Investigation Of Leach Protocol And Hierarchical Routing ... · Various LEACH protocols are...

Investigation of LEACH Seelam Srinivasa Rao Associate professor, ECE Department Nalla Narasimha Reddy Educational Society s Group of Institutions Hyderabad, Telangana Abstract Sensor nodes present in WSN plays its crucial role in sensing, processing and communicating data in brutal conditions. Power source like battery is required by these nodes for energy, which got sucked out in the processes like aggregation, compression and communication of sensed data. Extensive flaws seen now days are energy source constraints. After deploying nodes in nasty environment, worthwhile a battery is not rehabilitate. Therefore, proliferate usage of energy to enhance network lifetime is main issue. To clear up this trouble various clustering techniques are popularized. In clustering, sensor nodes group together to generate small clusters and CH is elected for aggregating data coming from cluster members. For large networks, hierarchical clustering model is applicable to assemble data at every cluster and transmit that processed data to the base station. This phase out repetitious data to be communicated which further curtail energy consumption. Various LEACH protocols are discussed in this review to enhance network lifetime. Index Terms Cluster-Head, Wireless Sensor Network, Base Station, Clustering, LEACH. I. INTRODUCTION WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) [12] is a system or a foundation that close detecting, preparing and correspondence (transmitter/recipient) components that gives ability to a gadget to screen and react the circumstances occurred in a particularized environment. The environment or condition can be physical or natural [10]. To gather the information from surroundings sensor hubs are utilized. As opposed to send crude information, sensor hubs utilize its handling limit and communicate just the appropriate or important information. [11] Now days, WSN faces a gigantic complexity of vitality requirement as limited battery lifetime. Every hub depends on vitality for preparing, collecting and discussing information with different hubs is a noteworthy concern [1]. With the utilization of an ideal directing techniques and bunching calculations [9] vitality devoured by correspondence process is actuated. hub is gathered with power supply. Vitality vault can be accomplished by energy components, batteries or HIERARCHICAL Dr. K.Chenna Keshava Reddy Professor, ECE Department Jothishmati College of engineering and Technology Tukapally, shameerpet, Hyderabad Every sensor hub assumes its fundamental part in various modes. In dynamic mode, hubs deplete vitality when gathering and broadcasting information. Out of gear mode, hubs ingest indistinguishable amount of vitality as in dynamic mode, though in rest mode hubs kill its radio to protect the vitality. Constrained vitality of sensor hubs confines the limit of hubs in the state of capacity, handling, memory and correspondence which prompts restricted lifetime of sensor system. Clustering algorithms [9] assumes its basic part in decrease the vitality usage on the grounds that these calculations are exceptionally vitality viable rather than the immediate correspondence calculations. Little bunches are shaped with the coordination of sensor hubs for which the main hub i.e. CH (Cluster-Head) is resolved. Here, bunch individuals (i.e. hubs other than CH) send information to their specific bunch observing hub (i.e. CH) which also cumulate information and logically sends to the base station.[10] Cluster individuals or group hubs exchange its detected information to a short sweep inside their bunches, thus little amount of vitality is exhausted by sensor hubs show inside the group however higher amount of vitality is depleted when information is transmitting everywhere separate i.e. from CH (Cluster-Head) to BS (Base Station) [11]. A sensor hub is a constituent of substantial system of sensors. Every sensor exhibit in WSN has duty of social affair information from environment and sends that assembled information to the base station or processor [7]. Following Fig. 1 shows the sensor node structure with its components. 1) Sensors: These are little gadgets utilized for detecting physical perspectives from the topographical range in which they are appropriated. Sub units of detecting units are [6] sensors and ADC (Analog to Digital Converter). In light of occasions that are occurred in the encompassing condition, a simple signs are created by the sensors. [10] Sensors are use to gauge temperature, stickiness, weight, commotion level, attractive flux, warm rate, rubbing and so on. 2) Power Source: Power source is exceptionally basic for sensor organize lifetime. Every sensor different motors [11]. Distinctive wellspring of vitality are piezo-electric impact, vibrations, sun oriented power and so forth. Presently day's exploration stage centered on batteries Page 1 Protocol and Routing Protocols Based On Clustering in WSN

Transcript of Investigation Of Leach Protocol And Hierarchical Routing ... · Various LEACH protocols are...

Page 1: Investigation Of Leach Protocol And Hierarchical Routing ... · Various LEACH protocols are discussed in this review to enhance network lifetime. Index T erms Cluster -Head, Wireless

Investigation of LEACH

Seelam Srinivasa RaoAssociate professor, ECE Department

Nalla Narasimha Reddy Educational Society s Group ofInstitutions

Hyderabad, Telangana

Abstract Sensor nodes present in WSN plays itscrucial role in sensing, processing and communicatingdata in brutal conditions. Power source like battery isrequired by these nodes for energy, which got suckedout in the processes like aggregation, compression andcommunication of sensed data. Extensive flaws seennow days are energy source constraints. Afterdeploying nodes in nasty environment, worthwhile abattery is not rehabilitate. Therefore, proliferateusage of energy to enhance network lifetime is mainissue. To clear up this trouble various clusteringtechniques are popularized. In clustering, sensornodes group together to generate small clusters andCH is elected for aggregating data coming fromcluster members. For large networks, hierarchicalclustering model is applicable to assemble data atevery cluster and transmit that processed data to thebase station. This phase out repetitious data to becommunicated which further curtail energyconsumption. Various LEACH protocols arediscussed in this review to enhance network lifetime.

Index Terms Cluster-Head, Wireless Sensor Network,Base Station, Clustering, LEACH.


WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) [12] is a system or afoundation that close detecting, preparing andcorrespondence (transmitter/recipient) components thatgives ability to a gadget to screen and react thecircumstances occurred in a particularized environment.The environment or condition can be physical or natural[10]. To gather the information from surroundings sensorhubs are utilized. As opposed to send crude information,sensor hubs utilize its handling limit and communicatejust the appropriate or important information. [11] Nowdays, WSN faces a gigantic complexity of vitalityrequirement as limited battery lifetime. Every hubdepends on vitality for preparing, collecting anddiscussing information with different hubs is anoteworthy concern [1]. With the utilization of an idealdirecting techniques and bunching calculations [9]vitality devoured by correspondence process is actuated.

hub is gathered with power supply. Vitality vault can beaccomplished by energy components, batteries or


Dr. K.Chenna Keshava ReddyProfessor, ECE Department

Jothishmati College of engineering and TechnologyTukapally, shameerpet, Hyderabad

Every sensor hub assumes its fundamental part in variousmodes. In dynamic mode, hubs deplete vitality whengathering and broadcasting information. Out of gearmode, hubs ingest indistinguishable amount of vitality asin dynamic mode, though in rest mode hubs kill its radioto protect the vitality. Constrained vitality of sensor hubsconfines the limit of hubs in the state of capacity,handling, memory and correspondence which promptsrestricted lifetime of sensor system.

Clustering algorithms [9] assumes its basic part indecrease the vitality usage on the grounds that thesecalculations are exceptionally vitality viable rather thanthe immediate correspondence calculations. Littlebunches are shaped with the coordination of sensor hubsfor which the main hub i.e. CH (Cluster-Head) isresolved. Here, bunch individuals (i.e. hubs other thanCH) send information to their specific bunch observinghub (i.e. CH) which also cumulate information andlogically sends to the base station.[10] Clusterindividuals or group hubs exchange its detectedinformation to a short sweep inside their bunches, thuslittle amount of vitality is exhausted by sensor hubs showinside the group however higher amount of vitality isdepleted when information is transmitting everywhereseparate i.e. from CH (Cluster-Head) to BS (Base Station)[11]. A sensor hub is a constituent of substantial systemof sensors. Every sensor exhibit in WSN has duty ofsocial affair information from environment and sends thatassembled information to the base station or processor[7]. Following Fig. 1 shows the sensor node structurewith its components.

1) Sensors: These are little gadgets utilized fordetecting physical perspectives from thetopographical range in which they areappropriated. Sub units of detecting units are [6]sensors and ADC (Analog to Digital Converter).In light of occasions that are occurred in theencompassing condition, a simple signs arecreated by the sensors. [10] Sensors are use togauge temperature, stickiness, weight, commotionlevel, attractive flux, warm rate, rubbing and so on.

2) Power Source: Power source is exceptionallybasic for sensor organize lifetime. Every sensor

different motors [11]. Distinctive wellspring of vitality arepiezo-electric impact, vibrations, sun oriented power and soforth. Presently day's exploration stage centered on batteries

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Protocol andRouting Protocols Based On Clustering in WSN

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which straight the node size.3) Communication elements: Radio transmitter and

radio receiver are primary components. Both areneed for each node so that every node can speakwith another node. Like RF (Radio Frequency)gadgets handset unit might be dynamic or latent.[16]Majority inclination is given to RF (RadioFrequency) correspondence since recurrence re-usability is higher with the short separation andfurthermore bundles move is little in size.

4) Processor: Flash Memory and Microprocessor isrequired by sensor nodes. Handling of gatheredinformation is a fundamental capacity of preparingunit. At the point when entire data is gathered bythe handling unit, the information is encased in thebundles. For broadcasting, these bundles are sentto the radio. All nodes can make a correspondenceinterface with a processor [10].

Staying substance is sorted out as takes after: SectionII concentrates on grouping in WSN with the propertiesof bunch, group head abilities and bunch head decisioncriteria. Related work with respect to bunchingconventions is appeared in segment III. Grouping basedprogressive directing convention i.e. Drain ischaracterized in segment IV. In segment V a diagram ofsuccessors of LEACH is given. In area VI, table ofinvestigation of different LEACH conventions ischaracterized. Segment VII delineates conclusion withfuture degree.


Control usage is a basic viewpoint in WSN in which lownodes.

3) CH communication with BS: Amassedinformation at CH node is exchange to the basestation either in single hop or multi-hop with the

vitality imperative is material on sensor nodes. After totallywaste of batteries, dangerous issue emerges to recuperate orreestablish the sensor hubs. For extending life time ofsystem power utilization ought to be play down. Todayanalysts target is to limit control utilization in WSN.Grouping conveyed a thought to reduction vitalityutilization from sensor arrange.Two level hierarchies are seems to be seen in clusterednodes network:

1) Lower level: At this stage sensor nodes transfertheir data to the leading CH periodically.

2) Upper level: Here CH node collaborated datacomes from lower level, compress it and furthertransfers the non-redundant data to the BS (BaseStation).

In WSN if every one of the nodes are conveying andtransmitting information at the same time then anunplanned impact, blockage, parcel misfortune and quickloss of vitality can happens. This issue is understood bysatisfactory asset usage through various leveled bunching.With the lessening in the information transmissionbetween bunch nodes and base station group versatility isimproved. In progression, each bunch has its chief(known as CH) and others that take after their specificexecutive are called group individuals. [15] Datatransmission from CH (Cluster Head) to BS (BaseStation) can be happens either in single jump or multibounce. Huge amount of vitality is depleted at CH wheninformation transmission can happen for far separation.Pivot of CH assumes a urgent part for balance out vitalityin WSN through which better load adjusting can beinvolved. Base station is by and large undaunted and setinaccessible far from system. Information is drawn closerto the client from Base Station (handling point). [8] Roleof middle of the road passage nodes between sensornodes and BS (Base Station) is played by CH (ClusterHead).

A. Cluster properties:

For cause or produce bunches, grouping plans try toaccomplish some embodiment. Such embodiment isapplicable to the inside design of clusters or how ituncovers or relates with others. Likewise someconsequent material certainties accessible as takes after:

1) Counting of clusters: CH's are prearranged orforeordained. CH choice can happens in aspontaneous way i.e. in irregular form by CHchoice calculations from sent sensor nodes whichturnout whimsical or variable number of clusters.

2) Topology inside cluster: Generally immediatecorrespondence can happens between clusterchecking node (i.e. Cluster Head) and clusterindividuals (i.e. cluster nodes with the exceptionof CH), once in a while multi-jump can likewiseassumes a key part through a middle of the road

participation of other cluster head nodes.

B. Cluster Head efficiency:

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The succeeding components of cluster head nodes areparticular elements between CH plans.

1) Mobility: CH may be immobile or movable.Sometime for enhancing the network performance,CH can move within a definite area.

2) Node Types: Sensor nodes may be homogeneousor heterogeneous in nature. In homogeneous, allnodes have same capacity such as composition orconfiguration, energy level, shape etc. whereas inheterogeneous nodes have dissimilarconfigurations.

3) Character or Role: Data aggregation, compressionfor removing repetitive data and relaying trafficare decisive role performed by CH node.

C. Norms for CH selection:

Guidelines used for selection of CH (Cluster Head) are:

1) Initial energy: When algorithm begins, all nodesare provided with an initial energy. Once thenodes are deployed, energy of nodes becomesvariable. Nodes become dead when energy eats upcompletely by sensor nodes.

2) Left over or residual energy: On the basis ofremaining energy of sensor nodes, the selection ofCH (Cluster Head) can takes place after theaccomplishment of some rounds.

3) Regular or average energy of network: Averageenergy is used as mention energy for every node.To keep network viable or alive this ideal energyis possessed by each node in current round.

4) Energy utilization rate: It is also a decisivecriterion that compromises with the energyconsumption rate. Node with higher energyamong other nodes present inside a cluster wouldbe elected as a cluster head.


Gopi Saminathan Arumugam et al. [1] proposed EE-LEACH to enhance the network lifetime. To obtain thelist of the nearby nodes sorting algorithms are performed.For the fusion of data, data ensemble can takes place.Residual energy plays a vital role for the optimal CHelection. Through their proposed work package deliverywas also improved.

Nishi Sharma et al. [2] analyzed the comparison ofhomogeneous and heterogeneous LEACH protocol onthe basis of dead nodes, alive nodes and energy

terms of network lifetime, latency rate and applicationperceived quality.

consumption by heterogeneous and homogeneous nodes.Capability of nodes is different in heterogeneous networkin form of energy.

N. Sindhwani et al. [3] introduced V LEACH protocolin which vice cluster head plays the role of the clusterhead when the cluster head dies. They evaluated that thisprotocol increased the network lifetime.

Renugadevi G et al. [4] proposed mobile LEACH forvarious mobile applications where nodes or sensors aremobile and moves at the particular velocity. Theyanalyzed that with the mobility of nodes data availabilityrate becomes faster. They concluded that LEACH-Mprotocol performs better in terms of data packagetransmission rather than energy consumption.

A. Yektaparast et al. [5] proposed cell-LEACH whichcan extends the network lifetime on the basis of theresidual energy. To balance the energy consumption, thisprotocol selects the cluster-heads on the basis of theresidual energy.

Y.Lu et al. [6] proposed NEWLEACH protocol wherenodes are chosen as cluster head on the basis of theresidual energy and the distance between the nodes andthe base station. They evaluated that this protocolextended the network lifetime.

S. Taruna et al. [7] proposed multi-hop clusteringusing gateway nodes in which data is transmitted fromcluster-heads to base station through gateways usingmultiple hopping phenomenon. They analyzed that thismethodology increases network lifetime.

V. Kumar et al. [8] analyzed the comparative study ofvarious clustering protocols to form clusters for datafusion or aggregation which will further plays their vitalrole in prolonging network lifetime and lessen the energyconsumption.Jianguangjia et al. [9] introduced EEACRAwhich made various improvements in terms of energyconsumption. They introduced an energy weighted factorwhich furthers decreases the collision probability andhence network lifetime increases.

E.Abdellah et al. [10] introduced A-LEACH in whichCAG nodes are work as a cluster head used to collect andaggregate the data and further transmit to the gateway orsink to minimize the energy consumption by the clusterhead.

J.Zheng et al. [11] give their light shadow over thewireless sensor network concept. They analyzed hownodes or sensors are deployed in sensor network andwhat types of duties tey are performed.Hamid Karimi et al. [12] introduced new clusteringscheme for handling the failure or dead nodes in the realwireless sensor network. Through their work theyconcluded with their new clustering scheme dead nodesare decreased in the sensor network and hence networklifetime is increases.

Jorge Tavares et al. [13] analyzed various applicationsof wireless sensor network where sensors are used like tomeasure temperature, humidity etc. Different componentsof sensor network are also summarized in their work.

W.Heinzelman et al. [14] developed and analyzed theLEACH protocol in micro sensors network. Theyconcluded that this protocol leaves beneficial results in

I. Akyildiz et al. [15] and F. Akyildiz et al.[16] analyzeddifferent types of wireless sensor networks in

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real world like terrestrial WSN, Multimedia WSN,Underwater WSN etc. They represented how the

Refere Author Paper title with Techniquence no. year Used

[1] Arumugam et EE-LEACH : EE-LEACH (Energyal development of Efficient Low Energy

energy efficient Adaptive ClusteringLEACH protocol Hierarchy) protocolfor data gatheringin WSN.(2015)

[2] Nishi Sharma Energy Efficient LEACH (Lowet al. LEACH protocol Energy Adaptive

for wireless sensor Clustering Hierarchy)network. (2013) protocol

[3] N. Sindhwani V LEACH: AN V LEACH (Viceet al. Energy Efficient cluster head Low

Communication Energy AdaptiveProtocol for WSN Clustering Hierarchy)


[4] Renugadevi G An analysis of LEACH-M (Mobileet al. leach mobile Low Energy

protocol for mobile Adaptive ClusteringWSN (2013) Hierarchy) protocol

[5] A. An Improvement Cell-LEACH (CellYektaparast et on LEACH based Low Energyal. protocol (Cell- Adaptive Clustering

LEACH) (2012) Hierarchy) protocol

[6] Y.Lu et al. Improvement of NEWLEACH (NEWLEACH in Low EnergyWireless Sensor Adaptive ClusteringNetworks based on Hierarchy) protocolBalanced EnergyStrategy (2012)

[9] Jianguangjia An Energy-efficient EEACRA (Anet al. Adaptive Energy Efficient

Clustering Routing Adaptive ClusteringAlgorithm for Routing Algorithm).Wireless SensorNetworks (2011)

[10] E.Abdellah et Advanced Low A-LEACHal. Energy Adaptive (Advanced Low

Clustering Energy AdaptiveHierarchy (2010) Clustering



A. LEACH (Low Energy AdaptiveClustering Hierarchy protocol):

It is conventional routing protocol which takes aftercirculated clustering algorithm methodology to upgradeorganize lifetime by embracing the procedureslike cluster head turn, information total and informationcombination strategies. [5]

CH is chosen arbitrarily for better usage of vitality.


1) Enhance network lifetime2) Considerable amount ofenergy is saved through dataensemble.3) Better package delivery.

1) Fusion or aggregation cutdown the communication data.

2) Minimize energyabsorption.

1) Minimizes the burden ofcluster head.

2) Increase the networklifetime.

1) Applicable for mobilityproblems.2) Both CH and clustermember nodes are mobile in sensornetwork.3) Successfully transmit thepackages.

1) Lifetime of network isextended through residual energy.

2) No performancedegradation.

1) Even distribution of deadnodes balanced the energy in thesystem.2) Prolong the networklifetime.

1) Node with more energy hasmore chance to be a cluster head.2) Mechanism of minimumenergy cost reduces the energyconsumption of cluster head.

1) Improves the stability.2) Decreases the probability

of failure nodes.3) Enhances the network


nodes join their particular




1) Randomlyelection of CH.2) Excessive

burden on CH node forremoving redundancy in



1) Due to themobility of nodes andextra control packetsexcessive amount ofenergy is lost.





sensors are deployed and could sense their surrounding inthese different sensor networks.

By taking after the standard of closeness, ordinary

CH. Cluster part nodes sense the encompassinginformation and transmit it to CH [14].

The CH hub totals information, then packs it to expelexcess from information and further exchange it to

e processor or sink (i.e. Base Station).

Leach increases network lifetime by:

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1) Minimizing energy absorption.2) Fusion and aggregation to cut back

communicating data.

To achieve design goals duties are performed:

1) Cluster head should be movable randomly.2) Local compression at CH, global

communication is curtailed.3) Small energy radio approach


LEACH process deals with rounds and each round isaccomplished through two phases:

1) Set-up phase: For each node random number (n)is generated between 0 and 1.If randomnumber s value is smaller than threshold valuegiven by threshold function T (n), that nodewould be selected as a cluster monitoring node.

According to Eq. (1), p is cluster head probability. Gis set of nodes does not have any cluster head before1/p rounds. Later on when node selected as a CH,through CDMA each cluster head node transmitsinformation to nearby nodes to join neighboring CH.CH node uses TDMA to provide messagecommunication time.

2) Steady phase: This phase is for transmission ofdata, when cluster member nodes sensesurrounding data and transmit to the particularCH (Cluster Head) in single hop [5]. Dataaggregation and fusion is accomplished at CHlater on this compressed data is send to basestation.

C. Flaws in conventional LEACH protocol:

1) Arbitrary CH election: Each node haveequivalent chance to be a CH, this protocoldoes not considerresidual energy fact to be aCH node. Data will be lost as soon if low

energy node is selected as a CH, becauselarge amount of energy is consumed bythis node which further decreases networklife time.

2) Illogical allocation of CH: Energy capacity isimbalanced due to the random selection of CHnode. Sometime very big and very smallclusters are formed at a time because distanceaspect is not in consideration while clustersformation [1]. More energy absorption cantakes place, when large distance is presentbetween CH and BS.

3) Large burden on CH node: Data aggregation,data compression, data fusion and transfers theprocessed data to base station are essentialresponsibilities of CH [8]. To perform theseduties efficiently huge amount of energy isdrained at CH. If CH node became dead, thencluster member nodes connected to it cannotwork [3].


A. LEACH-C (Centralized Low Energy AdaptiveClustering Hierarchy)-

While correlating with the conventional LEACH,only variability in steady phase is seen. Duty ofselecting CH is done by BS. Each node transmits itspresent location and energy level information to theBS. BS uses this universal information through GPSto form efficient clusters needed lessercommunication. Only those nodes are chosen as a CHby base station which have large energy and thisinformation is transfers to all other nodes [11].Benefit of LEACH-C over Conventional LEACH isthat it is deterministic approach of selecting numberof CH which is preset while deployment of nodes.But LEACH-C does not possess robustness because itneeded present location of each node through GPS.

B. LEACH-F (Fixed number of cluster Low EnergyAdaptive Clustering Hierarchy)-

This protocol uses centralized approach similar toLEACH-C. Once the clustering is done, clusters arenot again constructed in next round. CH arepermanent and only mobility of CH within cluster isthere. Its steady state is identical as classical LEACHprotocol [2]. LEACH-F removes over head of re-clustering seen in basic LEACH as there arepredetermined clusters are formed but this protocolnot provides an adaptability of insertion or removalof nodes once the clusters are formed [5].

C. LEACH-B (Balanced Low EnergyAdaptive Clustering Hierarchy)-

It follows decentralized approach in which eachnode knows its location coordinates and position offinal destination irrespective of other nodes. Clusterformation, cluster head selection and datatransportation with multiple approaches are the majorroles of LEACH-B [8].Each node selects its clusterhead on the base ofenergy exhausted within the way of source and sink.

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D. TL-LEACH (Two Level Low Energy AdaptiveClustering Hierarchy)-

TL-LEACH follows multi-hoping instead of sendingdata directly to the base station like in LEACHprotocol. The data aggregated by each cluster heads isfurther aggregates through another CH which exists inbetween these cluster heads plus base station, ratherthan directly transmitting data in the direction of basestation [11].

TL-LEACH boosts energy capability with the use ofintermediate relay node placed at the middle of othertwo cluster head nodes. This protocol cut down datatransmission energy.

E. LEACH-E (Energy Low Energy AdaptiveClustering Hierarchy):

Initially, all nodes have same energy level and alsogot same chance to be a cluster head. Later on with thefirst round completion, nodes energy becomes variable.Then further cluster head node is selected on the baseof the remaining or left energy [8]. Nodes with thehighest residual energy over the other got preference tobe cluster head over others. Equilibrium in energy loadcan be produced by LEACH-E protocol.

F. MH-LEACH (Multi-Hop Low Energy AdaptiveClustering Hierarchy):

In LEACH, it is concludes that if BS is situatedvery distant away from sensor network then higherenergy is depleted by CH while direct transmissionfrom CH to BS. Distance between base station andcluster head is increases with an increase in thediameter of sensor network. Multi-hopingcommunication is proposed to raise energyeffectiveness [10].

1) Firstly, cluster nodes transmit its surroundingdata to the specific cluster head.

2) Later on CH transfers an accumulated data toother CH except direct forwarding data to the

Fig4.Leach-EProtocolbase station. An optimum way is followed by

this protocol between CH and BS.

LEACH-M introduced for mobility problem.During set-up and steady phase this protocol providesmobility to both cluster monitor and cluster membernodes. Situated nodes are of identical capability andits location is determined through GPS. [4] Nodeswith least mobility and minimum attenuation areelected as a CH node and advertisement message istransported through CH node to cluster member nodespresent within communication range.

H. I-LEACH (Improved Low EnergyAdaptive Clustering Hierarchy):

Activities of I-LEACH protocol are discovery ofdual nodes and appointment of Sub-Cluster HeadNodes (SCN). Dual nodes are the nodes which gothigher chance of locating very near to one anotherwhen deployed in illogical manner (i.e. randomfashion). Sleeping of one node is essential just beforeother is drained its energy. Hence, homogeneous orconsistent allocation of cluster monitor is in I-LEACHprotocol exhausted lesser energy when longer distanceis to be covered [11].For directing normal nodes toevery cluster head this protocol uses threshold accessor approach.

I. A-LEACH (Advanced Low EnergyAdaptive Clustering Hierarchy):

Drawback of Conventional LEACH is that CH nodeseat up maximum energy than the normal nodes.Advanced LEACH is a heterogeneous protocol usedfor maximizing the stability period (i.e. Time intervalbefore first node is dead) and to minimizes the chanceof failing of nodes. Through synchronized clock each

isthe sensor nodes count and is the nodes havinghigher energy like CH or gateway nodes. Remainingn*(1-m) nodes are normal nodes [1, 4].

Benefits of A-LEACH are:

1) Cluster composition is free from base station.2) Maximum energy admitted by CH on different

levels of hierarchy is rescue by CDMA/TDMA

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approaches.3) After failure of all normal nodes, CAG nodes

(i.e. gateway nodes) still transmits data in thedirection of base station.

J. Cell-LEACH (Cell Low Energy AdaptiveClustering Hierarchy):

Here network is splits into the clusters which later ondivided into the cells (comprises of seven hexagonalsections). CH is selected from different sensor presentin every cell. Once the clusters are formed, no re-clustering can takes place. Using TDMA techniqueeach sensor transfers data towards cluster head at itsnominated time. Aggregation operation is executed bycell heads and processed data is transmitting to clusterhead. CH accomplished the functionality of cell headand further transmits the processed data towards thebase station [4].

K. V-LEACH (Vice Cluster-Head Low EnergyAdaptive Clustering Hierarchy):

CH nodes dies earlier in conventional LEACHbecause CH consumes greater energy on comparingwith the normal nodes due to the processes like dataaggregation, data fusion as well as data compression isperformed by

CH nodes drains huge energy. Also if BS is locatedvery distant i.e. outside of network, then CH energydepleted rapidly and hence life of network decreases.This problem is solved by V-LEACH in which vicecluster head is introduced which plays the duty of CHwhen CH dies.

This protocol cut down the burden of selecting newcluster head when cluster head dies and its guaranteesthat data will definitely reach at the base station.Through this life of network is increase [2].

L. EE-LEACH (Energy Efficient Low EnergyAdaptive Clustering Hierarchy)-

Through Gaussian distribution, coverageprobability is derived. Using residual energy sortingalgorithm is executed. Here data ensemble can takesplace which saves extensive energy when sink node isvery distant away from the source node. Concept ofresidual energy is used to elect cluster head. Thisprotocol improves the network lifetime and excellentpacket distribution ratio [1].


A short analysis on classical LEACH and itssuccessors in tabular manner in Table 2.

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Clustering Year BS and Self- ScalabilityRouting nodes organizedProtocol Mobility

LEACH 2002 No Yes Limited

LEACH-C 2002 No Yes Good

LEACH-F 2002 No No Limited

LEACH-B 2003 No Yes Good

TL-LEACH 2005 No Yes Very Good

LEACH-E 2007 No Yes Very Good

MH- 2007 No Yes GoodLEACH

LEACH-M 2008 Yes Yes Very Good

I-LEACH 2009 No Yes Very Good

LEACH-A 2010 No Yes Good

Cell- 2012 No Yes Very GoodLEACH

V-LEACH 2013 No Yes Very Good

EE-LEACH 2015 No Yes Very Good


Vitality use is imperative worry in WSN, foraugmenting lifetime of system. In this survey, LEACHconvention is consider with its disadvantages and thesedownsides are toppled by successors of LEACHconvention. Result of this audit is that for developingsystem lifetime there is still prerequisite of more steady,powerful and viable conventions in future.

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EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communicationsand Networking, 2015.

LEACH Protocol for Wireless SensorInternational Journal of Information & NetworkSecurity (IJINS) Vol.2, No.4, August 2013.

Efficient Communication Protocol forMechanical Confab, vol. 2, no. 2, 2013.

Distributed Homogeneous Local Hopinformation count


Yes Yes No Singlehop

No Yes Yes Singlehop

No Yes Yes Singlehop

Yes Yes Yes Singlehop

Yes Yes Yes Singlehop

Yes NA Yes Singlehop

Yes Yes Yes Multihop

Yes Yes Yes Singlehop

Yes Yes Yes Singlehop

Yes No No Singlehop

Yes Yes Yes Multihop

Yes Yes Yes Singlehop

Yes Yes Yes Singlehop

mobile protocol for mobile InternationalJournal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)Volume 65 No.21, March 2013.

Improvement on LEACH protocol (Cell-International Conference on Advanced CommunicationTechnology (ICACT), pp.992-996, 19-22, Feb. 2012.

E ergy IEEE,

clustering protocol using gateway nodes inInternational Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks(IJWMN) Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2012.

Clustering gorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks: AInternational Journal of Computer Science

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[1] Gopi Saminathan Arumugam, Thirumurugan

[2] Nishi Sharma, VandanaVerma. Energy Efficient

[3] N. Sindhwani and R. Vaid. V LEACH: AN Energy

[4] Renugadevi G, Smithra M.G. An analysis of leach

[5] A. Yektaparast, F.H.Nabavi, and A.Sarmast. An

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Page 9: Investigation Of Leach Protocol And Hierarchical Routing ... · Various LEACH protocols are discussed in this review to enhance network lifetime. Index T erms Cluster -Head, Wireless






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Page 10: Investigation Of Leach Protocol And Hierarchical Routing ... · Various LEACH protocols are discussed in this review to enhance network lifetime. Index T erms Cluster -Head, Wireless