Iqbal 4 double spread music

The girl in the main image has thick makeup on. (liquid eyeliner) which could interpret that she cared about her physical appearance. The physical appearance creates opinions and impressions on what the readers might think about the artist. The text “child” is written in bold, block, large white writing to make it stand out. However, the text “child” is written in pink crayon-like writing which links to the meaning of the term “wild”. The pink colour scheme throughout the whole layout is used to convey a “girly” feel to the magazine cover. It also portrays the childish behaviour that the artist might have. The artist is purposely posing in a way which makes her look uncomfortable. This could just be to reveal her genre of music as it might be “emo” or “soul” music which is a very emotional style of music. On the other hand it could be done to make her give an “innocent” look to the artist. The artist in the key image is wearing a leather jacket which is a common symbol for the “rock” genre. “I’m not one for advice, I’m one for mistakes.” This quote is written in bold capitols which suggests that it is serious, The background colour is black which could portray the “dark” and “rock” related theme of the artist. It may have also been utilised to make the key image stand out. The artist in the key image has a dog collar around her neck. This object suggests that she is a beast that must be tamed. It links to the phrases used in the Subheading; “outrageous”, “crazy”, “reckless”.

Transcript of Iqbal 4 double spread music

Page 1: Iqbal 4 double spread music

The girl in the main image has thick makeup on. (liquid eyeliner) which could interpret that she cared about her physical appearance. The physical appearance creates opinions and impressions on what the readers might think about the artist.

The text “child” is written in bold, block, large white writing to make it stand out. However, the text “child” is written in pink crayon-like writing which links to the meaning of the term “wild”.

The pink colour scheme throughout the whole layout is used to convey a “girly” feel to the magazine cover. It also portrays the childish behaviour that the artist might have.

The artist is purposely posing in a way which makes her look uncomfortable. This could just be to reveal her genre of music as it might be “emo” or “soul” music which is a very emotional style of music. On the other hand it could be done to make her give an “innocent” look to the artist.

The artist in the key image is wearing a leather jacket which is a common symbol for the “rock” genre.

“I’m not one for advice, I’m one for mistakes.” This quote is written in bold capitols which suggests that it is serious,

The background colour is black which could portray the “dark” and “rock” related theme of the artist. It may have also been utilised to make the key image stand out.

The artist in the key image has a dog collar around her neck. This object suggests that she is a beast that must be tamed. It links to the phrases used in the Subheading; “outrageous”, “crazy”, “reckless”.

Page 2: Iqbal 4 double spread music

The colours in the double page spread sheet stay the same in a black and white scheme. This is done to give it a “classic” feel. Alternatively, the suit could signify that the artist is a classic “gangster” type person or it could symbolise the wealthy and smart side of him.

The artist has a bottle of champagne and a champagne glass in his hand. This could represent the wealthy side to him. It could also signify that he has finally succeeded and reached a successful milestone in his life.

Additionally, the balloons in the background interpret a party scene. This party must be the same celebration of becoming a “made man”.

The font used for the title is a large, bold, block text which creates a ‘masculine’ sense to the page. It makes it stand out even though it is not coloured. There is also an effect used in which the text is flipped upside down which could signify the face that the artist started from nothing and is now successful and “on top”.

In relation to the title “MAN MADE”, The champagne bottle suggests that he is celebrating his success of becoming a Made Man.

Page 3: Iqbal 4 double spread music

Pink colour scheme is used throughout the double page magazine spread which symbolises the fact that the artist is very “girly” and childlike.

The main title is a quote which is written in capitol letters. It is a quote from the artist herself which exposes her personal history. The title suggests that the artist was a “naughty” person as she influenced younger people in a negative way.

The subheading is hooking the readers to reading on further into the text. The use of the exclamation mark and the word “now” creates tension when reading and makes the readers feel as they should read on to reveal more.

The artist’s “pose” in the key image is irregular and makes her stand out. She has a classic camera in one hand and the other hand covering her mouth. She is not standing in a way that a normal person would stand when taking a photo. This makes her seem “crazy” or “over-excited.”

The key image of the artist is expanded to fit the whole cover of the page. There is nothing else apart from the image and a small title with her name “Cher Lloyd”. This effect illustrates that she is a well known artist as there is no description needed.

The artist’s name on the top right of the main image has a symbol of the “blackberry messenger” icon. This is done to show that she is modern, social and knows about the latest “trends”.

Page 4: Iqbal 4 double spread music

The key image is a very large image of the artist with a medium close up camera shot which is purposely used to reveal his arms, watch, chain, and vest. The watch worn by the rapper carries connotes wealth.

The diamond ring deliberately displayed by the rapper on his small “pinkie” finger suggests high status as it is an item that is often associated with loyalty, therefore portraying the artist as possible loyalty within the rap culture.

The chain around the rapper’s neck relates to wealth and riches. It is also a sign of being from the “ghetto” and being a “street gangster”.

In addition, the artist is shown with tattoos on his arms, which is a common theme amongst musicians amongst urban street culture. This interprets that he is a rapper who takes pride in himself.

In the background there is clear block lettering which states “NYC” and behind that there is a less clear visible landscape. This has been done purposely to expose his location which he is proud of.

Behind him are various gym equipment for exercising. The most obvious to the eye is the punch bag behind his shoulder. This signifies that he has been through a struggle and has had to ‘fight’ in his life. Furthermore, he is wearing a vest which could signify that he is active and exercising. The positioning of his hands make his seem like a fighter, or as If he had just hit the punch bag.

On his visible arm, there is a tattoo of a large cross. This could connote the faith belief has in God and his religion, he is an artist that is strongly faithful and looks up to his Lord for help.