Invention & Inventor

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Transcript of Invention & Inventor

  • Sr.No Inventors Inventions1 Peter Carl Goldmark Color television

    2 Nikola Tesla Remote Control

    3 Rostislav Alexeyev Ekranoplan

    4 Elmer Ambrose Sperry Gyrocompass

    5 Mary Anderson Windshield Wiper

    6 Wright brothers Aircraft

    7 Edwin Howard Armstrong FM Radio

    8 Roger Bacon Magnifying Glass

    9 Ralph H. Baer Video game console

    10 Dont Bnki, Jnos Csonka Carburetor

    11 John Barber, Aurel Stodola Gas turbine

    12John Bardeen, William Shockley,

    Walter Houser BrattainTransistor

    13Alexander Prokhorov, Theodore Harold Maiman, Gordon

    Gould, Nikolay BasovLaser

    14 Alexander Prokhorov, Nikolay Basov Maser

    15 Francis Beaufort Beaufort scale

    16 Ernest Beaux Chanel No. 5 (Perfume)

    17 Alexander Graham Bell Telephone

    18 Emile Berliner, Thomas Edison, Eldridge R. Johnson Gramophone

    19 Robert Cailliau, Tim Berners-Lee World Wide Web

    20 Laszlo Biro Ballpoint pen

    21 Alan Blumlein Stereo

    22 Joseph-Armand Bombardier Snowmobile

    23 Jagdish Chandra Bose Crescograph

    24 Louis Braille Braille

    25 Harry Brearley Stainless Steel

    26 Larry Page, Sergey Brin Google Search Engine

    27 C`ai Lun Paper

    28 Chester Carlson Xerography

    29 Wallace Carothers Nylon

    30 Josephine Cochrane Dishwasher

    31 Samuel Colt Revolver

    32 Lloyd Groff Copeman Electric Stove

    33 Bartolomeo Cristofori Piano

    34 Igor Sikorsky, Paul Cornu Helicopter

    35 Dennis Gabor Holography

    36 Ott Blthy Transformer

    37 James Dewar Thermos flask

    38 Thomas Edison Motion picture camera

    39 Philip Diehl Ceiling Fan

    40 Rudolf Diesel Diesel engine

    41 Anastase Dragomir Ejection seat

    Inventors and Inventions

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  • Sr.No Inventors Inventions42 Karl Drais Dandy horse (Draisine)

    43 Richard Drew Masking tape

    44 Cyril Duquet Telephone handset

    45 George Eastman, Peter Houston Roll film

    46 J. Presper Eckert, John Mauchly ENIAC

    47 Emile Berliner, Thomas Edison, Eldridge R. Johnson Phonograph

    48 Willem Einthoven Electrocardiogram

    49 Douglas Engelbart Computer Mouse

    50 Marcian Hoff, Masatoshi Shima, Stanley Mazor Microprocessor

    51 Charles Francis Jenkins, Philo Farnsworth Electronic Television

    52 Otto Wichterle, Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick Contact Lens

    53 Cornelius Drebbel Submarine

    54 Alexander Fleming Penicillin

    55 Sandford Fleming Universal Standard Time

    56 Benot Fourneyron Water turbine

    57 William Friese-Greene Cinematography

    58 Buckminster Fuller Geodesic Dome

    59 Helge Palmcrantz Machine Gun

    60 Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press

    61 Samuel Guthrie Chloroform

    62 Tracy Hall Synthetic Diamond

    63 James Hargreaves Spinning Jenny

    64 Steven Sasson Digital camera

    65 William Herschel Infrared

    66 Rowland Hill Postage Stamp

    67Elias Howe, Josef Madersperger, Barthlemy

    Thimonnier, Walter HuntSewing Machine

    68 Christiaan Huygens Pendulum Clock

    69 Karl Guthe Jansky Radio Telescope

    70Alberto Santos-Dumont, Karl Jatho, John Stringfellow,

    Wright brothersAeroplane

    71 Steve JobsApple Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone,


    72 Charles Francis Jenkins Movie Projector

    73 Gideon Sundback, Whitcomb L. Judson Zipper

    74 Mikhail Kalashnikov AK-47 and AK-74

    75 Eugene Kaspersky Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Internet

    Security, Kaspersky Mobile Security

    76 Ren Lannec Stethoscope

    77Joseph Swan, Hiram Stevens Maxim,

    Thomas EdisonIncandescent Light Bulb

    78 Zacharias Janssen Microscope

    79 George Cayley Glider aircraft

    80 Hans Lippershey Telescope

    81 Ignacy ukasiewicz, Al-Razi Kerosene Lamp

    82 George William Manby Fire extinguisher

    83 Nicphore Nipce Photography

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  • Sr.No Inventors Inventions84 Willgodt Theophil Odhner Odhner Arithmometer

    85 Alexey Pazhitnov Tetris

    86 Blaise Pascal Pascal's calculator

    87 Slavoljub Eduard Penkala Mechanical Pencil

    88 Stephen Perry Rubber Band

    89 Petrache Poenaru Fountain Pen

    90 Tivadar Puskas Telephone Exchange

    91 Adolph Rickenbacher Electric guitar

    92 Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen X-ray machine

    93 Adolphe Sax Saxophone

    94 James Russell Compact Disc

    95 Percy Spencer Microwave Oven

    96 Simon Stevin Land Yacht

    97 John Venn Venn diagram

    98 Pierre Vernier Vernier Scale

    99 Alessandro Volta Battery

    100 Faust Vrani Parachute

    101 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz Radar

    102Edward Somerset (2nd Marquess of Worcester), Thomas

    SaverySteam Engine

    103 Eli Whitney Cotton Gin

    104 Paul Winchell Artificial Heart

    105 Arthur Wynne Crossword Puzzle

    106 Yi Xing Astronomical Clock


    Garrett A. Morgan, Muammad ibn Ms Ibn Shkir, Amad ibn Ms ibn Shkir,

    Al-asan ibn Ms ibn ShkirGas Mask

    108 Vladimir Zworykin, Klmn Tihanyi Iconoscope

    109 Martin Cooper Mobile phone

    110 John Shepherd-Barron, Donald Wetzel Automated teller machine (ATM)

    111Kirkpatrick Macmillan, Pierre Lallement, Pierre Michaux,

    Marius OlivierBicycle

    112 Alfred Nobel Dynamite

    113 Ernst Ruska, Max Knoll Electron

    114 Alexander Bain Fax Machine

    115 Eadweard Muybridge Film

    116 Charles Seeberger, Jesse W. Reno Escalator

    117 Nathaniel Baldwin Headphones

    118 James Gosling Java

    119 Christopher Latham Sholes Qwerty

    120 Enrico Fermi Nuclear Reactor

    121 Conrad Gessner Pencil

    122 Philip Don Estridge IBM PC

    123 Robert H. Goddard, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky Rocket Engine

    124 Seymour Cray Supercomputer

    125 Walter Hunt Safety Pin

    126 Nebuchadrezzar II Screw

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  • Sr.No Inventors Inventions

    127 Raymond Kurzweil Image scanner

    128 Charles Strite Toaster

    129 Richard Trevithick, George Stephenson Steam Locomotive

    130 Hubert Cecil Booth, Daniel Hess Vacuum cleaner

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