Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Dickinson College Dickinson Scholar Student Honors eses By Year Student Honors eses 5-22-2016 Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion Efficiency and Output Power as a Function of the Grid Number Nicole Elizabeth Fronsdahl Dickinson College Follow this and additional works at: hp:// Part of the Other Physics Commons is Honors esis is brought to you for free and open access by Dickinson Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion by an authorized administrator. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Fronsdahl, Nicole Elizabeth, "Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion Efficiency and Output Power as a Function of the Grid Number" (2016). Dickinson College Honors eses. Paper 243.

Transcript of Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Page 1: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Dickinson CollegeDickinson Scholar

Student Honors Theses By Year Student Honors Theses


Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's ConversionEfficiency and Output Power as a Function of theGrid NumberNicole Elizabeth FronsdahlDickinson College

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Part of the Other Physics Commons

This Honors Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Dickinson Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion by an authorized administrator.For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationFronsdahl, Nicole Elizabeth, "Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion Efficiency and Output Power as a Function of the GridNumber" (2016). Dickinson College Honors Theses. Paper 243.

Page 2: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Investigation of a Solar Air

Heater’s conversion efficiency and

output power as a function of the

grid number.

Submitted in partial fulfillment of honors requirements

for the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dickinson College,


Nicole E. Fronsdahl

Advisor: Professor Hans Pfister

Reader: Professor Robert Boyle

Reader: Professor Lars English

Reader: Professor Catrina Hamilton-Drager

Reader: Professor David Jackson

Reader: Professor David Mertens

Reader: Professor Windsor Morgan

Reader: Professor Brett Pearson

Reader: Professor Hans Pfister

Carlisle, PA

May 4, 2016

Page 3: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...


A Solar Air Heater (SAH) is a device that converts solar energy into ther-

mal energy. Solar irradiance enters the SAH through a glazing and heats an

absorbing material—in our case several blackened, corrugated aluminum mesh

grids. The grids transfer their thermal energy to the passing air. This paper

theoretically and experimentally investigates the optimal number of grids to

maximize efficiency and minimize the return on investment for our single pass

wire mesh grid SAH. A higher number of grids increases the absorption and

output temperature, yet also increases flow resistance in the device. Our ex-

perimental and theoretical investigation finds that the conversion efficiency and

output power of the SAH increases with increasing mass flow rate. We found

that five absorber grids led to the highest efficiency values, yet due to the cost

of each absorber grid, the shortest ROI is with one grid.


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First I would like to thank Professor Hans Pfister for the original design of the SAH,

and John Root for working with me during both semesters. I would like to acknowl-

edge Jonathan Barrick as well for his assistance with the construction and mainte-

nance of our device. Thank you to Tyler Ralston, Sungwoo Kim, Eli Blumenthal, and

Kylie Logan for their previous work on the Solar Air Heater— in particular Tyler for

his work on the mass flow rate theory and for his assistance last semester. Lastly, I

would like to thank the Physics graduating class of 2016, Professor Robert Boyle, and

the Dickinson Department of Physics and Astronomy for their support and advice

during my entire research process.


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Abstract ii

1 Introduction 1

2 Nomenclature 3

3 Description of Design 4

4 Theory 7

4.1 Power Flux Balance for the Glazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4.2 Power Flux Balance for the Absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.3 Power Flux Balance for the Back Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4.4 Power Balance for the Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.5 Total Power balance for our SAH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5 Experimental Methods 19

6 Results 21

6.1 Absorbance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

6.2 Flow Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

6.3 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

7 Analysis 27

8 Conclusion 28

9 Suggestions for Further Research 29

A Appendix 32

A.1 Other purposes for Solar Air Heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

A.2 Other types of Solar Air Heaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

A.3 Increase in SAH Research Popularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

A.4 Glazing Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

A.5 Linearizing the Radiation Thermal Loss Temperature . . . . . . . . . 34

A.6 Design details of construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


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List of Figures

1 Image of SAH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Absorbing Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 Side view schematic of SAH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4 Schematic of Inside of SAH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5 Power flux distribution for the glazing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

6 Power flux distribution for the absorber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

7 Power flux distribution for the back panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

8 Power flux distribution for the fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

9 Theoretical graph of efficiency as a function of mass flow rate. . . . . 12

10 Efficiency vs. Mass flow rate (SEJ 2016) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

11 Theoretical Efficiency with Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . 13

12 SAH flow field without obstructions (Romdhane) . . . . . . . . . . . 14

13 Flow field image of SAH with fins (Romdhane 2007) . . . . . . . . . . 14

14 Flow field image of SAH with baffles (Romdhane 2007) . . . . . . . . 14

15 Flow field image our SAH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

16 Pressure Drop Across SAH for 6 Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

17 Output Power vs. Mass Flow Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

18 SAH data collection image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

19 Temperature Difference vs. Mass Flow Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

20 Pressure Drop vs. Mass Flow Rate (0-6 Grids) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

21 Reynold’s Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

22 Darcy-Weisbach Comparison 0G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

23 Darcy-Weisbach Comparison 1G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

24 Darcy-Weisbach Comparison 2G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

25 Darcy-Weisbach Comparison 3G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

26 Darcy-Weisbach Comparison 4G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

27 Darcy-Weisbach Comparison 5G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

28 Darcy-Weisbach Comparison 6G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

29 Efficiency Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

30 Efficiency vs. Mass Flow Rate (0-6 Grids) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

31 Solar Air Heater research article volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

32 Linearized vs. Exact Power Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

33 Transverse Cross-Sectional View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

34 Longitudinal Cross-Sectional View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

35 Sidewall Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


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List of Tables

1 Constants for ROI Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2 ROI Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3 Average Temperature Differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35


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1 Introduction

x Our current rate of fossil fuel consumption is altering the atmosphere and creating

climate change. By burning fossil fuels, we emit billions of pounds of CO2 into the

atmosphere, and burn them at a rate faster than what the Earth can absorb to

maintain a steady state[1]. In order to prevent further damage to the environment,

we need to focus our attention on renewable energy resources that do not emit as

much carbon and can regenerate at a sustainable rate. In order to compete with the

fossil fuel industry, renewable resources need to achieve high efficiencies and must be

inexpensive to purchase and operate.

A Solar Air Heater is a device that directly converts solar energy into thermal

energy. Solar Air Heaters are commonly used for space heating, but have other

uses such as drying fruit and water desalinization(Appendix A.1). Solar Air Heaters

intercept solar irradiance, which is then absorbed by a material inside. Ambient air

enters through the input, flows across the absorption materials, and exits as warmer,

more desirable air.

The basic idea is simple and tangible, allowing a diverse population to design and

construct a device. Solar Air Heaters can be designed at home, are commercially

available, and are academically researched. Often, “at-home” Solar Air Heater de-

signers are looking to maximize the output temperature with inexpensive or recycled

materials. On the other hand, researchers debate various mechanisms, inputs, and

absorption or insulation materials, analyzing ways to achieve the highest efficiency.

With the initial construction of the device, researchers consider the number of times

air transverses the absorption area. Single, double, or triple pass devices are often

compared, looking at improved efficiency or output temperature relative to the com-

plexity of additional passes. Another structural comparison is between passive versus

active air input. Passive solar air heaters allow air to flow in and out of the device

relying on the fact that hot air rises, whereas active solar air heaters utilize a fan to

push the air across the absorption material. This comparison assesses the efficiency

and output temperature with regard to saving electrical power and minimizing costs.

The most common and comprehensive list of design flexibility lies with the absorption

materials. Experiments have been done with fins, baffles, mesh grids, packed bed,

and various other materials and material placement in order to determine different

efficiency values and output temperatures. Often the comparisons are with complex-

ity, heat losses, flow distributions, and cost (Appendix A.2). Due to the desirability

of inexpensive and efficient renewable energy technology, the volume of research in

this area is significantly increasing on a global scale (Appendix A.3).

Professor Hans Pfister has been working on his design of a Solar Air Heater since


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2013. Over the years his design has consistently achieved efficiency values near 80%

and has approximately a one year return on investment (based on the cost of the

device alone). Pfister’s design is a single pass air heater with mesh grid absorbers

folded into triangles. A fan at the input pushes air through the grids and a flow field

distribution manifold is built into both input and output ends to promote uniform

flow. The device has been updated to its current design with various improvements

to the frame, insulation, and air flow passage. With the improvements, the device is

now easier to manage, construct, and there is less potential for thermal leaks in the


Previous theoretical and experimental research done by Professor Hans Pfister and

Tyler Ralston has shown that an increase in the mass flow rate leads to an increase

in efficiency. We also state that low flow resistance correlates with a higher efficiency.

The flow resistance depends on the velocity of air entering the box as well as the

obstacles within the device. An increase in volume of absorbing materials increases

the flow resistance. Our flow resistance is measured using the pressure drop, and

we predict that an increase in flow resistance will return a decrease in efficiency. In

addition, we determine when our flow is laminar or turbulent. Despite additional flow

resistance, our grids serve as the absorption material in the device and are critical for

heat transfer. We predict that a higher number of grids will lead to higher output

temperatures due to increased absorption properties, which is desirable for practical

purposes. The original design included six grids which did not fluctuate in previous

experiments. This number (6) was determined by a simple transmissivity test looking

to minimize the amount of light that is transmitted beyond the grids. By looking

at the crossover between absorption and flow resistance and calculated efficiency, we

will be able to determine an optimal number of grids that maximizes the efficiency

and minimizes return on investment.


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2 Nomenclature

Aa cross sectional area of SAH, m2

Aap aperture area of SAH, m2

AB area of bottom of SAH, m2

AG area of glazing, m2

AT cross sectional area of PVC tube,

. m2

AW area of one sidewall, m2

AW,tot total area for all side walls, m2

cp specific heat capacity of air at

. constant pressure, kJ / (kg·k)

hrad heat coefficient of radiated heat

hcond heat coefficient of conducted heat

hconv heat coefficient of convected heat

iILF current drawn by inline fan, A

I solar irradiance, W/m2

kb thermal conductivity of insulation,

. W/(m2 · K)

L Length of SAH

lb thickness of pine board, m

li thickness of insulation, m

m mass flow rate of air, kg/s

pa(i) pressure before aperture i, Pa

pb(i) pressure after aperture i,Pa

∆p pressure drop across the SAH, Pa

Pin solar power into SAH, W

PILF power consumed by inline fan, W

Psol solar power incident on glazing, W

Qfl heat flow rate to working fluid, W

Qcond conductive heat loss rate, W

Qcond,W conductive heat loss rate through

. a sidewall, W

Qrad heat loss rate due to radiation, W

Qloss total heat loss rate, W

Rb thermal resistance of pine board,

. m2K/W

RB thermal resistance of glazing, m2K/W

RG thermal resistance of insulation,

. m2K/W

Ri thermal resistance of sidewall, m2K/W

RW thermal resistance of sidewall,

. m2K/W

RW,tot thermal resistance of all sidewalls,

. m2K/W

RH relative humidity

s distance along length of SAH, m

S total length of SAH, m

TA temperature of absorber

Tamb temperature of ambient air, K

TB,i temperature of inside of back panel

TB,o temperature of outside of back panel

TF temperature of fluid

Tfl temperature of working fluid (air), K

TG,i temperature of glazing inside

TG,o) temperature of glazing outside

Tin temperature of air at intake, K

Tins temperature of air inside SAH, K

〈Tins〉 average temperature inside SAH, K

Tout temperature of air at outflow, K

vdrift drift velocity

vinput velocity at PVC input

VILF voltage across inline fan, V

ww width of sidewall, m

α albedo/relectivity of glazing

αg absorptivity of glazing

αB absorptivity of back panel

β calibration factor for Vernier Anemometer

∆T temperature difference between out-

flow and intake, K

ε emissivity

η conversion efficiency

ρ density of air, kg/m3

σ Stefan-Boltzmann constant (=5.6704·. 10−8 W/m2 · K4)

τ transmissivity of grid

τg transmissivity of glazing

τn transmissivity dependent on the

. number of grids


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3 Description of Design

The original design by Pfister focused on ease of use and installation, low cost, and

high efficiency. Our Solar Air Heater (SAH) is a rectangular single pass active SAH

with layered black mesh grids folded into triangles.

Figure 1: This is an image of our Solar Air Heater on the roof of the Tome science building

at Dickinson College.

The flow is controlled by an inline fan that has a range of controllable velocities.

Currently our device is attached to a frame that allows us to control the angle of

incidence and the direction it faces (the angle of incidence changes the reflectivity

value therefore changing the efficiency based on the percentage of light entering the


The aluminum mesh is our absorption material which converts solar energy to

thermal energy by transferring heat to the passing air.


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Figure 2: Inside of our SAH showing the corrugated grid absorber.

The triangular folds allow the air to traverse the grids 16 times from the input

to the output. We have implemented pegs to hold the triangles in place and limit

movement vertically along the device. Our absorbing material is fairly inexpensive

($12.50 per grid), is easy to install or remove, and allows for high output temperatures.

The bottom and side walls are painted black to increase absorption.

The SAH is thermally insulated with Polyiscyanurate foam board on the bottom

and against the side walls. The Polygal double glazing provides some insulation on

the top as well. A flow field distribution manifold at the input and output of our

Solar Air Heater provides a more uniform flow field across the width of the SAH. This

unique design by Pfister has circular apertures of various diameters. As the air enters

the input at the center, the air spreads before the manifold, and due to the various

size diameters, distributes the pressure and flow evenly.


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Figure 3: Schematic side view of our SAH design illustrating the corrugation of the absorber

grids and the location of the distribution manifolds. (Pfister)

Figure 4: Schematic of our flow distribution manifold at the input and output of our device.



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4 Theory

The efficiency of our SAH is a measure of comparing the power in from the sun

and our useful heat flow rate that we get at the output.

Due to conservation of energy, we know the power into the device must equal the

power coming out.

Pin = Pout (1)

We can analyze our SAH looking at four distinct parts — the glazing, absorbing

material, fluid, and back panel (which effectively has the same properties as the side

panels). We can consider the power distribution into and out of each part of the


4.1 Power Flux Balance for the Glazing

The heat absorbed by the glazing is a combination of solar irradiance (I), radiated

heat from the absorber, convected heat from the fluid, and radiated heat from the

back panel in steady state. The heat leaving the glazing is a combination of conducted

and convected heat to the ambient air.

αgI + hrad,AG(TA − TG,i) + hconv(TF − TG,i) + hrad,BG(TB,i − TG,i)

= hcond(TG,o − Tamb) + hconv(TG,o − Tamb)(2)

Since our glazing has two layers, the inside temp of the glazing TG,i and the top

of the glazing TG,o are slightly different (with the inside temperature being slightly

higher than the outside temperature) (Appendix A.4).

Figure 5: Schematic of power flux distribution with the glazing


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4.2 Power Flux Balance for the Absorber

The amount of solar energy absorbed by the material within the SAH is depends

on the reflectivity and transmissivity characteristics – how much is reflected and how

much light passes through. The absorber also re-radiates heat to the glazing, radiates

heat to the back panel, and convects heat to the fluid.

Iτg[1 + (1− α)(1− τg)]= hrad,A(TA − TG,i) + hrad,A(TA − TB,i) + hconv(TA − TF )


Figure 6: Schematic of power flux distribution with the absorber

4.3 Power Flux Balance for the Back Panel

The back panel absorbs heat from the solar irradiance that transmits past the absorb-

ing material and glazing, and the radiated heat from the absorber. The back panel

transfers heat to the fluid, radiates to the glazing, and conducts heat to the ambient


IτgτnαB + hrad,AB(TA − TB,i)

= hconv,BF (TB,i − TF ) + hrad(TB,i − TG,i) + hcond(TB,i − Tamb)(4)


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Figure 7: Schematic of power flux distribution with the back panel.

4.4 Power Balance for the Fluid

The thermal energy transferred to the fluid, Qfl, is the useful thermal output of the

SAH. The heat transferred to the air is convected heat from the absorbing material,

back panel, and the glazing. The most significant influence should be from the ab-

sorber, yet the temperature of the glazing and back panel can influence the inside air

temperature as well.

Qfl =

∫ z=L


[hconv,AF (TA − TF ) + hconv,BF (TB,i − TF )− hconv,FG(TF − TG,i)·]ww · dz


Figure 8: Schematic of power distribution with the fluid.


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4.5 Total Power balance for our SAH

After analyzing the equations in sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4, we can separate the

expressions into various thermal loss terms. Throughout the device we have radiation

and conductive and convective losses all driven by the temperature difference between

the average inside air temperature and the ambient air temperature.

P out = Qfl + Qcond + Qrad + Qconv (6)

The SAH receives solar power across the aperture area, yet our glazing reflects

some of it away.

P in = IAap(1− α) (7)

Conductive losses take place through the walls, bottom, and glazing of the SAH.

These losses come from the temperature difference of air within the SAH and the

ambient air. The rate at which this occurs is dependent on the area and the materials

involved (in our case the material can be measured by an insulation constant, the R

value), yet the temperature difference between two materials is what drives heat


Qcond = (Awt






)(〈Tins〉 − Tamb) (8)

The average inside temperature is calculated as the difference between the ambient

air and the temperature we get out. At the input, the air is the same temperature as

the ambient air, and increases linearly until we have the temperature at the output.

Since the temperature increases linearly, the average inside air temperature is the

average between these two values.

〈Tins〉 =Tout + Tamb


According to Faghri et al. (2010), we can model our SAH as a grey body, radiating

energy according to the Stefan-Boltzmann Law. The radiation term is dependent on

the emissivity, the area of the aperture, and the temperature difference of the air

inside the SAH and the ambient air.

Qrad = εσAap(〈Tins〉4 − T 4amb) (10)

Lastly, we have convective losses driven by temperature differences. This equation

has a heat coefficient term which we do not have a value for at this time.

Qconv = Aaphconv∆T



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Our R values, area, and emissivity are constant since we are not changing the

materials or size of our device during experimentation. The only adjustable term is

the temperature difference. Therefore, in order to reduce our thermal losses, we want

to minimize the temperature difference between the inside air and the ambient air.

Our thermal output, the heat flux rate, is dependent on the heat capacity, the mass

flow rate, and the temperature difference.

Qfl = cpm∆T (12)

We can consider the heat capacity to be fairly constant, although there are slight

fluctuations dependent on temperature which are negligible in our efficiency calcula-

tions. As we increase the mass flow rate, the air spends less time in the SAH, has

less time to interact with the absorption materials, and leaves the device as cooler

air. With cooler inside air, the temperature difference between the inside air and the

ambient air decreases, reducing our conductive, convective, and radiative losses. The-

oretically then, higher mass flow rates will improve our efficiency, since our efficiency

is a ratio of useful power out and input power. Our mass flow rate is defined based

on the density, velocity, and the cross-sectional area of the PVC tube at the input.

η =Pout






Since each heat loss term has a temperature difference defined by Equation 9, we

can create a combined heat coefficient term ( A.5).

IAp(1− α) = cpm∆T + Aaphcond∆T

2+ Aaphrad


2+ Aaphconv



We can combine the three loss terms to create a heat coefficient describing the

thermal losses.

IAp(1− α) = cpm∆T + Aaphcomb∆T


If we consider our power equation (Equation 6) and solve for ∆T we arrive at:

∆T =IAp(1− α)

cpm+ Aaphcomb


. (16)

Solving Equation 15 for ∆T we can express the efficiency as a function of mass

flow rate, by using Equation 16 to substitute for ∆T in Equation 13. This gives us a

theoretical expression for the efficiency as a function of mass flow rate.

η(m) =cpm


IAp(1− α)

cpm+ hcomb


=(1− α)

1 + Aaphcomb




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Figure 9: Theoretical graph showing efficiency as a function of mass flow rate for various

parameters changing the hcomb term. (Using Eq. 17)

Our theory shows an increase in efficiency as we increase the mass flow rate. The

experimental results taken by Pfister and Ralston agree with this theory. In addition,

our theoretical evaluation for 6 grids matches our data fairly accurately (Figure 11).

Figure 10: Efficiency vs Mass flow rate for winter and summer data. [2]


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Figure 11: Our theoretical expression for 6 grids superimposed on the same graph as our

experimental results. [2]

Mass flow rate is not the only factor affecting the efficiency. In our theoretical

expression, the heat loss constant affects the efficiency. In order to analyze the heat

loss, we consider how to optimize the absorption material inside. We need to assess

the air flow through the device and provide an explanation for our design. Our

absorption material is an important piece of our design which we look to optimize.

We claim that our flow field distribution manifold improves our efficiency. To

begin our analysis, we compare our device to an empty rectangular box. Romdhane

provided an image of a rectangular Solar Air Heater with no obstructions and a smoke

machine image showing the flow field within.


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Figure 12: Image of a Solar Air Heater with no fins, baffles, or any obstruction. [3]

The dark spaces in the corners indicate dead zones where there is little to no

air flow. This stagnant air has higher temperatures which increases thermal losses,

and decreases efficiency. Other researchers have proposed solutions such as fins and

baffles, which divert air in various patterns to create a more uniform flow.

Figure 13: Smoke machine image of

a SAH with aligned fins. [3]

Figure 14: Smoke machine image of

a SAH with baffles.[3]

Assessing these solutions, we believe there could be additional improvements that

further minimize the dead zones. Our flow field distribution manifold at the input and

output of the device has various sized holes aligned to redistribute the air uniformly

across the mesh. Our solution reduces dead zones (in particular in the corners),

creates a uniform flow, and provides a low pressure drop— all contributing to a

higher efficiency.


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Figure 15: This figure shows our distribution manifold and smoke air flow through one

section of our device.

In order to quantify our flow resistance, we measured the pressure drop across

the device using an inclined manometer connected at the input and output. As the

resistance increases, particles accumulate against the materials resisting the flow.

With an accumulation of particles, we have an increase in particles per unit area

increasing the pressure before the obstacle providing resistance closer to the input.

With a lower resistance, the particles are free to flow and the pressure drop across

the device is smaller. This analysis allows us to determine the flow resistance as a

function of the pressure drop across our SAH.

As we increase the mass flow rate, we see the pressure drop increase.


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Figure 16: Pressure drop across our SAH as a function of the mass flow rate for 6 grids.

Conceptually, the slope of the line describes the flow resistance of the SAH (a

steeper slope implying a higher flow resistance). Pressure drop is proportional to the

required fan power, so we aim for a low flow resistance to reduce the pressure drop.

Reducing flow resistance will reduce required fan power. As fan power increases, it

subtracts from our net power output. We were able to show that our fan power was

not significant enough to drastically detract from our device (as shown in Figure 17).


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Figure 17: Data taken by Ralston and Pfister experimentally showing that efficiency in-

creases with mass flow rate. This graph includes the power of the fan, thermal output, and

net power out [2].

The original grid number was determined by a simple transmissivity test. We

layered grids until light no longer reflected back from a white surface beneath. With

further consideration, we have to analyze the absorption and flow resistance qualities

of our grids to experimentally and theoretically determine the optimal number.

Our grids serve as the absorption material therefore theoretically we want a high

number of grids to maximize the potential for absorption. Since we do not have the

heat coefficient terms for the convective losses, we use the temperature gain as a

measure of our absorption. We expect that as we increase grid number, the difference

between the output temperature and the ambient temperature should increase.

Additionally, our grids are an obstacle and affect the air flow. Our flow field

distribution manifold helps regulate the air for a laminar flow, yet additional grids

affect the turbulence. We can model the pressure drop values against the Darcy-

-Weisbach equation and measure the Reynold’s Number to see if our values follow a

laminar or turbulent flow.

The Reynold’s Number is a dimensionless quantity that utilizes the viscosity(µ),

density(ρ), and velocity(v) of the air and the hydraulic diameter (dh) of the input to

determine if the flow is laminar or turbulent. The hydraulic diameter is the diameter

measured from the wetted perimeter. In our case, air evenly flows through the input


Page 25: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

so the wetted perimeter is simply our input diameter. Reynold’s Numbers greater

than 4000 suggest turbulent flow, whereas values below 2000 suggest laminar flow.

The region in between is a mixed stage between the two types of flows.

Re =ρdhv


The velocity used in this equation is the drift velocity of the air after the input.

The drift velocity is calculated using the ratio of the areas of the input pipe (AT ) and

the cross sectional area of the SAH (Aa).

vdrift =vinputAT



Since our fluid is not changing, our density and viscosity are constant, so an

increase in velocity leads to an increase in the Reynold’s Number. Higher Reynold’s

Numbers suggest an increase in turbulence as we change the mass flow rate. As we

change the mass flow rate, our device goes through each of these stages.

The Darcy-Weisbach equation is an equation expressing the pressure drop for lam-

inar flow. This equation is derived from considering the pressure needed to maintain

air flow [4].

∆p = fd1


Dv2 (20)

Dimensionally, the pressure has units of energy density, so we express the kinetic

energy as:


V ol=


2ρv2. (21)

Since we are looking at how the pressure influences the movement in the device,

we consider the pressure to be proportional to the kinetic energy density.

∆p ∼ 1

2ρv2 (22)

As we increase the length of the device, we linearly increase the potential for a

higher pressure drop. If we increase the diameter of the input, particles have more

room to flow and we reduce pressure at the input. With a proportionality factor, in

this case a friction factor (fd), and additional properties (the length and the diameter),

we obtain:

∆p = fdL



2ρv2. (23)

We expect that an increase in the number of grids will lead to an increase in

turbulence and a lower efficiency.


Page 26: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

As we assess the optimal number of grids, we consider the combination of absorp-

tion properties and flow resistance measurements. With our efficiency calculations,

we should see what number of grids will provide us with the highest efficiency, a

desirable output temperature, and a short return on investment (ROI). This graph

will provide insight into which properties affect the efficiency the most.

In order to analyze our ROI, we evaluate the cost of the device as a function of

grid number compared to the return output power from the efficiency associated with

that grid number.

(Costpergrid ·No.ofGrids+BaseCost) =

SunHours · CostperkWh ·Max.Output · ConversionEfficiency(24)

This expression gives us the number of sun hours required to make the initial

investment back. To find the ROI we divide this value by the average number of sun

hours annually in the Carlisle, PA area.

ROI =SunHours


This equation will give us a value for the number of years required to make back

the initial cost.

5 Experimental Methods

The SAH is completely and fully operational and is currently set up on the roof of

Tome Science Building (Dickinson College). We have installed a LabPro device for

data acquisition. We have temperature sensors to measure the input and output

temperatures as well as a device for measuring the ambient air temperature. A

pyranometer calibrated to NIST standards is installed to record the irradiance once

every second. A calibrated Vernier anemometer measures the flow input from the fan

(our fan is 8 inches and we are able to control the mass flow rate from 0.02 kg/s to

0.07 kg/s which encompasses our operational maximum). This semester we added an

inclined manometer that allows us to measure the pressure drop. The manometer is

attached at the input and output to measure pa(i) and pb(i). our pressure drop is the

difference between the two (∆P ). In addition, we have two multimeters measuring

the fan speed and fan current. We use C-clamps to hold down a rectangular frame

which holds down our glazing. This allows us to remove the frame and glazing to vary

the number of grids. We implemented a few new designs to improve the consistency


Page 27: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

of our measurements including pegs to hold the grid folds in place and stability with

the output temperature probe.

Our measurements were performed on March 26, 2016. Completing the experi-

ment within the same day reduces errors with relative humidity, cloud conditions, and

slight differences in experimental methods. For each run we measured the ambient

air temperature, output temperature, pressure drop, mass flow rate, fan current, fan

speed, fan voltage, and solar irradiance. In order to complete the data acquisition in

a timely fashion we reduced each mass flow rate recording time to 60 seconds. This

allowed the temperature to stabilize and reach a steady state. After 60 seconds, we

increased the fan voltage by approximately 5 volts and recorded the voltage read-

ing, fan current, and air speed. With our collected data we were able to determine

the efficiency, power out, net thermal power (corrected for differences in irradiance),

Reynold’s Number, pressure drop, and fan power.

Figure 18: Solar Air Heater test stand showing our set up for data acquisition.


Page 28: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

6 Results

6.1 Absorbance

In order to determine the absorbance properties of the grids, we analyze the output

temperature as we alter the grid number. Since we have varying ambient air tem-

peratures, we compare the temperature gained from the ambient air, therefore the

difference between Tout and Tamb.

Figure 19: Temperature difference for each grid configuration as we change the mass flow

rate. Temperature difference is a measure of Tout-Tamb.

As shown in Figure 19, we see that as we increase the number of grids, the tem-

perature difference from the ambient air increases. We can infer that additional grids

lead to an increase in absorption.


Page 29: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

6.2 Flow Resistance

In order to quantify flow resistance, we measure the pressure drop across the device.

Figure 20: Pressure drop measurements as a function of mass flow rate with changing grid


There is a slight increase in pressure drop as we add grids, but it is on the order

of 5 Pascals. This suggests that the grid number hardly affects the flow resistance in

the device.

We calculate the Reynold’s Number using the properties of the air (ρ, µ ) and the

drift velocity of the air which ichanges based on fan speed.


Page 30: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Figure 21: Reynold’s Number as a function of the mass flow rate.

The Reynold’s Number increases linearly with the mass flow rate, starting in the

laminar region and ending up in the turbulent region (as indicated on Figure 21).

To further show that our pressure drop indicates that our flow is going from

laminar to turbulent, we model our data against the Darcy-Weisbach equation.In

Figures 22-28, the red line represents the theoretical equation and the blue is our

measured data.

Figure 22: Comparison of theoretical

pressure drop vs. experimental pressure

drop for 0 Grids.

Figure 23: Comparison of theoretical

pressure drop vs. experimental pressure

drop for 1 Grid.


Page 31: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Figure 24: Comparison of theoretical

pressure drop vs. experimental pressure

drop for 2 Grids.

Figure 25: Comparison of theoretical

pressure drop vs. experimental pressure

drop for 3 Grids.

Figure 26: Comparison of theoretical

pressure drop vs. experimental pressure

drop for 4 Grids.

Figure 27: Comparison of theoretical

pressure drop vs. experimental pressure

drop for 5 Grids.

Figure 28: Comparison of theoretical

pressure drop vs. experimental pressure

drop for 6 Grids.

Our pressure drop equations follow the Darcy-Weisbach approximation closely in

the laminar region. As we move towards 0.03 kg/s and the more turbulent region,

we see our experimental data diverging from our linear laminar approximation. Our

operational range is in the turbulent region.


Page 32: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

6.3 Efficiency

With our experiment we calculated the efficiency as a result of mass flow rate and

changing grid number.

Figure 29: Raw data results for efficiency vs. time.

We have spikes in our efficiency curve due to a thermal lag before we reach steady

state at each fan speed. As we increase the speed, we decrease the amount of time

the air has to interact with the absorbing material, so the temperature decreases

inside the SAH. Before the air reaches steady state when we increase the fan speed,

the previous warmer air is still in the SAH therefore yielding a high, unrealistic,

efficiency. We recreated our efficiency graph by choosing the steady state efficiency

at each velocity, calculating the mass flow rate at each speed, and re-graphing the

efficiency as a function of the mass flow rate.


Page 33: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Figure 30: Efficiency as a function of mass flow rate for changing grid number.

Our efficiency peaks around 86% with 4 and 5 grids providing the highest efficiency

values. Additional calibration may be necessary with our flow straighenter between

the fan and the input. This has the potential to decrease our efficeincy by a few

percentage points.

Our return on investment calculations involved an average cost for 1 kWh of

electricity to run the fan, the average sun hours per year in the Carlisle area, and an

approximation for the base cost of the device.

Table 1: Constants for ROI Calculation

Max. Output 2.5 kW

Cost per Grid 12.50 dollars

Cost per kWh 12 cents

Annual SunHours 2540.4 hours

Base Cost 150.00 dollars

Using the equations from our theory (Equations 25 & 26) we were able to deter-

mine a list of return on investment values and sort them based on the fastest return

time, or the smallest number of years.


Page 34: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Table 2: Sorted ROI Values

No. of Grids ROI (years)

1 0.281

2 0.286

0 0.294

4 0.302

3 0.307

5 0.317

6 0.347

7 Analysis

By assessing the output temperature we can evaluate how much the absorption

changes with additional grids. Figure 19 shows us the temperature gained as we

change the mass flow rate given the seven discrete grid numbers. We consistently

measured the ambient temperature and output temperature for proper measurement


The pressure drop data not only shows us how the pressure drop changes with

mass flow rate, but also shows us how it changes with different grids. This will give us

insight into change in turbulence and flow resistance with varying grids. Our analysis

involved converting the results from the anemometer (a change in alcohol volume)

into pascal measurements. In addition we utilized the Darcy-Weisbach equation to

compare our measured results and determine the type of flow. Our results follow the

linear line during laminar flow, and diverge when the Reynold’s Number begins to

show turbulent flow.

Our final results stem from the efficiency graph. Our raw results include spikes

and peak at an efficiency over 90%. This does not make sense with our glazing since

the natural albedo of the glazing is around 12% therefore maximizing our efficiency

at 88%. In order to correct for these spikes, our final efficiency is at the steady state

point at each mass flow rate. This allows us to create a new efficiency versus mass

flow rate graph (Figure 34) which correlates one efficiency for each mass flow rate for

each grid number.

We can determine the highest efficiency from these results and then consider

cost, fan power, and return on investment. Since we want the highest efficiency

from our SAH, we want to use a high fan speed that produces the maximum output


Page 35: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

power before it plateaus. This minimizes our need for additional fan power therefore

reducing electricity and return on investment costs. In addition, the cost of a grid

is a significant piece of our overall design cost. Therefore, if we have very similar

efficiency values, our ROI will favor smaller grid numbers.

To find our ROI, we calculated constants used in Table 1. The maximum output

was determined from an approximated average solar power rating in Carlisle, Penn-

sylvania. The cost per grid was the value at which the original grids were purchased.

The cost per kilowatt hour the average electricity costs in the United States [5]. Our

evaluation for annual sun hours is a calculation of the average daily hours of sunlight

per day and the average number of sunny days per year in Carlisle [6]. The base cost

of our design combines approximate values of the materials required to construct the

device. This includes but is not limited to the base wood, the insulation, the spray

paint, the fan, the glazing, the frame, and the flow field distribution manifolds.

8 Conclusion

Our experiments returned three conclusions. First, thermal losses were the significant

driver for the difference in efficiency calculations in this grid number range. Having

4 or 5 grids in the device returned the highest efficiency values. Since the pressure

drop did not significantly change with grid number, we can determine that thermal

losses greatly influence the power balance equation.

Our second conclusion states that the temperature gain seems to plateau around

5 grids. With our data, the output temperature begins to level suggesting that the

absorption is constant. The temperature gained by the ambient air for 4,5, and 6

grids all are very similar values.

Lastly, our fastest return on investments occur with low grid number. Since our

base cost is low, each grid is a significant percent of the overall price. Our results

showed that 1 and 2 grids had the fastest ROI. The differences in efficiency and

output temperature with higher grid number were not significant enough to desire

higher grid number with regards to price. The base cost strongly affects the ROI.

Installation costs or change in material costs can largely affect our results. With a

higher base cost, the efficiency plays a more significant role in our ROI.

This Solar Air Heater is simple and inexpensive, yet produces desirable output

temperatures for practical use. The fan power required to operate the device is

minimal, and the ease of use and installation make this device an attractive option

for renewable energy. The low cost, high efficiency, and high output temperature with

little power in, make this device competitive with comparable fossil fuel resources.


Page 36: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Our SAH is limited in that it is best used during the day with sun hours. This

makes it ideal for day time functionality such as heating a building that operates

during the day (offices and businesses for example), or heating a well insulated stor-

age unit. In addition our design can be used for fruit drying, water desalinization,

methane producing bio-digester, or other short-term processes which allows for prac-

tical use during the day [7]. Our device is not a solution to climate change, but it

can minimize typical fossil fuel heating by providing a lost cost, efficient, high output

temperature device that does not emit CO2.

9 Suggestions for Further Research

Further research possibilities include improvements on materials including improved

insulation, better glazing, and prevention of leaks while maintaining low material

cost and ease of use. In addition, research can be done to include some heat storage

device/technique that makes the device more practical for anytime use.


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A Appendix

A.1 Other purposes for Solar Air Heaters

For reference regarding fruit drying purposes of the Solar Air Heater, refer to

Kareem et al., 2014, Dhanemozhi et al., 2013, El-Sabaii et al., 2012; and Hanif et al.,


For reference regarding water desalinization and purification, refer to Kabeel and

El-said, 2013; Yuan et al., 2011; and Fath and Ghazy, 2002.

A.2 Other types of Solar Air Heaters

For further information of theory and Solar Air Heater function in general, refer to

Ursula Eicker 2003. For simulation and mathematical modeling, refer to Tchinda


Our absorber material is a wire mesh grid. Other designs we found in our research

included primarily of fins and baffles. Fins are best described as rectangular strips

of metal used to divert air in various patterns. Romdhane shows an image of a SAH


Page 40: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

with fins as shown in Figure 16 of this paper. For reference on a SAH with fins, Yeh


The other popular design involves baffles. Baffles are best described as triangular

pieces that have holes along the inside. Romdhane also provides an image of a SAH

with baffles as shown in Figure 17 in this paper. In addition, he studied baffles in

comparison to an empty SAH (2006). Chamoli (2013) studies a SAH with baffles

angled down towards the output. Sootkaew (2014) studies a SAH with much smaller

baffles lined up along the bottom panel.

In addition to different types of absorbing materials, double and single pass air

heaters have also been in competition. For reference on double-pass SAHs, refer to

Ho (2014), Ho et. al. (2015), and Chamoli (2011).

A.3 Increase in SAH Research Popularity

Solar Air Heaters are becoming increasingly popular due to the flexibility in design

and ability to achieve very high efficiency values. The research around SAHs is

increasing globally, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 31: Number of articles we found over the years referencing SAH’s.


Page 41: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

A.4 Glazing Temperature

We are utilizing double layer glazing therefore there is a slight temperature difference

between the temperature on the inner layer and the outer layer. The glazing itself

transmits most of the solar energy passing through and reflects away a significant

portion as well. The remaining energy is absorbed by the glazing. In addition, the

inside layer of the glazing is receiving radiation from the back panel and absorber,

and convected heat from the fluid (increasing the temperature of TG,i. For theoretical

purposes, we combine the two temperatures (TG,o and TG,i) and consider 〈Tins〉 (the

average inside temperature) as the temperature of the glazing. The difference is

minimal, and since we do not measure TG,i or TG,o in our experiments, we utilize


A.5 Linearizing the Radiation Thermal Loss Temperature

We consider our Solar Air Heater to be a grey body radiator, therefore we utilize the

Stefan-Boltzmann Law to measure our radiation driven by the temperature difference

between the inside air and the ambient air. When we combine the thermal losses to

create one heat coefficient term, we use the same temperature difference for each loss.

In our Stefan-Boltzmann equation, we see that there is a T4 temperature difference,

which is not equivalent to the linear expression.

In order to use Tout-Tamb in our radiation term, we linearize the temperature.

(T 4ins − T 4

amb) = (T 2ins − T 2

amb) · (T 2ins + T 2

amb) (26)

(T 4ins − T 4

amb) = (Tins − Tamb) · (Tins + Tamb) · (T 2ins + T 2

amb) (27)

From this equation, we use the Ti-Tamb term as our temperature differential, and

combine the other expressions into our radiation heat coefficient term.

hrad = εσ(Tins + Tamb) · (T 2ins + T 2

amb) (28)

Pout(exact) = σAapε(T4ins − T 4

amb) (29)

Pout(theoretical) = Aaphrad(∆T

2) (30)

In order to estimate the difference between our linearized version and our exact

measurements, we can calculate an output power for each equation and compare.


Page 42: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Figure 32: Comparing the linearized and exact power output for temperature differences

of 0K — 80K.

To begin our comparison, we start with an ambient temperature of 273K and

evaluate a temperature difference (80K) up to 353K. Theoretically, it does not matter

where we start since we are evaluating the temperature difference. Below are our

average temperature differences for each of the seven grid numbers.

Table 3: Average temperature difference for each grid number

No. of Grids Average ∆T (C)

0 48.08

1 56.54

2 57.86

3 57.02

4 62.96

5 63.39

6 60.33

Across this range of temperature differences, we see an average difference between

the exact values and linearized values to be 60.9 watts. On average, the loss from

the theoretical linearized value is 5% or approximately 46 watts, which is a fairly low



Page 43: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

A.6 Design details of construction

The Figures below show a detailed description of the dimensions of our SAH.

Figure 33: Transverse cross-sectional view of the new SAH design. The insulation is

improved from formerly R = 10.7 to R = 19. (Pfister)

Figure 34: Longitudinal cross-sectional view of the new SAH design. For the sake of ease

of construction, the angled intake and outflow channels were drilled horizontally. (Pfister)


Page 44: Investigation of a Solar Air Heater's Conversion ...

Figure 35: Dimensions of the new sidewalls. The walls are made of Polyisocyanurate foam

boards which reduces the weight of the SAH and improve the R-value. (Pfister)