Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover...

LAN301M Fall 2012 Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 1 Introduction Þröstur Þorsteinsson [email protected] Environment and Natural Resources & Institute of Earth Sciences University of Iceland Vatnafræði / water science Will study: Hydrological cycle Water and glaciers Ground water Surface water Ecosystems, floods … Oceans, sea ice, tsunami Water and Water use Water! August 2010 Water Properties Many special/unusual properties High heat capacity High capacity to absorb and hold heat Universal solvent – naturally acidic Minerals, salts High surface tension droplets Lighter as a solid - than as liquid Without this, water would freeze bottom up! Water properties cont’ Permanent motion, from gas, liquid to solid. Usually focus on availability in the Hydrosphere Free water in any state in the atmosphere, on the earths surface and in the earths crust down to a depth of 2000 meters. How much is in the hydrosphere- and where? Phases of water Solid Snow Ice Permafrost Liquid Ocean Lakes Rivers Vapor Clouds Hot springs

Transcript of Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover...

Page 1: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 1


Þröstur Þorsteinsson [email protected]

Environment and Natural Resources & Institute of Earth Sciences University of Iceland

Vatnafræði / water science

Will study:

Hydrological cycle

Water and glaciers

Ground water

Surface water

Ecosystems, floods …

Oceans, sea ice, tsunami

Water and Water use


August 2010

Water Properties

Many special/unusual properties

High heat capacity

High capacity to absorb and hold heat

Universal solvent – naturally acidic

Minerals, salts

High surface tension


Lighter as a solid - than as liquid

Without this, water would freeze bottom up!

Water properties cont’

Permanent motion, from gas, liquid to solid.

Usually focus on availability in the Hydrosphere

Free water in any state in the atmosphere, on the earths surface and in the earths crust down to a depth of 2000 meters.

How much is in the hydrosphere- and where?

Phases of water










– Clouds

– Hot springs

Page 2: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 2

Water molecule

H2O – water

Ice Ih - on Earth Oxygen atom

Hydrogen atom 104.5

° H




Ice: Thin section

Water spheres

Include all the Earth’s water

Hydrosphere interacts with, and is influenced by, all the other “spheres”

Water sphere - schematic Distribution of Water on Earth

The distribution of Water on Earth Volume (km

3 ) %

Oceans 1 348 000 000 97.390

Polar ice caps, icebergs, glaciers 22 780 000 2.010

Ground water, soil moisture 8 062 000 0.580

Lakes and rivers 225 000 0.020 Atmosphere 13 000 0.001

SUM 1 384 120 000 100.000 Fresh water 36 020 000 2.600

Page 3: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 3

Distribution of Freshwater

Fresh water as a percent of its total

Polar ice caps, glaciers 77.230

Ground water to 800 m depth 9.860

Ground water from 800 m – 4 km 12.350 Soil moisture 0.170

Lakes (fresh water) 0.350

Rivers 0.003

Hydrated earth minerals 0.001

Plants, animals, humans 0.003

Atmosphere 0.040

SUM 100.000

Water residence time

Reservoir V (%) Time Depth

Ocean 97.2 3700 a 3837 m

Ice 2.5 8600 a 190 m

Groundwater 0.63 5000 a 62 m

Surface water 10-2 1 a 147 cm

Atmosphere 10-3 1 d 25.5 mm

Water budget – reservoir fluxes


1350·1015 m3


33.6·1015 m3

ATMOSPHERE 0.013·1015 m3

Runoff /


37·1012 m3 a-1


99·1012 m3 a-1








2 m

3 a









2 m

3 a

-1 Evaporation/

Transpiration 62·1012 m3 a-1

Fresh water

The Hydrological Cycle

Traces the movement of water and energy

Through various stores and spheres

Evaporation - transpiration - evapotranspiration

Transfer to the atmosphere


Vapor to liquid

Advection - movement in the atmosphere


Down to earth: rain, snow, hail, sleet….


Variety of ways water moves across the land

Page 4: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 4


The movement of water through the atmosphere, specifically from over the oceans to over land

Líkanreikningar á loftslagi

Parts of the hydrological cycle

Below we describe briefly the various parts of the hydrological cycle:



Evaporation & Transpiration

Infiltration & Percolation




The cooling of water vapor until it becomes liquid

Droplets form in the sky

Form clouds, grow larger by collision and eventually precipitate

Icelandic low Precipitation

The moisture that falls from the atmosphere as rain, snow, sleet or hail

Varies in amount, intensity, and form by season

Page 5: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 5

Precipitation in Iceland

Mean annual precipitation 1971 - 2000

Precipitation – 1 day Jan 2011

Floods following rains Evaporation

The phase change of liquid water into a vapor

Transfers energy between surface and air above

Energy used to evaporate water called Latent energy.


The combined net effect of evaporation and transpiration

Evaporation returns moisture to the atmosphere

Transpiration is the process by which plants return moisture to the atmosphere


The entry of water into the soil surface

Sole source of water for growth of vegetation

Leaf affecting infiltration

Page 6: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 6


Movement of water to become groundwater

Porous soil - porous bedrock foundation


Water found below the Earth’s surface, within the zone of saturation, below the water table

Zone saturated below water table

Is recharged in recharge zones and slowly drained in discharge zones


The downward movement of water through soil and rock

Runoff - to Ocean

Meteorological factors affecting runoff e.g.

Type of precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, etc.)

Rainfall intensity

Rainfall amount

Rainfall duration

Direction of storm movement

Precipitation that occurred earlier and resulting soil moisture

Other meteorological and climatic conditions that affect evapotranspiration, such as temperature, wind, relative humidity, and season

Runoff to Ocean

Physical factors that affect runoff

Land use


Soil type

Topography, especially the slope of the land


Ponds, lakes, reservoirs, sinks, etc. in the

basin, which prevent or delay runoff from continuing downstream

Moulin (Brunnur)

Glacier hydraulogy


Hydro-electric power


Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation

Describes soil degradation as a function of:

Land use type


Intensity, duration

Soil type


Velocity of runoff

Page 7: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 7



Is a body of groundwater that can be withdrawn mechanically or under pressure.

Soil and rock saturated with water


Upper boundary is the water table

No confining layer between it and the surface

Water directly from the surface


Water table above their upper boundary

Confined by an impermeable layer

A Problem? - The Aral Sea

Is drying up due to diversion for irrigation

Over 50% gone in terms of volume

Dumping ground for waste

Trying to restore

Freshwater Availability Water Stress Indicator

Page 8: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 8

Freshwater stress Water Scarcity in Europe

Our future?

Can we use our water resources without depleting, and / or contaminating?

Will we have acid rain …

Water use

We will discuss how water and populations are distributed between continents

Where are problems already

Where will there be problems soon

What can we do?

Disappearing Icelandic glaciers

Snow and ice distribution

Page 9: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 9



Magnification 7x

Snow flake

Transformation to ice

Transformation of snow to ice

Packing and/or settling

Further breaking of snowflakes

Thermodynamic processes

Minimizing free energy



Happens under load

Snow falls on surface



The region where ice can form

On Earth:

600 – 800 m deep

Deeper geothermal heat to high

6 – 18 km high

Moisture too low higher


Is at:

Sea level at the poles

5500 m at 30°

5000 m at the equator

Snow-depth in January

Average snow depth in January from 1993 to 2003

Page 10: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 10

Snow-depth in June

Average snow depth in January from 1993 to 2003

Earth - summer

Earth - winter What are Glaciers ?

Large mass of ice

Flowing, and possibly sliding, due to the pull of gravity

Glaciers can move at speeds ranging from several meters per year to several hundred (km) meters per year (ice streams).

Why study Glaciers ?

Impact on sea-level change

Reflection of sunlight depends on extent

Indicators of climate change

Human evolution

Water source


Hazards (surges, jökulhlaup)

Recreational use, ...

Glacier water

Page 11: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 11

Permafrost Indicator of changing climate


Any subsurface matter that

remains at or below 0°C

continuously for at least two

consecutive years !

Cover about 25% of the Northern terrestrial land


Buildings and


Buildings build on

permafrost suffer

damage to foundations.

Ice shelf

Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica

The Larsen Ice Shelf is one of several so-called ice shelves in


Larsen B ice shelf collapse

Changing climate

Page 12: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 12

Media Either Hype Complex, Slow Events … or ignore

Changin environment

Making many species endangered

Penguin habitat changing

The popular ones feel the heat

Sea ice

Arctic sea ice extent Current

Page 13: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 13

Arctic Animals Inuit People

Greenland Ice Cores

Ice cores extracted from the 3 km thick Greenland ice sheet preserve records of ancient air temperatures.

The records show several times when climate shifted in time spans as short as a decade.

d18O past 1200 years

Beginning of

Little Ice Age

Medieval Period

d18O past 12 ka


Younger Dryas

Greenland T

Page 14: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 14

1858 1998

Lower Grindelwald Glacier Rhone Glacier




Sea level

Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover



Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ?

The surface area of Iceland is ~103 000 km2. The total volume of ice is ~4 000 km3. (Glaciers cover about 11% of the surface of Iceland.)

How thick would the ice be if total volume spread over surface?

How thick (mean) are Icelandic glaciers?

Page 15: Introduction - University of Iceland · Sea level Change in: Temperature Sea level Snow cover Problems Problems Why is the snow line lower at the equator than at 30° ? The surface

LAN301M Fall 2012

Throstur Thorsteinsson ([email protected]) 15

Problems (II)

Why is there a greater variability in the sea ice cover in the South than North?