iocF attt c - University of Kentucky

lit q THE BEE EARLINGTOK KY f t- t CEle r 3eel PAUL M MOORS EDITOR AND PUBLISHER JAMES E FAWCETT A9800IATH EDITOR di BUSINESS MQR SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year i y 10 Six mouths > 60 Three Mouths 26 Single 0 Specimen copies mailed free on ap = fi Oorrespondents wanted Inallparti of the county us for par tlculars Telephone No 47 t THURSDAY JULY 12 1906 TIIEBE is another hope on the horizon of Democratic politics in Kentucky M 0 Winfrey Superintendent of the city schools of Middlesboro and one of the most enthusiastic educa tors in the State in his candidacy fQeSulerintepdeut of Public Instruction of Ken tucky speaks in strongest terms in favor of the elimination of partisan politics sectarianism and personalities from our pub ¬ lie schools Mr Winfrey de- clares in favor of advance all along the line in educational mutters in Kentucky and A common school system of which every citizen will be justly proud Mr Winfrey was the leader of the campaign for State Normal Schools last year with the result that there are now two such schools one at Bowling Green and one at Richmond with an annual appropriation of 50000 for maintenance and with buildings grounds and equipment worth over 300000 Mr Winfrey is an editors also publishing an educational journ- al ¬ is a prominent institute in ¬ structor and a member of the State Board of Examiners Gov BEOKUAM has the endorse ment of the temperance people oiKentucky in the part he is playing in the Louisville Sunday saloon closing fight The pardons he is issuing by wholesale are not to those arrest- ed on charge of selling liquor on Sunday but to Veil arrests I through the activity of the saloon mens league charged with worlv ing at their various oocupatious arrested for selling soda water cigars and the like The effort of the saloon men is to make the whole Sunday closing law odious by prosecuting druggists and others caught byfhoir det Qtives selling other thing than liquors and thus produce a popular tie lawI cution rtthe Dn A D JAIES of Mullen berg former United Stales Marshal for Kentucky is the Eminent Doctors Praise its Ingredients- We refer to that boon to weak nervous suffering women known as Dr Pierces Ifyvorlto Proscription Dr John Fyfo ono of tho Editorial Staff of TUB ECLECTIC MEDICAL HEVIEV of Unicorn root Helonlas Dlolca which Is ono of tho chief Ingredients of tho Fa vorito Proscription A remedy W Ilch Invariably nets as a titer Jno Invlgoratur makes for normal ac ttYlty of tho utiro reproductive system lib continues 9n liolonlns we hare a medica- ment ¬ which moro fully answers tho above purposes than ant tillitr tlmy eltll uWch I am In tho treatment of diseases pe ¬ culiar to women it Is seldom that a caso is se n which does not present some indication fir ihls remedial agent Dr Fyfo further raytTho following arc among tho loacllnsr i Dlisitions for Helonlas Unicorn root Pain l r aching in tho back with leucorrhocar 1 01le weak conditions of the reproductive < hci3 of women mental depression and lr rituo lity associated with chronic diseases of it it reproductive organs of women constant HII in the region of kid noys menorrhaslo flooding duo to a weak vmc condition of the reproductive system rmijioiTheea suppressed or absent monthly 1ern it rom or accompanying Iln- CIQl mal condition of tho digestive organs JOI1 inojmlc I thin blood habit drawing tMisatlons In tho cxtrcmo lower part ot tho- 4r OItcn h noro or less of tho abovo symptoms nvp present no Invalid woman can do flK tflr than take Dr Pierces Favorite- Prescrlptlon Olin of tho leading Ingredi ¬ 1I010nla91and most faithfully represents prominentnrfl Prof 1 D of Ben ¬ nett Medcal College Chicago < IHs an Important remedy In disorders of j wuaio In all CQtarrlial coudltlona + anct jticornl eafeollemont it is useful Prof John M Scuddcr MD Into of Cincinnati says of Golden Heal root 1 to its treIINaJctrj s on the 1 ratcm Mem to nil mtateine in we abuut which i en x Mush general unanimity of iiplnlim It i tAwwcIy regarded as the tonic useful lu- r11 < + Kittles = f Pr < Bartholow jr Jefferson 3 txtl College says of Golden Seal Valuable In uterine ht rofenor Hooding and congestive dysmenor jiiuuu painful menstruation faithJs rediente and uros tho diseases for which arerocommouded I Ley 1 P iA v 4 f 1 A rw t It Ii leadine candidate in the rape for- t Republican nomination for Oongress in the Third district George Baker y of XUhletibtrjr who has been an announced visit didate litity withdrawn vui rlIli = nun need iii favor jif jtfR ty in PS Tae only other caiilitlntTiS J A Oliwtwrtof Alleft cou ifyifThi Republicans hx refcwin inthe loss Third jit the xt It Hl tr Jaihes made anexcojjro cord as United r ti r m and will in all probability vir the present contest i i r Ttls Louisville HenUd1 quotes a prominent Democnit who is candidate for a State odic aa saying that Judge Hargi now On trial for murder will tie de- posed from membership iii the State Ventral Coniunilteentthe next meeting of that adThis gentleman also i says itWiMvely that Gov Beckhain will never convictedp of murder THERB is a case in the courts at Frankfort to test the new dog law and a man has been fined 25 fur harboring sheep killing don We shall now have an op portuniiy to learn legally which- is the more valuable to the Stone the sheep industry or the yellow cur IT certainly do look like Bryan EQUAL TO VERDICT OF GUILTY t Jury In Chicago Alton Rebate Case at Chicago Returns a Verdict Chicago July7After deliberating for several hours the jury In the Chi ¬ cago Alton rebate case returned a verdict of guilty Friday on the first eight counts of the indictment This Is equal to a verdict of guilty of the charge of granting rebates Counsel for defendants made a mo ¬ tion for a new trial and Judge Lan dis said that he would hear arguments on the motion Saturday morning and would not impose sentence until the motion for a new trial had been dis ¬ posed of- Under the law the maximum sen ¬ tence of the court may be a fine of f 120000 for each of the defendants No imprisonment provision appears in the law There are two specific alle- gations of rebating alleged in the eight counts of the indictment upheld by the court PROLONGED STAY IN LONDON Mr Bryan Remained Over Several Days to Hear a Speech In House of Commons London July 7Mr Bryan has de tided not to leave Londonon Monday as he had intended but will remain until Thursday principally to hear Mr Haldane at the latters invitation de liver a speech on army retrenchment In the house of commons after which iir Bryan will start on his tour of the Rhine Switzerland and Italy Mr Bryan has also accepted an invitation for next week from Winston Spencer Churchill and others in public life when he will meet many prominent persons He will go to Wrest Park today with Ambassador and Mrs Reid v PERSIANS BEAT BACK TURKS TurkIsh Attempts at Territorial En ¬ croachment On Persian Terri ¬ tory Gets a Check Constantinople July 7A Turkish ttecapt toseize further territory on tho Persian frontier has been check- mated by the gdvenior of Pushkar who repulsed the invading force of 100 Turkish regulars and 700 mounted Arab regulars with considerable loss to tho raiders Tho council of ministers here has now instructed the Turkish com mender Zekki Pasha to withdraw hlu posltlons n rupturo with Persia Was Lent to a Woman Now York July 7The strange dls appearance of 300000 from the troas tiny of the Mutual Life Insurance Co tinted by President Peabody at the Inception of his administration and Bl urted to by the Truesdalo committee has been discovered to have been lent to a voman Castro At tho Helm Again I Caracas July 9Sunday Vlce Pros 1 dent Gomez transferred to President I Castro tho presidential office which Gen Castro temporarily resigned In April last There 13 general content anent amen too maseco of the porn atinn internal stability Is thus con firmed Churchill May Ron For Governor Concord N H July 7Thu Lincoln Hopubllcan cltth of Now Hampahlra has Invited Winston Churchill of Con nlsh novelist to become a candldato forgubQrnntorlalnomlnnt1 non an anticorporation platform and ho has accepted the invitation Four Killed Four Injured t Chattanooga TonnJuly9Inahe- adon collision between freight trains on the Western Atlantic sqyen miles south of this city early Sunday four trainmen were killed and four others injured r J > i > nIILHINli FALLING HAIR Came Out Constantly Hair Finally Had to Be Cutto Save Any Scalp Now in Good Condition and No More ItchingAnother Effective CURE BY THE- CUTICURA REMEDIES tI I will give you all th6 motion concerning my case I Used the Cuticura and Ointment fbr a diseased scalp dandruff and constant falling Finally I had to cut my hair to save any at all Ju tnt that time I read about tho Cuticvira Remedies Once every week I sham- pooed my hair with the Cuticura Soa and I used tho Ointment twico a week In two months time my hair was long enough to do up In French twist That is now five years ago and I have a lovely head of The length js six inches below my waist line scalp is in od condition and no more dandruff or itching of tho I used other remedies that were recommended to mo as good but with no results If you wish to publish any of what I have written you you are welcome to do so I am respect- fully ¬ Mrs W F Gricss Clay Center Neb Oct 23 1005 FROM THE HOUR OF BIRTH Mothers Should Use Cuticura Soap the Worlds Favorite Mothers are assured of the absolute purity and unfailing efficacy of Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment the great Cure in the preservation and puri- fication ¬ of theskin scalp and hands of infants and children For baby ecze mas rashes itchings and as well aq for annoying irritations and ulcerative weaknesses and manysana ¬ thc antiseptic purposes suggest to as wctt as all the of the toilet bath and nl1rseryCuticurn Soap Cuticura Ointment are pricelessS- old throughout tile world Cutlcurt meat Sac aeolrePtSk In form of ChocolateCoated YIIIs Sc par vial of a0 > maY be had of all druprliU lott Urult chem Corp Sole Props Boston Mui cr StaltsdFreetae Urttt Cntleunt Skin Book AN HOURS BATTLE BY LIGHT OF MOON bymoonlight and in which pertiapa a thousan herelhlOIrjay woundlng were all negroes Desultory flrlnjj Was kept up during the night but thE Qght did not reach its deadly climax until 3 a m A Plumber Kills a Dyer Kansas City Mo July GPerryC- orbin a plumber shot and killed Samuel Parks a dyer Family trou ble was responsible for the act Insane Negro Kilted Chicago July 8A negro believed- to be insane bombarded a street car with rocks and bottles The passengers and crew it IB said killed him No man who addresses graduated Is expected to tell the truth Ho is expected to flatter them Would ltc the truthrte graduates more good than flattery CHURCH DIRECTORY CATHOLIC CiiURorr First mas every Sunday sail holy day at 700 n m Second mass and preitchlntr 910 a in V > Rperfe and benediction 7 p m Rev J P McPnrland Pastor OIIRCSTIAN OlfUKOil Soudll school nt 930 a in Preaching every Lords day at 1045 a mand 7 p tn Prayer mooting ovory Wednos lay at 730 p 1110 Elder Howard 31Hzelton pastor M E GiiUROU Regular serviceH 730pInPrayer at 780 Sundayschool at 080 n m Class meetings second and fourth Sundays at 880 p m Rev GW Dame pastor M Ei OIIUKOII HoiJaH Rev J- hl King pastor Services first and fourth Sundays at 11 n m and 980a evennJsat7nO oclock Ep worth League every Sunday evening at C30 Also one Literary meeting each month with some member TIle W mans Missionary Society Satur- day afternoon before first Sunday tlondlyafterfirst aiissioxAiiY BAPTIST CHURCH reaching the fourth Sunday at n- It in and 730 m and tho meetingSaturday tiny Sunday school at 080 a m Prayer meetlne everv Monday niRlit lLt 780 Rev 0 H Grlgson Pastor tribalServices first Sunday in fcauh month M780 IflratSundaFittiiain11111 730 p in meeting even EJohnsonPastor PKESBYTEUIAK OHUBOH HEO Sahbath Sunday REV <Mr CKOOKIT Pastor EPIsoopAL CHTTBOH Serviced oath Tuesday evenlnir t the Library at 780 Rov George O Abitt rector l i c 1 L 1 If Ti You Want What You Want a 1 ll I When You Want It > 1l I I j I t I We have the largest stock of Groceries China Glass and r x Queens are in the city and can always supply your wants HOT WEATHER i I 11 l OODSat t ls Alaska Salmonper cap Ik iqc Blood Red Salmon percan > 150 Deviled Sardines 3 cans 250 Veal Loaf 2 cans vitW 250 Vienna Sausage 3 cans tjt J 250 Fancy Herring 3 cans t4 250 Potted Hamnper can I I Vy 50 Featherweight Crack rspeFlb 150 Olive Oil per bottlef 250 Armours IC Star rand Swifts c Premium Hams Breakfast Bacon slid Dried l IIBeef hf > A 1 I CHINA AND GLASS I i c t Decorated vegetable DisHeseach 100 attt Decorated Oyster Bowls each roc r F Large Molasses Stands each iocF Decorated 12 in Meat Dishes peach 150 to Large Butter Dishes each 150 Decorated Dinner Plates per set hoc Decorated Cups and Saucers per set 6oc Fancy Parlor Lamps each 900 1 Bowl and Pitchers 10o to 200j rr Japanese Ware Sherbet and Ice s t Cups Water Bottles and everything l in Enameled Ware and Tinware I it i s Mason fruit Jarsextra tops and rubbersTin Cans combination Jelly and Drinking Glasses d per dozen35c I Try our 15c per pound Bulk Roasted Coffee mu < i DIINKERSON 1 Phone 722 W Center St Madisonville Ky r rarer i l a It1S i4 L 1iI i ii i11 ii Sqr Y Nisi i 71 t a g 1 tii iI ws 11 J 1 1 1 11 1 11 10 I 1 t 0 i f 1 1 1 r w S t ytrt i l 1 t jt J Nr l to 1 J 1 Y y I t 1 c1r ix t l US YOU R J I f W 1 sF4F jl r J ii i iJ 1 11 + o R1JIER FOR t J J hI M i tfi f t 1 r Jl j s t p t < I JJmNyrfHINC I j N IVPu I r i h I N i 1 1 t 7r r I i s 1 J I i j f + 1 h T- r y i BvildingMalerial l SI > i i i JiI i f h7hCAN FUR3SI ISp- ANYTHIN I 4S i i l 1 > l tl + I yC u G W 1 iz v 1 < rrjtfof I II > ji II 1u i W ANT Arr l T i > tl i 4- Ii 1 r J- ol 7 fjf i 11 G E < ND j l ioi 4 1 If f 1 j t n 1 1 i tl l 1f i i Save You MJoney t I r W 7I 4 r ti z 1 vt I141 1 o I i Ii f + 1 f R V b L U m b er C o I c 1 r f IOVj f 1 t 1 7 I J r f = ynS t is- s s Madisonvilles i r I Ii t11I- ri r + I i lYi i l i fi Hi i i 1 v or 11 i 5 orl 1 tl 1 R t Z f 5j f1 i tirR i i ij t f frr t ri 1 1 i1 1 I t i f i n i i t II y rr f t 1 e J n < j

Transcript of iocF attt c - University of Kentucky


t CEler





One Year i y 10Six mouths > 60

Three Mouths 26

Single 0Specimen copies mailed free on ap =

fiOorrespondents wanted Inallparti

of the county us for partlculars

Telephone No 47t


TIIEBE is another hope on thehorizon of Democratic politicsin Kentucky M 0 WinfreySuperintendent of the cityschools of Middlesboro and oneof the most enthusiastic educators in the State inhis candidacy fQeSulerintepdeutof Public Instruction of Kentucky speaks in strongest termsin favor of the elimination of

partisan politics sectarianismand personalities from our pub ¬

lie schools Mr Winfrey de-

clares in favor of advance allalong the line in educationalmutters in Kentucky and Acommon school system of whichevery citizen will be justlyproud Mr Winfrey was theleader of the campaign for StateNormal Schools last year withthe result that there are nowtwo such schools one at BowlingGreen and one at Richmondwith an annual appropriation of50000 for maintenance and

with buildings grounds andequipment worth over 300000Mr Winfrey is an editors alsopublishing an educational journ-al


is a prominent institute in ¬

structor and a member of theState Board of Examiners

Gov BEOKUAM has the endorsement of the temperance peopleoiKentucky in the part he isplaying in the Louisville Sundaysaloon closing fight

The pardons he is issuing bywholesale are not to those arrest-

ed on charge of selling liquor on

Sunday but to Veil arrests I

through the activity of the saloonmens league charged with worlv

ing at their various oocupatiousarrested for selling soda water

cigars and the like The effortof the saloon men is to make thewhole Sunday closing law odiousby prosecuting druggists andothers caught byfhoir det Qtives

selling other thing than liquorsand thus produce a popular tie

lawIcution rttheDn A D JAIES of Mullen

berg former United StalesMarshal for Kentucky is the

Eminent Doctors Praise its Ingredients-

We refer to that boon to weak nervoussuffering women known as Dr PiercesIfyvorlto Proscription

Dr John Fyfo ono of tho Editorial Staffof TUB ECLECTIC MEDICAL HEVIEVof Unicorn root Helonlas Dlolca whichIs ono of tho chief Ingredients of tho Favorito Proscription

A remedy W Ilch Invariably nets as a titerJno Invlgoratur makes for normal acttYlty of tho utiro reproductive systemlib continues 9n liolonlns we hare a medica-ment


which moro fully answers tho abovepurposes than ant tillitr tlmy eltll uWch I am

In tho treatment of diseases pe¬

culiar to women it Is seldom that a caso isse n which does not present some indicationfir ihls remedial agent Dr Fyfo furtherraytTho following arc among tho loacllnsri Dlisitions for Helonlas Unicorn root Painl r aching in tho back with leucorrhocar1 01le weak conditions of the reproductive< hci3 of women mental depression and lrrituo lity associated with chronic diseases ofit it reproductive organs of women constantHII in the region of kidnoys menorrhaslo flooding duo to a weakvmc condition of the reproductive systemrmijioiTheea suppressed or absent monthly1ern it rom or accompanying Iln-CIQl mal condition of tho digestive organsJOI1 inojmlc I thin blood habit drawingtMisatlons In tho cxtrcmo lower part ot tho-4r OItcn

h noro or less of tho abovo symptomsnvp present no Invalid woman can doflK tflr than take Dr Pierces Favorite-Prescrlptlon Olin of tho leading Ingredi ¬

1I010nla91andmost faithfully represents

prominentnrflProf 1 D of Ben ¬

nett Medcal College Chicago< IHs an Important remedy In disorders of

j wuaio In all CQtarrlial coudltlona +

anct jticornl eafeollemont it is usefulProf John M Scuddcr MD Into of

Cincinnati says of Golden Heal root1 to its treIINaJctrj s on the

1 ratcm Mem to nil mtateine in we abuut whichi en x Mush general unanimity of iiplnlim Iti tAwwcIy regarded as the tonic useful lu-r11 < + Kittles

=f Pr < Bartholow jr Jefferson

3 txtl College says of Golden SealValuable In uterine ht rofenor

Hooding and congestive dysmenorjiiuuu painful menstruationfaithJsrediente and uros tho diseases for which

arerocommoudedI Ley1

P iA v 4

f 1A

rw t ItIi

leadine candidate in the rape for-

t Republican nomination forOongress in the Third districtGeorge Baker y of XUhletibtrjrwho has been an announced visit

didate litity withdrawn vui rlIli =

nun need iii favor jif jtfR ty in PS

Tae only other caiilitlntTiS JA Oliwtwrtof Alleft cou ifyifThiRepublicans hx refcwin inthe

loss Third jit the xt It Hl

tr Jaihes made anexcojjrocord as United r ti r m

and will in all probability virthe present contest

i i

rTtls Louisville HenUd1 quotes

a prominent Democnit who is

candidate for a State odic aa

saying that Judge Hargi nowOn trial for murder will tie de-

posed from membership iii theState Ventral Coniunilteentthenext meeting of that adThisgentleman also i says itWiMvely

that Gov Beckhain will neverconvictedpof murder

THERB is a case in the courtsat Frankfort to test the new doglaw and a man has been fined

25 fur harboring sheep killingdon We shall now have an opportuniiy to learn legally which-

is the more valuable to theStone the sheep industry or theyellow cur

IT certainly do look like Bryan


Jury In Chicago Alton Rebate Caseat Chicago Returns a


Chicago July7After deliberatingfor several hours the jury In the Chi ¬

cago Alton rebate case returned averdict of guilty Friday on the firsteight counts of the indictment ThisIs equal to a verdict of guilty of thecharge of granting rebates

Counsel for defendants made a mo¬

tion for a new trial and Judge Landis said that he would hear argumentson the motion Saturday morning andwould not impose sentence until themotion for a new trial had been dis¬

posed of-

Under the law the maximum sen ¬

tence of the court may be a fine off 120000 for each of the defendantsNo imprisonment provision appears inthe law There are two specific alle-gations of rebating alleged in the eightcounts of the indictment upheld by thecourt


Mr Bryan Remained Over SeveralDays to Hear a Speech In House

of Commons

London July 7Mr Bryan has detided not to leave Londonon Mondayas he had intended but will remainuntil Thursday principally to hear MrHaldane at the latters invitation deliver a speech on army retrenchmentIn the house of commons after whichiir Bryan will start on his tour of

the Rhine Switzerland and Italy MrBryan has also accepted an invitationfor next week from Winston SpencerChurchill and others in public life

when he will meet many prominentpersons He will go to Wrest Parktoday with Ambassador and MrsReid vPERSIANS BEAT BACK TURKS

TurkIsh Attempts at Territorial En ¬

croachment On Persian Terri ¬

tory Gets a Check

Constantinople July 7A Turkishttecapt toseize further territory ontho Persian frontier has been check-mated by the gdvenior of Pushkarwho repulsed the invading force of100 Turkish regulars and 700 mountedArab regulars with considerable lossto tho raiders

Tho council of ministers here hasnow instructed the Turkish commender Zekki Pasha to withdraw hluposltlonsn rupturo with Persia

Was Lent to a WomanNow York July 7The strange dls

appearance of 300000 from the troastiny of the Mutual Life Insurance Cotinted by President Peabody at theInception of his administration and Blurted to by the Truesdalo committeehas been discovered to have been lentto a voman

Castro At tho Helm Again I

Caracas July 9Sunday Vlce Pros 1

dent Gomez transferred to President I

Castro tho presidential office whichGen Castro temporarily resigned InApril last There 13 general contentanent amen too maseco of the pornatinn internal stability Is thus confirmed

Churchill May Ron For GovernorConcord N H July 7Thu Lincoln

Hopubllcan cltth of Now Hampahlrahas Invited Winston Churchill of Connlsh novelist to become a candldatoforgubQrnntorlalnomlnnt1 non ananticorporation platform and ho hasaccepted the invitation

Four Killed Four Injured t

Chattanooga TonnJuly9Inahe-adon collision between freighttrains on the Western Atlanticsqyen miles south of this city earlySunday four trainmen were killed andfour others injured





Came Out Constantly Hair Finally

Had to Be Cutto Save Any ScalpNow in Good Condition and No

More ItchingAnother Effective



tI I will give you all th6motion concerning my case I Usedthe Cuticura and Ointment fbr adiseased scalp dandruff and constantfalling Finally I had to cutmy hair to save any at all Ju tntthat time I read about tho CuticviraRemedies Once every week I sham-pooed my hair with the Cuticura Soaand I used tho Ointment twico a weekIn two months time my hair was longenough to do up In French twist Thatis now five years ago and I have alovely head of The length jssix inches below my waist linescalp is in od condition andno more dandruff or itching of tho

I used other remedies that wererecommended to mo as good but withno results If you wish to publishany of what I have written you youare welcome to do so I am respect-fully


Mrs W F Gricss Clay CenterNeb Oct 23 1005


Mothers Should Use CuticuraSoap the Worlds

FavoriteMothers are assured of the absolute

purity and unfailing efficacy of CuticuraSoap and Cuticura Ointment the great

Cure in the preservation and puri-fication


of theskin scalp and handsof infants and children For baby eczemas rashes itchings and aswell aq for annoying irritations andulcerative weaknesses and manysana¬

thc antiseptic purposessuggest to as wcttas all the of the toiletbath and nl1rseryCuticurn SoapCuticura Ointment are pricelessS-

old throughout tile world Cutlcurtmeat Sac aeolrePtSk In form of ChocolateCoatedYIIIs Sc par vial of a0 > maY be had of all druprliUlott Urult chem Corp Sole Props Boston MuicrStaltsdFreetae Urttt Cntleunt Skin Book



bymoonlightand in which pertiapa a thousan

herelhlOIrjaywoundlngwere all negroes Desultory flrlnjjWas kept up during the night but thEQght did not reach its deadly climaxuntil 3 a m

A Plumber Kills a DyerKansas City Mo July GPerryC-

orbin a plumber shot and killedSamuel Parks a dyer Family trouble was responsible for the act

Insane Negro KiltedChicago July 8A negro believed-

to be insane bombarded a street carwith rocks and bottles The passengersand crew it IB said killed him

No man who addresses graduatedIs expected to tell the truth Hois expected to flatter them Wouldltc the truthrte graduates moregood than flattery


CATHOLIC CiiURorr First masevery Sunday sail holy day at 700n m Second mass and preitchlntr910 a in V >Rperfe and benediction 7p m Rev J P McPnrland Pastor

OIIRCSTIAN OlfUKOil Soudllschool nt 930 a in Preaching everyLords day at 1045 a mand 7 p

tn Prayer mooting ovory Wednoslay at 730 p 1110 Elder Howard31Hzelton pastor

M E GiiUROU Regular serviceH730pInPrayerat 780 Sundayschool at 080 n mClass meetings second and fourthSundays at 880 p m Rev GWDame pastor


hl King pastor Services first andfourth Sundays at 11 n m and980aevennJsat7nO oclock Epworth League every Sunday eveningat C30 Also one Literary meetingeach month with some member TIleW mans Missionary Society Satur-day afternoon before first Sunday

tlondlyafterfirstaiissioxAiiY BAPTIST CHURCHreaching the fourth Sunday at n-

It in and 730 m and thomeetingSaturdaytiny Sunday school at 080 a mPrayer meetlne everv Monday niRlitlLt 780 Rev 0 H Grlgson Pastor

tribalServicesfirst Sunday in fcauh month M780IflratSundaFittiiain11111 730p in meeting even


oath Tuesday evenlnir t the Libraryat 780 Rov George O Abittrectorl i c 1 L


If TiYou Want What You Want a



I When You Want It > 1lI

Ij I t


We have the largest stock of Groceries China Glass andr x

Queens are in the city and can always supply your wants



l OODSatt lsAlaska Salmonper cap Ik iqc

Blood Red Salmon percan > 150Deviled Sardines 3 cans 250Veal Loaf 2 cans vitW 250Vienna Sausage 3 cans tjt J 250Fancy Herring 3 cans t4 250Potted Hamnper can I

I Vy 50Featherweight Crack rspeFlb 150Olive Oil per bottlef 250

Armours IC Star rand Swifts c PremiumHams Breakfast Bacon slid Dried





1 I



Decorated vegetable DisHeseach 100 atttDecorated Oyster Bowls each roc r F

Large Molasses Stands each iocFDecorated 12 in Meat Dishes peach 150toLarge Butter Dishes each 150Decorated Dinner Plates per set hocDecorated Cups and Saucers per set 6ocFancy Parlor Lamps each 900 1

Bowl and Pitchers 10o to 200j rr

Japanese Ware Sherbet and Ice st

Cups Water Bottles and everything l

in Enameled Ware and TinwareI

iti s

Mason fruit Jarsextra tops and rubbersTin Canscombination Jelly and Drinking Glasses

dper dozen35c


Tryour 15c per pound Bulk Roasted Coffee mu <



Phone 722 W Center St Madisonville Ky

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