Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING

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  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING



  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING




    o Indian Financial Market

    o Financial Market

    o Capital Market

    o Development Of Stock Market In India

    o Financial Instrument In India

    o BSE

    o NSE


    o History

    o Branches

    o Mission Visions Statement

    o Goals And Objective

    o Core-Competence

    o Business Philosophy

    o Problem And Opportunity

    o Market Summery

    o Birds Eye View Of Different Department


  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING


    o Product Of The Angel




    ( G) B IB LI OG RA PHY


  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING



    I f y ou were t o open a book on economics and l ook up t he

    wordinvest ing,chances a re that you would f ind the fol lowing

    def ini t ion:Invest ing i s bui lding up to meet future consumpt ion

    demands wi th the intent ion of making surpluses or prof i t s , as

    they are popular ly known.

    W hi le t he l if e e xp ec ta nc y o f t he a ve ra ge h um an b ei ng h as

    increased , we are product ive only be tween the ages of 30 to 60

    years . Hence the shor t t ime span tha t we are ab le to earn money

    needs t o p rov i de f o r ou r f u t u re when we may no t be capab l e o f


    Every t h i ng be i ng t he same , We cou l d keep away a pa r t o f ou r

    earn ings every year tha t wi l l come in hand when we wi l l no t be

    ab l e t o ea rn . However i n f l a t i on des t roy s t he va l ue o f wha t we

    save . A sum o f 10 , 000 saved t h i s y ea r w i l l no t have t he same

    p ur ch as in g p ow er 1 0 y rs . d ow n t he l in e. H en ce w e n ee d t o

    preserve the pur chasing power of what we s ave.

    The only way to hedge inf la t ion i s to invest in shares ,

    debentures , bonds, gold or real esta te , to earn re turns f rom these

    asse t s tha t compensate for the dec l ine in our purchas ing power .


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    Share or Equi ty represents part of an ownership of a

    bu si ne ss . S o a s a s ha re ho ld er y ou o wn a p ie ce o f t he

    act ion that happens in that business. Why would yo u want a

    piece of the act ion?

    For t he rewards o f cou rse . As a sha reho lde r you have a

    r ig ht o ve r t he p ro fi ts g en erat ed b y y ou r b us in es s. Y ou r

    company might pay out the prof i ts generated every year as

    div idends or i t may retain the prof i ts to fur ther grow them.

    Th er es ano the r way y ou as a sh ar eho lder ca n ma ke

    money. I f your company does wel l , then i ts shares l i s ted on

    the s tock market become more va luable and the s tock pr iceappreciates. On the other hand, the company might perform

    badly . Then not on ly do you not get d iv idends but the s tock

    p r i ce a l so dec l i nes . Hence i nves t i ng i n sha res i s a r i sky

    proposi t ion.

    When you invest in shares, you can expect cer ta in re turns

    based on t he f undamenta ls o f a bus iness . However you

    ha ve n o c on tr ol o ve r i t. W ha t y ou h av e c on tr ol o ve r i s

    managing r isks associated wi th i t .


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    S to ck e xc ha ng es t o s om e e xt en t p la y a n i mp or ta nt r ol e a s

    indicators , ref lect ing the performance of the countrys economic

    s t a t e o f h e a l t h . S t o c k m a r k e t i s a p l a c e w h e r e s e c u r i t i e s a r e

    bough t and so l d . I t i s exposed t o a h i gh degree o f vo l a t i l i t y ;

    p ri ce s f lu ct ua te w it hi n m in ut es a nd a re d et er mi ne d b y t he

    demand and supply of s tocks a t a g iven t ime. S tock brokers a re

    t he ones who buy and se l l s ecu r i t i e s on beha l f o f i nd i v i dua l s

    and inst i tut ions for some commission.

    Th e S ec ur it ie s a nd E xc ha ng e B oa rd o f I nd ia ( SE BI ) i s t he

    a ut hor iz ed b od y, w hic h r eg ul at es t he o pe ra ti on s o f s to ck

    e xc ha ng es , b an ks a nd o th er f in an ci al i ns ti tu ti on s. T he p as t

    pe r fo rmances i n t he cap it a l marke t s e spec i a ll y t he secur i t ie s

    scam by Hasrshad Mehta has l ed to t igh ten ing of the opera t ions

    by SEBI . In add i t i on t he i n t e rna t i ona l t r ad i ng and i nves t men t

    exposure has made i t imperat ive to bet ter operat ional ef f ic iency.

    With the v iew to impr ove , discip line an d br in g gr eater

    t ransparency in th i s sec tor , cons tan t e f for t s a re be ing made and

    to a cer ta in extent improvements have been made.


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    Ind i an S t ock Marke t s a re one o f t he o l des t i n As i a . I t s h i s t o ry

    d at es b ac k t o n ea rl y 2 00 y ea rs a go . T he e ar li es t r ec or ds o f

    securi ty deal ings in India are meager and obscure.

    By 1830 ' s bus i ness on co rpora te s t ocks and sha res i n Bank and

    Cot t on p resses t ook p l ace i n Bombay . Though t he t r ad i ng l i s t

    w as b ro ad er i n 1 83 9, t he re w er e o nl y h al f a d oz en b ro ke rs

    recognized by banks and merchant s dur ing 1840 and 1850. The

    1850 ' s wi tnessed a rap id deve lopment of commerc ia l en te rpr i se

    and brokerage bus iness a t t rac ted many men in to the f i e ld and by

    1860 the number of brokers increase d into 60.

    In 1860-61 the Amer ican Civ i l War broke out and co t ton supply

    f ro m U ni te d S ta te s o f E ur op e w as s to pp ed ; t hu s, t he ' Sh ar e

    Mania ' in India begun. The number of brokers increased to about

    200 t o 250 . However , a t t he end o f t he Amer ican C i v i l War , i n

    1865, a d i sas t rous s l ump began ( f or exampl e , Bank o f Bombay

    Share which had touched Rs 2850 could only be so ld a t Rs . 87) .

    At the end of the Amer ican Civ i l War , the brokers who thr ived

    out of Civ il War in 187 4, fou nd a plac e in a s t r eet (n ow

    app ropr ia te ly c al led a s Dalal St r eet ) whe re th ey wo uld

    convenient ly assemble and t ransact business .


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    In 1887, they formal ly establ i shed in Bombay, the "Nat ive Share

    and Stock Brokers ' Assoc ia t ion" (which i s a l t e rna t ive ly known

    as "T he Sto ck Exch an ge" ). I n 1 895 , th e S toc k Ex cha nge

    acqui red a premise in the same s t ree t and i t was inaugura ted in

    1899. Thus, the Stock Exchange at Bombay was consol idated.

    Th us i n t he s am e wa y, g ra du al ly w it h t he p as sa ge o f t im e

    number of exchanges were increased and a t cur ren t ly i t reached

    to the f igure of 24 s tock exchanges.


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    In a sho r t span o f 18 y ea r s s i nce i ncep t i on , The Ange l Group

    h as e me r ge d a o n e o f t he t op 5 r e ta il s to c k b r o ki ng h o us e s i n

    I n d i a , h a v i n g m e m b e r s h i p s o n B S E , N S E a n d t h e t w o l e a d i n g

    c om mo d it y e x ch an g es i n t he c o un tr y i .e . N CD EX a n d M CX .

    Angel Broking Ltd i s a l so reg i s t e red as a depos i tory par t i cipant

    w i t h C D S L . I t i s t h e o n l y 1 0 0 % r e t a i l s t o c k b r o k i n g h o u s e

    of fe ri ng a g am ut o f r et ai l c en tr ic s er vi ce s l ik e Re se ar ch ,

    Investment Advisory , and Weal th Management Services-Broking

    & Commodi t ies to individual investor .

    T he g r ou p i s p r om ot ed b y M r . D in es h T h ak k ar w h o s ta r te d t hi s

    b us in es s a s a s ub -b ro ke r i n 1 98 7 w it h a t ea m o f 3 .a nd t od ay

    p ro f ess i ona l l y managed by a t eam o f 1871+ d i rec t empl oy ees . I t

    h as a n a ti on w id e n e tw or k c om pr i si n g 1 2 R eg io n al C en t er s , 6 0

    b ranches, 2408+ reg is t ered sub b roke r s and bus iness a s soc i at e s

    and 6227+ act ive t rading terminals which cater to the requi rements

    of 205610+ reta i l c l ients .

    At Angel , I t hab i tua l ly genera te va lue added fea tures wi thout the

    cos t bu rden be i ng passed on t o t he c l i en t s a s we s t rong l y be l i eve

    t ha t be t t e r unde r s t and i ng o f c l i en t s needs and wan t s i s ou r t op

    pr ior i ty . Our e-br oking faci l i ty i s one such ef for t , which gives you

    a p la t form to access s t a te of the a r t t rad ing fac i li ty a t the c l i ck of

    a but ton.



  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING


    Andheri (west) Bandra(west)

    Borivali(west) Chembur

    Fort Ghatkoper(east)Goregaon(west) Kalbadevi

    Malad(west, east) Mulund(west)

    Santacruz(west) Vilen parle(west)

    Ahemdabad Ankleshwar

    Baroda Delhi

    Hyderabad Indore

    Pune Rajkot



    Five-year goals

    State specific measurable objectives

    State market share objectives

    State revenue/profitability objectives

    Financial Plan

    High-level financial plan that defines financial model, pricing

    assumptions, and reviews yearly expected sales and profits for the next

    three years.

    Use several slides to cover this material appropriately


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    Resource Requirements

    Technology requirements

    Personnel requirements

    Resource requirements

    Financial, distribution, promotion, etc

    External requirements

    Products/services/technology required to be purchased outside company


    The main mission statement of angel broking ltd is to be on top in and around

    Rajkot and Saurashtra peninsula with the help of retail, bulk and past business

    within three years.

    For FY 06-07 focus will be on Bulk business from existing sub-brokers of

    competitors by giving those competitive pricing, better connectivity and Post

    trading Back-up software in post centralized and direct billing era.


    To provide best value for money to investors through innovative products trading

    investments strategies state of the art technology and personalized service


    This firm is working with philosophy that ethical values and transparency should

    be followed and customers interest should be given preference and deliver it

    what angel had promise to provide with effective cost management.


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    Top quality research & portfolio advisory services for equities

    Retail focused research products

    Robust internet trading facility

    Commodities research & broking services

    Depository services through CDSL

    Web based 24 x 7 back office software

    Good understanding of the sub-broker and retail customer needs

    Professional work culture with a personal touch

    Cost- effective processes

    State-of-the-art technology

    Streaming quotes & real time charts for bse /nse [cash / derivatives]

    Single connectivity and speedy execution of trades.

    Private v-sat network for remote areas.

    Online technical support & help desk.


    100% retail focus

    BSE / NSE cash, F&O & commodities on a single screen

    flexible margins/ exposure limits

    Personalized services through centralized help desk and 25 branches.


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    TRADING 32















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  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING



    Any person who wants to open an trading accounts first of all pre-trading activity

    is done which include:

    Account opening





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  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING


    VIII. Now inform client or sub broker through phone or email about internet Id

    IX. Now client will be able to trade

    Closing procedure

    I. First client will give written request for closing an account

    II. Then this request is forwarded to H.O

    III. At last H.O will inform branch that account has been closed whole

    procedure about closing will be done at H.O

    IV. Angel will inform client about closing of account


    Retail client:

    Cash market MinimumRs 5000

    Intra-day Rs 10000

    Delivery Rs 5000 (rare case)

    Sub broker:

    For one segment 100000 cash or share (flexible)For all five segments 350000 if client wants Vast 150000


  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING


    which include installation

    ,transportation charges etc


    Part-A Demat-(photo proof)

    Pan card

    Driving license

    Election card

    Bank attestation

    Part-B (Residence proof)

    Bank passbook

    Ration card

    Electric Bill

    Telephone Bill

    LIC policy

    Blank Cancelled cheque without signature

    Trading Account proof

    Following are the proof required for opening trading account.

    Client master copy (DP proof)

    Pan card for photo proof/form-60

    Any one from Part-A

    Any one from Part-B


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    After pre-trading next comes trading which include:

    Dealing room

    Sauda punching



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    Dealing room

    Dealing room is the rooms where dealing of different securities are done which


    NSE Cash

    BSE Cash

    NSE Derivatives



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  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING


    15 july, 2006

    NSE NEAT Market

    Its trading system, called National Exchange for Automated Trading (NEAT), is

    a state of the- art client server based application. At the server end all trading

    information is stored in an in-memory database to achieve minimum response

    time and maximum system availability for users. It has uptime record of 99.7%.

    For all trades entered into NEAT system, there is uniform response time of less

    than 1.5 seconds. NSE has been continuously undertaking capacity enhancement

    measures so as to effectively meet the requirements of increased users and



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    trading loads. With recent up gradation of trading hardware, NSE can handle up

    to 6 million trades per day. NSE has also put in place NIBIS (NSE's Internet

    Based Information System) for on-line real-time dissemination of trading

    information over the Internet.

    As part of its business continuity plan, NSE has established a disaster back-up

    site at Chennai along with its entire infrastructure, including the satellite earth

    station and the high-speed optical fibre link with its main site at Mumbai. This

    site at Chennai is a replica of the production environment at Mumbai. The

    transaction data is backed up on near real time basis from the main site to the

    disaster back-up site through the 2 mbps high-speed link to keep both the sites all

    the time synchronized with each other.

    Trading in BSE

    The transaction of BSE is done in bolt software. The BSE On-Line Trading

    system (BOLT) is designed and developed by CMC Ltd. . . . It is a simple to use,

    screen-based computer trading system. You can trade on the all scripts using this

    system. This is a primary guide on how to use the BOLT system.

    The BOLT system aims at converting the Open Outcry system of trading to a

    screen-based system. You, as a trader on the BOLT system can input orders.



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    BOLT is CMC's implementation of the screen-based on-line trading system for

    Bombay Stock Exchange? Trading Rules on the BOLT system are based on the

    Business Requirements Specification (BRS) provided by the BSE.



    The derivatives markets has existed for centuries as a result of the need for both

    users and producers of natural resources to hedge against price fluctuations in the

    underlying commodities. Although trading in

    agricultural and other commodities has been the driving force behind the

    development of derivatives exchanges, the demand for products based on


  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING


    financial instrumentssuch as bond, currencies, stocks and stock indiceshave

    now far outstripped that for the commodities contracts.

    India has been trading derivatives contracts in silver, gold, spices, coffee, cotton

    and oil etc for decades in the gray market. Trading derivatives contracts in

    organized market was legal before Morarji Desais government banned forward


    Derivatives on stocks were traded in the form ofTeji and Mandi in unorganized

    markets. Recently futures contract in various commodities were allowed to trade

    on exchanges. For example, now cotton and oil futures trade in Mumbai, soybean

    futures trade in Bhopal, pepper futures in Kochi, coffee futures in Bangalore etc.


    Derivatives are financial contracts whose value/price is dependent on the

    behavior of the price of one or more basic underlying assets (often simply known

    as the underlying). These contracts are legally binding agreements, made on the

    trading screen of stock exchanges, to buy or sell an asset in future. The asset can

    be a share, index, interest rate, bond, rupee dollar exchange rate, sugar; crude oil,

    soybean, cotton, coffee and what have you.


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    A very simple example of derivatives is curd, which is derivative of milk.

    The price of curd depends upon the price of milk which in turn depends

    upon the demand and supply of milk.

    Derivatives are not so new to us. Nifty options and futures, Reliance

    futures and options, Satyam futures and options etc are all examples of

    derivatives. Futures and options are the most common and popular forms

    of derivatives.
















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    ForwardsA forward contract is a customized contract between the buyer and the seller

    where settlement takes place on a specific date in future at a price agreed today.

    The rupee-dollar exchange rates is a big forward contract market in India with

    banks, financial institutions, corporate and exporters being the market


    The main features of a forward contract

    The main features of a forward contract are:

    It is a negotiated contract between two parties and hence exposed to

    counter party risk.

    Eg: Trade takes place between A&B@ 100 to buy & sell x commodity

    .After 1 month it is trading at Rs.120. If A was he buyer he would gain Rs.

    20 & B Loose Rs.20. In case B defaults you are exposed to counter party

    Risk will now entitled to your gains. In case of Future, the

    exchange gives a counter guarantee even if the counter party defaults you

    will receive Rs.20/- as a gain.

    Each contract is custom designed and hence unique in terms of contract

    size, expiration date, asset type, asset quality etc.

    A contract has to be settled in delivery or cash on expiration date.

    In case one of the two parties wishes to reverse a contract, he has to

    compulsorily go to the other party. The counter party being in a monopoly

    situation can command the price he wants.


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    Futures are exchange-traded contracts to buy or sell an asset in future at a price

    agreed upon today. The asset can be share, index, interest rate, bond, rupee-dollar

    exchange rate, sugar, crude oil, soybean, cotton, coffee etc.

    Standard terms in a futures contract

    The standard terms in any futures contract are:

    Quality of the underlying asset (not required in case of financial futures)

    Expiration date

    The unit of price quotation (not the price)

    Minimum fluctuation in price (tick size)

    Settlement style

    For example: when you are dealing in March 2002 Satyam futures contract, you

    know that the market lot, ie the minimum quantity you can buy or sell, is 1,200

    shares of Satyam, the contract would expiry on March 28, 2002, the price is

    quoted per share, the tick size is 5 paise per share or (1200*0.05) = Rs60 per

    contract/market lot, the contract would be settled in cash and the closing price in

    the cash market on expiry day would be the settlement price.


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    Theoretical way of pricing futures

    The theoretical price of a futures contract is spot price of the underlying plus the

    cost of carry. Please note that futures are not about predicting future prices of the

    underlying assets. In general, Futures Price = Spot Price + Cost of Carry

    The Cost of Carry is the sum of all costs incurred if a similar position is taken in

    cash market and carried to expiry of the futures contract less any revenue that

    may arise out of holding the asset. The cost typically includes interest cost in

    case of financial futures (insurance and storage costs are also considered in case

    of Commodity futures). Revenue may be in the form of dividend. Though one

    can calculate the theoretical price, the actual price may vary depending upon the

    demand and supply of the underlying asset.

    Few examples how futures are priced

    Suppose Reliance shares are quoting at Rs300 in the cash market. The interest

    rate is about 12% per annum. The cost of carry for one month would be about

    Rs3. As such a Reliance future contract with one-month maturity should quote at

    nearly Rs303. Similarly Nifty level in the cash market is about 1100. One Month

    Nifty future should quote at about 1111. However it has been observed on

    several occasions that futures quote at a discount or premium to their theoreticalprice, meaning below or above the theoretical price. This is due to demand-

    supply pressures. Every time a Stock Future trades over and above its cost of

    carry i.e. above Rs. The Arbitragers would step in and reduce the extra premium

    commanded by the future due to demand. Eg: would buy in the cash market and

    sell the equal amount in the future. Hence creating a risk free arbitrage, vice-

    versa for the discount.


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    Options are contracts that give the buyers the right (but not the obligation) to

    buy or sell a specified quantity of certain underlying asset at a specified price on

    or before a specified date. On the other hand, the seller is under obligation to

    perform the contract (buy or sell the underlying). The underlying asset can be

    share, index, interest rate, bond, rupee-dollar exchange rate, sugar, crude oil,

    soybean, cotton, coffee etc.

    The options that give their buyer the right to buy are called Call Options and

    those which give their buyer the right to sell are called Put Options.

    Call option on a stock with an example

    Suppose you have a right to buy 1,000 shares of Hindustan Lever at Rs250 per

    share on or before March 28, 2002. In other words you are abuyer of a call

    option on Hindustan Lever. The option gives you the right to buy1,000 shares.

    You have the right to buy Hindustan Lever shares at Rs250 per share.

    The seller of this call option who has given you the right to buy from him is

    under obligation to sell 1,000 shares of Hindustan Lever at Rs250 per share on or

    before March 28, 2002 whenever asked.


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    Put option on a stock with an example

    Suppose you have the right to sell 1,600 shares of Bharat Heavy

    Electricals at Rs140 per share on or before March 28, 2002. In other words you

    are a buyer of a put option on Bharat Heavy Electricals. The option gives you the

    right to sell 1,600 shares. You have the right to sell Bharat Heavy Electricals

    shares at Rs140 per share. The seller of this put option who has given you the

    right to sell to him is under obligation to buy 1,600 shares of Bharat Heavy

    Electricals at Rs140 per share on or before March 28, 2002 whenever asked.

    Types of options

    American style options

    Ideally the buyer should find a seller in the market to square up his

    Long position, as he would get a better value for his option. However if a seller is

    not available, he can exercise his option at the end of the trading session. To

    exercise an option, call your broker before the exercise timings specified by the

    exchange .To find the exercise timings; refer to the options contract

    specifications. I will be glad to provide such information to you.

    Option contracts which can be exercised on or before the expiry are called

    American options. All stock option contracts are American style.


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    European style options

    The options on Nifty and Sensex are European style optionsmeaning that

    buyer of these options can exercise his options only on the expiry day. He cannot

    exercise them before expiry of the contract as is the case with options on stocks.

    As such the buyer of index options needs to square up his position to get out of

    the market.

    Process of Trading

    The trading system provides tremendous facilities to the users in terms of

    orders that can be placed on the system.

    It provides complete online market system.

    The market screen at any point of time provide complete information on

    total order depth, five best buyers & sellers available in the market, the

    quantity traded during the day in that security, the high - low, the last

    traded price etc

    Immediately after the trading limit has been placed in order book investor

    can know the fate of the orders.

    Limit orders are orders to buy & sell shares at a stated quantity & stated


    If price quantity condition doesnt match; the limit order will not be



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  • 8/6/2019 Invesors Behavior Towards Share Broking ANGEL STOCK BROKING


    only 300 shares of the same company then it is called SHORTFALL. Now, after

    the closing of trading activity (i.e. after 4 oclock). Exchange will prepare a

    shortfall report & this will be directly sent to H.O. Now, department will prepare

    a summary from the report. After that if DP has access then dealing will be done

    internally otherwise auction will be done by exchange in which exchange will

    purchase or sell shortfall of shares from the market. Payout process mainly

    indicates access amount to be paid by DP i.e. when purchase of share is

    comparatively higher then selling.


    Now if we look from the other side the same concept, then it is called PAY IN

    PROCESS. In this process if selling is done comparatively higher then purchase,

    then DP will earn i.e. DP will get relatively more amount against which it has to

    pay less amount. In both the transaction i.e. in paying & payout the payment will

    be done thorough checks only.


    Contract note is a confirmation of trades done on a particular day for and on

    behalf of a client. Angel shall issue a contract note to his client for trades

    (purchase/sale of securities) executed with all relevant details as required thereinto be filled in (refer to SEBI circular no. SMD/SED/CIR/23321 dated June 8,

    2005). A contract note shall be issued to a client within 24 hours of the execution

    of the contract duly signed by the TM or his authorized signatory or client




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    In the same way Angel H.O will prepare bill of clients name and this will be

    sended to respective branches to different places and now branches would be

    dispatching to their respective clients.

    BACK OFFICE DEPARTMENT (account department)

    Here back office department is nothing but maintain ledger and other accounts

    Each and every expense is mentioned under specific head only. As far as books

    of account are concerned mainly two statements are prepared i.e. receipt and

    payment account and bank reconciliation statement. Under receipt and payment

    statement smallest expense is being mentioned and relevant proof as been

    attached. Bank recosilation statement is prepared and accordingly shortfalls are

    fulfill every firm uses some of the software for maintaining all the accounting

    work and here Angel use Pradnya software where client are also given username

    and password so they can know their balance and ledger.


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    Depository- An Organization

    A depository is an organization where the securities of investors are held in

    electronic form. Investors open an account in the depository system through a

    Depository Participant (DEPOSITORY PARTICIPANTS) and hold securities in

    that account. There are two depositories in India which are National Securities

    Depository Ltd (NSDL) and Central Depository Service Ltd (CDSL).

    Depository system is quite similar to a banking system. If an investor wants to

    utilize the service offered by a depository, he/she has to open an account with the

    depository through a DEPOSITORY PARTICIPANTS. This can be compare to

    the opening of an account with any of the branches of a bank in order to utilize

    the services of the bank. Holding securities in Depository is now a normal

    practice across the world. All depositories operate under countrys specific rules

    and regulations to assure safety, liquidity and right/ liability.

    A depository may be defined as facilities of holding securities in electronic form

    that means without holding any certificates in physical form and which

    subsequently enable securities transaction to be process by electronic book entry

    system, without movement of papers.


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    development of the country has since established a national infrastructure of

    international standards that handle most of the trading and settlement in

    dematerialized form in India capital market.


    IDBI and NSE. It started providing depository services in November 1996.

    Afterwards, CENTRAL DEPOSITORY SERVICE LIMITED flagged of its

    operation in July 1999. The CENTRAL DEPOSITORY SERVICE LIMITED

    was promoted by BSE jointly with leading banks such as SBI, BOI, BOB,

    HDFC, Standard Chartered, Union Bank of India & Centurion Bank.

    Trading in dematerialization share commenced on NSE in December 1996 on

    BSE in December 1997. In January 1998 compulsory Demat trading for retail

    investor started for selected scrips. Thus scrips in compulsory demat trading

    included the once with highest market capitaliasation and most traded scrips.

    This step led to phenomenon growth of the depository environment in Indian

    capital market.


    operations it was a one man show handled by DEPOSITORY PARTICIPANTS


    SECURITIES DEPOSITORY LIMITED had there fore cover a large chunk ofmarket before CENTRAL DEPOSITORY SERVICE LIMITED came into

    picture and it has remained the largest depository till date.

    Investors were opening the account in NATIONAL SECURITIES

    DEPOSITORY LIMITED and dematerializing there shares in the first phase.

    That was a booming period for the depository industry. Thus, in the initial yearsof the industry there was only one depository and the competition was between


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    You can even have a zero balance in your account.


    The unique centralized database of CDSL enables DPs in Debit/Credit

    securities instantaneously to the Beneficial Owners account, thereby

    avoiding any transit position.

    CDSLs unique client ID number ensures debit/credit of securities only to

    the intended account as the system does not accept a transaction, where

    account number is keyed in incorrectly.

    CDSL offers facilities to the Clearing House. Clearing Corporation under

    which securities sold/purchased by any BO on BSF can be directly

    delivered from/ received in the BO account, without routing them through

    the brokers pool account.

    CDSL does not collect any custody fees from DPs, thus, BOs can expect a

    lower charge in respect of securities held in CDSL accounts. The

    transaction cost for settlement of securities through CDSL as lower in

    most cases.



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    To avail the various services offered by CDSL an investor or a broker or an

    approved intermediary has to open a CDSL depository account.

    Depository accounts are of three types:


    An investor or a broker who wants to hold shares on

    dematerialized form and undertake scrips less trading must have depository

    account called Beneficiary Owner account (BO) with a DP of his choice.


    Member brokers of the stock exchange which have

    established electronic connectivity with CDSL need to open a clearing

    member account with a DP of his choice to clear and settle trades in the demat

    form. This account is meant only to transfer shares and receives shares for the

    clearing corporation/house and hence, the member broker does not have any

    ownership rights over the shares running held in such an account.


    Any person desiring to act as an approved intermediary

    account with any DP office choice. An intermediary account may be open

    with the DP only after the intermediary has obtained registration from the

    securities and Exchange board of India. And with the prior approval of the


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    CDSL. This account is meant only to deposit the securities receive from the

    lender and lend them to the borrower under stock landing and borrowing

    scheme. The intermediary does not have any ownership rights over the shares

    held in such account



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    An investor who wants to hold securities in the electronic form in a depository

    system should open an account with a participant with following procedure

    The participant will make available the relevant account opening form

    (depending on whether the client is a retailer investor or corporate client or

    clearing member) and specify the relevant list of

    Documents regarding references that should be submitted along with the

    form. It will also give a copy of the relevant agreement, to be entered with the

    client, in duplicate.


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    The client will submit the duly filled in account opening form. It should

    also furnish such documents regarding references, as specified electronic

    form in by the participant, along with the account opening form.

    The Angel will verify that the account opening form is duly filled in. it

    will also verify the enclosed documents, if any. Incomplete forms will be

    forwarded to the client for rectification.

    The authorized signatories are enclosed.

    In case the documents are not proper, the form will rejected and intimate

    the client of the same, stating the reasons for doing so. The copy of the

    agreement submitted by the client is destroyed.

    If the form is in order, the Angel will accept the same and give an

    acknowledgment slip duly signed and stamped, to the client. The Angel

    will execute the agreement and give a copy of it to the client.

    After completion of all documentation, the Angel will send to H.O then

    enter the client details as mentioned in the account opening form in the

    DPM screen provided for the purpose. After entering client details in the

    system, a client account number will be generated by the DPM. H.O will

    send to Angel

    The Angel will give a copy of the report listing the client details captured

    in the DPM database to the client. The report will be generated by the


    Finally Angel dispatch, Demat account kit to the client by courier.



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    Now we know that all the transaction are done through electronic form for this

    investors has to convert all the physical certificates into electronic form for this

    process is to be made for dematerialization of the certificates.


    According to the Depositories Act 1996, an investor has the option to hold shares

    either in physical or electronic form. Now ever, SEBI has notified that settlement

    of trade in almost all listed securities should the Demat mode. Although, trades

    up to 500 shares can settled in physical form, physical settlement is virtually not

    taking place for apprehension of bad delivery on account of mismatch of

    signatures, forgery of signature, fake certificate, etc.

    Before you start trading of your security using Demat account you

    dematerialize the certificate. Dematerialize means converting security in

    electronic form from physical form.

    Only those security can be Dematerialized whose owner company has registered

    itself for CDSL service. Shareholder can request its owned company to register

    itself with CDSL if it is not registered only after that security can be


    Procedure for dematerialization


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    If client is having physical certificate and wants to convert then request is

    to give to angel for dematerialization

    Then this request is send to H.O

    H.O will stamp this request and send this request to related R&T agent

    R&T Agent will on receiving the physical documents and the electronic

    request verifies and checks them

    The DP issues a statement of transaction to the client

    Then angel will inform to client


    Major benefit of the Demat account and holding security in Demat form is that

    you can put this certificate on pledge and you will get loan on it.

    If you have an demat account with RNSB bank then you will get loan either form

    this bank or you will get it form some other institutes. The person who applied

    for the loan is called ledger and one need to have Demat account with CDSL.

    Pledge puts once security under the pledge it can not use for other purpose. This

    securities pledged are moved from Free Balance to Pledged Balance account.