Invitation Participation

From Instantaneous To Eternal With the Cosmology of  A Course in Miracles  A miracle is a service  It is the maximal service you can ren- der to another. It is a way of loving  your neighbor as yourself. You recognize your own and your neighbor worth simultaneously  The Help 25 I do not know what anything is for. 26 My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability. 27 Above all else I want to see. 28 Above all else I want to see differently. 29 God is in everything I see. 30 God is in everything I see because God is 31 in my mind. 31 I am not the victim of the world I see. 32 I have invented the world I see. 33 There is another way of looking at the world. 34 I could s ee peace instead of this. 35 My mind is part of God’s. I am v ery holy. 36 My holiness envelops everything I see. 37 My holiness blesses the world. 38 There is nothing my holiness cannot do. 39 My holiness is my salvation. 40 I am blesse d as a Son o f God. 41 God goes with me wherever I go. 42 God is my strength. Vision is His gift. 43 God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him. 44 God is the light in which I see. 45 God is the Mind with which I think. 46 God is the Love in which I forgive. 47 God is the strength in which I trust. 48 There is nothing to fear. 49 God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day. 50 I am sustained by the Love of God. The Need 1 Nothing I see means anything.  2 I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me. 3 I do not understand anything I see. 4 These thoughts do not mean anything. 5 I am never upset for the reason I think.  6 I am upset because I see what is not there. 7 I see only the past. 8 My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. 9 I see nothing as it is now. 10 My thoughts do not mean anything. 11 My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world. 12 I am upset because I see a meaningless world. 13 A meaningless world engenders fear. 14 God did not create a meaningless world. 15 My thoughts are images that I have made. 16 I have no neutral thoughts. 17 I see no neutral things. 18 I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing. 19 I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thoughts. 20 I am determined to see. 21 I am determined to see things differently. 22 What I see is a form of vengeance. 23 I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts. 24 I do not perceive my own best interests. The First 50 Lessons In Which We Train Our Mind  To The Recognition Of  Our Creative Self -Identity ALL About God And How To Find Him Call for the: 20 Minute and All About God And How To Find Him..B ooklets  It is a journey without distance in the space of an instant of reality 

Transcript of Invitation Participation

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From Instantaneous

To Eternal 

With the Cosmology of  

A Course in Miracles 

 A miracle is a service

 It is the maximal service you can ren-

der to another. It is a way of loving

 your neighbor as yourself.

You recognize your own and your 

neighbor worth simultaneously 

The Help 

25 I do not know what anything is for.

26 My attack thoughts are attacking my


27 Above all else I want to see.

28 Above all else I want to see differently.

29 God is in everything I see.

30 God is in everything I see because God is

31 in my mind.

31 I am not the victim of the world I see.32 I have invented the world I see.

33 There is another way of looking at the world.

34 I could see peace instead of this.

35 My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy.36 My holiness envelops everything I see.

37 My holiness blesses the world.

38 There is nothing my holiness cannot do.

39 My holiness is my salvation.

40 I am blessed as a Son of God.

41 God goes with me wherever I go.42 God is my strength. Vision is His gift.

43 God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him.

44 God is the light in which I see. 

45 God is the Mind with which I think.

46 God is the Love in which I forgive.

47 God is the strength in which I trust.

48 There is nothing to fear.

49 God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day.

50 I am sustained by the Love of God.

The Need

1 Nothing I see means anything. 

2 I have given what I see all the meaning it has for


3 I do not understand anything I see.

4 These thoughts do not mean anything. 

5 I am never upset for the reason I think. 

6 I am upset because I see what is not there.

7 I see only the past. 

8 My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. 9 I see nothing as it is now.

10 My thoughts do not mean anything.

11 My meaningless thoughts are showing me

a meaningless world.

12 I am upset because I see a meaningless world.

13 A meaningless world engenders fear.

14 God did not create a meaningless world.

15 My thoughts are images that I have made.

16 I have no neutral thoughts.

17 I see no neutral things.18 I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my


19 I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my


20 I am determined to see.

21 I am determined to see things differently.

22 What I see is a form of vengeance.

23 I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.

24 I do not perceive my own best interests. 

The First 50 Lessons

In Which We Train Our Mind 

To The Recognition Of  

Our Creative Self -Identity 

ALL About God

And How To Find Him 

Call for the: 20 Minute and All About

God And How To Find Him..Booklets 

It is a journey without 

distance in the space

of an instant of reality 

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A Course in Miracles International 

Its purpose and function 

The Story of A Course in Miracles 

Each individual somewhere in time must be-

gin to see there is another way. A time comes in

your life when you finally get it... when, in the

midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop

dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice

inside your head cries out— ENOUGH!

It is time for the old to be released and yet

every human being fights this experience of his

own consciousness and wastes it by returning to

do it all over again, in the mistaken belief that

now he can do it better. 

What can be necessary to find truth, which

remains perfectly obvious, but to remove the

seeming obstacles to true awareness? The work-

book lessons of A Course in Miracles are de-

signed to bring these hidden obstacles back 

into the awareness of an individual through the

action of applying the power of mind, an action

of forgiveness. 

Forgiveness is the physical healing of all ideas

you th ink or ever though t or yet will think. Con-

sciousness is the power to be aware of itself in its

true nature this power must be direct, self-

fulfilled and complete to be whole. This perfect

and natu ral cond ition of consciousn ess is the im-

mediacy of communication in the certainty thatall Power comes from God. 

A Visionary-Sponsorship Is 

An Invitation To Join… 

…with A Course in Miracles International, in a direc-

tion and commitment to ones own awakening. It is a

demonstration that there is no order of difficulty in

miracles in making available a provision in funding the

action of expanding and extending in time, the initia-tion of  “  A Great Experiment”  in a new space/time


An Advent of Awakening is a vision to see be-

yond the veil of old ideas and ancient concepts to a

picture of a different world, so new, clean and

fresh in the action of teaching a new space/location

in time. 

Sponsorship is a comm itment to yourself in a

self -discovery that teaching and learning are your

greatest strengths no w, because they enable you to

change your mind and help others to change


Few people have awakened to the realization of 

what life really holds for them. You will find the

greater majority drifting through life, dissatisfied,

dazed, crushed or uncertain. Each individual must

and will in time begin to see there is another way.

There is another way of looking at the world. 

Teaching is but a call to witnesses to attest to

what you believe. It is a method of conversion.

This is not done by words alone. Any situation

must be to you a chance to teach others what you

are, and what they are to you. No more than that,

but also never less. 

The sole purpose of A Course in Miracles is to bring

enlightenment through the transformation of mind 

which renews in v ision the fields of: the Sciences, Arts,

 Humanities, Religions, Philosophy, and Theology.  

The  solution of A Course In Miracles offers

true change and true hope for it addresses the

problem right at its cause. The human mind it-self! Peace is the natural state of your mind in

communication with God. This can only be

achieved through a transformation of mind. This

is precisely what the mind training of A Course

In Miracles is designed to bring about in you. 

It is a masterful mind training program, a

blue print for real change. Imagine the benefits

to humanity when any individual recognizes the

imperative of hope this gift of Total Awarenessoffers. We invite you to participate with us to

bring this needed solution to the world as we

awaken to a new continuum of bright possibility. 



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ADDRESS: ........................................................... 

CITY, STATE, ZIP: ................................................. 

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A Course In Miracles International 

PO Box 13 Lake Delton WI 53940 

Telephone: (608) 253-1447 

E-Mail: [email protected] 

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 From Time to Eternity —

 From Death to Life. 

“In this world, there appears to be a state that is

life’s opposite. You call it death. It is the one sure

thing an inhabitant of this world can count on. All of 

 your apparent successes and failures, your loves, your 

hates, your losses, your gains, depend on this one in-

evitable fact. In a world of uncertainty and chaos, it is

the one guarantee that y ou have — the barometer for 

 your life; the clock that ticks away in the back of your 

mind. At this time, and all over this world, there is

increasing documentation of encounters with death. 

Filling our bookstores and television programs are

reports from hundreds of people, from all w alks of life,

describing v irtu ally the same occurrence: A sense of 

being dead, of peace and painlessness, looking down

upon yourself and traveling through a tunnel to a

light so bright and beautiful, that you can’t believe it 

within your own sun? Freedom from the chains of the

 physical body, seeing your life flash before your eyes,

a sense of oneness and complete understanding, meet-

ing loved ones that had passed away long ago, a feel-

ing of being taken care of and loved simply as you are,

without question or judgment. Finally, a reluctance

to return from this light, from this experience of inde-

scribable love.” 

 Near death? Beautiful light, love, oneness, under-

standing, peace and joy! 

Stem Cell Research“In The Resurrection

Of Our Body 

Are you the light of the world

of this little world association?

Are you begin-ning to recog-

nize that you come into a frame

of light? Does it suddenly occur to you thatthere’s someone out there who is also beginning

to examine himself in a different space/time as-

sociation if each moment your space/time asso-

ciation is changing anyway? 

An exit portal from this infinite small maze of 

space and time has been opened in the conver-

sion of your cellular identity. Time, this time

right now, lasted but an instant in your mind

with no effect upon eternity. And so is all timepast, and everything exactly as it was before the

way to the nothingness in space/time was made.

That tiny tick, that tiny moment in which the

first mistake in space/time was made, and all of 

them within that one mistake, held also the Cor-

rection for that one – listen –s and all of them

that came within the first. And in that tiny mo-

ment of the conversion of the energy of the re-

cellular generation of yourself time was done, for

that was all it ever was. 

Remember we just read together, you’re re-

generating your cells, they have absolutely no

regard to you r concept, but the idea of your con-

cept is important if they can but replicate what

you think you are and attempt to subtract your-

self. I, the Master Teacher will teach for a mo-

ment, from the occupancy of space, of dark en-

ergy, that you use to restrict yourself in the DNA

of your idea of yourself and formulate dark 

form, that seems to surround you with the light

that I am feeling now, especially for you.  


I am in need of nothing but the truth. 

I sought for many things, and found despair.

Now do I seek but one, for in that one is all I need,

and only what I need. All that I sought before I

needed not, and did not even want. My only need

I did not recognize. But now I see that I need only

truth. In that all needs are satisfied, all cravings

end, all hopes are finally fulfilled and dreams are

gone. Now have I everything that I could need.

Now have I everything that I could want.

And now at last I find myself at peace. 

And for that peace, our Father, we give thanks.

What we denied ourselves You have restored, and

only that is what we really want. 

Are You Ready forA Miracle 

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 The Course in Miracles is a correction of the

idea of space/time. The Course In Miracles is

nothing but the admission of a momentary de-

viation from the entirety of what you must be in

all of the universe. It’s automatic, it’s occurring

simultaneously with your thought and it’s al-

ready happened. I might encourage you in theMind Training to begin to have an experience of 

the lessons that we are sharing together in mo-

ments of revelation. What we recognize many

times that within my mind I felt the idea in my

dream sequence, this is all of us n ow, that som e-

one is always with me, yet when I woke up he

appeared to be gone. 

Will you sh are this with m e just for a momen t

of teaching? Nothing is ever lost. If we have anadmission that all of the process of our mind is

only contained within our self, how could it be

lost? It must be that somewhere within this en-

tire cycle of time, deep within us is a memory,

come on I’m going to teach for a moment in

space/time, in the improvement of the condition

of the possibility that there is something other

than my entrance into space/time and my subse-

quent leaving, that is it’s the simple admission

that God or the universe is the idea of the con-

version of space/time, not space/time itself. 

The body is an isolated speck of darkness; a

hidd en secret room, a tiny spot of senseless mys-

tery, a meaningless enclosure carefully pro-

tected, yet hiding nothing. 

The shadowy figures from the past are pre-

cisely what you must escape. They are not real,

and have no hold over you unless you bring

them with you. They carry the spots of pain in

your mind, directing you to attack in the present

in retaliation for a past that is no more. 

And this decision is one of future pain. Unless

you learn that past pain is an illusion, you are

choosing a future of illusions and losing the

many opportunities you could find for release in

the present. You would preserve your night-

mares, and prevent you from awakening and

understanding they are past. Would you recog-

nize a holy encounter if you are merely perceiv-

ing it as a meeting with your own past?

What would you see without the fear of death?

What would you feel and think if death held no

attraction for you?

Very simply, you would remember your Father.

The Creator of life, the Source of everything that

lives, the Father of the universe and of the

universe of universes, and of everything that lieseven beyond them would you remember.

And as this memory rises in your mind, peace

must still surmount a final obstacle, after which

is salvation completed, and the Son of God en-

tirely restored to sanity. For here your world

does end. 

Death is a thought that takes on many forms, of-

ten unrecognized. It may appear as sadness, fear,

anxiety or doubt; as anger, faithlessness and lack

of trust; concern for bodies, envy, and all forms

in which the wish to be as you are not may cometo tempt you. All such thoughts are but reflec-

tions of the worshipping of death as savior and

as giver of release.