IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis...May 23, 2013  · 1 February 2013 IOM Regional Response...

SITUATION REPORT 1 HIGHLIGHTS Syria: On 15 and 16 May, 28,700 beneficiaries received non-food items (NFIs) in Damascus, Rural Damascus and Homs. Jordan: IOM assisted over 5,000 Syrians with transportaon from border areas to Za’atri and EJC camps. IOM staff remain on stand-by to assist once movements resume. Iraq: Over the past week, IOM completed the assessment of 383 Syrian refugee families in Kirkuk, Ninewa and Duhok, and priorized 294 families that will receive non-food items (NFI) through a distribuon sched- uled for the end of May. Lebanon: From 14 - 21 May, IOM assisted 130 refugees and 64 stranded migrants who transited through Bei- rut’s Rafic Hariri Internaonal Airport. IOM COUNTRY OPERATIONS Syria Operaons Non-Food Item (NFI) Distribuon: During the reporng period, IOM and partners launched a hygiene promoon campaign. Partners are running awareness-raising sessions, while IOM dis- tributes hygiene kits based on urgent needs idenfied in recent assessments. On 15 and 16 May, 2,500 hygiene kits, 1,500 house cleaning kits, 1,500 undergarment kits and 1,200 baby diapers were distributed to 28,700 beneficiaries in Damascus, Rural Damascus and Homs. IOM is closely coordi- nang with WFP on logiscs and transportaon with the next NFI distribuon expected to take place next week in Aleppo, Homs, Al Suwayda, Hamah, Latakia and Tartus. IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis 23 May 2013 IOM Situaon Report – 23 May 2013 Above - Stranded migrants board a bus in Damascus, IOM has assisted 3,428 stranded migrants and their families to return hoem since the begin- ning of the crisis © IOM 2013 (Photos: IOM Syria). Top Right - IOM staff interviewing three Syrian families from Aleppo; all of them are living in one rented house in Ninewa © IOM 2013 (Photos: IOM Iraq). Boom Right - In the past week, IOM distributed 6,700 hygiene kits to beneficiaries in Damascus, Homs and Rural Damascus. © IOM 2013 (Photos: IOM Syria)

Transcript of IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis...May 23, 2013  · 1 February 2013 IOM Regional Response...

Page 1: IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis...May 23, 2013  · 1 February 2013 IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis SITUATION REPORT 1 HIGHLIGHTS Syria: On 15 and 16 May, 28,700

1 February 2013

IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis




Syria On 15 and 16 May 28700 beneficiaries received non-food items (NFIs) in Damascus Rural Damascus and Homs

Jordan IOM assisted over 5000 Syrians with transportation from border areas to Zarsquoatri and EJC camps IOM staff remain on stand-by to assist once movements resume

Iraq Over the past week IOM completed the assessment of 383 Syrian refugee families in Kirkuk Ninewa and Duhok and prioritized 294 families that will receive non-food items (NFI) through a distribution sched-uled for the end of May

Lebanon From 14 - 21 May IOM assisted 130 refugees and 64 stranded migrants who transited through Bei-rutrsquos Rafic Hariri International Airport


Syria Operations

Non-Food Item (NFI) Distribution During the reporting period IOM and partners launched a

hygiene promotion campaign Partners are running awareness-raising sessions while IOM dis-

tributes hygiene kits based on urgent needs identified in recent assessments On 15 and 16

May 2500 hygiene kits 1500 house cleaning kits 1500 undergarment kits and 1200 baby

diapers were distributed to 28700 beneficiaries in Damascus Rural Damascus and Homs IOM is closely coordi-

nating with WFP on logistics and transportation with the next NFI distribution expected to take place next week in

Aleppo Homs Al Suwayda Hamah Latakia and Tartus

IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis

23 May 2013

IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

Above - Stranded migrants board a bus in Damascus IOM has assisted 3428 stranded migrants and their families to return hoem since the begin-ning of the crisis copy IOM 2013 (Photos IOM Syria) Top Right - IOM staff interviewing three Syrian families from Aleppo all of them are living in one rented house in Ninewa copy IOM 2013 (Photos IOM Iraq) Bottom Right - In the past week IOM distributed 6700 hygiene kits to beneficiaries in Damascus Homs and Rural Damascus copy IOM 2013 (Photos IOM Syria)


Syria Operations cont

Repatriation Assistance to Stranded Migrants On 21 May IOM successfully repatriated Ethiopian (4) Liberian

(1) Moldavian (7) Sudanese (25) and Yemeni (18) migrants To date IOM has provided repatriation assistance to

3428 stranded migrants IOM is in the process of finalizing arrangements for the repatriation of Afghanis (21)

Bangladeshi (4) Burkinabe (4) Cuban (5) Egyptian (1) Ethiopian (22) Libyan (4) Moroccan (1) South Sudanese

(20) and Sudanese (37) stranded migrants to travel via Beirut

Resettlement of Refugees During the current reporting period IOM transported 103 refugees from Damascus

who transited through Lebanon and departed for resettlement locations in Australia (45 women 58 men and 15

children) IOM is finalizing travel arrangements for 724 resettlement cases that are scheduled to depart from 22

May to 2 July Refugees who form part of this caseload will travel to Australia (315) Canada (181) Denmark (1)

Finland (8) Norway (21) United Kingdom (2) and United States of America (196) IOM has provided resettlement

assistance to 12645 refugees since the beginning of the Syria Crisis

Jordan Operations

Emergency Transportation of Refugees The number of Syrian refugees crossing into Jordan

during the current reporting period decreased to 5256 refugees compared to 9933 refugees

who arrived in the previous week Over the past week IOM facilitated the transportation of

5103 Syrian refugees to Zarsquoatri camp and 153 Syrian refugees to Emirates Jordanian Camp (EJC)

Since 19 May there have been few arrivals (no refugees arrived on 20 May and only seven arrived on 21 May) IOM

and partners are concerned at the lack of information concerning the people reportedly waiting on the Syrian side

of the border who are unable to cross into Jordan To date IOM has facilitated the transportation of 306463 Syri-

ans from border areas (Thnebe) to Zarsquoatri and EJC camps

Emergency Health Assistance upon Arrival in Jordan IOM continues to conduct pre-departure medical assess-

ments after refugees have crossed into Jordan and before proceeding to Zarsquoatri and EJC camp During screenings

over the past week IOM identified 52 individuals with medical conditions requiring immediate referral or treat-

ment to Zarsquoatri camp health clinics Since 29 July 2012 IOM has assisted 2848 individuals for further treatment

upon arrival at the camp

Tuberculosis (TB) Diagnosis and Prevention Activities An IOM team works daily within the camp to investigate

suspected TB cases and to provide follow-up and direct observation of treatment Since March 2012 IOM has

treated 51 cases of TB screened 277356 Syrians for TB and provided TB awareness-raising activities to 76959 Syri-

ans in the camp transit centres and host communities in Jordan

IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013 2

The number of arrivals in the past week dropped by almost half from 9933 to 5256 persons IOM staff remain on stand-by to provide transport assistance and emergen-cy health care to Syrian refugees once the movements across the border resume

Jordan Operations cont Immunizations of New Arrivals IOMrsquos medical team started an immunization campaign against measles and po-

lio in addition to providing Vitamin A supplements in Zarsquoatri camp on 16 April As of 21 May IOM has vaccinated

35238 Syrian refugees 8116 were vaccinated against polio 27122 against measles and 8116 were provided

with Vitamin A supplements

Iraq Operations

Rapid Needs Assessment of Syrian families

From 13-16 May IOMrsquos Rapid Assessment and

Rapid Response Team (RART) conducted rapid

needs assessments of 15 Syrian families in

Baghdad Key findings include

Each family assessed entered Iraq via Rabiarsquoa crossing

point in Ninewa two months ago on tourist visas

The Syrian families live in rented houses under very diffi-

cult conditions (lacking basic household items) The fami-

lies report that they are charged higher rental fees than

Iraqi families living in the same areas

Some family members are able to find daily wage jobs but

they complain that they earn less than their Iraqi colleagues working in the same sectors

Iraqi Local community leaders express concern that Syrian refugees are subjected to threats and violence

by some members of the host community There are also reports from community representatives that

refugee children may fall prey to traffickers operating in Baghdad

The heads of households report that while their living situation is not stable and while they cannot afford

it their children will not be attending school

Access to healthcare was a common concern the families report that they are unable to access services at

government health facilities because they do not have legal status in Iraq All the families reported that

accessing private health care was not an option as it is too expensive

The assessed families are not registered with UNHCR or the Ministry of Displacement and Migration

(MoDM) However they are registered with Local Area Authorities Until they are registered with UNHCR

or MoDM they will have limited access to services

From the rapid assessment visit the team concluded that the most urgent needs of these families are le-

gal assistance protection NFI assistance and access to income generating activities

Following the assessment IOM staff briefed the refugees and the Local Area Committee on registration proce-

dures and provided contact information and details of the closest registration centres in the city Information on

particularly vulnerable households was passed on to Protection Partners

Vulnerability Assessments Since March 2013 IOM has completed

vulnerability assessments of 1348 Syrian refugee families and 297

Iraqi returnee families in Kirkuk Duhok Baghdad Najaf Erbil Sulai-

maniyah Anbar and Ninewa to determine those eligible to receive

NFIs In order to identify the most vulnerable refugees IOM teams

assess the living conditions health conditions and sources of in-

come of each family During the current reporting period IOM com-

pleted assessments of 383 Syrian refugee families 145 families in

Kirkuk 38 families in Ninewa and 200 families in Duhok

3 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

Left ndash IOM staff interview a Syrian family in Mosul Ninewa

copy IOM 2013 (Photo IOM Iraq)

Above ndash IOMrsquos RART team in Baghdad interviewing

a Syrian family that arrived in Iraq two months ago

copy IOM 2013 (Photo IOM Iraq)

Iraq Operations cont

Of the 383 Syrian refugee families that were assessed during the current reporting period 294 families will re-

ceive NFIs through a distribution scheduled to take place at the end of May

On 12 May during vulnerability assessments IOM staff interviewed Maria1

who fled Aleppo two months go with her two children and now lives in Kir-

kuk Her husband and two eldest sons disappeared one morning on their

way to the family bakery the same day her house was robbed and she was

forced to leave her village in Aleppo She left without knowing what had

had happened to her husband and sons she still has not heard from them

Leaving all their possessions behind they travelled from Aleppo to Qamishly

(near the Iraqi border) where conditions were harsh as they had no food

and water Maria carried her youngest son for a further 15 hours to reach

the Iraqi border After crossing into Iraq Maria followed the other refugees

to Domiz camp where she had to beg for food and shelter from other refu-

gees in the camp After some time when conditions did not improve she

left Domiz and travelled to Kirkuk to stay with her brother-in-law and his

family in a small rented house Her brother-in-law is trying to support both

his and her family off the meagre salary he earns as a casual labourer Ma-

ria and her family will receive assistance from IOM in the distribution later

this month

Turkey Operations

Procurement of Washing Facilities IOM is

following up with the Disaster and Emergency

Management Presidency (AFAD) and the sup-

plier on the provision of nine containers with

washing facilities that will be set up in Mardin region The provi-

sion of these containers will improve the Water Sanitation and

Health (WASH) services available to Syrians in camps in this re-

gion The containers will be delivered in the first week of June to

the camps in Mardin and managed by AFAD

Lebanon Operations

Transit Assistance From 14 - 21 May 130 ref-

ugees (61 women 69 men and 21 children)

were assisted during their transit in Rafic

Hariri International Airport for resettlement to

Australia Canada and the United States Additionally 64 stranded

migrants (33 women 31 men and 24 children) were assisted dur-

ing their transit to Liberia Nigeria Sri Lanka Sudan and Yemen To

date IOM has provided transit assistance to 2125 refugees

4 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

1Not her real name

Above - Maria and her two children

fled from Al-Sefeera village in Aleppo

two months ago copy IOM 2013 (Photo

IOM Iraq)

Above - IOM staff monitor the progress of the

construction of 9 washing facilities The units

will be set up in camps in Mardin region copy IOM

2013 (Photo IOM Turkey)

IOMrsquos activities are generously supported by

5 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

CONTACTS Preparedness and Response Division | Mario Lito Malanca | +41227179455 PRDiomint Donor Relations Division | +41227179271 | DRDiomint

Page 2: IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis...May 23, 2013  · 1 February 2013 IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis SITUATION REPORT 1 HIGHLIGHTS Syria: On 15 and 16 May, 28,700


Syria Operations cont

Repatriation Assistance to Stranded Migrants On 21 May IOM successfully repatriated Ethiopian (4) Liberian

(1) Moldavian (7) Sudanese (25) and Yemeni (18) migrants To date IOM has provided repatriation assistance to

3428 stranded migrants IOM is in the process of finalizing arrangements for the repatriation of Afghanis (21)

Bangladeshi (4) Burkinabe (4) Cuban (5) Egyptian (1) Ethiopian (22) Libyan (4) Moroccan (1) South Sudanese

(20) and Sudanese (37) stranded migrants to travel via Beirut

Resettlement of Refugees During the current reporting period IOM transported 103 refugees from Damascus

who transited through Lebanon and departed for resettlement locations in Australia (45 women 58 men and 15

children) IOM is finalizing travel arrangements for 724 resettlement cases that are scheduled to depart from 22

May to 2 July Refugees who form part of this caseload will travel to Australia (315) Canada (181) Denmark (1)

Finland (8) Norway (21) United Kingdom (2) and United States of America (196) IOM has provided resettlement

assistance to 12645 refugees since the beginning of the Syria Crisis

Jordan Operations

Emergency Transportation of Refugees The number of Syrian refugees crossing into Jordan

during the current reporting period decreased to 5256 refugees compared to 9933 refugees

who arrived in the previous week Over the past week IOM facilitated the transportation of

5103 Syrian refugees to Zarsquoatri camp and 153 Syrian refugees to Emirates Jordanian Camp (EJC)

Since 19 May there have been few arrivals (no refugees arrived on 20 May and only seven arrived on 21 May) IOM

and partners are concerned at the lack of information concerning the people reportedly waiting on the Syrian side

of the border who are unable to cross into Jordan To date IOM has facilitated the transportation of 306463 Syri-

ans from border areas (Thnebe) to Zarsquoatri and EJC camps

Emergency Health Assistance upon Arrival in Jordan IOM continues to conduct pre-departure medical assess-

ments after refugees have crossed into Jordan and before proceeding to Zarsquoatri and EJC camp During screenings

over the past week IOM identified 52 individuals with medical conditions requiring immediate referral or treat-

ment to Zarsquoatri camp health clinics Since 29 July 2012 IOM has assisted 2848 individuals for further treatment

upon arrival at the camp

Tuberculosis (TB) Diagnosis and Prevention Activities An IOM team works daily within the camp to investigate

suspected TB cases and to provide follow-up and direct observation of treatment Since March 2012 IOM has

treated 51 cases of TB screened 277356 Syrians for TB and provided TB awareness-raising activities to 76959 Syri-

ans in the camp transit centres and host communities in Jordan

IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013 2

The number of arrivals in the past week dropped by almost half from 9933 to 5256 persons IOM staff remain on stand-by to provide transport assistance and emergen-cy health care to Syrian refugees once the movements across the border resume

Jordan Operations cont Immunizations of New Arrivals IOMrsquos medical team started an immunization campaign against measles and po-

lio in addition to providing Vitamin A supplements in Zarsquoatri camp on 16 April As of 21 May IOM has vaccinated

35238 Syrian refugees 8116 were vaccinated against polio 27122 against measles and 8116 were provided

with Vitamin A supplements

Iraq Operations

Rapid Needs Assessment of Syrian families

From 13-16 May IOMrsquos Rapid Assessment and

Rapid Response Team (RART) conducted rapid

needs assessments of 15 Syrian families in

Baghdad Key findings include

Each family assessed entered Iraq via Rabiarsquoa crossing

point in Ninewa two months ago on tourist visas

The Syrian families live in rented houses under very diffi-

cult conditions (lacking basic household items) The fami-

lies report that they are charged higher rental fees than

Iraqi families living in the same areas

Some family members are able to find daily wage jobs but

they complain that they earn less than their Iraqi colleagues working in the same sectors

Iraqi Local community leaders express concern that Syrian refugees are subjected to threats and violence

by some members of the host community There are also reports from community representatives that

refugee children may fall prey to traffickers operating in Baghdad

The heads of households report that while their living situation is not stable and while they cannot afford

it their children will not be attending school

Access to healthcare was a common concern the families report that they are unable to access services at

government health facilities because they do not have legal status in Iraq All the families reported that

accessing private health care was not an option as it is too expensive

The assessed families are not registered with UNHCR or the Ministry of Displacement and Migration

(MoDM) However they are registered with Local Area Authorities Until they are registered with UNHCR

or MoDM they will have limited access to services

From the rapid assessment visit the team concluded that the most urgent needs of these families are le-

gal assistance protection NFI assistance and access to income generating activities

Following the assessment IOM staff briefed the refugees and the Local Area Committee on registration proce-

dures and provided contact information and details of the closest registration centres in the city Information on

particularly vulnerable households was passed on to Protection Partners

Vulnerability Assessments Since March 2013 IOM has completed

vulnerability assessments of 1348 Syrian refugee families and 297

Iraqi returnee families in Kirkuk Duhok Baghdad Najaf Erbil Sulai-

maniyah Anbar and Ninewa to determine those eligible to receive

NFIs In order to identify the most vulnerable refugees IOM teams

assess the living conditions health conditions and sources of in-

come of each family During the current reporting period IOM com-

pleted assessments of 383 Syrian refugee families 145 families in

Kirkuk 38 families in Ninewa and 200 families in Duhok

3 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

Left ndash IOM staff interview a Syrian family in Mosul Ninewa

copy IOM 2013 (Photo IOM Iraq)

Above ndash IOMrsquos RART team in Baghdad interviewing

a Syrian family that arrived in Iraq two months ago

copy IOM 2013 (Photo IOM Iraq)

Iraq Operations cont

Of the 383 Syrian refugee families that were assessed during the current reporting period 294 families will re-

ceive NFIs through a distribution scheduled to take place at the end of May

On 12 May during vulnerability assessments IOM staff interviewed Maria1

who fled Aleppo two months go with her two children and now lives in Kir-

kuk Her husband and two eldest sons disappeared one morning on their

way to the family bakery the same day her house was robbed and she was

forced to leave her village in Aleppo She left without knowing what had

had happened to her husband and sons she still has not heard from them

Leaving all their possessions behind they travelled from Aleppo to Qamishly

(near the Iraqi border) where conditions were harsh as they had no food

and water Maria carried her youngest son for a further 15 hours to reach

the Iraqi border After crossing into Iraq Maria followed the other refugees

to Domiz camp where she had to beg for food and shelter from other refu-

gees in the camp After some time when conditions did not improve she

left Domiz and travelled to Kirkuk to stay with her brother-in-law and his

family in a small rented house Her brother-in-law is trying to support both

his and her family off the meagre salary he earns as a casual labourer Ma-

ria and her family will receive assistance from IOM in the distribution later

this month

Turkey Operations

Procurement of Washing Facilities IOM is

following up with the Disaster and Emergency

Management Presidency (AFAD) and the sup-

plier on the provision of nine containers with

washing facilities that will be set up in Mardin region The provi-

sion of these containers will improve the Water Sanitation and

Health (WASH) services available to Syrians in camps in this re-

gion The containers will be delivered in the first week of June to

the camps in Mardin and managed by AFAD

Lebanon Operations

Transit Assistance From 14 - 21 May 130 ref-

ugees (61 women 69 men and 21 children)

were assisted during their transit in Rafic

Hariri International Airport for resettlement to

Australia Canada and the United States Additionally 64 stranded

migrants (33 women 31 men and 24 children) were assisted dur-

ing their transit to Liberia Nigeria Sri Lanka Sudan and Yemen To

date IOM has provided transit assistance to 2125 refugees

4 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

1Not her real name

Above - Maria and her two children

fled from Al-Sefeera village in Aleppo

two months ago copy IOM 2013 (Photo

IOM Iraq)

Above - IOM staff monitor the progress of the

construction of 9 washing facilities The units

will be set up in camps in Mardin region copy IOM

2013 (Photo IOM Turkey)

IOMrsquos activities are generously supported by

5 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

CONTACTS Preparedness and Response Division | Mario Lito Malanca | +41227179455 PRDiomint Donor Relations Division | +41227179271 | DRDiomint

Page 3: IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis...May 23, 2013  · 1 February 2013 IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis SITUATION REPORT 1 HIGHLIGHTS Syria: On 15 and 16 May, 28,700

Jordan Operations cont Immunizations of New Arrivals IOMrsquos medical team started an immunization campaign against measles and po-

lio in addition to providing Vitamin A supplements in Zarsquoatri camp on 16 April As of 21 May IOM has vaccinated

35238 Syrian refugees 8116 were vaccinated against polio 27122 against measles and 8116 were provided

with Vitamin A supplements

Iraq Operations

Rapid Needs Assessment of Syrian families

From 13-16 May IOMrsquos Rapid Assessment and

Rapid Response Team (RART) conducted rapid

needs assessments of 15 Syrian families in

Baghdad Key findings include

Each family assessed entered Iraq via Rabiarsquoa crossing

point in Ninewa two months ago on tourist visas

The Syrian families live in rented houses under very diffi-

cult conditions (lacking basic household items) The fami-

lies report that they are charged higher rental fees than

Iraqi families living in the same areas

Some family members are able to find daily wage jobs but

they complain that they earn less than their Iraqi colleagues working in the same sectors

Iraqi Local community leaders express concern that Syrian refugees are subjected to threats and violence

by some members of the host community There are also reports from community representatives that

refugee children may fall prey to traffickers operating in Baghdad

The heads of households report that while their living situation is not stable and while they cannot afford

it their children will not be attending school

Access to healthcare was a common concern the families report that they are unable to access services at

government health facilities because they do not have legal status in Iraq All the families reported that

accessing private health care was not an option as it is too expensive

The assessed families are not registered with UNHCR or the Ministry of Displacement and Migration

(MoDM) However they are registered with Local Area Authorities Until they are registered with UNHCR

or MoDM they will have limited access to services

From the rapid assessment visit the team concluded that the most urgent needs of these families are le-

gal assistance protection NFI assistance and access to income generating activities

Following the assessment IOM staff briefed the refugees and the Local Area Committee on registration proce-

dures and provided contact information and details of the closest registration centres in the city Information on

particularly vulnerable households was passed on to Protection Partners

Vulnerability Assessments Since March 2013 IOM has completed

vulnerability assessments of 1348 Syrian refugee families and 297

Iraqi returnee families in Kirkuk Duhok Baghdad Najaf Erbil Sulai-

maniyah Anbar and Ninewa to determine those eligible to receive

NFIs In order to identify the most vulnerable refugees IOM teams

assess the living conditions health conditions and sources of in-

come of each family During the current reporting period IOM com-

pleted assessments of 383 Syrian refugee families 145 families in

Kirkuk 38 families in Ninewa and 200 families in Duhok

3 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

Left ndash IOM staff interview a Syrian family in Mosul Ninewa

copy IOM 2013 (Photo IOM Iraq)

Above ndash IOMrsquos RART team in Baghdad interviewing

a Syrian family that arrived in Iraq two months ago

copy IOM 2013 (Photo IOM Iraq)

Iraq Operations cont

Of the 383 Syrian refugee families that were assessed during the current reporting period 294 families will re-

ceive NFIs through a distribution scheduled to take place at the end of May

On 12 May during vulnerability assessments IOM staff interviewed Maria1

who fled Aleppo two months go with her two children and now lives in Kir-

kuk Her husband and two eldest sons disappeared one morning on their

way to the family bakery the same day her house was robbed and she was

forced to leave her village in Aleppo She left without knowing what had

had happened to her husband and sons she still has not heard from them

Leaving all their possessions behind they travelled from Aleppo to Qamishly

(near the Iraqi border) where conditions were harsh as they had no food

and water Maria carried her youngest son for a further 15 hours to reach

the Iraqi border After crossing into Iraq Maria followed the other refugees

to Domiz camp where she had to beg for food and shelter from other refu-

gees in the camp After some time when conditions did not improve she

left Domiz and travelled to Kirkuk to stay with her brother-in-law and his

family in a small rented house Her brother-in-law is trying to support both

his and her family off the meagre salary he earns as a casual labourer Ma-

ria and her family will receive assistance from IOM in the distribution later

this month

Turkey Operations

Procurement of Washing Facilities IOM is

following up with the Disaster and Emergency

Management Presidency (AFAD) and the sup-

plier on the provision of nine containers with

washing facilities that will be set up in Mardin region The provi-

sion of these containers will improve the Water Sanitation and

Health (WASH) services available to Syrians in camps in this re-

gion The containers will be delivered in the first week of June to

the camps in Mardin and managed by AFAD

Lebanon Operations

Transit Assistance From 14 - 21 May 130 ref-

ugees (61 women 69 men and 21 children)

were assisted during their transit in Rafic

Hariri International Airport for resettlement to

Australia Canada and the United States Additionally 64 stranded

migrants (33 women 31 men and 24 children) were assisted dur-

ing their transit to Liberia Nigeria Sri Lanka Sudan and Yemen To

date IOM has provided transit assistance to 2125 refugees

4 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

1Not her real name

Above - Maria and her two children

fled from Al-Sefeera village in Aleppo

two months ago copy IOM 2013 (Photo

IOM Iraq)

Above - IOM staff monitor the progress of the

construction of 9 washing facilities The units

will be set up in camps in Mardin region copy IOM

2013 (Photo IOM Turkey)

IOMrsquos activities are generously supported by

5 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

CONTACTS Preparedness and Response Division | Mario Lito Malanca | +41227179455 PRDiomint Donor Relations Division | +41227179271 | DRDiomint

Page 4: IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis...May 23, 2013  · 1 February 2013 IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis SITUATION REPORT 1 HIGHLIGHTS Syria: On 15 and 16 May, 28,700

Iraq Operations cont

Of the 383 Syrian refugee families that were assessed during the current reporting period 294 families will re-

ceive NFIs through a distribution scheduled to take place at the end of May

On 12 May during vulnerability assessments IOM staff interviewed Maria1

who fled Aleppo two months go with her two children and now lives in Kir-

kuk Her husband and two eldest sons disappeared one morning on their

way to the family bakery the same day her house was robbed and she was

forced to leave her village in Aleppo She left without knowing what had

had happened to her husband and sons she still has not heard from them

Leaving all their possessions behind they travelled from Aleppo to Qamishly

(near the Iraqi border) where conditions were harsh as they had no food

and water Maria carried her youngest son for a further 15 hours to reach

the Iraqi border After crossing into Iraq Maria followed the other refugees

to Domiz camp where she had to beg for food and shelter from other refu-

gees in the camp After some time when conditions did not improve she

left Domiz and travelled to Kirkuk to stay with her brother-in-law and his

family in a small rented house Her brother-in-law is trying to support both

his and her family off the meagre salary he earns as a casual labourer Ma-

ria and her family will receive assistance from IOM in the distribution later

this month

Turkey Operations

Procurement of Washing Facilities IOM is

following up with the Disaster and Emergency

Management Presidency (AFAD) and the sup-

plier on the provision of nine containers with

washing facilities that will be set up in Mardin region The provi-

sion of these containers will improve the Water Sanitation and

Health (WASH) services available to Syrians in camps in this re-

gion The containers will be delivered in the first week of June to

the camps in Mardin and managed by AFAD

Lebanon Operations

Transit Assistance From 14 - 21 May 130 ref-

ugees (61 women 69 men and 21 children)

were assisted during their transit in Rafic

Hariri International Airport for resettlement to

Australia Canada and the United States Additionally 64 stranded

migrants (33 women 31 men and 24 children) were assisted dur-

ing their transit to Liberia Nigeria Sri Lanka Sudan and Yemen To

date IOM has provided transit assistance to 2125 refugees

4 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

1Not her real name

Above - Maria and her two children

fled from Al-Sefeera village in Aleppo

two months ago copy IOM 2013 (Photo

IOM Iraq)

Above - IOM staff monitor the progress of the

construction of 9 washing facilities The units

will be set up in camps in Mardin region copy IOM

2013 (Photo IOM Turkey)

IOMrsquos activities are generously supported by

5 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

CONTACTS Preparedness and Response Division | Mario Lito Malanca | +41227179455 PRDiomint Donor Relations Division | +41227179271 | DRDiomint

Page 5: IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis...May 23, 2013  · 1 February 2013 IOM Regional Response to the Syria Crisis SITUATION REPORT 1 HIGHLIGHTS Syria: On 15 and 16 May, 28,700

IOMrsquos activities are generously supported by

5 IOM Situation Report ndash 23 May 2013

CONTACTS Preparedness and Response Division | Mario Lito Malanca | +41227179455 PRDiomint Donor Relations Division | +41227179271 | DRDiomint