshaw M 50-59 33:36:00 Greg Keyes- 22:37 Mike Miller M 13-19 33:40:00 Brian Brone- 22:41 Elizabeth Shaw F 20-29 33:59:00 Kelly Root- 22:46 Tonia Borrosch F 30-39 34:05:00 Kenneth Breemes- 22:48 Liz Grogan F 40-49 Matt Bailey- 22:54 Colin Dee M 0-12 34:38:00 Me9 Kramer- 22:55 Jeff Dar1ius M 30-39 34:40:00 Mldlelle Fraser- 22:56 Richard Thomas M 50-59 34:42:00 Otto Freyler- 23:00 Jean Fornes F 30-39 34:46:00 Kelly Paganelli- 23:12 Toni A Groo F 40-49 34:52:00 M'9 lebeau- 23:18 Midlael Burdekin M 0-12 34:59:00 Gail Wagner- 23:32 Wenay C Wallman F 30-39 35:03:00 Matt Gee- 23:34 Cart Steinbrenner M 4{}49 35:04:00 ElMan DeJoy- 23:36 Usa Fisher F 30-39 35:13:00 Glen Avery- 23:37 Tom lebeau M 30-39 35:15:00 Allison Wrlaub- 23:58 Erika Steinbrenner F 13-19 35:19:00 Marvin Findlay- 24:05:00 Carol Bailey F 50-59 35:23:00 Lo", Webb- 24:28:00 Ridlard Undkamp M 20-29 35:27:00 Stephanie Cowles- 24:41:00 David Wallace M 50-59 35:52:00 Ma,k Paganell i- 24:45:00 Melissa Miller F 20-29 35:54:00 BOO VoIk- 24:53:00 Bob Pickard M 30-39 35:58:00 John Williamson· 25:17:00 Riel< May M 50-59 36:00:00 Beth Mantione- 25:18:00 James Quinn M 50-59 36:06:00 Christy Fogal- 25:22:00 Kathleen Dejoy F 40-49 36:07:00 Jan. Mahoney' 25:32:00 Anne Beers F 40-49 36:09:00 Maryanne McQueeney- 25:35:00 Marie Owens F 60-99 36:38:00 Darlene Winkler· 26:02:00 Nikki Guy F 30-39 36:41 :00 Tom Reese- 26:06:00 Maria Tantillo-Muelle F 30-39 36:53:00 Ridl VanAlmkerk 26:20:00 Carol Simooi F 40-49 36:59:00 Usa Tschiderer· 26:27:00 Mark Kluge M 4<>-49 37:01:00 lauree Renyon- 26:30:00 Elizabeth Parker F 40-49 37:04:00 Tom Rolland- 26:35:00 Babs Brown F 50-59 37:08:00 Juliann Nelson- 26:37:00 Ann·Marie Barron F 30-39 37:38:00 Melody Thorpe- 26:40:00 Peter Sull ivan M 50-59 38:05:00 lois Hotdlikiss- 26:41:00 Joon Burke M 60-99 38:07:00 I'J Smith- 26:46:(1) Dick Lewandowski M 50-59 38:17:00 BOO Puchyr- 27:11:00 Mark Farrell M 4<>49 38:19:00 Pat Scheiber- 27:15:00 Kevin McCormick M 50-59 38:26:00 Tonia Borrosch- 27:50:00 Maureen Simpson F 30-39 38:27:00 l ynn Fuller- 27:57:00 Janet Courtright F 50-59 38:31:00 Peter Cowles· 28:03:00 Christine Button F 30-39 38:33:00 Katrina AnnOy- 28:45:00 Roo Marianett M 60-99 38:34:00 Rose Unscott- 29:55:00 Michael Chatwin M 40-49 38:39:00 Philip Nelson- 30:17:00 Bryan Dee M 0-12 38:43:00 Joan Rosati- 30:44:00 Ron Dee M 30-39 38:45:00 Paul Campbell· 31:15:00 Colleen Marchese F 30-39 38:48:00 Janet Courtright- 31 :32:00 Tom Leoboldt M 40-49 38:50:00 Karen Morris- 33:14:00 Geoffrey Fiske M 30-39 39:02:00 William Pow- 34:53:00 Loreto Aske F 3D-39 39:05:00 Cathy Campbell- 35:14:00 Peyton Ondeck F 0-12 39:29:00 BOO Adams- 38:44:00 George Maszle M 50-59 39:30:00 Wmiam Murphy- 40:31:00 Jeanne Navagh F 40-49 39:32:00 Kellie McTammy F 20-29 39:52:00 5k, Medved to Cure ALS. 6.13.03 Derrick Doi M 4{}49 40:02:00 Maureen Parker F 40-49 40:38:00 Samuel KaranJa M 24 14:11 Jennifer Miller F 20-29 41:08:00 David Ndungu M 25 14:17 Marcie Bartolotta F 50-59 41:23:00 Henry Githuka M 19 14:20 Judy Conway F 40-49 41:53:00 Mark Andrews M 32 14:37 Suraj Kumar M 20-29 42:11:00 Jason Meany M 23 15:01 Steve Wolak M 50-59 43:36:00 Todd Reeser M 29 15:04 Melanie Silvus F 0-12 43:50:00 Rick Streeter M 20 15:05 Shannon Silvus M 3D-39 43:52:00 Joon Trowse M 3. 15:07 Stacey Bershod F 40-49 45:05:00 Mike Melfi M 2. 15:12 Meredith Wood F 30-39 47:44:00 Scott Bagley M 39 15:15 Will iam MJrphy M 50-59 48:29:00 Jim Wahl M 20 15:26 Bob Adams M 50-59 49:21:00 Mike Platt M 41 15:49 Martha Ann Hull F 20-29 51:45:00 Jon Beck M 23 16:00

Craig Lefort M 24 16:03 5k, Mendo n Fo undation Run Duncan Douglas M 37 16:17

Gary Griffin M 42 16:23 Ryan Paullng- 15:46 Don Miller M 33 16:24 Duncan Douglas· 16:42 Peter Miner M 18 16:49 Pete Giavin- 16:51 Mollie DeFrancesco F 23 16:55 Mike Pangburg- 17:25 Nathan Hud<.le M 27 16:56 Randal White- 18:17 Matt Martina M 15 16:56 Dave Young- 19:28 Howie Reitz M 45 17:00 Ed Smith- 19:36 Dan Roonke M 37 17:02 Lawrence Creatura- 19:52 Dave Bisdloff M 41 17:04 Steven Hine- 19:53 Winston Guy M 38 17:04 Ma,k Heberger- 20:16 Dennis Kinney M 43 17:07 John Miller· 20:38 Melissa White F 22 17:20 lack Vojt· 20:41 Corey Robinson M 14 17:22 Kristen Mallory' 20:50 Jim Robinson M 49 17:26 Ridlard Meehan- 20:52 Michael Gardella M 40 17:30 G,,,, Wright- 20:55 Brian Emelson M 37 17:34 Chris May- 21:09 Tim Reetz M 2. 17:38 Steven Burek- 21:13 Benjamin Snyder M 18 17:39

Page 39: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results Allen Dise " 43 17:42 Juliet Illig F 36 21:17 James Mott, Jr. " 37 17:57 Harry Wolf " 4. 21:19 Shannon McHale F 32 18:02 Stuart Gr88fl " 44 21 :20 Ben DeGeorge " 16 18:02 Robert Centola " 37 21:21 Derek Dean " 32 18:03 Brian Harrison ...

" 21 :22

Steve Stellwagen " 36 18:07 lonnie Gunsalus ... 50 21 :24 MkeMoore " 17 18:15 Steve Bliot " 16 21 :28 lim Quinn " 14 18:17 Mary t.tyers F 45 21 :31 linda Grossman F 36 18:18 OeMls Steams ... 4. 21 :32 limDwyer " 43 18:23 Patricia Warth F 36 21 :34 ChristinaKeck F 22 18:24 Jim Glinsky ... 56 21 :34 Randy White " 45 18:29 W.J. Rodenhouse ... 41 21 :35 Matthew Caton " 40 18:30 David Mathes ... 20 21 :36 Katen ElIiOl F 27 18:31 ""'" """"" ... 51 21 :36 Colin McCloskey " ,. 18:31 Jeff Wagstaff " 43 21:37 James Blackman " 38 18:32 John M.Jeller " 3. 21:37 Gary Blanc-Vallee " 32 18:34 Pat Palonf " 57 21 :39 Glem Swalllng " 32 18:40 Ann Porter F 46 21 :39 Daniel Andrus " 2' 18:41 JessieW81d F 14 21 :39 Michael Reitz " 17 18:42 lou Katz " 51 21 :40 Gregory Nowakowski " 35 18:43 Vince DeCarlo " 48 21 :41 Nidlolas SuHivan " 42 18:43 Kate Cufari F 12 21:41 hidra Knapp F 33 18:48 Bob Champagne " 61 21 :44 Trent Ingraham " 40 18:50 Barry Watkins " 58 21:45 DavId Nles " 21 18:50 Stephen Smith " 40 21 :45 James Baird " 38 18:54 Matthew Burkhartt ... 17 21:45 Joanna Zieno F 21 18:55 David A. Anderson " ,. 21 :47 Aldwin Robens " 3. 18:57 Paul K10ek ... ,. 21:49 David Bowen " 50 18:57 Marc Consler " 40 21 :50 Dvis W " 14 18:58 Peter Carley " 33 21 :50 '. May " 57 18:58 Ken Lowe " 59 21 :56 Slephen Gons " 15 19:04 Jeny Looker ... 67 21 :58 .kIhnHuftz " 43 19:06 Chris Schnaufer ... 40 21 :59 Geo<yeSmilh " 41 19:08 Catherine Smith F 14 21 :59 Sean Brinkman " 17 19:10 Adam Webb ... 16 22:00

"'" Scott ... 40 19:13 Jennifer White F 22 22:00 David Sau\ef' " 36 19:15 ~ McConnell ... 44 22:02 Ridl DiMarco " 35 19:17 David Dimmock " 48 22:03 Jooathon Peres " 15 19:17 Gerald Mecca ... 4' 2203 Isaac Kramer " 15 19:24 Thomas Critelli " 45 22:03 Karl Scheible " 41 19:31 Mid1e1le Marasco F 34 22:04 Mike Welnpress M 46 19:38 Cindy Ingalls F 51 22:06 Alan Pogroozewskl " J6 19:40 Taryn Hand F 16 22:09 Barry WiDiams " 40 19:41 Karen Campbell F 14 22:09 Kathryn O'Nei ll F 3. 19:41 Alena Vanda F ,. 22:10 KevIn Pawlak " 30 19:43 Chris Nolan " 12 22:16 Brian Davis M 26 19:44 Harold lesser " 45 22:16 Brian Martin M 36 19:45 Ric;l(Crean ... 62 22:18 Ruthle Goins F " 19:46 Martene DiSano F 38 22:20 Jm Joseph " 41 19:47 Jan McCullough F 43 22:21 Dan Wing " 42 19:47 Carolyn Campbell F 12 22:21 Jack Rosad " 3. 19:52 Kim Cufari F 15 22:22 Jchn Ruskas " 41 19:53 David Anderson " 50 2222 Matthew Degma " 48 19:55 John Penamonte " 62 22:24 JIl'mf Addona " 30 19:56 Donald lowe ... 50 22:24 David Monk " 56 19:56 Jennifer Katz F 16 22:25 KilRegen " 16 20:05 DavidCulp " 34 22:25 Jell Ches1e, " 38 20;05 Martha MacKenzie F " 22:26 Josie CandOa F 31 20:06 Tom Carr ... 57 22:26 Keith Goins M 50 20:10 Barry Fetlerico " 58 22:28 Slalom Sdllegman M ,. 20:12 TIm Matthews ... 51 22:31 Gary Samo " 42 20:13 Alexander Smith " " 22:32 Chru1es Kane " 36 20:1 7 John Schaefer " 4' 22:36 Keith Yeates " 56 20:18 Kendra Zaffuto F 12 22:38 Gil CasUe " 3. 20:20 Kimberly Levin F . 31 22:38 Kenny Myers " 15 20:21 Marc KNeser ... 3. 22:40 Tyler Moore " " 20:21 Krisse Farquhar F 30 22:40 Joe .Abernethy M 80 20:22 Steve Kieffer " 25 22:40 Dani ef Taggerty " 40 20:22 John Spock " 3' 22:41 Jonathon Angelone " 16 20;23 MatlhewWard " 3. 22:42 CJ EfUot " 14 20:24 Jonathan McCann " 2. 22:43 Mark Camarata " 40 20:26 Mark Monad1ine " 44 22:44 carty Costanza F 22 20;27 Dan Costanza " 50 22:48 Kay ... "'" " ,. 20;28 Peter Wilder " 36 22:48 Dicll. Moriarty " 46 20:28 Leo Pacanowski " 43 22:49 JmBl1,1e " 53 20:28 Roben Hendy " 31 22:51 George Zaklelarz " 55 20;30 Dan Judd " 43 22:52 _ Egan " 44 20:31 Othrnar Freyler " .. 22:53 Seth Malcclm " 25 20;33 Craig litl " 45 22:56 John Chiappinem " 40 20;35 John Gennanow " 4' 23:00 Matthew Merrin " 16 20;37 Cam/Wittig F 44 23:00 Amy IrAitdleil-Freem F 37 20;37 Susan Wimams F 42 23:00 ""'- M 25 20:37 ~Ien Blair " 43 23:02 Dan Qlinlisk M 45 20;37 Ray Zaffuto " 47 23:06 _ Gasl" " 15 20:41 BiIlPiJdey " 52 23:08 Maggie Wheiehan F 30 20;41 Gayle Reh F 31 23:09 Brian Geasy " 45 20:42 Kellie Root F 36 23:10 Steven Starowicz " 16 20:44 Amanda Janicki F 17 23:11

""''''' " 80 20:45 Rob Thomas " 42 23:1 2 RidI Merrill M 50 20:48 Mike Nidlting " 36 23:12 Jelf Martirl " 51 20:49 Ralph Darnerefl " '6 23:13 Mal'K WoocI1ams " 46 20:51 Carole Ryan F 42 23:14 """'."" F 22 20:59 Glenn Burkhartt " 52 23:15 Tim Streb M 41 20:59 Allison Morgan F " 23:16 Kristen VeHz F ,. 21 :00 Jonathan Wyckoff " 33 23:17 Sttphefl Ef~ot M 44 21 :02 Sarah Markus F 17 23:21 Bea:a Steams

, F " 21 :09 Brian Harner " 36 23:21

.khl Miller M 31 21 :13 Charles Yaeger " 41 23:22 Tommy Green M 16 21 :13 Stephen Romano " 47 23:23 Mitd! Moore " 4' 21:16 Keri Honors F 25 23:26

Page 40: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results • Mchael Theisen M 42 23:28 Ridlard Van Almkerk M 56 25:45:00 Don Charles M 56 23:32 Elisabeth Wojcik F '2 25:45:00 Greg Vleck. M 54 23:43 Paul Glavin M '3 25:49:00 Rodney Butler M 46 23:43 Tracey Baird F 36 25:49:00 Peter DIStefano M '4 23:45 Stanley Olshefski M 50 25:50:00 Richard Courtright M 55 23:48 Marl< Busaco M 36 25:51 :00 Robert Downs M 46 23:52 Andrew Baisd'l M 36 25:53:00 Tyler Schwab M " 23:53 Gabe Gennanow M ,. 25:54:00 lynda McGuire F 55 23:54 John Urbanczyk M 54 25:56:00 Garayn Kriesen F 59 23:55 Darlene Wl1lkler F 30 25:56:00 Bill McGuire M 54 23:56 John Briggs M 34 25:57:00 BrianReh M 2. 23:57 David Berg " 46 25:57:00 Don Hammen M 43 24:01:00 Mark Allen M 27 25:58:00 John Natale M 34 24:02:00 Judith Simpson F 33 26:00;00 Alan Chard M 47 24:03:00 John Vaughan M 5' 26:00:00 Joe Nichol M 41 24:04:00 Sarah Ayers F 3. 26:03:00 Chris Collins M 47 24:06:00 Frank Viarattene M 34 26:05:00 Jay Hutchins M 42 24:06:00 Christopher Pappas M '2 26:06:00 David Laney M 2. 24:06:00 Mike Scotney M 54 26:08:00 Jeffrey Cooke M 56 24:07:00 Jane Mahoney F 53 26:08:00 Jenna Sime F ,. 24:07:00 Ron Bonfiglio M 32 26:09:00 Tom Glavin M 45 24:08:00 Geneva Modrak F 41 26:10:00 Alex Tarantino M 54 24:10:00 Jim McDonald M 4. 26:11 :00 Usa Stefaniak F 35 24:10:00 David VanDeVOOfde M 3' 26:14:00 Michelle Cooroy F 24 24:10:00 John Stanford M 42 26:17:00 Tim Set! M 14 24:11 :00 Daniel Medved M 35 26:20;00 Jared Green M 14 24:13:00 Simon Greenfield M '0 26:21:00 Maria Oberst F '8 24:14:00 Toni Lynn Swinson F 3' 26:24:00 David Ealy M 44 24:17:00 Joseph DiFabio M • 26:25:00 Ralph Merzbach M 50 24:17:00 SIeve Brent " 62 26:26:00 Judy Merzbach F 14 24:18:00 David Ruellen " 40 26:28:00 Ann VocSacek F 3B 24:18:00 Mary Furguson F '7 26:28:00 Sarah Schwab F '3 24:18:00 DanieiBocach M 40 26:33:00 Debbie Mel2bach F 14 24:18:00 SaraAmold F 25 26:34:00 Frank Angelini " 54 24:20:00 Robe" Sza/apski M 38 26:35:00 Karen Hospers F 40 24:21:00 Katherine Sawrey F 2. 26:37:00 Julie VanDeVoorde F 27 24:25:00 Jamie Fagan M 30 26:37:00 Usa Connors F 29 24:25:00 Hanna Smith F 2. 26:37:00 LucyWebb F 39 24:27:00 Lois HOIchkiss F 83 26:39:00 James Janicki M 44 24:27:00 Michael Moriarty M 44 26:41 :00 Eric Entenberg " " 24:27:00 Trae Durgan F 32 26:42:00 Bob Martin M 45 24:32:00 Lori Kroll F 42 26:44:00 Chris Maenza M 70 24:32:00 Don Sinton M 37 26:44:00 William Gertzog M 52 24:35:00 Uncia DeAngelis F 35 26:47:00 Carrie George F 23 24:36:00 Jeff Carmona M 40 26:47:00 David Swinson M 3' 24:37:00 Todd Gibson M 36 26:52:00 Frank Van Wely M 43 24:37:00 Janet Wright F 40 26:54:00 Greg Oehler M 52 24:38:00 Karen Shannon F 3. 26:54:00 Timothy Williams M 45 24:39:00 Gene Gebhard M 50 26:56:00 John Paul M 55 24:42:00 Josh Gebhard "

,. 26:56:00 Diane Ahlman F 41 24:43:00 Usa Tschiderer F 3B 26:58:00 Joshua Greenfield " '2 24:43:00 Grace Iovine F 46 26:59:00 Oaire Costanza F ,. 24:43:00 Eddie Prunoske M ,. 27:00;00 Abigail Istvan F '5 24:44:00 Dale Prunoske " 5 ' 27:01 :00 Katie Anderson F ,. 24:44:00 Charles Thornton " 47 27:08:00 Andy Butler M ,. 24:45:00 Brad Zilliox M 35 27:09:00 Cory McNair M • 24:46:00 Rick BeMett " 41 27:10:00 Dan Bieler M 40 24:46:00 Chris McKean " 4. 27:12:00 Thomas Oburchay M 2' 24:46:00 Beth Cooper F 45 27:12:00 ..kIlie Gapos.sere F 3B 24:46:00 Jim Forger M 43 27:14:00 Jamie White F ,. 24:48:00 Chris Doran M 36 27:15:00 Chad Fraboni M 22 24:53:00 Tom Hanna M 53 27:17:00 Joanna Mathes F 24 24:54:00 Will Ruth M 35 27:17:00 John Bailey M 47 24:54:00 Tyler Eustance M '0 27:18:00 Cynthia Forbes F 27 24:56:00 Tom Rolland M 52 27:19:00 Jack Norris M 47 24:56:00 Tom Cunningham M 42 27:20;00 Michael Skivlngton M 5' 24:57:00 Michel Major-Melidon F 3B 27:21:00 Corey Popen M 27 24:58:00 Bridge1 Dee F 37 27:22:00 John Bradley M 35 25:00:00 Jim Hendy M 5' 27:23:00 Andrew Johnson M 25 25:00:00 George UPuma " 33 27:24:00 Kaitlyn Sennett F 17 25:00:00 Ian Mee " 30 27:24:00 Kelly Moore F 20 25:01 :00 Judy Wilson F 63 27:25:00 Angela Affront! F '8 25:01 :00 Ric Warren " 50 27:26:00 Robert Ealy M 74 25:02:00 Elizabeth Prinzing F 3. 27:26:00 Joel Goldfarb M 2' 25:03:00 Kevin Brinkman M 54 27:26:00 Angela Busaco F 35 25:05:00 Grace Prunoske F '3 27:28:00 Sharon Mc::Iole F 46 25:05:00 David Rakover M 46 27:30;00 Erin Gwara F 22 25:11 :00 Jeff Garpenter M 5' 27:35:00 Michele Griffith F 32 25:16:00 Cameron Scheible M '3 27:36:00 Mark Sennett M 46 25:17:00 Matthew Ramsey " '0 27:37:00 Alan Knauf M 4. 25:19:00 David Schantz M " 27:37:00 Karol Hitchcock F 36 25:21 :00 Kathy Carbau!1J F 41 27:38:00 Matt Gross M ,. 25:22:00 Dave Heeks M 66 27:38:00 James Cluinn M 52 25:22:00 Keith Carmona M 38 27:39:00 Christopher Donner M 2. 25:22:00 Mchael Mama M 38 27:40:00 Megan laney F 32 25:25:00 Jennifer Roberts F 23 27:41:00 Meghan Weinpress F ,. 25:27:00 Joe Carr M 3. 27:42:00 David Geary M '2 25:27:00 Richard Thomas " 50 27:42:00 Paul DiStefano M 4. 25:28:00 Jeff Gartland M 3. 27:47:00 Louis Medved " 46 25:34:00 Cameron Johnson M '2 27:47:00 Michelle French F 24 25:34:00 "''''fu* M 47 27:48:00 Maryanne McQueeney F 46 25:36:00 Kathleen Hurley F 42 27:49:00 Russ Lyons M 37 25:37:00 Mary Steedman F 3B 27:55:00 Teresa Sukiennlckl F 37 25:38:00 Dan O'Neil M 53 27:57:00 Christine Fogal F 35 25:38:00 Elizabeth O'Brien F 35 28:02:00 Andy Campbell M 50 25:41:00 David McLyman M 37 28:02:00 Timothy Cookling M 45 25:42:00 David Coumou M 33 28:04:00 Rebecca Roeder F 14 25:42:00 TIm Pitts M '5 28:12:00 Andrew Gardner M 27 25:42:00 Usa MariOn F 35 28:13:00 GIOfia Angelini F 4. 25:45:00 JeffGilmor M 4. 28:14:00

Page 41: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Race Results Marion Smith F " 28:15:00 Alexandra Williams F 8 37:47:00 Kelsey Brown F '3 28:18:00 Rusty Williams ... 4' 37:50:00 AnnaWati F ,. 28:19:00 Bob Adams ... OT 38:20:00 Druglas Brown ... 50 28:20:00 Ed Slablns ... 74 38:24:00 Cindy Fortner F 36 28:22:00 Stacey Bershod F 4' 38:29:00 William Skelton ... 44 28:23:00 WillJam Murphy ... 54 41 :03:00 Isaac Asher ... '6 28:25:00 Pam BocI< F 4' 42:37:00 h\1hony Rotolo ... '4 28:28:00 Al lison Urlaub F 32 42:38:00 Lou DiFabio ... 3. 28:30:00 Danie/le Wissel F " 46:04:00 .Jm Hanss ... 8' 28:31:00 Claudia Brent F 5. 28:35:00 Greig Popen ... 52 28:41 :00 ErrIly Chomyn F •• 28:42:00 Stephen Deloge ... 35 28:52:00 Sara Beth Rizzo F .5 28:53:00 Lou Fracasi M 5' 28:53:00 Juile FetJerslein F " 28:57:00 Sr. Rosemary Sherman F 52 28:57:00 Maria AnderSon F '4 29:58:00 Tma McKean F 44 29:01:00 Anne Wilder F 38 29:03:00 Judy Seil F 44 29:03:00 Zadlary Eustance ... '0 29:07:00 Jeff Eustance M 38 29:07:00 Janine Quinlan F 47 29:10:00 James King M 4. 29:11:00 Kathleen DeJoy F 4. 29:12:00 (luislina Rowley F 37 29:12:00 Katrina Arndt F 3. 29:27:00 CMslopher Aclon M 24 29:41:00 Marie Bernard F 44 29:41:00 Robyn Medved F ' 3 29:55:00 Daniel O'Brien M 37 29:59:00 Karen Downs F 45 30:08:00 Amy Collins F 2. 30:13:00 ~onOndeck F • 30:20:00 Jean Green-Oehler F 4' 30:25:00 Mary Beth Degma F 4. 30:25:00 Usa CamiUari F 40 30:27:00 Geoffrey Kramer M 45 30:29:00 Dawn Chock F 53 30:40:00 Mike McCabe M 57 30;50:00 .lIIielolIIOOCk F 35 30:50;00 Leah Peres F " 31 :18;00 Timothy Prinzing M 38 31 :23:00 Elalna Bums F ,. 31 :32:00 PalIi Comey F 47 31:32;00 Donald &Jms M 45 31:32:00 Jeannie UPuma F 27 31:33;00 Cdlil'l Gardl'ler M 60 31 :36:00 K)'fe Mecca M

" 31 :41 :00

Did!; Lewandowski M 58 31;47;00 Peggi Hetssenbefger F 47 31 :50:00 Bobbi Chester F 37 32:07:00 Marie Tantillo-Muell F 3. 32:11 :00 Rowena Hutchil'ls F 42 32:16:00

"" """'" F 32:17;00 lauren Sochia F ,. 32:20:00 Martin Soc:tlia M 42 32:20:00 Thomas Rotolo M 44 32:27:00 Gina Rotolo F '6 32:28:00 MaIy Callaway F .. 32:29:00 MaJ1\ Farrell M 44 32:39:00 1It"!y Dolan M '2 32:42:00 Wendy Tortatice F 45 32:44:00 lindsay Graziano F '2 32:46:00 Maddie DiPaola F ' 2 32:46;00 lindsay Ward F '4 32:47:00 JadQe Oomkorski F 40 32:48:00 t.l.a:rvin Eisel'lstein M 74 33:00:00 Katy Pfohlra F '3 33:01:00 .klhn Prohlra M 4' 33:02:00 Paul Ftidlards M 56 33:09:00 Peggy Manil'l F 45 33:15:00 Franca [))sse F 33 33:19;00 EricWard M '0 33:26:00 CerdeCrean F 52 33:30:00 Janet Coorlright F 54 33:37:00 Anthony Capone M " 33:50:00 Emmanuel Quaidoo M

" 33:59:00

Olerina Pelissier F 3. 34:01 :00 Jennifer Ashbaugh F 26 34:03:00 Cardyn Bennet F 32 34:09:00 Jan MiUer F 4' 34:11:00 Tammie Salv10ne F 34 34:20:00 Kelsey Shores F 23 34:22:00 Tile Shores F 2' 34:22.:00 Col", SI'Iores M 28 34:22:00

Karen Morris F 53 34:35:00 Tyler IMler M • 34:59:00 DavidMDer M 40 34:59:00 _Go_

F ,. 35:05:00 Kyle Overlan M " 35:51 :00 O\erri WitSCheber F 3. 35:54:00 TenyaJUI!f F 48 36:00:00 ... ""'" F 45 36:04:00 .". Horowitz • M '2 36:25:00 0fe'I Bannen M '2 36:38:00 Roger Brownlow M 60 36:53:00

Page 42: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

• Informal Running Groups

Bagel Bunch Saturday 7:00 am at Bruegger's, Latta and Long Pond Roads in Greece, Various routes and distances, maps and water stops provided. Contact Bob Dyjak@ 225-6560 or [email protected] The 2002 Bagel Bunch Holiday Photo (attached), http: //

Oven Door Runners Saturday 6:30am meet in front of Pontillo's Pizza in Hitching Post Plaza on Rt. 96. Distances usually 12 - 20 miles. Contact Bill Hearne@ 377-3537 (hm), 781-1429 (wk), [email protected]

Oven Door Lite Sunday 7:00am, meet in front of Pontillo's Pizza in Hitching Post Plaza on Rt. 96 7 mile route, Contact Bill Hearne@377-3537 (hm) or 781-1429 (wk) or [email protected]

Spencerport Runners Sunday 7:30am, meet at the Union Street Canal Bridge, Routes of5 to 15 miles at a 7:30 to 8:30 pace, Contact Mike Weinpress @ 352-1026

Pittsford Towpath Runners Sunday 8:30 am Memorial Day through Labor Day; 9:00 am remainder of the year. Meet at Pittsford Dept. of Transportation, off Monroe Ave next to canal towpath, Contact John Hultz @ 586-4791. Flat routes of5 -8 miles, 7:30 - 10:30 pace, Socialize at Bruegger's Pittsford Plaza afterwards

Certified Five and Diners Wednesday, Winter (starting the Wednesday after the end ofDST), meet at Johnny's, a Smoke-Free Bar at 1382 Culver Road at 6:00 pm, with the opportunity for post-run socializing. Summer, (during DST) meet at the Mendon Ponds Park Beach Parking Lot 6:00 pm. Run starts at 6:15 pm, Run 5 miles and eat something afterwards, Contact John Hultz @586-4791

Wednesday's Children (formerly ruT feet Runners) Wednesdays 7:00 AM - Easy 3-mile and 5-mile runs. Website: http://www.rit.edul- pjhnce/wedschildhome.htm! RIT parking lot southwest side of campus S Lot (at Crossroads building), Directions: East River Road south from Jefferson Road; left onto Institute Drive; right onto Andrews Drive; left into S Lot, Eat and drink at Crossroads optional after the run. Contact: Peter Haggerty at [email protected]

Gold Rush Runners Saturdays 7:00 am, Meet at The Lakeside Coffee Shop, Stutson Street Plaza (Irondequoit), Routes in the 5 -15 mile range Contact Chris Boshnack 544-9934, cboshrunCi/l, or Don Curran [email protected]

Mendon Ponds Beginner's Group Saturdays 9:00 AM, meet at the Mendon Ponds Park Beach Parking Lot, Contact Paul Kato 415-6189 or ([email protected]) A combination or roads and I or trails depending on weather & group consensus

The Monday Evening Group Mondays 6:00 pm, Meet at Willopus T-Shirts, 1255 University Ave, Routes in the 3 mile and 5 ~ 7 mile range Contact Bill Kehoe (473-8337) for more information mailto:[email protected]

Rochester FrontRunners / FrontWalkers The local chapter of the International Front Runners. (www We are a group of gay men and women interested in fitness and social interaction. The gang meets Saturday 9:00 am, Monday and Wednesday 6:00 pm in the parking lot of the George Eastman House, near the East Avenue entrance, rain or shine. Join us for a 3 mile run, a 5 mile run, or a 3 mile walk through the East Avenue I Park Avenue neighborhood and then relax and chat afterward at one of several coffee shops. Questions? Email [email protected] .

Page 43: Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe - · Irondequoit 10k Photo by: Roger Howe July 4th, 2003 ... Greg Brooks, race director and ... Our membership has taken a nice

Greater Rochester Track Club P. O. Box 92608 Rochester, NY 14692

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Trent Jackson Ed Duncan Dick Ashley Dick Boddie John Coons Len Bagley Gene Osborne Norm Frank Don McWilliams Pete Todd Don McNelly Paul Gesell Shirley Gesell Elroy Turner Paul Sadler Beryl Skelton Kare Cossaboon-Holm Joe George Bill Qulnlisk DaveWlnn Dave Coyne Craig Holm Tim McAvlnney

1970 1970 1971 1972 1973 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1984 1985 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988

Nedra Osborne Beth DeCiantis Bill Kehoe Nancy Oshler George Tillson Marsha Tillson Ben James Charlie McMullen Tom Rauscher Barbara Stewart Scott Bagley Jane laculli Tim McMullen Renee Rombaut Charlie Andrews Kim Batten Pete Pfltzlnger Bill Hearne Carolyn Smith Hanna Greg Brooks Kathy Brown ~Ic Perry

1988 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1999 1999 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003