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Transcript of IPC Qus

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    Explain the following terms in about 40-50 words.

    1. Judge2. Movable Property3. Public Servant4. Wrongful Gain Wrongful Loss5. Document Counterfeit6. Fraudently7.

    Court of Justice

    8. Reason to believe9. Voluntarily10.Valuable Security11.Good Faith12.Illegal, Legal Bound to do13.Common Intention for crime14.Common Object for crime15.Accident16.Abetment17.Punishment18.Culpable Homicide19.Wagering war20.Criminal Conspiracy21.Abettor22.Kidnapping23.Sedition24.Doli-incapax25.Force26.Assault27.Provocation28.Abduction

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    62.Life Imprisonment63.Undue Influence64.Imputation65.Private Defence66.Concealment of design67.Abettor68.Insane69.Section70.Affray71.Harboring72.House Breaking73.False Evidence74.Public Nuisance75.Negligence76.Murder77.Hurt78.Wrongful Restraint79.Grievous Hurt80.Obscene Material81.Criminal Force82.Extortion83.Dacoity84.Criminal Breach of Trust85.Extra Territorial Offences86.Kidnapping for Ransom87.Voluntarily Hurt88.Lurking House Trespass89.Forgery90.Custody91.Property92.Cheating93.Mischief94.Enticing or Taking away

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    95.Adultery96.Bigamy97.Criminal Intent98.Cruelty99.Attempt to commit an offence100. Outraging the Modesty


    1. Describe Criminal breach of Trust and its punishment provided in Indian PenalCode, 1860?

    2. What do you understand by Stolen Property? Can a person habitually dealingin receiving stolen property is liable for that?

    3. What are the essentials of the offence of Rape? Can a male is liable for theintercourse with his wife during judicial separation?

    4. Explain the meaning of Unnatural Offences and its ingredients provided inIndian Penal Code, 1860?

    5. What is the nature and definition of Crime?6. State the meaning of maxim- Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea. Is there

    any exception for this maxim?

    7. How far the mental element is important consideration determining thecriminal liability of the offender?

    8. Define the meaning of Crime along with definitions given by various jurists.9. State the difference between Crime and Sin (religious wrong)?10.Explain the various forms ofMensrea included in the all the offences provided

    in Indian Penal Code, 1860.

    11.What do you mean by Joint Liability and how its applicable in determiningcriminal liability of joint offender in IPC, 1860?

    12.Describe the Principle of Legality along with the maximnulla poena sine lege.13.What is the difference between the maxim-nulla poena cine legeand nullam

    crimin sine lege?

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    14.What are the protection available the accused from criminal liability?15.State the principles/provisions provided in IPC, 1860 regarding the operation

    of Penal Code.

    16.How many type of jurisdiction is provided in IPC, 1860 for the operation andapplication of Penal Code? Can any person exempt from the operation of


    17.State how can the code is extended to extra-territorial offences?18.What do you mean by Public servant? Is Chief Minister is included in the

    definition of public servant?

    19.What is the distinction between fraudulently and dishonestly?20.State the meaning of Counterfeit?21.Define the meaning of Document? Is any matter described on a wall about the

    name of the offender who murdered the deceased is a document or not?

    22.Does the term valuable security apply to a document which is the true copyof an original document?

    23.What does the term Act, or omission denotes?24.Describe the principle of Joint Liability provided in Sec.34 IPC, 1860.25.What is the distinction between Common Intent and Common Object?26.Explain the expression Common Intention.27.What are the various mode of punishment provided in IPC, 1860?28.Explain General Exception deals with general conditions of non- imputablity

    or general grounds of exception from criminal liability?

    29.What is the meaning and objective of the maxim- Ignorantia facti excusat,Ignorantia legis neminum excusat?

    30.What is the difference between Mistake of Lawand Mistake of Fact?31.State the meaning of Accident. In which kind of cases this defence is


    32.Define the doctrine of salvage.33.What is the concept of the defence of Necessity?34.What do you mean by Doli-incapax? Can a person of 8 yrs be held liable for

    criminal conspiracy?

    35.Describe the principle laid down in Dayabhai Cgaganbhai Thakkar vs. State ofGujarat (AIR 1964 SC 1563).

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    63.Is murder an aggravated form of Culpable Homicide?64.What are the ingredients of grave and sudden provocation?65.What are the four cardinal conditions must exist to justify killing a person on

    the plea of self defence?

    66.What is the difference between Murder and Culpable Homicide not amountingto murder?

    67.What are the differences between theft and criminal misappropriation ofproperty?

    68.What is the legal position in regard to dishonest misappropriation of propertypossessed by a deceased by a deceased person at the time of his death?

    69.What is the requirement under Sec.404 of IPC, 1860?70.What are the ingredients of offence under Sec.403 of IPC, 1860?71.What is meant by Dacoity?72.How is assault in the crime of Robbery?73.Can the offence of Robbery be constituted without the use of force or


    74.What are the ingredients of extortion are as laid down under Sec.383 of IPC,1860?

    75.What are the points of difference between Robbery and Dacoity?76.What factors are essential to constitute Theft?77.Is removal of a property under a bonafide claim of right theft within the

    meaning of sec.378 of IPC, 1860?

    78.What are the essentials of Robbery?79.When is the offence of extortion complete?80.Is stealing of a dead body is a theft?81.What is meant by Rash and Negligent Act under IPC, 1860?82.What essentials under Sec.304-B are to be fulfilled in the case of bride

    burning?83.What is meant by the word Dishonestly in Sec.405?84.What are the essential ingredients of the offence of criminal breach of trust?85.Does the criminal breach of Trust imply a breach of contract?86.What is the difference between criminal misappropriation of property and

    criminal breach of Trust?

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    87.What do mean by private defence according to IPC, 1860?88.Explain the liability of a person whom believe himself if justified by law and the

    person believe himself to be bound by law.

    89.What is meant by causing miscarriage and also explain the criminal liability forthat?

    90.What is the difference between Hurt and Grievous hurt?


    1. What is the meaning ofrobberyand explain the circumstances when a robberybecome theft and extortion become robbery?

    2. What are the essentials of the offence of Rape? Can a male is liable for theintercourse with his wife during judicial separation?

    3. Explain the Elements of Crime. Is Mensrea is the essential element for theconstitution of crime.

    4. Discuss the Scope of the right of defence of the body under IPC, 1860.Can anAccused person rely on the plea of such private defence without specifically

    pleading it? Support your answer with help of decided cases.

    5. When does the culpable homicide not amounting to murder?6. Describe the territorial development of Indian Penal Code, 1860 along with

    early Hindu & Muslim Law.

    7. Describe the Composition of 1st law Commission & also explain specifically roleof Load Macaulay in the formation of Indian Penal Code,1860

    8. Explain the essentials of affect. Can a person may be liable of a single act &omission towards commission of offence?

    9. What are the various stages of offence explain in detail?10.Whether intention called be the only consideration for determination of

    criminal liability?

    11.Explain the various principles of penal law.12.Write the meaning and distinguish between the two maxims:-

    a. Nulla poena sine lege ,b. Nullam crimen sine lege.

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    13.Explain the Role against judicial creation of offences & vagueness of criminalstatutes.

    14.What do you mean by Narrow Construction of criminal law, whether acriminal law may be applied retrospectively?

    15.What it the difference between acts done by a person bound law & act doneby a Justified by law?

    16.What is the extant of the right to private defence of person & property?17.Explain the commencement & extant of right to private defence.18.Describe the circumstances under which the Right to private defence extents

    to causing death of a person.

    19.Explain the act against which there is no right to private defence?20.What do you mean by culpable hornicide & how does culpable homicide is

    different from murder?

    21.Define murder & what are the exceptions provided by law to escape from theliability of murder?

    22.Explain the commission of death a person by negligence.23.What do you mean by attempt to commit an offence?24.Describe the liability of person in attempt to murder?25.Define dowry and dowry death?26.What do you mean by cruelty, its kinds also explain the cruelty againstwomen by husband or relatives?27.State the provision of outraging modesty of women by a person?28.How can a person are held liable for insulting the privacy of a person?29.Rape is one of heinous crime against women. Explain this statement with

    relevant provisions provided in IPC, 1860.

    30.Bigamy is an offence against a spouse tied in a marital tie. Explain thisstatement by describing the provisions of Indian Penal Code, 1860 in this

    regard.31.What do you mean by bigamy? What are the laws under which a person could

    be held liable for the offence of bigamy under Indian Penal Code, 1860?

    32.State the ingredients of adultery. Could a father initiate criminal proceedingagainst the husband of his daughter?

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    33.Explain Criminal Intimidation & punishment provided in INDIAN PENAL CODE1860

    34.What do you mean by intimidation?35.Describe various modes under which criminal misappropriation is committed

    with regard to property.

    36.State the different between house trespass & lurking house trespass.37.Explain the offence of how breaking & also describe the aggravated form of


    38.Who do you meant by forgery? How can the forgery of documents becommitted? Give five some examples.

    39.Define the meaning of public nuisance.40.What are the acts likely to spread infected pollution of food & drink?41.Explain the liability of person who intentionally fooling water.42.State the meaning of waging was & its punishment.43.Sedition is gravest of grave offence-Explain this statement along with relevant

    provisions in Indian Penal Code, 1860.

    44.Narrate the liability of person/public servant for the escape of or harboring astate prisoner of war.

    45.How much persons can constitute of unlawful assembly? Could two person beheld liable for unlawful assembly.

    46.Explain the meaning & also distinguish after of rioting & affray.SECTION-D

    1. Ajeet and Rejeev, being joint owners of a horse. Ajeet takes the horse outof the possession intending to use it. But he sells the house and

    appropriates the whole proceeds for the marriage of his daughter. Rajeev

    after came to know about that fact he initiated criminal proceedings

    against the Ajeet. Now decide applicability of the relevant law and liabilityof Ajeet.

    2. Peter and Castle agree to murder Zameel by severally and at differenttimes giving Zameel small doses of poison. Peter and Castle administer the

    poison according to the agreement with intent to murder Zameel. Zameel

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    dies from the effect of the several doses of poison so administered to him.

    Decide the liability of Peter and Castle.

    3. Vibhor in grave anger gives 70 strokes with a stick to Shobha. He voluntarilycauses hurt to Shobha by the whole beating, and also by each of the blows

    which make up the whole beating. If Vibhor is liable to punishment for

    every blow one year then what would be the total duration of the

    punishment of Vibhor.

    4. Sameer sees Abdul inflicting a lathi blow to Deewan which appears toSameer to be a causing murder of Deewan. Sameer in the exercise, to the

    best of his judgment exerted in good faith, of the power which the law

    gives to all persons of apprehending murders in the fact, seizes Abdul, in

    order to bring Abdul before the proper authorities. As result Deewan

    inflicted a severe axe blow to Abdul. Now explain the liability of Sameer for

    the holding Abdul.

    5. Dr. Harish a well known doctor at PGIMS, Rohtak, in good faithcommunicates to the owner of Durga Steels, Mr. Hoshiyar Singh that in his

    opinion (Dr. Harish), he cannot live more than 2 month. By hearing these

    words Hoshiyar Singh died in consequence of the shock. What offence dr.

    Harish had committed though he knew it to be likely that the

    communication might cause the Hoshiyar Singh.6. Deepak the security officer sees a great fire in a factory. By applying his

    mind pulls down others Administrative offices in order to prevent the

    conflagration from spreading. He does this with the intention in good faith

    of saving human life or property. After some time fire brigade controlled

    the fire .The owner of the factory initiate the criminal proceedings against

    Deepak for the demolition of administrative offices because there were all

    the important records of factory. Decide the liability of Deepak.

    7. Dr. Satya , a surgeon, knowing that the operation of Roshni is likely tocause the death of Roshni, who suffers under a painful-cancer, but not

    intending to cause Roshnis death and intending in good-faith, Roshnis

    benefit performs that operation by Roshni consent. As the result she died.

    The husband of Roshni lodged a FIR against Dr. Satya for causing the

    murder of his wife. Explain criminal liability of Dr. Satya if any.

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    8. Mr. Girish Bhatt, the resident of Shimla Enclave, Hissar encroached uponthe govt. property by constructing a small garden in front of his house. The

    municipality gave him the notice for vacating the govt. property by

    removing the above mention garden. But he ignored. As a result the

    municipality team removes the garden .Mr. Girish by seeing this gave

    severe blows to the head of the municipality team and labors. In the

    proceeding against Mr. Girish he pleaded the right to protect his property.

    Can Mr. Girish succeeded in his plea and escaped from the criminal liability

    along with the relevant law applicable to this situation.

    9. A.S.I Sudhir Malik, a police Officer, from Sadar Dehradun Police Station, wasauthorized by warrant from The Jind Sessions Judge to apprehend Dilbagh,

    the suspect of committing the murder of Girdhari Lal, asked A wander of

    snacks Shamsher Singh about Dilbagh. The Wander Shamsher Singh

    knowing that fact also that Lakhan Prshad is not Dilbagh, willfully represent

    to A.S.I Sudhir Malik, that Lakhan Prshad is Dilbagh, and thereby

    intentionally causes A.S.I Sudhir Malik to apprehend Lakhan Prshad

    .Describe now what offence the wander of snacks Shamsher Singh had


    10.Rammehar Singh instigates Leelu Ram, a unsound mind person, to set firein the field of Udey Singh .Leelu Ram in consequences of the unsoundnessof his mind, being incapable of knowing the nature of the act, sets the fire

    to the field of Udey Singh in consequences of Rammehars instigation. The

    case ceme before the Sessions court Udham Singh Nagar .State the liability

    of both Rammehar Singh and Leelu Ram separately along with relevant law

    applicable in this situation.

    11.Two persons Fardeen and Hakim Singh made a plan to plunder a petrolpump situated at Delhi by-pass in Maan Sarowar Park. One Police Officer

    named Sri Bhagwan heard that communication and immediately arrestedboth of them. The criminal proceedings started against Fardeen and Hakim

    Singh. Describe the liability of them.

    12.Harpal Singh, a Contractor of Shri Hanuman Constructions. Pvt. Ltd. wantedthe contact of construction of Ganga-Sarswati Express Way; he made a call

    to Governor of Rajasthan to allot him the above mention contract. But the

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    governor refused as a result he again made a call and said if he would have

    to allot him the contract otherwise he would outrage the modesty of his

    daughter. In fact the admonition was not intended to executed. The

    Governor made a complaint to the police station Jaipur. Now the case is

    before the Sessions Court Jaipur, Rajasthan. Decide the liability of The

    Contractor, Harpal Singh.

    13.Saint Shri Shri 1008 Vijay Pal Singh sits at a dhuni, near the house of Sh.Mehtab Singh, the sarpanch of village of Kiloi, Disst. Haridwar, with the

    intention it to be believed that, by so sitting, he renders blood of dog, an

    object of divine displeasure unless the Mehtab Singh gave him land for the

    establishment of New temple in the village, which was reserved for the

    community centre. Explain whether the Saint Shri Shri 1008 Vijay Pal Singh

    had committed any offence?

    14.Since 20 years, there was a civil proceedings between two brothers GianPrakash and Surjan Singh for the possession of a showroom situated in the

    heart of city Bijnor, U.P. Surjan Singh for the purpose of inducing Gian

    Prakash to desist from prosecuting the suit, threatened to burn the house

    of Gian Prakash .Gian Prakash registered a criminal case against Surjan

    Singh Now the case is before Sessions Judge Anurag Singh. State what

    offence Surjan Singh Committed.?15.Choudhary Sultan ,the editor of a well known newspaper-The Whistle

    Blower ,daily news paper, published an article on a book-My Karawass in

    Hapur Jail, written by, a social worker Karamveer Panday that

    Karamveers book is rubbish ,Karamveer must be a man of weak ideology.

    Karamveers book is indecent; Karamveer must be man of impure mind.

    Karamveer Panday filed a case of defamation against Choudhary Sultan.

    Explain the liability of Choudhary Sultan if any?

    16.Akanshi Sharma, a Student of MBBS final year fell in love with the counselorof the college named Divya Gyan Rastogi, asked him to marry him because

    otherwise her parents would perform her marriage with Vishal Girotra,

    from Dhanbad, son of a well known billionaire of India. Infect Divya Gyan

    was already married with a girl named Himani Singh in his childhood, and

    he wont like Himani. He already told Himani that He like Akanshi very

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    much he cant live without her. He concealed this fact from Akanshi. He

    solemnizes his marriage Akanshi .When Himani came to known about she

    filed a case against Divya Gyan Rastogi. Now decide the liability of Divya


    17.Ajay Srivastva was having a keen desire of being an advocate. But he got45% in B.Com. Exam. As per the rules of The Badri Vishal University of Law,

    Bangalore, the requisite qualification for admission was 55% in graduation.

    Ajay made a zerox copy of B.Com marks-sheet by altering 45% in to 55%

    marks. He got the admission in LL.B. course. After some time the University

    administration came to know about this fact. Now suggest the university

    under which offence she can take an action against Ajay Srivastva.

    18.Sardar Gurjinder Singh under the pretence of his death made a will. Whichcontained the following words-I, Sardar Gurjinder Singh S/o Sh. Avtar

    Singh Kocher, direct that all my remaining property be equally divided

    between Gurjeet Singh, Damtaal Singh and Harjinder Kaur? Now Damtaal

    Singh after the death of their father Sardar Gurjinder Singh, dishonestly

    scratches out Gurjeets name intending that it may believed that the whole

    estate was left to Damtaal Singh and Harjinder Kaur, his mother. Now state

    what offence Mr. Damtaal Singh committed along with the relevant

    provision of law.19.Abdul Waseem the, Rickshaw puller was a person of fond of having new

    branded mobiles. Once he visited to Shri. Sai Mobile Zone, Clock Tower,

    Sirsa there he selected a new nokia lumia-800 mobile. But he was not

    having sufficient money to purchase that. He came to the shop at 2:00 AM

    night and enter through the exhaust-window in the shop and conceal he

    mobile so that the other person cant purchase that mobile. And then he

    would purchase after having the sufficient money. But he was caught red-

    handed by watchmen. Now impose the criminal liability on the poorRickshaw puller.

    20.Lala Deewan Singh was in urgently need of money to go abroad to meet hisson-in law. But he was not having sufficient money for that. He had a

    Toyota Fortuner Car financed by HDFC Bank Ghaziabad Ltd. He sold his car

    and lodges a false -complaint of theft so that he could got money from

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    Insurance Company. He was succeeding in that .After some time the police

    discovered that car .Now state the liability of Lala Deewan Singh for his
