Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504

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  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504




    Rourke Publishing LLCVero Beach, Florida 32964

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    2006 Rourke Publishing LLC

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    the Library of CongressTitle page:Albert Einstein y su esposa Elsa

    Albert Einstein and his wife, Elsa

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    McLeese, Don.Albert Einstein / Don McLeese.

    p. cm. -- (Grandes inventores)Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 1-59515-673-9

    1. Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955--Juvenile literature. 2.Physicists--Biography--Juvenile literature. I. Title.

    QC16.E5M366 2006530'.092--dc22

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  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504




    El genio / The Genius 5

    Un nio alemn / A German Boy 6La brjula / The Compass 9Un estudiante promedio / An Average Student 11Un examen importante / An Important Test 14Todo es relativo / Its All Relative 17

    Premio para un cientfico / Prize-Winning Scientist 20Fechas importantes / Important Dates to Remember 22Glosario / Glossary 23ndice / Index 24Lecturas adicionales / Sitios en la Red 24Further Reading / Websites to Visit

  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504


  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504



    Some people are smarter than just about everyone else. Wehave a word for such a person. We call him or her a genius. Therehas never been a more famous genius than Albert Einstein.

    Einstein was a great scientist, but, most of all, he was a greatthinker. The way he thought changed the way that all scientists(and all of us!) think about the world.


    Albert Einstein fue uno de los hombres

    ms inteligentes de la historia.

    Albert Einstein was one of the

    smartest people who ever lived.

    EL GENIOHay quienes tienen una inteligencia superior a la mayora. A

    esas personas las llamamos genios. No ha habido en la historiaun genio ms famoso que Albert Einstein.

    Einstein fue un gran cientfico, pero sobre todo fue un granpensador. Sus ideas cambiaron la forma en que todos loscientficos (y la gente como t y como yo) pensaban acercadel mundo.

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    Albert was born on March 14, 1879, in the country of Germany.He was born in the city of Ulm, but when he was a year old, his

    family moved to the bigger city of Munich. His father was namedHermann, and his mother was named Pauline.


    Einstein naci en

    Ulm, Alemania.

    Einstein was born in Ulm.


    Albert Einstein naci el 14 de marzo de 1879 en Alemania.Naci en la ciudad de Ulm, pero cuando apenas tena un ao de

    nacido, su familia se mud a Munich. Su padre se llamabaHermann y su madre Pauline.

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  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504


    THE COMPASSWhen Albert was five years old, his father showed him a

    compass. No matter which way Albert moved the compass, theneedle would always point to the north. Albert was amazed by this.

    His father explained that the needle always pointed north

    because of a force called magnetism. It was as if the North Polewas a magnet, making the needle point in that direction. Albertwondered about this powerful force, something that couldnt beseen. It was just the beginning of Alberts interest in science.


    Cuando Albert tena cinco aos, su pap le mostr unabrjula. No importaba en que direccin Albert la moviera, la agujasiempre apuntaba hacia el norte. Albert se qued asombrado.

    Su padre le explic que la aguja siempre apuntaba hacia elnorte debido a un fuerza llamada magnetismo. Era como si el polo

    norte fuera un imn que atraa la aguja en esa direccin. Albert semaravill con esa fuerza poderosa que no poda ser vista. Fue elcomienzo de su inters en la ciencia.


    Una foto de Albert y su hermana Young Einstein photographed

    with his sister

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  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504



    Though we now consider Albert one of the smartest people whoever lived, some of his teachers thought he wasnt a very smart

    boy at all. It took him longer to learn to talk than most children.When he did talk, he had trouble putting his thoughts into words.


    De adulto, Einstein no era una

    persona comn.

    As an adult, Einstein

    was far from average.


    A pesar de que en la actualidad consideramos a Albert Einsteincomo una de las personas ms inteligentes de la historia, susmaestros pensaban que l no era nada inteligente. Le tom mstiempo hablar que a la mayora de los nios, y cuando lo hizo,tena dificultades para expresar sus ideas.

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    Young Einstein also had problems with his memory. He wouldread things over and over without remembering what he had justread. He was best with numbers, but he sometimes madecareless mistakes because he was trying to add or subtracttoo quickly.

    En 1999, la revista Timenombra Einstein "El hombre del siglo".

    Timemagazine named EinsteinPerson of the Century in 1999.


    El pequeo Einstein tambin tena problemas de memoria. Leaun texto una y otra vez sin recordar lo que haba ledo. Era buenoen matemticas y sin embargo, muchas veces cometa errores

    tontos porque trataba de sumar y restar demasiado rpido.

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  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504



    Albert Einstein sola pasar su tiempo

    libre navegando en barcos de vela.

    Albert Einstein often took time out

    from his work to enjoy sailing.


    When he was 16, Albert took an important test. Those whopassed would be allowed to continue their education and become

    electrical engineers. This was a good job, but Albert failed the test!He continued to study mathematics and science.


    A la edad de 17 aos, Albert tom un examen importante. A

    aquellos que lo aprobaban les era permitido continuar losestudios para llegar a ser ingenieros elctricos. Era una excelenteoportunidad, pero Albert suspendi el examen! Continuestudiando matemticas y ciencia.

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  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504



    After graduating from college in 1900, Albert spent much of histime with scientific experiments. In 1905, he wrote three papers

    that changed the scientific field of physics. One of theseintroduced his special theory of relativity.


    Una fotografa de Einstein

    en 1947

    A photograph of Einstein

    taken in 1947


    Despus de graduarse de la universidad en 1900, Albert pasla mayor parte del tiempo haciendo experimentos cientficos. En1905, escribi tres artculos cientficos que revolucionaron elcampo de la fsica. En uno de ellos present su teora de larelatividad.

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  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504


    19Einstein demuestra sus teoras. Einstein demonstrates his theories.

    Einstein showed how different things relate to each other, suchas matter and energy, or time and space. In 1915, he finished apaper that applied his theory to how gravity works in the entire

    universe. He called this his general theory of relativity.

    Einstein mostr cmo las diferentes cosas se relacionabanentre s: la materia y la energa, el tiempo y el espacio. En 1915,termin un artculo que aplicaba su teora a la forma en que lagravedad funciona en todo el universo. La llam teora generalde la relatividad.

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    Einstein se hace ciudadano

    americano en 1940.

    Einstein became an

    American citizen in 1940.

    PRIZE-WINNING SCIENTISTIn 1922, Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in

    physics. The Nobel Prizes are the most important awards in theworld. He moved to the United States in 1933 and lived the rest ofhis life in Princeton, New Jersey. He continued to work on theories

    to help explain how the universe worked. When Einstein died onApril 18, 1955, he was considered by many the greatest geniuswho had ever lived.

    PREMIO PARA UN CIENTFICOEn el ao 1922, Albert Einstein recibi el Premio Nobel de

    fsica. El Premio Nobel es el premio ms importantes del mundo.Einstein se mud a los Estados Unidos de Norteamrica en el ao1933 y vivi el resto de su vida en la ciudad de Princeton, en el

    estado de Nueva Jersey. Continu trabajando en sus teoras paraexplicar cmo funciona el universo. A su muerte, el 18 de abril de1955, ya era considerado por muchos el genio ms grande dela historia.

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  • 8/12/2019 Inventores - Albert Einstein - JPR504




    IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER1879 Nace Elbert Einstein.

    Albert Einstein is born.1884 Albert recibe su primera brjula y se interesa en

    cmo funciona el mundo.Albert gets his first compass and becomes veryinterested in learning how the world works.

    1900 Se grada de la universidad.Albert graduates from college.

    1905 Albert tiene un ao formidable, en el que escribe tres

    artculos cientficos acerca de sus teoras.Albert has a miracle year in which he writes threeimportant papers on his theories.

    1915 Escribe su teora general de la relatividad.Albert writes his general theory of relativity.

    1922 Recibe el Premio Nobel de fsica.Albert wins the Nobel Prize in physics.

    1955 Muere Albert Einstein.Albert Einstein dies.

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    GLOSARIO / GLOSSARYbrjula caja con una aguja imantada que seala siempre hacia el nortecompass (KUM pus) a dial with a needle that points to the north and

    shows which direction it is

    experimentos pruebas, exmenes para descubrir, comprobar odemostrar algo

    experiments (ek SPARE uh mentz) tests of something, to trysomething out

    genio persona extremadamente inteligentegenius (JEE nyus) a very, very smart person

    gravedad fuerza que ejerce la Tierra sobre todos los cuerpos haciasu centro

    gravity (GRAV ut ee) the force of the earth or other large masses thatdraws smaller things to it

    imn objeto que atrae otros objetos hacia smagnet (MAG net) an object that draws or attracts other objects to it

    fsica ciencia que estudia la energa y la materiaphysics (FIZ icks) the science of energy and physical matterrelatividad cmo las cosas dependen o se relacionan unas con otrasrelativity (REL uh TIV ut ee) how things affect each other or relate to

    each other

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