
Have you ever wanted to go to Iraq and didn’t know what their lifestyle was? First I will tell you what kind of people live there. Second, I will tell you traditional family roles. Next is how you would act if you were invited into a home. This will give you an idea of a Iraq lifestyle.


culture, book

Transcript of Iraq

Page 1: Iraq

Have you ever wanted to go to Iraq and didn’t know what their lifestyle was? First I will tell you what kind of people live there. Second, I will tell you traditional family roles. Next is how you would act if you were invited into a home. This will give you an idea of a Iraq lifestyle.

Page 2: Iraq

Iraq has a large population and many

interesting people. Iraq has

over 23 million people in

the country. The

people that live in Iraq are

mostly Arab Muslims, a small

group of Jews, and Christians. Most Iraqis live

in large cities, because they offer more

employment and higher wages. In all, Iraq has

a lot of people for there size of country.

Page 3: Iraq

The Iraq families have traditional roles for each

member. The father of an Iraqi family

possesses complete authority and

responsibility. Wives are expected to obey and

serve their husbands. Girls marry at an average

age of 19 years old. Each Iraqis family member

has a traditional roles expected of them.

Page 4: Iraq

Visitors should have proper etiquette when

being invited to an Iraq home. If you are

invited to an Iraq home, bring a box of cookies,

pastries, or a box of chocolates. Expect to be

introduced to each person individually at a

small social function. As a large function you

may introduce yourself. Check to see if your

shoes are off and don’t discuss business at the

dinner table. It is important to have proper

etiquette show respect.

Page 5: Iraq

Does the Iraq lifestyle still interest you? You

will find many interesting people in Iraq. The

Iraq families have many traditional roles.

Showing respect to an Iraqi family is an

important thing. These are all things you need

to know about the Iraq lifestyle.

Page 6: Iraq

Have you ever wondered what the Iraq military is like? Well, you’re going to find out. The Iraqi military just keeps on growing. Iraq has a lot of bombs and weapons. In August

1990, Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait starting a war. Iraq is always getting ready for


Page 7: Iraq

The Iraqi military just keeps on growing. More and more people join every year. In 1922, the army had 3,618 men. Three years later, they had 7,500 men. Many times, Saddam Hussein (leader of the Iraqi military) doubled the size of the army. In 2003, the army consisted of 375,000 soldiers.In all, Iraq’s just keeps growing.

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Iraq has a lot of bombs, weapons, and the material to make them. Iraq had an extensive BW (biological warfare) program from 1973 until at least 1991. They declared that 200-400 aerial bombs were manufactured for BW purposes. After the Gulf War, Iraq claimed that they had 412.5 (825,000 pounds) of CW agents remaining. When it comes to weapons, Iraq is always ready for war.

Iraq bomb going off.

Page 9: Iraq

In August 1990, Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait, starting a war. The result was bad for Iraq. Saddam Hussein ordered the Iraqi army to invade Kuwait to absorb the country’s wealth. The U.S. attacked miltary and industrial targets in Kuwaut and Iraq. 1,500 to 100,000 Iraqi soldiers died as a result of the war. When Iraq goes to war, sometime shtey’re ready, and sometimes they’re not.

Map of Iraq and Kuwait.


Page 10: Iraq

The Iraqi military is always finding ways to make their army stronger. The army just keeps on growing and growing. Iraq is alwsays in possession of bombs and weapons. They’re always trying to take over other countries. Iraq likes to go into war, and they are usually ready.

Saddam Hussein, former leader of the Iraqi army.

Page 11: Iraq

Mixing Have you ever wondered what

Iraqis eat, well your about to find out!

Iraqi’s eat a lot of different foods, and they

love to mix foods together. Iraqi’s are not afraid

to mix foods together. They will mix fruits and

meats together and Iraqi’s think it is very good.

The most common foods they eat are pita

bread, yougert, and rice. Iraqi’s grow

vegetables such as auberginie, tomatoes, okra,

onions, potatoes, corgutte, garlic, and peppers.

Page 12: Iraq

Iraqi drinks

Iraqis drink Arabic coffee and strong tea. After

Iraqis have dinner they usually drink Arabic

coffee which the Iraqis grow, or they drink

strong tea. The Iraqis nickname is sweet tooth

because they can drink or eat strong and rich

things. Those are there to favorite drinks but

they still drink other things.

Iraqi desserts

Page 13: Iraq

They love strong desserts and rich desserts like rich

chocolate. Iraqis eat there desserts after supper on

occasions. There favorite dessert but not most common is

called baklawa. They do not eat there desserts that often

so they will eat the desserts when ever the chance comes.




Page 14: Iraq


Once again iraqis love mixing there foods together. They

are called the sweet tooth because they love eating

sweet and strong foods. They love yougert, rice, and pita

bread. That is everything that I have learned about iraqi

food information and I hope you learned something to!

Saddam Hussein, former leader of the Iraqi army.