Introduction to Parasitology & Lab Diagnosis of Parasitic

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  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Parasitology & Lab Diagnosis of Parasitic


    Introduction to Parasitology


    Lab Diagnosis of Parasitic DiseasesDr. Sudheer Kher 

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    Why study Parasitology?

    Many of these parasites are causative agents of majorpublic health problems of the world.Recent estimates of prevalence of parasites in the worldare:

     Ascaris 1.5 billion

    Hookworms 1.3 billionWhipworms 1 billionFilarial worms 657 millionMalaria 500 millionSchistosomes 270 million

     Amebiasis 50 millionTaenia tapeworms 50 millionClonorchis 20 millionChagas’ Disease 15 million

    These parasites cause untold suffering and death in theworld today.

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    The burden of some major parasitic infectionsParasite Diseases No. people infected Deaths/yr  

    Plasmodium malaria 273 million 1.12 million

    Soil transmitted helminths:

    Roundworm ( Ascaris)

    Whipworm (Trichuris)

    Hookworm ( Ancylostoma and

    Necator )

    Pnemonitis, intestinal obstruction

    Bloody diarrhoea, rectal prolapse

    Coughing, wheezing, abdominal pain

    and anaemia

    2 billion 200,000

    Schistosoma Renal tract and intestinal disease 200 million 15,000

    Filariae Lymphatic filariasis and


    120 million Not fatal but 40

    million disfigured or


    Trypanasoma cruzi  Chagas disease (cardiovascular) 13 million 14,000

     African trypanosomes African sleeping sickness 0.3 – 0.5 million 48,000

    Leishamania Cutaneous, mucocutaneous and

    visceral leishmaniasis

    12 million; 2 million new



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  • 8/16/2019 Introduction to Parasitology & Lab Diagnosis of Parasitic


    Key definitions: What is ….?

    Medical parasitology: “the study and medical

    implications of parasites that infect humans”

    A parasite: “a living organism that acquires someof its basic nutritional requirements through its

    intimate contact with another living organism”.Parasites may be simple unicellular protozoa orcomplex multicellular metazoa

    Eukaryote: a cell with a well-definedchromosome in a membrane-bound nucleus. Allparasitic organisms are eukaryotes

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    K d fi iti Wh t i ?

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    Key definitions: What is ….?

    Host: “the organism in, or on, which the parasite lives and causes


    Definitive host: “the organism in which the adult or sexuallymature stage of the parasite lives”

    Intermediate host: “the organism in which the parasite livesduring a period of its development only”

    Zoonosis: “a parasitic disease in which an animal is normally thehost - but which also infects man”

    Vector: “a living carrier ( arthropod) that transports apathogenic organism from an infected to a non-infected host”. Atypical example is the female Anopheles mosquito that transmitsmalaria

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    Taxonomic classification of protozoa



    Phylum Sub-phylum Genus-




    Protozoa Sarcomastig-

    ophorafurther divided into

    Sarcodina-- - moveby pseudopodia

    Entamoeba E. histolytica

    Mastigophoramove by flagella

    Giardia G. lamblia

     Apicomplexano organelle of 


    Plasmodium P. falciparum,

    P. vivax,

    P. malariae,

    P. ovale

    Ciliophoramove by cillia

    Balantidium B. coli 


    Enterocyto-zoa E. bienusi 

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    Examples of important intestinal protozoaTransmitted by the faecal-oral route and

    cause diarrhoea

    Giardia lamblia: world-wide distribution,lives in the small intestine and results inmalabsorption

    Entamoeba histolytica: may invade thecolon and cause bloody diarrhoea –amoebic dysentery. Also causes ameobicliver abscess.

    Cryptosporidium parvum: more prevalentin the immunocompromised

    Cyclospora cyatenensis - parasitises thesmall intestinal mucosa and may causediarrhoea for several weeks

    Balantidium coli: a large motile ciliatedparasite that lives in the colon of pigs,humans and rodents and can lead tocolonic ulceration

    Enterocytozoon bienusi: a microsporidianthat parasitises the small intestine. Alsomore common in theimmunocompromised.

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    Examples of important systemic protozoa

    Detected in the blood

    Plasmodium: the cause of malaria.There are 4 species that infect man: P.falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P.malariae

    Toxoplasma gondi: transmitted by theingestion of oocysts from cat faeces.

    Infection can lead to ocular problemsand is also a cause of neonataltoxoplasmosis

    Leishmania: transmitted by sand flies,can lead to visceral, cutaneous andmucocutaneous leishmaniasis

    Trypanosoma: haemoflagellates whichcause

    In Africa - sleeping sickness(transmitted by the Tsetse fly)

    In South America - Chagasdisease (transmitted by theReduviid bug)

    Typical lesion of cutaneous leishmaniasis

    Tsetse fly  – the vector of African

    trypanosomiasis It has a painful bite!

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    Taxonomic classification of helminthsSub


    Phylum Class Genus – examples

    Metazoa NematodesRound worms; appear round incross section, they have body

    cavities, a straight alimentary

    canal and an anus

     Ascaris (roundworm)

    Trichuris (whipworm)

     Ancylostoma (hookworm)

    Necator (hookworm)

    Enterobius (pinworm or



    PlatyhelminthesFlat worms; dorsoventrally

    flattened, no body cavity and, if

    present, the alimentary canal is

    blind ending

    Cestodes Adult tapeworms are found in the

    intestine of their host

    They have a head (scolex) with

    sucking organs, a segmented

    body but no alimentary canal

    Each body segment is


    Taenia (tapeworm)


    Non-segmented, usually leaf-

    shaped, with two suckers but no

    distinct head

    They have an alimentary canal

    and are usually hermaphrodite

    and leaf shaped

    Schistosomes are the exception.

    They are thread-like, and have

    separate sexes

    Fasciolopsis (liver fluke)

    Schistosoma (not leaf


    E l f i t t t i t ti l

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    Examples of important metazoa – intestinal


    Trichuris (whipworm)

     A soil transmitted helminthprevalent in warm, humid conditions

    Can cause diarrhoea, rectal prolapseand anaemia in heavily-infected people

     Ancylostoma and Necator (hookworms)

     A major cause of anaemia in the tropics

    Strongyloidesinhabits the small bowel

    infection more severe inimmunospressed people (e.g.HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, intercurrentdisease)

    Enterobius (pinworm orthreadworm)

    prevalent in cold and temperate climatesbut rare in the tropics

    found mainly in children

     Ascaris (roundworm)

    Found world-wide in conditions of poorhygiene, transmitted by the faecal- oral


     Adult worms lives in the small intestine

    Causes eosinophilia

    Heavy intestinal infections may occur with Ascar is .

    Adult worms can be several cms long.

    Examples of important metazoa

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    Examples of important metazoa –

    systemic nematodesFilaria including:

    Onchocerca volvulus –Transmitted by thesimulium black fly, thismicrofilarial parasite cancause visual impairment,

    blindness and severeitching of the skin in thoseinfected

    Wuchereria bancrofti  – Themajor causative agent oflymphatic filariasis

    Brugia malayi  – Anothermicrofilarial parasite thatcauses lymphatic filariasis


     A world-wide infection of

    dogs and cats

    Human infection occurs

    when embryonated eggs

    are ingested from dog orcat faeces

    It is common in children

    and can cause visceral

    larva migrans (VLM)

    Examples of important flatworms

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    Examples of important flatworms -

    cestodesIntestinal - (“tapeworms”)

    Taenia saginataworldwide

    acquired by ingestion ofcontaminated, uncooked beef 

    a common infection but causesminimal symptoms

    Taenia soliumworldwide

    acquired by ingestion ofcontaminated, uncooked porkthat contains cystercerci

    Less common, but causes

    cystercicosis – a systemicdisease where cysticerci encystin muscles and in the brain –may lead to epilepsy

    SystemicEchinococcus granulosus (dogtapeworm) and Echinicoccus

    multilocularis (rodent tapeworm)

    Hydatid disease occurs when

    the larval stages of these

    organisms are ingested

    The larvae may develop in the

    human host and cause space-

    occupying lesions in severalorgans, e.g. liver, brain

    Examples of important metazoa trematodes

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    Examples of important metazoa –trematodes



    Fasciolopsis buski - A commonparasite of humans and pigs inSouth- east Asia. This parasite isone of the largest trematodes toinfect man (8cm in length) andlives in the upper intestine.Chronic infection leads toinflammation, ulceration andhaemorrhage of the smallintestine

    Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)- Primarily, a

    parasite of sheep, humans become infectedwhen they ingest metacercariae that have

    encysted on watercress. The adult trematode

    lives in the intra-hepatic bile ducts of the liver.

    “Fascioliasis” can lead to severe anaemia in


    Clonorchis sinensis (liver fluke)- Widespreadin China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, this

    parasite is acquired by ingestion of infective

    metacercariae in raw or pickled fish

    Paragonimus westermani ( lung fluke)-

    Widespread in the Far East and South east

     Asia, the parasite is acquired by ingestion ofinfective metacercariae in raw or pickled


    Schistosoma haematobium, S. mansoni and

    S. japonicum  – see below 

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    Schistosomiasis (bilharzia)

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    Hookworm (1)


    >1200m infections each year of which

    100m are symptomatic

    It is due to 2 parasites both of which

    occur worldwide:

    Necator americanus - predominant

    species in sub-Saharan Africa,

    south Asia and the Pacific

     Ancylostoma duodenale –

    predominant in S. Europe, N. Africa,

    western Asia, northern China,

    Japan and the west coast of


    Hookworm is a major cause of anaemia

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    Hookworm (2)Life cycle

     Adult worms live in the intestine and excrete eggs in the faeces

    In the absence of latrines, eggs contaminate soil and develop in warm, damp conditions

    eggs hatch and infective filariform larvae develop in about one week and remain infective in soil for

    many weeks

    filariform larvae penetrate the skin when a person walks barefoot in the soil

    larva migrate from the skin to the lungs via the lymphatic and blood systems

    larvae penetrate the capillary wall to enter the alveolus

    Larvae are propelled up the respiratory tree to the epiglottis where they are swallowed

    Develops to adult stage in upper intestine; adult worms are fully mature after about 5 weeks

    Eggs are excreted in the faeces

    Note: eating soil (pica) is a common practice. Ingested filariform larvae of  A. duodenale can pass

    directly to the gut mucosa

    Egg of A. duodenale in faecal smear (size 57-76 µm

    by 35-47 µm) Filariform larvae

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    Hookworm (3)


    Hookworms move several times a dayto different attachment sites in the upperintestinal mucosa to ingest blood

    They secrete an anticoagulant whichcauses the old attachment sites tocontinue to bleed

    Heavy hookworm infection results in

    chronic haemorrhage from the duodenaland jejunal mucosa

    The combination of constant blood lossdue to hookworm infection and poor ironintake in the diet results in irondeficiency anaemia

     A. duodenale ingests 4-5 times more

    blood each day than N. americanusIn a child, the continued daily loss of10ml of blood can lead to severeanaemia  Adult male and female worms of A.


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    L h ti fil i i (1)

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    Lymphatic filariasis (1)


    120m people infected in >80

    countries in Africa, Asia, the

    Pacific islands and South and

    Central America

    40m of those infected aredisfigured or severely


    95% cases due to Wuchereria

    bancrofti , other species include

    Brugia malayi and Brugia timori 

    A female Anopheles mosquito taking

    a blood meal

    L h ti fil i i (2)

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    Lymphatic filariasis (2)

    Life cycle

    Wuchereria bancrofti is mainlytransmitted by

    Culex mosquitoes in India

     Anopheline mosquitoes in AfricaB. malayi and B. timori are transmittedmainly by Mansonia mosquitoes

    Larval forms of the parasite

    (microfilariae) are taken up by a femalemosquito when it takes a blood mealfrom a human infected with adult worms

    The microfilariae develop inside themosquito

    When the mosquito takes another bloodmeal the infective filariform larvae enterthe bite wound

    Filariform larvae migrate to thelymphatics and lymph glands

    Larvae develop into sexually matureadult worms over 3-12 monthsdepending on the species of filarialworm

    Microfilaria of B. malayi in thickblood film (H&E stain; source: CDC)

     Adult worms of B. malayi in section in a

    lymph node (source: Univ South Carolina)

    L h ti fil i i (3)

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    Lymphatic filariasis (3)


     Adult worms live in the afferentlymphatic vessels and cause severe

    disruption to the lymphatic system

    Scrotal damage and massive swelling

    may occur when adult Wuchereria

    bancrofti lodge in the lymphatics of

    the spermatic cord

    Late stage disease is typified by

    elephantiasis – painful and disfiguring

    swelling of the limbs

    Trauma and secondary bacterial

    infection of affected tissues is


    Elephantiasis of the leg

    (source: WHO/TDR/Crump)

    L h ti fil i i (4)

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    Lymphatic filariasis (4)

    Symptoms and signs  – 3 stages

    1. Asymptomatic stage

    There is internal damage to the lymphaticsand kidneys

    2. Acute stage – Filarial lymphangitis

    Characterised by bouts of fever 

    heat, redness, pain, swelling andtenderness of the lymph nodes and ducts

    3. Chronic stage

    Usually results in elephantiasis as a resultof chronic lymphoedema

    There is a massive overgrowth of tissueresulting in severe deformities

    The legs are often affected and result ininability to walk

    The scrotum is often affected in men andthe breasts and vulva in women

    Elderly male with massive hydrocoele, and

    elephantiasis of the leg. Also has nodules in the groin

    due to onchocerciasis (source: WHO/TDR/Crump)

    L h ti fil i i (5)

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    Lymphatic filariasis (5)


    Microscopic examination of Giemsastained thick blood films for the presenceof microfilariae

    W. bancrofti shows marked nocturnalperiodicity, so it’s best to collect bloodsamples between 10pm and 1 am


    TreatmentDiethylcarbamazine (DEC) rapidly killsmicrofilariae and will kill adult worms ifgiven in full dosage over 3 weeks

    Release of antigens from dying microfilariacauses allergic-type reactions – add anantihistamine and aspirin to treatmentregimen

    Other treatment options areivermectin

    combination of DEC and albendazole

    Prevention and control

    Rapid diagnosis and treatment of infectedindividualsMass drug administration to at riskcommunities

    Vector control: eliminate mosquitobreeding sites through improved sanitationand enviromental management

    Personal protection against mosquito bites

    by insecticides, bednets and repellants

    L b t Di i f P iti I f ti

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    Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Infections

    Purpose –Confirmation of clinical suspicion

    Identification of unsuspected infection

    Methods same as used in Bacteriology &

    Virology but significance of different methods


    Isolation least important, morphological

    identification very important.Serology relatively less important

    Morphological identification

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    Morphological identification

    Examination of faeces –Gross

    MicroscopySaline mount

    Iodine Mount

    Thick smears – not commonly used

    Permanent stained smears

    Iron hematoxylene

    Whearley’s trichrome stain

    Concentration methodsFloatation techniques

    Sedimentation techniques

    Morphological identification

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    Morphological identification

    Examination of BloodThin Smear 

    Thick smear 

    Wet mount for microfilaria

    Stains used

    Cultivation of parasites

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    Cultivation of parasites

    Culture methods – Amoeba

    Leishmania & Trypanosoma

    Malarial parasite

     Animal inoculation – Not practical

    Xenodiagnosis – Vectors infected


    Immunological diagnosis

    Immunological diagnosis

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    Immunological diagnosis

    Serology – All tests





    CFTMore useful in







    Skin Tests – Specificity low,

    cross reactions commonCasoni’s test

    Leishmanin test

    Sources of information

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    Sources of information

    The Special Programme for Research and Training

    in Tropical Diseases (TDR UNICEF, UNDP, World

    Bank, WHO) website:

    University of South Carolina School of Medicine:

    Lecture notes on Tropical Medicine, Dion R Bell,

    Fourth edition, 1996, Blackwell Science.

    Parasites and human disease, W. Crewe and

    D.R.W. Haddock, 1985, First edition, Edward Arnold