iPad Library Programs: iPad Story Time and App Chat, by Laura Doyle and Cheryl Wolfe

Introductions: Laura is a Senior Librarian in the Digital Services department at the John F. Germany Public Library in downtown Tampa. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood and is a former preschool and kindergarten teacher. She is also the parent of a toddler. Cheryl is a Principal Librarian in the Digital Services department at the John F. Germany Public Library in downtown Tampa. She has an interest in appropriate use of cutting edge technology and is also the parent of two primary-aged children. 1


Laura Doyle annotated the slides for her and Cheryl Wolfe's May 2014 presentation at the Florida Library Association. She has allowed Little eLit to share these slides and her notes.

Transcript of iPad Library Programs: iPad Story Time and App Chat, by Laura Doyle and Cheryl Wolfe

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Laura is a Senior Librarian in the Digital Services department at the John F. Germany Public

Library in downtown Tampa. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood and is a former

preschool and kindergarten teacher. She is also the parent of a toddler.

Cheryl is a Principal Librarian in the Digital Services department at the John F. Germany

Public Library in downtown Tampa. She has an interest in appropriate use of cutting edge

technology and is also the parent of two primary-aged children.


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Technology is evolving and our methods for instruction must evolve with it.


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We’ve known for years that children learn through hands-on, playful, collaborative



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This is the reason why we incorporate props, sounds, music, flannel boards, bubbles, and

activities into storytimes—to make themes more relevant, concepts more memorable, and

to bring stories to life.


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We also know that technology is making great strides every day and becoming a bigger part

of children’s everyday lives. Change happens so fast that librarians, teachers, parents and

caregivers are constantly trying to stay abreast of the best ways to use technology to

benefit children’s learning.

According to a study by Common Sense Media:

-Children’s access to mobile media devices is dramatically higher than it was two years ago:

Among families with children age 8 and under, there has been a five-fold increase in

ownership of tablet devices such as iPads, from 8% of all families in 2011 to 40% in 2013.

The percent of children with access to some type of “smart” mobile device at home (e.g.,

smartphone, tablet) has jumped from half (52%) to three-quarters (75%) of all children in

just two years.


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-We’re librarians, we’ve done our research. We know that technology is engaging for

children, but we also recognize that it has its limitations and even dangers if used


-In the last decade, we’ve heard a lot of negativity regarding passive media like TV and

videos and the impact on brain development. Even with watching “educational programs”

there is the risk of occupying and replacing time that would have been spent on activities

like playing with friends, being physically active, doing homework, chores, or hobbies.


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Research regarding use of apps and screen technology with children:

Several organizations and agencies have issued statements in the last five years regarding

developmentally appropriate use of technology with young children. Among them:

-American Academy of Pediatrics: “Television and other entertainment media should be

avoided for infants and children under age 2. A child's brain develops rapidly during these

first years, and young children learn best by interacting with people, not screens.” - See

more at: http://www.aap.org/en-us/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-


Young children need time without the distraction of screens to focus on important skills

including facial cues, kinesthetic awareness, object permanence, etc.


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In 2012, a joint position statement was issued from the National Association for the

Education of Young Children and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s

Media at Saint Vincent College: Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in Early

Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8

-“Effective uses of technology and media are active,

hands-on, engaging, and empowering; give the child

control; provide adaptive scaffolds to ease the accomplishment of tasks; and are used as

one of many options to support children’s learning.”


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Librarians already provide readers’ advisory, technology education and advice so we are

positioned perfectly to extend this reach into advocating for quality early digital literacy.


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The Digital Divide is alive and well:

-Despite this increase in ownership, the gaps remain large. For example, although 20% of

lower-income children now have a tablet device at home, 63% of higher-income children

do; and while 35% of lower-income parents have downloaded educational apps for their

child, 75% of higher-income parents have done so.

-This is an opportunity to not only put cutting-edge technology into the hands of

customers, but also to share and model research-based methods regarding appropriate



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-Our challenge was to introduce the iPads in engaging programs that could be easily

replicated by branch staff.

-We also needed to accomplish this knowing that ongoing funding was not an option at this



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2012: Planning, proposal, purchases. (Proposal available upon request)

We met with our supervisors, library administration, library system-wide youth services

implementation team.

2013: We piloted programs at branches, refined lesson plans and apps and presented at

the quarterly meeting of our library system’s Youth Services meeting (attended by all YS

staff from 28 branches). We also worked to make the iPads part of Summer Reading

programming and YS staff offered them at different branches throughout the summer.

2014: iPad Storytime is offered monthly at the main library and the iPads are available for

checkout to librarians for programming systemwide. We have also expanded our app

collection and currently have 221 apps installed.


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-The number of apps available from Android vs. iOS is comparable


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-iOS users purchase more apps, which means app developers are following the money and

often releasing their newest apps to iOS first (and sometimes only on iOS).

-This was largely the reason why we decided to go with iPads over other tablets in order to

have access to the most cutting-edge apps.


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-Management of iPads was more time-consuming than anticipated

-Important to have a plan for updates and maintenance

-Currently, 10 devices can be tied to one Apple ID account (which means you can purchase

an app one time and have it pushed out to all ten devices).

-We purchased 12 iPads with the intent of having 1-2 designated as instructor iPads (option

to split into two groups of 5 customers with 2 instructors).


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-Durable, wipe-able cases


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These considerations will vary greatly by library, so really think about how you want your

iPads to be used both now and in the future. For example, we explored options of

physically mounting the iPads (Maclocks), but decided we wanted customers to be able to

access the full potential and interactivity of the apps—ability to shake them, turn them,



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We purchased 12 iPads, screen protectors, screen-cleaning cloths, protective cases, and a

VGA to lightning cable adaptor (to enable sharing through a presentation system). We also

purchased iTunes gift cards to allow for easy purchasing of apps to update and refresh the



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-Create an ‘image’ for your iPads. This is how apps and settings are configured and

physically arranged on the iPad. Once an image is created on one iPad, it can be saved using

iTunes and used to configure the rest of the iPads.

-Having this backup is very handy should an app inadvertently be deleted or placement of

apps be modified during customer use.

-Document every step of the way so that you can replicate a process if needed.

Documentation will be very useful should you decide to expand your program and need to

configure a new set of iPads or train staff new to the process.


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Maintaining equipment and planning time for equipment maintenance are important.

-Physically wipe the devices—we ordered cleaning cloths for this purpose

-Digitally wipe the devices: close open apps, clear browser history, erase any data saved by

apps including instances of where people have logged into personal accounts such as

OverDrive, Facebook, etc. as well as photos or videos. If needed, charge devices for the

next program.


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Market your programs in noticeable places and ways.


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Meant to be a shared and guided experience.

This is an active learning experience; tablet is not a babysitter.


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We created a sample ‘lesson plan’ for our Youth Services librarians with a farm theme.


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*Copies of this lesson plan, as well as a generic iPad Storytime lesson plan template are

available upon request*

Lesson Plan Elements

•Balanced approach—moderation—based on and includes traditional storytime elements

such as print books, music/movement activities, etc.

Our library’s storytimes focus on specific goals from Every Child Ready to Read and we

incorporate these into iPad Storytime as well:

-Phonological awareness

-Narrative skills

-Print motivation

-Letter knowledge


-Print Awareness

•Parents bring their children to the library for interaction and new experiences, but having

a consistent outline for routine helps both children and parents get more from the



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•In setting up the iPads, we placed the apps featured in the program on the front page of the

device. Additional apps are in folders on successive pages and can be swapped out for new

themes as well as explored by customers following the program.


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We recommend using Sign-Up Sheets—allow for preplanning, customer-input, as well as

help to keep numbers manageable (child:device ratio)


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-Challenges faced and solutions found—

-Child-Caregiver joint activity: make target audience and expectations clear through pre-

programming advertising as well as day-of greeting.

-Maximum two children per iPad—ideally should be one on one with adult


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-We received very positive feedback from staff/participants

-Librarians at different branches tweaked the programs to suit their diverse populations.


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-Goal of App Chat: Provide knowledge and resources needed to locate, evaluate and

acquire age-appropriate apps

-The library has some devices for borrowing, but participants are welcome and encouraged

to bring their own devices for a more useful experience.


-Demonstrating high quality examples of apps

-Guided activity—showing different features of the app store

-Reviewing app selection criteria

-Exploring different sources for app reviews

-Demonstrating use of library apps, i.e. how to download a book from OverDrive

-Allowing time for individual exploration

-Fielding questions and providing app reference services for those looking for particular

kinds of apps for specific purposes.


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There is a world of apps available that meet the needs of very diverse children. While many

apps exist just for entertainment purposes, there are also apps that help to teach concepts,

practice academic skills, and even apps specifically designed for special needs (autism,

speech therapy, etc.)


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App Chat is a program designed for parents, caregivers, and educators.


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-A lot of great book apps available—some are more interactive than others, so really use

your app selection criteria to make decisions about what will work best for your customers

and staff.


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Don’t forget to tell customers about your library apps and show them how to use them to

access their library account, library databases, library social media pages, etc.


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-Schedule programs at a time or similar time that library customers are accustomed to

seeing programs in the library.

-Audience: be flexible and have a plan B if a parent brings a child to App Chat.

-Test your Wi-Fi and have a plan B (handouts, screenshots, etc.) just in case so that you are

still able to show customers key resources.


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There are many places to find app reviews and recommendations, but all review sources

are not created equal, so pay attention to who is doing the rating/reviewing and why.

Library staff are qualified to present best practices on appropriate use of technology and

multimedia content.


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The App Store has a section of “Playtime with Your Toddler Apps,” but many of these fall

into the games category and are not necessarily the type of quality, engaging app that you

might be looking for—be sure to establish and follow your app selection guidelines,

especially if they are fee-based. It’s ok to download a free app, test it out and decide to

delete it!


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Maria Cahill and Anne McGill-Franzen



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Remember the 3 C’s!

(from Can Your Preschooler Learn Anything From an iPad App?,” by Lisa Guernsey (May 2,


-Content: quality apps provide an engaging, educational and entertaining experience. They

are easy to use and include accurate information.

-Context: think about how the app will be used and what goals you have for its use

-Child: consider the individual child’s abilities, interests and needs


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These are just some of our favorite apps. They are highly interactive and entertaining and

all are based on a physical book that could provide additional content for a child.

Don’t Let the Pigeon Run This App

The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore

The Monster at the End of this Book

Moo, Baa, La La La (Sandra Boynton has several books in app form)


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There are many, many places you can find great reviews of apps. These are some that we

looked to for guidance. Many times, it is helpful to start with the purpose of the app that

you want and then find a group that specializes in that area who can give a good


-Traditional library review sources: School Library Journal, Kirkus



-Professionals/Specialists, i.e. Special Education, Speech Therapy, occupational therapists,



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Apps are often offered for free or at a discount from time to time and it is VERY beneficial

to keep an eye out. We’ve grabbed some good ones from Smart Apps for Kids, who put out

a Free App Friday blog and Facebook post each week. Apps Gone Free is a free app that

lists apps that are free each day. We have seen great offerings around certain months, such

as Autism Awareness Month, National Reading Month, etc.

These Auryn apps were a great find for us and we grabbed a bunch! These are quality book

apps that allow for interactivity, such as allowing the child record their own narration of a

story and hear it played back to them.


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We created this tool to help with evaluation of apps, focusing especially on app function

(content) and design (usability).


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-We have listed many, but not all of our apps on our library’s Pinterest page:


-We pin review pages of apps that are on our iPads to give customers as much information

about each app as possible.


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Quality apps allow children the freedom to construct their own learning and reach new

heights with greater independence and control.


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We’re happy to help, please contact us with any questions about our experiences setting

up and working with these iPad programs.


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We are based at the John F. Germany Public Library in downtown Tampa.