Irish anti tobacco campaign case study

Irish anti- tobacco campaign: A case study


Case study of our fist national campaign: 'Teens Are Stupid'. An anti-tobacco campaign targetted at Irish teenagers. The campaign successfully integrated 6 marketing mediums. Please contact us for more details!

Transcript of Irish anti tobacco campaign case study

  • 1. Irish anti-tobacco campaign: A case study


  • Reach the TA of 12-15 year olds in Ireland through cost-effective, grass-roots and unexpected ways.
  • Innovative, edgier, and creative marketing strategy.
  • High profile and multimedia campaign: viral, digital, social media, guerrilla.
  • Expose how the marketing practices of the tobacco industry target young people and inform young people about the manipulative and deceptive practice of the tobacco industry.
  • Be provocative: outrage people toprovoke a reaction .

The brief: 3.

  • There are over 6000 tobacco-related deaths in Ireland every year.
  • The use of tobacco appears in 70% of all American-made films imported into Ireland.
  • 53% of smokers in Ireland begin smoking before the age of 15.
  • 28% of teenage girls in Ireland smoke.
  • 58% of teens who spend 4 or more evenings a week with their friends are smokers.

The inconvenient truths: 4. And now the fun stuff! Campaign Elements 5. Website Online ads Social Media Cinema ads Guerrilla ads Media coverage All singing off the same hymn sheet. 6. Main campaign character Corporate Tobacco Man (CTM) 7. Campaign slogan 8. 5 second subliminal cinema advertising: evil laughing Muahahahahaha! 9. Cinema advertising seen exclusively with Twilight Eclipse Immortality means smoking cant hurt you, right? 10. Guerrilla advertising pieces appear in popular malls 11. Guerrilla advertising pieces consist of a teenage girl trapped in smoke 12. Campaign website goes live with full CTM video made public: his tactics are revealed 13. Campaign website then allows teens to control CTM: Youve heard of subservient chicken? Now meet: subservient CTM Make me spank myself. 14. Media Coverage 15. Online Advertising 16. Integrated social media elements Every day users could read new, inflammatory & factual content from CTM: with hourly moderation.+ 17. The Results?

  • Huge press coverage: online and offline.
  • Strong campaign awareness: 25,000+ online users on campaign website and social media channels.
  • Well above average click-through rate for online advertising (.18%).
  • High average time spent on website by users (4 minutes).
  • Complete & seamless integration of all 6 campaign elements.
  • Accurate ROI measurement techniques.
  • Successful project management (PM): 30 people, 8 companies, 4 months no fails.

18. Would we do it all again? Definitely! With their first foray into the teenage TA, the client not only had a successful campaign, but also learned more about this tricky TA from one campaign than many other brands take years to discover. And of course, they saved lives in the process. 19. Brief or no brief: at LKC we want to conceive novel campaign concepts foryou ! 20. Chris Simpson +353 (0)87 7736 220 [email_address] Dublin, Ireland Let's talk!