Introduction to Strings Yoshihisa Kitazawa KEK Nasu lecture 9/25/06.

Introduction to Strings Yoshihisa Kitazawa KEK Nasu lecture 9/25/06

Transcript of Introduction to Strings Yoshihisa Kitazawa KEK Nasu lecture 9/25/06.

Page 1: Introduction to Strings Yoshihisa Kitazawa KEK Nasu lecture 9/25/06.

Introduction to Strings

Yoshihisa Kitazawa


Nasu lecture 9/25/06

Page 2: Introduction to Strings Yoshihisa Kitazawa KEK Nasu lecture 9/25/06.

Why strings?

• We have solved many questions: Standard model of particle physics1. SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) gauge theory2. 3 generations of quarks and leptons Standard model of cosmology1. Big Bang nucleosynthesis2. Large scale structure formation based on

cold dark matter and inflation

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Page 4: Introduction to Strings Yoshihisa Kitazawa KEK Nasu lecture 9/25/06.

We are making progress to solve important questions

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We also find new deep questions


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• To answer these questions, we need to understand not only matter but also space-time at the microscopic level.

• We need to understand all fundamental interactions including gravity

• String theory is the most promising approach so far and likely to be in the right track toward penetrating deeper layers of space-time and matter

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Perturbative strings

• Strings are one dimensionally extended objects

• There are closed strings and open strings

• Strings sweep two dimensional world sheets as they propagate





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• Polyakov action

• Poincare Invariance in the target space

• Conformal invariance with respect to world sheet metric

• Reparametrization invariance with respect to world sheet metric

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• Conformal invariance may be spoiled in general due to quantum anomaly

• The requirement of conformal invariance (the vanishing of the trace of the energy momentum tensor) is nothing but classical equations of motion for strings

• It generalizes Einstein’s equations of motion

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• String perturbation theory is given by topological expansion of string world sheet

• String theory is free from short distance divergences if it is modular invariant


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• Unlike bosonic string theory, superstring theories can contain space-time fermions

• The consistent Poincare invariant string theories exist in 26(bosonic) and 10(superstring) dimensions

• The absence of tachyons (infrared instability) leads us to 5 superstrings in 10 dimensions:

IIA, IIB, Type I: SO(32),

Hetero: E8 x E8, Hetero: SO(32) x SO(32)

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• Closed string consists of left-moving and right-moving modes, while they are related in open strings

• Heterotic string is the composite of superstring(right) and bosonic string(left)

• Type II string consists of superstring sectors of the opposite (IIA) and the same chirality (IIB)

• Type I string (unoriented) contains both the open and closed strings

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• 4 dimensional models with N=1 SUSY can be obtained from Heterotic string by compactifying extra 6 dimensions into Calabi-Yau manifolds:

1. There exists covaraint constant spinor2. The manifolds have SU(3) holonomy

3. Ricci flat Kahler manifolds with c1=04. They possess nowhere vanishing holom

orphic (3,0) form5. They have two independent Hodge numb

ers h1,1 and h2,1

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• By embedding the spin connection in the gauge connection, the gauge symmetry is broken as

• Gauge bosons and gauginos

• h2,1 chiral superfields in 27 of E6:

• h1,1 chiral superfields in 27 of E6:

• Some numbers of E6 singlets:

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Moduli fields• We also obtain the following massless fiel


• d=4,N=1 supergravity

• The dilaton-axion chiral superfield

• h2,1 chiral superfields for the complex structure moduli:

• h1,1 chiral superfields for the Kahler moduli:


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• Closed strings can wind around compact dimensions (winding modes)

• Momentum modes and winding modes

• The symmetry between them implies the existence of minimal length

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• Traditionally free (Neumann) boundary condition is assumed for open strings (attached to nothing)

• Conformal invariance allows fixed (Dirichlet) boundary condition also (attached to D-brane)

• D-branes restore T-duality for open strings

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• D-branes are solitons in string theory whose tensions scale as the inverse power of the string coupling

• It is a BPS object which preserves the half SUSY

• It couples to RR gauge fields to which fundamental strings do not couple

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• D-branes appear as black-brane solutions in closed string theory

• Supergravity description is good when gsN is large

• D-brane and black-brane pictures provide us a dual description (open-closed, weak vs strong coupling)

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• D-branes (+ orientfold) unify closed strings and open strings

• They play a crucial role to weak-strong coupling dualities of string theory:

1. Self duality of IIB superstring2. IIA – M theory duality3. type I – Hetero duality• In fact, all string theories are different ma

nifestations of a single theory


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Effective theory for D-branes

• On a Dp-brane, there are p+1 dimensional gauge fields

• There are also 9-p scalar fields corresponding to the fluctuations of the D-brane into orthogonal directions

• U(1) Gauge theory with the maximal SUSY is realized

• Gauge symmetry is enhanced to U(N) when N parallel D-branes overlap

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• D-branes offer new possibilities for particle theory model buildings

• They can provide gauge fields and break SUSY

• Quarks and leptons connect different branes (bi-fundamental rep.)

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• CY + Intersecting D-branes:

D-6 branes in IIA wrapping on T2xT2xT2

• The D3-brane on a CY singularity and quiver gauge theories:




Conifold U(N) x U(N)

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Unification of Ideas

• Branes in string theory motivates brane world scenario

• Critical dimension (10) in string theory motivates theories based on extra dimensions

• Large extra dimensions and TeV scale string

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• Warped compactification:

• The large hierarchy between the standard model scale (TeV) and the Planck scale may be explained by an exponentially small warp factor

Metric Near D3 brane


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• Open-closed string duality suggests a duality between gauge theory and gravity

• It suggests that strong coupling dynamics of gauge theory may be investigated by gravity: AdS/CFT

• It also suggests that gravity may be formulated as gauge theory or D-brane inspired matrix models

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Space-time and   branes

• Moduli fields in CY compactification may be fixed by fluxes and instantons

• (Anti-)Branes may break SUSY and provide small positive cosmological constant


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• Brane - Anti-brane systems may cause inflation

• The Inflaton ( r: the lcation of the brane) rolls slowly either the potential is flat, or the warped tension T(r) is small

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• Meta-stable branes decay by tachyon condensation

• D-branes offer microscopic description of black-holes

• Space-time itself may be formed out of D-branes

• Formation of fuzzy sphere and higher dimensional analogs from D0 or D-1

• Matrix models for non-critical strings offer such an example

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• String theory offers us intriguing pictures of space-time and matter

• It is endowed with numerous stable and meta-stable vacua

• It offers candidates of new physics to discover such as SUSY and extra-dimensions

• Experimental discoveries will be crucial to its further developments