Jf i t J Ir R iII O- Jfo M i OCALA EVENING STAR Volume 14 No 51 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JULY 29 1908 Fifty Cents a Month 5 a Year ARE Y- OUUNCRY We will Satisfy your wants ervice excellent The Best of everything eatings- Cafe R D FULLER DENTAL SURGEON Office over Mitnroe Chambliss Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH I J E CHACE ENTAL SURGEONR- ooms 9 10 and il Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH L F BLALOCK- Dental Surgeon Office Over Commercial Bank Phone 211 ffice Hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m TERMS CASH dYER thcKAY ERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers- E MciVER ALFRD E OWEN UndertaKers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes All Work Done by Licensed Em ilmers and Fully Guaranteed ce Ice I- PLITY Ice RIGHT- DELIVERYRIGHT PRICE RIGHT ILORIDA PACKING ICE co- P I THAGAKD Manager Phone No 5- BLANOHARD I C I CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans furnished on application 0 Box 46 Ocala Fla NAS FORT JAMES FORT Fort Bros Ye carry a complete line of FRESH STAP- LEGroceries nd Family nd will give prompt attention to all rders We also carry hay grain and led buy and sell country produce hickens and eggs Give u a share- r your patronage We deliver goods any part of the city 14 North Magnolia Street Ocala Fla OCALA PRESSING CLUB- J J FORT Proprietor Rates reasonable All goods pressed and Cleaned on Short No Delivered Promptly All transient work not called for thirty days will be sold for charges I I I 14 MUCH TANGLED AFFAIR l i In Which Marion County People are InterestedDifficulties that Beset the Receiver of the Defunct St Petersburg State Ban- kS Petersburg Time July 25 If there is any one thing that some St Petersburg people have done more hllc ring about and know less about than the affairs of the busted old St PUr burg State Bank we have nev er heard of it and as tlwra lots just I occurred a new wrinkle that means n Ire delay in the final settlement it nay not bv space wasted to publish a brief history of the situation I Receiver Trice and his attorney- Col B Ii Gunby once upon a time came to St Petersburg to try to make the people unde > stand it but parties who were then about to establish a second bank here as a rival of Mr Trices didnt want the people to un- derstand ¬ nd turned the meeting into a farce by attacking Mr Trice instead- of I prrinitting the audience to listen and try to understand Since when- we I guess Receiver Trice and Attorney I Gunny havent cared much whether the people of St Petersburg under- hand ¬ or not but they have certainly been sawing wood trying to get some- thing ¬ out of that old Globe Phosphate Min for the depoJtors Probably- any other receiver with a less bump of determination stubbornness and any other less tenacious attorney would have petered out long ago and been licked but as it is they still ex ¬ pect to get a very fair sized chunk of money for the depositors Occasionally an angry depositor still jumps at Receiver Trice and one wrote him the other day that an at- torney ¬ was about to be employed to get after him to which Mr Trice replied that he hoped it would be done- as by the time the depositors waded through the labyrinth of legal actions involved in the case they would know- so much more than they do now which would be a good thing all around Away back In ilte long ago John- A Bishop organized the Globe Phos ¬ phate company by persuading a num- ber of Marion and Citrus county men to put their lands into a jackpot and accept in lieu chipsliterally chips- or I shares in the company for which they never received a red cent Bishop controlled the company and Issued against the lands 200000 mortgage bonds With these bonds he did various tricks some 20000 of them going to Banker Agnew of Ocala at 20 cents and being turned into his bank by him at 100 centsfor which among other things Banker Agnew later went to the penitentiary Some were sold to the St Petersburg State Bank which Bishop also controlled When Agnews bank busted a court order permitted the purchase of the Agnew stock by the St Petersburg- bank ami in one way or another it finally b came owner of all of the sto ¬ len goods Then Bishop who was the St Pe- tersburg ¬ bank wanted to foreclose the mortgage and get the lands but as he had swindled the original own ¬ ers out of their property he knew it would be impossible to foreclose with ease and lispatch through the courts- of that Bishop was a re sourcefuf i1Rs an dproceeded to buy- a half Interest in the acres of land in Pasco county which under the com ¬ panys charter he was able to Include- in the companys lands and which then enabled him to begin foreclosure proceedings in this circuit Which he did For this important job he em- ployed ¬ ThoR M Shackleford and N B K Pettigill two Tampa lawyers agreeing that they should receive 15 000 for it Old creditors and nu- merous ¬ other claimants fought it but the case was won by BIshopor the St Petersburg bankthe legality of the 5aere deal was established and the jurisdiction of Judge Wall and a decree of sale was issuedwhich Shackleford and Pettingill did not fail to see contained a cinch for their oOOO- An l there the matter stood when the bank busted Mr Trice was ap- pointed ¬ receiver and Mr Gunby as I his attorney got into the game i Cleaning up all other odds anti end Mr Trice had some 7000 and I the Globe Phosphate mine as the only I possible things in sight for the de- positors I and the first thing that came I up in the mine case was the demand of Shackleford C Pettingill for their I 15000 Me srs Trice and Gunby didnt want them to have so much for the reason that it was an exor- bitant ¬ charge that Shackleford had I earlier in the game agreed to a set- tlement at 7500 and the depositors I needed the money The story of the legal maneuvering that followed would fill a book and none but a lawyer could write or un ¬ derstand itbut Shackleford and Pet ¬ tingill stuck for 15000 and the court decree awarding it could not be got around Mr Trice desired to sell the mine but Shackleford S Pettingill would not permit a sale until they first received their 15000 and there I was nothing to pay it with and Mr Trice didnt want to pay it anyway Mr Trice had not made his regular reports at thTs time because he had some money from the wreck that the court would not permit him to pay the depositors yet and he didnt want the I fact known because Shackleford C Pettingill were watching to swoop down unon it Finally they decided to smoke him out and began proceedings- to compel himto report and demand Ing his removal as receiver This will be remembered by those St Pe- tersburg ¬ depositors who chuckled so much at the time thinking that M Trice was to get it In the neck when it reality it was themselves Forced- to show up Mr Trice admitted having some 7000 and the court promptly ordered it handed over to Shacklefcrd- PettingHl cC And it went Then the mine being the only re srurte for the balance of their 15000 Sliu rleford Pettingill became as- a xini = as anybody for a sale Know Ing that the property would not bring- a price at a forced sale Mr Trice asked permission to buy it receiver which petition was granted by Judge Wall and Receiver Trice became the owner Ard then other troubles came in One Williamson representing a bunch- of the original land owners who wer- eo roundly swindled flied some kind of suit asaint Receiver Trice And Mr Wnltrr RaY of Ocala or some other seaport a man of means and determination who claimed to haw bought the land or some or it at some time and got a deed for it and not having been made a party to the foreclosure still owned them also filed same action against Receiver Trice and this Mr Ray is the man who has hold un the f eai ever since Shackleford Pettingill were fixed up I Mr Ray has as nrs attorney Mr Bob Anderson of Ocala who is about- as keen as they make them anti what he and Ray havent thought of doing- to hold that mine they will probably think of later Shrcvd efforts were made to get Judge Bullock of the other district in charge and the latttr once appointed another receiver and did other things and his procedure- was reversed by the supreme court several times accompanied by sharp reprimands- Mr Trice finally negotiated a sale of the mine to Mr W X Camp of Ocala for 35000 conditioned of course upon being given a good title and peaceable possesion no penny of the money to be paid to the depositors- until these terms should be carried out Mr Trice has the money and after several fights in which several- of Mr Trices agents were arrested- and jailed Mr Camp has been put in possession but the title is not yet settled Mr Trice has won successive suits from Ray only to be met by new ones Sometime ago tired of these amended > bills Mr Gunby asked Judge Bullock- to throw the latest one out which was done Ray promptly appealed to the supreme court which sustained- him and the matter is once more open- In the lower courts Mr Rays latest bill which the Times man was permitted to see in Mr Gunbys office the other day goes way back and sees to wipe out ev- erything ¬ pertaining to the St Peters ¬ burg hank charging fraud in that 5 acre jurisdiction deal and in most everything else that John A Bishop did Mr Gunby was preparing a de- murrer ¬ to the bill and is confident that he and Mr Trice will eventually win out for the depositors bur he can ¬ not say when probably when the su ¬ preme court tires of permitting Ray- to file amended hills In the meantime it would be only fair as well is sensible for St Pet- ersburg people to remember that Mr Trice is a servant of the courts and absolutely powerless to dispose of a cent of the money in his charge ex- cept ¬ by order of the court and no such order will come until Mr Camps title to the mine is made good I There is more catarrh in this sec- tion ¬ of the country than all other dis ¬ eases put together and until the last few years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced- it incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Cttarrh Cure man- ufactured ¬ by F J Cheney Co To ¬ ledo Ohio is the only constitutional- cure on market It is taken in ¬ ternally in doses from ten drops to a teaspoonful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys- tem ¬ They offer one hundred dollars- for any case it fails to cure Send for circulars and testimonials Ad- dress ¬ F J Cheney Co Toledo O Sold by all druggists 75c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation OXFORD BARBECUE AND PICNIC The rinff barbecue and rlj nic will be held at Oxford Saturday Au- gust ¬ Ist Everybody Is invited Dont forget to bring well filled ha5tt Governor Broward is expected to be present and speak to the greatheart- ed ¬ people THE GOKMEROfAL BARBERSHOP I Opens into the lobby of the Ocala House I Offers the very best service of skill- ed ¬ workmen with modern appliances Strictly sanitary Electric fans elec ¬ tric massages c BARBER JOE Manag- erPHILLIPS C J Contractor and Builder Plana and Specifications Furnished i Upon Request i29 South THrdSteet f Ocala Fla Phone SOS SAYS THAT IT ISNT SO Mr J R Parrott Denies the Story that Mr Flagler has Sold the East Coast Railway Jacksonville Fla July 29Owing to the fafct that ever since the pub ¬ lication in last Saturdays issue of the Tallahassee Sun of a story that Henry M Flagler had disposed of the Florida East Coast Railway company repeat- ed ¬ rumors to that effect have been more or less current throughout the state and an effort was made yester ¬ day morning to secure definite infor ¬ mation on the subject from the high officials of the East Coast road When seen at his office Vice Presi- dent J C Perron absolutely denied that there was any foundation frr the story and declared You can posit- ively say for me that there is not one word of truth in the story that is being circulated that Mr Flakier has disposed of the East Coast railway to the Atlantic Coast Line or any other parties A MANY TIME PRIZE WINNER National expositibns are a good in ¬ dex to the actual merit of the pro ¬ ducts exhibited The judges are al- ways ¬ experts of high standing and their decision is made only after care ¬ ful examination and exhaustive tests- It will therefore be a revelation to many to learn thatwhile lard is the most commonly used cooking fata vegetable oil cooking fat called COT ¬ TOLENE was awarded Grand Prize highest award at the Louisiana Pur ¬ chase exposition and cakes and pastry prepared with COTTOLENE also won- a Grand Prize Gold Medals repre ¬ senting highest awards in each case were also granted COTTOLENE at the Charleston Exposition and Chi ¬ cago Worlds Fair In fact wherever- it has been exhibited in competition- with other cooking fats COTTOLENE- has in every case received highest award Eminent chemists and cooking ex ¬ perts unite in declaring that in purity vholesomene economy and results COTTOLENE is far superior to lard DREW THE LINE ON THE DARKEY- Joe Lee of Florida Wasnt Allowed in the Dining Room of the Leading Cincinnati Hotel Cincinnati July 29 Joseph E Lee the colored republican boss of Flor- ida ¬ was a problem for the local ar ¬ rangements committee and the notifi ¬ cation committee incident to the for ¬ mal notification of Nominee Taft Lee is a member of the notification committee and when he presented himself at the aristocratic Sinton Ho ¬ tel with other members all white the manager of the hotel made a de ¬ termined protest against receiving the negro as a guest There was much discussion between- the local and notification committee- men and the management of the hotel finally agreed to permit Lee to oc ¬ cupy a room although he is the first negro over so received at the Sinton with the understanding that it was to be done very quietly and that the ne- gro should not be served in the dining room Lee was therefore escorted by a back entrance to a room and was told to make himself as inconspicuous a possible While the other members of the notification committee enjoyed a sumptuous meal in the big dining hall of the hotel Lee took his meal in the solitude and silence of his room But the Florida black boss was there- at the Taft residence and sat with the committee as prominently and as any of the members- IF YOU KNEW The merits of the Texas Wonder sou would never suffer from kidney blad I fr or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle two Months treatment Sold by druggists or by mail Send for testimonials- Dr E W HaH 2D2G Olive street St Louis Missouri A NEGRO BURNED ALIVE Terrible Vengeance Meted Out by Texans to the Perpetrator of a Heinous Crime Dallas Tex July 29While Tad Smith a young negro of eighteen years charged with having commit- ted ¬ a criminal assault upon Viola De lancy at Clinton Hunt county yes- terday ¬ was being brought to this city the officers who had him in charge were suddenly confronted by a mob of citizens who demanded that the prisoner be turned over to them at once The negro was bound with chains- to a large lightened tree and suffi ¬ cient fagots piled around him To com ¬ pletely destroy his body thousands of people lending their aid in arranging his funeral pyre When the fagots had been placed in position the match wat applied and kerosene oil poured- on the mass to tart the blaze which was kept burning slowly until the body had been entirely consumed The writhing of the creature as he slowly mt his death were watched- by a large concourse of people who afterward dispersed quietly to their homes without further trouble WAR AGAINST CONSUMPTION- All nations are endeavoring to check the ravages of consumption the white plague that claims so many victims each year Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds perfectly and you are in no danger of consumption- Do not risk your health by taking some unknown preparation when Fo Uys Honey and Tar is safe and cer tain in results Sold by all dealers IBANKINGT- he chief reasons for the growth and success of this Dank are unswerving regard for safe loans and its continuous help of regular customers a t- all times but especially when help is most needed I The Munroe Chambliss Bank iNCORPJRATEt OCALA FLORIDA I H ROBINSON Presides S H BLITCO Manager JC BOOZER Assl Manager GEO J EIITCfL Te- llerCOMMERCIAL I BANK i OCALA FLA THE DEPOSITORS in THIS BANK- Are the merchants the profesicnai anl successful men and women of the city the farmers of the surrounding territory We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the men and women who have built and are still building successful enter urises We solicit a share of your business I D E MclVER GEORGE Mac- KAYMclVER MacKAY I DEALERS I- NFURNITURE < AND HOUSEHOLD GOODSFur- niture Stoves China Crockery lamps Rags Carpets Mat ¬ tings Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table and Bed Linen Pictures Portiere and Lace Curtains Harness Saddles Trunks Suit Cases and Satchels BUILDING MATERIAL- Oils t VI Lime Sewer and Flue Pipe Lath Shingles and Cement r Wagons Carriages Buggies Undertakers Goods GONTRAOTOHS AND BUILDERS i Call on or write us loi prices Mclver MacKayOCA- LA FLORIDA DAYTONA BEACH HOTELDAY- TONA BEAU FLORIDA Thos H Keating Owner and ManagerO- pen the year round New house Directly on the ocean Open March 1st 1908 Electric lights Bells In every room Running water Baths with rooms Most desirable lcation on the beach Rates- In conformity with firstclass uptodate service Special Rates During the Summer THE WISTERIA- R S Marshall Proprietor FOR UPTODATE ROOMS AND BOARD Special Rates by the Week Satisfaction Guaranteed No 15 North Second Street OCALA FLORIDA The Breakers by the Sea SEABREEZE FLORIDA- Is now open under the management of I M MABETTE- The house will be conducted on a higher plane than ever before thor- oughly ¬ renovated and refurnished Rooms s igle or ensuIte with or with out private baths Fine fishing and the best surf bathing in the world SEA FOOD A SPECIALTY A TRIAL SOLICITED Rates U per day and upward according to location of rooms Thoroughly equipped garage and livery in connection J

Transcript of Ir R iII O- M Jfo OCALA EVENING STAR - UFDC Image...


Jf i t J


R iII O-



OCALA EVENING STARVolume 14 No 51 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JULY 29 1908 Fifty Cents a Month 5 a Year

ARE Y-OUUNCRYWe will Satisfy

your wantservice excellent The Best of




Office over Mitnroe ChamblissBank




ooms 9 10 and ilSecond Floor Holder Block




Dental SurgeonOffice Over Commercial Bank

Phone 211

ffice Hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to 5 p m



ERAL DIRECTORSUndertakers and Embalmers-


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes

All Work Done by Licensed Emilmers and Fully Guaranteed

ce Ice I-






PI THAGAKD ManagerPhone No 5-



Plans furnishedon application

0 Box 46 Ocala Fla


Fort BrosYe carry a complete line of


LEGroceriesnd Familynd will give prompt attention to allrders We also carry hay grain and

led buy and sell country producehickens and eggs Give u a share-r your patronage We deliver goods

any part of the city14 North Magnolia Street Ocala Fla


J J FORT Proprietor

Rates reasonable All goodspressed and Cleaned on Short No

Delivered PromptlyAll transient work not called forthirty days will be sold for charges




In Which Marion County People areInterestedDifficulties that Besetthe Receiver of the Defunct StPetersburg State Ban-

kS Petersburg Time July 25

If there is any one thing that someSt Petersburg people have done morehllc ring about and know less aboutthan the affairs of the busted old StPUr burg State Bank we have never heard of it and as tlwra lots just

I occurred a new wrinkle that meansn Ire delay in the final settlement itnay not bv space wasted to publish abrief history of the situation I

Receiver Trice and his attorney-Col B Ii Gunby once upon a timecame to St Petersburg to try to makethe people unde >stand it but partieswho were then about to establish asecond bank here as a rival of MrTrices didnt want the people to un-derstand


nd turned the meeting intoa farce by attacking Mr Trice instead-of


prrinitting the audience to listenand try to understand Since when-we


guess Receiver Trice and AttorneyI

Gunny havent cared much whetherthe people of St Petersburg under-hand


or not but they have certainlybeen sawing wood trying to get some-thing


out of that old Globe PhosphateMin for the depoJtors Probably-any other receiver with a less bumpof determination stubbornnessand any other less tenacious attorneywould have petered out long ago andbeen licked but as it is they still ex ¬

pect to get a very fair sized chunk ofmoney for the depositors

Occasionally an angry depositorstill jumps at Receiver Trice and onewrote him the other day that an at-torney


was about to be employed toget after him to which Mr Tricereplied that he hoped it would be done-as by the time the depositors wadedthrough the labyrinth of legal actionsinvolved in the case they would know-so much more than they do nowwhich would be a good thing allaround

Away back In ilte long ago John-A Bishop organized the Globe Phos ¬

phate company by persuading a num-ber of Marion and Citrus county mento put their lands into a jackpot andaccept in lieu chipsliterally chips-or


shares in the company for whichthey never received a red cent Bishopcontrolled the company and Issuedagainst the lands 200000 mortgagebonds With these bonds he didvarious tricks some 20000 of themgoing to Banker Agnew of Ocala at20 cents and being turned into hisbank by him at 100 centsfor whichamong other things Banker Agnewlater went to the penitentiary Somewere sold to the St Petersburg StateBank which Bishop also controlledWhen Agnews bank busted a courtorder permitted the purchase of theAgnew stock by the St Petersburg-bank ami in one way or another itfinally b came owner of all of the sto ¬

len goodsThen Bishop who was the St Pe-


bank wanted to foreclosethe mortgage and get the lands butas he had swindled the original own ¬

ers out of their property he knew itwould be impossible to foreclose withease and lispatch through the courts-of that Bishop was a resourcefuf i1Rs an dproceeded to buy-a half Interest in the acres of land inPasco county which under the com ¬

panys charter he was able to Include-in the companys lands and whichthen enabled him to begin foreclosureproceedings in this circuit Which hedid For this important job he em-ployed


ThoR M Shackleford and NB K Pettigill two Tampa lawyersagreeing that they should receive 15000 for it Old creditors and nu-


other claimants fought it butthe case was won by BIshopor theSt Petersburg bankthe legality ofthe 5aere deal was established andthe jurisdiction of Judge Wall and adecree of sale was issuedwhichShackleford and Pettingill did not failto see contained a cinch for their


An l there the matter stood whenthe bank busted Mr Trice was ap-pointed


receiver and Mr Gunby asI his attorney got into the gamei Cleaning up all other odds antiend Mr Trice had some 7000 and

I the Globe Phosphate mine as the only I

possible things in sight for the de-positorsI and the first thing that came

I up in the mine case was the demandof Shackleford C Pettingill for their

I 15000 Me srs Trice and Gunbydidnt want them to have so muchfor the reason that it was an exor-bitant


charge that Shackleford had I

earlier in the game agreed to a set-

tlement at 7500 and the depositorsI

needed the moneyThe story of the legal maneuvering

that followed would fill a book andnone but a lawyer could write or un ¬

derstand itbut Shackleford and Pet ¬

tingill stuck for 15000 and the courtdecree awarding it could not be gotaround Mr Trice desired to sell themine but Shackleford S Pettingillwould not permit a sale until theyfirst received their 15000 and there

I was nothing to pay it with and MrTrice didnt want to pay it anyway

Mr Trice had not made his regularreports at thTs time because he hadsome money from the wreck that thecourt would not permit him to pay thedepositors yet and he didnt want the I

fact known because Shackleford CPettingill were watching to swoopdown unon it Finally they decided tosmoke him out and began proceedings-to compel himto report and demandIng his removal as receiver Thiswill be remembered by those St Pe-tersburg


depositors who chuckled so

much at the time thinking that MTrice was to get it In the neck whenit reality it was themselves Forced-to show up Mr Trice admitted havingsome 7000 and the court promptlyordered it handed over to Shacklefcrd-

PettingHlcC And it wentThen the mine being the only re

srurte for the balance of their 15000Sliu rleford Pettingill became as-a xini = as anybody for a sale KnowIng that the property would not bring-a price at a forced sale Mr Triceasked permission to buy it receiverwhich petition was granted by JudgeWall and Receiver Trice became theowner

Ard then other troubles came inOne Williamson representing a bunch-of the original land owners who wer-eo roundly swindled flied some kindof suit asaint Receiver Trice AndMr Wnltrr RaY of Ocala or someother seaport a man of means anddetermination who claimed to hawbought the land or some or it atsome time and got a deed for it andnot having been made a party to theforeclosure still owned them alsofiled same action against ReceiverTrice and this Mr Ray is the manwho has hold un the f eai ever sinceShackleford Pettingill were fixedup I

Mr Ray has as nrs attorney MrBob Anderson of Ocala who is about-as keen as they make them anti whathe and Ray havent thought of doing-to hold that mine they will probablythink of later Shrcvd efforts weremade to get Judge Bullock of theother district in charge and the latttronce appointed another receiver anddid other things and his procedure-was reversed by the supreme courtseveral times accompanied by sharpreprimands-

Mr Trice finally negotiated a saleof the mine to Mr W X Camp ofOcala for 35000 conditioned ofcourse upon being given a good titleand peaceable possesion no penny ofthe money to be paid to the depositors-until these terms should be carriedout Mr Trice has the money andafter several fights in which several-of Mr Trices agents were arrested-and jailed Mr Camp has been putin possession but the title is not yetsettled

Mr Trice has won successive suitsfrom Ray only to be met by new onesSometime ago tired of these amended

> bills Mr Gunby asked Judge Bullock-to throw the latest one out whichwas done Ray promptly appealed tothe supreme court which sustained-him and the matter is once more open-In the lower courts

Mr Rays latest bill which theTimes man was permitted to see inMr Gunbys office the other day goesway back and sees to wipe out ev-erything


pertaining to the St Peters ¬

burg hank charging fraud in that 5acre jurisdiction deal and in mosteverything else that John A Bishopdid Mr Gunby was preparing a de-


to the bill and is confidentthat he and Mr Trice will eventuallywin out for the depositors bur he can ¬

not say when probably when the su ¬

preme court tires of permitting Ray-to file amended hills

In the meantime it would be onlyfair as well is sensible for St Pet-ersburg people to remember that MrTrice is a servant of the courts andabsolutely powerless to dispose of acent of the money in his charge ex-cept


by order of the court and nosuch order will come until Mr Campstitle to the mine is made good

IThere is more catarrh in this sec-


of the country than all other dis ¬

eases put together and until the lastfew years doctors pronounced it alocal disease and prescribed localremedies and by constantly failing tocure with local treatment pronounced-it incurable Science has provencatarrh to be a constitutional diseaseand therefore requires constitutionaltreatment Halls Cttarrh Cure man-ufactured


by F J Cheney Co To ¬

ledo Ohio is the only constitutional-cure on market It is taken in ¬

ternally in doses from ten drops to ateaspoonful It acts directly on theblood and mucous surfaces of the sys-tem


They offer one hundred dollars-for any case it fails to cure Sendfor circulars and testimonials Ad-dress


F J Cheney Co Toledo OSold by all druggists 75c Take HallsFamily Pills for constipation


The rinff barbecue and rlj nicwill be held at Oxford Saturday Au-gust


Ist Everybody Is invited Dontforget to bring well filled ha5ttGovernor Broward is expected to bepresent and speak to the greatheart-ed





Opens into the lobby of theOcala House


Offers the very best service of skill-ed


workmen with modern appliancesStrictly sanitary Electric fans elec ¬

tric massagesc


erPHILLIPSC JContractor and Builder

Plana and Specifications Furnished i

Upon Request

i29 South THrdSteet f

Ocala Fla Phone SOS


Mr J R Parrott Denies the Storythat Mr Flagler has Sold the

East Coast Railway

Jacksonville Fla July 29Owingto the fafct that ever since the pub ¬

lication in last Saturdays issue of theTallahassee Sun of a story that HenryM Flagler had disposed of the FloridaEast Coast Railway company repeat-ed


rumors to that effect have beenmore or less current throughout thestate and an effort was made yester ¬

day morning to secure definite infor ¬

mation on the subject from the highofficials of the East Coast road

When seen at his office Vice Presi-dent J C Perron absolutely deniedthat there was any foundation frr thestory and declared You can posit-ively say for me that there is notone word of truth in the story that isbeing circulated that Mr Flakier hasdisposed of the East Coast railway tothe Atlantic Coast Line or any otherparties


National expositibns are a good in ¬

dex to the actual merit of the pro ¬

ducts exhibited The judges are al-ways


experts of high standing andtheir decision is made only after care ¬

ful examination and exhaustive tests-It will therefore be a revelation to

many to learn thatwhile lard is themost commonly used cooking fatavegetable oil cooking fat called COT¬

TOLENE was awarded Grand Prizehighest award at the Louisiana Pur¬

chase exposition and cakes and pastryprepared with COTTOLENE also won-a Grand Prize Gold Medals repre ¬

senting highest awards in each casewere also granted COTTOLENE atthe Charleston Exposition and Chi ¬

cago Worlds Fair In fact wherever-it has been exhibited in competition-with other cooking fats COTTOLENE-has in every case received highestaward

Eminent chemists and cooking ex ¬

perts unite in declaring that in purityvholesomene economy and resultsCOTTOLENE is far superior to lard


Joe Lee of Florida Wasnt Allowed inthe Dining Room of the Leading

Cincinnati Hotel

Cincinnati July 29 Joseph E Leethe colored republican boss of Flor-ida


was a problem for the local ar ¬

rangements committee and the notifi ¬

cation committee incident to the for ¬

mal notification of Nominee TaftLee is a member of the notification

committee and when he presentedhimself at the aristocratic Sinton Ho ¬

tel with other members all whitethe manager of the hotel made a de ¬

termined protest against receiving thenegro as a guest

There was much discussion between-the local and notification committee-men and the management of the hotelfinally agreed to permit Lee to oc ¬

cupy a room although he is the firstnegro over so received at the Sintonwith the understanding that it was tobe done very quietly and that the ne-gro should not be served in the diningroom

Lee was therefore escorted by aback entrance to a room and was toldto make himself as inconspicuous apossible While the other members ofthe notification committee enjoyed asumptuous meal in the big dining hallof the hotel Lee took his meal in thesolitude and silence of his room Butthe Florida black boss was there-at the Taft residence and sat withthe committee as prominently and asany of the members-

IF YOU KNEWThe merits of the Texas Wonder souwould never suffer from kidney bladIfr or rheumatic trouble 1 bottle twoMonths treatment Sold by druggistsor by mail Send for testimonials-Dr E W HaH 2D2G Olive street StLouis Missouri


Terrible Vengeance Meted Out byTexans to the Perpetrator of a

Heinous CrimeDallas Tex July 29While Tad

Smith a young negro of eighteenyears charged with having commit-ted


a criminal assault upon Viola Delancy at Clinton Hunt county yes-terday


was being brought to this citythe officers who had him in chargewere suddenly confronted by a mobof citizens who demanded that theprisoner be turned over to them atonce

The negro was bound with chains-to a large lightened tree and suffi ¬

cient fagots piled around him To com ¬

pletely destroy his body thousands ofpeople lending their aid in arranginghis funeral pyre When the fagotshad been placed in position the matchwat applied and kerosene oil poured-on the mass to tart the blaze whichwas kept burning slowly until thebody had been entirely consumedThe writhing of the creature as heslowly mt his death were watched-by a large concourse of people whoafterward dispersed quietly to theirhomes without further trouble


All nations are endeavoring to checkthe ravages of consumption the whiteplague that claims so many victimseach year Foleys Honey and Tarcures coughs and colds perfectly andyou are in no danger of consumption-Do not risk your health by takingsome unknown preparation when FoUys Honey and Tar is safe and certain in results Sold by all dealers

IBANKINGT-he chief reasons for the growth and success ofthis Dank are unswerving regard for safe loansand its continuous help of regular customers a t-

all times but especially when help is most neededI

The Munroe Chambliss BankiNCORPJRATEt


I H ROBINSON PresidesS H BLITCO Manager JC BOOZER Assl Manager






Are the merchants the profesicnai anl successful men and womenof the city the farmers of the surrounding territory

We accommodate all classes Our customers represent the menand women who have built and are still building successful enterurises

We solicit a share of your business







niture Stoves China Crockery lamps Rags Carpets Mat ¬

tings Linoleums Blankets Comforts Table and BedLinen Pictures Portiere and Lace Curtains

Harness Saddles Trunks Suit Cases and Satchels



t VI

Lime Sewer and Flue Pipe Lath Shingles and Cementr

Wagons Carriages Buggies Undertakers Goods


Call on or write us loi prices

Mclver MacKayOCA-




Thos H Keating Owner and ManagerO-

pen the year round New house Directly on the ocean Open March 1st1908 Electric lights Bells In every room Running water Baths

with rooms Most desirable lcation on the beach Rates-In conformity with firstclass uptodate service

Special Rates During the Summer

THE WISTERIA-R S Marshall Proprietor

FOR UPTODATE ROOMS AND BOARDSpecial Rates by the Week Satisfaction Guaranteed

No 15 North Second Street OCALA FLORIDA

The Breakers by the SeaSEABREEZE FLORIDA-

Is now open under the management of I M MABETTE-The house will be conducted on a higher plane than ever before thor-


renovated and refurnished Rooms s igle or ensuIte with or without private baths Fine fishing and the best surf bathing in the world

SEA FOOD A SPECIALTY A TRIAL SOLICITEDRates U per day and upward according to location of roomsThoroughly equipped garage and livery in connection J