Investment Opportunities In India, Identified Projects for ...NIIR]_Books-Investment... ·...

Investment Opportunities In India, Identified Projects for right investment, Reasons for Investment, Core Project Financials, Potential Buyers, Market Size, Project Analysis, Booming sectors, Emerging opportunities for SME sector in Indian industry Investment Opportunities in India: Sanitary Napkin Project (Reasons for Investment, Core Project Financials, Potential Buyers, Market Size & Analysis) NIIR Project Consultancy Services (NPCS) 1/29

Transcript of Investment Opportunities In India, Identified Projects for ...NIIR]_Books-Investment... ·...

Page 1: Investment Opportunities In India, Identified Projects for ...NIIR]_Books-Investment... · entrepreneur vying to venture into sanitary napkin segment in India. ... the report provides

Investment Opportunities In India, IdentifiedProjects for right investment, Reasons for

Investment, Core Project Financials, PotentialBuyers, Market Size, Project Analysis, Booming

sectors, Emerging opportunities for SME sector inIndian industry

Investment Opportunities in India: Sanitary Napkin Project(Reasons for Investment, Core Project Financials, Potential Buyers,Market Size & Analysis)

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Author: NPCS Team Format: PaperbackBook Code: NI269Pages: 27ISBN: 9789381039410 Price: Rs. 29,500.00 US$ 500.00The research report titled Investment Opportunities In India:Sanitary Napkin Project (Reasons for Investment, Core ProjectFinancials, Potential Buyers, Market Size & Analysis) releasedby Niir Project Consultancy Services aims at providing all thecritical data required by any entrepreneur vying to venture intosanitary napkin segment in India. While expanding a currentbusiness or while venturing into new business, entrepreneursare often faced with the dilemma of zeroing in on a suitableproduct/line. And before diversifying/venturing into any product,they wish to study the following aspects of the identifiedproduct: • Good Present/Future Demand • Export-Import MarketPotential • Raw Material & Manpower Availability • Project Costsand Payback Period We at NPCS, through our reliable expertisein the project consultancy and market research field, haveidentified a project that satisfies all the above mentionedrequirements and has high growth potential in the Indianmarkets. The identified project is ‘Sanitary Napkins’ and throughthis report we aim to help you make sound and informedbusiness decision. The report contains all the data which willhelp him find answers to questions like: • Why I should invest insanitary napkin project? • Who are the customers of theproduct? • What will drive the growth of the product? • What arethe costs involved? • What will be the market potential? Thereport begins by providing a detailed overview of the product(Sanitary napkins) along with its classification andcharacteristics to help enhance the knowledge of theentrepreneur about the product. The report then identifies thetarget customer of sanitary napkins in India and providesforecasts of key consumer data. It further helps in making soundinvestment decision by listing and then elaborating on factorsthat will contribute to the growth of sanitary napkin consumptionin India. It also includes graphical representation and forecastsof key data discussed in the above mentioned segment.Additionally, report talks about the foreign trade of sanitarynapkins in India along with the list of top importing and topexporting countries. The report highlights the growth potential ofthe sector by presenting past market size data coupled withforecasts of the same till 2017. Details of key players in thesegment along with recent developments in the sector are listedin the report which form an important part of the businessdecision. The report then turns the limelight to areas like currentlegislation in the sector and taxation which are of prime

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importance to any business venture. The industry is blessedwith high government support and recent reduction in the taxes.In the next segment, the report provides project financials of amodel project with specified plant capacity. It enumeratesproject information like raw materials required for manufacturingsanitary napkins, manufacturing process, list of machinery andbasic project financials. Project financials like plant capacity,costs involved in setting up of project, working capitalrequirements, projected revenue and profit are listed in thereport. Sanitary napkin industry has huge business potential inIndia mainly on account of appallingly low penetration levelsand high government support to the sector. Reasons for buyingthe report: • This report helps you to identify a profitable projectfor investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areaslike industry size, demand of the product and reasons forinvesting in the product • This report provides vital informationon the product like its definition, characteristics andsegmentation • This report helps you market and place theproduct correctly by identifying the target customer group of theproduct • This report helps you understand the viability of theproject by disclosing details like raw materials required,manufacturing process, project costs and snapshot of otherproject financials • The report provides a glimpse of importantgovernment policies, legislation and taxes applicable on theproduct • The report provides forecasts of key parameters whichhelps to anticipate the industry performance and make soundbusiness decisions Our Approach: • Our research reportsbroadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook andforecast for a period of five years. • The market forecasts aredeveloped on the basis of secondary research and arecross-validated through interactions with the industry players •We use reliable sources of information and databases. Andinformation from such sources is processed by us and includedin the report

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Author: NPCS Team Format: PaperbackBook Code: NI270Pages: 34ISBN: 9789381039427 Price: Rs. 29,500.00 US$ 500.00The research report titled Investment Opportunities for SME’s inIndian Detergent Industry (Why to Invest, Core ProjectFinancials, Potential Buyers, Market Size & Analysis) releasedby Niir Project Consultancy Services aims at providing all thecritical data required by any entrepreneur vying to venture intodetergent segment in India. While expanding a current businessor while venturing into new business, entrepreneurs are oftenfaced with the dilemma of zeroing in on a suitable product/line.And before diversifying/venturing into any product, they wish tostudy the following aspects of the identified product: • GoodPresent/Future Demand • Export-Import Market Potential • RawMaterial & Manpower Availability • Project Costs and PaybackPeriod We at NPCS, through our reliable expertise in the projectconsultancy and market research field, have identified detergentproject, in the laundry care segment, which satisfies all theabove mentioned requirements and has high growth potential inthe Indian markets. And through this report we aim to help youmake sound and informed business decision. The reportcontains all the data which will help an entrepreneur findanswers to questions like: • Why I should invest in detergentproject? • Who are the customers of the product? • What willdrive the growth of the product? • What are the costs involved? •What will be the market potential? The report first focuses onenhancing the basic knowledge of the entrepreneur about themain product detergent, by elucidating details like productdefinition, its uses and applications, detergent segmentation aswell as an overall overview of the detergent sector in India. Thereport then helps an entrepreneur identify the target customergroup of its product. It includes customer group informationtogether with forecasts of key customer data. It further helps inmaking sound investment decision by listing and thenelaborating on factors that will contribute to the growth ofdetergent consumption in India and also talks about the foreigntrade of detergent along with the list of top importing and topexporting countries. Report includes graphical representationand forecasts of key data discussed in the above mentionedsegment. It further explicates the growth potential of the productby analyzing the past market size of the detergent sector as wellas forecasting it till 2017. The report includes other market datalike key players in the detergent segment along with theircontact information and recent developments & announcementsin the Indian fabric wash segment. It also includes key

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information on excise and custom duty norms prevalent in thedetergent segment together with BIS standards for the product.In the next segment, the report provides glimpse of key projectdetails for both detergent powder plant and liquid detergentplant. It includes crucial information like raw materialrequirements, list of machinery and manufacturing process forboth the above mentioned plants. Core project financials likeplant capacity, costs involved in setting up of project, workingcapital requirements, projected revenue and profit are furtherlisted in the report. Players like HUL, Nirma Ltd and RSPLdominate the household detergent category. Reasons forbuying the report: • This report helps you to identify a profitableproject for investing or diversifying into by throwing light tocrucial areas like industry size, demand of the product andreasons for investing in the product • This report provides vitalinformation on the product like its definition, characteristics andsegmentation • This report helps you market and place theproduct correctly by identifying the target customer group of theproduct • This report helps you understand the viability of theproject by disclosing details like raw materials required,manufacturing process, project costs and snapshot of otherproject financials • The report provides a glimpse of importantgovernment policies, legislation and taxes applicable on theproduct • The report provides forecasts of key parameters whichhelps to anticipate the industry performance and make soundbusiness decisions Our Approach: • Our research reportsbroadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook andforecast for a period of five years. • The market forecasts aredeveloped on the basis of secondary research and arecross-validated through interactions with the industry players •We use reliable sources of information and databases. Andinformation from such sources is processed by us and includedin the report

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Author: NPCS Team Format: PaperbackBook Code: NI271Pages: 33ISBN: 9789381039434 Price: Rs. 35,400.00 US$ 650.00The research report titled Emerging Opportunities in BoomingINDIAN MAIZE PROCESSING INDUSTRY-Corn Starch,Dextrose, Liquid Glucose, Sorbitol, Gluten Meal, Germ Oil (Whyto Invest, Core Project Financials, Potential Buyers, Market Size& Analysis) released by Niir Project Consultancy Services aimsat providing a roadmap for investing into the sector by coveringall the critical data required by any entrepreneur vying toventure into maize starch segment in India. While expanding acurrent business or while venturing into new business,entrepreneurs are often faced with the dilemma of zeroing in ona suitable product/line. And before diversifying/venturing intoany product, they wish to study the following aspects of theidentified product: • Good Present/Future Demand •Export-Import Market Potential • Raw Material & ManpowerAvailability • Project Costs and Payback Period We at NPCS,through our reliable expertise in the project consultancy andmarket research field, have identified maize starch & alliedproducts project, in the maize processing segment, whichsatisfies all the above mentioned requirements and has highgrowth potential in the Indian markets. And through this reportwe aim to help you make sound and informed businessdecision. The report contains all the data which will help anentrepreneur find answers to questions like: • Why I shouldinvest in maize starch project? • Who are the customers of theproduct? • What will drive the growth of the product? • What arethe costs involved? • What will be the market potential? Thereport embarks the analysis by enhancing the basic productknowledge of the capitalist by stating details like productdefinition, product uses & application, by-products & relatedproducts and a general overview of the product market. In here,the report provides an overview of the maize starch marketalong with a snapshot of maize crop market in India. The reportfurther enlightens the entrepreneur about the potential buyers ofthe product, Maize starch which will help him identify hiscustomers and place his product correctly. It is followed by adetailed analysis & enumeration of various factors that makesthe case for investing in the sector along with graphicalrepresentation and forecasts of key consumer data. The reportfurther assesses the market potential of the product by listingimport-export markets of maize starch & allied products, recentdevelopments in the sector and by providing sector outlook andmarket size. The report then turns the focus towards

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manufacturing side of maize starch & allied products. It providesproject financials of a model project with specified product listand plant capacity along with excise and customs duty rates formaize starch for year 2013-14. It enumerates projectinformation like raw materials required for manufacturing maizestarch & allied products, manufacturing process, list ofmachinery and basic project financials. Project financials likeplant capacity, costs involved in setting up of project, workingcapital requirements, payback period, projected revenue andprofit are listed in the report. The above mentioned projectdetails are for maize starch, sorbitol, dextrose, liquid glucose,vitamin C, germ oil and gluten feed plant. The report alsoprovides key players in the segment with their contact details.Starch Industry is often termed as ‘Sunrise Industry’ due to itshigh growth potential and omnipresence across various otherindustries. This report helps an entrepreneur gain meaningfulinsights into the sector and make informed and sound businessdecision. Reasons for buying the report: • This report helps youto identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into bythrowing light to crucial areas like industry size, demand of theproduct and reasons for investing in the product • This reportprovides vital information on the product like its definition,characteristics and segmentation • This report helps you marketand place the product correctly by identifying the targetcustomer group of the product • This report helps youunderstand the viability of the project by disclosing details likeraw materials required, manufacturing process, project costsand snapshot of other project financials • The report provides aglimpse of important taxes applicable on the product • Thereport provides forecasts of key parameters which helps toanticipate the industry performance and make sound businessdecisions Our Approach: • Our research reports broadly coverIndian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for aperiod of five years. • The market forecasts are developed onthe basis of secondary research and are cross-validatedthrough interactions with the industry players • We use reliablesources of information and databases. And information fromsuch sources is processed by us and included in the report

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Author: NPCS Team Format: PaperbackBook Code: NI272Pages: 33ISBN: 9789381039441 Price: Rs. 29,500.00 US$ 500.00The research report titled ‘Emerging Opportunities in BoomingIndian Beer Industry (Why to Invest, Core Project Financials,Potential Buyers, Market Size & Analysis)’ released by NiirProject Consultancy Services aims at providing a detailedanalysis of the investment opportunities prevalent in the Indianbeer industry. The report covers crucial aspects like reasons forinvestment in the sector, core project financials, glimpse of theregulatory environment of the industry, potential buyers andanalysis of the industry as a whole. While expanding a currentbusiness or while venturing into new business, entrepreneursare often faced with the dilemma of zeroing in on a suitableproduct/line. And before diversifying/venturing into any product,they wish to study the following aspects of the identifiedproduct: • Good Present/Future Demand • Export-Import MarketPotential • Raw Material & Manpower Availability • Project Costsand Payback Period We at NPCS, through our reliable expertisein the project consultancy and market research field, haveidentified beer project, in the alcoholic beverages segment,which satisfies all the above mentioned requirements and hashigh growth potential in the Indian markets. And through thisreport we aim to help you make sound and informed businessdecision. The report contains all the data which will help anentrepreneur find answers to questions like: • Why I shouldinvest in beer project? • Who are the customers of the product?• What will drive the growth of the product? • What are the costsinvolved? • What will be the market potential? The report beginsby providing an overview of the beer industry in India and thenproceeds to enhance the product knowledge of theentrepreneur. The report discusses beer as a product in variouslights like product definition and product classification. Thereport further enlightens the entrepreneur about the potentialbuyers of the product, beer, which will help him identify hiscustomers and place his product correctly. It provides aprofound analysis of the investment factors of the project alongwith graphical representation and forecasts of key investmentindicators which can help an entrepreneur assess the marketpotential of the product. The report further helps in enhancingthe assessment of market potential by listing the export-importmarket of the product coupled with market size & outlook of theIndian beer industry as a whole. It also helps an entrepreneur inkeeping abreast of the recent developments as well as theregulatory environment prevalent in the industry. The report

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then turns its path towards the project insights of the beer plant.It includes core project financials of a model project withspecified product list and plant capacity. It enumerates projectinformation like raw materials required for manufacturing beer,manufacturing process, list of machinery and basic projectfinancials. Project financials like plant capacity, costs involved insetting up of project, working capital requirements, paybackperiod, projected revenue and profit are listed in the report. Italso lists down the key players in the beer segment along withtheir contact details. This report helps an entrepreneur gainmeaningful insights into the Indian beer sector and makeinformed and sound business decision. Reasons for buying thereport: • This report helps you to identify a profitable project forinvesting or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areaslike industry size, demand of the product and reasons forinvesting in the product • This report provides vital informationon the product like its definition, characteristics andsegmentation • This report helps you market and place theproduct correctly by identifying the target customer group of theproduct • This report helps you understand the viability of theproject by disclosing details like raw materials required,manufacturing process, project costs and snapshot of otherproject financials • The report provides a glimpse of importanttaxes applicable on the product • The report provides forecastsof key parameters which helps to anticipate the industryperformance and make sound business decisions OurApproach: • Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets,present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years.• The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondaryresearch and are cross-validated through interactions with theindustry players • We use reliable sources of information anddatabases. And information from such sources is processed byus and included in the report

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Author: NPCS Team Format: PaperbackBook Code: NI273Pages: 42ISBN: 9789381039458 Price: Rs. 29,500.00 US$ 500.00The report titled ‘EMERGING INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITYIN INDIAN BAKERY INDUSTRY (Biscuits, Bread and OtherBakery Products)-Why to Invest, Project Potential, KeyInvestment Financials, Industry Size & Analysis’ released by NiirProject Consultancy Services makes investing in Indian bakerysegment simplified. The report analyzes investment scenario ofthe industry and project feasibility of a bakery plant. The reportcovers crucial aspects like reasons for investment in the sector,core project financials, glimpse of the regulatory environment ofthe industry, potential buyers and analysis of the industry as awhole. While expanding a current business or while venturinginto new business, entrepreneurs are often faced with thedilemma of zeroing in on a suitable product/line. And beforediversifying/venturing into any product, they wish to study thefollowing aspects of the identified product: • GoodPresent/Future Demand • Export-Import Market Potential • RawMaterial & Manpower Availability • Project Costs and PaybackPeriod We at NPCS, through our reliable expertise in the projectconsultancy and market research field, have identified bakeryproject, in the processed food segment, which satisfies all theabove mentioned requirements and has high growth potential inthe Indian markets. And through this report we aim to help youmake sound and informed business decision. The reportcontains all the data which will help an entrepreneur findanswers to questions like: • Why I should invest in bakeryproject? • Who are the customers of the product? • What willdrive the growth of the product? • What are the costs involved? •What will be the market potential? The report initially talks aboutthe bakery industry as a whole with descriptions of biscuit aswell as bread industry separately. It further identifies potentialcustomers for the bakery industry along with key customerforecasts. One of the crucial factors to be assessed beforeinvesting in a sector is the market potential of the product. Thereport helps in analyzing the market potential by elaborating onvarious factors that will contribute to the consumption growth ofbakery products in India, import-export markets of the productsas well as market size and outlook of the industry. It alsoincludes graphical representation and forecasts of key dataindicators mentioned above. It further throws light on theregulatory environment of the industry by covering excise rates,customs duty, licenses required and also the ministries involvedin the bakery sector in India. The report turns the limelight

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towards project details of a bakery plant. It encapsulatesaspects like raw materials required, list of machinery requiredfor bakery plant, manufacturing processes of various bakeryproducts and project financials of a model project with specifiedproduct list and capacity. Project financials like plant capacity,costs involved in setting up of project, working capitalrequirements, payback period, projected revenue and profit arelisted in the report. It also lists down the key players in thebakery segment along with their contact details. This reporthelps an entrepreneur gain meaningful insights into the Indianbakeryindustry and make informed and sound businessdecision. Reasons for buying the report: • This report helps youto identify a profitable project for investing or diversifying into bythrowing light to crucial areas like industry size, demand of theproduct and reasons for investing in the product • This reportprovides vital information on the product like its definition,characteristics and segmentation • This report helps you marketand place the product correctly by identifying the targetcustomer group of the product • This report helps youunderstand the viability of the project by disclosing details likeraw materials required, manufacturing process, project costsand snapshot of other project financials • The report provides aglimpse of important taxes applicable on the product • Thereport provides forecasts of key parameters which helps toanticipate the industry performance and make sound businessdecisions Our Approach: • Our research reports broadly coverIndian markets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for aperiod of five years. • The market forecasts are developed onthe basis of secondary research and are cross-validatedthrough interactions with the industry players • We use reliablesources of information and databases. And information fromsuch sources is processed by us and included in the report

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Author: NPCS Team Format: PaperbackBook Code: NI277Pages: 47ISBN: 9789381039502 Price: Rs. 29,500.00 US$ 500.00While expanding a current business or while venturing into newbusiness, entrepreneurs are often faced with the dilemma ofzeroing in on a suitable product/line. And beforediversifying/venturing into any product, they wish to study thefollowing aspects of the identified product: • GoodPresent/Future Demand • Export-Import Market Potential • RawMaterial & Manpower Availability • Project Costs and PaybackPeriod We at NPCS, through our reliable expertise in the projectconsultancy and market research field, have identified dairyproducts project which satisfies all the above mentionedrequirements and has high growth potential in the Indianmarkets. Niir Project Consultancy Services through its recentlyreleased report titled ‘Emerging Investment Opportunity inBurgeoning Indian Milk Processing & Dairy Products Sector(Why to Invest, Business Prospects, Core Project Financials,Potential Buyers, Market Size & Industry Analysis)’ aims to helpyou make sound and informed business decision beforedeploying your valuable resources. The report encapsulates allthe vital information which can help an entrepreneur preciselyevaluate the market potential and business prospects of dairyproducts sector. The report begins with the view of enhancingthe basic industry knowledge of an entrepreneur by discussingthe Indian dairy industry in brief. It disseminates information likeits classification, structure and present scenario. Further, thenext step report claims to be of paramount importance is theidentification of potential consumers for the product to belaunched. It identifies target consumer group for the dairyproducts industry supported by the forecasts of the same. Thesections that form the very core of the report and are importantfactors for choosing an industry are the market potential of theindustry and project details of the related plant. The reportanalyzes the market potential of the dairy products industry in‘Reasons for Investing’ and ‘Outlook’ segment, where itdiscusses exhaustively the factors that will drive the growth ofthe industry and the opportunities existing for it. The factors aremethodically explained supported by graphical representationand forecasts of key data indicators. The market size of theIndian dairy industry is expounded in the outlook section whichfurther can be an effective tool for assessing the marketpotential of the industry. Turning towards the other importantcore, the report provides project details for a dairy productsplant. It provides project financials of a model project with

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specified product list and plant capacity along with excise andcustoms duty rates for dairy products for year 2013-14. Theinformation that can be found in this section is raw materialsrequired for dairy products, manufacturing process of variousdairy products, list of machinery and basic project financials.Project financials like plant capacity, costs involved in setting upof project, working capital requirements, projected revenue andprofit are listed in the report. The above mentioned projectdetails are for dairy products plant producing Cottage cheese,flavored milk, butter, ghee, milk powder and condensed milk.The report also provides key players in the segment with theircontact details. The Indian market has witnessed a spur in thedemand of value added dairy products like cheese, yogurt,packaged milk and probiotic drinks which has invigorated thegrowth in overall dairy industry. Rising western influence onIndian food habits, rising concerns about quality of dairyproducts, health consciousness and spiraling disposableincomes of consumers have resulted in higher demand for valueadded dairy products in India and has made the sector anattractive opportunity for investment. Reasons for buying thereport: • This report helps you to identify a profitable project forinvesting or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areaslike industry size, market potential of the product and reasonsfor investing in the product • This report provides vitalinformation on the product like its definition, characteristics andsegmentation • This report helps you market and place theproduct correctly by identifying the target customer group of theproduct • This report helps you understand the viability of theproject by disclosing details like raw materials required,manufacturing process, project costs and snapshot of otherproject financials • The report provides a glimpse of importanttaxes applicable on the product • The report provides forecastsof key parameters which helps to anticipate the industryperformance and make sound business decisions OurApproach: • Our research reports broadly cover Indian markets,present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years.• The market forecasts are developed on the basis of secondaryresearch and are cross-validated through interactions with theindustry players • We use reliable sources of information anddatabases. And information from such sources is processed byus and included in the report

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Author: NPCS Team Format: PaperbackBook Code: NI278Pages: 39ISBN: 9789381039519 Price: Rs. 29,500.00 US$ 500.00Often termed as the sunrise sector, cold chain logistics holdimmense growth potential in India. Rising Indian Population,mounting consumer incomes and changing preferences haveled to increased focus on food security and health services. Thedemand for processed food has also risen sharply necessitatingthe support from efficient cold chain logistics of the country.Responding to the high growth opportunities in the cold chainlogistics sector, Niir Project Consultancy Services has releaseda new research report titled ‘India Emerging BusinessOpportunities: Cold Chain Sector (Why to Invest, ProjectPotential, Core Financials, Market Size & Industry Analysis)’which identifies cold chain sector as a promising & lucrativeinvestment option. The report classifies the sector afterscrutinizing the various aspects like value drivers of the sector,the regulatory environment and prevalent subsidies, potentialbuyers, present players and the project details. While expandinga current business or while venturing into new business,entrepreneurs are often faced with the dilemma of zeroing in ona suitable product/line. And before diversifying/venturing intoany product, they wish to study the following aspects of theidentified product: • Good Present/Future Demand •Export-Import Market Potential • Raw Material & ManpowerAvailability • Project Costs and Payback Period We at NPCS,through our reliable expertise in the project consultancy andmarket research field, have identified cold chain project whichsatisfies all the above mentioned requirements and has highgrowth potential in the Indian markets. The report, at first,discusses the present scenario and components of the industryas a whole covering the structure, segmentation andcomponents. And then moves on to elaborately illustrate thefactors that make case for investing in the sector. Industries likeorganized food retail and QSR (Quick Service Restaurants) owemuch of their growth to the cold chain sector. An effective coldchain infrastructure forms the very backbone of the foodindustry in India. In the view of rising population and appallinghealthcare status, ensuring food security to every Indian andeasy availability of medicines has scored as a top priority ingovernment agenda. The sector has effervescent future with themuch revered government backing, apparent growth in userindustries and favorable demographics of the country.Elaborating on the government support, the report disseminatesinformation on various subsidies and government schemes

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applicable for cold chain development in the country followed bythe outlook of the sector. The report further navigates throughthe key player information of the sector. It includes companyprofiles of players like Kausar India, Snowman Logistics andFresh & healthy Enterprises along with a snapshot of theirfinancials and contact details of other players as well. Now, thepart which forms the core of the report is the ‘Project Details’segment. It includes project details like list of machinery andbasic project financials. Project financials like plant capacity,costs involved in setting up of project, working capitalrequirements, projected revenue and profit are listed in thereport. Indian market is evolving with changing lifestyles, risingurbanization and growing disposable incomes which will be thekey benefactors of growth in cold chain user industries like Foodservice industry, processed food industry and organized retailindustry. Additionally mounting government endeavors towardsreducing food wastage and penetrating healthcare in deepcorners of the country will help in strengthening cold chaininfrastructure in India. The cold chain sector in India is still in thenascent stage with enormous growth potential on the back ofclimatic diversification and geographically vast size of thecountry. Indian cold chain sector was estimated to be at INR245 billion in 2013 and we anticipate it to cross INR 600 billionmark in the next 4 years. Reasons for buying the report: • Thisreport helps you to identify a profitable project for investing ordiversifying into by throwing light to crucial areas like industrysize, market potential of the product and reasons for investing inthe product • This report provides vital information on theproduct like its definition, characteristics and segmentation •This report helps you market and place the product correctly byidentifying the target customer group of the product • This reporthelps you understand the viability of the project by disclosingdetails like machinery required, project costs and snapshot ofother project financials • The report provides a glimpse ofimportant subsidies applicable on the industry • The reportprovides forecasts of key parameters which helps to anticipatethe industry performance and make sound business decisionsOur Approach: • Our research reports broadly cover Indianmarkets, present analysis, outlook and forecast for a period offive years. • The market forecasts are developed on the basis ofsecondary research and are cross-validated throughinteractions with the industry players • We use reliable sourcesof information and databases. And information from suchsources is processed by us and included in the report

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Author: NPCS Team Format: PaperbackBook Code: NI280Pages: 47ISBN: 9789381039533 Price: Rs. 29,500.00 US$ 500.00Indian edible oil sector has its feet firm in the ground as demandgets skewed towards the premium and healthy segment. Theindustry has seen a surge in demand for variants like olive oiland rice bran oil which are earmarked as ‘healthy edible oils’.Indian population is getting more and more health consciousand has been non hesitant in paying a price for their health.NPCS recognizes the veiled business opportunity in thissegment and has identified Rice Bran Oil Refining project as apromising investment option. While expanding a currentbusiness or while venturing into new business, entrepreneursare often faced with the dilemma of zeroing in on a suitableproduct/line. And before diversifying/venturing into any product,they wish to study the following aspects of the identifiedproduct: • Good Present/Future Demand • Export-Import MarketPotential • Raw Material & Manpower Availability • Project Costsand Payback Period We at NPCS, through our reliable expertisein the project consultancy and market research field, havedemystified the situation by putting forward business prospectsof Rice Bran Oil Refining project through our report ‘EmergingInvestment Opportunity in Edible Oil Industry in India- Why toinvest, Project Potential, Core Financials (Refined Rice BranOil), Business Prospects, Potential Buyers & Analysis’. Ricebran oil refining project satisfies all the above mentionedconditions and presents a valuable business opportunity.Through our report, we analyze the sector in various lights bycovering aspects like product details, reasons for investing inthe sector, potential buyers and cost and profitability of rice branoil refining project. The report begins by discussing the overviewof the Indian edible oil sector with its structure & classificationand later identifies potential consumer group for the product.The factors that make a case for investing in the sector areprofoundly elaborated in the report supported by graphicalrepresentation and forecasts of key data indicators. The reportidentifies growing population, urbanization, rising incomes,modern trade and health consciousness as key value driversthat will benefit the industry in the near future.The other subsections talks about excise and customs duty on edible oils,contact details of the players operating in the segment and aforward looking statement for the sector. Moving to the verycore of the report, project details segment includes vitalinformation that is required while setting up a rice bran oilrefining project. It provides product details like definition,

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characteristics and application, manufacturing process, rawmaterials required, list of machinery and key project financials.The project financial sub section provides details like plantcapacity, costs involved in setting up of project, working capitalrequirements, payback period, projected revenue and profit.The industry has all the triggers in place to ensure a smoothride in future. The favorable consumer dynamics of Indianmarket like rising disposable incomes, escalating population,urbanization and fast growing health consciousness amongIndian population has kept the industry at high pedestrian.Reasons for buying the report: • This report helps you to identifya profitable project for investing or diversifying into by throwinglight to crucial areas like industry size, market potential of theproduct and reasons for investing in the product • This reportprovides vital information on the product like its definition,characteristics and segmentation • This report helps you marketand place the product correctly by identifying the targetcustomer group of the product • This report helps youunderstand the viability of the project by disclosing details likemachinery required, project costs and snapshot of other projectfinancials • The report provides a glimpse of important taxesapplicable on the industry • The report provides forecasts of keyparameters which helps to anticipate the industry performanceand make sound business decisions Our Approach: • Ourresearch reports broadly cover Indian markets, presentanalysis, outlook and forecast for a period of five years. • Themarket forecasts are developed on the basis of secondaryresearch and are cross-validated through interactions with theindustry players • We use reliable sources of information anddatabases. And information from such sources is processed byus and included in the report

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Author: NPCS Team Format: PaperbackBook Code: NI284Pages: 41ISBN: 9789381039571 Price: Rs. 29,500.00 US$ 500.00Flexible packaging sector in India has emerged as the sea ofopportunities for entrepreneurs on the back of its risingpopularity. In India and as well as around the globe, flexiblepackaging solutions have emerged as the high growth segmentof the packaging industry. Flexible packaging has been at theforefront since the last 4-5 years amidst the growing need forconvenient packages among consumers as well as theproducers. With the aim to provide investment insights on thesector, Niir Project Consultancy Services has released a newreport titled ‘Investment Opportunity in Emerging FlexiblePackaging Sector in India- How & Why to Invest, MarketPotential, Target Consumers, Business Feasibility, ProjectFinancials (Laminated Collapsible Tubes) & Industry Analysis‘.The report acts as a guide for an entrepreneur who is willing toventure into the segment by discussing the investment aspectsin detail. While expanding a current business or while venturinginto new business, entrepreneurs are often faced with thedilemma of zeroing in on a suitable product/line. And beforediversifying/venturing into any product, they wish to study thefollowing aspects of the identified product: • GoodPresent/Future Demand • Export-Import Market Potential • RawMaterial & Manpower Availability • Project Costs and PaybackPeriod We at NPCS, through our reliable expertise in the projectconsultancy and market research field, have demystified thesituation by putting forward the emerging business opportunityin the flexible packaging sector in India along with its businessprospects. Through this report we have identified PVCLaminated Collapsible Tubes project as a lucrative investmentavenue. The report begins by discussing the present status offlexible packaging industry in India and then navigates toidentifying the potential buyers of the industry product. Since theproduct is a B2B product, the key user industries like FMCG &Pharmaceuticals qualifies as the prime buyers. Customeridentification is followed by the extensive analysis of the factorsthat will drive the growth of the sector and thus make a case forinvesting. Flexible packaging industry in India is in a sweet spotas the Indian consumers spending patterns and preferenceshave evolved. Additionally, growing urbanization in the countrycoupled with burgeoning middle class and low per capitaconsumption levels will encourage the industry growth. Thereport moves ahead to discuss other aspects like governmentregulations applicable to the segment and recent developments

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taking place. The report gains momentum as it discusses thebusiness prospects and project feasibility of flexible packagingsector in the ‘Project Details’ segment. This section delivers vitalinformation, for an entrepreneur, like product details, rawmaterials requirement, machinery, manufacturing process andproject financials. We have analyzed feasibility of PVCLaminated Collapsible Tubes project with regard to abovementioned aspects. The ‘Project Financials’ sub sectionprovides details like plant capacity, costs involved in setting upof project, working capital requirements, payback period,projected revenue and profit. It also provides contact details ofmajor players operating in the Indian flexible packaging sector.Indian flexible packaging sector is in the pink of its health in thewake of changing consumer dynamics and growth potential ofend user industries. It presents lucrative business opportunitiesfor venturing and diversifying. Rising incomes, mounting healthawareness and evolving eating habits of the Indian consumerswill keep pouring in growth for the sector. Reasons for buyingthe report: • This report helps you to identify a profitable projectfor investing or diversifying into by throwing light to crucial areaslike industry size, market potential of the product and reasonsfor investing in the product • This report provides vitalinformation on the product like it’s characteristics andsegmentation • This report helps you market and place theproduct correctly by identifying the target customer group of theproduct • This report helps you understand the viability of theproject by disclosing details like machinery required, projectcosts and snapshot of other project financials • The reportprovides a glimpse of government regulations applicable on theindustry • The report provides forecasts of key parameterswhich helps to anticipate the industry performance and makesound business decisions Our Approach: • Our research reportsbroadly cover Indian markets, present analysis, outlook andforecast for a period of five years. • The market forecasts aredeveloped on the basis of secondary research and arecross-validated through interactions with the industry players •We use reliable sources of information and databases. Andinformation from such sources is processed by us and includedin the report

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How to Start Profitable Education Business (11 Detailed ProjectProfiles) (Engineering, Dental, ITI, Management, MarineEngineering, Medical, Pharmacy, Polytechnic College and Schools)

Author: NPCS Board of Consultants & Engineers Format: HardcoverBook Code: NI299Pages: 201ISBN: 9789381039762 Price: Rs. 1,895.00 US$ 150.00***********Limited Edition- available in Photostat VersionOnly************ Now-a-days education and training is one ofthe largest industry globally. Many aspiring individuals, havingexpertise in different field, are looking for profitable educationbusiness ideas. Education industry is certainly one of thefastest and steadily growing sectors now worldwide. Theprocess of establishing a new business is preceded by theresolution to select entrepreneurship as an occupation. Thiscalls for recognizing lucrative business ideas upon ameticulous evaluation of the entrepreneurial prospects.Creation of business ideas is not sufficient, they must betested on techno-fiscal, economic and authorized viewpoints.NPCS Team has identified some projects for the Investorsand these Project Profiles conduct a profound road map forEffectual business venture. It discusses about requirement offinance, plant & machinery, regulation & standard foreducational institutions, etc. The major contents of this bookare project profiles of projects like Dental College,Engineering College, Industrial Training Institute (I.T.I.),Management College (BBA, MBA, BCA & MCA), MarineEngineering College, Medical College With Hospital,Pharmacy College (B. Pharma), Polytechnic College,Residential School, School (CBSE Pattern), School ApprovedBy IGCSE (International General Certificate of SecondaryEducation). Project profile contains information likeintroduction, Space requirement, Plant Economics, Land &Building, Plant & Machinery, Fixed Capital, Raw Materials,Total Working Capital/Month, Cost of Project, TurnOver/Annum, Rate of Return, Break Even Point (B.E.P). Thisbook is very informative and useful for relevant Investors,Promoters.

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