Ir-08-CI1- qo-qq JJ .D q~8 b UNITED SEPrEMI!:>£R. …Kraji nik and which was submitted with the...

UNITED NATIONS Before: Registrar: Decision of: International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991 IN TRIAL CHAMBER 11 Judge Burton Hall, Presiding Judge Guy Delvoie Judge Frederik Harhoff Mr. John Hocking 29 September 2010 PROSECUTOR v. Ir- 08-CI1- r qo-qq JJ CJ5"Qq- .D b PI//( SEPrEMI!:>£R. W10 Case No: IT-08-91-T Date: 29 September 2010 Original: English MICO STANISIC AND STOJAN ZUPLJANIN PUBLIC DECISION PURSUANT TO RULE 94 EIS ACCEPTING EWAN BROWN AND AFFIRMING EWA TABEAU AS PROSECUTION EXPERT WITNESSES, AND WRITTEN REASONS FOR THE ORAL RULING ACCEPTING ANDRAS RIEDLMAYER AS AN EXPERT WITNESS The Office of the Prosecutor Ms. Joanna Korner Mr. Thomas Hannis Counsel for the Accused Mr. Slobodan Zecevic and Mr. Slobodan Cvijetic for Mico Stanisic Mr. Dragan Krgovic and Mr. Igor Pantelic for Stojan Zupljanin

Transcript of Ir-08-CI1- qo-qq JJ .D q~8 b UNITED SEPrEMI!:>£R. …Kraji nik and which was submitted with the...




    Decision of:

    International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991


    Judge Burton Hall, Presiding Judge Guy Delvoie Judge Frederik Harhoff

    Mr. John Hocking

    29 September 2010



    Ir- 08-CI1- r qo-qq JJ CJ5"Qq- .D q~8 b PI//( t2~ SEPrEMI!:>£R. W10

    Case No: IT-08-91-T

    Date: 29 September 2010

    Original: English






    The Office of the Prosecutor

    Ms. Joanna Korner Mr. Thomas Hannis

    Counsel for the Accused

    Mr. Slobodan Zecevic and Mr. Slobodan Cvijetic for Mico Stanisic Mr. Dragan Krgovic and Mr. Igor Pantelic for Stojan Zupljanin


    1. Trial Chamber II ("Trial Chamber") of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of

    Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the

    Territory of the former Yugoslavia since 1991 ("Tribunal") is seised of the following submissions

    insofar as they concern requests in respect of proposed Prosecution expert witness Ewan Brown:

    • "Prosecution's notice of disclosure of expert witness statements under Rule 94 his", filed

    on 29 February 2008 ("Rule 94 his Notice"), and

    o "Prosecution's supplemental motion for admission of evidence of experts pursuant to

    Rules 94 his, 92 his, and 92 ter, with confidential annexes", filed on 17 August 2009

    ("Supplemental Motion").!

    The Prosecution tenders Ewan Brown as a "military analyst"} seeks to convert his mode of

    testimony from Rule 92 his to Rule 92 ter, 3 and requests admission into evidence of the following:

    a) his curriculum vitae,4

    b) a proposed expert report entitled "Military developments m the Bosanska Krajina

    1992" ("Bosanska Krajina Report"),5

    c) a three-page errata sheet to the Bosanska Krajina Report/'

    d) a witness statement, dated 27 and 28 July 2009, and an annex thereto listing additional

    documents made available to him to assess the effect, if any, on his report, 7 and

    e) his testimony in the Krajisnik case on 11 to 14 July 2005 and a list of documents used

    . during this testimony.s

    I The Trial Chamber notes that Rule 94 his Notice was filed on 29 February 2008, not on 3 March 2008. Several proposed experts subject were removed from the Prosecution's exhibit list. Colin Kaiser (ST093) and Nicolas Sebire (STI0l) were removed as expert witnesses by the Supplemental Motion, para. 6. Patrick Treanor (ST096), Albert Hunt (ST102), Richard Wright (ST103), Thomas Parsons (STI00) were not included on the Prosecution's reduced list of witnesses, filed on 10 Sep 2009, p. 6. Christian Nielsen (ST092) and Robert Donia (ST095) were accepted as expert witnesses by oral decision on 4 Sep 2009, T. 119-120. Dorothea Hanson (ST158) was accepted as an expert by oral decision on 20 Oct 2009, T. 1757; see also Written reasons for the Trial Chamber's oral decision accepting Dorothea Hanson as an expert witness, issued 5 Nov 2009. 2 Rule 94 his Notice, para. 1. 3 Supplemental Motion, para. 27 a. The Prosecution initially requested to call Ewan Brown pursuant to Rule 92 his, Prosecution motion for admission of transcripts and written statements in lieu of viva voce testimony pursuant to Rule 92his ("Rule 92 his Motion"), para. 15 and Annex A, pp 106-107. 4 Rule 94 his Notice, Annex A, p. 1 5 Ihid. 6 Ihid. 7 Supplemental Motion, Annex A. S Supplemental Motion, para. 7.

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 1 29 September 2010

  • 2. On 28 May 2010, the Trial Chamber, stating that written reasons would follow, ruled that

    Andras Riedlmayer, who was also subject of the above submissions, may be classified as a

    "Balkans cultural heritage expert".9 The Prosecution had requested admission into evidence of the

    following material: 10

    a) his curriculum vitae,11

    b) a report entitled "Destruction of cultural heritage in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1992-1996:

    A post-war survey of selected municipalities", dated 2002, prepared for the Slobodan

    Milosevic case ("First Riedlmayer Report"), 12

    c) a report entitled "Destruction of cultural heritage in Bosnia-Herzegovina: a post-war

    survey of the destruction of non-Serb cultural heritage in the municipalities of Banja

    Lu~a, Bijeljina, Bosanka Krupa, Bratunac, Brcko, Cajnice, Doboj, Foca, Visegrad and

    Zvomik during the 1992-95 war, with specific reference to 1992", dated 1 June 2003,

    prepared for the Krajisnik case ("Second Riedlmayer Report"), 13

    d) a report entitled "Destruction of cultural heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A post-

    war survey of the destruction of non-Serb cultural heritage in the municipalities of

    Banja Luka, Bijeljina, Bosanska Krupa, Bosanki Novi, Bosanki Petrovac, Bratunac,

    Brcko, Cajnice, Donji Vakuf, Foca, Ilijas, Kalinovik, Kljuc, Kotor Varos, Novi Grad,

    Pale, Prijedor, Rogatica, Sanski Most, Sokolac, Vogosca and Zvomik during the 1992-

    1995 war, and a report on the 25-26 August 1992 shelling of the national and

    university of library of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo", dated 2009, prepared for

    the KaradZic case ("Third Riedlmayer report"),14

    e) a report entitled "Destruction of cultural heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a post-

    war survey of the destruction of non-Serb cultural heritage in the municipalities of

    Donji Vakuf, Kljuc, Kotor Varos, Prijedor, Sanski Most, Teslic, Bosanski Samac,

    Brcko; Doboj, Gacko, Visegrad, Vlasenica, Zvomik, and Bileca during the 1992-95

    War, dated 18 August 2009, prepared for the present case ("Fourth Riedlmayer


    9 Hearing, 28 May 2010, T. 10956. See also Rule 94 his Notice, para. 1. 10 The material is also listed in an email from the Prosecution to the Trial Chamber and the Parties, dated 31 May 2010. 11 Rule 94 his Notice, Annex A. 12 Ihid. 13 Ihid. 14 Supplemental Motion, Annex A. 15 Supplemental Motion, Annex A; Prosecution's consolidated reply to both StanisiC's and Zupljanin's responses to the Prosecution's supplemental motion for admission of the evidence of experts pursuant to Rules 94 his, 92his and 92ter, filed on 7 Sep 2009 ("Consolidated Reply), para. 10.

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 2 29 September 2010

  • f) a statistical addendum called "Sacred sites of the non-Serb communities In the

    surveyed municipalities damaged or destroyed in 1992" ("Statistical Addendum"),16

    g) a CD-ROM containing a database of photographs of cultural sites,17

    h) his testimony in the Slobodan Milosevic and the Krajisnik cases on 8 July 2003 and

    23 May 2005, respectively, and associated exhibits,18 and

    i) two maps showing locations of destroyed and damaged religious and other buildings

    in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 19

    At the conclusion of Andras Riedlmayer's testimony on 2 June 2010, the Trial Chamber admitted

    into evidence the material tendered?O The Trial Chamber sets out its reasons for these decisions

    herein. 21

    3. It is recalled, in the interest of the completeness of the record, that on 15 July 2010, the Trial

    Chamber ruled that Ewa Tabeau, who was also subject of the above submissions, as well as of an

    addendum filed on 11 March 2010, may be considered an expert in demography?2 The Trial

    Chamber held that three reports tendered through the witness are relevant to the case.23 However, in

    respect of one of these reports, which was provided with the Addendum, the Trial Chamber

    considered that the Prosecution had not acted with due diligence in requesting Ewa Tabeau as late

    as November 2009 to prepare the report. 24 The reasons stated by the Prosecution for requesting this

    report - that the Completion Strategy had prompted the undertaking of a general research exercise

    16 Rule 94 bis Notice, Annex A. 17 Ibid. 18 Supplemental Motion, Annex A. 19 Rule 94 bis Notice, Annex A. 20 Hearing, 2 Jun 2010, T. 11284. 21 See infra para. 23 onwards. 22 Hearing, 15 Iul 2010, T. 12894-12896. See also Rule 94 bis Notice, para. 1. Ewa Tabeau was initially on the Prosecution's witness list of 8 June 2009 as a Rule 92 fer witness but was later the subject of the Rule 92 his Motion (see paras 15-16 and Annex A, p. 140). See also Supplemental Motion, para. 11, where the Prosecution stated that it did not wish her to be heard under Rule 92 ter. The request that her evidence be admitted under Rule 92 bis was rendered moot by the Trial Chamber's ruling at the pre-trial conference that all expert witnesses in this case would be presented gursuant to Rule 94 his, Pre-trial conference, 4 Sep 2009, T. 104.

    3 Hearing, 15 Jul 2010, T. 12895. The Prosecution initially tendered a report which Ewa Tabeau and Marcin Zoltowski prepared for Prosecutor v. Kraji§nik and which was submitted with the Rule 94 bis Notice (see Annex A thereof). By the Supplemental Motion (see para. 11) the Prosecution sought to replace this report by an updated version thereof concerning the municipalities relevant to this case entitled "Ethnic composition in and internally displaced persons and refugees from 18 municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1991 and 1997", dated 7 April 2009 ("First Tabeau Report"), and a report prepared for the Slobodan Milo.5evic case, entitled "Ethnic composition, internally displaced persons and refugees from 47 municipalities on Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1991 to 1997-98", dated 4 April 2003 ("Second Tabeau Report"). By an addendum filed on 11 March 2010, the Prosecution sought to add a third report, entitled 'Victims of war related to the Mico Stanisic and Stojan Zupljanin Indictment'" and dated 18 February 2010 (id para. 3) ("Third Tabeau Report"), see "Prosecution's addendum in respect of ST098 to its notice of disclosure of expert witness statements under Rule 94 bis filed on 3 March 2008, and supplemental motion for admission of the evidence of experts pursuant to Rules 94 bis, 92 bis, and 92 fer, with confidential annexes filed on 17 August 2009", filed 11 March 2010 ("Addendum"). 24 The transcript of the oral ruling reads in error "November 2010", Hearing, 15 Jul 2010, T. 12896.

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 3 29 September 2010

  • to provide a legacy of the Tribunal - did not amount to good cause?5 Nevertheless, since this

    25-page report was disclosed to the Defence on 5 March 2010 the Trial Chamber was satisfied that

    the Defence would not suffer undue prejudice. The Trial Chamber, therefore, allowed Ewa Tabeau

    to testify regarding all three reports and stated that it would decide, by the end of her testimony,

    which of the three reports, or which parts thereof, would be admitted into evidence?6 Ewa Tabeau

    is scheduled to testify later this month.


    4. On 11 April 2008, following the filing of the Rule 94 bis Notice, the Defence of Mico

    Stanisic ("Stanisic Defence") filed its notice pursuant to Rule 94 bis(B) ("Stanisic Rule 94 bis

    Notice,,).27 On 16 April 2008, as a result of the breakdown in communication between then counsel

    Stevo Bezbradica and Mico Stanisic, the Accused personally filesi a notice pursuant to Rule 94 bis

    and requested the Trial Chamber to disregard the Stanisic Rule 94 bis Notice.28 On the Trial

    Chamber's instruction, this notice was not accepted by the Registry since the Accused continued to

    be represented by counsel. 29

    5. On 23 September 2008, following the arrest of Stojan Zupljanin, the cases against the two

    accused were joined?O On 19 November 2008, the Prosecution requested, inter alia, that the

    Rule 94 bis Notice apply also to Stojan Zupljanin. 31 On 27 February 2009, the Defence of Stojan

    Zupljanin ("Zupljanin Defence") gave notice pursuant to Rule 94 bis(B) ("Zupljanin Rule 94 bis


    6. On 17 August 2009, the Prosecution filed the Supplemental Motion. On 31 August 2009, \

    the Stanisic Defence and Zupljanin Defence filed separate responses to the Supplemental Motion

    25 Hearing, 15 Jul 2010, T. 12896. 26 Id, T. 12896. 27 Prosecutor v, Mico Stanisir!, Case No. IT-04-79-PT, Defence's Rule 94 his Notice, filed 11 Apr 2008, p. 3. See also Prosecutor v. Mico Stanisic, Case No. IT-04-79-PT, Decision regarding responses to Prosecution motions pursuant to Rule 92 his and 92 quater and the Defence notice pursuant to Rule 94 his, 10 Mar 2008, whereby the Trial Chamber ~ranted an extension of time to the Stanisic Defence to file its notice under Rule 94 his (B).

    8 Stanisic Response, paras 2-7, referring in paragraph 4 to the filing of Mico Stanisic. 29 Prosecutor v. Mica Stanisic, Case No. IT-04-79-PT, Decision of the Registrar, 13 June 2008, p. 3, which withdrew the assignment of Stevo Bezbradica as lead counsel and assigned Slobodan Zecevic in his stead. 30 Prosecutor v, Mico Stanisic, Case No. IT-04-79-PT and Prosecutor v. Stojan tup~ianin! Case No. IT-99-36/2-PT, Decision on the Prosecution's motion for joinder and for leave to consolidate and amend indictments, 23 Sep 2008; Prosecution's motion for joinder and for leave to consolidate and amend indictments, with confidential annexes, 15 Jul 2008. 31 Prosecution notice and request regarding Rule 92 his, 92 ter, and 92 quater evidence, 19 Nov 2008; Stojan Zupljanin's motion requesting an order that the Prosecution clarify its motion of 19 November 2008, 3 Dec 2008; Decision on Stojan Zupljanin's motion requesting an order that the Prosecution clarify its motion of 19 November 2008, 15 Dec 2008; Prosecution amended notice and request regarding Rule 92 his, 92 ter, and 92 quater evidence, 10 Dec 2008. 32'Stojan Zupljanin's response to the Prosecution's Rule 94 bis notice, filed confidentially 27 Feb 2009. The Zupljanin Defence was granted an extension of time to respond, Decision on Stojan Zupljanin's motion for the Trial Chamber to reconsider its decision of 15 December 2008, 16 Jan 2009, para. 6.

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 4 29 September 2010

  • ("Stanisic Response" and "Zupljanin Response", respectively)?3 The Stanisic Defence sought to

    supplement the Stanisic Rule 94 his Notice, submitting that the Stanisic Rule 94 his Notice was

    filed without consultation with Mico Stanisic by the counsel then representing him?4

    7. On 7 September 2009, the Prosecution replied to the Stanisic Response and the Zupljanin

    Response, noting that it had stated in a "preliminary reply", filed on 4 September 2009, that it

    would file a substantive response ("Consolidated Reply,,)?5

    8. On 11 March 2010, the Prosecution filed the Addendum providing notice of the Third

    Tabeau Report. 36 On 19 March 2010, the Stanisic Defence responded to the Addendum ("Stanisic

    Addendum Response,,)?7 On 24 March 2010, the ZupIjanin Defence responded ("Zupljanin

    Addendum Response,,).3R


    9. An expert is a person who "by virtue of some specialised knowledge, skill or training can

    assist the trier of fact to understand or determine an issue in dispute,,?9 The witness's former and

    present positions and professional experience are important.4o The qualifications and expertise of a

    witness can be determined by considering the witness's curriculum vitae, scholarly articles, other

    33 Mr. Mico StanisiC's supplemental filing in response to the Prosecution's filing on proposed experts and response to the Prosecution's supplemental motion for admission of the evidence of experts pursuant to Rules 94 his, 92 his and 92 ter, with confidential annexes, 31 Aug 2009; Defence request for leave to exceed the word limit and response to Prosecution's supplemental motion for admission of the evidence of experts pursuant to Rules 94 his, 92 his, and 92 ter, 31 Aug 2009. 34 Stanisic Response, paras 3-4. 35 Prosecution's consolidated reply to both StanisiC's and Zupljanin's responses to the Prosecution's supplemental motion for admission of the evidence of experts pursuant to Rules 94 his, 92 his and 92 ter, 7 Sep 2009 ("Consolidated Reply"); Prosecution's motion for leave to reply and preliminary reply to Mico StanisiC's supplemental filing in response to the Prosecution's filing on proposed witnesses and response to the Prosecution's supplemental motion for admission of the evidence of experts pursuant to Rule 94 his, 92 his and 92 ter, 4 Sep 2009. 36 Addendum, para. 3. 37 Stanisic Defence opposition to Prosecution's addendum in respect of ST098 to its notice of disclosure of expert witness statements under Rule 94 his filed on 3 March 2008, and its supplemental motion for admission of the evidence of experts pursuant to Rules 94 his, 92 his, and 92 fer, with confidential annexes filed on 17 August 2009. 38 Zupljanin response to Prosecution's addendum in respect of ST-98 to its notice of disclosure of expert witness statements under Rule 94 his filed on 3 March 2008, and its supplemental motion for admission of the evidence of experts pursuant to Rules 94his, 92his and 92ter, with confidential annexes filed on 17 August 2009, filed on 24 March 2010. 39 Prosecutor v. Stanislav Calico Case No. IT-98-29-T, Decision concerning the expert witnesses Ewa Tabeau and Richard Philips, 3 Jul 2002 CCalic{ Decision"), p. 2; Prosecutor v. Radoslav Brdanin, Case No. IT-99-36-T, Decision on Prosecution's submission of statement of expert witness Ewan Brown, 3 Jun 2003 ("Brdanin Decision"), p. 4. 40 Prosecutor v. S[ohodan Milosevic, Case No. IT-02-54-T, Decision on admissibility of expert report of Kosta Cavoski, 1 Mar 2006, pp. 2-3.

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 5 29 September 2010

  • publications or any other pertinent infonnation about the witness.41 An expert is expected to make

    statements and draw conclusions independently and impartially.42

    10. The fact that the witness has been involved in the investigations and preparation of the

    Prosecution or Defence case, or is employed or paid by one party, does not disqualify him as an

    expert witness or make the expert statement or report unreliable.43 Thus, the question of potential

    bias of an expert is separate and distinct from that of whether a person is qualified to be an expert. It

    is for the opposing party or parties to challenge in cross-examination the witness's independence or

    impartiali ty. 44

    11. According to Rule 89(C), a Trial Chamber may admit any relevant evidence which it deems

    to have probative value. Rule 94 his does not set a different or higher threshold for the admission of

    evidence than Rule 89(C).45 However, having accepted a witness as an expert "does not necessarily

    entail that his reports would be admitted as evidence".46 In order for an expert report or statement to

    be deemed admissible, the following requirements must be met:

    the proposed witness is classified as an expert,

    the expert report or statement meets the minimum standards of reliability,

    the expert report or statement is relevant and of probative value, and

    the content of the expert report or statement falls within the accepted expertise of the expert


    There must be sufficient infonnation as to the sources used in support of the statements in the

    expert report. The sources must be clearly indicated and accessible in order to allow the other party

    41 Id. p. 3; Prosecutor v. MomCilo PeriJic. Case No. IT-04-81-T, Decision on,the Defence motion to exclude the expert reports of Robert Donia, 27 Oct 2008, ("PeriJic Decision"), para. 6. 42 Peri§ic~Decision, para. 7 and Prosecutor v. iovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic, Case No. IT-03-69-PT, Decision on Prosecution's submission of the expert report of Nena Tromp and Christian Nielsen pursuant to Rule 94 his. 18 Mar 2008, para. 10. 43 Galic Decision, pp. 2-3; Brdanin Decision, p. 4; Prosecutor v. Milan Martic~, Case No. IT-95-11-T, Decision on Prosecution's motion for admission of transcripts pursuant to Rule 92 his (D) and of expert reports pursuant to Rule 94 his, 13 Jan 2006, para. 39. 44 Prosecutor v. Ferdinand Nallimina et al., Case No. ICTR-99-52-A, Decision on appellant Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza's motion for extension of time, 3 May 2007, p. 3, where the Appeals Chamber held that "an expert is required to testify with the utmost neutrality and with scientific objectivity. The party alleging bias on the part of an expert witness may demonstrate the said bias through cross-examination, by calling its own expert witnesses or by means of an expert opinion in reply" (also cited in Prosecutor v. Vujadin Popovic et al., Case No. IT-05-88-AR73.2, Decision on joint Defence interlocutory appeal concerning the status of Richard Butler as an expert witness, 30 Jan 2008 ("Popovic Appeals Decision"), para. 20). 45 Bt· D " 4 . re antn eClSlOn, p. . 46 Popovic~ Appeals Decision, para. 31. 47 Perisic~ Decision, para. 5; Prosecutor v. Lukic{ and Lukic~. Case No. IT-98-321l-T, Decision on second Prosecution motion for the admission of evidence pursuant to Rule 92 his (two expert witnesses), 23 Ju] 2008, para. 15; Popovi(~ Appeals Decision, para. 21; Prosecutor v. Milan Martic, Case No. IT-95-11-T, Decision on Defence's submission of the expert report of Professor Smilja Avramov pursuant to Rule 94 his, 9 Nov 2006, para. 5.

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 6 29 September 2010

  • to challenge the basis on which the expert witness reached his conclusions.48 The Trial Chamber

    may consider, for example, "whether there is transparency in the methods and sources used by the

    expert witness, including the established or assumed facts on which the expert witness relied.,,49

    The requirement that the content of a statement or report fall within the expertise of the expert

    ensures that the statements or reports will only be treated as expert evidence, in so far as they are

    based on the expert's specialist knowledge, skills or training.5o

    12. The overall reliability and relevance of the expert's report or statement may be challenged in

    cross-examination. Following the practice in this trial, the expert report or statement may be

    admitted into evidence if, after cross-examination, the Trial Chamber is satisfied that sufficient

    proof of reliability has been established.51 It is recalled that the Defence may submit expert findings

    to the contrary and call experts during the presentation of its case.


    A. Preliminary matters

    13. At the pre-trial conference held on 4 September 2009, the Trial Chamber ruled that the

    evidence of all expert witnesses to be called in this case would be presented pursuant to the

    procedure set out in Rule 94 bis and not under Rule 92 bis or Rule 92 ter. 52 This ruling renders moot

    the Prosecution's requests to admit evidence of Ewan Brown and Andras Riedlmayer pursuant to

    Rule 92 ter. The Trial Chamber has, therefore, not considered the Prosecution's request in respect

    of Ewan Brown to convert the mode of testimony from Rule 92 bis to Rule 92 ter and to admit into

    evidence his testimony in the Krajisnik case and the list of documents used during this testimony.53

    For the same reason, the Trial Chamber did not consider the Prosecution's request to convert

    Andras Riedlmayer's mode of testimony from Rule 92 bis to Rule 92 ter and to admit into evidence

    the transcripts of his testimony in the Slobodan Milosevic and the Krajisnik cases and the associated

    exhibits thereto.54

    48 Prosecutor v. Stanislav Galic(, Case No. IT-98-29-T, Decision on the Prosecution motion for reconsideration of the admission of the expertreport of Professor Radinovij, 21 Feb 2003, para. 9. 49 Popovic Appeals Decision, para. 29. 50 Prosecutor v. Milan Martic

  • 14. Rule 94 his(B) sets a clear time-limit for responding to a notice provided under

    Rule 94 his(A). In the absence of any other time-limit set by the Trial Chamber or pre-trial Judge,

    the opposing party: must respond within thirty days of disclosure of the expert report. In the present

    case, the Rule 94 his notice personally filed by Mico Stanisic was, on the Trial Chamber's

    instructions, not accepted by the Registry as the Accused continued to be represented by counse1.55

    It is noted that the Stanisic Rule 94 his Notice, filed by the previous counsel of Mico Stanisic, gives

    notice of the intent to cross-examine the expert witnesses listed in the Rule 94 his Notice, but

    remains silent as to whether the Stanisic Defence challenges their qualifications or the relevance of

    their reports. Notably, the Stanisic Defence does not seek leave to supplement its notice at a later

    date. As a result, the submissions in the Stanisic Response to the Supplemental Motion regarding

    preclusion of Ewan Brown and Ewa Tabeau as proposed expert witnesses are held to be untimely

    and will not be considered.

    B. Ewan Brown

    1. Prosecution submissions

    15. Ewan Brown has a degree in Modem History as well as a masters degree in Criminology.56

    He was employed from 1986 to 1996 as British Army Intelligence Officer "working at various

    levels of military command, including active service in Northern Ireland, Middle East and Bosnia

    and Herzegovina.,,57 Ewan Brown "trained and gained experience in the direction, collection,

    analysis and dissemination of military information and intelligence product [sic]".58 This work

    included, inter alia:

    to understand the organization, command structure use and deployment of armed organizations and forces as well as their likely courses of action during military and other actions. It involved the ability to assess the relevance of technical, documentary and other military material and conduct contextual analysis.59

    Between 1998 and 2004, the Prosecution employed Ewan Brown as "a senior military analyst and

    team leader".6o As a military analyst and team leader, his duties were to "provide analysis 10

    support of ongoing investigations and prosecutions", including "analysis of military activity 10

    Bosnia and Herzegovina, command responsibility and linkage issues, combat regulations and

    doctrine, operational and tactical analysis of individual operations.,,61

    55 Prosecutor v. Mica Stani.fic, Case No. IT-04-79-PT, Decision of the Registrar; 13 June 2008, p. 3. 56 Rule 94 his Notice, Annex B, Ewan Brown's curriculum vitae, p. l. 57 Ibid. 58 Ibid. 59 Ihid. 60 Id, p. 2. 61 Id, p. 2.

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 8 29 September 2010

  • 16. The Prosecution seeks to supplement Ewan Brown's evidence by a witness statement dated

    27 and 28 July 2009 and an annex thereto listing additional documents which the Prosecution made

    available to him.62 Ewan Brown was asked to review these documents and assess the effect, if any,

    on his report. The Prosecution submits that due to other work commitments, Ewan Brown was

    unable to review his original report until May 2009.63 On 4 August 2009, the Prosecution disclosed

    the witness statement to the Defence.64

    2. Defence submissions

    17. Both the Stanisic Defence and the Zupljanin Defence challenge the qualifications of Ewan

    Brown as an expert and state they intend to cross-examine him.65 Both Defence teams also object to

    the late disclosure of the evidence which Ewan Brown, upon the Prosecution's request, reviewed in

    May 2009. The Stanisic Defence submits that "[n]o reason is given to explain what steps the

    Prosecution took since early 2008 to locate these newly emerged documents, when the documents

    were received by the Prosecution, and why they were only heralded or disclosed on 31 July

    2009.,,66 It notes that the material in question includes "documents and transcript from the Krajisnik

    trial, which presumably have been in the possession of the Prosecution for quite some time.,,67

    The Zupljanin Defence submits "[a]s Mr. Zupljanin's case was joined with that of Mr. Stanisic on

    23 September 2008, it is incomprehensible that the Prosecution has just now discovered documents

    which are necessary to the testimony of Mr. Brown". 68

    3. Findings

    18. The Trial Chamber considers Ewan Brown to be qualified as an expert on military analysis

    within the meaning of Rule 94 his. It is recalled that Mico Stanisic and Stojan Zupljanin are charged

    with crimes committed in several municipalities by virtue of their participation in a joint criminal

    enterprise ("JCE") in which they are alleged to have, inter alia, "command [ ed] and direct[ ed]

    members and agents of the RS MUP who were acting in co-ordination with crisis staffs, the VRS,

    and other Serb Forces in implementing the objective of the JCE".69 Given Ewan Brown's

    62 The statement provides that "[i]n general, these 'new' documents either gave additional examples to certain issues discussed in the report, reinforced conclusions I had made or filled in a gap in a particular series or sequence of events. Some of my observations with respect to individually selected documents are set below. Unless otherwise noted, I had not seen the documents listed below when I prepared my report", witness statement dated 27 July 2009, p. 3. 63 Consolidated Reply, para. 7. 64 Consolidated Reply, para. 7. The review was carried out between 11-15 May 2009, Ewan Brown witness statement, dated 27-28 July 2009, p. 2. 65 Stanisic Rule 94 his Notice, p. 3; Stanisic Response, paras 81-92; :Zupljanin Rule 94 his Notice, paras 6, 7; :Zupljanin Response, paras 3, 13. 66 Stanisic Response, para. 98(e). 67 Ihid.

    68 :Zupljanin Response, para. 12 69 Second amended consolidated indictment, 10 Sep 2009, paras 11. d)-12. b).

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 9 29 September 2010

  • --------------------------~---~- --~-

    professional qualifications, the Trial Chamber holds that he will be able to assist in understanding

    the military activities of 5th Corps JNAIl st Krajina Corps and its subordinate units during 1992 as

    well as assist in understanding the regulations and laws governing the procedure and command

    function of the JNA and YRS.

    19. The aim of the Bosanska Krajina Report is "to provide a background analysis of the activity

    of the Yugoslav National [sic] Army (JNA)/Army of the Republika Srpska (VRS) military forces

    operating in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina (known as the Bosanska Krajina) during 1992", in

    particular "on the activity of the key military Corps in the area, the JNA 5th CorpsNRS 1st Krajina

    COrpS".70 The report "is limited scope [sic] but attempts to outline the general military

    developments in the Bosanska Krajina, analyse the chronology and nature of the military attacks

    conducted by the Bosnian Serb forces during this period and outline the roles, responsibilities and ~

    authorities of the Commander of the 5th Corps/1 st Krajina COrpS.,,71 The report is "based exclusively

    on an analysis of selected military, police, political and other related documentary material in the

    possession of the [Prosecution] and is not an exhaustive analysis of all aspects of events in the

    Bosanska Krajina area between 1991-1992.,,72 The Trial Chamber considers the Bosanska Krajina

    Report and the errata sheet to meet the relevant standard of reliability, to be relevant and of

    probative value and to fall within the area of expertise of Ewan Brown.

    20. The Prosecution does not explain when the additional documents, which it asked Ewan

    Brown to review in May 2009, became available.73 It only states that "further relevant documents

    had 'emerged",.74 Furthermore, the Prosecution has not advanced any substantive reason for

    disclosing this material to the Defence as late as 4 August 2009. Rather, the Prosecution submits

    that "[n]o time limit was prescribed by the Trial Chamber or the pre-trial Judge in these proceedings

    regarding the disclosure of expert reports pursuant to Rule 94 his".75 However, the Prosecution

    overlooks Rule 66(A) which provides that:

    [s]ubject to the provisions of Rules 53 and 69, theProsccutor shall make available to the defence in a language which the accused understands [ ... ] within the time limit prescribed by the Trial Chamber or the pre-trial Judge appointed pursuant to Rule 65 ter, copies of the statements of all witnesses whom the Prosecutor intends to call to testify at trial (emphasis added).

    70 Bosanska Krajina Report, p. 4. 71 Ihid. 72 Ihid. 73 The only information provided is that "a small number of additional documents" and previously unavailable translations of documents were provided "[o]n 30 June and 20 July 1992 [sic]" (witness statement dated 27 July 2009, p. 2). According to the witness statement, the Prosecution sent documents to Ewan Brown by email and although there is no specific information as to when this happened, it may be understood from the statement that it was done not long before Ewan Brown's visit to The Hague on 11-15 May 2009, witness statement dated 27 July 2009, p. 2. 74 Supplemental Motion, para. 7. 75 Consolidated Reply, para. 5 and fn. 5, where the Prosecution submits that the pre-trial Judge's oral order at the Rule 65 ter conference on 8 July 2009, that disclosure pursuant to Rule 66(A)(ii) was to be completed by 31 July 2009, "does not apply to expert reports, as Rule 94 his is the disclosure rule for this category of witnesses."

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 10 29 September 2010

  • q']fJ fJ

    In compliance with the pre-trial Judge's order on 8 July 2009, that disclosure pursuant to

    Rule 66(A) was to be completed by 31 July 2009, it was incumbent on the Prosecution to provide

    the new statement by that date. Nevertheless, in view of the fact that the Prosecution disclosed the

    statement to the Defence in early August 2009, and considering that the material has been in the

    possession of the Defence for over a year, the Trial Chamber is unable to perceive any undue

    prejudice to the Defence in this respect. The Trial Chamber also holds that the witness statement

    and the .annex thereto, which lists the additional documents made available to Ewan Brown, meets

    the minimum standards of reliability, is relevant and has probative value, and falls within the

    accepted expertise of Ewan Brown.

    21. In accordance with the practice followed in this trial, the Trial Chamber will consider

    admission into evidence of the Bosanska Krajina Report, the errata sheet, Ewan Brown's witness

    statement and the annex thereto at the end of Ewan Brown's testimony.

    c. Andras Riedlmayer

    1. Prosecution submissions

    22. Andras Riedlmayer holds a Master of Arts in History and Near Eastern studies as well as a

    Masters of Sciences in Library and Information Science.76 He is currently a bibliographer ofIslamic

    Arts in a documentation centre at Harvard University.77 His curriculum vitae reflects an extensive

    contribution on aspects of the cultural heritage of the Ottoman-era Balkans, including co-founding

    the Kosovo Cultural Heritage Project in 1999 of which he remains principal investigator to this

    date.78 He is the author of numerous articles, publications, essays and reports dealing with the issue

    of cultural destruction during the conflict in the former Yugoslavia and in particular Bosnia and


    23. Following its notice of disclosure of the First and the Second Riedlmayer Reports, along

    with the Statistical Addendum and the CD-ROM containing the photographic database, the

    Prosecution stated that it would only rely on the parts of this material which relate to the

    municipalities listed in the indictment. 80 The Third Riedlmayer Report was disclosed to the Defence

    on 31 July 200981 and the Fourth Riedlmayer Report - which was prepared in response to Defence

    complaints that the other reports concerned municipalities outside the scope of the indictment in the

    76 Rule 94 bis Notice, Annex A. 77 Ibid. 78 Ibid. 79 Ibid. RO Supplemental Motion, para. 6. 81 Consolidated Reply, para. 10. See also Supplemental Motion, para. 7 and fn S.

    Case No. IT-OS-91-T 11 29 September 2010

  • present case - was disclosed on 28 August 2009.g2 In the Prosecution's submission, "no prejudice

    would be caused to the Defence" since it would call Andras Riedlmayer towards the end of its

    case. g3

    2. Defence submissions

    24. Both the Stanisic Defence and the Zupljanin Defence gave notice of their intention to cross-

    examine Andras Riedlmayer. 84 The Stanisic Defence remained silent as to whether it challenged his

    qualifications or whether it challenged the relevance of his reports. The Zupljanin Defence

    challenged the qualifications of the witness in a broad fashion. 8s It challenged the relevance of the

    First and the Second Riedlmayer Reports as well as the Statistical Addendum.86 The Zupljanin

    Defence also submitted that this material contains evidence in relation to a number of irrelevant

    municipalities and requested the witness to produce an updated report for this case.87 Both Defence

    raised objections to the late disclosure by the Prosecution of new evidence.88

    3. Findings

    25. The Trial Chamber finds that Andras Riedlmayer is qualified as an expert on Balkans

    cultural heritage within the meaning of Rule 94 his. It also finds that he will be able to assist it in

    understanding the damage caused during the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina to cultural and

    religious sites of the Bosnian Muslim and Bosnian Croat communities relevant to the indictment.

    26. The 1;'rial Chamber holds that all four reports and the other material tendered by the

    Prosecution through Andras Riedlmayer are relevant and probative ~md meet the relevant standard

    of reliability. The reports clearly fall within the area of expertise of Andras Riedlmayer. The

    references in the reports are detailed and the sources used are clearly indicated. By way of example,

    the Trial Chamber notes that the First Riedlmayer Report includes, inter alia, a damage assessment

    of each of the places of worship, libraries, educational buildings and cultural sites across nineteen

    municipalities, as well as descriptions and assessments of documentation sources, documents and

    maps.89 Moreover, the Third Riedlmayer Report "documents cases of the deliberate destruction of

    82 Consolidated Reply, para. 10. 83 Ihid.

    84 Stanisic Rule 94 his Notice, para. 3; Zupljanin Rule 94 his Notice, para. 7 85 Zupljanin Rule 94 his Notice, para. 8 86 Id, para. 9 c. 87 Ihid.

    88 Stanisic Response, para. 98(b); Zupljanin Response, para. 11. 89 First Riedlmayer Report, p. 5.

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 12 29 September 2010

  • cultural and religious heritage of the Bosnian Muslim and Bosnian Croat (Roman Catholic)

    communities during the 1992-1995 war in 22 municipalities".9o


    27. Pursuant to Rule 94 his of the Rules:

    ACCEPTS Ewan Brown as an expert in military analysis;

    AFFIRMS its oral decisions of 28 May 2010 and 2 June 2010 that Andras Riedlmayer may be

    considered a Balkans cultural heritage expert, and admitting into evidence the material tendered

    through this witness, respectively;

    AFFIRMS its oral decision of 15 July 2010 that Ewa Tabeau may be considered an expert in


    REMAINS SEISED of the Prosecution's requests to admit into evidence the material tendered

    through Ewan Brown and Ewa Tabeau, which will be considered at the conclusion of their

    respective testimony.

    Done in English and French, the English version being authO:;1J d

    Dated this of twenty-ninth day of September 2010

    At The Hague

    The Netherlands

    [Seal of the Tribunal]

    90 Third Riedlmayer Report, p. 6.

    Case No. IT-08-91-T 13

    Judge Burton Hall // ,/

    /~ Presiding

    29 September 2010