Introduction to Usul Fiqh :The Sunnah

The Sunnah The Sunnah Meaning: Literal & Technical Meaning: Literal & Technical Authority of the Sunnah Authority of the Sunnah Role of the Sunnah Role of the Sunnah Classification Classification

Transcript of Introduction to Usul Fiqh :The Sunnah

Page 1: Introduction to Usul Fiqh :The Sunnah

The SunnahThe Sunnah

Meaning: Literal & TechnicalMeaning: Literal & Technical

Authority of the SunnahAuthority of the Sunnah

Role of the SunnahRole of the Sunnah


Page 2: Introduction to Usul Fiqh :The Sunnah

Significance of the SunnahSignificance of the Sunnah No devout Muslim would ever dare to go against the teachings of the No devout Muslim would ever dare to go against the teachings of the

Qur’an and Sunnah, but it is regrettable to note that some of the Qur’an and Sunnah, but it is regrettable to note that some of the liberal Muslims today tend to raise the slogan that the Book of Allah liberal Muslims today tend to raise the slogan that the Book of Allah (i.e. the Qur’an) is sufficient and that there is no need at all for the (i.e. the Qur’an) is sufficient and that there is no need at all for the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). Slogans like this are raised mainly by Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). Slogans like this are raised mainly by people who want to get rid of the Shari’ah the Islamic Law completely. people who want to get rid of the Shari’ah the Islamic Law completely. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself was well-aware that such ill-The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) himself was well-aware that such ill-natured opinions would arise and hence gave a clear warning of this as natured opinions would arise and hence gave a clear warning of this as reported by Al-Miqdam, one of his Companions: Prophet SAW said“I reported by Al-Miqdam, one of his Companions: Prophet SAW said“I have indeed been given the Qur’an and something similar to it besides have indeed been given the Qur’an and something similar to it besides it (Sunnah). Yet, the time will come when a man leaning on his couch it (Sunnah). Yet, the time will come when a man leaning on his couch will say, ‘Follow the Qur’an only; what you find in it as halaal, take it will say, ‘Follow the Qur’an only; what you find in it as halaal, take it as halaal, and what you find in it as haraam, take it as haraam.’ But as halaal, and what you find in it as haraam, take it as haraam.’ But truly, what the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is like what Allah has truly, what the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is like what Allah has forbidden.” (Reported by Abu Dawud and Darimi.) In fact, ANYONE forbidden.” (Reported by Abu Dawud and Darimi.) In fact, ANYONE WHO REJECTS THE SUNNAH OF THE Prophet (s.a.w.s.) DOES NOT WHO REJECTS THE SUNNAH OF THE Prophet (s.a.w.s.) DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE QUR’AN, for Almighty Allah Himself has emphasized BELIEVE IN THE QUR’AN, for Almighty Allah Himself has emphasized the duty of Muslims to follow al-Qur’an and al-Sunnah. the duty of Muslims to follow al-Qur’an and al-Sunnah.

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Significance of the SunnahSignificance of the Sunnah

Prophet SAW said“The time will come when a man Prophet SAW said“The time will come when a man received my hadith while leaning on his couch will say, received my hadith while leaning on his couch will say, ‘Between you and me only is the book of Allah (al-‘Between you and me only is the book of Allah (al-Qur’an); what you find in it as halaal, take it as halaal, Qur’an); what you find in it as halaal, take it as halaal, and what you find in it as haraam, take it as haraam.’ But and what you find in it as haraam, take it as haraam.’ But truly, what the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is like truly, what the Messenger of Allah has forbidden is like

what Allah has forbiddenwhat Allah has forbidden.”.”

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Significance of the SunnahSignificance of the Sunnah It was reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “ I have left It was reported that the Messenger of Allah said: “ I have left

among you two things; you will never go astray as long as you among you two things; you will never go astray as long as you hold fast to them: the Book of Allah and my Sunnah.” (Reported hold fast to them: the Book of Allah and my Sunnah.” (Reported by Haakim.) The Companions of the Prophet peace and blessings by Haakim.) The Companions of the Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, used to hold the commandments given by of Allah be upon him, used to hold the commandments given by the Prophet (s.a.w..), making no distinctions between both of them. the Prophet (s.a.w..), making no distinctions between both of them.

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Literal MeaningLiteral Meaning Literally, Sunnah means a clear path or a beaten track Literally, Sunnah means a clear path or a beaten track

but it has also been used to imply normative practice, or but it has also been used to imply normative practice, or an established course of conduct. It may be a good an established course of conduct. It may be a good example or a bad, and it may be set by an individual, or example or a bad, and it may be set by an individual, or people or a community.people or a community.

According to its original meaning in the Arabic language,According to its original meaning in the Arabic language, Sunnah means a way, regardless of whether the intended Sunnah means a way, regardless of whether the intended

way is praiseworthy or detestable.way is praiseworthy or detestable.

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Literal MeaningLiteral Meaning The Messenger of Allah SAW said, (Whoever sets a The Messenger of Allah SAW said, (Whoever sets a

precedent for a good Sunnah, then he has its reward and precedent for a good Sunnah, then he has its reward and the reward of all who apply it until the Day of the reward of all who apply it until the Day of Resurrection. And whoever sets a precedent for an evil Resurrection. And whoever sets a precedent for an evil Sunnah, then upon him is its sin and the sin of all who Sunnah, then upon him is its sin and the sin of all who apply it until the Day of Resurrection)apply it until the Day of Resurrection)

The Arabs used the word The Arabs used the word 'Sunnah''Sunnah' in reference to the in reference to the ancient and continuous practice of the community, which ancient and continuous practice of the community, which they inherited from their ancestorsthey inherited from their ancestors

Later on, the term sunnah was applied to the practice of Later on, the term sunnah was applied to the practice of the Prophet s.a.w.the Prophet s.a.w.

The opposite of The opposite of SunnahSunnah is is bid`ahbid`ah, or innovation., or innovation.

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Technical MeaningTechnical Meaning All what is narrated from the Prophet s.a.w. All what is narrated from the Prophet s.a.w.

including his actions, sayings and whatever he has including his actions, sayings and whatever he has tacitly approved tacitly approved (( )). In addition, all the reports, . In addition, all the reports, which describe his physical attributes (khilqiyya) which describe his physical attributes (khilqiyya) and character (khuluqiyya) ascribed to (udîfa ila) and character (khuluqiyya) ascribed to (udîfa ila) the Prophet, are also considered as the Prophet, are also considered as SunnahSunnah..

Sunnah and HadithSunnah and Hadith

Sunnah: includes the sayings, doings and tacit Sunnah: includes the sayings, doings and tacit approval of the Prophet s.a.w.approval of the Prophet s.a.w. ( ())

Hadith: a narration of the sayings of the Prophet Hadith: a narration of the sayings of the Prophet s.a.w. s.a.w. (())

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Technical MeaningTechnical Meaning Therefore, Sunnah can be used to describe a path Therefore, Sunnah can be used to describe a path

that people follow. In Islamic terminology, Sunnah that people follow. In Islamic terminology, Sunnah applies to a prophetic way which includes references applies to a prophetic way which includes references to the Prophet’s sayings, actions, approvals, physical to the Prophet’s sayings, actions, approvals, physical features and character behaviors.features and character behaviors.

His actions relate to anything he did, as His actions relate to anything he did, as authentically reported by the Companions may Allah authentically reported by the Companions may Allah be pleased with them. His silent approvals on be pleased with them. His silent approvals on different issues meant he didn’t oppose or mind different issues meant he didn’t oppose or mind what he saw, heard or knew of the actions or sayings what he saw, heard or knew of the actions or sayings of his Companions. Sunnah also includes everything of his Companions. Sunnah also includes everything authentically narrated concerning the Prophet's authentically narrated concerning the Prophet's physical features and his behaviors.physical features and his behaviors.

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Authority of SunnahAuthority of Sunnah

The authority of al-Sunnah comes from The authority of al-Sunnah comes from the al-Qurthe al-Qur’’an itself.

““Nor does he say of his (prophet) own desire. It Nor does he say of his (prophet) own desire. It is no less than inspiration sent down to himis no less than inspiration sent down to him”” [[Al-Najm, Al-Najm, 3-4]3-4]

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Allah said:Allah said:

““And whatever the Messenger orders And whatever the Messenger orders you observe it, and whatever he you observe it, and whatever he forbids you, refrain from itforbids you, refrain from it””

[[Al-Hasr, Al-Hasr, 59:7]59:7]

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““Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those who are in charge of affairs among you. Should who are in charge of affairs among you. Should you happen to dispute over any matter, then refer you happen to dispute over any matter, then refer it to Allah and to the Messengerit to Allah and to the Messenger””

]]Al-NisaAl-Nisa’’: : 5959[[

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ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءء ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءء [ءءءءءء : ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءء ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءء [ءءءءءء : ءءءءء ءءءءءء ]]8080ءءءءء ءءءءءء

Whoever obeys the Messenger is obeying God. And Whoever obeys the Messenger is obeying God. And whoever turns away-We did not send you as a watcher whoever turns away-We did not send you as a watcher

over themover them..

ءءء ءءءءءءءءء ءءء ءءء ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءء ءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءء ءءء ءءءءءءءءء ءءء ءءءءء ءءءءءءءءء ءءء ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءء ءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءء ءءءءء ءءءءءءءءء ]]6565ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء [ءءءءءء : ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء [ءءءءءء :

But no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they call But no, by your Lord, they will not believe until they call you to arbitrate in their disputes, and then find within you to arbitrate in their disputes, and then find within

themselves no resentment regarding your decisions, and themselves no resentment regarding your decisions, and submit themselves completelysubmit themselves completely..

ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءء ءءء

ءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءء [ءءءءءءء : ءءءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءءءءءءءءء [ءءءءءءء : ءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءء ]]157157ءءءءءءءءء ءءءءءء

Those who follow the Messenger, the illiterate Prophet, Those who follow the Messenger, the illiterate Prophet, whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel in their possession. He directs them to righteousness, in their possession. He directs them to righteousness,

and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good and deters them from evil, and allows for them all good things, and prohibits for them impuretiesthings, and prohibits for them impureties, ,

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Role of the Sunnah Role of the Sunnah with regards to the Qurwith regards to the Qur’’anan

The main role played by the Sunnah is as an explanatory of The main role played by the Sunnah is as an explanatory of the Qur’an and an integral with it.the Qur’an and an integral with it.

Scholars have identified three main areas in this regard, Scholars have identified three main areas in this regard, this include:this include:

a. Reemphasis of the ruling of the al-Qur’ana. Reemphasis of the ruling of the al-Qur’an

b. Explanation and Elaboration of various rulings in the the b. Explanation and Elaboration of various rulings in the the al-Qur‘anal-Qur‘an

cc. The . The Sunnah sometimes Sunnah sometimes may enact a ruling on which the may enact a ruling on which the Qur’an Qur’an is silence about it. (al-Sunnah al-Muassisah)is silence about it. (al-Sunnah al-Muassisah)

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11--Reemphasis of al-Qur’anReemphasis of al-Qur’an Sunnah Sunnah reemphasis the injunctions of reemphasis the injunctions of al-Qur’anal-Qur’an

Allah said:Allah said:  

  O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly except it is a trade amongst you, by mutual consent.  unjustly except it is a trade amongst you, by mutual consent.  [Al-Nisa’: 29] [Al-Nisa’: 29]

In this regard, the Prophet Muhammad saw. said:In this regard, the Prophet Muhammad saw. said:


““It is unlawful to possess the property of a Muslim It is unlawful to possess the property of a Muslim without his express consent”without his express consent”

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22--Expalnation and Elaboration of al-Qur´anExpalnation and Elaboration of al-Qur´an..

a-Sunnah explains and elaborates the concise (a-Sunnah explains and elaborates the concise () injunctions ) injunctions of the Qur’an.of the Qur’an.

Example: The injunctions related to the quantity and amount of Example: The injunctions related to the quantity and amount of zakah which the Qur’an does not mention in detail.zakah which the Qur’an does not mention in detail.

The Qur’an says:The Qur’an says:

““And perform al-salah, and give zakah, and whatever of good And perform al-salah, and give zakah, and whatever of good (deeds that Allah loves) you send forth for yourselves before (deeds that Allah loves) you send forth for yourselves before you, you shall find it with Allah. Certainly, Allah is All-Seer of you, you shall find it with Allah. Certainly, Allah is All-Seer of

what you do”.what you do”.

[Al-Baqarah: 110][Al-Baqarah: 110]            

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b. The b. The Sunnah Sunnah qualified qualified (muqayyadah) (muqayyadah) the unqualified the unqualified (mutlaq) (mutlaq) verses of verses of al-Qur’an:al-Qur’an:

Mutlaq is when the hukm is unconditional, whereas Mutlaq is when the hukm is unconditional, whereas “Muqayyad” is when the hukm is conditioned to “Muqayyad” is when the hukm is conditioned to something. something.

““Cut off (from the wrist joint) the (right) hand of the thief, Cut off (from the wrist joint) the (right) hand of the thief, male or female, as a compensation for that which they male or female, as a compensation for that which they committed, a punishment by way of example from committed, a punishment by way of example from Allah. And Allah is All­ Powerful, All­ Wise”. Allah. And Allah is All­ Powerful, All­ Wise”. (al-Ma’idah: (al-Ma’idah: 38)38)

Therefore, here this ruling is conditioned to so many things, Therefore, here this ruling is conditioned to so many things, i.e. the existance of evidence, the motive of stealing, the i.e. the existance of evidence, the motive of stealing, the amount of stealing, and etc amount of stealing, and etc

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C-. The C-. The Sunnah Sunnah specifies specifies (takhsis) (takhsis) the general the general (‘Amm) (‘Amm) injunctions of injunctions of al-Qur’’an.

‘‘Am means general or collective rulings, whereas “khas” Am means general or collective rulings, whereas “khas” is contrast to it, i.e it is specified for particular area or is contrast to it, i.e it is specified for particular area or case. case.

““Cut off (from the wrist joint) the (right) hand of the thief, Cut off (from the wrist joint) the (right) hand of the thief, male or female” male or female” (al-Ma’idah: (al-Ma’idah: 38)38)

WWhomsoever commit thievery will end up with one hand homsoever commit thievery will end up with one hand chopped off regardless to the amount of the stolen chopped off regardless to the amount of the stolen property. But this is not the case, because the Prophet property. But this is not the case, because the Prophet Muhammad saw said: Muhammad saw said:

”” ““Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet s.a.w. said, "The hand of a thief should Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet s.a.w. said, "The hand of a thief should be cut off for stealing a quarter of a cut off for stealing a quarter of a Dinar.

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3. To explain the ambiguous verses of the Quran:


Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives. they are your garments and ye are their garments. God knoweth what ye used to do secretly among yourselves; but he turned to you and forgave you; so now associate with them, and seek what God hath ordained for you, and eat and drink, until the white thread of dawn appear to you distinct from its black thread;

Day time begins from fajr prayer and continues until solat al-Maghrib ORSun rises until sun sets

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4.To Enact Rulings 4.To Enact Rulings (al-Sunnah al-Muassisah)(al-Sunnah al-Muassisah)

The The Sunnah Sunnah may enact a ruling on which the may enact a ruling on which the Qur’an Qur’an is silence about it. This kind of is silence about it. This kind of Sunnah Sunnah is referred to as is referred to as al-Sunnah al-Mu’assisah al-Sunnah al-Mu’assisah or or the founding the founding Sunnah. Sunnah.


The rulings on the prohibition of eating wild animals The rulings on the prohibition of eating wild animals with canine teeth, prohibition regarding simultaneous with canine teeth, prohibition regarding simultaneous marriage to the maternal and paternal aunt of one’s marriage to the maternal and paternal aunt of one’s wife, the punishment of wife, the punishment of rajm rajm (stoning to death) for (stoning to death) for adultery committed by married Muslim are all adultery committed by married Muslim are all originated in the originated in the Sunnah Sunnah which thewhich the Qur’an Qur’an is silence is silence about them. about them.

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a) The a) The Sunnah, Sunnah, according to the reference to a particular according to the reference to a particular authority is divided into four types:authority is divided into four types:

1. 1. Hadith al-qudsi Hadith al-qudsi (sacred or divine); it is(sacred or divine); it is a revelation from a revelation from Allah (s.w.t.) relayed with the words of the Prophet Allah (s.w.t.) relayed with the words of the Prophet s.a.w.s.a.w.

2. Hadith al-marfu‘ 2. Hadith al-marfu‘ (elevated); the chain of the h(elevated); the chain of the hadith adith ends ends at the Prophet s.a.w., e.g. I heard the Prophet s.a.w. at the Prophet s.a.w., e.g. I heard the Prophet s.a.w. saying …saying …

3. 3. Hadith al-mauquf Hadith al-mauquf (stopped): the chain of the h(stopped): the chain of the hadith adith ends ends at the companion, e.g., we were commanded to the companion, e.g., we were commanded to ...

4. 4. Hadith al-maqtuHadith al-maqtu‘ ‘ (severed)(severed) ): the chain of the h): the chain of the hadith adith ends at the successor of the companions. ends at the successor of the companions.

The Classification of Sunnah

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b) Classification according to the number of reporters involved in each stage of isnad :

1. Hadith al-mutawatir (consecutive): is a hadith which is reported by such a large number of people that they cannot be expected to agree upon a lie, all of them together. This type of hadith is considered as the most authentic type of Sunnah and is next to the Qur’an in term of its authenticity. 2. hadith al-ahad (isolated): is a hadith which is narrated by people whose number does not reach that of the mutawatir.

Hadith al-ahad can be further divided into three:a) Al-Mashur (famous): It is a hadith reported by more than two

narrators at any stage in the isnad,b) Al-’aziz (rare, strong): It is a hadith reported by only two

reporters at any stage in the isnad,c) Al-Gharib (strange): At some stage of the Isnad, only one

reporter is found narrating it

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c) According to the nature of the text and c) According to the nature of the text and isnad, Sunnahisnad, Sunnah can can be classified into three kinds:be classified into three kinds:

1. Ziyadh al-thiqah: 1. Ziyadh al-thiqah: a particular ha particular hadithadith reported in different reported in different sanad sanad (chain) by additional authentic reporters.(chain) by additional authentic reporters.

2. Hadith al-Munkar 2. Hadith al-Munkar (denounced): is a h(denounced): is a hadithadith which is which is reported by a weak narrator, and whose narration goes reported by a weak narrator, and whose narration goes against another authentic hagainst another authentic hadithadith

3. Hadith3. Hadith al-Mudraj al-Mudraj (interpolated): an addition by a reporter (interpolated): an addition by a reporter to the text of the hto the text of the hadithadith being narrated. being narrated.

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d) Classification of Sunnah was based on the degree of their reliability or the quality of the Sunnah . 1. The Hadith Sahih: These are the authentic Sunnah declared so after fulfilling

the following five conditions:

a) The chain of the hadith (sanad) must be linked or continuous,b) It must be transmitted by an honest (thiqah)and just (adil) personc) The transmitter must have a good memory (mundabit)d) The hadith must not contradict other authentic hadith (if it is contradict to another authentic hadith, therefore this hadith is no longer sahih)f) The hadith must be free from any hidden defects. (anything that could defect the hadith)

2. The Hadith hasan: These are the fair traditions where their source are known and their reporters are unambiguous although inferior in the matter of authenticity to the hadith sahih.

Some scholars defined Hadith Hasan as the hadith that fulfils the conditions of Hadith sahih, except that the narrators have less ability in their memorization.

3. The Hadith dhaif: These are the weak traditions, which are not very reliable. It does not fulfill any one or more of the above-mentioned criteria.

4. The Hadith maudu’: (fabricated or forged): is a hadith whose text goes against the established norms of the Prophet's sayings, or its reporters include a liar

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Authentic Collections of Authentic Collections of SunnahSunnah

1. The Sahih of al-Bukhari (d. 256AH = 870 CE).1. The Sahih of al-Bukhari (d. 256AH = 870 CE).

2. The Sahih of Muslim (d. 261AH = 875 CE).2. The Sahih of Muslim (d. 261AH = 875 CE).

3. The 3. The Sunan Sunan of Abu Daud (d. 275 AH = 888 CE). of Abu Daud (d. 275 AH = 888 CE).

4. The Sunan4. The Sunan of Al-Nasa’i (d. 303 AH = 915 CE). of Al-Nasa’i (d. 303 AH = 915 CE).

5. The 5. The Al-Jami` Al-Jami` of al-Tirmizi (d. 279 AH = 892 CE).of al-Tirmizi (d. 279 AH = 892 CE).

6. The 6. The Sunan Sunan of Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH = 887 CE).of Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH = 887 CE).

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- Al-Jami’ al-Musnad al-Sahih al-Mukhtasar min ‘Umur Rasulullahi wa Al-Jami’ al-Musnad al-Sahih al-Mukhtasar min ‘Umur Rasulullahi wa Sunanihi wa Ayyamihi Sunanihi wa Ayyamihi or well known as Sor well known as Sahih al-Bukhariahih al-Bukhari by Abu by Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ismail Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Al-Mughirah al-Ju'fi ‘Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ismail Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Al-Mughirah al-Ju'fi from Al-Bukhara, widely known as Imam Al-Bukhari (b. 194 - d. 256 from Al-Bukhara, widely known as Imam Al-Bukhari (b. 194 - d. 256 AH). AH).

- Compiled over a period of 16 years.Compiled over a period of 16 years.- Considered as the most authentic book after the Considered as the most authentic book after the Qur’anQur’an..- Consist 7275 hadith with repetitions, 4000 without repetition, selected Consist 7275 hadith with repetitions, 4000 without repetition, selected

among 600,000 hadith. among 600,000 hadith. - Reported he would pray two Reported he would pray two rak‘ahrak‘ah of of istikharah istikharah before recording each before recording each

hadith.hadith. - He has followed strict conditions in the inclusion of He has followed strict conditions in the inclusion of hadithhadith in his in his

collection and among these conditions is that there must be a clear collection and among these conditions is that there must be a clear indication that shows that a narrator has met with the person who he claim indication that shows that a narrator has met with the person who he claim to have hear from. A mere indication that both of them have lived during to have hear from. A mere indication that both of them have lived during the same period is not sufficient.the same period is not sufficient.

- He has divided all the hadith according to books consisting of different He has divided all the hadith according to books consisting of different topics about Islam. He begins with the Book of Revelation followed by the topics about Islam. He begins with the Book of Revelation followed by the Book of Belief.Book of Belief.

- Many commentaries, the most famous commentary is Many commentaries, the most famous commentary is Fath al-Bari SharÍ Fath al-Bari SharÍ Sahih al-BukhariSahih al-Bukhari by Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani Al-Shafie (773 - 852 A.H.). by Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani Al-Shafie (773 - 852 A.H.).

11. . The Sahih of al-Bukhari (d. 256AH = 870 CEThe Sahih of al-Bukhari (d. 256AH = 870 CE(.(.

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- Al-Musnad al-Sahih al-Mukhtasar min Al-Sunan bi al-Naql al-'adl ‘an Al-Musnad al-Sahih al-Mukhtasar min Al-Sunan bi al-Naql al-'adl ‘an Rasulillah, Rasulillah, popularly known as Sahihpopularly known as Sahih Muslim Muslim by Abu al-Husain by Abu al-Husain Muslim Ibn al-Hajjaj An-Nisaburi.Muslim Ibn al-Hajjaj An-Nisaburi.

- This compilation is recognized as equally authoritative as Sahih This compilation is recognized as equally authoritative as Sahih al-al-BukhariBukhari with only slight differences in his criterion of acceptance of with only slight differences in his criterion of acceptance of certain hadith thus giving it second in rank of authority. certain hadith thus giving it second in rank of authority.

- Some scholars considered the arrangement of hadith in SahihSome scholars considered the arrangement of hadith in Sahih Muslim Muslim is is better than Sahih better than Sahih al-Bukhari. al-Bukhari.

- He would present his work to the scholars, if any fault was found with He would present his work to the scholars, if any fault was found with any hadith he would omit it. Only agreed unanimously by the scholars any hadith he would omit it. Only agreed unanimously by the scholars as authentic is included. as authentic is included.

- He is reported to have said, “Not all what I considered as authentic is He is reported to have said, “Not all what I considered as authentic is included in this collection, but what is included is those which are included in this collection, but what is included is those which are unanimously agreed to be authentic”. unanimously agreed to be authentic”.

- He was a student of Imam al-Bukhari.He was a student of Imam al-Bukhari.- The number of hadith in his collection based on subjects is 3030 The number of hadith in his collection based on subjects is 3030

without repetition, and nearly 10,000 hadith with repetition. without repetition, and nearly 10,000 hadith with repetition. - There are many commentaries on his book and the most famous is There are many commentaries on his book and the most famous is

Sahih Sahih Muslim bi Sarh al-Nawawi Muslim bi Sarh al-Nawawi by Imam Al-Nawawi (d. 676).by Imam Al-Nawawi (d. 676).

22. . The Sahih of Muslim (d. 261AH = 875 CEThe Sahih of Muslim (d. 261AH = 875 CE(.(.

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- Sunan of Abu Daud was compiled by Abu Daud Sulaiman Ibn Sunan of Abu Daud was compiled by Abu Daud Sulaiman Ibn al-‘Ash'ath al-Azdi‘Ash'ath al-Azdi Al-Sijistani.

- He compiled this book over a period of 20years,He compiled this book over a period of 20years,- Selected some 4800 hadith out of 500,000 in his collection. Selected some 4800 hadith out of 500,000 in his collection. - His collection focused mainly on the hadith related to different His collection focused mainly on the hadith related to different

topics of topics of Fiqh.Fiqh.- Imam Abu Daud explained his methodology in the selection of Imam Abu Daud explained his methodology in the selection of

hadithhadith when he said, “ I have mentioned the authentic and what is when he said, “ I have mentioned the authentic and what is close to it, from whatever is doubtful, I have enlightened them”.close to it, from whatever is doubtful, I have enlightened them”.

- His book was considered to be the first of its type and is His book was considered to be the first of its type and is considered the best of the considered the best of the sunansunan collections next to the collection collections next to the collection of Bukhari and Muslim.of Bukhari and Muslim.

33. . The The Sunan Sunan of Abu Daud (d. 275 AH = 888 CEof Abu Daud (d. 275 AH = 888 CE(.(.

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- Al-Sunan Al-Mujtaba or Sunan of Al-Nasa’i by Abu Abdul Al-Sunan Al-Mujtaba or Sunan of Al-Nasa’i by Abu Abdul Rahman Ibn Ahmad Ibn Shu'aib Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Sinan Ibn Rahman Ibn Ahmad Ibn Shu'aib Ibn ‘Ali Ibn Sinan Ibn Bahr Al-Khurasani Al-Nasa’i.Bahr Al-Khurasani Al-Nasa’i.

- This book is a collection from earlier and larger work This book is a collection from earlier and larger work called called Al-Sunan Al-KubraAl-Sunan Al-Kubra. .

- Imam Al-Nasa’i recorded the different chain of narrators Imam Al-Nasa’i recorded the different chain of narrators (asanid)(asanid), then records the , then records the isnadisnad where narrators have where narrators have made some mistakes. He would then explain what is made some mistakes. He would then explain what is correct. correct.

- Therefore, he recorded weak as well as authenticated Therefore, he recorded weak as well as authenticated hadith, mostly to show what defect they had however, hadith, mostly to show what defect they had however, the number of weak hadith in his collection is very few. the number of weak hadith in his collection is very few.

- The total number of hadith in his collection is 5761. The total number of hadith in his collection is 5761.

44. . The SunanThe Sunan of Al-Nasa’i (d. 303 AH = 915 CE of Al-Nasa’i (d. 303 AH = 915 CE(.(.

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- Al-JÉmi' or Al-Sunan of At-TirmizÊ was compiled by ImÉm al-Al-JÉmi' or Al-Sunan of At-TirmizÊ was compiled by ImÉm al-HÉfiz AbË ‘ IsÉ Muhammad Ibn ‘ IsÉ Ibn SËrah Al-TirmizÊ.HÉfiz AbË ‘ IsÉ Muhammad Ibn ‘ IsÉ Ibn SËrah Al-TirmizÊ.

- He was a student of Abu DÉud who further improved the He was a student of Abu DÉud who further improved the principles of criticism of hprinciples of criticism of hadÊthadÊth adopted by his teacher. adopted by his teacher.

- Introduced new terminologies and categories of hadith such as Introduced new terminologies and categories of hadith such as ÎaÍÊÍ, Íasan, Ìa ‘ if ÎaÍÊÍ, Íasan, Ìa ‘ if and and gharÊb.gharÊb.

- ImÉm al-TirmizÊ is reported to have said, “ I have compiled this ImÉm al-TirmizÊ is reported to have said, “ I have compiled this book and present it to the scholars of al-HijÉz, al-‘ IrÉq and al-book and present it to the scholars of al-HijÉz, al-‘ IrÉq and al-Khurasan and they were all happy with it, whoever have it (al-Khurasan and they were all happy with it, whoever have it (al-JÉmi‘ ) in his house, is like having the living Prophet with him” .JÉmi‘ ) in his house, is like having the living Prophet with him” .

- His aims in his collection were to: His aims in his collection were to: a) systematically collect the hadith. a) systematically collect the hadith. b) discuss the legal opinions of early scholars.b) discuss the legal opinions of early scholars. c) discuss the quality of the c) discuss the quality of the ahÉdÊthahÉdÊth. . - His book has been divided into 50 sub-books and contains 3956 - His book has been divided into 50 sub-books and contains 3956

hadith. hadith. - Famous commentaries: Bahr al-Mazi - Famous commentaries: Bahr al-Mazi

55. . The The Al-Jami` Al-Jami` of al-Tirmizi (d. 279 AH = 892 CEof al-Tirmizi (d. 279 AH = 892 CE(.(.

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- Sunan of Ibn MÉjah compiled by ImÉm al-HÉfiz AbË Sunan of Ibn MÉjah compiled by ImÉm al-HÉfiz AbË ‘Abdullah MuÍammad Ibn YazÊd Ar-QazwÊnÊ Ibn MÉjah.‘Abdullah MuÍammad Ibn YazÊd Ar-QazwÊnÊ Ibn MÉjah.

- His book is considered the lowest grade of the six and it His book is considered the lowest grade of the six and it contains 4341 hadith, 3002 of which were already recorded by contains 4341 hadith, 3002 of which were already recorded by the authors of the previous five books mentioned. the authors of the previous five books mentioned.

- The remaining hadith which he recorded are graded as The remaining hadith which he recorded are graded as follows: 428 authentic follows: 428 authentic (ÎaÍÊÍ),(ÎaÍÊÍ), 199 good 199 good (Íasan),(Íasan), 613 of weak 613 of weak (Ìa ‘ Êf),(Ìa ‘ Êf), 99 99 munkarmunkar or or makzËbmakzËb (rejected or forged). (rejected or forged).

- Where the other narrators would note when they recorded a Where the other narrators would note when they recorded a weak hadith, Ibn Maajah would remain silent. For this reason weak hadith, Ibn Maajah would remain silent. For this reason some scholars do not counting his work among the six books.some scholars do not counting his work among the six books.

- The first one to include Sunan Ibn MÉjah as part of the six The first one to include Sunan Ibn MÉjah as part of the six principle works is AbË FaÌl Muhammad ibn ÙÉhir al-principle works is AbË FaÌl Muhammad ibn ÙÉhir al-MaqdisÊ in his writing MaqdisÊ in his writing AÏrÉf al-Kutub al-SittahAÏrÉf al-Kutub al-Sittah

6. The 6. The Sunan Sunan of Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH = 887 CE(.of Ibn Majah (d. 273 AH = 887 CE(.

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