Irish Bishop^From Africa Td PIGGY-BANK LENTEN GIFTS Preach...

W'>w'»»'>w*w^K^i»<^^*)'f|idr^iLjjlj^|tfi'»ij|>8ia ii %'#»« <^y.Wy.'. -> i«>«w*i w »«»» r »»i*<«. -<««?».. <^. «*»<^«Mrt^<«*Msyq>n$fA«!WMilM^«^ »"*;•-* < i *• r ' * ( ;V* '•£* \ / r 4 ^W^^w^^,f«wr, wm.&ft*- •».), ,3.., ,..»••!, f, ^,^,„n,.i...w,i, ,,> ,n .\ ,1 *,.,, ^ i f y i ^ % V ; l o^ i ;^i^ l Q ,,, m*m»wmm*mmwhm Irish Bishop^From Africa Td Preach St Patrick Pariegyric PIGGY-BANK LENTEN GIFTS I I I & Mail $t.4khlr« "V tflUftf A * ••••'•saTsint * % • * • • ~ v • <• •- AIM*., ,,..i <•„• Opening the dbservance of the Teast » r ^ t Patrick, Monday, Mssefi 17, -will b e a Solemn, Pen- tlftc&l Mass in St Patrick's O&orcli, Plymouth Ave, North, Jtochester, at which an Irish jwssionary Bishop from Africa will ptcachv the panegyric •J3ie Solesnn Pohtiflcel'Mass at 10 a. m. will be celebrated by Pis Excellency Bishop Kearney. The eulogy of St. Patrick "will he preached T>y Bishop" J k w e j Moaagh o£ the Ul&eese of Cala- bar in Nigeria, Africa. ]B3shop*>Sonagn, flrst bishop of the St. Patrick's Missionary So cletjy ..of, 5ftselaR(i Tot which Jjfe ,1s a meinljeVl* ori$& &»S visit tc- 1ibe United State*. # * ' <*ict» f a s iownd&d to 183? % grad jites of ^atpQQQs Setttosiy-.sM! Cteca'tet sliaflaf to the j St Co* feha»/K»thei?s. Heaoftuartew m e Society i s at S t Patrick's, ptitxpB, ^County Wlckt;ow, Irelatttl,. -! \ — .-„_- < THE BISHOPS mission in. this country is to ask assistance lot the establishment of A Catholic press }n Nigeria 'where com* munistic influence i» threatening the missionaries' work Arrangements for the Mass are being: made by the Rev. Leo C Mooney, pastor of St Pat- rick's, Attending- the services will be members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies Aux- iliary, Knights of Eojaity and Daughters of Erin and Knights of Columbus and Ladies Aux- iliary, > t -Bfrhiight of. the evening's «de> i K ^ j p W M ' A n Krdght* of P*$ttty.dinner at Powers Hotel IBalBrooiBt at.wMchBWjop Xeart I^^Sf^^SMlf Shd •& S$$X l^le^to^Wasm. -•.;.,• .-•:'!.r Hostessts will be Mrs, Joseph McjftOfoi Mrs. AUealloylefMra, Christopher Delanty, Mrs. Mich-" ael- t» Ryan^ iMrs^ 3Flesenc«f !<*• "~ ' J. •* D It A PERIES FURNITURE -4f* !%•'fir'ME** x _ O'Connell, Mrs. _ J Mrs, Thomas Meagher, Mrs. Thomas DavK and Mrs, Willikm Morrisy, * , r < "Dte Hibernians will have open house at their Clufc, 48 Alex- ander St, throughout Monday and will hold * dance to the eve+ ning from 7 p, m. on. Climaxing their day the AOH and Auxiliary memhers will attend the annual St. Patrick's Day dance in Sen- e«a Hotel main ballroom begin- ning at 9 p. m. V Members of the Knights' of Columbus and their wives will hold "their celebration at^a din- ned in the K. of C. clubrooma on ^WS&ay, March |5r tsoxa-SM iot8?|ft p, m^^JthJESawaM S^ljy ^'thairhianr' ' "''.''••- 'fJl«g|* J l^rnV«^li« ; swwd ?at the Knights and Ladles of ^ v > *p3ai 4 Club, 3& Andrews Street from 6 to 9 p. m ^anyMother affairs*are planned to mark the -day in parish and community halls, announced else- 't.'ilJUlH Sbtttljei^3^pJtipBi; *& v MW SJ3fceUen# "Bishoj& Kearney aM his ;•<&/&& %}$%w ., m£m''m(t*f&tti&$w'"*>! Ireland will be honored 'wmm at fbe 4?|jti J P4fick's'i3i»y-tea ; at Nazareth ' .:...?.>.. legf%]Mpnday*Ma^ch 17 at |n f ,Lwherejtnthls issue; Railroad Sends Locomotive o India Missionary Church. Buxar Post Office, ShS' habad District, Sinar Province, India, sent this letter to G, H. Knelss, asalatant to the' president t^thearailrqssdt _ - *fe a magazine article which a kind JWend sent me, I read about locomotive bells. The. article stated that the bells used on engines often outlasted the horsed •:' . . '• *?Our cfrntregatton i s and in one of oir outiylnc vll "lafep/ we ar* buOdtaff a new church. It has beejir my great desire to have a^^»Veet-s<)Uridlng MK. i s o g a w began to »cout «nd^ ftnaliy dtscovered tvt«e. •. mf& had spent most o* it* rsirs chiicgkif betwssn Mto, Nev. aad Salt Lake Ctty. Mr. Kaetat Jearoad that it'wassOwut San Frandsct.—(RNS)— Western Piwilic, it«flro«d has sent^ari old k>con;otive bell to* Jesuit missipn in India— at the mission's request. Recently, .the Rev. Thomas Dowlhg, S.J., of vtut Catholic to dang its great aOOpound brass bell for the last time. The engine was due. to. be. scrapped. Oh December "30, he sent'Father Downing the-following cable; 'Tour lwiernottv* TSea^WJU be on its way very soon. Merry Christmas," - rAXMKK DOWNING wrote to h^^ptn-Iodia three days later: rXotir Ter^w^elcpir^iWir*.*! the aoth arrived here along the banks of .the :<?ang«jsyts|erday A . t _ .. 'It buoyed our spWte trawmoV omiy to«« remem- bered us and Hat'yno: were so thoughtrulas tosei^-Christmas' *TBs^ttaa*'th«5.p«<^liesrttie bdl.jcinf; | t Trill remind them, of, the. thoughtfulnws. and the frti^aimels of the An^trteah U5#as4. IOOJI, dlnctor |or Jesuit ^#fa«t mm. *Ht,*ta.,,- Ana- W^mi westfdealt^f^tee rafl. x^'^sw-fisift jr^s^«f«s>a and ,a»lpfM^.ioff.tW'-th*'l«hs«-of the' . ——i—o—> —r Catholic school children In the IJiJted States a » j o * n ^ w h ^ heartedly in the Lenten campaign of the Bishops* stand foe the Victims of War. A piggy-bank offering , st*ris oft the response of flrst grade students at St. Gabriel's School, Washington, D,C* ' received by their pastor, Bishop John M. McNamara, while - Sister Julia Maria smiles her approval. The idea 'Of Catholic school children flying their pennies to aid the child vktirits of War'overseas originated at this school in 1M4, and Has been an annual event since then. "<NCf Photos) , t*ai X. 8t*tttMre*s«r, Otto J . Vert, mOcv^Frawds de Sak»>ad St SH#Mfr/jmd*. 'schools'. 'Were scheduled t2 remain closed tins wetk due t» prevailinf JOness ./£*' •dpstot*'*** % Wm wlft simitar action takes- by~offldals 'vf-iSam Vfr School .aad'the ;*>« iN%'-iBlwc|s.^ ,•»• ;of-tM iehy M | s A J f m 4 h ! « ' : l*;em«ftii*!Riidents !^1JWP' mw&mrftb. » *> m Vsf' JC m 'n&£m£*.'w jtfrjiijsiii ruMii -«**'-'*- i •* £> "jfa4M*i lk^%,su%.M"ie ' i-+ . * . ' WNK<--<COIDiAIS ^ |^ftSj.fe\*lsMiM*WW> ^W* £;i$r'_ if t m BBS Jjtmt C*omm* NerMtita - • - J^«^.Arfc-~ OiCl,^ itablishinent of * new roonas. fisyrs^ w ^ f c of tha pi* caked Carmelite Fathers on a ^ : ^ S»*l J<^- *thet*' wat : mamu&i "Bgr «s«v Very-' Rev. ; ^g^gniei1te^er.,itt Son Offers Requiem Moss For Edward H. McMannus Solemn Requiem Mass ior Edward H, McilMtaanus, bf 26 Beacon St, was celebrated by his son, the Rev. E. Leo Mc> Mannus, a member of the English teaching staflf of St. Bernard's Seminary, on Saturday* -= '•—'—— March 8 | s C o r p u s C h r l s t i Churcliu Mr. McMannus, 71, operator of a confectionery-store on the East Side for 25 years, died March 4. 1952 following a heart attack on Feb. 20.. Assisting at the Mass were the Rt Rev. Msgr. Lawrence B. Casey, newly appointed pastor of Sacred Heart Fro-Cathedral and Mr. McMannus' nephew as Dea- con, and the Bev. William J. O'Brien, assistant pastor of Cor- pus Chrlsti, Church, Subdeacon. BOBK IN THE house in which he-had-Uved aU Ws life, Mr. McNannus was one of th* Urtt pupils enrolled in Corpus. Chrlstl School. After working as it mechanic in the New York Central Rail, road's roundhouse on Atlantic Ave., he established his store in 1S98 and, operated" It until 1923, when* he* soM^out lh-^he ifs£ few years he waj| erripioyM by the Cutler Mail Chufe Company oh Anderson -Ave.. Wtee/oooducimi* his stoje near the Universiry~ot Rochestejr campus "he made many friends and acquaintances among fac- ulty and students 'including the lata Dr. Rush Rhees, third presi- deatof ^le^miiversirylr ' W* : was a member of the Bbly Name'Society of Corpus Christ! Church. * ~ 'B^urklwwjfheld in Holy-iSepul- ehra^Cemetery. " ' ^m'tom-smcm&xx at the, Requiem Mass were the lit Rev. Msgr. Wm& JsV «lst% PJW v;G4;'the Right Reverend Moh- signoriJfibn M. Duffy^ John B* Sullivan F . ^iniam stauaerTand rTOfridFT. CratigH andThe Very maiV. Louthlln Thi Bwmcnd r«tb«r« Francii V. IW- n«r. XUBMtl Ktnpnr. John A. K«*JInrU>it, Jokn J. L*uy. Jmm. D. CuIfntT. Chmlat A. BiBsttt, Paul Kurt*)', Jucn* Dojtt*. CJnilM B. Cenjiill, Bfrnud C. N«w«mfc. X. Churlw I. Sulllrui. FrincU H. Connor of Hoiaton, Tuu; John B, ntlnUta, I»n»tlM_ St. G«orn>, Job* 9 . TMUT. r, I«ath. nraelw J. M>nky. JHwirl A, Stuwn «ad 3ak\ A-. Hurpky. .^ ,-, Capuchins Conduct 40 How STiaifle* % Geneva — FortySkours Devo- tions were conducted at the Csv- puchin Monastery on LochlancT Rd. this week. Services were held\ Sunday. Monday and Tuesday \ from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Vespers and compline were sung by tue-mon- astery choir a t the evening; services.. x » TjS^ ; entertainment program Jym "include an apocrypltal story 3It: .St, Patrick honoring Erin's patron, saint Also featured will be presentation by a speech choir of ttie Deer Cry, a prayer writ- ten J>y'§t PatrJclk on his deliver- anee from the threat of death when he was preaching Jn Ire- *nd. ... ;;,, , AOCQJtDING -JO tradition the Saint -vas alkivfed to pass by armed soldiers'who were plotting to kill -him and his followers as they assumed the appearance of white deer. Joan Moore Is directing the en- tertainment and Rosemary Riley Is general chairman. A singing sorus. will present, many Irish songs. ,: ,^ -/ Decorations will ittcltide: the traditional shamrocks and green ribbon. The theme will be com- pleted by Serving Of green punch and cookies. . , , . . t , Good Friday Closing Urged San Francisco —(NC)—• Mayor Elmer ETRobinSon of San Fran- cisco has issued a proclamation calling upon all business firms to suspend business between the hours of noon, and 3 p. m. Good Friday, April 11, t o permit em- ployees to attend church services. Gerould's Pharmacy Your Prescriptions CdlltdFor and DsKvertd S. Main of Hudson Dial 6946 Enjoy th« friendly atmosphere of ^ Ila \h /imw lv$f w iv FIMIRfl NV Vftisn RtatMinf si Its) er IMM|IM!. reel assures! that en •xaerkncsd staff, wall trained ki thslr msfMcNvl •Mitt, wHl eeski in SMklna ysur party a sweets*. W. C. BMSBSON kUuctef H m k i Rj*er^jd: jMoni?gnb>t-Gerald ; . a Lambert and John S. Randall. iCsttntt,^ £. JteV.I*' H. V«3Tu, •w«»,-tli« IKnruidl F»lk«r» Vie* Cbna«U«ri JUCM its* It. G6W«t, n w i i . toui' C. Mux!,, Sujtin* AlWrt J. Sltuoon, I*j J. Thlwr . Miunr, OJjr., Xnmaac ' X. W u f . W«RMr KJTMBtif, Jokn A. It*. put.. dtt»r M. Xioai, K«ttlKW A. 8(a- Su*. Otrim, Jj KtCtxtkr. Et»ai» 'W. Mkfc<r, WUU«« K. H«rt, I t a M X. iMmta. * , " •' — WtMMlr'It. a»rff-S«T»OO* ¥r M*cn, rAsUfft WWtoMbW#K T f 'r it *' **« MlJlfBii iftpa- WPtsT SPECIAL TOilATO aAUut A CABS •"* leBBBskreBBBV •«..-:^V.« i ' i « I'I mil II i iiimri i i ii, I, [ «s^^^^ ^M^^- MP J at * •ULtiA. Cn&tt, Jtrmt SeUffirli, lUr- mmil. -W«W. W. D«KrBeI««r, J«ka & KcCitttrtjr. G*ot»« S. W^od. John Ki Wwrii, Jotat W*l*. J. J»^>k O'CCHIMU. % i&* imitff l *~ r ASHtOW SHO*» Mt5. IVAM IIAeT •"•TB*-'^FJSJFK. jr Fashion lit Women's Shoes • -^dW,1ibiHritf&dUtt with, lf»^si>6^i^"diK(mri«s^ow ^rd0ces%ii Important coiAtflwtlott to miim <tf &shion. »hde«. A leafling ahoe jatmsJactttwr Is using teeeat swkiB^fleauy, developed material to add more flexibility to.the {finartsliota^riWalcl'tJtey have 6.H.H.T.ICRLY r > sfJMsgV "*t assto i=i PEERLESS W •^p^H^^^'^esf ^•gsr^Bg' THJS' IIYCLsUIIliM <was sws xesognneo. Women buying shoes seldom give a thought to the processes .©* many epsratlons r«iulred to S^* %«£** •^ M *•» »*w twisafl right and looks all right b«4»er ioeft and If It answers her M»WBate s wants, she buys ft Per experience .may have .faSjghfcdhejr ^ ^ e g t a t e ma»«w .f*tw«^*ksl»es ftve^leV more' satisfaction than others md if Oti pmltsman says, T i l l , >Lut U *8&1tor **)t ftjotf she gtm, Issr-Bs^sSaiiBi-te m t a t t ( t r K « wooden forms on which sbsts tm molded as they are beokt mSoei. * ' Tsrsaw jiomx to » «,» that though, a i d the mimtfae- turns of the Hfl and Dale shoes art brfagta* M to,our attention with then-,fetreduetionj f a Mew *w the grace of a swayteg « # 8 j f t * * *sflie«sd In he# yoa saw* ».wwsv flew snossv tnsar aWlsV ' '- ^^- «- ss swerany xnefm. at o»e s»^ proses^ that tfce nwthod ai sewhic the upper to the soie ^mttmUfk construction to .eP" T » *T ™l d • mm ^••^^»pie^|Fjfe«(""'W"l"W> forepart of the shoe to the shape a»4act&»dffh*fooi ' ' Wlllo-nex Is HOI and ^Dale's own cowepuori *M 13us* type of eonstructiorL.' Uslrig basic shoe- makhig . principles,, thfe, new. Willo-Plex feature results in a cushiony lightness that gives the, freedom .of foot moti6n«Nature intended, 4 v * * . ' > None ofthe fashion fot which tins' partknuar, manufacturer "'Is so we^l, 'knowtt ,has« been' sacrt ffced in giving the added comfort and fit to, this new construction. Even the Toole, of-the she* is lighter, and very fsminine. Care- M;-xese»icb,'into sadyanced ap* parej fashions produces shoes' that are' a .co|nptem«at >to -the dothes women .wjll Wear. Shot . fashkms iate prettiec than *¥*> thSspicfiii; 'Uie dsjrifr' dose-rolled .soles, the delicately shaped 'wWtbaiaw^ heels means complete ^costume cootdlnation- with .criap' petficoAts, flalred skirts ,a»d -fewmlrte detallirtg We wiR be seeing threugiiout the S3?lihfTilK|i!SOtJr! t \ « ' i In a' season where texture is swwsy the polished look; of dht Bootmaker flnlsh on the Hill and I>ale.shoe*/J« what ycnLwant with deep poodle cloths, ribbed' and slubbetf woolens, all fubrTcs that; aire fsshion-llked, . Go^VKMiy; feature thes* HOW MAN CHEMUNG CANAL TRUST COMPANY, IY BANK SERVICES DO YOU USE? Wost folks c W f rtalfxt {wf h«w tenrictf w t offer. VVa hovt many de- partments and service* that can M of ojsjbHmc* ro you Iri financial matfMs. Check faatow fh» anas you now in*. Then tt« how many are* JHII Itft that can he-of rial ht!p to you arid your buttntsi. P legulor C^sK^'na; Acw«nH a lWlrryCr>ackino Accounts . P Special Inftreit Accounts S^rJstnias^Clubi Q TifT« Certrficats* of Depoiit P Corrimtrciaf loorw _ O Aufomobirv nrtoncitiQ > ApjMwnca rinanctng D rrfAHotiseiWpreWiHlOlit Loons O . Ini^cnnierrt.Loont for Otftef / \ Needs andnndham Mo¥raaa« Loans "$af# Dapos^fBox»s D New York Drafts '. % , narsK money vnaers a Tr^aflofCorp^t^tlfs^N», . *. Recjnifa.r ana i nonttor Aaant u .'• i. •>! O Trovaltft Checks A d Foreign Exchange O'Stcuritis* TrarrKKtiohs Q exscufdr of Wills cmd ,' ' Admioisrrator of istaitf--\ '^ "" Q TrustaeundsfWIIIs,Deeck;ef Tru»»,n>onteo^ SsHlaments ' _ and e^her Legal lilsteimoiitt * P OtnerolorTestamtntciry - A , Guardian of Esfaf os of Minors I D Comtnirtea of ih« Estcnes of :"' ~ InwmMranrjorIfWant . Fetsons - *• D W o s i f o r y of ProfJertyifi ' ' " Eicrow " ' * ., D Cusrodioh of Sacuritisi and Other Property r * . D Receiver undtr Order of Court P G.I, Mortaaas loans' \ * " « ' ! , ! mmmmmmmmmMmm*mmWmmmmmmmmmmW*\\\^ W .J^: j?' RIMEMIEK THIS U$TJ Ukily ywMI flad thit Wn* wrvicn yen iW¥«^ iM i^ftrf will add fc thi MNVtiiliiict and ufiiy if niidUi{'y9^nMiisK ; » ~ WII Bt Qla. ti Explain Any tf Thm Ssrviwt to ¥ni < fcsli^Mlsta- , fs*sasl"'4fissstsi 'tlii" ELsmlRA* N* T# WESTSIDE M A N C H 62»W.dH»rdiJ4. ^. '^?f*ar;-.^- *~+-t^ .Jtai- .—•',' r '-' r. .•f^f^.'^^^^i*' < ' < ^ i *^ i ***»* ! fcj'^^ porting t ing the c Holy A Name, <Ji man Mar; Rev. Joht Sacrsmeni *mm ?& Patrick l Owssco» I St. Joseph Mam, ism O'Brien, A erine f Add Turner; t Rev. Fran ebsafe law Mary, Hot at. JoecblH a. Maileys -'Rev..fferni

Transcript of Irish Bishop^From Africa Td PIGGY-BANK LENTEN GIFTS Preach...

Page 1: Irish Bishop^From Africa Td PIGGY-BANK LENTEN GIFTS Preach … · 2014-04-30 · W'>w'»»'>w*w^K^i»8ia

W'>w'»»'>w*w^K i»<^ *)'f|idr iLjjlj |tfi'»ij|>8ia ii %'#»« <^y.Wy.'. -> i « > « w * i w » « » » r » » i * < « . -<««?».. <^. «*»<^«Mrt^<«*Msyq>n$fA«!WMilM^«^ »"*;•-* <

i *• r ' *( ;V*

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/ r 4 W^^w^^,f«wr, wm.&ft*-•».), , 3 . . , ,..»••!, f, ^,^,„n,.i...w,i, ,,> ,n .\ ,1 *,.,, ^ i f y i ^ % V ; l o ^ i ; ^ i ^ l Q ,,,


Irish Bishop^From Africa Td Preach St Patrick Pariegyric


I I I & Mail $t.4khlr«

"V tflUftf A * ••••'•saTsint *

%• * • • ~ v • <• •- A I M * ., ,,..i <•„•

Opening the dbservance of the Teast » r ^ t Patrick, Monday, Mssefi 17, -will be a Solemn, Pen-tlftc&l Mass in St Patrick's O&orcli, Plymouth Ave, North, Jtochester, at which an Irish jwssionary Bishop from Africa will ptcachv the panegyric

•J3ie Solesnn Pohtiflcel'Mass at 10 a. m. will be celebrated by Pis Excellency Bishop Kearney. The eulogy of St. Patrick "will he preached T>y Bishop" J k w e j Moaagh o£ the Ul&eese of Cala­bar in Nigeria, Africa.

]B3shop*>Sonagn, flrst bishop of the St. Patrick's Missionary So cletjy ..of, 5ftselaR(i Tot which Jjfe ,1s a meinljeVl* ori$& &»S visit tc- 1ibe United State*. # * ' <*ict» f a s iownd&d to 183? % grad jites of ^atpQQQs Setttosiy-.sM! Cteca'tet sliaflaf to the jSt Co* feha»/K»thei?s. Heaoftuartew m£ me Society is at S t Patrick's, ptitxpB, ^County Wlckt;ow, Irelatttl,. - ! \ — .-„_- <

THE BISHOPS mission in. this country is to ask assistance lot the establishment of A Catholic press }n Nigeria 'where com* munistic influence i» threatening the missionaries' work

Arrangements for the Mass are being: made by the Rev. Leo C Mooney, pastor of St Pat­rick's,

Attending- the services will be members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and Ladies Aux­iliary, Knights of Eojaity and Daughters of Erin and Knights of Columbus and Ladies Aux­iliary, > t-Bfrhiight of. the evening's «de> i K ^ j p W M ' A n Krdght* of P*$ttty.dinner at Powers Hotel IBalBrooiBt at.wMchBWjop Xeart I^^Sf^^SMlf Shd•& S$$X l^le^to^Wasm. -•.;.,• .-•:'!.r

Hostessts will be Mrs, Joseph McjftOfoi Mrs. AUealloylefMra, Christopher Delanty, Mrs. Mich-" ael- t» Ryan^ iMrs 3Flesenc«f

! < * • " ~ '

J . • *


-4f* !%•'fir'ME** x _

O'Connell, Mrs.

_ J

Mrs, Thomas Meagher, Mrs. Thomas DavK and Mrs, Willikm Morrisy, * , r<

"Dte Hibernians will have open house at their Clufc, 48 Alex­ander St, throughout Monday and will hold * dance to the eve+ ning from 7 p, m. on. Climaxing their day the AOH and Auxiliary memhers will attend the annual St. Patrick's Day dance in Sen-e«a Hotel main ballroom begin­ning at 9 p. m. V

Members of the Knights' of Columbus and their wives will hold "their celebration at^a din­ned in the K. of C. clubrooma on ^WS&ay, March |5r tsoxa-SM iot8?|ft p, m^ JthJESawaM S^ljy ^'thairhianr' ' " ' ' . ' ' • • -

'fJl«g|*Jl^rnV«^li« ;swwd ?at the Knights and Ladles of ^ v > *p3ai4 Club, 3& Andrews Street from 6 to 9 p. m

^anyMother affairs*are planned to mark the -day in parish and community halls, announced else-



*& v MW SJ3fceUen# "Bishoj& Kearney aM his ;•<&/&& %}$%w

. , m£m''m(t*f&tti&$w'"*>! Ireland will be honored 'wmm at fbe 4?|jtiJP4fick's'i3i»y-tea;at Nazareth ' . : . . . ? . > . .

legf%]Mpnday*Ma^ch 17 at

|nf,Lwherejtnthls issue;

Railroad Sends Locomotive o India Missionary

Church. Buxar Post Office, ShS' habad District, Sinar Province, India, sent this letter to G, H. Knelss, asalatant to the' president

t^thearailrqssdt _ -*fe a magazine article which a

kind JWend sent me, I read about locomotive bells. The. article stated that the bells used on engines often outlasted the horsed •:' . . '• *?Our cfrntregatton is

and in one of oir outiylnc vll "lafep/ we ar* buOdtaff a new church. It has beejir my great desire to have a »Veet-s<)Uridlng

MK. isogaw began to »cout «nd^ ftnaliy dtscovered tvt«e. •.

mf& had spent most o* it* rsirs chiicgkif betwssn Mto, Nev. aad Salt Lake Ctty. Mr. Kaetat Jearoad that it'wassOwut

San Frandsct.—(RNS)— Western Piwilic, it«flro«d has sent^ari old k>con;otive bell to* Jesuit missipn in India— at the mission's request.

Recently, .the Rev. Thomas Dowlhg, S.J., of vtut Catholic to dang its great aOOpound

brass bell for the last time. The engine was due. to. be. scrapped. Oh December "30, he sent'Father Downing the-following cable;

'Tour lwiernottv* TSea WJU be on its way very soon. Merry Christmas," • -

rAXMKK DOWNING wrote to h^^ptn-Iodia three days later: rXotir Ter^w^elcpir iWir*.*! the aoth arrived here along the banks of .the :<?ang«jsyts|erdayA. t_ ..

'It buoyed our spWte trawmoV omiy to«« remem­bered us and Hat'yno: were so thoughtrulas tosei^-Christmas'

*TBs^ttaa*'th«5.p«<^liesrttie bdl.jcinf; | t Trill remind them, of, the. thoughtfulnws. and the frti^aimels of the An trteah

U5#as4. IOOJI, dlnctor |or Jesuit

^#fa«tmm. *Ht, *ta.,,- Ana-W^mi westfdealt^f^tee rafl. x^ '^sw- f is i f t j r^s^«f«s>a and ,a»lpfM .ioff.tW'-th*'l«hs«-of the'

. — — i — o — > — r

Catholic school children In the IJiJted States a » j o * n ^ w h ^ heartedly in the Lenten campaign of the Bishops* stand foe the Victims of War. A piggy-bank offering ,st*ris oft the response of flrst grade students at St. Gabriel's School, Washington, D,C*

' received by their pastor, Bishop John M. McNamara, while - Sister Julia Maria smiles her approval. The idea 'Of Catholic school children flying their pennies to aid the child vktirits of War'overseas originated at this school in 1M4, and Has been

an annual event since then. "<NCf Photos) ,

t*ai X. 8t*tttMre*s«r, Otto J . Vert,

mOcv^Frawds de Sak»>ad St SH#Mfr/jmd*. 'schools'. 'Were scheduled t2 remain closed tins wetk due t» prevailinf JOness

./£*' •dpstot*'*** % Wm wlft simitar action takes- by~offldals 'vf-iSam Vfr School .aad'the ;*>« iN%'-iBlwc|s.^ ,•»•

;of-tM iehy M | s A J f m 4 h ! « ' :l*;em«ftii*!Riidents

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Jjtmt C*omm* NerMtita - • -J ^ « ^ . A r f c - ~ OiCl,^ itablishinent of * new roonas.

f isyrs^ w ^ f c of tha pi* caked Carmelite Fathers on a

^ : ^ S»*l J < ^ - *thet*' wat:

mamu&i "Bgr «s«v Very-' Rev.;

^ g ^ g n i e i 1 t e ^ e r . , i t t

Son Offers Requiem Moss For Edward H. McMannus

Solemn Requiem Mass ior Edward H, McilMtaanus, bf 26 Beacon St, was celebrated by his son, the Rev. E. Leo Mc> Mannus, a member of the English teaching staflf of St. Bernard's Seminary, on Saturday* -= '•—'—— March 8 | s Corpus Chr l s t i Churcliu

Mr. McMannus, 71, operator of a confectionery-store on the East Side for 25 years, died March 4. 1952 following a heart attack on Feb. 20..

Assisting at the Mass were the Rt Rev. Msgr. Lawrence B. Casey, newly appointed pastor of Sacred Heart Fro-Cathedral and Mr. McMannus' nephew as Dea­con, and the Bev. William J. O'Brien, assistant pastor of Cor­pus Chrlsti, Church, Subdeacon.

BOBK IN THE house in which he-had-Uved aU Ws life, Mr. McNannus was one of th* Urtt pupils enrolled in Corpus. Chrlstl School.

After working as it mechanic in the New York Central Rail, road's roundhouse on Atlantic Ave., he established his store in 1S98 and, operated" It until 1923, when* he* soM^out lh-^he ifs£ few years he waj| erripioyM by the Cutler Mail Chufe Company oh Anderson -Ave..

Wtee/oooducimi* his stoje near the Universiry~ot Rochestejr campus "he made many friends and acquaintances among fac­ulty and students 'including the lata Dr. Rush Rhees, third presi-deatof ^le^miiversirylr ' W*: was a member of the Bbly

Name'Society of Corpus Christ! Church. * ~ 'B^urklwwjfheld in Holy-iSepul-ehra^Cemetery. " ' ^m'tom-smcm&xx at the, Requiem Mass were the l it Rev. Msgr. Wm& JsV «lst% PJW v;G4;'the Right Reverend Moh-signori Jfibn M. Duffy^ John B* Sullivan F . ^iniam stauaerTand rTOfridFT. CratigH andThe Very

maiV. Louthlln Thi Bwmcnd r«tb«r« Francii V. IW-

n«r. XUBMtl Ktnpnr. John A. K«*JInrU>it, Jokn J. L*uy. Jmm. D. CuIfntT. Chmlat A. BiBsttt, Paul Kurt*)', Jucn* Dojtt*. CJnilM B. Cenjiill, Bfrnud C. N«w«mfc. X. Churlw I. Sulllrui. FrincU H. Connor of Hoiaton, Tuu; John B, ntlnUta, I»n»tlM_ St. G«orn>, Job* 9. TMUT.

r, I«ath. nraelw J. M>nky. JHwirl A, Stuwn «ad 3ak\ A-. Hurpky.

. ^ ,-, Capuchins Conduct 40 How STiaifle* %

Geneva — FortySkours Devo­tions were conducted at the Csv-puchin Monastery on LochlancT Rd. this week.

Services were held\ Sunday. Monday and Tuesday \ from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Vespers and compline were sung by tue-mon-astery choir a t the evening; services.. x

» TjS^; entertainment program Jym "include an apocrypltal story

3It: .St, Patrick honoring Erin's patron, saint Also featured will be presentation by a speech choir of ttie Deer Cry, a prayer writ­ten J>y'§t PatrJclk on his deliver-anee from the threat of death when he was preaching Jn Ire-*nd. ... ;;,, , AOCQJtDING -JO tradition the

Saint -vas alkivfed to pass by armed soldiers'who were plotting to kill -him and his followers as they assumed the appearance of white deer.

Joan Moore Is directing the en-tertainment and Rosemary Riley Is general chairman. A singing

sorus. will present, many Irish songs. ,: ,^ -/

Decorations will ittcltide: the traditional shamrocks and green ribbon. The theme will be com­pleted by Serving Of green punch and cookies.

. • • , , . • . t ,

Good Friday Closing Urged

San Francisco — (NC)—• Mayor Elmer ETRobinSon of San Fran­cisco has issued a proclamation calling upon all business firms to suspend business between the hours of noon, and 3 p. m. Good Friday, April 11, to permit em­ployees to attend church services.

Gerould's Pharmacy Your Prescriptions C d l l t d F o r a n d DsKvertd

S. Main of Hudson Dial 6946

Enjoy th« friendly atmosphere of

^ I la \h /imw lv$f w iv FIMIRfl NV

Vftisn RtatMinf si Its) er I M M | I M ! . reel assures! that en

•xaerkncsd staff, wall trained k i thslr msfMcNvl

•Mi t t , wHl eeski in SMklna ysur party a sweets*.

W. C. BMSBSON kUuctef H m k i

Rj*er^jd: jMoni?gnb>t-Gerald;. a Lambert and John S. Randall.

iCsttntt,^ £ . JteV.I*' H. V«3Tu,

•w«»,-tli« IKnruidl F»lk«r» Vie* Cbna«U«ri JUCM

its* It. G6W«t, n w i i . toui' C. Mux!,, Sujtin* AlWrt J. Sltuoon, I*j J.

Thlwr . Miunr, OJjr., Xnmaac ' X. Wuf. W«RMr KJTMBtif, Jokn A. It*. put.. dtt»r M. Xioai, K«ttlKW A. 8(a-Su*. Otrim, Jj KtCtxtkr. Et»ai» 'W. Mkfc<r, WUU«« K. H«rt, I t a M X. i M m t a . * , " — •' — WtMMlr'It. a»rff-S«T»OO* ¥r M*cn,




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•ULtiA. Cn&tt, Jtrmt SeUffirli, lUr-mmil. -W«W. W. D«KrBeI««r, J«ka & KcCitttrtjr. G*ot»« S. W^od. John Ki Wwrii, Jotat W*l*. J. J»^>k O'CCHIMU.

%i&* imitff l*~ r ASHtOW SHO*»

Mt5. IVAM IIAeT • " • T B * - ' ^ F J S J F K . j r

Fashion lit Women's Shoes • -^dW,1ibiHritf&dUtt with, l f»^s i>6^i^"diK(mri«s^ow ^rd0ces%ii Important coiAtflwtlott to miim <tf &shion. »hde«. A leafling ahoe jatmsJactttwr Is using teeeat swkiB fleauy, developed material to add more flexibility to.the

{finartsliota^riWalcl'tJtey have


> sfJMsgV


assto i=i

PEERLESS W • ^ p ^ H ^ ^ ^ ' ^ e s f ^•gsr^Bg' THJS'


<was s w s xesognneo. Women buying shoes seldom

give a thought to the processes .©* many epsratlons r«iulred to S^* %«£** • ^ M *•» »*w twisafl right and looks all right b«4»er ioeft and If It answers her M»WBates wants, she buys ft

Per experience .may have .faSjghfcdhejr ^ e g t a t e ma»«w .f*tw«^*ksl»es ftve^leV more' satisfaction than others md if Oti pmltsman says, Till , >Lut U *8&1tor **)t ftjotf she gtm, Issr-Bs^sSaiiBi-te m tat t ( trK« wooden forms on which sbsts tm molded as they are beokt mSoei. * '

Tsrsaw jiomx to » « ,» that though, a id the mimtfae-turns of the Hfl and Dale shoes art brfagta* M to,our attention with then-, fetreduetion j f a Mew

*w the grace of a swayteg « # 8 j f t * * *sflie«sd In he# yoa saw* ».wwsv flew snossv tnsar aWlsV ' '- ^^-

«- ss swerany xnefm. at o»e s»^ proses^ that tfce nwthod ai sewhic the upper to the soie

^mttmUfk construction to .eP"T» ™ *T ™l d • mm ^••^^»pie^|Fjfe«(""'W"l"W>

forepart of the shoe to the shape a»4act&»dffh*fooi ' '

Wlllo-nex Is HOI and ^Dale's own cowepuori *M 13us* type of eonstructiorL.' Uslrig basic shoe-makhig . principles,, thfe, new. Willo-Plex feature results in a cushiony lightness that gives the, freedom .of foot moti6n«Nature intended, 4 v * * . ' >

None ofthe fashion fot which tins' partknuar, manufacturer "'Is so we l, 'knowtt ,has« been' sacrt ffced in giving the added comfort and fit to, this new construction. Even the Toole, of-the she* is lighter, and very fsminine. Care-M;-xese»icb,'into sadyanced ap* parej fashions produces shoes' that are' a .co|nptem«at >to -the dothes women .wjll Wear.

Shot . fashkms iate prettiec than *¥*> thSspicfiii; 'Uie dsjrifr' dose-rolled .soles, the delicately shaped 'wWtbaiaw^ heels means complete ^costume cootdlnation-with .criap' petficoAts, flalred skirts ,a»d -fewmlrte detallirtg We wiR be seeing threugiiout the S3?lihfTilK|i!SOtJr! t \ « ' i

In a' season where texture is swwsy the polished look; of dht Bootmaker flnlsh on the Hill and I>ale.shoe*/J« what ycnLwant with deep poodle cloths, ribbed' and slubbetf woolens, all fubrTcs that; aire fsshion-llked, .

Go^VKMiy; feature thes*




Wost folks c W f rtalfxt {wf h«w

tenrictf w t offer. VVa hovt many de­

partments and service* that can M of

ojsjbHmc* ro you Iri financial matfMs.

Check faatow fh» anas you now in* .

Then tt« how many are* JHII I t f t that

can he-of rial ht!p to you arid your


P legulor C^sK 'na; Acw«nH

a lWlrryCr>ackino Accounts

. P Special Inftreit Accounts


Q TifT« Certrficats* of Depoiit

P Corrimtrciaf loorw

_ O Aufomobirv nrtoncitiQ

> ApjMwnca rinanctng

D rrfAHotiseiWpreWiHlOlit Loons

O . Ini cnnierrt.Loont for Otftef / \ Needs andnndham

• Mo¥raaa« Loans

• "$af# Dapos^fBox»s

D New York Drafts '. % ,

narsK money vnaers

a Tr^aflofCorp^t^tlfs^N», . *. Recjnifa.r ana i nonttor Aaant

u .'• i. •>!

O Trovaltft Checks

Ad Foreign Exchange

O'Stcuritis* TrarrKKtiohs

Q exscufdr of Wills cmd , ' ' Admioisrrator of istaitf --\ '^

"" Q TrustaeundsfWIIIs,Deeck;ef Tru»»,n>onteo^ SsHlaments

' _ and e^her Legal lilsteimoiitt *

P OtnerolorTestamtntciry - A , Guardian o f Esfaf os o f Minors

I D Comtnirtea of ih« Estcnes of • :"' ~ InwmMranrjorIfWant •

. Fetsons - *• D Wosifory of ProfJertyifi

' ' " Eicrow " ' *

. , D Cusrodioh of Sacuritisi and Other Property r *

. D Receiver undtr Order of Court

P G.I, Mortaaas loans' • • \ * " « ' ! , !


W . J ^ :


RIMEMIEK THIS U$TJ Ukily ywMI flad thit Wn* wrvicn yen

iW¥«^ i M i^ftrf will add fc thi MNVtiiliiict and ufiiy if

niidUi{'y9^nMiisK ; „ » ~ W§ WII Bt Qla. t i Explain Any tf Thm Ssrviwt to ¥ni

<fcsli^Mlsta-,fs*sasl"'4fissstsi ' t l i i "

ELsmlRA* N* T# WESTSIDE MANCH 62»W.dH»rdiJ4.

^ . '^?f*ar;-.^-

*~+-t^ .Jtai- . — • ' , ' r ' - ' r. . • f^ f^ . '^^^^i * ' < ' < ^ i *^ i * * *»* ! fc j '^^

porting t ing the c

Holy A Name, <Ji man Mar; Rev. Joht Sacrsmeni

*mm ?& Patrick l Owssco» I St. Joseph Mam, ism

O'Brien, A erinef Add Turner; t Rev. Fran ebsafe law Mary, Hot at. JoecblH a. Maileys
