Introduction to OpenStreetMap - UCC YouthMappers

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Transcript of Introduction to OpenStreetMap - UCC YouthMappers

OpenStreetMap Presentation


Enock Seth Nyamador09.09.2016

What is a map to you?

What is OSM?But first: What is open map data?

How many of you have used Bing Maps? Google Maps? OpenStreetMap?

global, collaborative, free/open, spatial database


Wikipedia of Maps

Mass Collaboration!

> 2 million registered users

Like wikipedia we do mass collaboration. We have over a million registered users. These people can all edit the map.

Map the World from Scratch
(No copying)


Using key = value pair to define map featuresamenity = fuel

building = yes

highway = residential

landuse = farm

Nodes Ways


amenity=post_officename=Tarkwa Post Office

highway=residentialname=Post Office Loop

Everything in OpenStreetMap is made up Nodes and Ways, and these things have Tags on them.

A node is a single point. It can be used to represent something like a pub.

A way is line drawn between several nodes. It can be used to represent a linear feature such as a road.

By placing tags on them (these name equals value pairs) this is how we tell the system what this thing is. Tags are the classification system.

We'll see nodes, ways and tags, and this will become clearer when we take a look at the editor


Using key = value pair to define map featuresamenity = fuel

building = yes

highway = residential

landuse = farm

No tags!

Yes tags!

Why contribute ?

OpenStreetMap is a project aimed squarely at creating and providing free geographic data such as street maps, POIs, to anyone who wants them.

OSM rponse un manque de donnes accessibles

What it looks like?

Go map the world

You map your neighbourhood; I'll map mine; With enough contributors, we'll map everything.

Cartographier le mode, projet qui parait fou au premier abord quand on en parle quelqu'un : pourquoi refaire une carte alors qu'il en existe dj

Aussi fou que faire une encyclopdie, que de btir une cathdraleProjet libre encore plus fou: voiture libre...

Un travail de fourmis

Exploration et appropriation citoyenne du territoireExcitation comme les grands dcouvreurDcouverte de son quartier, de lieu proche ou l'on passe


Local knowledge

Tracing aerial imagery (Bing, MapBox, etc)


GPS traces

Someone puts it there, and others look at it and confirm that it is correct

What it looks like?

What it looks like?

What it looks like?

What it looks like?

What it looks like?

What it looks like?


Editing OSM

OSM Account




Fieldpapers in JOSM


OSMTracker for Android






What can I map?

Recording data

Names of streetsTypes of streets (trunk, residential, motorway)One-way restrictionsFootpaths, tracks, pedestrian, rivers, railwaysParks, woodland, industrial areas, cemeteriesPOI (pubs, cash machines, post offices, post boxes, bus stops, toilets, supermarkets, restaurants, monuments, hotels, picnic sites, barriers, light houses, piers, sports centres, petrol stations, playgrounds, cinemas, car parks, universities, tourist information, etc etc etc

We need lots of people because we gather a lot of data.

It's not just basic street map data, it's landuse coloured areas of the map, and all sorts of Points Of Interest details.

We'll get a better feel for what kinds of things to add as we look at mapping later on.

Who uses OpenStreetMap data? uses OpenStreetMap data?

Who uses OpenStreetMap data?

Who uses OpenStreetMap data?

Who uses OpenStreetMap data?

Who uses OpenStreetMap data?

Navigating With OpenStreetMap



How can I use this data ?

Data is stored as XML (open)

Convertible to: postGIS, SHP, geoJSON & more

OpenStreetMap Use Cases

Haiti January 2010

photograph Agncia Brasil

Our best example of disaster response mapping is still the Haiti earthquake of 2010. The earthquake struck and as OpenStreetMappers saw the news...

Photo: Agencia Brasil

...they saw our maps didn't have much detail, so they started adding to it, using aerial imagery to trace out a road map.

Good detailed mapFast!

Pretty soon the community came together to produce a good detailed streetmap. This happened quickly! The basic streetmap was in place in about 48 hours.

OpenStreetMap suddenly had the best map available. The only map showing all the city streets. This brought a lot of attention to the project, and people were impressed that this map has sort of spontaneously appeared through collaboration without the need for any special instruction.

Please be assured that we are using your data - I just wish we knew about this earlier.

And people used the map.

People used it online as a base map, presenting data on the web. This is ushahidi layering data on top.

But more importantly, people were using it in Haiti. OpenStreetMap printouts were going up on the walls in the aid agency control rooms, and handed out to people driving aid delivery trucks.

And here's a message and a photo from a search and rescue guy. Somebody who worked very directly saving lives by digging people out of the rubble. His teams were loading the vector data onto their garmin device, to use offline.


Gather and manually edit : convergence


Ontology definition: Tags

Promote, communicate

Socialize and network

Convergence obtenu par contributions multiples, effet de fourmilire : sur les donnes et l'ontologieSurveillance et correction

On n'arrive pas la meilleure qualit possible par cette mthode, mais un maximum local


OpenStreetMap in Ghana

[email protected]

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Coordinating remote mapping

Brokering release of imagery

On-the ground deployment follow up

Getting organised

I've mentioned the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team (HOT) . This is an organisation within the OpenStreetMap community, brought together to do these things.

In particularly we'd like to engage with aid organisations, organise funding for humanitarian mapping projects and deploy people to run these projects on-the-ground.

HOT Tasking Manager

HOT Tasking Manager

HOT Tasking Manager

OpenStreetMap Ghana

[email protected]






UmaT, Tarkwa

Thank You

Enock Seth NyamadorGIS Enthusiast & OpenData advocate@Enock4seth @[email protected]


Is that all?



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