Inventing Virgins~Chapter One

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Transcript of Inventing Virgins~Chapter One

  • 8/2/2019 Inventing Virgins~Chapter One


  • 8/2/2019 Inventing Virgins~Chapter One


    By a.h.payne

    Copyright 2012

    aj puck publishing all rights reserved

  • 8/2/2019 Inventing Virgins~Chapter One


    authors note:

    although many of the noteworthy eventsand places described within did takeplace and/or do exists. The namedcharacters in the story are fictional.Their response to and involvement in the

    events of 1979 are entirely fictional.Any resemblance to anyone living or deadis purely coincidental.

  • 8/2/2019 Inventing Virgins~Chapter One


    She walked out of the Sofitel Hotel to the waiting

    paparazzi and their pulsating stabs of high velocity flashes. She

    bowed her head slightly and moved forward, to her position in

    the center of the, Armani clad, phalanx her staff had expertly

    created just outside the sliding glass doors of the hotel.

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    Sunglasses ricocheted the flashes into the pre-dawn

    darkness. An old man walking his shitzu was forced to yield the

    right of way as the hoard crossed Beverly Boulevard.

    She smiled as the old man reached for his iPhone.

    TMZ had put everyone in L.A. on the job.

    L.A. in October was a confusing quagmire of seasons.

    Heat rose from the ground in the early morning blackness. The

    hotel air-conditioning had conspired with the calendar to

    convince her that the additional layer of her trench coat was


    Now it just felt Inappropriate & Heavy.

    They stepped up front the street into the waiting cadre of

    security forces inside the Beverly Center Parking lot. Assimilated

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    into the larger force, she broke ranks, grabbed her head of

    security under the arm, and walked him away from the others.

    He stared straight ahead, never flinching, never betraying

    the conversation with body language or facial expressions. She

    whispered her displeasure, behind her own sunglasses, her brown

    eyes filled with a fire reserved for a select few.

    Discipline was his to hand out, but if he, however, felt he

    lacked the necessary imagination to deal with the situation, she

    would be glad to make a few suggestions, or handle the matter

    herself. He apologized, he did not require her assistance, but was

    grateful for her enthusiastic offer. He would deal with the


    She smiled, removed her sunglasses as she spun away from

    him, and headed toward two black SUVs.

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    The use of cologne was strictly forbidden, the fact that one

    of her men had dosed himself with an entire bottle was


    Inappropriate & Heavy.

    She climbed into the lead SUV, she glanced back to see the

    unfortunate display of her security staff sniffing one another.

    She hated Hollywood.

    She hated L.A.

    She hated California.

    Here but for a few days, and her staff was already losing

    their minds. Subordinates within the SUV reported; The Artist

    was close. The Women, who had protected him, could no longer

    interfere. She stepped out of the SUVs and they moved out, she

    allowed herself the tiniest morsel of optimism.

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    Her reassembled security detail, minus one forsaken

    individual, stood waiting to take her across San Vincente Blvd.

    She nodded that she was indeed ready and they surrounded her

    with renewed precision and confidence. Properly chasten they

    were trying too hard to impress. They moved across San

    Vincente with such ownership they stopped traffic unnecessarily.

    Inappropriate & Heavy

    They entered Cedar Sinai Hospital and headed for

    oncology. The sign directing them was a simple arrow ofPaynes

    Grey & Cremnitz White Lettering. The ironic coloring and

    simplicity of the sign caused her to stop.

    The arrow was the simplest form of direction, and yet

    it pointed toward an area filled with an insidious, life threatening,

    life altering disease. Pointing toward pain and suffering. Toward

    an uncertain future, filled with disruption and destruction. The

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    signs lack of remorse, its mocking ambivalence, made her flush

    with anger.

    The additional fact that it was Paynes Grey turned

    her anger to rage, and she lashed out and snapped it off the wall.

    Her security detail pressed closer with the crackof her

    vandalism. She held them in place with a wave.

    Elizabeth Victoria Aragon slipped back into the

    phalanx of her protection and they continued down the hall.

    L.A. was getting to her too; she played with the sign in her

    hand for a moment before handing it off to somebody. She

    sighed, and scolded herself; her reaction to the sign had been

    childish. She tugged at her trench coat again; it reminded her of

    its inappropriateness, its heaviness.