iPads in the Elem. Classroom ITEC 2013

Tammy Massman and the Northeast Hamilton 3 rd Graders ITEC October, 2013 iPads in the Elementary


Northeast Hamilton 3rd Graders and their teacher lead others at the Iowa Technology and Education Conference (ITEC) on iPad implementation.

Transcript of iPads in the Elem. Classroom ITEC 2013

  • 1. Tammy Massman and the Northeast Hamilton 3rd Graders ITEC October, 2013

2. My Story O Teaching almost 20 years at Northeast O OO O O OO OHamilton Substitute, 6 yrs. Special Ed., 13 yrs. 3rd Gr. Mother of 4 (4-17 yrs.) NEH- Unique Single section prek-12 200 kids FAMILY Do our own thing Deserted island Resourceful Technology rich 3. It Only Takes a Spark O Regional PD O John Kuglin- Oct. 2011 O He planted a seed O Signed up for everythingO Passion for Technology O A Whole New World! 4. In the Beginning O John Kuglin's Wiki O 2 more PD opportunities before I saw itspower. O Wikispaces- Class Home Page O Animoto- Meet 3rd Grade O Voki- Gearing up for Student OwnershipHawaii 5. Benefits of the iPad O Rolled out 5 weeks ago O iPads- game changer O Leveling the playing field O Personalized / differentiated instruction O Engaging O Interactive O Student ownership O Sharing with an authentic audience O One stop shopping (Kinley) 6. Connect O No longer restricted to our classroom of11 students O Weve gone Global O Skype in the Classroom- Authors, Mystery Skype, Museums, Experts O Global Classroom Projects: Global Read Aloud, Digital Scrapbook Project 7. Collaborate O iPads and Web 2.0 tools invite information O O O O Osharing and collaboration Google Docs- Mystery Skype, Science Global Read Aloud TodaysMeet: Marty McGuire and Out of My Mind Twitter Wikis 8. Create O Passion Projects O 2012-13 YouTube O Boys writing plays O Inspiring others 9. The Crystal Castle 10. GRA: Character Development 11. iPads O FabulousResources for Using iPads in the Elementary 12. Daily 5 13. Word Work 14. WritingConferring with an Avatar 15. Daily 5Computer 16. Web 2.0 Tools 17. Global Projects 18. Keeping Students Engaged O Give students ownership in learning/teaching O Ditch the Desks O Look for authentic experiences O Limit worksheets O Use iPad as a tool not a reward 19. Where Im at Today O I am a STUDENT! O I cant get enough. (PASSION?) O Learning from Twitter-the best PLN EVER O I read all the timeO Teach Like a Pirate O Passion Driven Classroom O Trying new things- Screen Casting O CONNECTED EDUCATOR! 20. A Long Way to Go O Full-time student O Always learning O Excited to see how far I can take my students O What will they teach me O Global Projects O Blogging- Improving skills with authenticaudience O Genius Hour / Passion ProjectsCREATE, CREATE, CREATE! 21. Recommendations O Play like a kid O Take risks O Take ownership of PD O OO O O(Twitter, chats, Pinterest, Edmodo, Blogging) Share what you know Savor the satisfaction of having someone favorite a Tweet, making connections, finding your PASSION Give your students time and space to create You never know when you will ignite their passion Start small- Rome wasnt built in a day 22. Developing Your PLN