Investigation of Utilizing Rainwater as Alternate Source of Water in Tejgaon Industrial Area

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    MAY, 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Investigation of Utilizing Rainwater as Alternate Source of Water in Tejgaon Industrial Area





    A Thesis

    Submitted By

    Mahir Asef (

    S.M.Muntasir Masum (

    Soumitra Paul (

    In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

    Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

    Under the supervision of

    Dr. Abdullah Al-Muyeed

    Associate Professor

    Department of Civil Engineering


    May, 2012

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    CE 450

    Project & Thesis

    Approved as to style and content by

    Dr. Abdullah Al-Muyeed

    Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, AUST

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    We hereby declare that the Project work submitted here has been performed by us and

    this work has not been submitted for any other degree.

    Mahir Asef

    S.M.Muntasir Masum

    Soumitra Paul

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    We would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to our supervisor

    Dr. Abdullah Al-Muyeed for his unending assistance, valuable suggestion, co-

    operation and encouragement. The Project could not have been prepared in such a

    manner without his ultimate advice and direction.

    We are highly thankful to Dr. Md. Anwarul Mustafa, Head, Department of Civil

    Engineering for his exemplary character that inspires us throughout the whole track of

    this thesis work.

    We are also thankful to Bangladesh Meteorological Department, Dhaka Water Supply

    & Sewerage Authority (DWASA), Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)

    and their official web site for their informative documents and data sheet. It saved a

    lot of time to visit those offices physically.

    We would also like to express our thankfulness to the official members of ACI

    Limited and Runner Group of Companies for providing us all the information needed

    for the survey work.

    We would also like to appreciate the staff members of Civil Department, Engineering

    section members, and our co-workers in helping us to complete the research work.

    Finally, we are grateful to GOD that our research has been completed successfully

    and within schedule time.

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    In many developing countries, the stress of rapidly growing populations,

    mismanagement of resources and changing climate has created a burden on already

    compromised water resources. In Bangladesh, where a significant proportion of the

    population is without access to improved water source, the urgency for clean available

    water sources to sustain healthy and productive human and natural populations has

    become a priority. Rainwater harvesting is a familiar term for Bangladesh. People in

    areas that lack drinking water, particularly the coastal areas and the rural areas in the

    country, practice rainwater harvesting. The high annual rainfall in the country makes

    rainwater harvesting a logical solution for the arsenic contamination of ground water

    in Bangladesh (Rahman et al, 2003). Most of RWH literature is centered on the

    potential and implementation of rainwater harvesting systems, however not much

    focus has been placed on examining the demand satisfaction of these systems. This

    study investigates the reliability of rooftop rainwater harvesting (RRWH) as a key

    priority source of water supply for residential and industrial uses. This research work

    aims to develop a guideline for economical RWH in the urban areas. For this purpose

    Dhaka city was selected as the model town representing urban areas of Bangladesh.

    An experiment, carried out on the rooftop of AUST to prove that RWH can easily be

    adopted for the urban buildings. The experiment was followed by a survey on the

    industrial areas to justify that not only residential area but also the industrial areas can

    be considered for RWH. The research project also highlights on the physical and

    chemical properties of harvested rainwater, which was tasted in laboratory. Analysis

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    on cost-benefit, storage capacity of AUST, ACI Limited and Runners Group of

    Companies are also done in this study. A statistical analysis is also added in this

    research to correlate different parameters of this research work. In the end different

    results gained from this research work are represented through GIS, to prove

    economical effect of rainwater harvesting in the residential and industrial areas of

    Bangladesh and establish RWH as an alternative source of safe water.

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................................... v

    ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... vi

    List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... x

    List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... xi

    List of Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ xiii

    CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................................................................... 1

    INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1

    1.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 2

    1.2 Background of the Study (RWH) .................................................................................... 4

    1.3 Rationale of the study ...................................................................................................... 6

    1.4 Purpose of the study ........................................................................................................ 7

    1.5 Objective of the Study ..................................................................................................... 7

    1.6 Hypothesis ...................................................................................................................... 8

    1.7 Limitations of the Study .................................................................................................. 8

    CHAPTER 2 ...................................................................................................................... 9

    LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................................................... 9

    2.1 Rainwater Harvesting .................................................................................................... 10

    2.2 RRWH Potential and Reliability ................................................................................... 13

    2.3 Adoption of RWH ......................................................................................................... 16

    2.3.1 Asia......................................................................................................................... 16

    2.3.2 Other Regions of the World ................................................................................... 17

    2.3.3 Bangladesh ............................................................................................................. 19

    CHAPTER 3 .................................................................................................................... 22

    METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 22

    3.1 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................ 23

    3.1.1 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE .................................................................. 24 Survey ......................................................................................................... 24 Study Approach ................................................................................. 24 Condition of Rainfall in Dhaka City.................................................. 28

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    ix Study Area ......................................................................................... 29 Small Scale RWHS ..................................................................................... 30 Experimentation................................................................................. 30 Equipment ................................................................................ 30 Installation Process..............................................................31-33 Cost Measurements .................................................................. 34 Trials.................................................................................................. 35 Sample Collection & Storage ............................................................ 36 Sampling Procedure ................................................................. 37 Collection and Storage of Research Project Sample ................ 39

    3.1.2 DATA ANALYSIS ................................................................................................ 40 Test the quality of sample ........................................................................... 41 Compare Sample Data With Standards ....................................................... 42 Analysis of Survey Data & Storage Calculation ......................................... 43 Storage capacity Calculation ............................................................. 44 Contribution to Groundwater Recharge............................................. 47 Cost Benefit Analysis ........................................................................ 483.1.3 RESULT................................................................................................................. 51 Water Sample Quality ................................................................................. 51 Storage Capacity Comparison ..................................................................... 55 Statistical Analysis: ..................................................................................... 57

    CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................... 61

    GIS PRESENTATION .......................................................................................................... 61

    CHAPTER 5 .................................................................................................................... 66

    CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 66

    5.1 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 67

    5.2 MAJOR FINDING of THE STUDY............................................................................. 68

    5.3 FUTURE SCOPE of STUDY ....................................................................................... 69

    References .................................................................................................................... 70

    APPENDIX ...................................................................................................................... a

    Questionnaire ...................................................................................................................... b

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    List of Tables

    Table 2.1: Coefficient of runoff for common roof types (Kumar, 2004) 14

    Table 3.1: Prediction of population and water demand in Dhaka urban area 25

    Table 3.2: Historical data of water supply 27

    Table 3.3: Cost of equipments 34

    Table 3.4: Harvested Sample Quality 41

    Table 3.5: University (AUST) Water Sample Quality 41

    Table 3.6: Comparison with standard values 43

    Table 3.7: Storage Comparison between AUST, ACI limited and

    Runners Group of Companies 55

    Table 3.8: One-Sample Test 57

    Table 3.9: Paired Samples Correlations 58

    Table 3.10: Paired Samples Test 58

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    List of Figures

    Figure 3.1: Showing water demand and supply with growing population 25

    Figure 3.2: Groundwater depletion with time (years) 26

    Figure 3.3: Monthly average rainfall of Dhaka 28

    Figure 3.4: Study Area (AUST, block-c) 29

    Figure 3.5(a): Layout of the project 32

    Figure 3.5(b): RWHS on AUST 33

    Figure 3.6: Components (a,b) & Layout of the Filter bed (c,d) 36

    Figure 3.7: Comparison of Costs-Benefits Analysis 50

    Figure 3.8: Comparison of pH 51

    Figure 3.9: Comparison of Turbidity (JTU) 52

    Figure 3.10: Comparison of TDS (mg/l) 53

    Figure 3.11: Comparison of Iron (mg/l) 53

    Figure 3.12: Comparison of between AUST, ACI limited and Runners Group of

    Companies 56

    Figure 3.13: One sample t test 59

    Figure 3.14: Paired Sample Correlation 59

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    Figure 3.15: Comparison of Significance (One & Paired Sample) 60

    Figure 4.1: Rainfall Intensity 63

    Figure 4.2: Summarized Information Comparing the Study Areas 65

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    List of Abbreviations

    AUST Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

    BPDB Bangladesh Power Development Board

    BS Bangladesh Standard

    CARE Co-operation for American Relief Everywhere

    CWSSP Community Water Supply and Sanitation Project

    DASCOH Development Association for Self-reliance Communication and


    DPHE Department of Public Health Engineering

    DRWH Domestic Rainwater Harvesting

    DWASA Dhaka Water Supply & Sewerage Authority

    IWM Institute of Waste Management

    NGO Non-governmental organization

    RWH Rainwater Harvesting

    RWHS Rainwater Harvesting System

    RRWH Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting

    UNICEF United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

    UNEP United Nations Environment Programme

    WHO World Health Organization

    WASA Water Supply & Sewerage Authority

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    1.1 General:

    Bangladesh is a developing country of South Asia. The development of any country

    depends largely on, how they use their natural resources. Among natural resources

    gas, oil, coil, lime are mainly named. But sea, river, forest, snow/rainfall are also

    important elements of natural resource for any country. But with the increasing

    demand and excessive use these resources are on the verse of decay.

    Water is essential to sustain life, and a satisfactory supply must be available to all. But

    in Bangladesh there has been acute scarcity of safe drinking water for recent years.

    Because of excessive use of ground water the country is now facing arsenic problem.

    Discovery of the presence of arsenic in the drinking water in Bangladesh has been a

    cause of red alert in the public health arena. According to Bangladesh Arsenic

    Mitigation and Water Supply Project out of 4 million tube-wells installed in

    Bangladesh, 1.2 million have been found contaminated with arsenic

    ( What is startling is that the arsenic concentration level in 30-40

    percent wells of the affected area is over 500 ppb or 50g/liter (World Bank, 2001).

    For Bangladesh, it is estimated that 27 to 60% of the population is at risk from arsenic

    exposure (Smith, Lingas and Rahman, 2000). This is equivalent of 28-50 million

    people in Bangladesh and most of them live in rural areas.

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    Rainwater Harvesting and storage do not constitute a new technology. It has been

    used for domestic, agricultural, runoff control, air-conditioning etc. for a long time in

    different parts of the world. However, rainwater harvesting is not a common practice

    in Bangladesh. Only 35.5 percent households have been found to use the rainwater as

    drinking water source during the raining seasons in coastal areas having high salinity

    problems (Hussain & Ziauddin, 1989). In the backdrop of arsenic contamination in

    groundwater of Bangladesh, rainwater has been considered as a potential source of

    arsenic free water.

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    1.2 Background of the Study (RWH):

    Rainwater has been harvested in Bangladesh from time immemorial. Traditional

    rainwater collection was very simple and was usually done by tying an old saree or a

    sheet to four posts in the yard and collecting the water in a traditional earthenware

    pot, a Motka. The introduction of handpumps in the 1970s and the widespread

    installation of shallow well handpumps through the private sector in the 80s and 90s,

    brought water close to the home in many areas of Bangladesh. In the coastal belt of

    Bangladesh groundwater is often saline and so, where deep tube wells that would

    yield sweet water were not possible, rainwater harvesting was practiced. Several

    NGOs were active during the Decade and community-wide rainwater harvesting in

    Dacope upazilla, completed with the assistance of the Bangladesh Agricultural

    University in 1988, was reported in Waterlines in 1992.

    In 1994 UNICEF developed an interest in rainwater harvesting and in support of the

    Department of Public Health Engineering; a pilot activity was undertaken in

    Chittagong. It was thought that rainwater harvesting would be useful in the

    Chittagong Hill Tracts and to expand water supply in areas with saline water in the

    coastal belt. Very few systems were built, mainly due to costs and rainwater

    harvesting never took off.

    Rainwater harvesting regain its emphasis in the last years of twentieth century, mainly

    because of the increasing awareness about the adverse effect of arsenic. In 1998,

    while looking for alternative solutions for people who were losing their safe water

    supply due to the contamination of their well with arsenic, WHO argued for

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    consideration of rainwater as a potential replacement. Initially there was little

    response, as rainwater was considered not to be adequate all year round, systems

    would be too expensive, and doubts existed about the water quality. Several meetings

    were convened with various parties that had once supported rainwater harvesting and

    slowly interest was developing among the professionals. A Swiss technology transfer

    agent, SKAT, came to support NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation

    and indicated the feasibility.

    WHO and SKAT collected up-to-date information from the Lanka Rainwater

    Harvesting Forum and an action-research proposal was prepared. By June 2000, NGO

    Forum received support from SDC to undertake a 3 year project. At the same time,

    International Development Enterprises, Bangladesh, a NGO focusing on developing

    affordable technologies, locally, for the poor, at a fair market price, through a private

    sector supply chain also started a pilot scheme in a community-based water supply

    project area where it was collaborating with CARE and Development Association for

    Self-reliance Communication and Health (DASCOH) in what is called the Water

    Partnership Project. UNICEF and DPHE, through the pilot projects on arsenic

    mitigation, have also started again to try out rainwater harvesting again and offer it as

    an option in their projects. WHO supported the pilot activities of the various agencies

    through regular consultation and technical advice. As it was at least the second time

    that rain water harvesting was initiated in Bangladesh, it was imperative to do it right

    this time (Han A. Heijnen, Environmental Health Advisor; [email protected]).

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    1.3 Rationale of the study:

    In Bangladesh rainwater has traditionally been a security in areas where water has

    been scarce. Islands or coastal areas may have plenty of water, but most of it will be

    saline and not tasty to drink. In hard water areas or where water contains a lot of iron,

    people may be more inclined to use rainwater for drinking and cooking purposes.

    Hilly wet zone areas, as population pressures increase, people are forced to move

    uphill into areas that remained uninhabited before. Water points will be available only

    below the level where people live and daily drudgery in collecting water is the

    consequence. This does not have to be the case as areas with 2 monsoons can very

    well have an excellent water collection regime, even with small roof surface or


    Our study mainly highlights the urban areas of Bangladesh especially Dhaka city.

    Rainwater harvesting can ease water crisis in Dhaka. Rainwater could potentially

    supply about 15% of citys water requirement. The citys Water & Sewerage

    Authority (WASA) has the capacity to produce up to 1800 million liters a day, while

    the demand is in excess of 2000 liters. A study carried out by IWM suggested that

    around 150000 million liters rainwater could be harvested during the annual

    monsoon. So the intensity of this research work is to reduce the problem of safe

    drinking water.

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    1.4 Purpose of the study:

    The purpose of the study is to develop a rainwater harvesting system on the rooftop of

    urban residential and industrial buildings.

    1.5 Objective of the Study:

    The objectives which are highlighted in the study are-

    To study and determine the rainwater harvesting methods of Dhaka city toestablish RWHS as an alternate solution of water supply

    To determine the suitability of harvesting rainwater for drinking and otherpurpose in the residential and industrial buildings

    To develop a project to assess the feasibility of incorporating rainwater harvestingfrom selected roof area of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology

    (AUST) and estimate its contribution on the total consumption of the university

    To meet the ever increasing demand for water, harvest rainwater to recharge thegroundwater and enhance the availability of groundwater at specific places and

    time and thus assure a continuous and reliable access to groundwater

    To reduce the rate of power consumption for pumping of groundwater anddetermine the cost-benefit ratio

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    1.6 Hypothesis:

    Hypothesis is important for a research. It is a tentative generalization, the validity

    of which has to be tested. It is made in order to find out the correct and valid

    explanation of certain phenomena through investigation. Rainwater harvesting in the

    urban area is becoming popular day by day. In the research it has been conducted to

    give comprehensive insights about harvesting rainwater procedures on the rooftop of

    urban area buildings. Based on the research topic a hypothesis has been drawn that

    will be tested by statistical data got from the study.

    It is more economical to harvest rainwater than ground water pumping

    1.7 Limitations of the Study:

    There are also some limitations in RWHS and the limitations are-

    Maximum output can be gained in the monsoon only Applicable only for buildings Only urban areas would be taken in consideration

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    2.1 Rainwater HarvestingWater is essential for all life and used in many different ways, it is also a part of the

    larger ecosystem in which the reproduction of the bio diversity depends. Fresh water

    scarcity is not limited to the arid climate regions only, but in areas with good supply

    the access of safe water is becoming critical problem. Lack of water is caused by low

    water storage capacity, low infiltration, larger inter annual and annual fluctuations of

    precipitation (due to monsoonic rains) and high evaporation demand.

    The capture and utilization of rainwater is an ancient tradition which dates back to

    similar techniques used in todays Iraq around 5000 years ago. Modern methods

    usually represent improvements with respect to technical variations (Mbilinyi, 2005).

    The term rainfall harvesting' is broadly defined as the collection of any form of

    precipitation from a catchment (Babu and Simon, 2006). Rainwater harvesting

    (RWH) is the process of collecting and storing rainwater from rooftops, land surfaces

    (steep slopes, road surfaces and rock catchments) using simple components (pots,

    tanks, cisterns) or more complex methods (underground dams) ( Zhu et al, 2004).

    RWH can be categorized according the catchment method used as: in-field RWH

    (IRWH), ex-field (XRWH) and domestic RWH (DRWH). In IRWH, part or all of the

    target area is used as the catchment area. In XRWH the catchment area is separate

    from the target area and harvested water is transported through channels to the target

    area (Kahinda et al, 2007). In DRWH, rainwater is collected on rooftops or other

    compact surfaces and stored in underground (UGTs) or aboveground tanks (AGTs)

    for domestic uses and other small-scale activities (Kahinda et al, 2007).

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    RWH can also be divided into two major systems: runoff rainwater harvesting and

    rooftop rainwater harvesting. In the former system, water collected is of a low quality

    as it follows a similar route as surface water in that area (Kahinda et al, 2007) and

    thus requires an added effort on treatment of harvested water before domestic use.

    Studies show that of the two systems, rooftop rainwater harvesting, RRWH, yields

    harvested waters with contaminants in levels acceptable by international drinking

    water standards (Kahinda et al, 2007; Zhu et al, 2004) and is thus thought to be a

    superior option when considering domestic water supply, in particular potable water.

    Components of a typical RRWH system are the catchment (roof area), down pipe and

    gutters and storage tank.

    RWH has become a popular option for obtaining a relatively clean, accessible water

    supply in many areas with limited water supply. Other than as a direct source of water

    for human consumption, RWH often serves as an artificial recharge (AR) to

    groundwater that has been over exploited (Sundaravadivel, 2007). Lowering of the

    water table due to depletion of groundwater can cause environmental problems like

    land collapse, loss of vegetation, desertification and soil erosion.

    In the case of groundwater pollution, such as episodes of arsenic contamination in

    India (Pandey et al, 2003), rainwater can be used to dilute contaminants within the

    aquifer (Sundaravadivel, 2007). Using RWH to replenish groundwater is considered

    the most cost efficient way of storing rainwater (Sundaravadivel, 2007).

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    Albeit RWH is an old tradition, scientific interest in the design and improvement of

    these systems recently expanded after open predictions of global water crisis arose.

    For this reason, most literature on the topic lightly focuses on past uses and more on

    the need to implement RWH within government policy. Some studies discuss the use

    of RWH to supplement water supply for agricultural use during dry seasons in parts of

    Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Domestic use systems are put in operation in

    many countries in Africa, Asia (Sundaravadivel, 2007) and even a few areas in

    Eastern Europe and western United States.

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    2.2 RRWH Potential and Reliability

    Research shows that there is still a considerable amount of untapped rainwater

    potential in Africa that can be used to supply adequate water to an immense portion of

    the population (UNEP, 2008). However, before adopting RRWH systems, it is

    important to verify the RWH potential of the area of interest and conclude whether the

    conditional parameters produce a satisfactory reliability for water supply.

    The RRWH potential of any region depends on the amount of rainfall, the surface

    (rooftop) area used to capture the rainwater and surface runoff coefficient (that is, the

    proportion of total rainfall that can be captured). The runoff coefficient used depends

    on the type of material of the roof surface (Table 2.1). The potential rainwater supply

    of the system is usually deduced by the following equation (Tripathy and Pandey,


    S= R x A x Cr (1) where S is the potential rainwater supply in m3, R is the mean

    annual rainfall in m, A is the catchment area in m2 and Cr is the runoff coefficient.

    RRWH reliability of a system defines its quality of performance and can be

    determined through two equations (Liaw and Tsai, 2004):

    (1)the volumetric reliability, that is, the total actual amount of rainwater supply overdemand or

    (2)the fraction of time that demand can be met:Re = 1- n/N

    Where n is the number of time units (days) when demand exceeds storage while N is

    the total number of time units in the time sequence.

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    Table 2.1: Coefficient of runoff for common roof types (Kumar, 2004).

    Roof Type Runoff Coefficient

    Galvanized Iron Sheet 0.90

    Asbestos Sheet 0.80

    Tiled Roof 0.75

    Concrete Roof 0.70

    In their study, Tripathi and Pandey in the year of 2005 used the equation 1 to calculate

    the rooftop rainwater potential for Zura village in Kutch district in Gujarat, India. The

    number of households with different roof areas was used to determine the total

    rooftop area which was then multiplied by the annual rainfall and runoff coefficient to

    obtain the amount of water stored collectively from the pucca houses in the village.

    The researchers then divided the stored water supply by the demand (total population

    x daily per capita water demand) to determine the amount of time the collected water

    could be used (without replenishing) by the village. Tripathi and Pandey concluded

    that the RRWH can be used as a source of domestic water supply for similar water

    stressed (500 mm of annual rainfall) villages in arid parts of India.

    In another study done by M. Dinesh Kumar in the year of 2004 in the city of

    Ahmadabad in a semi-arid part of India, the RWH equation was used to determine the

    per capita water harvested for 3 different household stocks; independent bungalow, 3-

    story apartment and 10-story apartment. Rooftop areas were dependent on the

    household stock and the highest, average and lowest precipitation values with once in

    6 years probability of occurrence were used to access the feasibility of RWH in low-

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    rainfall areas (Kumar, 2004). The study concluded that the physical feasibility of

    RWH in urban areas with low rainfall is less than desirable. In addition government

    Subsidies for RWH systems were not recommended for areas characterized with

    annual rainfall of less than 400 mm.

    These two studies considered both the regional variation of RWH and its dependence

    on the social demography of the study area. Several other studies (Kumar, 2007;

    Pudyastuti, 2006; Thomas, 1998) show that RWH is suitable in areas that receive

    above 1200 mm of rainfall to solely sustain domestic demand. However, the study on

    Zura village in India shows that even under low rainfall conditions, the number of

    households used in harvesting and the population allowed for a satisfactory water

    supply through rooftop harvesting, perhaps due to large roof areas and storage volume

    (Kumar, 2007). In addition to storage and demand characteristics, poor roofing

    structures, high household density and sparsely distributed houses, typical in many

    Asian and African countries, are factors that can greatly reduce the practicality of

    RWH in low rainfall areas.

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    2.3 Adoption of RWH

    As a traditional practice, RWH has gained popularity in the formal settings within the

    last decade. The practice, that is still used in many tropical islands and semiarid rural

    areas (Tripathi and Pandey, 2005), has been introduced more efficiently into urban

    areas and in temperate regions as a way to satisfy higher demand or as a water

    conservation method. Although literature on this technique is not extensive, current

    literature does highlight the main geographical regions that play key roles in the

    development and research of RWH.

    2.3.1 Asia

    RWH has wide spread adoption throughout Asia. India is leading in rainwater capture

    for domestic use in Asia where some variants of RWH have been used for over 8000

    years (Pandey et al, 2003). In 2001, India was approaching the level of water stress

    with 1,820 cubic meters of annual renewable freshwater per capita which is estimated

    to decrease to 1,341 cubic meters by 2025 (Tripathi and Pandey, 2005). The Indian

    government has created subsidies to encourage the adoption of DRWH to harness the

    rainfall and balance out the declining water table in many parts of the country

    (Tripathi and Pandey, 2005). RWH is also commonly implemented as a climate

    change adaptation strategy (Pandey et al, 2003). Sir Lanka has practiced RWH since

    the 5th Century and even with the introduction of piped systems and boreholes, the

    RWH option has once again gained popularity this last decade (Ariyananda, 1999).

    With about 1,250 mm of annual rainfall (Sri Lankas main source of freshwater),

    harvesting rainwater has been an ideal solution. Over the years, growing population,

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    urbanization and deforestation have increased the competition for domestic water

    supply hence the country has invested in research to improve the RWH technology.

    The government of Sri Lanka in collaboration with the World Bank established the

    Community Water Supply and Sanitation Project (CWSSP) that provides water

    supply and sanitation infrastructure that can be managed by communities

    (Ariyananda, 1999). Initially the CWSSP provided these communities with water

    supply through shallow wells, house connections and either hand or motorized pump

    wells. Rainwater collected was introduced as a solution to the challenge of providing

    water supply to the uphill settlements (Ariyananda, 1999).

    2.3.2 Other Regions of the World

    Outside of Asia some more developed regions are utilizing RWH to provide partial

    supply and reduce the high cost of piped water for a variety of activities such as

    gardening, aquaculture, nurseries, domestic supply, and livestock farming for example

    (Gould, 1999).

    Germany is one of the countries investigating the RWH models in urban areas (Gould,

    1999). RWH is an economic way of substituting potable piped water with collected

    rainwater for low quality uses such as flushing toilets and laundry (Herrmann, 1999).

    Although the utilization of rainwater is a relatively recent focus (within the last 20

    years), there has been accelerated use of the technology for private and commercial

    sectors. The decentralization of water supply has been accepted and in many cases

    subsidized by city councils as it reduces storm overflow (Herrmann, 1999). There

    have been efforts by local governments to encourage households to capture rainwater

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    for domestic use and divert exceeding amounts to recharge groundwater, however

    another objective is to control urban flooding and storm water drainage. Several

    places in the country have received grants and subsidies to facilitate this movement

    (Gould, 1999).

    According to Herrmann in 1999, about 100,000 rainwater storage tanks have been

    provided for rainwater storage purposes allowing for the storage of over 600,000m3 of

    rainwater. The widespread use of RWH in developed countries such as Australia,

    USA and New Zealand, is mainly for the purpose of water supply in the rural and

    drier regions. In semi- arid and arid Australia, rainwater is collected for use in farming

    and domestic activities and more than one million people rely on rainwater as their

    solely domestic water supply (Gould, 1999). Large rainwater catchments are utilized

    in Western Australia to provide water for livestock farms and small settlements

    (Gould, 1999).

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    2.3.3 Bangladesh

    The recent detection of high level of arsenic concentration in numerous shallow

    tubewell water mostly across Bangladesh has caused serious problem for supplying

    safe water for drinking and other domestic uses. It is reported that more than 4000

    people are suffering from arsenic-related diseases ranging from melanosis to skin

    cancer. It has been also reported that about 70 million people are likely to be affected

    through probable arsenic contamination of shallow tubewells currently serving as

    water points mainly for drinking and cooking purpose. Efforts to develop remedial

    solution are still far from making a comprehensive breakthrough. Known arsenic

    removal methods work fairly well only under strictly controlled conditions, making

    such use impractical at household level. The fate of affected patients in terms of

    developing drugs remains even more uncertain. Researchers are, however,

    unanimously agreed that the known treatment so far is the immediate cessation from

    the use of arsenic-contaminated water and resumption of the use of arsenic-free water.

    As arsenic contamination of groundwater becoming widespread, the increasing

    awareness of people is enticing them to find a remedial measure. They are looking

    forward to an alternative source that is safe, cost-effective, available and acceptable. It

    is also evident that though some people recognized rainwater is safe to drink; their

    mental preparedness is not adequate to adopt it in their life. However, it is necessary

    to popularize the use of rainwater as an alternative source of drinking and cooking

    water. Mass awareness building and training programme on the storage procedures

    are required. When people will know that a scientific and cheap method is within their

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    reach and it is for betterment of their health, it will positively change their attitude and

    practice towards multi-uses of rainwater.

    Dhaka has a critical water supply problem, one of the worst for a South Asian city.

    According to a study by the Institute of Water Modeling based in Bangladeshs

    capital city, its groundwater level is falling by three meters per year. Groundwater has

    already receded by fifty meters in the past 40 years, bringing the current level to sixty

    meters below ground. The supply-demand gap is approximately 500m liters per day.

    The situation is so problematic that in the summer of 2010, the Government of

    Bangladesh deployed troops to manage water distribution in Dhaka. Since 1963, the

    population of Dhaka has grown by thirteen times. When Bangladesh gained its

    independence in 1971, Dhaka faced a growing influx of rural-to-urban migration. The

    city expanded into the low-lying marshlands at its borders. Historically, most of

    Dhakas water supply comes from its two rivers, the Buriganga and the Shitalakkhya.

    But as population has increased and industry has expanded, river water has become

    contaminated with industrial waste. Today, groundwater is expected to satisfy over

    80% of the citys water supply. Infrastructure in Dhaka is not robust enough to

    sufficiently recharge groundwater. In a recent seminar, international NGO Water Aid

    and Bangladeshs Institute of Engineers concluded that rainwater harvesting needs to

    be included in establishing the countrys bylaws. In 2008, it was recommended that

    40-50% of building premises should remain unpaved and that half of that area should

    be under green cover to allow for natural recharge of aquifers. The caveat though is

    that 65% of Dhaka is already paved and the remaining 35% does not ensure natural

    recharge of aquifers because top soil in most of these locales consists of clay.

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    Rainwater harvesting, low-cost systems that collect and store rainwater for year-round

    use, offers a cost-effective and practical solution to ease Dhakas water crisis. It is

    estimated that rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems could supply more than 15% of

    Dhakas requirements. Since 1997, one thousand RWS have been installed in

    Bangladesh, mostly in rural areas. The systems capacities vary from 500L to 3,200L,

    at costs in the range of US$50-150. If RWH is undertaken as a serious investment, it

    could help conserve groundwater and recharge the water table. About 150 billion

    liters of rainwater could be harvested during the monsoon season alone. Water can be

    stored for four to five months without bacterial contamination an important fact given

    that 110,000 children in Bangladesh die of waterborne illnesses every year.

    There has been precedence of public-private partnerships working to establish RWH

    in Bangladesh. In early 2008, Coca-Cola Far East Ltd teamed up with Plan

    Bangladesh to install RWS in five primary schools in the Mirpur and Borguna Sadar

    areas of the country to ensure potable drinking water for school students. In 2009,

    Coca-Cola became involved in a new partnership with UN-Habitat called The Safe

    Drinking Water and Sanitation Project. It is a two-year project valued at US$300,000.

    The goal is to impact six thousand families by demonstrating RWH and other water

    conservation and storage systems. RWH will be set up at twenty schools while

    drinking water and sanitation systems will be set up at thirty schools. The

    commissioned RWH recharge capacity is projected to be 3.25m liters per year. So

    rainwater harvesting is one of the most efficient, available and cheap method for

    Bangladesh to adopt for solving the acute problem of safe water.

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    3.1 METHODOLOGY:The research project is about introducing a Rainwater Harvesting System for both

    residential and industrial area to develop an Alternative source of water for

    consumptive purpose. To achieve the research objectives, the methodology of this

    research is divided into following parts-

    Data Collection Procedure Data Analysis Result

    The whole Methodology of the project can be represented through the

    Flow chart below -

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    The data collection procedure is the collection of work done to collect and store the

    water sample. Data collection includes survey. Small scale RWHS setup,

    experimentation, trials and collection and storage of water sample. The steps are

    briefly described here. Survey:

    In civil engineering surveying or land surveying is the technique, profession, and

    science of accurately determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional position of

    points and the distances and angles between them. These points are usually on the

    surface of the Earth, and they are often used to establish land maps and boundaries for

    ownership or governmental purposes. In general language it is the initial visit where

    the project or experiment will be taken place. The steps followed in the research

    project are categorized and explained below. Study Approach:

    Bangladesh is categorized as a developing country whose economy is rapidly

    growing. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. All the activities regarding any

    development is Dhaka centered. As a result for a better and safer living people from

    all districts are moving towards Dhaka. This makes Dhaka the most densely populated

    mega city of this world. With the growing population and development of Dhaka city,

    the demand for water is also increasing. Dhaka WASA is finding it difficult to meet

    this exponential demand.

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    The statistical data showing the relation between population growth, water demand

    and shortfall of water supply is given below the Table-3.1 and Figure-3.1:

    Table 3.1: Prediction of population and water demand in Dhaka urban area

    Figure 3.1: Showing water demand and supply with growing population

    (Source: Dhaka WASA)




    Shortfall(mld) with

    present water

    supply(2200 mld)

    2010 12.27 2400 2002015 14.93 3050 850

    2020 18.04 3686 1486

    2025 21.63 4419 2219

    2030 25.87 5286 3085

    Water Demand and Supply

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    Currently, with the help of some 546 water-supply pumps, DWASA supplies about 2.2

    million cubic meters (MCM) of water a day against city's daily demand of 2.4 MCM.

    Only 15% of the water is supplied from the two surface water treatment plants at

    Chadnighat and Syedabad. DWASA is dependent on groundwater for the rest 85%

    water demand. This is resulting the groundwater to drop by 3 meter every year.

    According to the Dhaka Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA), the Ground water

    table was at 11.3m below the surface in the 1970s and at 20m in the 1980s. Dhaka's

    groundwater table has gone down by 35m in the past 11 years. However, water level

    has drastically fallen since 1996.

    The continuous dropping of groundwater table over the past 14 years is graphically

    shown in Figure-3.2:

    Figure 3.2: Groundwater depletion with time (years)

    (Source: Dhaka WASA)

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    This is mainly because the estimated mean annual recharge for Dhaka city is 300

    350 MCM, which is much less than the annual abstraction of 700 MCM. After every

    few years the pumps has to be relocated or new deeper installation has to be installed.

    If this process continues then within few years groundwater depth will not be any

    more within pumping depth.

    From the past history with the growing demand for water supply was increased which

    caused the Deep Tube Well to go from deep to deeper as shown below Table-3.2:

    Table 3.2: Historical data of water supply

    Year Supply ( MLD ) DTW

    1963 130 30

    1970 180 47

    1980 300 87

    1990 510 140

    1996 810 216

    1997 870 225

    1998 930 237

    1999 1070 277

    2000 1130 308

    2001 1220 3362002 1550 394

    2004 1437 382

    2005 1460 423

    (Source: Dhaka WASA)

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    The demand will surely not decrease but due to the shortage of groundwater, supply

    will surely decrease. One of the major threats to the city due to declining groundwater

    levels is land subsidence, which can be triggered by earthquakes of greater

    magnitudes. So, an alternative source of water or a method to recharge groundwater is

    of utmost importance in Dhaka city for preserving environmental balance along with

    meeting human demand. Condition of Rainfall in Dhaka City

    Dhaka has a climate. It has a distinct monsoonal season with an average 2075 mm

    (1953-2009) of rain every year. Nearly 88% of the annual average rainfall of

    1,826 millimeters occurs between May and October. Water logging occurs after 2-

    3hrs of continuous raining.

    Figure 3.3: Monthly average rainfall of Dhaka

    Monthly average rainfall of Dhaka

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    29 Study Area:

    Our study covers the urban areas of Bangladesh, but to carry out the research work

    and for setting up RWHS, Tejgaon industrial area of Dhaka city was selected. The

    RWHS was setup on the rooftop of Block C of Ahsanullah University of Science &

    Technology. An area about 100 sq ft of the rooftop was used for this purpose.

    Figure 3.4: Study Area (AUST, block-c)

    (Source: AUST)

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    30 Small Scale RWHS:

    A small scale RWHS was setup on the roof top of AUST. The setup of the RWHS,

    experimentation, trials and sample collection & storage are vital part of the Data

    Collection Procedure Experimentation:

    The experimentation process includes setting up of RWHS, installation process and

    cost measurements. Equipment:

    Equipments needed to complete the research work are enlisted below-

    Gutter: GI sheet made gutter. Dimension of 8ft * 3ft Bricks: For inclination and support to the gutter The First Flush Device: To drain the first fault water. It consists of 6in pvc pipe

    along with GI elbow and screw cap at the end

    Filtration Drum: Plastic made,15 inch in diameter,15 inch in height Filtration Bed: Consists of four layer,5 cm well graded gravel,5 cm well graded

    brick chips,12.5 cm sand, 12.5 cm well graded gravel

    Water Storage Drum: Plastic made, Capacity of 30 gallon, dia of 18in,height of 24inch

    Steel Frame: Steel made, 24 in square, height of 49 in Outlet Key: 1in Distribution Pipe: 1in

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    Aggregate: Sand and Gravels Cement: white cement; to keep the whole structure stableThis equipments may vary with the type of RWHS setup. Installation Process

    The whole project work was done in the month of May and June. Because the

    monsoon starts in Bangladesh in the month of May, and generally lasts till September.

    The installation process are described below-

    Rooftop Water Tank of the university was used to install the GI sheet made gutter The GI sheet made gutter was used as the catchment area At first the gutter was placed on the top of the water tank. In order to drain the

    rain water through the gutter, two brick made walls were used. A slope of 1/6 was

    maintained between the walls. The gutter was tied with the brick walls to give


    Rainwater drains through the first flush device to the collection Pipe The collection pipe opened to the filtration drum Filtration drum was placed on top of the main storage tank with the help of the

    extended frame. In order to prevent the filtered water becoming polluted a plastic

    paper was used as a shade from the bottom of the filtration bed to the top of the

    storage tank. The filtered water can directly enter the storage tank.

    A outlet key was placed, 3 in up from the bottom of the storage tank to collectwater

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    The layout of the RWHS is given below

    Figure 3.5(a): Layout of the project

    To view

    Front view

    Steel sheet

    Brick wall


    Filter bed



    SupportiveSteel Frame

    Isometric view

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    Figure 3.5(b): RWHS on AUST

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    34 Cost Measurements

    The total cost estimation of the RWHS is given below. The costs may vary with the

    market price.

    The project cost nearly 7000 BDT.

    Table 3.3: Cost of equipments

    Item Price in BDT

    Gutter 600

    Storage drum 650

    Filtration drum 450

    Steel Frame 3000

    6in dia pipe


    1in ball bulb 350

    Outlet key 100

    Fast flush device 400

    Cement 150

    Other cost 1000

    TOTAL COST 7000

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    35 Trials:

    Based on the quality, water is termed into two types

    Portable water : Physically, chemically, and bacteriologically acceptable Palatable water: Free from turbidity, color, taste, odor, and moderate temperature.

    In a sense it has to be physically acceptable.

    Now to ensure these quality in the harvested water, the filter bed which was installed

    initially was given trial as if it can provide physically accepted water or not

    Trials onFiltration Bed

    To ensure that the harvested water from rain is safe for drinking, filtration bed was

    installed. Two trials were given too.



    In the initial or 1st trial (Figure-c) of filtration bed some problems were detected.

    Turbidity was found because of the presence of sand in the water sample. Again the

    color of the sample was not clear. To solve those problems, 2nd trial was given.



    In the 2nd trial (Figure-d), course sand was used in the place of fine sand to solve the

    turbidity (sand) problem. A pair of thin net was also introduced in the lowest layer

    upon the opening of the filter bed. Also well graded layers of stone chips & brick

    chips were used instead of gap graded & uniform graded layers in 1st trial.

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    In Figure 3.6 different elements ofthe filter bed and the layout are given-


    Brick chips

    Fine sand


    Filter Bed (1st Trial)Filter Bed (2nd trial)

    Well Grade Gravel

    Well Grade Brick chips

    Course sand

    Well GradeGravel

    Figure3.6: Components (a,b) &

    layout of Filter bed (c,d)

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

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    37 Sample Collection & Storage:

    There are procedure which must be followed while collecting and storing water

    sample. In this research the procedures proposed by Minnesota Pollution ControlAgencyare followed. Sampling Procedure

    Sample Holding/Travel Time

    Samples must be collected as soon as possible. For water samples, the time from

    sample collection to initiation of analysis should be no longer than 24 hours. If time

    exceeds 30 hours, results for total and faecal coliform analyses are invalid due to

    bacterial stress and die-off.

    Sample Containers

    Water samples for microbiological examination should be collected in sterilizable,

    non- reactive, glass (borosilicate) or plastic bottles. Pre-sterilized plastic bags with

    or without DE chlorinating agent, available commercially, may be used. (*Plastic

    bottles reduce the possibility of breakage during sample transit.)Bottles should be

    carefully washed and rinsed, with a final distilled or deionized water rinse.

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    Potable Water Samples taken from tap

    Taps used for sampling must be free of aerators, strainers, hose attachments,mixing type faucets and purification devices. Avoid leaky taps.

    Always take sample from cold water tap. Flush tap by running water (to waste) for 2-3 minutes; this will allow for

    adequate flushing of the pipe between water main and tap.

    If tap appears to be dirty, clean with a sodium hypochlorite solution , then

    allow water to run for an additional 2 to 3 minutes to rinse

    Aseptic Sampling Procedure

    Wash hands prior to sampling. Remove lid of sample container with one hand. While holding lid with one

    hand, fill bottle with other hand.

    Some important points on which emphasis should be given are-

    Do not adjust water line or water flow rate before taking sample. Do not rinse bottle prior to sampling.

    Be careful not to touch sides or inside lid of bottle to anything. These measures

    will prevent sample from becoming contaminated.

    Do not overfill sample container. Make sure there is approximately 1 inch of airspace at top of container to allow for adequate shaking prior to analysis.

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    Immediately replace lid tightly. If there is any question as to whether or not a sample has become

    contaminated, discard and resample.

    Samples should be placed on ice/ice packs during transit to laboratory tomaintain temperature below 10C. Collection and Storage of Research Project Sample

    The RWHS was completed at the month of July. The rainfall occurred at 23 rd of

    July and the sample was collected at the morning of 24 th July maintaining all above

    mentioned procedures. The sample was stored in the freezer at 5C for two days.

    An amount of one liter sample water was collected for testing.

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    3.1.2 DATA ANALYSIS:

    Analysis of datais a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and

    modelingdatawith the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting

    conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple facets and

    approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, in different

    business, science, and social science domains. Data analysis is a body of methods that

    help to describe facts, detect patterns, develop explanations, and test hypotheses.

    In this thesis Data analysis is done in three steps-

    Test the quality of sample Compare sample with standards Analysis of surveyed data

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    41 Test the quality of sample:

    To ensure the quality of the harvested water, some tests were run on the collected

    sample water. The experiments were done in the universitys Environmental Lab.

    The results are enlisted in the table below

    Table 3.4: Harvested Sample Quality

    Nameof the test pH Turbidity Co2 TDS Iron FreeChloride Conductivity D-ionizer Redoxpotential

    Experimented Value











    In addition to our research work, the water of the university (AUST), was also tested.

    The university uses ground water for all purposes. The test results are -

    Table 3.5: University (AUST) Water Sample Quality

    Name of the

    testspH Turbidity CO2 Iron Conductivity





    value 6.77

    0.044 JTU

    (.85 JTU) 37 mg/l


    mg/l 88.5 mg/l


    mg/l 217 mg/l

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    42 Compare Sample Data With Standards:

    The primary purpose of the Guidelines for Drinking-

    water Qualityis theprotection of

    public health. The Guidelines are intended to support the development and

    implementation of risk management strategies that will ensure the safety of

    drinking-water supplies through the control of hazardous constituents of water.

    These strategies may include national or regional standards developed from the

    scientific basis provided in the Guidelines. World Health Organization (WHO)

    generally sets a limit of standard values of different elements of drinking water.

    In developing national drinking-water standards based on these Guidelines, it will be

    necessary to take account of a variety of environmental, social, cultural, economic,

    dietary and other conditions affecting potential exposure. This may lead to national

    standards that differ appreciably from these Guidelines. A programme based on

    modest but realistic goals including fewerwater quality parameters of priority health

    concern at attainable levels consistent with providing a reasonable degree of public

    health protection in terms of reduction of disease or reduced risk of disease within

    the population may achieve more than an overambitious one, especially if targets

    are upgraded periodically. Like many other countries Bangladesh also has standards

    for drinking water too.

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    The comparison between the BS (Bangladesh Standard) and harvested water sample

    and university water sample are enlisted below:

    Table 3.6: Comparison with standard values

    Name of the TestBangladesh


    Experimented value

    (Harvested Rainwater)

    Experimented Value

    (University water)

    pH 6.5-8.5 7.2 6.77

    Turbidity 10 JTU .055 JTU (1.04 FTU)0.044 JTU (0.85


    CO2 5 mg/l 37 mg/l

    TDS 1000 mg/l 300 mg/l 278 mg

    Iron 0.3-1 mg/l 0.11 mg/l 0.13 mg/l

    Free Chlorine 1.77 mg/l 1.68 mg/l

    Conductivity 24.3 mg/l 88.5 mg/l

    D-ionizer 0.26 mg/l 0.18 mg/l

    Redox potential 288 mg/l 217 mg/l Analysis of Survey Data & Storage Calculation

    For gathering further information on the thesis topics, a survey work was also

    performed. The survey was carried out in two companies

    1) ACI Limited2) Runner Group of CompaniesThe data collected from the survey were used to calculate the storage capacity of

    those companies and also to Cost-Benefit analysis. The university was also considered

    for this calculation.

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    44 Storage capacity Calculation

    To know the amount of water that can be saved through RWHS is impotent. The

    efficiency of the RWHS is also calculated through the storage capacity. The total

    storage capacity of AUST, ACI Limited and Runner Group of Companies are given

    below -


    Total boundary area = 400,000 sq ft

    Total rooftop area = 32,530.5 sq ft

    Total free rooftop area = 12,500 sq ft

    The volume of the underground reservoir = 15000 cu ft

    Considering 1/3 of the reservoir water is used daily in AUST for all consumptive


    Total daily water consumption of AUST = 37,402gallon (US)

    Consumption of AUST during the five month of monsoon

    = (37402*30*5)

    = 5,610,300 gallon

    Total precipitation in Dhaka city,

    During the monsoon (May- September) = 5016 mm


    So, the volume of rainfall = 1748 cu meter

    Now, Considering 30% of the rooftop can be used for rainwater harvesting,

    The amount of water that can be harvested = 461773 US gallon

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    Using Runoff coefficient table,

    Amount of harvested water = 461773 * 0.8

    = 369418.4 gallon

    So the percent of water that can be saved = (369418.4 /5,610,300)*100

    = 6.5 %

    So, using only 30% of the free rooftop area of AUST, an amount of 6.5%

    ground water can be saved.

    ACI Limited

    Total Area = 10,200 sq ft

    Total rooftop area = 6000 sq ft

    Free rooftop area = 6000 sq ft

    Considering 30% of the rooftop can be used for RWHS,

    Harvested area = 1800 sq ft

    Total precipitation in Dhaka city,

    During the monsoon (May- September) = 5016 mm

    So, the volume of rainfall using 1800 sq ft of rooftop

    = 839 cu meter

    = 221640 gallon

    Using Runoff coefficient table,Amount of harvested water = 221640 * 0.8

    =177312 gallon

    From the survey, daily consumption for all purpose

    = 2324 gal

    Total consumption in the monsoon = 2324*5*30

    = 348,600 gallon

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    The percent of water saved = (177312/348600)*100

    = 50 %

    So, using only 30% of the free rooftop area of ACI Limited, an amount of 50%ground water can be saved.

    Runner Group of Companies

    Total Area = 9000 sq ft

    Total rooftop area = 9000 sq ft

    Free rooftop area = 7000 sq ft

    Considering 30% of the rooftop can be used for RWHS,

    Harvested area = 2100 sq ft

    Total precipitation in Dhaka city,

    During the monsoon (May- September) = 5016 mm

    So, the volume of rainfall using 2100 sq ft of rooftop= 979 cu meter

    = 258625 gallon

    Using Runoff coefficient table,

    Amount of harvested water = 109103 * 0.8

    = 206900 gallon

    From the survey, daily consumption for all purpose

    = 1500 gal

    Total consumption in the monsoon = 1500*5*30

    = 225000 gallon

    The percent of water saved = 206900/225000

    = 92%

    So, using only 30% of the free rooftop area of Runner Group of Companies, an

    amount of 92% ground water can be saved.

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    47 Contribution to Groundwater Recharge

    If the system can be used for ground water recharge then a significant amount of

    water can be recharged.

    Total area of Dhaka City = 1528 km2


    Total population of Dhaka City = 20 million

    Total Annual Rainwater = Annual rainfall x Area= 2.1 m x 1528 x 106

    = 3208.8 x 106 m3/yr

    Assuming 25% of the total rainwater is used in recharging groundwater.

    Total water recharge naturally = 0.25 x 3208.8 x 106

    = 802.2 x 106 m3/yr

    Considering 65% of the area of the Dhaka City is covered by concrete as a continuous


    Actual water recharge in Dhaka = .35 x 802.2 x 106

    = 280.77 x 106 m3/yr

    = 769,232 liter/day

    If half of the covered area can be used for the rain water harvesting and 50% of the

    rain water can be recharged,

    Additional ground water recharge = 769.23 x 106 x 0.65 x 0.5 x .5 x 0.85

    = 106.25 x 106 m3/yr

    = 291,100 liter/day

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    48 Cost Benefit Analysis

    A cost benefit analysis is done to determine how well, or how poorly, a planned action

    will turn out. Although a cost benefit analysis can be used for almost anything, it is

    most commonly done on financial questions. The cost for water in the monsoon for

    AUST, ACI Limited and Runners Group of Companies are analyzed in this part

    Price of water = 6.34 taka per 1000 liter(Source:

    ACI Limited

    Demand of water during the monsoon = 348,600 gallon

    = 1319594 liter

    So, the total cost = (1319594/1000)* 6.34

    = 8366 tk

    As rainwater can serve 50% of the demand

    The savings will be = (8366*50)/100

    = 4183 taka

    Again, one 10 horse power water pump runs 8 hour per day for lifting water from the

    ground and to load the overhead water tanks.

    Per unit cost in the industrial area = 8 tk

    (Source: BPDB)

    So cost for raising water in the monsoon = (10*8)*0.746*8*5*30= 71616 tk

    As rainwater can serve 50% of the demand

    So, the savings will be = {(71616*50)/100}

    = 35818 tk

    Now the total savings = 35818+4183

    = 40000 tk

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    Runners Group of Companies

    Demand of water during the monsoon = 198150 gallon

    = 750079 liter

    So, the total cost = (750079/1000)* 6.34

    = 4755 tk

    As rainwater can serve 55% of the demand,

    The savings will be = (4755*92)/100

    = 4375 taka

    Again, from the survey it is found that monthly cost for water

    = 30000 tk

    As rainwater can serve 55% of the demand water

    So, the savings will be = {(30000*92)/100}*5

    = 138000 tk

    Now the total saving = 138000+4375

    = 142375 tk


    AUST only uses ground water for all types of consumptive purposes.

    Three 9 horse power water pumps run 2 hours per day. 2 of them are used to lift water

    from the ground to the main reservoir. And the rest is used to load the overhead water

    tank from main reservoir.

    So cost for raising water in the monsoon = ((9*3)*2)*0.746*8*5*30

    = 48340 tk

    (Source: AUST)

    As rainwater can serve 3% of the demand water

    So, the savings will be = {(48340*6.5)/100}*5

    = 15710 tk

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    Expances during the monsoon (tk) Savings during the monsoon (tk)






    Costs-Benefits Analysis

    AUST ACI Limited Runners Group of Companies

    Figure 3.7: Comparison of Costs-Benefits Analysis

    In the research project the adoption of RWHS largely depends on the cost-benefit of

    the total system. Analysis shows that RWHS is more economical during the monsoon

    than of ground water pumping.

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    pHExperimented value (Harvested Rainwater)

    Experimented Value (University water)

    Bangladesh Standard

    3.1.3 RESULT

    The results section is organized to show how the dates are tested; comment on the

    research question or hypothesis should also be presented. If the harvested rainwater is

    safe for drinking purpose or not, does it meets the Bangladesh Standard water quality,

    if it is cost beneficial or not these topics are discussed here. Water Sample Quality

    The water quality of the harvested rainwater was tested in the Environmental

    Laboratory of AUST. The report collected from the laboratory is arranged in table 3.6.

    The comparison of the parameters with BS guideline, whether harvested water is

    acceptable as drinking purpose or not are discussed below.


    In general, water with a pH < 7 is considered acidic and with a pH > 7 is considered

    basic. The normal range for pH in surface water systems is 6.5 to 8.5 and for

    groundwater systems 6 to 8.5. Alkalinity is a measure, of the capacity of the water to

    resist a change in pH that would tend to make the water more acidic. From the

    laboratory test, pH value of the harvested water was found 7.2, which is well inside

    the BS. On the other hand the university water pH was found to be 6.77, which is very

    slightly acidic. So in the case of pH, the harvested water quality is ok.

    Figure 3.8: Comparison of pH

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    Turbidity (JTU)

    Bangladesh StandardExperimented value (Harvested Rainwater)Experimented Value (University water)


    Turbidity is the suspended matter which can be removed from water through

    filtration. On the other hand, is a measure of the amount of light scattered and

    absorbed by water because of the suspended matter in the water. Turbidity is the lack

    of clarity or brilliance in water. Water may have a great deal of color, and still be clear

    and without suspended matter. BS for turbidity is 10 JTU. The harvested water was

    found 0.055 JTU from the test. The value is found to be 0.044 JTU from the

    university water. So the harvested water is acceptable in the turbidity standards.

    Figure 3.9 Comparison of Turbidity (JTU)

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    Other Properties

    Some other properties of water were also examined. The properties are- CO2, Free

    Chlorine, Conductivity, D-ionizer and Redox potential. As Bangladesh Standard does

    not provide too much importance in these properties for drinking water, so there is no

    such strict limit for these properties. But these properties were found to be in the close

    range to the university water.


    The harvested rainwater properties were found acceptable for drinking and other

    purpose from the view of pH, Turbidity, TDS and Iron. The color of the sample water

    was also found acceptable. But only these properties are not enough to say that it is

    safe for drinking purpose. For other purpose it can be accepted. Some important

    properties such as Fecal Coliform, Hardness, Sulphate, Carbonate, Nitrate were failed

    to be tested because of the limitation of facilities in the laboratory. So without running

    these tests the harvested water cannot be used for drinking purpose.

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    55 Storage Capacity Comparison

    In rainwater harvesting, calculation of supply and demand of water is very important.

    Storage is the difference between actual supply of fresh water and the demand. The

    amount of water that can be saved through harvesting are enlisted in Table 3.7

    Table 3.7: Storage Comparison between AUST, ACI limited and Runners Group of




    Runner Group

    of Companies

    Total boundary area 400,000 sq ft 10,200 sq ft 9000 sqft

    Total rooftop area 32,530.5 sq ft 6000 sq ft 9000 sq ft

    Total free rooftop area 12,500 sq ft 6000 sq ft 7000 sq ft

    Total daily water consumption 37,402gallon (US) 2324 gal 1321 gal

    Consumption during the five

    month of monsoon5,610,300 gallon


    gallon198150 gallon

    Considering 30% of the rooftop

    the amount of water that can be


    369418.4 gallon177312

    gallon206900 gallon

    Total Savings 6.5% 50% 92%

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    area(sq. ft)

    Total rooftoparea

    (sq. ft)

    Total freerooftop area

    ( sq ft)

    Total dailywater

    consumption(gallon (US))

    Consumptionduring the

    five month ofmonsoon( gallon)

    Considering30% of therooftop theamount of

    water that canbe harvested

    ( gallon)

    Total Savings(percentage)




    37,402 5,610,300






    2324 348,600





    1321 198150



    Comparison of between AUST, ACI limited and Runners

    Group of Companies

    AUST ACI Limited Runner Group of Companies

    Figure 3.12: Comparison of between AUST, ACI limited and Runners Group of



    In the research, for calculating storage capacity only 30% of the free rooftop of the

    buildings was considered. From table 3.7 it can be said that in the months of monsoon

    AUST, ACI Limited and Runners group of Companies can save up to 6.5%, 50% and

    92% respectively. In this case it should be mentioned that the data used for calculation

    were collected from a survey carried out to those places.

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    57 Statistical Analysis:

    Statistical analysis means collection, examination, summarization, manipulation, and

    interpretation of quantitative data to discover its underlying causes patterns,

    relationships, and trends. Statistical analysis refers to a collection of methods used to

    process large amounts of data and report overall trends. Statistical analysis is

    particularly useful when dealing with noisy data. In the research work the samples of

    harvested rainwater and the water used in AUST are compared with the Bangladesh

    Standard. Statistical analysis is performed to correlate between the sample properties.

    The samples were analyzed through one sample t test and pair sample t test. The

    results gained through the analysis may not be too much significant because only two

    samples were used to run these tests.

    Table 3.8: One-Sample Test


    Test Value = 0

    t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference

    Bangladesh Standard 1.026 3 .380 254.8750

    University (AUST) Water Sample Quality 1.642 6 .152 49.9462857

    Harvested Sample Quality 1.639 8 .140 69.6327778

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    Table 3.9: Paired Samples Correlations

    Sample N Correlation




    Bangladesh Standard & University (AUST) Water Sample

    Quality3 .349 .773


    2Bangladesh Standard & Harvested Sample Quality 4 1.000 .000



    University (AUST) Water Sample Quality & Harvested

    Sample Quality7 .943 .001

    Table 3.10: Paired Samples Test

    Sample Sig. (2-tailed)


    1Bangladesh Standard - University (AUST) Water Sample Quality .285



    Bangladesh Standard - Harvested Sample Quality .382


    3University (AUST) Water Sample Quality - Harvested Sample Quality .828

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    BangladeshStandard &University(AUST)Water


    BangladeshStandard &Harvested



    SampleQuality &


    Paired Samples Correlations







    Quality, 0.14

    One Sample t Test



    From the statistical analysis some decisions can be made, which are-

    In Table 3.8 where significances are found from one sample t test, it can be seen that

    the significances have decreased. It means singular data cannot represent much

    significance all alone.

    Figure 3.13: One sample t test

    From table 3.9 in which pair sample test have been performed, the correlations

    between the samples have much improved. The correlation is found to be 1 in case of

    BS and harvested rainwater, which means the sample qualities are the same or does

    not differ by much. It is also close to one in case of AUST and Harvested rainwater,

    but decreased between BS and AUST samples.

    Figure 3.14: Paired Sample Correlation

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    BangladeshStandard -University(AUST)Water


    BangladeshStandard -Harvested



    SampleQuality -Harvested



    0.152 0.14


    0.828Comparison of Significance

    Significance (one)

    When Table 3.8 and 3.10 are considered it is seen that, the result of significances

    between pair sample and one sample t test the significances have varied. The

    significances have improved in case of pair sample test than of one sample test. It

    means the samples have much similar qualities when they are tested in a group than of


    Figure 3.15: Comparison of Significance (One & Paired Sample)

    From Table 3.8 and 3.9 it is seen that, in the case of pair sample test the correlations

    between the samples are more improved than that of one sample t test. The values

    have deviated a bit when the samples were compared with the BS. Its because BS

    does not provide all standards for water samples which were tested in the laboratory.

    So, from the above it can be said that, the results gained from the statistical analysis

    are seen to be scattered. It is because of the limitation of collected samples. To get a

    stable result or decision more samples are required.

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    Divisional Rainfall Intensity of Bangladesh











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