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IOLLYGOOD BUILDERS THE NEXT TEN YEARS: 1,981, - 7991, A First Addendum To The History Of Community Service by the Kiwanis Club of Bloomington, Illinois

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THE NEXT TEN YEARS: 1,981, - 7991,

A First Addendum To TheHistory Of Community Service

by the Kiwanis Club of Bloomington, Illinois

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Following in the footsteps of historian H. Clay Tate who recordedthe first sixty years of history (L92L 198L) of the KiwanisClub of Bloomington, Illinois in the JOITITY GOOD EUIITDERS. HaroldL. Coffman has now added another decade to our records.

Harold represents the ultimate in what is a dedicated Kiwanian.A Club member since L952, he has served as its President, twenty-three years as CIub Secretary and currently is the ClubtsBulletin Editor (THE BUILDER). AIso, he is a past Lt. covernorof Division 22 and a Life and Legion of Honor member. Weespecially cornmend Harold for his-deep involvement in helpingmake this Club one of the finest anywhere.

The Decade of 1-981 199L will be remembered for the manyaccomplishments herein related and also for the addition of womeninto club membership, beginning in L987. Many outstanding womenhave since been added and their contributions have furtherexpanded our Clubts comnunity service achievements.

As we move along in a new decade, we are happy to see otherdedicated members propelling our efforts. They are also the oneswho, while focusing on Kiwanis goa1s, must adapt to the changingtimes and lead us to even greater future accomplishrnents. -

9---?r'L€*Dr. ilerry N. Ringer, PresidentKiwanis Club of BloomingtonL993-94

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The Seventh Decade ofBloomington Kiwanis Clubsaw a react ion torequests f rom theInternational for more

membership growth. In 0ctober of1980 our membership stood at 124 andour attendance was 83 Per cent. Inthe ten years fol lowing, we raisedour membership to 170.



In March of 1981, the wheels beganturning for a Golden K club inBloomington. Efforts to gainprospects were progressing slowly andi t was not unt i l March 4, 1985, thatthe club had suff ic ient numbers toorganize. President t ' lal t Stephensrecei ved much assi stance EdHeiken, Glen Melton, and Lt. GovernorHarold Coffman from the BloomingtonClub and also helP from Past Lt.Governor Don Bateman of the LeRoYClub. Al Provasi , KIAR, vtas theoff ic ial organizer and Gov. Tom Vettepresented the Charter to the nelvGolden K C' lub on May 7' 1985. I t wasto be Gov. Vette 's onlY new clubchartered dur ing his administrat iveyear.


0n Thursday, February 20, 1986, theCirc1e K Club at I l l inois } lesleyanUniversity was chartered with a largegroup of Bloomington _ Kiwanianspresent. Then Governor Al Provasi,made his f i rst Charter presentat ionto a Circ le K-club, wi th David Karau,f i rst president, accePting theCharter. Lt. Governor Gordon Fidler

presented charter pins andcertificates to the neu, members ofthe I t . lU Circ le K Club.

Lt. Governor Gordon Fid' ler announcedthe formation of a 49-member Key Clubat Central Catho' l ic High School ;off icers were elected and a Charternight set for March 22, 1988. I t wasa gal a affair, wel I attended !VBl oomi ngton Kiwani ans, fami lYmembers, and Kiwanians and KeYClubbers from throughout theDivis ion.


Ed Heiken, KIAR, met wi th var iousDivis ion 22 club members on Tuesday,February 16, 1988, and working withdesignated groups, went in search ofnew prospects for a Normal KiwanisC'l ub. The Cl ub was off i c i al ' lY

organized March 15, 1988. This wasthe f i rst at tempt at a Div is ion-sponsored club.


0n May 4, 1988, our Board ofDirectors voted to become AssociateSponsors of a Kiwanis Club outsidethe American borders. Accordingly'we he' lped sponsor a neur Kiwanis clubat Tulcan, Carchi , in Ecuador.


One of the memorab'lemembership moves cameabout when KiwanisInternational voted toal I ow fema'le members.AccordinglJ ' LoisGol l iday, our s ing-along

several years and JudYlady for

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Markowitz, were' inducted into theBloomington Kiwanis Club on September21, 1987. Since that beginni lg ' !ehave added some f i f teen more valuablewomen members.


take a great deal of pride.- l le-enioyworking-with a' l ' l of the K-Family.

**: t

I t is di f f icult and dangerous to tryto l is t a l l who part ic ipated in theseclub-bui ld ing endeavors. However 'the efforts of all are herebYacknowledged with our thanks.




Kiwanian Ed Pegg Presented aninvi tat ion to Kiwahis volunteers andreceived signups from those memberswho felt they could contr ibute to thework of providing space fo_r vict imsof domest ic v io lence, chi ld abuse,etc.

Nevel le House is a Community Act ionproject located at Colton and MonroeStreets.


Kiwanis President Dale Traxlerpresents Charter to

Steve Barger, KeY Club Pres.

0n l,lednesday, June 6, 1990' a new KeYClub at Bloomington High School waschartered at Lakeside Country Club.Matt Giordana, Lt. Governor for KeYClubs from Pontiac, made the Charterpresentat ion and instal led off icersof the new club.


Final ly, to round out our K-FamilYgroup,- we chartered a new Bui ldersClub'at Bloomington Junior High onMay 9, 1991. International Trusteeand Mrs. Al Provasi and Lt. Governorand Mrs. Francis }Ji lk ins attended andassi sted.


So the Kiwanis Club of Bloomington isproud sponsor of two new Kiwanist lubs, two -Circ le K clubs ( IsU andI}|U), two new KeY clubs and oneBui iders c lub. For th is we can al l


Kiwanis Camp Limberlostcontinues to be thenumber one project for

7'----/ dt*uititv leivice durinsour Seventh Decade - and each Yearour camp budget seems to grow.

The important thing, however, is thatthe camp continues to give deservingchi ldreh the opportunity to enioy agood camping experience.

In l99l we observed the 60thAnniversary of Kiwanis CamPLimberlost . In 1989, El len Abshireof the ISU staff observed her 20thyear as camp director.

In 1984, Camp Limberlost was moved toCamp Heffernan and Kiwanians andfamily members volunteered to serve



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three meals a day to the campers. Ithas operated that way, successful ly,ever s ince.

*: t*

l le continued sponsorship of a FosterChi ld in the Phi l ippines through theChrist ian Chi ldren's Fund. BYsending $15 per month and a l ikeamount for Christmas and birthdays,we are able to support a chi ld inschool that his or her fami' ly cou' ldnot do.

DRINKING - to local grade and iuniorhigh schools.

i t **

}Je made contr ibut ions to the SpasticResearch Foundation each monthaccording to the number of memberswho had birthdays during the month.Our contribution vtas $2 per member.



This portable pr int ingTDD wi th memory vt aspresented to LIF-CIL andAssociates by Dale

Chairman of our MaiorEmphasi s committee in Apri l of 1987.

Your sponsored chi ldSelv ic Sebic


Our communicat ion would not becomplete without a word about fundrailing. For many we g.ot alongwith gum machines and Pancake Days.Later-we added Travel and Adventuretravelogues to supp'lemen_t our income.l,lhen ii became-' an Internationa]project, we added Peanut DaYs andhave reieived great community supportfor our efforls. l le added cheesesales to our Program during theHo1 iday Season as our CommunitYService budget continues to grow.

In the Fal l of 1982' as a Promotionfor the cheese sale camPaign' somebrought a l ive cow to a Kiwanis noonIuncfieon meeting, at which t ime Pres-ident Dennis Fdicke was invited tomi ' lk 0 le Bossy by Joe Elble ' chairman.You had to be there to aPPreciatei l ! ! !


l te distr ibuted pamphlets from Kiwai l isInternational - CHOICES AB0UT DRUGS &

The pr int ing TDD is a pr int ingte]ecommuni cati ons devi ce for thedeaf. I t features easy-to-use,completely portable, easy-touch, fourrow keyboard, memory to save and sendmessages, with a 24-characterkeyboard. The tota' l contr ibut ionfrom our Club was $200.


The Kiwani s C'l ub of Bl oomi ngtonprovided thir ty closed-captioned TVdecoders for B/N fami' l ies with deafor hear ing impaired chi ldren. Also,the Club provided a decoder for eachof our three hospi ta ls.

The telecapt ion uni ts, which resemblevideo recorders were purchased bYTelecable of Bloomington-Normal andgiven to the Kiwanis Club fordistr ibut ion. These uni ts, whichretai l for $250 to $350 each, were tobe sold to the famil ies for $50 eachwith the proceeds to be Placed in aspecial fund to provide furtherassistance for people wi thconmunicat ion di sabi I i t i es.

" l , le are very appreciat iver" said JeffSchaub, Brokaw HosPital


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administrator, summing uP theatt i tude of hospi ta l of f ic ia ls. uI t

means that the deaf and hearingimpaired wi l l have access totei evi s ion programs. " Pat ients whodo not hear wel l often turn uP thevol ume on their sets so that i td isturbs other Pat ients.

I4ULTIPLE SERVICE. OnlY two otherKiwanis clubs throughout the worldreceived this award.

Among the many projects-of that yearwas iHE coloRs oF couRT, a coloringbook prepared and pr!n!e.d local ly toreducb anxiety of chi ldren who arecal led to test i fy in court or beforea grand iury. The coloring book waspr6moted- ai conventions for otherbistr ict and Internat ional Kiwanisclubs. The book has been receivedwith much much acclaim from the clubswho have purchased i t . Chuck t ' l i t tewas awardbd Dist inguished Presidentstatus as a resul t .



tlle furnished manpower for the Marchof Dimes Radio ' Auct ion (now theMcLean County Chi ldren's Auct ion) ;for the Special 0 lympics. (both thesummer anil winter games), and weoften assist the Circle K and KeYClubs with their Projects.


t . le take an act jve Part in the Hugh0'Br ian Youth Seminars (HOBY) held atI} lU each June. This Program is foroutstanding sophomore students. lJesponsor one student from each of thefour local h igh schools.


Dear Mr. Witte and Kiwanis lvlembers:

l,le are one of the fami'l i es thatrecei ved a Tel ecaPti on Uni t I astweekend. We are wri t ing to say thankyou for a special g i f t .

Our daughter, GinnY, is th.ree Yearsol d. - She wi I I not have theopportunity to grow uP with TV. } leh-ave watched Sesame Street everymorning this week. Both of ourthree-year olds have begun to fol lowthe capt ioning on the TV screen.0f ten hear ing impaired chi ldren havecommunicat ion Problems and areisolated from world events. As Ginnygrows, she wi l l now be used to see' i .ngitre eveni ng news, drama, comedY,sports and much more.

l . |e sincere' ly appreciate your support.

Char lene S. TraPPe BlackTed Bl ack


THE COLORS OF COURTFor Children lfho Testify in


In September of 1987'Judge Chuck t , l i t tereceived word that thisClub would receive oneof Kiwani s ' h ighestawards - HONORS CLUB






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Kiwanian Pastor Ernie Gericke gives some technicalassistance to a young man who is participating in the Club's

annual Christmas Shopping spree when boys and girlspurchase gifts for family members (and for themselves).

Past President Harold Walters congratulates Dianne Witte afterher presentation to the Club of her program regarding the hearing impaired.Dianne's signer and Leon Schmucker, club president, look on.

The Camp Limberlost campers entertain the Kiwanians on the eveningthat the members and their spouses dine with the campers.

Governor Gordon Fidler and member Wil Davis man the phones, takingpledges for the annual telethon for Crippled Children.

Past Lt

"Earth Day" was observed by the Bloomington Kiwanis club when trees were planled along theConstitution Trail in an area designated by the city as the "Kiwanis Area." Doug Oehler,

Chairman of the Ag and Conservation Committee, headed up the project.

Deserving children are our guests at Camp Limberlost on Lake Bloomington

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The ELLIOTT TROPHY-awardedto the Bloomington Kiwanis Club forOutstanding Achievement dur ingthe 198H5 administrative vear.

Barry Weer bake up a batch ofpancakes at the "Pancake Day Kickoff Luncheon."

Mel Wolenschlager hawking peanuts.

Fred Winteroth, long-time memberof the Bloomington Club and later amember of Golden K. Fred, anaccomol ished wood carver wasnoted for his ability to pack thetraveling gavel for delivery 1o thenelt club in the Division who wasto receive it.

Past Lt. Governor and auctioneer Wally Yoder auctions ofithe {ew remaining bags of peanuts at the conclusion of

our peanut fund-raising campaign.


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The service projects carr ied out bythe Bloomington Kiwanis Club dur ingthe 1991-92 administrat ive year areindicat ive of the manY man hours ofvolunteer service and of the manydol lars that have been ut i l ized tomake the community a l i t t le betterplace to l ive:

Chri stmas Parade Food Fl oatGoodfel low FundBrotherhood TreeI- I Spast ic Foundat ionCamp Limberlost

HOBYChristmas Shopping Spree0utstanding Student AwardAmerican Legion Basebal lChr ist ian Chi ldren's Fund

Layman of the YearSTAR Literacy ProgramKiwanis Internat ional

Foundat i onI l , lU Circle KISU Circ le K

Central Cathol ic Key C' lubBloomington High Key ClubBJHS Bui lders Club} l inter Special 0 lympicsSummer Specia' l 0lympics

l,lal k- for- Ch i I drenSenior Ci t izens Travel and

Adventure TicketsEaster Seal Tel ethonSalvat ion Army Bel ' l RingersVisi ts/Cards to Homebound

TDD Decoder for HearingImpai red

Chi ldren's Radio Auct ionBoy ScoutsGir l ScoutsSpast ic Research Foundat ion

Volunteer Literacy TutorsChi ldren's Book Col lect ionSponsor of Prof. Ruddy to

the UN EnvironmentalConference

FFA Foundation4-H

Const i tut ion Trai l TreeP1 anti ng

Invent America Programllestern Avenue CommunitY

CenterCaddy Program

"Colors of Court"Career Day at NCHSCircle K Distr ict Convent ion

HostsBaby Fold BowlathonBaby Fold 90th Anniversary

Hunger ProjectClaire House Food Donat ionSenior Ci t izens Award


A mult i-year program to add newKiwanis road signs, refurbish andrelocate, where advisable, exist ingsigns was in i t iated in Dale Traxler 'syear by the Publ ic Rel at ionsCommit tee under Dick Perkins,chairman. The venture began with alarge community service clubs' groupsign erected on South Main Street andpubl ic ized in the PANTAGRAPH.Dif f icul t i 'es in obtaining sui tablesites for the cluster signs forced achange thereafter to putt ing upstand-alone type Kiwanis s igns.



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rrKiwanians laugh a great dea1. They have much fun as they teaseone another - yet, behind all of this is a deep sense of CARING! !Yes, Kiwanians CARE very much about people.

ItA word in Romans 12:15 fits: 'Be happy with those who arehappy i hreep with those who weep. '

rrAs hre open our 70th Anniversary dinner program, w€ use some ofBryan Leech's words and say:

Lord, your love increases our sensitivityto needy people in today's world.

We bring our prayers to You:for those who suffer painfor those who rninds are disturbedfor bri l l iant people who waste their

abi l i t iesfor those whose dreams are shatteredfor those who live behind barsfor those who have been disgraced and

wounded by other peoples' wrongdoingsfor those who have lost a loved onefor those who are suffering fron

incurable diseasesfor those whose dreams have never come

truefor those whose ideas always seem to

be rejectedfor those who face death, especially

those who face it without You.

Gracious Father, You have blessed our Kiwanis group with seventyyears of carinlt sen/ice. Tonightr w€ praise You for Yourgoodness in granting thoughtful leaders and workers of this CIub,rnaking it possible for many people to receive help in their timeof need. Please grant us the continued wil l ingness to offer thecaring, helping hand to others. Bless our gathering this nightand ciuse this food to be for our good that ete may continue inservice to You. We offer our prayer in the Name of our BeautifulRedeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.


, l?


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It is inevitable that a Kiwanis CIub of 70 years shall lose somemernbers by death. We are no exception and our losses have beensevere.

One of many who represented leadership and devoted Kiwanisservice was EAROLD WALTERS a past president of the BloomingtonKiwanis Club, Lt. Governor of Divis ion 22, and Distr ictTreasurer, he was considered a leader in Kiwanis at all levels.His passing frorn this l i fe was October 2J., L987.

In our BUILDER report we stated: rrEarold Walters was faithful tothe Objects of Kiwanis on the CIub, Division, and District levels- often working on successful projects even at the risk of hisown weII being. He will be sorely missed by this correspondent(Harold Coffman), who was sponsored by hin in Kiwanis, and byhundreds of Kiwanians who were his friends.rl

Fi t t ingly, at a Spouses' Day meeting on February 15, 1988, aspecial guest, Margaret Walters, was given the KiwanisInternational Memorial Fellow Award plaque, honoring the manyyears of Kiwanis service given by her spouse, Earold falters.

This surnmary of a rrDecade of Servicerr is hereby dedicated to allfaithful Kiwanians who have passed from us this decade.

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On Monday, February ?6, 1Sl9O, in observance oF Internat ional ts75th AnniversdFy, past presidents oF the Bloomington Club wE!reinvi ted to the noon luncheon meet ing. Pictured above are thehonorees who were in at tendance that day:

Front Flow: At Provasi ( Internat ional Trustee) r t {a l t Stephens (S4-S5) ,Flobert Knight (69-70), Bane Pierce (1951), GordonSchroeder (88-ag), Uf. Char les Wit te (s5-85), and c. FordEckIes (az-ae)

Second Flow: Owen Brumett ( fgSe), Dennis Feicke (ea-e:1, GordonFidler (Ottawa President) , Oon Vinson (73-74), Kei thCashman IQuincy President) , Fl ichard Farr ( (78-79),Harold coFFman (1959), Roger Jenkins (Hichmond, fNPresident) , and Dale Traxler (89-90).

Third Row: c. B. Gade (rsst) , Barry Weer (ss-ez), t { i l t iam Beadles( '1939), Benoni Green (7?-731 , Flobert L ind (zs-eo),

John Kirk (75-7E.) , Flobert Kennett (76-77), and LeonSchmucker (€|1-82),



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To girre prinaqg to tbe htman ardspiritrral, ratlrer than the rnaterial rralues

of life.

ltr ermrage gP aaily livirg of tiecolden Rrle in atl hr-unan relationstrips-

ru p:wte the adc6rEion ard ttre atrplicationof higfrer social, brsiness, ard

plofessiornl stardarrCs-

Tb denelcp, tryr preepE ard oranple, atnct€ irrteiligent, agpfressive, ard

sertrioeable citizenstriP.

ro 1rroviAe, tluorgh Kiwanis Clubs, apractical iteans to form erdtrrirg friendstrips,

to rerden altmistic service,ard to hritd bett€r ccxmnnit'ies.

1o ocpl=rte in cneatirg ard rnaintaining thatsourd public cpinion ard hi$r idealistt

$rltich nake possible the increaseof righter:sness, justice,patriotisr, ard good wiU.