Iron Age -STS


Transcript of Iron Age -STS

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The birth of iron age cultures

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# The metallurgy of iron - iron in usable quantities was first smelted from ore in the 15th century B.C. South Caucasus as a by product of gold making.- one of disadvantage of iron in early times was that it could not be melted for lack of sufficient blast to the furnace to produce the necessary melting temperature.

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# Iron Age Medicine>Empedocles(490-430)-is reported to have a rid 2 cities of pestilence by draining the swamps.

>Anaxagoras(500-430)-he considered the brain as a seat of the senses and intellect regarded disease as a disharmony of body elements.

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>Hippocrates (460-377)- called as the father of the medicine wrote about 14 treaties.-his therapy is based on the cooperation of nature.-his concept of disease based on the body fluid balance was incorrect.

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>Marcus Terntuis Varro (116-27)- were aware of the existence of microorganism describing them as small creatures.

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> Greece Roman Medicine with Galen (130-200)-his Treatment consisted of diet, massage and numerous drugs.

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# The plough and Axe -with iron axe forest could be cut down and swamps.With the iron plough resulting fields from forest could be easily cultivated and prepared.

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# Ships and Trade-with the greater facilities for ship-building provided with iron tools better and larger ships were constructed. This led to the effective and cheaper use of the sea-ways in spreading the culture.

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#Iron Age Cities-an iron age city inherited all the arts of a bronze. Another feature of iron age was the use of slaves mostly in agriculture, mines, and manufacture. The iron city became a center place for manufacture.

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# The Alphabet and Literature-an iron age development important of science was vulgarization of the system of writing, cunieform, and hieroglyphics of the previous empires into a common phoenician alphabet.

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# The Phoenicians- the phoenicians were the first people to benefit from new conditions of iron age. This led to trade, exploiting sea transport and popularization of the alphabet.

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# The Ancient Greeks-the ancient Greeks were the only people to take over the bulk of the learning that was after centuries of destructive warfare and neglect in the previous empires Egypt and Babylonia. Their learning was affected to some extent our present civilization.

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# The Economic Basis of the Greek-Ancient Greek culture depended on poor dry farming with small peasant holdings helped by olive groves, fishing and vineyards.

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# Architecture- Greeks architecture showed beauty, proportion and symmetry involving accurate drawing. Two instrument were of great help : the draughtsman compass and the lathe.

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# The Birth of Abstract Science-The ancient Greek had capacity to separate factual and verifiable from emotional, mystical and traditional statements.

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# The separation of science from technology in the ancient Greece-compared the ancient science of early civilization such as Egypt and Babylonian, ancient Greek science in the iron age was more rational and abstract remaining farther removed from technology.

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- The development of technology in the iron age particularly in Greece was not fundamental innovations compared during the bronze age.

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# Content and Method of Ancient Greeks Science-Modern science is directly derived from or was influenced by the ancient Greek science.

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