Investigating Everything Paranormal Hollywood...

Zac Bagans THE SAN DIEGO GHOST HUNTERS Hollywood Ghost Hunters Issue 1 • December 2014 Investigating Everything Paranormal Ghost Adventures PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION TEAM OF THE MONTH

Transcript of Investigating Everything Paranormal Hollywood...

Zac Bagans

The San diego ghoST hunTerS

Hollywood Ghost HuntersIssue 1 • December 2014

Investigating Everything Paranormal

Ghost Adventures

paranormal investigation team of the month


Hollywood Ghost Hunters Magazine • 32 • Hollywood Ghost Hunters Magazine •

Cover Photo CourtesyGregg Curtis Web design and LayoutBarry Blaisdell

FROM THE EDITORHi, my name is Rick McCallum, who along with Kane Hodder co-founded the

Hollywood Ghost Hunters, and you may know us from Ghost Adventures,

Coast To Coast AM with George Noory, or from the movies we have been in.

Kane Hodder of course played Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th four times,

starting with Part 7, and still remains the only actor to play him more than

once. He also played almost every serial killer on screen, as well as the mon-

strous Victor Crowley from Hatchet 1, 2, and 3. Ra Mihailoff, another member

is best known as playing Leatherface in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, as well as

being a central character in Hatchet 2. Danielle Harris is also a member, you

would remember her as the little girl in the clown suit from the Halloween

series, as well as her leading roles in Hatchet 2 and 3. You can check out our

website at for a bio on all our members. If

for some unknown reason you want to know more about me, please check

This online magazine was my idea to unite the paranormal word. I hope to

have interviews with the leaders of all types of paranormal, ghost hunters,

UFOs, Bigfoot, Psychics, cryptozoology, anything and everything dealing with

the paranormal… Very proud to have Zak Bagans from Ghost Adventures as

the very first interview. We have several great people who have agreed to be

interviewed, and in upcoming issues you will find Chris Fleming from Psychic

Kids, also Chip Coffey, Bill Murphy from Fact or Faked, Paranormal Files, Erin

Ryder and Rex Williams from Destination Truth, and the world renowned UFO

expert Stanton Friedman..

I will be reviewing ghost hunting equipment, and I am in the process of giving

a few new pieces of gear a thorough going over. They won’t be in this issue,

but will be in the next. My way of reviewing is that if you send in a piece of

equipment and I don’t like it, it will not be in the magazine.. I know how hard

you work to build these, so under no circumstances will I bad mouth your

stuff.. I will only have positive reviews, so if you want me to review something,

you don’t have to worry about a bad review.. fair enough? Please e-mail me

at [email protected] if you have something you would like me to check out..

I also would like to have an online database of all the paranormal groups as a

resource for all of us.. I will put your group on the database, all we ask is for you

to link back to us. If you want to be on the database, e-mail me at rick4spirits@ ..Please put, in this order in the header, State, City, Name and type of

group.. We are also going to have a Group of the Month every issue, so if you

would like your group to be considered, please submit to [email protected],

and put Group of the Month in the header.

We also would like to hear from you, we will have a Reader’s Story pertaining

to the paranormal in every issue.. Have a great story or picture, or both? I’d love

to see them, or read them! Please send those to [email protected] and put

Reader Story in the header, or Reader Pictures in the header..

I hope you find this entertaining, informative, or just a good place to catch up

on what’s going on in the paranormal world. This issue will, be small, but with

your help, we can make it grow quick!

Any suggestions for stories, guests, equipment, haunted locations, or anything

you would like to share, please e-mail [email protected]..

Thanks, Rick

I have been intrigued by the paranormal since I was just a kid, and

my interest has grown every year, and have been lucky enough to

experience some very interesting things. I’ve been touched, pushed,

growled at at Waverly Hills, Linda Vista Hospital, the William Heath

Davis House, even in my own home ( all with witnesses), I’ve heard

voices that called out my name when no one else is around, so I

could, and probably will tell those great ghost hunting stories in the

future. This story, however, regards one of the best instantaneous

pranks of all time, when it comes to ghost hunting. By instantaneous

I mean we didn’t plan it, the circumstances at hand left us no choice.

Back when I was in college in Chicago, Bachelor’s Grove was the

paranormal must see place, and always wanting to check out any

haunted place, my roommate, Jerry Clemens, also known as Psycho,

a nickname he richly deserved, another friend named Scott and I all

headed over there.

I saw the episode on Ghost Adventures about Bachelor’s Grove,

you probably did too, but the place has was much different in 1975

when this happened. There was a long gravel road, about 200 yards

long, tree branches overhung the road, the kind of place every hor-

ror movie should be made. After going down the road your senses

were already on edge, just from how creepy the place looked. And

when you got to the cemetery, a bunch of the graves had sunken

in about eighteen inches, there was a pond next to it which really

made it scarier than hell..

In 1975, the place was off limits, you could get arrested for being in

there, so people would park far away and sneak down the road, you

didn’t want to drive down it, because if you drove in and the police

came, you couldn’t get out, the only way out was back in the direc-

tion you came from, as the road dead ended by the cemetery.

Three of us had just walked into the cemetery when a car came

creeping down the road, we didn’t hear it coming til it was only

about fifty yards away. We were positive it was the police, and

there was absolutely nowhere for us to run, the road the car was on

blocked one way, the pond blocked another, and there was a fence

and all overgrown trees you couldn’t get through on the other sides..

What to do?

I looked quickly around, then told Psycho and Scott to lay flat in

the graves that had sunken in, so if the cops shone their flashlights

across the cemetery, we would be a little below ground and they

wouldn’t be able to see us. We laid there very still and quiet, desper-

ately hoping not to get arrested, when we heard car doors close and

a girls voice say “ I don’t want to go in there”, and then a guy’s voice

say “ don’t worry, I’ll protect you”. We heard other people whispering,

a girl giggle, so we knew it wasn’t the cops.

I had an inspiration while I was laying there, two actually, the first

being that arms were going to shoot up next to me and drag me

underground to my demise, and second, these people came here to

be scared, so let’s make that happen! I whispered to the other guys,

we were in three graves in row, and said, “ when I count three, sit up

and turn and look at them”

I waited until they were very close, then counted.. On three, we sat

up in unison, turned and looked at them..

That was in 1975, and judging by the way they screamed and ran, I’m

not sure if they stopped yet..

- Rick McCallum


4 • Hollywood Ghost Hunters Magazine • Hollywood Ghost Hunters Magazine • 5

I actually held up this magazine to make sure that Zak was my first interview, because other than the people in our group, we owe the most

to Zak, and also to George Noory , as they were responsible for getting the Hollywood Ghost Hunters name out into the public.

I first met Zak when Kane Hodder, RA Mihailoff and I were invited to join the Ghost Adventures guys on a hunt at the Pico House in Los

Angeles, and I can say two things for sure, the GA guys are for real when they do an investigation, and second, we had a freaking blast! Keep

an eye out for the Pico House episode, you’ll see what I’m talking about..

After our hunt, we all stayed in touch, and Zak was producing a movie called Sympathy Said The Shark, and he called Kane to stunt coordinate,

however, Kane was out of town , so he suggested Zak call me. Of course I said I would do it, and saw some very cool scenes being filmed, and

now I can’t wait to see it, because what I saw was innovative, well acted and directed, and the action was excellent.

OK, on to the interview..

Rick: “ Zak, I’m not going to ask you any questions about Ghost Adventures, because if someone is reading this, they are already a fan of the

Ghost Adventures Crew, and show, and have probably seen all the episodes, and there several things I’ve heard that I want to ask you about”..

Zak: “ anything you want, go for it”

Rick: “ I was watching the news about a seriously possessed boy, and house too, the news report said people saw the boy walk backwards up

a wall, I believe, and it was reported that some very credible people saw this boy do some things that are just absolutely mind boggling, then

I saw a few days later that you had bought the house. What are you going to do with it, use it for a hunt”?

Zak: “ There is so much more to the story than anyone knows, I contacted the people involved and interviewed them..I have found other

developments in the story that will blow people away. It is an amazing house and story, maybe one of the most well documented in terms

of credibility I’ve ever seen.

Rick: “ What was happening there”?


Zak: “ There were social workers, a police

captain and officers, a priest and others

who all witnessed things that can’t be

explained, I’ve been shooting a documen-

tary about it and have seen things myself

that add credence to this event.

Rick : “I know you all still finishing the

documentary, and can’t tell any specific

stories about it, but is it fair to say that

what is in it will capture the interest of the


Zak: “ I think you could safely say that, the

more we shot, the more we uncovered,

this is the most powerful story of posses-

sion I’ve ever been involved in, people will

want to watch this.

Rick: “Just from some of the things I’ve

heard about, it sounds like it is really going

to make people think about things in a dif-

ferent light, I can’t wait to see it, I’ve heard

through the grapevine that fans are really

going to be impressed by it”

Zak:” I hope so, it’s been really interesting

to shoot, to do the investigating of the

story, the interviews with the witnesses”

Rick: “ As soon as you know when it will

come out, I’ll throw a shout out about

it here in the mag, don’t want anyone to

miss it, it sound like something perfect for

the readers”

Zak: Thanks, I’ll do that, that would be


Rick: “ Do you think your fans would be

surprised by some of the other things you

do, besides the TV show? I know you pro-

duced Sympathy Said The Shark, you’ve

been shooting a documentary, buying

houses, seems there might be a lot of

things people don’t know.”?

Zak:” yeah, I’ve always tried to stay busy, I

have a natural curiosity to try new things

that I find interesting, like producing, and

uncovering things like in the documenta-

ry, I think it’s all part of the hunt that I like”.

Rick: “ I asked people on Facebook what

they would ask you if they had the chance..

first one, what’s was the place or happen-

ing that scared you most”?

Zak: “ We have been to so many really

haunted places during the run of GA,it

would be hard to pick just one, but I think

the Goldfield Hotel would be it. When we

first went there, it was where we really

found our first great pieces of evidence,

some that mystified us, as well as the

experts we had watch the footage”

Rick: “ You mean the bricks that were flying

abound in the basement”?

Zak: “ The brick really caught the attention

of people, nobody had ever seen anything

like it before, but there was more in that

shot, we had it enhanced and you could

see 2x4’s moving in the background”

Rick: “ I remember watching that, when

the brick flew up, and the wood started

moving on its own, I still think that may

be the most impressive evidence I’ve seen

on film, and the experts who reviewed it

seemed to think so too”.

Zak: “ It was a defining moment for us,

it lead us into more opportunities as a

group, and we’ve been around the world

doing what we love.. that was the only

time a spirit actually told a skeptical Reno

news crew and the Constantinos, EVP

Specialists that they threw the brick say-

ing” Thank you but we’ve done it”.. you

can’t argue with that when the ghosts

themselves admit to doing it..”

Rick: “ where would you go that you

haven’t been”?

Zak: “ Without a doubt, it would be the

White House”

Rick: “ Why there”?

Zak: “ All the Presidents who have been

there, all the history of the place I find

fascinating, I would love to go there and

be able to go through the Oval Office, the

Lincoln Bedroom, everywhere in it would

be something special”.

Rick: “ they say Lincoln’s ghost has been

seen there”.

Zak: “ I’ve heard that, being in the White

House by itself just to be there would be


Rick: “ Any place you won’t go back”?

Zak: “ Bobby Mackey’s. .it had a profound

effect on us , I really think it changed us

in how we look at ghost hunting..the feel-

ing there, the aftermath was something I

don’t want to do again”

Rick: “ Saw that episode, I think everybody

should watch it to see what you’re talk-

ing about, don’t think I’m a good enough

writer to describe the emotions you guys

had with the stuff that happened during

and after the hunt.. Bobby Mackey’s is still

a place HGH would like to go, but I think

in our case we have been forewarned, and

have a better idea about what expect”.

Zak: “ It is an intense place, you should go

if you get the chance, but be cautious the

place can effect people differently there

and not in a good way”

Rick: “ This question is from me, it’s a little

off the wall..If you could go back in time

to any historic event with a video camera,

where would you go”?

Zak: “ There are so many places I’d want

to go, it’s a hard question. .I think I would

go to the Gunfight at the OK Corral.. when

we filmed GA there we recreated the gun-

fight, and there was just something about

standing in the same place as the real

gunfight that felt real natural to me.. I

think that era appeals to me.. Whenever

we go to a mining town, I like to go walk

through it alone, sometimes sit down and

just look around, I’ve always had a strong

feeling in those places, like I would have

liked it back then”.

Rick: “ Zak, thanks for taking the time to

do this, I know you just got done filming

and haven’t been asleep yet, so I really

appreciate it”

Zak: “ Any time, Bro”

Note: Everything I wrote here is from

memory, I tried to remember as well I

could, but if there is an error, it is mine,

not Zak’s..

Personal side: I hope you can see from

the interview that Zak is not just the

Ghost Adventures guy, but that he is really

sharp when it comes to business and new

projects, and that he is a very good guy,

and I’m glad we got to meet and become

friends with him.. Rick

Update: After writing this, I saw an article

about the strange goings on at the house

that Zak bought. An investigative journal-

ist dug into the story of the possessed boy,

and recounted the story of the boy walk-

ing backwards up a wall at the hospital,

witnessed by his social worker and two

nurses. She implies after seeing all the

reports, where people would lose their

jobs by lying about what they saw, that

this story has a lot of validity.

6 • Hollywood Ghost Hunters Magazine • Hollywood Ghost Hunters Magazine • 7

group of the month SAN DIEGO GHOST HUNTERS

As this is the very first “ Paranormal Group of the Month”, I thought

it only fitting that it should be someone that I know personally, and

have been with on investigations together, so please let me start

with a story of one of those hunts..

I first met Maritza Skandunas, the head of the San Diego Ghost

Hunters, when she invited me to investigate the William Heath

Davis House with her group. Always up for a good hunt, I headed

south and was to meet up with my friend Brandi Harris, who I hunt

with when I head towards San Diego.

When I arrived at the location, I was surprised to find it was right

downtown in the Gas Lamp District, the trendy area where every-

one hangs out during Comic Con, which only added to the overall

effect of the house itself. Maritza introduced me to her partners

Colleen Rose and Julie Haney. Colleen is an intuitive, so she brings

a different method to ghost hunting, as does Julie, who was an

NCIS agent.

The first thing you will notice about these ladies is that they

laugh..a lot! I defy anyone to have a bad time around these three!

They may like to have a good time, and they do, but they are as

serious about the paranormal as anyone you will find, and they

have an uncanny knack of snagging some very high quality EVP’s.

As Maritza walked me into the house, I went and set my gear down,

and walked back to her so she could give me a tour of the house..

We started down the hall, and I was looking up the staircase, when

Maritza whispered “ I just saw a shadow go into the last room on

the left”. I hustled down the hall and into the room, and was there

for a few seconds when Maritza came and stood in the doorway.

I was looking around, and out of nowhere a very loud, long growl

filled the room..It wasn’t a normal sounding growl, it didn’t sound

like adog, it almost sounded like speech. I asked Maritza if she

heard it, and she said she certainly did, and it sounded like some-

thing was bitching me out.. A pretty good start to the evening, for


I had to leave to meet Brandi at the parking lot, because number

one, a gentleman doesn’t let a lady walk alone in a strange place at

night, and number two, she was bringing me cookies..

Brandi and I went into the house, introductions were made all

around, and we got busy with the investigation, …the house did

not disappoint..

We were sitting downstairs doing a Spirit Box session, when it said

“ beware”, and about ten seconds later “outside”. Maritza got up

and looked out the front door and sure enough, there were several

drunk, disreputable guys trying to force their way through the

gate..Maritza told them to leave, but they insisted on coming in, so

we all went out and told them it was private property and to beat

it..( I wasn’t scared , I knew the ladies would protect me)..after some

arguing, they finally left, but the Spirit Box nailed this one..

Brandi and I went upstairs to try and get some EVP’s, and the ladies

stayed downstairs with the Spirit Box..We spent about fifteen min-

utes upstairs, it was pretty quiet up there, so we started to head

downstairs, when Brandi said she could hear they were in the

middle of something down stairs and we should wait..Brandi sat

down on the top stair, and I was a few steps farther down..I started

to sit, when I was pushed very hard in the back and almost went

flying down the stairs..If I hadn’t been halfway in a sitting posi-

tion, I think I would have gone all the way to the bottom..The girls

heard the commotion and came out to see what had happened..

We told them, and as it was getting late, we had been there for

several hours, and I had a 100 miles to drive so we called it a night..

As I was walking Brandi back to her car, we fortunately had parked

in the same lot, my phone rang, and it was Maritza, and I could tell

they were excited about something.. Maritza played me a Spirit Box

recording, which you can hear on their website, which went some-

thing like this. .Maritza asks “ who pushed Rick?” The Spirit Box

says “ spirits”..Colleen asks “ Spirits? It then says “correct”.. Maritza

asks”How many spirits pushed Rick?” , and the box says “five”..

I had a great time with the ladies, they are a lot of fun, and The

William Heath Davis House was certainly active that night! The San

Diego Ghost Hunters are the tour group for not only the William

Heath Davis House, but the famous Whaley House as well, where

they have gotten some excellent interaction with the spirits that

are said to reside there, and some great EVP’s, and they are also on

their website, so check them out!

- Continued on next page

Here is a note about their group..

By Colleen rose

The San Diego Ghost Hunters are an inti-

mate team of paranormal investigators

that specialize in assisting historical land-

mark owners, discover or confirm occu-

pants and events that have passed but still

exist in spirit form. Our team is not limited

to spirits, but all things paranormal.

Our team includes family and friends

working together and unlocking history

for over forty years.

Maritza, founder and lead investigator for

the San Diego Ghost Hunters has been

experiencing the paranormal from a very

young age. As an intuitive, Maritza’s com-

passionate and loving investigative style

with spirits has proved to be one of her

most successful attributes. Genealogist

for over 40 years and Reiki Master, Maritza

continues to educate herself in all cultural

beliefs around the world, adding to her

resume in paranormal research.

Colleen, cousin to Maritza’s husband, adds

an unconventional investigative style to

the team, connecting in a manner, which

has proved to uncover the personalities

of the spirits they investigate. EVP’s of

spirits blowing her kisses are not uncom-

mon. Experiencing the paranormal from a

young age, Colleen recalls seeing her first

full bodied apparition at the age of 5. Also

an intuitive, Colleen focuses on develop-

ing her gifts to find answers that we all

seek about the hereafter.

Julie’s investigative style comes from her

amazing and well respected career path. A

Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, NCIS

Special Agent in the Cold Case Division,

and currently a Private Investigator assist-

ing local authorities with Cold Cases, Julie

is very effective when investigating loca-

tions that call for connecting with victims

of crimes, criminals and spirits previously

in the military.

Our investigations combine tools and

skills ranging from intuitive to high tech-

nology. Collected evidence is researched

using genealogy and historical societies,

and when required, our association of

archaeologists and published historians.

We are proud of our premium reputa-

tion and the team has a very respectful

investigation protocol. With the team’s

unique investigation techniques and

many media appearances including televi-

sion’s The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, My

Ghost Stories and Ghost Adventures, the

San Diego Ghost Hunters have become

the go-to group for all things paranor-

mal throughout historical San Diego and

Southern California.

As individuals we can all agree that we

are advocates for saving historical loca-

tions, buildings and landmarks. In 2006

the team started donating our time once

a month, conducting public paranormal

ghost tours at the famous Whaley House

Museum in San Diego’s Historical Old

Town. The Whaley House is said to be one

of the most haunted houses in America.

All ticket revenue goes to the house to

help with renovations, upkeep, as well as

saving other local historical landmarks

under the care of the SOHO Organisation.

In 2010 we also started public paranormal

investigations at the William Heath Davis

House Museum in San Diego’s Downtown

Historical Gaslamp Quarter focused on

renovations and upkeep of the house. We

find this extremely rewarding and it has

enabled us to research different layers

of time and experiment with new equip-


During our years of investigating we have

had the pleasure of investigating some of

the most haunted locations across the U.S.

Villisca Axe Murder House: Villisca, Iowa

Waverly Sanitorium, Louisville, Kentucky

Birdcage Theatre, Tombstone, Arizona

The Star of India Ship, San Diego

Mackay Mansion: Virginia City, Nevada

Their website is www.sandiegoghosthunt-

Update: Maritza found that on the prop-

erty in the 1880’s the man that owned the

saloon (the building next to the William

Heath) had a pet bear that was kept on the

property where the William Heath Davis

House stands today. He name was Braun

the Bear. Maritza said that when she heard

the growl that is sounded like a bear was

growling. I knew it wasn’t a dog!


READER STORY OF THE MONTHgeorge by Trinity Gruenberg

Trinity is a paranormal fan and published writer.

8 • Hollywood Ghost Hunters Magazine • Hollywood Ghost Hunters Magazine • 9

When I moved from sunny, southern California to small town

Minnesota I was in for a world of change. I grew up in mobile

homes and apartments, but an actual house was a new concept

for me. The 1930s brick house had more surprises in store for me

than a second level and a basement.

The first night in the house was infuriating. I tossed and turned,

but could not sleep and neither could my cat, Spice. The house

made sounds I was not used to and my 12-year-old self couldn’t

figure what I was hearing. I ended up sitting in my ancient win-

dow sill watching the sun rise over the strange, new surround-

ings with Spice next to me.

I wandered to the neighboring bedroom with Spice in tow. It

was cold and empty with flat white walls. On the floor there was

a straight burn mark parallel to the outside wall. It nearly went

across the width of the floor. The window was brand new and the

room felt as if it was getting colder and my breath became vis-

ible. I turned to leave and saw Spice sitting in the doorway as if

she was scared to enter that room.

Over the following days I heard many strange things. Banging,

moaning, scratching, muffled voices and most frequent were

the foot steps. At night my cat would bolt from my bed and

run downstairs and I would hear something walking toward my

room. It freaked me out. For the next year I slept on the down-

stairs couch with Spice.

One evening I had my new friend over and we were hanging

out in my bedroom and left the door wide open. It was a chilly

fall day and the windows were closed throughout the house. We

were siting on the bed talking about the house. My mom and

step-dad had bought the place from her parents. She proceeded

to tell me that the house was abandoned for 30 years before they

bought it and fixed it up. I questioned her about the neighboring

bedroom and the strange burn mark. She explained that the bed

had caught fire while nobody was home. The fire department

had to rip out the window out of the wall to extinguish the flam-

ing bed. She expressed that she didn’t like that room, it made her

feel weird and it was always eerily cold then my bedroom door

shut violently, shaking the walls. I turned to her and we both

screamed at the top of our lungs.

I always found it strange that my cat would wake from a deep

sleep in my room and bolt downstairs with all her fur standing on

end, hissing as she went. Over time she stopped coming into my

bedroom all together. She would stop at the doorway and would

not go any further.

As I entered my early

teenage years I had

reclaimed my room

and accepted the

noises. Then I had

a bizarre, horrifying

dream. In my dream I

would wake up in my

room and the walls

were a stark white white with things written in blood. The words

too blurry to read. On the foot of my bed was a sickly looking

creature. This think was cat-like in appearance and was rail thin

with no fur. It was about the size of a Labrador dog with baseball

sized red eyes and stringy blonde hair on its head. It was always

laying on its side, pulling itself towards me with one clawed paw

like the other three limbs would not work. Its long wispy tail

never moved, never twitched.

As I entered my early teenage years I had reclaimed my room and

accepted the noises. Then I had a bizarre, horrifying dream. In my

dream I would wake up in my room and the walls were a stark

white with things written in blood. The words too blurry to read.

On the foot of my bed was a sickly looking creature. This think

was cat-like in appearance and was rail thin with no fur. It was

about the size of a Labrador dog with baseball sized red eyes and

stringy blonde hair on its head. It was always laying on its side,

pulling itself towards me with one clawed paw like the other

three limbs would not work. Its long wispy tail never moved,

never twitched. This thing was horrifying and it would whisper

words I couldn’t understand. I felt pity for it. Every time I tried to

touch the creature I would wake up covered in a cold sweat. This

dream reoccurred many times until I left the house. Always the

same thing. To this day I have no idea what this creature is, what

it wanted or what it was trying to tell me...

I had younger step sisters. They never listened to anyone and

never cleaned their room, so I got the wonderful task of clean-

ing their disaster area after their monthly visits. Their room was

across from the room with the burn mark on the floor. I walked in

and saw toys and bedding strewn everywhere with spilled soda

on the floor. I noticed boot prints on the floor leading from the

puddle of soda. The prints were bigger than my step dads and

did not match any of his boots. The prints went from the puddle

in the center of the room to the middle of the wall that is shared

with my bedroom. The prints went from the puddle in the center

of the room to the middle of the wall that is shared with my bed-

room. That sight sent a massive chill up my spine and I broke out

into a cold sweat. This wasn’t human.

One particular night I was deeply engrossed in a video game

when a shadow walked in front of my television. I froze. It was

night time, my window blinds and curtains were closed and the

only light was from my television. I looked in the direction it

went and saw a flash of red eyes. I turned my sealing fan light on

and saw nothing. I sat there in shock thinking to myself “What

the hell was that? Was that George?” Then I heard the footsteps

walk away from my bedroom door. I curled up with Spice on the

couch that night.

Thanksgiving Day arrived and we had our family friends over for

dinner. I was 16 at the time. We had our fill of food and turkey-

coma was setting in. My friend and I decided to go take a nap,

in my room. We were lying on my bed talking watching the

faint light slowly vanish from the edge of my blind when I saw

this massive shadow figure appear. It stood there silently and it

moved it’s massive arm across my closed bedroom door and dis-

appeared. I quickly sat up, as did she.

“Did you see that?” I asked.

“Uh-huh.” she managed to reply.

Apparently George wanted to say “hi” to my friend.

We screamed and our moms came running. We tried to explain

what we saw, but neither of them believed us.

I was happy I had a witness.

My mom never believed me. She would say things like “It’s just

the house making noises,” “You’re just seeing things,” and my

favorite, “It’s just the animals.” It wasn’t. I took cues from Spice,

she sensed George’s presence and if she ran out of a room, it was

time to go downstairs.

At this point we had three cats and three dogs, I graduated high

school, went to college and moved in with my boyfriend. Out of

the blue one day I received a phone call from my mother.

“I think you’re right.” She said.

“What do you mean?” I replied confused.

“I heard George.” She said.

She explained that after I moved out she closed the door to

the stairwell, sealing off the unused second floor. She was lying

in her bed watching the television when she heard footsteps

upstairs. The dogs heard this to and ran to the stairwell door,

waiting for it to open. Mom opened the door, turned on the light

and walked upstairs. She checked every room and didn’t find

anyone or anything. The dogs followed, but Spice stayed at the

bottom of the stairs.

Mom placed baby powder in the hallway in front of the three

bedrooms. A week later she had boot prints in the baby powder.

She finally saw for herself that George was real and not some

“figment of my imagination.”

“It only took you eight years to believe me!” I shouted to her.

It has been 16 years since the first time I set foot in that house.

Mom moved into a smaller house and the old brick place has

new residents. I have more questions than answers about the

strange happenings in that house. Were George and the strange

dreams connected? Why was he there? Did he start the fire? I

may never know the answers, but the search for answers have

been fascinating. I no longer fear the unknown, I embrace it.

On The Set With The Hollywood Ghost HuntersAs most of you know, and if you didn’t you will now because you are reading

this, is that the members of the group are all in some way connected to horror

movies, we have actors, stuntmen, directors, special effects make up experts,

writers, and producers. This story is about Kane Hodder, Ra Mihailoff and me

on the set of the movie Hatchet 2.

The three of us were sitting in Ra’s dressing room at Occidental studios, his

dressing room was an actual room on the first floor.. Ra began telling us this

joke, using a fine Irish brogue to embellish the story.. As he neared the end of

the joke, he was hollering “ God will get you”, when directly behind him, out

the window was the loudest crack of lightning, the flash filled the room.. We

all looked at each other, the look on Ra’s face was priceless, the timing of the lightning could not have been better, and we laughed our

asses off for about ten minutes.. The moral of this story? Apparently Ra has the best sound effects guy ever..

Paranormal Tidbit

On the night General George S Patton died in Germany, his daughter woke up and saw him standing at the foot of the bed. She said when he saw her looking at him, he gave her the sweetest smile she had ever seen, His other daughter, Beatrice, the same night, answered her phone, heard a lot of static, then heard her father say “ little bee, are you ok” then the line went dead. She immediately called the oversea operator, who said no call had been sent to her number.

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An Open Letter To The People Of Scotland As many of you could probably guess from my last name being McCallum that I am of Scottish descent, and have always felt a yearning

to visit there. I have had this feeling of being drawn there, a very strong presence that calls to me, and the feeling increases every year,

and has exploded in the last ten years, which I can only attribute to my ghost hunting.

Ghost hunting in Scotland is high on my bucket list, and I hope to make it there in 2015, really want to see everything, the countryside,

the castles, everything, especially if the place is haunted.

People of Scotland, this is where you come into the picture. I don’t know a single person that lives there, so I could really use some guid-

ance about what time of year is best, where to stay, what to see and do, if anybody has an in at any of the haunted locations so I can get in,

I would really love to hunt at some of the castles, and would also like to see if there is a place to find out about my Scottish ancestors, our

name was originally Malcolm, and we are supposedly of the Campbell clan, so Dunstaffnage Castle would be very interesting.

If any of you could possibly give me an idea of which of these are most likely to let me ghost hunt there, that would be a huge help. I really

want to see Roslyn Chapel, Stirling Castle , Fyvie Castle, Cruden Bay, Cawdor Castle and of course Edinburgh Castle.

I am also very interested in the places that the Knights Templar may have been, their lore, and the whole hunt of the Holy Grail. I don’t

ask for much, do I? By the way, can someone pick me up at the airport? Just kidding..

I know that ghost hunting is very popular in Scotland, so it would be great to hear some of your personal experiences, as well as some

of the places that aren’t so well known, but have a good history of paranormal activity.

I would love to hear from some ghost hunters and groups over there to give me the best info, maybe meet and share stories!

If you want to help, my e-mail is [email protected]

Thanks, and I hope to see your wonderful country soon! Rick McCallum