IoT and Data Analytics for Sustainable Agriculture ...yueg/PDFs/iSAW2017... · 14:00 The Livestock...

Venue: Octagon, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK Organised by Agenda 09:00 Registration and refreshments 09:30 Welcome and opening Yue Gao, Queen Mary University of London 10:00 Food security and emerging smart technologies in agriculture Jonathan West, Rothamsted Research 10:30 Why farmers could be the pioneers in IoT William Webb, Weightless SIG 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Things Connected: Enabling new IoT opportunities for the UK Alex Gluhak, Digital Catapult 12:00 Agri-IoT: The Silicon Revolution to drive a New Green Revolution Bruce Grieve, University of Manchester 12:30 Lunch break 14:00 The Livestock Industry of China and GVRI Research Activities Zhixun Xie, Guangxi Veterinary Research Institute 14:30 Satellite-enabled IoT and data fusion for Agriculture Vladimir Stoiljkovic, Satellite Applications Catapult 15:00 Coffee break 15:30 IoT Applications in Agriculture Xiaodong Wang, Talent Cloud 16:00 IoT for Rice Fields Monitoring Kenneth Tong, University College London 16:30 End of day Page of 1 8 IoT and Data Analytics for Sustainable Agriculture Workshop (iSAW) 31st August 2017

Transcript of IoT and Data Analytics for Sustainable Agriculture ...yueg/PDFs/iSAW2017... · 14:00 The Livestock...

Page 1: IoT and Data Analytics for Sustainable Agriculture ...yueg/PDFs/iSAW2017... · 14:00 The Livestock Industry of China and GVRI Research Activities Zhixun Xie, Guangxi Veterinary Research

Venue: Octagon, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK

Organised by


09:00 Registration and refreshments

09:30 Welcome and opening Yue Gao, Queen Mary University of London

10:00 Food security and emerging smart technologies in agricultureJonathan West, Rothamsted Research

10:30 Why farmers could be the pioneers in IoTWilliam Webb, Weightless SIG

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Things Connected: Enabling new IoT opportunities for the UKAlex Gluhak, Digital Catapult

12:00 Agri-IoT: The Silicon Revolution to drive a New Green RevolutionBruce Grieve, University of Manchester

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 The Livestock Industry of China and GVRI Research ActivitiesZhixun Xie, Guangxi Veterinary Research Institute

14:30 Satellite-enabled IoT and data fusion for AgricultureVladimir Stoiljkovic, Satellite Applications Catapult

15:00 Coffee break

15:30 IoT Applications in AgricultureXiaodong Wang, Talent Cloud

16:00 IoT for Rice Fields Monitoring Kenneth Tong, University College London

16:30 End of day

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IoT and Data Analytics for Sustainable Agriculture Workshop (iSAW)31st August 2017

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Agricultural production has experienced a significant increase in demand for food by the world’s population. The increasing demand for food safety and security resulting from changing demographics – rising population and increased urbanisation, increased demand for better animal welfare conditions, demands around better food production efficiency, diminishing resources and lowering environmental impact will all determine the development of the sustainable agriculture.

As indicated in the “World Economic Forum Risk Report 2016”, food system risks vary in multiplicity, interconnectedness and pace of change. Therefore, the joined-up solutions could provide the resilience and accelerated innovation. The agriculture is becoming digitalised. Application of sensor technology is rapidly evolving. There has never been more data linked to the food system and it is growing exponentially. Potentially, knowledge across the whole food network could be integrated. This workshop aims to provide good opportunities to learn the first-hand development and demonstration of Internet of Things (IoT) systems and data analytics for sustainable agriculture. The overall objective of this workshop is to bring various state-of-the-art research activities in multidisciplinary academia and industry together, and to understand the IoT systems and data analytics for the sustainable agriculture.

Workshop organising committee:

- Yue Gao, Queen Mary University of London

- John Crawford, Rothamsted Institute

WiFi Info:

Name: QM-Events Password: QwmR6156

Queen Mary, University of LondonQueen Mary University of London (QMUL) is a Russell Group university in the federal University of London, with 16,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, 6,500 international students, and an academic and support staff of over 3,000. QMUL has an annual turnover of £300 million, annual research income worth over £70 million, and it generates employment and output worth nearly £600 million to the UK economy each year. QMUL is ranked 115th in the QS World University Rankings 2013.The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) is home to over 70 academic staff, more than 50 Post Doctoral Researchers and over 200 Research students. It has a current research grant portfolio of £38m and eight School members hold prestigious research fellowships.

Yue Gao is a Reader in Antennas and Signal Processing, and Director of Whitespace Machine Communication Lab in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in the UK. He worked as Research Assistant, Lecturer (Assistant Professor) and Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at QMUL after having received his PhD degree from QMUL in 2007. He is currently leading a team developing  theoretical research into practice in the interdisciplinary area among smart antennas, signal processing, spectrum sharing and internet of things (IoT) applications. He has published over 120 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers, 2 patents, and 2 book chapters. He is a co-recipient of the EU Horizon Prize Award on  Collaborative Spectrum Sharing in 2016, and Research Performance Award from Faulty of Science and Engineering at QMUL in 2017.  He is an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Wireless Communication Letter and China Communications. He is serving as

Cognitive  Radio Symposium Co-Chair of the IEEE GLOBECOM 2017. He has served as the Signal Processing for Communications Symposium Co-Chair for IEEE ICCC  2016, Publicity Co-Chair for IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, and General Chair of the IEEE WoWMoM and iWEM 2017. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, a Secretary of  the IEEE Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks, and an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer of Vehicular Technology Society.

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Profile of Sponsors

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Rothamsted ResearchRothamsted Research is a world-leading, non-profit research centre that focuses on strategic agricultural science to the benefit of farmers and society worldwide. Rothamsted Research publishes around 300 papers in international science journals each year, of which more than 70% are open access. We also make numerous data, software tools and other information widely available to the global scientific community and other stakeholders or beneficiaries of our work. Rothamsted Research has partnerships with numerous research institutions and universities in over 50 countries, such as the Agri-Tech in China: Newton Network+ (ATCNN), which was established in response to challenges facing the agri-tech and agri-food sector in China and the existence of complementary expertise and capacity present in the UK.

John Crawford is the Integrated Solutions Lab Flagship Leader at Rothamsted Research. Previously he was Judith and David Coffey Chair at the University of Sydney where he was also Head of Sustainability and Complex Systems in the University’s flagship $0.5B research hub, the Charles Perkins Centre. John is a theoretical biologist with a research focus on systems approaches, and works on the integrated behaviour of the soil-plant-microbe system; microbiology; the structure and dynamics of plant and microbial communities; and in the systems biology of plant, microbial and human cells. He was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications in recognition for services to mathematics in 2003, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2007 in

recognition of his contribution to science. Grantsmanship exceeds £20M and he has published more than 190 peer-reviewed articles.

Jonathan WestJon is a senior research scientist at Rothamsted Research, with extensive experience in applied multi-disciplinary crop protection projects. He obtained a BSc in Biology from Royal Holloway College, London University in 1990 and a PhD in Plant Pathology at the University of Reading in 1994. He has worked at the institute since 1997, focused on integrated pest and disease management; it has led to two patents, eight book chapters, one co-authored book, one co-edited book and more than 50 refereed papers. Over the past 10 years, Jon has obtained funding totalling £2M for applied cross-disciplinary projects from InnovateUK (TSB), Defra, the AHDB (HGCA), the EU, EFSA and commercial

companies. Jon is a member of the Plant Health Panel of the European Food Safety Authority, the Association of Applied Biologists, the BCPC Diseases Working Group, and the British Society for Plant Pathology. He was associate editor for the European Journal of Plant Pathology (2006-2012) and associate editor for Aerobiologia (2014-2016), and is a past member of the institute’s field experiment group. Jon is a visiting lecturer (University of Hertfordshire) and holds an honorary professorship from the Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences in China for services to plant pathology and postgraduate education.

William WebbWilliam is an independent consultant at Webb Search and CEO of the Weightless SIG, a body standardising a new M2M technology. He was one of the founding directors of Neul, a company developing machine-to-machine technologies and networks, which was formed at the start of 2011 and subsequently sold to Huawei. Prior to this William was a Director at Ofcom where he managed a team providing technical advice and performing research. He has worked for a range of communications consultancies and spent three years providing strategic management across Motorola’s entire communications portfolio, based in Chicago. He was IET President 2014-2015. William has published 15 books, 100

papers, and 18 patents. He is a Visiting Professor at Surrey, Southampton and Trinity College Dublin

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Profile of Speakers

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Universities, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the IEEE and the IET. He has been awarded multiple honorary doctorates by the UK’s leading universities.

Alex GluhakAlex Gluhak is Head of Technology at the Digital Catapult, where he leads Things Connected, a UK wide innovation support programme for LPWAN. In the past, he worked on IoT research for companies such Intel Labs and Ericsson. He has 15 years experience in network and mobile technology research, both in industry and academia. Since 2006 his focus has been on mobile computing and the Internet of Things and more recently how these technologies can be used opportunistically to provide foundations for Smarter Cities and Smart Energy solutions. He has initiated a variety of larger scale European research project and

initiatives in these areas and have significant experience in technical leadership and coordination of these.

Bruce GrieveProfessor Grieve is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering & Technology, a Fellow of the Institute of Agricultural Engineers and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and holds the N8 Chair in Agri-Sensors & Electronics. Before joining the University of Manchester, as Director of the e-Agri Sensors Centre, he gained 18 years of industrial experience in the fields of on-line analysis and measurement R&D; including deployment of sensors and informatics systems within new integrated products for Sustainable Agriculture & Food. Since 2007 he has attracted over £5.3M of direct industrial, governmental and NGO funding which has been leveraged against a portfolio of £20.4M in collaborative multidisciplinary research projects. Previously Prof Grieve has been the industrial manager on a number of UK Research Council and DTI supported projects. He has been awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering Senior Fellowship to progress

his e-Agri research at the University of Manchester and has held a number of funding board roles with UK Research Councils and the Innovate-UK (TSB), including being a nominated member of the BBSRC Agriculture & Food Security Strategy & Policy Panel and the STFC 21st Century Challenges Strategy Panel.

Zhixun XieProfessor Xie is currently the Deputy Director of the Guangxi Veterinary Research Institute, China. He was trained in veterinary profession and graduated with DVM from the Guangxi University. He had worked for three years as a senior visiting scholar at the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, and the University of Connecticut in the USA. Professor Xie was selected as a member of the National Ten-Thousand Talents Program of China in 2016 and as a National Candidate of Talents of the New Century in 2006. He was awarded special allowances issued by the Chinese State Department in 1999. He has received eleven Science and Technology Progress Awards at national and provincial levels in China.Professor Xie’s research interests focus primarily on technologies for

comprehensive prevention and control of animal infectious diseases. He has published more than 460 scientific research papers in national and international journals, including more than 60 publications in SCI journals, 66 authorised patents including one US patented and one national new drug certificate.

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Vladimir StoiljkovicVladimir Stoiljkovic is a Head of Sustainable Living programme at the Satellite Applications Catapult ( He has been involved in the field of telecommunications for over 20 years and has experience of a range of technologies for satellite communications and navigation, spanning commercial and military land, airborne and naval applications. Vladimir has undertaken a wide range of R&D projects in the field of microwave and millimetre-wave hardware, including the design of active circuits and antennas. For more than 10 years he has been working in research and development of very high frequency transistor and diode oscillators, and wide-band antennas. Some of the work was related to development of hardware for satcom ground terminals. He has also spent several years in the mobile communications industry, developing antennas for the base stations and portable communication devices such as mobile phones and laptop computers. Vladimir has also had several years of involvement in the field of

surveillance radar sensors for defence and security applications, specialising in the prediction of the radar system coverage and detection of small targets in heavy clutter. He has published over 40 technical papers, holds six patents and is a Senior Member of the IEEE. He holds Dipl. Ing. (Electronic Engineering) and MSc (Microwave Engineering) degrees from University of Belgrade, Serbia and PhD (Microwave Engineering) degree from Leeds University.

Xiaodong WangXiaodong Wang is the founder and CEO of TalentCloud Company. Xiaodong graduated from Peking University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and worked for Microsoft as Senior Manager from 2005 to 2009. He won Microsoft Chairman Award in 2009. In 2012, Xiaodong founded TalentCloud Company which focuses on Agriculture IoT research and business development. Till now, TalentCloud Agriculture IoT Platform has serve more than 500 farms all over China.

Kenneth TongDr. Kenneth Tong is a Reader in Antennas, Microwave and Millimetre-wave Engineering, and a member of the Sensors, Systems and Circuits Group at the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering in UCL. He has a strong track record in novel antenna and microwave/mmW hardware design in different applications such as mobile and radar related applications. He has been credited to be one of the first who introduced integrated microstrip patch antennas into mobile phones. His work on U-slot microstrip patch antennas has been cited more than 950 times. When Dr Tong worked in NiCT Japan, he was awarded an Incentive Research Fund to expand his work in the application of low-k materials to mmWave antennas for microwave photonic integrations. He has co-authored three book chapters on planar antenna designs and published over 120 papers. He was the lead in UCL at the UK-China Science Bridges: R&D on (B)4G

Wireless Mobile Communications (UC4G) project. His novel 3-dimensional orthogonally linear polarised antenna work supported by the project has resulted in a patent. Recently he is working in the low power long range wireless sensor systems, particularly for agricultural applications.

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First Name Surname Organisation

Shaker Alkaraki Queen Mary University of London

Micky Allen ex Chingola

Peter Allen None

Dev Audsin Beko

Edmund Bell-King Shamba Services Limited

Andy Billington SC3 Technologies Ltd

Yury Birchenko Nwave

Neil Carey MultiTech

Therese Cory Beecham Research

John Crawford Rothamsted Research Institute

Ross Cruickshank IBM

Xah Da Shell

Yansha Deng King's College London

Nigel Devenish Trak365 Limited

Mark deVilliers Thingful

Marisa Enhuber University College London

Jinwei Gang King's College London

Alex Gluhak Digital Catapult

Adrian Godwin None

Bruce Grieve University of Manchester

Xuanye Gu Queen Mary University of London

Camilla Hayselden-Ashby Fieldmargin

Robyn Hopcroft University of Reading

Katie Hudson Intertek Group plc

Basharat Hussain Thomson

Nan Jiang King's College London

Jerome Joaug Nymbly

Burcu Kalkan None

First Name

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List of delegates

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Radhi Kartowisastro Sensativ

David Kayondo Goldswans

Chris Kelly Tech Mhaindra

Sham Khan None

Mingtuan Lin Queen Mary University of London

Kang Liu Queen Mary University of London

Deni Lumbantoruan King's College London

Zixiang Ma Queen Mary University of London

Yuan Ma Queen Mary University of London

Julia MacMillan Julia MacMillan

Lucia Magot None

Alan McElligott Queen Mary University of London

Michael Mcloughlin Queen Mary University of London

Michael Middleditch Aonica

Mark Owen KJM Consultants

Gowri Perampalam University of Surrey

Stefan Poslad Queen Mary University of London

Lauren Purnell GSMA

Haoran Qi Queen Mary University of London

Roger Roberts Trak365 Limited

Niall Roche University College London

Chris Roff Plextek

Chandreyi Saha Skyline Academy

Graeme Sandieson Snowdrop Solutions Ltd

Dimitrios Siganos Packet Storm

Fotis Sokratous Make

Nitin Raj Soundararajan Cognizant

Vivek Srivastava Citi

Richard Stamvik Multitech

Vladimir Stoiljkovic Satellite Applications Catapult

Wei Su Queen Mary University of London

Rajesh Suseelan Inmarsat

James Talbot SXT Consulting

Surname Organisation First Name

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James Theobald AgsenZe

Areli Tinoco Fuxion

Kenneth Tong University College London

Can Uzun Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi

Xiaodong Wang Talent Cloud

William Webb Weightless SIG

Guangliang Wei Talent Cloud

Richard Wenner Interent Projects

Jonathan West Rothamsted Research Institute

Jase Wheatley We Are The Creative

Zhiqin Xie Guangxi Veterinary Research Institute

Zhixun Xie Guangxi Veterinary Research Institute

Xingjian Zhang Queen Mary University of London

Qianyun Zhang Queen Mary University of London

Surname Organisation First Name

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