IP Traceback - JUCC

Page 1 D istributed Denial of Service attack is one of the most menacing security threats on the Internet. In order to put down these attacks, the real source of the attack should be identified. IP traceback is the function to trace the IP packets within the Internet traffic. The Internet Protocol Structure of an IP packet IP (Internet Protocol) is the primary protocol of the Internet communication standards. It delivers packet from the source host to the destination device based on the information carried in the packet header. The IP packet is composed of the header which carries the IP address, the destination IP address and other meta-data required to route and deliver the packet. Even if the source IP address is stored in the header, address spoofing is possible by exploiting security loopholes. Version IHL Type of Service Total Length Identification Flags Fragment Offset Time To Live Protocol Header Checksum Source IP Address Destination IP Address Options Padding Figure 1: Structure of an IP packet header Vulnerabilities of the protocol The TCP/IP protocol has been designed to send data reliably but it does not secure the process 1 . In fact, the authenticity of the source address carried in IP packets is never checked by the network routing infrastructure. Thus, a motivated attacker can easily trigger a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. These kinds of attacks mainly rely on forged IP addresses or source address spoofing. Source address spoofing In an IP spoofing attack, an intruder uses a forged source IP address and establishes a one-way con- nection in order to execute malicious code at the remote host 2 . This technique is usually used for DoS attacks especially SYN flood attacks. The latter is a form of DoS in which the attacker sends a succession of SYN requests to a target’s system in an attempt to consume enough server resources to make the system unresponsive to legitimate traf- fic 3 . Every connection in TCP/IP starts with a three- way-handshake. The client sends a synchronization signal SYN to the server which acknowledges it by sending back a SYN-ACK, and waits for the client to send an ACK signal. In case of an attack, the SYN-ACK is sent to a spoofed IP address, therefore, the ACK message never arrives and the server resources will be blocked, degrading the service for legitimate users. IP Traceback Information Security Technical Update

Transcript of IP Traceback - JUCC

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D istributed Denial of Service attack is

one of the most menacing security

threats on the Internet. In order to put

down these attacks, the real source of

the attack should be identified. IP traceback is the

function to trace the IP packets within the Internet


The Internet Protocol

Structure of an IP packet

IP (Internet Protocol) is the primary protocol of the

Internet communication standards. It delivers

packet from the source host to the destination

device based on the information carried in the

packet header.

The IP packet is composed of the header which

carries the IP address, the destination IP address

and other meta-data required to route and deliver

the packet. Even if the source IP address is stored

in the header, address spoofing is possible by

exploiting security loopholes.

Version IHL Type of Service

Total Length

Identification Flags Fragment


Time To Live Protocol Header Checksum

Source IP Address

Destination IP Address

Options Padding

Figure 1: Structure of an IP packet header

Vulnerabilities of the protocol

The TCP/IP protocol has been designed to send

data reliably but it does not secure the process1. In

fact, the authenticity of the source address carried

in IP packets is never checked by the network

routing infrastructure. Thus, a motivated attacker

can easily trigger a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.

These kinds of attacks mainly rely on forged IP

addresses or source address spoofing.

Source address spoofing

In an IP spoofing attack, an intruder uses a forged

source IP address and establishes a one-way con-

nection in order to execute malicious code at the

remote host2. This technique is usually used for

DoS attacks especially SYN flood attacks. The latter

is a form of DoS in which the attacker sends a

succession of SYN requests to a target’s system in

an attempt to consume enough server resources to

make the system unresponsive to legitimate traf-


Every connection in TCP/IP starts with a three-

way-handshake. The client sends a synchronization

signal SYN to the server which acknowledges it by

sending back a SYN-ACK, and waits for the client to

send an ACK signal.

In case of an attack, the SYN-ACK is sent to a

spoofed IP address, therefore, the ACK message

never arrives and the server resources will be

blocked, degrading the service for legitimate users.

IP Traceback Information Security Technical Update

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(Distributed) Denial of Service attacks

DoS disables network services for legiti-

mate users. An attack starts when com-

puters are infected with malware and

turned into botnets. These machines

become the compromised hosts. There are

two kinds of compromised hosts:

The Zombies: They launch the SYN flood-

ing attack through uncompromised ma-

chines that communicate with the victim’s

machine through the three-way-

handshake protocol. These uncompro-

mised machines are called “reflectors”.

The Stepping Stones: They act as inter-

mediate nodes between the attacker and

the zombies to make it harder to discover

the attacker.

IP Traceback

DDoS attack is a growing concern as it

targets a broad range of industries, from

e-commerce to financial institutions, it can

lead to a significant loss of money because

of unavailability of service. Preventive

measures against these attacks are availa-

ble, but the identification of the source of

attack and prevention of any recurrences

are also crucial to a good practice of cyber


One of the ways to achieve IP traceback is

hop-by-hop link testing. When an attack is

launched, the network administrator will

log into the closest router to the victim

and analyse the packet flow to determine

the origin of the malicious packets. This

will localise the next upstream router. The

major drawback of this simple method is

that it requires a strong interoperability

between routers, and the attack must still

be in progress while the tracing of mali-

cious packet takes place.

Comparison of Existing IP Traceback Techniques

IP traceback techniques can be classified

as pro-active or reactive.

A pro-active approach locates the source

after the attack by looking at the records

files and logs of the network.

A reactive approach locates the attacker

on the flight when the attack is detected

by a specialised hardware.

The comparison of traceback techniques

will focus on three illustrative methods

which belong to different classes of IP

traceback techniques. These techniques

remain at the stage of research and are

not yet released in the market. The Source

Path Isolation Engine (or hash-based)

algorithm is an in-band pro-active tech-


Forging a false IP address is

easy especially with the

python script “Scapy”.

Scapy is a powerful interac-

tive packet manipulation

program. It is able to forge

or decode packets of a wide

number of protocols, send

them on the wire, capture

them, match requests and


The intended receiver uses

Wireshark to analyse the

receiving packets and verify

the information of the

forged packet.

The TCP/IP protocol does

not check the source ad-

dress. Thus, the address

source that appeared on

Wireshark is not the true


Figure 2: SYN flood attack3

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niques. The iCaddie ICMP is the evolution

of the ICMP out-of-band traceback tech-

nique. The third one is the reactive IDIP


Source Path Isolation Engine


SPIE, or Hashed-based IP traceback is

used to trace the origin of a single packet.

This system was proposed by Snoeren et

al5. It is a packet logging technique which

means that it involves storing packet

digests at some crucial routers. The main

issue is that the storage of saved packet

data requires a lot of memory. SPIE is of

high storage efficiency and thus reduces

the memory requirement (0.5% of the link

capacity per unit time in storage). In fact,

instead of storing the packets, it uses

auditing techniques. It computes and

stores 32-bit packet digest. Moreover, an

efficient data structure to store packet

digest is mandatory. SPIE uses Bloom

filter structure.

Another important issue of packet logs is

the risk of eavesdropping. Storing only

packet digests and not the entire packet

prevents SPIE from being misused by

attackers. Therefore, the network is pro-

tected from eavesdropping which is one of

the criteria of an effective IP traceback


There are two options to determine the

route of a packet flow. The first one is to

audit the flow while it passes through the

network and the second is to attempt to

infer the route based on its impact on the

state of the network. The difficulty of

using them increases as the size of the

packet flow decreases. Especially, the

second one becomes impossible because

small flows have no detectable impacts on

the network. Thus, an audit option is used

in SPIE.

SPIE is also called hash-based IP traceback

because a hash of the invariant fields in

the IP header is stored in each router as a

32-bit digest. It remains stored only for a

limited duration of time because of space


Packet digests are created by Data Genera-

tion Agent (DGA) at each router. Before a

traceback begins, an attack packet must be

detected. To determine it, an intrusion

detection system (IDS) is used. IDS pro-

vides a packet, the last hop router, the

time of attack, to the SPIE Traceback

Manager (STM) which will verify its au-

thenticity and integrity. Upon successful

verification, STM will send the signature

information to the SPIE Collection and

Reducing Agent (SCAR) responsible for

the victim’s network area. If any match is

found, the SCAR returns a partial attack

graph of the involving routers. Then STM

will then send new queries to another

SCAR region. This process continues until

the attack path is constructed. Finally, the

STM sends the result back to the IDS.

DDoS attack:



Denial of Service attack is

one of the three most

expensive cyber-attacks.

Along with malicious

insider attacks and web-

based attacks, they account

for 55% of all cybercrime

costs per year.

The estimated cost damage

is $40,000 per hour and

49% of DDoS attacks last

for 6 to 24 hours according

to Incapsula poll6. Thus the

average DDoS costs is

$500,000 with some excep-

tionally expensive cases.

However, damages are not

only financial: loss of

customer trust, vi-

rus/malware infection and

loss of intellectual property

are other consequences of

DDoS attack.

Figure 3: SPIE architecture

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iCaddie ICMP

In out-of-band pro-active schemes, the tracing

mechanism is conducted with the help of separate

packets generated at the routers when the mali-

cious packet traverses through them.

The most used technique is the ICMP Traceback

(iTrace). As a packet traverses through the net-

work, an ICMP (Internet Control Message Proto-

col)7 packet is generated by the router every

20,000 packets that pass through it. ICMP messag-

es are contained within standard IP packets, thus

the header structure is the same as the IP one. The

iTrace payload contains useful information about

the router visited by IP packets such as router’s ID,

information about the adjacent routers, timestamp,

MAC address pair of the link traverse, etc. Thus, the

victim is able to infer the true source of the IP

packet from the information available. As most of

the DoS attacks are flooding attacks, a sufficient

amount of trace packets is likely to be generated.

This technique does not require any modification

of the existing infrastructure. However, it con-

sumes considerable bandwidth and requires a

large number of packets to traceback an attacker. It

also has a poor handling of DDoS. In recent years,

there has been an improvement in tackling the

issues of the original scheme8.

One of the variants of the classic ICMP traceback is

iCaddie9. It has been designed by taking into ac-

count various properties:

i. The cost and time required for upgrading

network equipment

ii. The extra traffic load due to out-of-band IP

traceback techniques

iii. The computational overhead of the attack

path construction process

iv. The storage capacity to collect and store in-

formation for path construction

Like iTrace, the Caddie message is an extra ICMP

message generated by a router or an application,

called a Caddie initiator. Attached to it is the entire

packet history of one randomly selected packet,

called a Ball packet, which is forwarded by the

router. In fact, while a router is forwarding pack-

ets, it randomly selects one of the packets as a ball

packet. The Caddie message will collect the path

information about the sequence of the routers

(called Caddie propagators) identity along the way

toward the ball packet’s destination.

Figure 4: The scheme of iCaddie

However, while iTrace generates ICMP traceback

message every 20,000 packets, iCaddie works

differently. In order to reduce the number of trace-

back messages produced, each router maintains a

timer that indicates how long it has not received a

traceback message. If the amount exceeds a speci-

fied threshold the router will start to act as Caddie


Then, as routers act as Caddie propagators, they

append their IP address to the Router List (RL)

along with the incoming interface and next hop

information. This list is encrypted with a Message-

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Authentication Hash function (HMAC) in order to

prevent the RL elements from being modified. This

function runs with the Time-Released Key Chain

(TRKC)10. To generate a sequence of secret keys,

each router successively applies the HMAC func-

tion to a randomly selected seed, and then each

router reveals the key after a delay at the end of

each time interval. The destination of a Caddie

message can retrieve the newest key, and then

compute all the secret keys for previous time

intervals to finally compute and verify the HMACs

for every RL element in the Caddie message.

The benefit of this approach is that the number of

trace packets produced is fewer. It is independent

of the attack path and is solely dependent on the

number of attack sources. The scheme produces

fewer attack sources and false positives as the

chances of two packets digest forwarded within a

short gap of time is much smaller. More generally,

the ICMP traceback scheme is really interesting as

it can handle DDoS very well with fast recognition

and requires low interoperability between ISPs as

Caddie propagators transmit the Caddie packet like

any other packet. However, it still requires more

bandwidth than an in-band technique and the

deployment cost is non-negligible.

Reactive IDIP

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) can also be used

by reactive attack defence methods. It will alert the

system in case of attack and this one will respond

with a traceback. The defence can be handled by

the network or by the host11. For instance, the

Intrusion Detection and Identification Protocol

(IDIP) is handled by the network. Therefore, it uses

less resources.

IDIP is used to trace the real-time path and source

of intrusion12. IDIP systems are separated in IDIP

communities. Each community contains its own

system of intrusion detection and the response is

managed by the Discovery Coordinator. Each

community is divided in neighbourhoods in such a

way that only one IDIP component belongs to each

neighbourhood. This architecture allows the col-

lection of intrusion-related information at a central

site which enables the exchange of intrusion re-

ports to have a better understanding of the situa-

tion. In each neighbourhood, a local IDS agent

watches and sends its report to a boundary con-


Figure 5: IDIP Community

When an attack occurs, the detector node sends an

attack report to its neighbours, which will help

trace the attack path and also send the attack

report along the attack path. But before sending it,

they will decide how to respond to the attack

(disabling the user account, installing filtering

rules, etc.), depending on the type of attack and the

response of other IDIP nodes. Then all the attack

reports are sent back to the Discovery Coordinator.

This allows it to have an overview of the situation

and modify local node decision if necessary. This

technique stops the diffusion of the attack and at

the same time rebuild the attack path.

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The efficiency of IDIP is linked to the effectiveness

of intrusion identification at different boundary

controllers. Each controller needs to have the same

intrusion detection capability as the IDS. The

automated response allows the system to react


One of the main advantages of this technique is its

minimal dependence on the system infrastructure.

This method can trace the connection that spoofed

the source addresses. In fact, the IDIP protocol is

based on what the components have recorded

rather than network routing tables. The drawbacks

are that it requires high ISP cooperation especially

with the controller boundary and that it depends

on the reliability of the router. IDIP can successful-

ly trace back the source unless it encounters step-

ping stones – a sequence of intermediate hosts that

help attacker remains anonymous.

Comparative study

Three main approaches have been studied:

The pro-active in-band technique: The traceback

information is carried within the packet header.

Logging scheme like SPIE, can only trace packets

that have been delivered in the recent past as the

packet digests are made to expire after a certain

period of time.

The pro-active out-of-band technique: The trace

information is sent within a separate packet. This

technique requires more network bandwidth in

delivering the trace information.

The reactive IDS assisted approach: It requires a

significant amount of cooperation between ISP to

perform the traceback. The reliability of this

scheme is only up to the extent to which a router is

secured to an attacker.


Number of pack-ets for tracing

Many Many Few

Incremental deployment

Yes Yes Yes

DDoS handling No Yes Yes

Scalability Bad High High

Time required for traceback

A few minutes

Quick In real-


Number of false positives

Few Very few Very few

Memory re-quirements

High High Low

Misuse by the attacker

No No No

Tracking until Source Source Stepping stones

Computational overhead

High Low Low

Bandwidth usage Low High Low Table 1 - Comparative tables of three IP traceback techniques

The objective of IP traceback is to determine the

true source of DoS/DDoS attacks. IP traceback and

attack detection form an efficient collaborative

defence against DoS attacks across the Internet.

Depending on the company’s resources, there also

exist various pro-active techniques that all have

evolved from basic scheme, such as IP marking, IP

logging, ICMP-based traceback, overcoming the

shortcomings that the researchers had focused on.

Some are more prone to one aspect of the network

attack than other. Hence network administrators

should take into consideration their business

requirement and objective to implement the best

suited approach. However, it has been done at the

lab scale but hasn't yet moved out into the field.


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1. “Requirements for Internet Hosts – Communication Layers” R. Braden October 1989 pdf 2. “TCP/IP Vulnerabilities: IP spoofing and Denial-of-Service Attacks” A. Kak 25 April 2015 pdf 3. “SYN flood” 7 July 2015 Web. 23 July 2015 4. “Scapy” December 2014 Web. 24 July 2015 5. “Hash-Based IP Traceback” A. C. Snoeren et al. 2001 pdf. 6. “Incapsula survey – DDoS Impact Survey”T. Matthews 2014 pdf. 7. “Internet Control Message Protocol” June 2015 Web. 23 July 2015 8. “Comparative study of IP Traceback Techniques” M.Lapeyre 2015 pdf. 9. “A DoS-Resistant IP Traceback Approach” Bao-Tung Wang, 2003 pdf. 10. “Advanced and Authenticated marking Schemes for IP traceback” D.X. Song and A. Perrig 2001 pdf. 11. “Taxonomy of IP Traceback” L. Santhanam et al. 2006 pdf. 12. “Infrastructure for Intrusion Detection and Response” D. Schnackenberg et al.

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